Results for 'Carel van Mander'

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  1.  29
    Martin N. Muller, Richard W. Wrangham, and David R. Pilbeam, eds. Chimpanzees and Human Evolution.Carel van Schaik - 2019 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 3 (1):135-138.
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    Current treatment of chronic heart failure in primary care; still room for improvement.Marije Bosch, Michel Wensing, J. Carel Bakx, Trudy Van Der Weijden, Arno W. Hoes & Richard P. T. M. Grol - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (3):644-650.
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    Probleme aufgrund sozialer Ungleichheit: Ein Mismatch-Phänomen.Carel P. van Schaik & Judith M. Burkart - 2019 - In Gerald Hartung & Matthias Herrgen (eds.), Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie: Jahrbuch 7/2019: Soziale Ungleichheit. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 77-84.
    Vorrede | In diesem charakteristischerweise hervorragend recherchierten Beitrag erörtern Kappeler und Fichtel die Konsequenzen sozialer und einkommensbedingter Ungleichheit für die individuelle Gesundheit und die empfundene Einsamkeit aus einer evolutionären Perspektive. Das zentrale Argument der Autoren ist, dass sich die modernen Großgesellschaften, in denen fast alle Menschen heutzutage leben, grundsätzlich von den egalitären Kleingesellschaften unterscheiden, in denen wir evolviert sind und in denen wir bis vor lediglich 20.000 Jahren alle gelebt haben. Diese Zeitspanne war gemäß den meisten Schätzungen viel zu kurz, (...)
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    Value-sensitive Design.Jeroen van der Hoven & Noemi Manders-Huits - 2012 - In Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis, Stig Andur Pedersen & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 477–480.
    This chapter contains sections titled: References and Further Reading.
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  5. Evolution of Social Behaviour Patterns in Primates and Man.P. van Schaik Carel - 1996
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    The moral capacity as a biological adaptation: A commentary on Tomasello.Carel P. van Schaik & Judith M. Burkart - 2018 - Philosophical Psychology 31 (5):703-721.
    We welcome Tomasello’s new book on the natural history of human morality as an important confirmation of the evolutionary approach, which sees adaptive behaviors and their psychological underpinnings as linked to a species’ socioecology (the package of subsistence, social, mating, and rearing systems). This perspective automatically leads to the conclusion that the basic set of moral preferences is a straightforward human adaptation to the derived cooperative foraging niche of nomadic foragers, which involves a high degree of interdependence. We provide more (...)
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    Explaining brain size variation: from social to cultural brain.Carel P. van Schaik, Karin Isler & Judith M. Burkart - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (5):277-284.
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    The Rhetoric of Sincerity.Ernst van Alphen, Mieke Bal & Carel Smith (eds.) - 2008 - Stanford University Press.
    The essays in this volume demonstrate how the performance of sincerity is culturally specific and is enacted in different ways in different media and disciplines, including law and the arts.
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  9. Social evolution in primates: the role of ecological factors and male behaviour.Carel P. van Schaik - 1996 - In van Schaik Carel P. (ed.), Evolution of Social Behaviour Patterns in Primates and Man. pp. 9-31.
  10. The evolution of animal 'cultures' and social intelligence.Andrew Whiten & Van Schaik & P. Carel - 2007 - In Nathan Emery, Nicola Clayton & Chris Frith (eds.), Social Intelligence: From Brain to Culture. Oxford University Press.
  11. Identiteitsmanagement en morele identificatie.Jeroen van den Hoven & Noemi Manders-Huits - 2006 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 98 (2).
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  12. The zone of latent solutions and its relevance to understanding ape cultures.Claudio Tennie, Elisa Bandini, Carel P. van Schaik & Lydia M. Hopper - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (5):1-42.
