Results for 'Carlos Zorrilla'

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  1.  13
    Circumvolutions of the Mind.Carlos Zorrilla Piña - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:309-330.
    Fichte once described the first principle of his philosophical system as a globe or attractor point which rests on nothing else but its own power, and which – as by the inception of a gravitational field – thereby simultaneously sets the conditions for the groundedness of all the components of the edifice of knowledge which follow. This description suggests his philosophical enterprise is articulated in accordance to the linear structure of foundationalism. At the same time, however, Fichte’s enterprise is unequivocally (...)
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    Transumption and the Decentered Cosmology of Nicolaus Cusanus.Carlos Zorrilla P. - 2021 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (3):269-300.
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    PAZ, MATÍAS DE, Acerca del dominio sobre los indios (Libellus circa dominium super indos). Edición bilingüe. Introducción, texto crítico y trad. Paulino Castañeda, J. Carlos Martín de la Hoz y Eduardo Fernández, San Esteban, Salamanca, 2017, 209 pp. [REVIEW]Víctor Zorrilla-Garza - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 53 (1):210-213.
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    Does Evil Have a Cause? Augustine's Perplexity and Thomas's Answer.Carlos Steel - 1994 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (2):251 - 273.
    IN THE DISCUSSION on education in the Republic, Socrates lays down the principles which those who speak about the gods must follow if they want to avoid the errors of traditional mythology. The first typos of this rational theology is this: "God is the cause, not of all things, but only of the good." For "God, being good, cannot be responsible for everything happening in our life, as is commonly believed, but only for a small part. For we have a (...)
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    Rosmini economista.Carlos Hoevel - 2024 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 6:117-138.
    Il pensiero economico di Rosmini costituisce una sintesi originale tra diverse correnti di pensiero che egli riunisce per superare l’influenza della prospettiva utilitaristica. Basandosi sulla sua visione personalistica dell’essere umano, modifica la concezione dell’agire economico e, sulla base di essa, numerosi aspetti pratici delle politiche pubbliche. Al di là del suo interesse storico, il pensiero economico di Rosmini costituisce un contributo all’acquisizione di una prospettiva filosofica su molte delle scoperte attuali della ricerca teorica ed empirica in economia.
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    (1 other version)Linguagem, pragmatica e ideologia.Carlos Vogt - 1989 - São Paulo: Editora HUCITEC.
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    Blooming in the ruins: how Mexican philosophy can guide us toward the good life.Carlos Alberto Sánchez - 2024 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This book introduces readers to central concepts and ideas in Mexican philosophy. Couched in stories and anecdotes from the author's life, the book offers these concepts and ideas as orientations, recommendations, or exhortation for navigating today's world. The structure and the style of the book aims at making these accessible to both specialists and non-specialist or anyone who may have had some experience with contemporary forms of marginalization, alienation, objectification, or any of the various forms of dread and accidentality familiar (...)
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  8. Some remarks on Susan Hack's innocent realism.Carlos Caorsi - 2007 - In Cornelis De Waal (ed.), Susan Haack: a lady of distinctions: the philosopher responds to critics. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
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  9. La Revolución Copernicana y quienes la hicieron.Carlos Solis - forthcoming - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy.
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  10. Los Acontecimientos y Las Leyes.Carlos H. Soto - 1981 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 16 (38):139.
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  11. Detachment and defeasibility in deontic logic.Carlos E. Alchourrón - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (1):5 - 18.
    The purpose of the paper is to present a logical framework that allow to formalize a kind of prima facie duties, defeasible conditional duties, indefeasible conditional duties and actual (indefeasible) duties, as well as to show their logical interconnections.
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    El espacio absoluto de Newton concepción sustancialista del espacio.Carlos Adolfo Rengifo Castañeda - 2010 - Revista Disertaciones 1 (1):52-60.
    En el Escolio acerca del “Espacio y el Tiempo”, Newton expone su concepción referida a un Espacio absoluto, elcual posee existencia tan real, como la de los demás cuerpos físicos pero en forma independiente de estos, es asíque una de las características de la física newtoniana‡ va a ser el interés por conceder una existencia independientey real al espacio y al tiempo, así como a la materia, ya que en las leyes del movimiento de Newton aparece elconcepto de aceleración, y (...)
