Results for 'Carin Magnusson'

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  1.  54
    Delegation and supervision of healthcare assistants’ work in the daily management of uncertainty and the unexpected in clinical practice: invisible learning among newly qualified nurses.Helen T. Allan, Carin Magnusson, Karen Evans, Elaine Ball, Sue Westwood, Kathy Curtis, Khim Horton & Martin Johnson - 2016 - Nursing Inquiry 23 (4):377-385.
    The invisibility of nursing work has been discussed in the international literature but not in relation to learning clinical skills. Evans and Guile's (Practice‐based education: Perspectives and strategies, Rotterdam: Sense, 2012) theory of recontextualisation is used to explore the ways in which invisible or unplanned and unrecognised learning takes place as newly qualified nurses learn to delegate to and supervise the work of the healthcare assistant. In the British context, delegation and supervision are thought of as skills which are learnt (...)
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  2. Is there such a thing as chinese philosophy? Arguments of an implicit debate.Carine Defoort - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (3):393-413.
    The question of whether or not there is such a thing as "Chinese philosophy" is seldom explicitly raised, but the implicit answers to this question--although different in China and the West--dominate institutional and academic decisions. This article not only constructs a typology to recognize, differentiate, and evaluate various answers to this question, but it also takes the sensitivity of this matter seriously by comparing it with one's attachment to something as sensitive, arbitrary, and meaningless as a family name.
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    T-Pattern Detection and Analysis (TPA) With THEMETM: A Mixed Methods Approach.Magnus S. Magnusson - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Tense in time: The Greek perfect Eva-Carin Gerb andArnim von Stechow.Eva-Carin Gerb andArnim von Stechow - 2003 - In Regine Eckardt, Klaus von Heusinger & Christoph Schwarze (eds.), Words in time: diachronic semantics from different points of view. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 251.
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    Charles Bell’s seeing hand: Teaching anatomy to the senses in Britain, 1750–1840.Carin Berkowitz - 2014 - History of Science 52 (4):377-400.
    Charles Bell’s Bridgewater Treatise on the hand should be read as elaborating philosophies of pedagogy and the senses, and as fitting with Bell’s work on the nervous system. In The Hand, Bell argues that sensory reception must be coupled with muscular action to establish true knowledge, elevating the ‘doing’ hand to epistemological parity with the long-superior ‘seeing’ eye. Knowledge in anatomy was typically couched in terms to do with sight and depiction; but according to Bell, anatomy simply could not teach (...)
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    The Devil's Choice: Re-Thinking Law, Ethics, and Symptom Relief in Palliative Care.Roger S. Magnusson - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (3):559-569.
    Health professionals do not always have the luxury of making “right” choices. This article introduces the “devil's choice” as a metaphor to describe medical choices that arise in circumstances where all the available options are both unwanted and perverse. Using the devil's choice, the paper criticizes the principle of double effect and provides a re-interpretation of the conventional legal and ethical account of symptom relief in palliative care.
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    Euthanasia: above ground, below ground.R. S. Magnusson - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (5):441-446.
    The key to the euthanasia debate lies in how best to regulate what doctors do. Opponents of euthanasia frequently warn of the possible negative consequences of legalising physician assisted suicide and active euthanasia while ignoring the covert practice of PAS/AE by doctors and other health professionals. Against the background of survey studies suggesting that anything from 4% to 10% of doctors have intentionally assisted a patient to die, and interview evidence of the unregulated, idiosyncratic nature of underground PAS/AE, this paper (...)
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    An assessment of advance relatives approach for brain death organ donation.Carine Michaut, Antoine Baumann, Hélène Gregoire, Corinne Laviale, Gérard Audibert & Xavier Ducrocq - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (2):553-563.
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  9.  57
    The Mozi as an Evolving Text: Different Voices in Early Chinese Thought.Carine Defoort & Nicolas Standaert (eds.) - 2013 - Boston: Brill.
