Results for 'Carl Reeve'

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  1.  41
    Blindness and Reorientation: Problems in Plato's Republic.C. D. C. Reeve - 2012 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    C. D. C. Reeve develops a powerful new account of the age-old argument over whether the just are happier than the unjust, drawing from a new understanding of Plato's conception of philosophy.
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  2. The First Moments of the Universe: The Limits of Knowledge.Hubert Reeves - 1991 - Diogenes 39 (155):5-16.
    The contemporary astrophysicist today deals with questions that bear on the area known to traditional philosophy as “metaphysics.” Consequently, it is tempting to cross the threshold. One can allow oneself to be tempted by the idea that science is in a position to provide solutions to ancient and venerable metaphysical quests. One can even imagine, according to the wish expressed two thousand years ago by Epicurus, that it can calm our “metaphysical anxieties.”.
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  3. Philosopher-Kings: The Argument of Plato’s Republic.C. D. C. Reeve - 1988 - Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Pub. Co..
    Reeve's classic work provides an interpretation of Republic that makes a case for the coherence of Plato's argument.
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    Action, Contemplation, and Happiness: An Essay on Aristotle.C. D. C. Reeve - 2012 - Harvard University Press.
    The transmission of form and soul -- Desire, perception, and understanding -- Theoretical wisdom -- Virtue of character -- Practical wisdom -- Immortalizing beings -- Happiness -- The happiest life.
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    Rhetoric. Aristotle & C. D. C. Reeve - 2018 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    _Rhetoric_ is the sixth volume in The New Hackett Aristotle series, a series featuring translations, with Introductions and Notes, by C. D. C. Reeve, Delta Kappa Epsilon Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The series will eventually include all of Aristotle's works.
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  6. Plato on friendship and Eros.C. D. C. Reeve - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  7. pt. 3. Reception. Lucretius in the Middle Ages and early Renaissance : transmission and scholarship.Michael Reeve - 2007 - In Stuart Gillespie & Philip R. Hardie (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Lucretius. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  8. A study in violets : Alcibiades in the symposium.C. D. C. Reeve - 2006 - In Frisbee Candida Cheyenne Sheffield (ed.), Plato's Symposium: the ethics of desire. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 124--146.
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    John Stuart Mill –sus memorias: Primera parte (1874) por Henry Reeve.Henry Reeve & José Luis Tasset Carmona - 2020 - Télos 23 (1-2):115-134.
    Updated digital transcription of Spanish translation of the paper by Henry Reeve “The Autobiography of John Stuart Mill”, Edinburgh Review, 134, pp. 91-129, originally published at Revista Europea in 1874.
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    John Stuart Mill: Victorian firebrand.Richard Reeves - 2007 - London: Atlantic Books.
    The definitive life of John Stuart Mill, one of the heroic giants of Victorian England Richard Reeves' sparkling new biography can be read as an attempt to do justice to this eminent thinker, and it succeeds triumphantly. He reveals Mill as a man of action--a philosopher and radical MP who profoundly shaped Victorian society and whose thinking continues to illuminate our own. The product of an extraordinary and unique education, Mill would become in time the most significant English thinker of (...)
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  11.  42
    Plumwood's logic of colonization and the legal antecedents of wilderness.Donna M. Reeves - 2009 - Ethics and the Environment 14 (2):pp. 75-97.
    Val Plumwood argued for a reworking of our concept of wilderness in ways that would both recognize indigenous influence and expand the official "fake" history to include perspective from the Others'side. Borrowing from Plumwood's logic of colonization, I explore how the official history of wilderness in the United States of America is similar to Tasmania's "fake" history. I offer a philosophical analysis of Chief Justice John Marshall's opinion in the case of Johnson v. M'Intosh (1823) where the "wilderness" finds its (...)
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    Problems of Philosophy and Society: A Conversation with Plato.Francis M. Reeves - 1988 - Upa.