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  13. El desencanto weberiano en la sociedad posmoderna.Carlos Cerdá - 2000 - Enfoques 12.
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    Sovereign and property rights over plant genetic resources.Carlos M. Correa - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (4):58-79.
    The existence of sovereign rights over genetic resources is today well recognized in international law. However, the legal status of such resources in terms of property rights is still unclear. The consideration of this issue requires a clear distinction between physical and intangible property. Legislation in developed countries has extended patent protection to genetic resources, in addition to the protection of plant varieties via breeders' rights. The extension of protection and the implementation of the TRIPs Agreement may have important implications (...)
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    Sensation, affection et corps de chair.Carlos Morujão - 2016 - Cultura:231-245.
    Este ensaio tem como objectivo apresentar, num primeiro momento, os resultados da análise intencional do processo de constituição dos objectos físicos, do corpo somático e da psique, tal como ela foi levada a cabo por Edmund Husserl. Na base desses resultados, será possível elaborar uma teoria da afecção que permitirá, num segundo momento, algumas aproximações com a Psicanálise de Freud e a teoria freudiana das pulsões. A especificidade do corpo somático relativamente a qualquer objecto físico – apesar de algumas semelhanças (...)
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    A. Busignani: Gli Eroi di Riace: Daimon e Techne. Pp. 160; 33 figures, 57 plates. Florence: Sansoni, 1981. L. 40,000.Carlos A. Picón - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (1):150-150.
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    La doble faz de la dialéctica.Carlos Astrada - 1962 - Buenos Aires,: Editorial Devenir.
  18. Il diritto, saggio di una teoria scientifica dell' etica specialmente nella sua fase giuridica..Carlos O. Bunge - 1909 - Torino [etc.]: Fratelli Bocca. Edited by Mario Pertusio.
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    The Art of Earth Measuring:: Overlapping Scientific Styles.Carlos Galindo - 2013 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 18:78-99.
    The aim of this paper is to point out significant and meaningful overlapping between several styles of scientific thinking, as they were proposed by Crombie (1981) and discussed by Hacking (1985; 2009). This paper is divided in four sections. First, I examine an interpretation made by Barnes (2004) about the incompatibility among scientific styles. As explained by its author, this interpretation denies any possibility of similarities between styles of scientific reasoning. In opposition, the following sections of this paper include explanations (...)
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    La idea de la filosofía en Patocka, o la otra carga de la fenomenología.Carlos Eduardo Maldonado - 2006 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 11 (32):93-103.
    Even though Pato ka never acheived a critique of the political limits of Husserl´s and Heidegger´s philosophies, he did clearly set the limits of those philosophies, limits after which the phenomenological philosophy of Patocka adopts a new dimension. En this paper we argue that vis-a-vis Husserl´s ..
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    COVID-19: o que aprendi com o coronavírus?Carlos Serpeloni - 2021 - São Paulo: Giostri.
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    Observaciones a la concepción hegeliana de “alma bella” y la constitución de las subjetividades en Hesperus, de Jean Paul Richter.Carlos Alfaro - 2018 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 18 (21):46-65.
    Hegel afirma que la perspectiva del “alma bella” es sostenida por seguidores de Fichte que confunden el Yo absoluto con el yo psicofísico. Estos pensadores y literatos son reconocidos como miembros del Romanticismo alemán. Curiosamente, Hegel no menciona la obra de Jean Paul Richter entre estos casos. Jean Paul sostiene la identificación entre el Yo absoluto fichteano y la conciencia individual. Además, el autor de Hesperus define a los personajes principales de su novela como “almas bellas” y les atribuye cualidades (...)
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  23. Tratamiento en latín de laringal en posición inicial.Carlos Padilla Carmona - forthcoming - Nova et Vetera.