    The zone of latent solutions hypothesis provides an alternative approach to explaining cultural patterns in primates and many other animals. According to the ZLS hypothesis, non-human great ape cultures consist largely or solely of latent solutions. The current competing hypothesis for ape culture argues instead that at least some of their behavioural or artefact forms are copied through specific social learning mechanisms and that their forms may depend on copying. In contrast, the ape ZLS hypothesis does not require these forms (...)
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    Psychologie en mensbeeld.Carel Frederik van Parreren & J. G. Van der Bend (eds.) - 1979 - Baarn: Ambo.
  14. Culture in primates and other animals.Carel P. Van Schaik - 2009 - In Robin Dunbar & Louise Barrett (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology. Oxford University Press.
  15.  29
    Drug‐adherence questionnaires not valid for patients taking blood‐pressure‐lowering drugs in a primary health care setting.Nina van de Steeg, Martin Sielk, Michael Pentzek, Carel Bakx & Attila Altiner - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (3):468-472.
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    Chimpanzees’ Bystander Reactions to Infanticide.Claudia Rudolf von Rohr, Carel P. van Schaik, Alexandra Kissling & Judith M. Burkart - 2015 - Human Nature 26 (2):143-160.
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    (1 other version)The cooperative breeding perspective helps in pinning down when uniquely human evolutionary processes are necessary.Judith Maria Burkart & Carel P. van Schaik - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
    The cultural group selection approach provides a compelling explanation for recent changes in human societies, but has trouble explaining why our ancestors, rather than any other great ape, evolved into a hyper-cooperative niche. The cooperative breeding hypothesis can plug this gap and thus complement CGS, because recent comparative evidence suggests that it promoted proactive prosociality, social transmission, and communication in Pleistocene hominins.
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    Flaws in evolutionary theory and interpretation.Robert O. Deaner & Carel P. van Schaik - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):282-283.
    We make three points. First, even if Finlay et al.'s proposed developmental mechanisms hold, there remains great scope for selection on specific brain structures. Second, the positive covariance among the size of brain structures provides far less support for the proposed developmental mechanisms than Finlay et al. acknowledge. Third, even if the proposed mechanisms are the primary size determinants for most brain structures, these structures should not be considered.
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  19. Animal innovation defined and operationalized.Grant Ramsey, Meredith L. Bastian & Carel van Schaik - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (4):393-407.
    Innovation is a key component of most definitions of culture and intelligence. Additionally, innovations may affect a species' ecology and evolution. Nonetheless, conceptual and empirical work on innovation has only recently begun. In particular, largely because the existing operational definition (first occurrence in a population) requires long-term studies of populations, there has been no systematic study of innovation in wild animals. To facilitate such study, we have produced a new definition of innovation: Innovation is the process that generates in an (...)
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  20. Evolutionary precursors of social norms in chimpanzees: a new approach.Claudia Rudolf von Rohr, Judith M. Burkart & Carel P. van Schaik - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (1):1-30.
    Moral behaviour, based on social norms, is commonly regarded as a hallmark of humans. Hitherto, humans are perceived to be the only species possessing social norms and to engage in moral behaviour. There is anecdotal evidence suggesting their presence in chimpanzees, but systematic studies are lacking. Here, we examine the evolution of human social norms and their underlying psychological mechanisms. For this, we distinguish between conventions, cultural social norms and universal social norms. We aim at exploring whether chimpanzees possess evolutionary (...)
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  21. Prolegomena van 'n prinsipiële pedagogiek.Carel Krügel Oberholzer - 1968 - Kaapstad,: H.A.U.M..
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    Hunkering en wetenskap -en Die bedreiginge van die paedagogica perennis.Carel Krügel Oberholzer - 1975 - [Port Elizabeth]: : Universiteit von Port Elisabeth. Edited by Carel Krügel Oberholzer.
  23.  20
    Het normatieve karakter van de rechtswetenschap: recht als oordeel.Carel Smith - 2009 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 38 (3):202-225.