    Beginning with an introduction to the life and times of Plato, this text is a dialogue between a fictional Plato and a contemporary college student with majors both in business and philosophy.
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    What I think after thinking.Budd Reeve - 1898 - [Buxton, N.D.?: Louise Tanner Reeve?].
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  14. Freedom, Dialectic and Philosophical Anthropology.Craig Reeves - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (1):13-44.
    In this article I present an original interpretation of Roy Bhaskar’s project in Dialectic: The Pulse of Freedom. His major move is to separate an ontological dialectic from a critical dialectic, which in Hegel are laminated together. The ontological dialectic, which in Hegel is the self-unfolding of spirit, becomes a realist and relational philosophical anthropology. The critical dialectic, which in Hegel is confined to retracing the steps of spirit, now becomes an active force, dialectical critique, which interposes into the ontological (...)
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  15. Self-determination theory applied to educational settings.Johnmarshall Reeve - 2002 - In Edward L. Deci & Richard M. Ryan (eds.), Handbook of Self-Determination Research. University of Rochester Press. pp. 2--183.
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  16. Dialectic and philosophy in Aristotle.C. D. C. Reeve - 1998 - In Jyl Gentzler (ed.), Method in ancient philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 227--252.
  17.  57
    Aristotle's philosophical method.Cdc Reeve - 2012 - In Christopher Shields (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 150.
    A problem is posed: Is pleasure choiceworthy, or not? The answerer claims that yes, it is. The questioner must refute him by asking questions—by offering him premises to accept or reject. The questioner succeeds if he forces the answerer to accept a proposition contrary to the one he undertook to defend, and fails if the answerer always accepts or rejects premises in a way consistent with that proposition. To a first approximation, dialectic is the distinctive method of Aristotelian philosophy. At (...)
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  18.  29
    (1 other version)Reading Jane Thayer, The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy.Kristine Noack-Reeves - 2016 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 16:6-6.
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  19. Forward and backward: alternative approaches to studying human social evolution.Paul W. Sherman & Hudson K. Reeve - 1997 - Human Nature: A Critical Reader 11:147.
  20.  63
    Socrates in the Apology: An Essay on Plato's Apology of Socrates.C. D. C. Reeve - 1989 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    "Reeve's book is an excellent companion to Plato's Apology and a valuable discussion of many of the main issues that arise in the early dialogues. Reeve is an extremely careful reader of texts, and his familiarity with the legal and cultural background of Socrates' trial allows him to correct many common misunderstandings of that event. In addition, he integrates his reading of the apology with a sophisticated discussion of Socrates' philosophy. The writing is clear and succinct, and the (...)
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  21.  25
    Women's work and working women: The demand for female labor.Reeve Vanneman, Joan M. Hermsen & David A. Cotter - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (3):429-452.
    The demand for female labor is a central explanatory component of macrostructural theories of gender stratification. This study analyzes how the structural demand for female labor affects gender differences in labor force participation. The authors develop a measure of the gendered demand for labor by indexing the degree to which the occupational structure is skewed toward usually male or female occupations. Using census data from 1910 through 1990 and National Longitudinal Sample of Youth data from 261 contemporary U.S. labor markets, (...)
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  22.  98
    Deconstruction, language, motive: Rortian pragmatism and the uses of "literature".Charles Eric Reeves - 1986 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 44 (4):351-356.
  23.  40
    Logicians, language, and George Lakoff.Alan Reeves - 1977 - Linguistics and Philosophy 1 (2):221 - 231.
  24. Socrates Meets Thrasymachus.C. D. C. Reeve - 1985 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 67 (3):246-265.
  25.  7
    Aristotle's Theology: The Primary Texts. Aristotle & C. D. C. Reeve - 2022 - Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackett Publishing Company.
    "Even those already familiar with Aristotle may be surprised to learn that discussions of theological topics can be found in so many of his works. Reeve's idea of packaging these texts sequentially along with commentary and notes is brilliant. This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in Aristotle's theology."_— S. Marc Cohen_,__Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus, University of Washington.