    The book Mozi , named after master Mo, was compiled in the course of the fifth-third centuries BCE. The seven studies included in the The Mozi as an Evolving Text analyse the Core Chapters, Dialogues, and Opening Chapters of the Mozi as an evolving text.
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  10. A Homeless Dog: Li Ling's Understanding of Confucius: Editor's Introduction.Carine Defoort - 2010 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 41 (2):3-11.
    This issue features translations of the preface, introduction, and six selected chapters from Li Ling's The Real Confucius Is Only Revealed by Stripping Away His Sagehood: Cross-Reading the Analects, a follow-up to his controversial 2007 book A Homeless Dog: My Reading of the Analects.
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  11.  32
    Chen Shaoming on the Methodology of Chinese Philosophy: Experience, Imagination, Reflection.Carine Defoort - 2017 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 48 (2):51-54.
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  12.  22
    The rise of social justice.Carine Defoort & David Kelly - 2006 - Contemporary Chinese Thought: Translations and Studies 38.
  13.  17
    Validating Indigenous Versions of the South African Personality Inventory.Carin Hill, Mpho Hlahleni & Lebogang Legodi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:556565.
    Personality assessments are frequently used to make decisions and predictions, creating a demand for assessments that are non-discriminatory. South African legislation requires psychological tests to be scientifically proven to be valid, reliable, fair and non-biased. In response to the necessity for a measure sensitive to indigenous differences, South African and Dutch researchers developed the South African Personality Inventory (SAPI). The SAPI represents a theoretical model of personality that uses an indigenous (emic) and universal (etic) approach to capture South Africa’s rich (...)
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  14.  9
    La pensée politique de Thomas Paine en contexte: théorie et pratique.Carine Lounissi - 2012 - Paris: Honoré Champion.
    Thomas Paine fonde son exigence de démocratie représentative sur une interprétation de la théorie du contrat qui refuse au politique toute dimension héréditaire. Pionnier, à la fois libéral et républicain, il s’attache à défendre l’égalité des droits politiques, notamment le suffrage universel, aussi bien dans la jeune république américaine que dans la France révolutionnaire. Membre du cercle girondin, il fut également victime de la Terreur, mais échappe à la guillotine.
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  15.  21
    A Single Session of Anodal Cerebellar Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Does Not Induce Facilitation of Locomotor Consolidation in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis.Carine Nguemeni, György A. Homola, Luis Nakchbandi, Mirko Pham, Jens Volkmann & Daniel Zeller - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    No Impact of Cerebellar Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation at Three Different Timings on Motor Learning in a Sequential Finger-Tapping Task.Carine Nguemeni, Annika Stiehl, Shawn Hiew & Daniel Zeller - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Background: Recently, attention has grown toward cerebellar neuromodulation in motor learning using transcranial direct current stimulation. An important point of discussion regarding this modulation is the optimal timing of tDCS, as this parameter could significantly influence the outcome. Hence, this study aimed to investigate the effects of the timing of cerebellar anodal tDCS on motor learning using a sequential finger-tapping task.Methods: One hundred and twenty two healthy young, right-handed subjects were randomized into four groups. They performed 2 days of FTT (...)
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  17.  16
    Would the Dog Be a Person's Child or Best Friend? Revisiting the Dog-Tutor Attachment.Carine Savalli & Chiara Mariti - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  18. Can Gestation Ground Parental Rights?Erik Magnusson - 2020 - Social Theory and Practice 46 (1):111-142.
    In law and common-sense morality, it is generally assumed that adults who meet a minimum threshold of parental competency have a presumptive right to parent their biological children. But what is the basis of this right? According to one prominent account, the right to parent one’s biological child is best understood as being grounded in an intimate relationship that develops between babies and their birth parents during the process of gestation. This paper identifies three major problems facing this view—the explanatory, (...)