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  24. pt. 5. Patients rights. Patients' rights and human dignity.Carlos Romeo Casabona - 2010 - In André den Exter (ed.), Human rights and biomedicine. Portland: Maklu.
  25. El concepto de ciencia natural en Ortega.Carlos Paris - 1957 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 16 (60/61):89.
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    Fundamentos de la moral (filosofía americana).Carlos N. Vergara - 1914 - Buenos Aires,: Compañía sud-americana de billetes de banco.
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    Time: Biological, intentional and cultural.Carlos Montemayor - 2010 - In Jo Alyson Parker, Paul Harris & Christian Steineck (eds.), Time: Limits and Constraints. Brill. pp. 13--39.
    In this paper, I propose that time representation should be classified as agent dependent motor-intentional, agent dependent conceptual and agent independent conceptual. I employ this classification to explain certain features of psychological and cultural time and discuss how biological time constrains such features. The paper argues that motor-intentional time is a crucial psychophysical link that bridges the gap between purely biochemical cycles and conceptual-intentional representations of time, and proposes that the best way to understand the transitions from biological to psychological (...)
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  28. Dialéctica e historia.Carlos Astrada - 1969 - Buenos Aires,: Juárez Editor.
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    Philosophy and Exegesis in al-Fârâbî, Averroes, and Maimonides.Carlos Fraenkel - 2008 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 64 (1):105-125.
    À plusieurs égards, il est vrai d’avancer que Maïmonide et Averroès poursuivent le même projet philosophique et religieux. D’autant plus que tous deux ont été décrits comme des disciples d’al-Fârâbî, le fondateur de l’école de l’aristotélisme arabe . Cependant, à première vue, leur oeuvre ne pouvait pas être moins ressemblante: Averroès n’a écrit presque exclusivement que des commentaires sur Aristote, cependant que Maïmonide n’est l’auteur d’aucune oeuvre qui appartienne à un genre philosophique dans le sens strict. Il est, d’un autre (...)
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  30. Vindicación del ciudadano. Un sujeto reflexivo en una sociedad compleja.Carlos Thiebaut - 1998 - Critica 30 (90):113-122.
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    Altered consciousness from the Age of Enlightenment through mid 20th century.Alvarado Carlos - 2011 - In E. Cardeña & M. Winkelman (ed.), Altering Consciousness. Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Praeger.. pp. 89--112.
  32. Prezada Censura”: cartas ao regime militar.Carlos Fico - forthcoming - Topoi.
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  33. Presencia suareciana en la metafísica de X. Zubiri.Carlos Baciero - 1980 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 7:235-246.
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    ¿Es pertinente para la sociedad actual el planteamiento pascaliano sobre la diversión?Carlos Juliao - 2023 - Cuestiones de Filosofía 9 (33):147-167.
    Las reflexiones de Pascal sobre la diversión, que arrojan luces sobre las complejas singularidades de la condición humana, destacando su precariedad, ¿son pertinentes para la sociedad actual? Esa es la pregunta a la que intenta responder este artículo. En el mundo actual estamos inmersos en una paradoja donde divertirse es un régimen de elementos dispersos, que se traduce en la cultura de lo efímero, a la que hay que renunciar para restaurar algo consistente; pero, gran paradoja, mientras uno se divierte (...)
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    Procesamiento léxico-semántico en el envejecimiento e influencias sociodemográficas: una mirada actual.Carlos Rojas Zepeda & Bernardo Riffo Ocares - 2018 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 28 (1):3-11.
    Although language processing seems to resist age advancement, linguistic changes in aging are the reflection of systematic decline in cognitive and energy resources. However, aging does not affect language in a global way, being predominant a marked deterioration of production versus a relative maintenance of comprehension at various levels. This review provides updated information on the changes occurring in linguistic aging, focusing on lexical-semantic processing and the role of sociodemographic factors such as education, socioeconomic status and gender; In addition, a (...)
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  36. Um mesmo sujeito e dois olhares.Carlos María Perez - 2011 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 1 (1):39-49.