    Propositions of law are based upon normative judgement. The interpretation and application of legal provisions rest upon a judgement that determines which weight must be attributed to some point of view or perspective. In this respect, legal theory has a normative character. Its normative character does not preclude legal theory from being a scientific discipline. The scientific character of legal theory is not located in the possibility of testing the correctness of its theories. Rather, legal theory owes it scientific character (...)
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  24.  18
    Putting the cart before the horse? The origin of information donation.Judith M. Burkart, Sandro Sehner, Rahel K. Brügger, Jessie E. C. Adriaense & Carel P. van Schaik - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:e5.
    Heintz & Scott-Phillips propose that the partner choice ecology of our ancestors required Gricean cognitive pragmatics for reputation management, which caused a tendency toward showing and expecting prosociality that subsequently scaffolded language evolution. Here, we suggest a cognitively leaner explanation that is more consistent with comparative data and posits that prosociality and eventually language evolved along with cooperative breeding.
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    Why Class Formation Occurs in Humans but Not among Other Primates.Sagar A. Pandit, Gauri R. Pradhan & Carel P. van Schaik - 2020 - Human Nature 31 (2):155-173.
    Most human societies exhibit a distinct class structure, with an elite, middle classes, and a bottom class, whereas animals form simple dominance hierarchies in which individuals with higher fighting ability do not appear to form coalitions to “oppress” weaker individuals. Here, we extend our model of primate coalitions and find that a division into a bottom class and an upper class is inevitable whenever fitness-enhancing resources, such as food or real estate, are exploitable or tradable and the members of the (...)
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  26.  4
    Enkele beschouwingen over de geldigheid van het recht..Carel Coenraad Gischler - 1919 - Utrecht,: P. den Boer.
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  27. Exorcising Grice’s ghost: an empirical approach to studying intentional communication in animals.Simon W. Townsend, Sonja E. Koski, Richard W. Byrne, Katie E. Slocombe, Balthasar Https://Orcidorg Bickel, Markus Boeckle, Ines Braga Goncalves, Judith M. Burkart, Tom Flower, Florence Gaunet, Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock, Thibaud Gruber, David A. W. A. M. Jansen, Katja Liebal, Angelika Linke, Ádám Miklósi, Richard Moore, Carel P. van Schaik, Sabine Https://Orcidorg Stoll, Alex Vail, Bridget M. Waller, Markus Wild, Klaus Zuberbühler & Marta B. Manser - 2016 - Biological Reviews 3.
    Language’s intentional nature has been highlighted as a crucial feature distinguishing it from other communication systems. Specifically, language is often thought to depend on highly structured intentional action and mutual mindreading by a communicator and recipient. Whilst similar abilities in animals can shed light on the evolution of intentionality, they remain challenging to detect unambiguously. We revisit animal intentional communication and suggest that progress in identifying analogous capacities has been complicated by (i) the assumption that intentional (that is, voluntary) production (...)
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    Karel van Mander and his Foundation of the Noble, Free Art of Painting: First English Translation, with Introduction and Commentary.Walter S. Melion - 2022 - BRILL.
    Accompanied by an introductory monograph and a full critical apparatus, this English-language edition of Karel van Mander’s _Grondt der edel, vry schilderconst_ (Foundation of the Noble, Free Art of Painting) provides unprecedented access to this crucially important art treatise on _schilderconst_ (the art of painting / picturing).
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    On the concept of animal innovation and the challenge of studying innovation in the wild.Grant Ramsey, Meredith L. Bastian & Carel van Schaik - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (4):425-432.
    The commentaries have both drawn out the implications of, and challenged, our definition and operationalization of innovation. In this response, we reply to these concerns, discuss the differences between our operationalization and the preexisting operationalization if innovation, and make suggestions for the advancement of the challenging and exciting field of animal innovation.