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    Krankhafte Eifersucht und destruktiver Neid?Carine Minne - 2020 - Psyche 74 (9-10):756-775.
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  20.  28
    Popular Culture, Moral Narratives and Organizational Portrayals: A Multimodal Reflexive Analysis of a Reality Television Show.Carine Farias, Tapiwa Seremani & Pablo D. Fernández - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (2):211-226.
    This paper contributes to the Business Ethics literature by unpacking the multimodal construction of moral narratives in popular culture and its portrayals of organizations and organizational roles. Understanding such portrayals and their construction is crucial to Business Ethics scholarship because they shape organizational imaginaries, influencing understandings and expectations of the ethical/moral responsibilities of organizations and the actors within them. In particular, we study the construction of moral narratives within a reality TV show that focuses on immigration and border control at (...)
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  21.  18
    Having a Word with Angus Graham: At Twenty-Five Years Into His Immortality.Carine Defoort & Roger T. Ames (eds.) - 2018 - Albany, NY: Suny Series in Chinese Philoso.
    Critical reflections on the work of Angus Charles Graham, renowned Western scholar of Chinese philosophy and sinology.
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  22.  96
    Parental Justice and the Kids Pay View.Erik Magnusson - 2018 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 21 (4):963-977.
    In a just society, who should be liable for the significant costs associated with creating and raising children? Patrick Tomlin has recently argued that children themselves may be liable on the grounds that they benefit from being raised into independent adults. This view, which Tomlin calls ‘Kids Pay’, depends on the more general principle that a beneficiary can incur an obligation to share in the cost of an essential benefit that the benefactor is responsible for her requiring. I argue in (...)
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  23.  47
    Confucius and the “Rectification of Names”: Hu Shi and the Modern Discourse on Zhengming.Carine Defoort - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (4):613-633.
    The common approach to discussing Confucius’ advocacy of “correction of names” is to join the current academic debate about its meaning, usually in philosophical terms. Rather than joining in, however, this article describes the debate itself as a historically situated discourse largely dating from the early Republican era. I argue that Hu Shi 胡適 played a crucial but largely forgotten role in the creation of this discourse. While the core of the current discourse on zhengming consists of views that can (...)
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  24.  16
    Publishing strategies and professional demarcations: Enacting media logic(s) in European academic climate communication through open letters.Carin Graminius - forthcoming - Communications.
    The mediatization concept rests on the increasing centrality of media in everyday spheres. Within academia, mediatization is explored in various ways, such as through the use of social media, news media, and researchers’ adoption of certain media logic(s). While many studies focus on media logic(s) as an explanatory device, it can also be seen as a contextual relationship between actors enacted for various purposes. This paper explores how academics enact media logic(s) in climate communication and for what purpose. By drawing (...)
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  25.  27
    Beyond the Sensorimotor Plasticity: Cognitive Expansion of Prism Adaptation in Healthy Individuals.Carine Michel - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    The Exclusion of Chinese Philosophy: "Ten Don'ts," "Three Represents," and "Eight Musts".Carine Defoort - 2020 - Philosophy East and West 70 (1):214-225.
    The legitimacy of Chinese philosophy is a thorny topic that has returned in waves during the last decades. The high tides were 2003 and 2016.1 While the topic can and has been discussed from a wide variety of points of view, most debates focus on the Chinese side: either on the nature and quality of early Chinese master texts or on current research at Chinese philosophy departments. Such reflections are important and deserve to be continued. However, one side of the (...)
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  27.  78
    Introduction to Symposium on David Boonin's The Non-Identity Problem and the Ethics of Future People.Erik Magnusson - 2019 - Law, Ethics and Philosophy 7.
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    “Underground Euthanasia” and the Harm Minimization Debate.Roger S. Magnusson - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (3):486-495.
    I have a hairstylist whose lover was very sick. I’d been seeing this stylist for ten years and we’re good friends. [His lover was] becoming an invalid, not able to get out of bed. He said “I hate to ask you this but would you mind writing a prescription to help us out?” [So] I wrote a prescription to a patient who I had never seen, and I sent it to him in the mail and I heard the next time (...)