    Este trabajo tiene la finalidad de discutir el papel de los intelectuales, su importancia como críticos de la sociedad en que viven y, por lo tanto, su participación miitante. No obstante, esa figura del intelectual, aliada y nacida con la modernidad, va perdiendo espacio con el intelectual-investigador que está más preocupado con la producción científica dentro de los claustros universitarios como de los grandes centros de investigación. Para el caso, se tomó como referencia dos figuras paradigmáticas de la intelectualidad argentina (...)
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    Schelling, “Discurso Sobre as Artes Plásticas”.Carlos João Correia - 2020 - Philosophica: International Journal for the History of Philosophy 28 (55-56):129-163.
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    La evolución de X. Zubiri hacia el unicismo.Carlos Pose - 2024 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 91:137-152.
    Dentro de la obra de Zubiri pueden distinguirse varias posiciones en torno al problema de la psique, indudablemente incompatibles, fruto de la evolución de su pensamiento. En sentido general, el hombre es una sustantividad o un sistema de notas que debido a su unidad posicionalmente interdependiente en forma de clausura posee suficiencia constitucional. Pero la conceptuación de esta suficiencia puede resultar problemática en función de cómo se articule la psique dentro de la sustantividad humana.
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    Visita y conferencias del Dr. Christoph Theobald sj.Carlos Álvarez sj - 2023 - Teología y Vida 64 (2):241-275.
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    Multisensory Technology for Flavor Augmentation: A Mini Review.Carlos Velasco, Marianna Obrist, Olivia Petit & Charles Spence - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    New Perspectives on Animal Ethics Strangers to Nature: Animal Lives and Human Ethics Smulewicz-Zucker Gregory R. Lexington Books (Lanham, MD).Carlos Naconecy - 2014 - Journal of Animal Ethics 4 (2):80-85.
    In this article, I review a recent book edited by Gregory R. Smulewicz-Zucker that presents novel frameworks and refreshing perspectives on the issue of the ethical treatment of nonhuman animals.
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    A recepção de Nietzsche: diferentes leituras.Carlos Augusto Sartori - 2022 - Cadernos Nietzsche 43 (2):291-308.
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  43. La Revista Teoría.Carlos Ruiz Schneider - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 53:9-10.
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    On the (Im)Possibility of Philosophical Teaching according to the Pathos of the Philosopher.Carlos Schoof - 2019 - Dialogue and Universalism 29 (2):147-152.
    In this essay I expose two historical examples of the ambivalence of the place of philosophical knowledge in society. The symptomatic starting point is Aristotle’s characterization of the philosopher. Then, through the specification of Descartes’s views on philosophy, culture, the human and the artificial, I will show that there exists certain tension between the development of philosophy as a free knowledge available to everyone and philosophy as a specialized knowledge only suitable for initiates. Nowadays, when philosophy is in a critical (...)
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    Transmedia branding: Brands, narrative worlds, and the mcwhopper peace agreement.Carlos A. Scolari - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (224):1-17.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2018 Heft: 224 Seiten: 1-17.
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    Las religiones del libro y el problema del tiempo.Carlos A. Segovia - 2023 - Isidorianum 14 (30):187-204.
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    Hitos en el camino.Carlos Alberto Siri - 1969 - San Salvador: Ministerio de Educación, Dirección de Publicaciones.
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    The Thought and Social Engagement in the Mexican-American Philosophy of John H. Haddox: A Collection of Critical Appreciations.Carlos Alberto Sánchez & Jules Simon (eds.) - 2010 - Edwin Mellen Press.
    Thought and Social Engagement in the Mexican-American Philosophy of John H. Haddox : A Collection of Critical Appreciations.
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  49. Díaz, Jorge a.Carlos Soto - 2012 - Ideas Y Valores 61 (148):181-183.
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    Unsicheres Wissen: Skeptizismus und Wahrscheinlichkeit 1550-1850.Carlos Spoerhase, Dirk Werle & Markus Wild (eds.) - 2009 - De Gruyter.
    In this book, authors from a variety of disciplines examine how the interpretative disciplines deal with the lack or loss of certainty for their signs and texts.
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