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  26. ‘Exploding the Limits of Law’: Judgment and Freedom in Arendt and Adorno.Craig Reeves - 2009 - Res Publica 15 (2):137-164.
    In Eichmann in Jerusalem , Hannah Arendt struggled to defend the possibility of judgment against the obvious problems encountered in attempts to offer legally valid and morally meaningful judgments of those who had committed crimes in morally bankrupt communities. Following Norrie, this article argues that Arendt’s conclusions in Eichmann are equivocal and incoherent. Exploring her perspectival theory of judgment, the article suggests that Arendt remains trapped within certain Kantian assumptions in her philosophy of history, and as such sees the question (...)
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  27. Thinking about Thinking: Studies in the background of some Psychological Approaches.Joan Wynn Reeves - 1969
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    Review of Nancy Sherman: The Fabric of Character: Aristotle's Theory of Virtue[REVIEW]C. D. C. Reeve - 1990 - Ethics 100 (4):894-895.
  29. Luck and virtue in pindar, aeschylus, and sophocles.C. D. C. Reeve - 2009 - In William Wians (ed.), Logos and Muthos: Philosophical Essays in Greek Literature. State University of New York Press.
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    Aristotle on practical wisdom: Nicomachean ethics VI.C. D. C. Reeve - 2013 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Edited by C. D. C. Reeve.
    Aristotle on Practical Wisdom is the first full-scale commentary on Nicomachean Ethics VI to be issued in a century, and the most illuminating ever. A meticulous translation with facing-page analysis enables readers to engage directly with Aristotle's account, while the lucid introduction locates it in the context of his—and later—ethical thought.
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  31.  13
    Christian thinking and social order: conviction politics from the 1930s to the present day.Marjorie Reeves (ed.) - 1999 - New York: Cassell.
    Endeavours to map out a piece of the intellectual history of this century which once almost faded from memory. In 1941 William Temple, then Archbishop of York, called for a Christian social philosophy and in so doing voiced a concern that had been gathering momentum all through the 30s, sharpened by the challenge of authoritarian regimes, left and right, and had formed the focus of the Oxford Conference of Church, Community and State in 1937.
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  32.  41
    Aristotle on the virtues of thought.C. D. C. Reeve - 2006 - In Richard Kraut (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 198-217.
    The prelims comprise: The Scientific Part of the Soul Theoretical Wisdom The Calculating Part of the Soul Deliberation and Ends Deliberation, Practical Sciences, and Perception Deliberation and Time Practical Wisdom as Political Science Practical Wisdom as Theoretical Wisdom's Steward Aristotelian Practical Reason Notes Reference Further reading.
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  33.  24
    Szesnastowieczna republikańska filozofia wolności.Dorota Pietrzyk-Reeves - 2023 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 71 (1):65-89.
    Celem tego artykułu jest krótka analiza republikańskiej koncepcji wolności przedstawianej w polskiej i pozapolskiej teorii republikańskiej XVI wieku. Punktem wyjścia rozważań jest teza głosząca, że kategoria wolności w teorii republikańskiej jest ściśle związana z namysłem i ustaleniami dotyczącymi istoty i celu wspólnoty politycznej, określanej w tradycji rzymskiej mianem civitas libera. Wolność jest pochodną dobrze urządzonego, wolnego ładu politycznego, w którym kluczową rolę odgrywa prawo i cnota. Analizując ideę wolności republikańskiej przez pryzmat dwóch kontekstów: klasycznej tradycji republikańskiej i jej ustaleń oraz (...)
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  34. On The Relation Between Science and the Scientific Worldview.Josh Reeves - 2013 - Heythrop Journal 54 (4):554-562.
    It has been widely believed since the nineteenth century that modern science provides a serious challenge to religion, but less agreement as to the reason. One main complication is that whenever there has been broad consensus for a scientific theory that challenges traditional religious doctrines, one finds religious believers endorsing the theory or even formulating it. As a result, atheists who argue for the incompatibility of science and religion often go beyond the religious implications of individual scientific theories, arguing that (...)