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  29. Naming and Regicide in the Annals, version préliminaire non pu–bliée de «The Rhetorical Power of Naming: The Case of Regicide,».Defoort Carine - 1998 - Asian Philosophy 8:2.
  30.  46
    A Way not to Follow; the Art not to Know. Inspired by Patricia De Martelaere’s Work on Taoism.Carine Defoort - 2015 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 77 (3):515-531.
    Patricia De Martelaere was a Belgian author, philosopher, and practitioner of shadowboxing. She wrote an inspiring little book on Taoism that stresses the physical, energetic, and martial aspects of its practice. This paper elaborates upon three central ideas from her work, turns them into a direction that she did not envision, and applies them to a critical-historical interpretation of the Taoist texts that she elaborates upon: an active way of non-knowing, the awareness of a shared ground, and the intellectual fertility (...)
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  31. Hemel en Aarde verenigen zich door rituelen: een bloemlezing uit het werk van de Chinese wijsgeer Xunzi.Carine Defoort & Nicolas Standaert (eds.) - 2003
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    Introduction: Comparative philosophy in the low countries.Carine Defoort - 1995 - Philosophy East and West 45 (4):473.
  33.  29
    The religious nature of Confucianism in contemporary China's “Cultural Renaissance movement: editor's introduction”.Carine Defoort - 2012 - Contemporary Chinese Thought: Translations and Studies 44.
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    Body, Gender, Senses: Subversive Expressions in Early Modern Art and Literature.Carin Franzén & Johanna Vernqvist (eds.) - 2024 - De Gruyter.
    The body, touch and its sensations are present, sometimes viewed in contradictory ways, both expressed, visualized, and rejected, in early modern art and literature. In seven essays moving from the 16th to the mid-18th century, and from Italy and Spain to France and Sweden, this volume explores strategies used by early modern women poets, philosophers, and artists in order to create subversive expressions of the body, gender and the senses. Showing how body and soul, the carnal and the divine, the (...)
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    «Eia mater, fons amoris» Julia Kristeva och modernitetens etik.Carin Franzén - 2003 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 21 (1):53-62.
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    Psychological health, wellbeing and COVID-19: Comparing previously infected and non-infected South African employees.Carin Hill - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Most COVID-19 and work-related well-being research is centred around the adverse effects on employees’ psychological well-being and is not focused on the work-related well-being of those infected by SARS-CoV-2. Furthermore, COVID-19 and work-related well-being research is generally aimed at healthcare workers. The current study focused on investigating the difference in the level of burnout, anxiety, depression and stress between previously infected and uninfected participants. This study used a cross-sectional survey design and non-probability quota sampling to collect data. A retrospective pre-post (...)
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  37.  16
    Les Grecs et le cru.Carine Van Liefferinge - 2014 - Kernos 27:75-97.
    Cet article comporte deux parties liées entre elles : l’une étudie le « manger cru » dans le régime alimentaire des Grecs, l’autre le rituel ômophagique dionysiaque. De l’étude conjointe des sources littéraires et épigraphiques, il apparaît que ce dernier pourrait consister en une séquence de gestes révélant l’ambiguïté du dieu, entre animalité, humanité et divinité, et s’accordant avec la pratique alimentaire des Grecs.
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  38. Thomas Paine's Reflections on the Social Contract : a Consistent Theory?Carine Lounissi - 2016 - In Scott Cleary & Ivy Linton Stabell (eds.), New directions in Thomas Paine studies. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  39. A Politics in Writing: Jacques Ranciere and the Equality of Intelligences.Rachel Magnusson - 2014 - In Martin Breaugh, Christopher Holman, Rachel Magnusson, Paul Mazzocchi & Devin Penner (eds.), Thinking radical democracy: the return to politics in post-war France. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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    Constructing young citizens’ deontic authority in participatory democracy meetings.Simon Magnusson - 2020 - Discourse and Communication 14 (6):600-618.