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    Exorcising Grice's ghost: an empirical approach to studying intentional communication in animals.Simon W. Townsend, Sonja E. Koski, Richard W. Byrne, Katie E. Slocombe, Balthasar Https://Orcidorg Bickel, Markus Boeckle, Ines Braga Goncalves, Judith M. Burkart, Tom Flower, Florence Gaunet, Hans Johann Https://Orcidorg909X Glock, Thibaud Gruber, David A. W. A. M. Jansen, Katja Liebal, Angelika Linke, Ádám Miklósi, Richard Moore, Carel P. van Schaik, Sabine Https://Orcidorg Stoll, Alex Vail, Bridget M. Waller, Markus Wild, Klaus Zuberbühler & Marta B. Manser - 2017 - .
    Language's intentional nature has been highlighted as a crucial feature distinguishing it from other communication systems. Specifically, language is often thought to depend on highly structured intentional action and mutual mindreading by a communicator and recipient. Whilst similar abilities in animals can shed light on the evolution of intentionality, they remain challenging to detect unambiguously. We revisit animal intentional communication and suggest that progress in identifying analogous capacities has been complicated by (i) the assumption that intentional (that is, voluntary) production (...)
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    The Conditions Favoring Between-Community Raiding in Chimpanzees, Bonobos, and Human Foragers.Sagar A. Pandit, Gauri R. Pradhan, Hennadii Balashov & Carel P. Van Schaik - 2016 - Human Nature 27 (2):141-159.
    Chimpanzees, bonobos, and human foragers share a fission-fusion social system and a mating system of joint male resource defense polygyny. Within-community skew in male strength varies among and within species. In this study, we extend a mathematical model of within-group male coalition formation among primates to derive the conditions for between-community conflicts in the form of raids. We show that the main factor affecting the presence of successful raiding is the likelihood of major discrepancies in party strength, which are set (...)
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  32.  48
    Future directions for studying the evolution of general intelligence.Judith M. Burkart, Michèle N. Schubiger & Carel P. van Schaik - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    The evolution of general intelligence.Judith M. Burkart, Michèle N. Schubiger & Carel P. van Schaik - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40:e195.
    The presence of general intelligence poses a major evolutionary puzzle, which has led to increased interest in its presence in nonhuman animals. The aim of this review is to critically evaluate this question and to explore the implications for current theories about the evolution of cognition. We first review domain-general and domain-specific accounts of human cognition in order to situate attempts to identify general intelligence in nonhuman animals. Recent studies are consistent with the presence of general intelligence in mammals (rodents (...)
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  34. De staatsleer van Hegel en hare toepassing..Willem Carel Adrien Vredenburch - 1896 - Utrecht,: P. den Boer.
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    Echte Kennis: essays over filosofie in literatuur.Carel Peeters - 1991 - Amsterdam: Harmonie.
    Bundel besprekingen van ideeënromans met filosofische thema's.
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    Empirically Informed Ethics: Morality between Facts and Norms.Markus Christen, Johannes Fischer, Markus Huppenbauer, Carmen Tanner & Carel van Schaik (eds.) - 2014 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This volume provides an overview of the most recent developments in empirical investigations of morality and assesses their impact and importance for ethical thinking. It involves contributions of scholars both from philosophy, theology and empirical sciences with firm standings in their own disciplines, but an inclination to step across borders-in particular the one between the world of facts and the world of norms. Human morality is complex, and probably even messy-and this clean distinction becomes blurred whenever one looks more closely (...)
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  37.  58
    Karel Van Mander's "Grondt der Edel Vry Schilder-const".Hessel Miedema - 1973 - Journal of the History of Ideas 34 (4):653.
  38. Talking about Relations: Factors Influencing the Production of Relational Descriptions.Adriana Baltaretu, Emiel J. Krahmer, Carel van Wijk & Alfons Maes - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Benoît Van den Bossche, La cathédrale de Strasbourg: Sculpture des portails occidentaux. Paris: Picard, 2006. Pp. 208; 102 black-and-white and color figures and 1 table. €57. [REVIEW]Marc Carel Schurr - 2010 - Speculum 85 (4):1033-1034.