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  35.  19
    Finishing off "Michael": Poetic and Critical Enclosures.Reeve Parker - 1987 - Diacritics 17 (4):44.
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    Areas of ignorance and confusion in color science.Adam Reeves - 1992 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 15 (1):49-50.
  37.  42
    Renaissance Vision from Spectacles to Telescopes.Eileen Reeves - 2009 - Early Science and Medicine 14 (4):561-563.
  38.  16
    (1 other version)Western political theory in the face of the future.Andrew Reeve - 1981 - History of European Ideas 1 (2):191-192.
  39.  36
    In defence of a simple solution.Alan Reeves - 1973 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 51 (1):17-38.
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    Alan Carter, The Philosophical Foundations of Property Rights, Hemel Hampstead, Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989, pp. ix + 150.Andrew Reeve - 1992 - Utilitas 4 (2):335.
  41.  28
    Faith, hope and love: Some practical implications of process theology.Gene Reeves - 1985 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 6 (2/3):128 - 139.
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    Liberation.Gene Reeves - 1989 - Process Studies 18 (4):225-239.
  43.  11
    L'origine de l'Univers.Hubert Reeves - 1992 - Horizons Philosophiques 2 (2):1-26.
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  44.  47
    On truth and meaning.Alan Reeves - 1974 - Noûs 8 (4):343-359.
  45.  78
    Socrates's Reply to Cebes in Plato's "Phaedo".M. D. Reeve - 1975 - Phronesis 20 (3):199 - 208.
  46.  43
    Speciesism and Equality.E. Gavin Reeve - 1978 - Philosophy 53 (206):562 - 563.
    Professor Bonnie Steinbock writes ‘… I am not going to discuss rights, important as the issue is’; but she adds, en passant , ‘According to the view of rights held by H. L. A. Hart and S. I. Benn, infants do not have rights, nor do the mentally defective, nor do the insane, in so far as they all lack certain minimal conceptual capabilities for having rights’.
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  47. Totally Administered Heteronomy: Adorno on Work, Leisure, and Politics in the Age of Digital Capitalism.Craig Reeves & Matthew Sinnicks - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (2):285–301.
    This paper aims to demonstrate the contemporary relevance of Adorno’s thought for business ethicists working in the critical tradition by showing how his critique of modern social life anticipated, and offers continuing illumination of, recent technological transformations of capitalism. It develops and extrapolates Adorno’s thought regarding three central spheres of modern society, which have seen radical changes in light of recent technological developments: work, in which employee monitoring has become ever more sophisticated and intrusive; leisure consumption, in which the algorithmic (...)
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  48.  21
    Aristotle's Chemistry: On Coming to Be and Passing Away Meteorology 1.1–3, 4.1–12. Aristotle & C. D. C. Reeve - 2023 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    This new translation of _On Coming to Be and Passing Away _and_ Meteorology 1 and 4_ fits seamlessly with the other volumes in the New Hackett Aristotle Series, enabling Anglophone readers to study these works in a way previously not possible. The Introduction describes the book that lies ahead, explaining what it is about, what it is trying to do, how it goes about doing it, and what sort of audience it presupposes. Sequentially numbered, cross-referenced endnotes provide the information most (...)
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  49.  27
    Correspondence.E. Gavin Reeve - 1961 - Philosophy 36 (138):371.
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    Motion and Change of Place.E. Gavin Reeve - 1983 - Philosophy 58 (225):402.
    Mr William Charlton ) quotes Russell on Motion. It has been pointed out to me that the book referred to in line 5 as Principles of Philosophy should in all probability be The Principles of Mathematics , and on looking into the matter I find that this is indeed the case. On p. 473 of the latter book I read: 447. It is to be observed that … we must entirely reject the notion of a state of motion. Motion consists (...)
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