    Young citizens are increasingly being invited to take part in participatory democracy meetings as joint decision-making has grown popular in public administration. The backbone of participatory democracy is that some authority is granted to the citizenry and by drawing on video data from a year-long participatory project, this conversation analytic study shows that the adolescents are instructed to a deontic role rooted in epistemics, benefactive considerations, as well as temporal aspects relating to future citizenship and hope. The institutional representatives perform (...)
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  41.  10
    Frightening proportions.Erik Magnusson - 2021 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 32 (2):36-53.
    This article deals with Rabbi Meir Kahane’s assimilation doctrine, an under-studied aspect of previous published research on Kahane. The present study suggests that this doctrine is catalysed by a palingenetic myth of decline and rebirth, which also catalyses Kahane’s ideology. By proposing this, this article aims to offer a new perspective on the understanding of what drives Kahane’s ideology. It is further suggested that Kahane’s palingenetic myth is in part built around a myth of ‘intraracial antagonism’ between the American Jewish (...)
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  42.  13
    Images: Paintings, 2000–2017.Sigurður Magnússon - 2017 - Diacritics 45 (3):3-123.
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    Mercantilism: Critical Concepts in the History of Economics.Lars Magnusson - 1995 - Routledge.
    First published in 1996. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  44.  13
    Political economy in a historical context : the case of Malthus and Sweden.Lars Magnusson - 2010 - In Hans Joas (ed.), The benefit of broad horizons: intellectual and institutional preconditions for a global social science: festschrift for Bjorn Wittrock on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Leiden [etc.]: Brill. pp. 24--125.
  45.  17
    Some Applications of Logical and Psychological Principles to Grammar.Peter Magnus Magnusson - 1894 - Philosophical Review 3 (3):380-380.
  46.  10
    Sonic writing: technologies of material, symbolic and signal inscriptions.Thor Magnusson - 2019 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Introduction. On objects, humans, and machines. Part I. Material inscriptions. Instrumentality -- New instruments -- Epistemic tools -- Digital organology.
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  47.  41
    The Changing Legal and Conceptual Shape of Health Care Privacy.Roger S. Magnusson - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (4):680-691.
    The contributions of Professor Bernard Dickens to health law and bioethics span the era in which these fields have emerged as distinct domains of teaching, scholarship and professional and public conversation. Neither field exists in a vacuum. The concerns of bioethics, like the content of health law, are a product of social forces. The bureaucratization of medical care, the possibilities and uncertainties created by developments in medical technology, not to mention glaring health inequalities, have been destabilizing forces in medicine. Writing (...)
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  48.  46
    Vincent M. Gaine (2011) Existentialism and Social Engagement in the Films of Michael Mann.Agust Magnusson - 2015 - Film-Philosophy 19 (1).
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  49.  12
    O crime de feminicídio sob o olhar da psicologia forense.Carine Pires da Silva & Luciana Azambuja Schermann - 2021 - Aletheia 54 (1).
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  50.  16
    Swedish and Norwegian Police Interviewers' Goals, Tactics, and Emotions When Interviewing Suspects of Child Sexual Abuse.Mikaela Magnusson, Malin Joleby, Timothy J. Luke, Karl Ask & Marthe Lefsaker Sakrisvold - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:606774.
    As the suspect interview is one of the key elements of a police investigation, it has received a great deal of merited attention from the scientific community. However, suspect interviews in child sexual abuse (CSA) investigations is an understudied research area. In the present mixed-methods study, we examine Swedish (n= 126) and Norwegian (n= 52) police interviewers' self-reported goals, tactics, and emotional experiences when conducting interviews with suspected CSA offenders. The quantitative analyses found associations between the interviewers' self-reported goals, tactics, (...)
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