  40. Cognitive processing of spatial relations in Euclidean diagrams.Yacin Hamami, Milan N. A. van der Kuil, Ineke J. M. van der Ham & John Mumma - 2020 - Acta Psychologica 205:1--10.
    The cognitive processing of spatial relations in Euclidean diagrams is central to the diagram-based geometric practice of Euclid's Elements. In this study, we investigate this processing through two dichotomies among spatial relations—metric vs topological and exact vs co-exact—introduced by Manders in his seminal epistemological analysis of Euclid's geometric practice. To this end, we carried out a two-part experiment where participants were asked to judge spatial relations in Euclidean diagrams in a visual half field task design. In the first part, we (...)
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  41.  16
    Van Schaik, Carel, and Kai Michel. 2016. The Good Book of Human Nature: An Evolutionary Reading of the Bible. [REVIEW]Ellen Dissanayake - 2017 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 1 (1):273-276.
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    Seasonality in Primates: Studies of Living and Extinct Human and Non-human Primates. Edited by Diane K. Brockman & Carel P. van Schaik. Pp. 590. (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005.) £70.00, ISBN 0-521-1820693, hardback. [REVIEW]Hannah E. Parathian - 2007 - Journal of Biosocial Science 39 (3):477-478.
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  43. What Might Cognition Be, If Not Computation?Tim Van Gelder - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy 92 (7):345 - 381.
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    Taal en wereld van meervoudig ruimtegebruik.K. Van Assche - 2003 - Topos: Periodiek Lab. Ruimtelijke Planvorming 13.
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    Quantum, de oerknal en God: filosofische perspectieven van de quantummechanica.Maarten van Buuren - 2021 - Rotterdam: Lemniscaat.
    Toen de jonge Duitse natuurkundige Werner Heisenberg in 1925 ontdekte dat het gedrag van deeltjes op atomair niveau onbepaalbaar is, ontketende hij een wetenschappelijke revolutie die het moderne wereldbeeld op zijn kop zette. Tot het moment van Heisenbergs ontdekking dachten wetenschappers dat alles meetbaar was en leek het een kwestie van tijd voordat de mens de natuur geheel en al zou hebben doorgrond. Met de quantumfysica, waarvoor Heisenberg de grondslag legde, kwam aan dit optimisme een abrupt einde. Er bleek een (...)
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  46. De dynamiek van de religie.A. Whitehead & J. Van der Veken - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (4):735-736.
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  47. Brute necessity.James Van Cleve - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (9):e12516.
    In a growing number of papers, one encounters arguments to the effect that certain philosophical views are objectionable because they would imply that there are necessary truths for whose necessity there is no explanation. That is, they imply that there are propositions p such that (a) it is necessary that p, but (b) there is no explanation why it is necessary that p. For short, they imply that there are “brute necessities.” Therefore, the arguments conclude, the views in question should (...)
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  48. Van Plato tot Pinxten: 38 vrijdenkers over hun lijfboek.Karel Van Dinter - 2018 - Brussel: VUB Press.
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  49. Alfonsus a ligorio spiritualiteit van~ 1949, 103-104~ en het princiep., Non tali incommode" 1953, 397 Alonso cmf.Aardse Waarden, Albertus Magnus, Alexander van Hales & Apologetische Zekerheid - 1959 - Augustinus 4:42-45.
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    The social sciences in the looking glass: studies in the production of knowledge.Didier Fassin & George Steinmetz (eds.) - 2023 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    In recent years, social scientists have turned their critical lens on the historical roots and contours of their disciplines, including their politics and practices, epistemologies and methods, institutionalization and professionalization, national development and colonial expansion, globalization and local contestations, and their public presence and role in society. The Social Sciences in the Looking Glass offers current social scientific perspectives on this reflexive moment in the social sciences. Examining sociology, anthropology, philosophy, political science, legal theory, and religious studies, the volume's contributors (...)
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