Results for 'Carola Calabuig'

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  1.  37
    Educating Engineers for the Public Good Through International Internships: Evidence from a Case Study at Universitat Politècnica de València.Alejandra Boni, José Javier Sastre & Carola Calabuig - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (6):1799-1815.
    At Universitat Politècnica de València, Meridies, an internship programme that places engineering students in countries of Latin America, is one of the few opportunities the students have to explore the implications of being a professional in society in a different cultural and social context. This programme was analyzed using the capabilities approach as a frame of reference for examining the effects of the programme on eight student participants. The eight pro-public-good capabilities proposed by Melanie Walker were investigated through semi-structured interviews. (...)
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    Insight solutions are correct more often than analytic solutions.Carola Salvi, Emanuela Bricolo, John Kounios, Edward Bowden & Mark Beeman - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (4):443-460.
    ABSTRACTHow accurate are insights compared to analytical solutions? In four experiments, we investigated how participants' solving strategies influenced their solution accuracies across different types of problems, including one that was linguistic, one that was visual and two that were mixed visual-linguistic. In each experiment, participants' self-judged insight solutions were, on average, more accurate than their analytic ones. We hypothesised that insight solutions have superior accuracy because they emerge into consciousness in an all-or-nothing fashion when the unconscious solving process is complete, (...)
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    Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Reputation: Two Separate Concepts or Two Sides of the Same Coin?Carola Hillenbrand & Kevin Money - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:157-161.
    In response to the IABS conference theme to “advise practitioners,” this paper is framed in terms of two questions that have been found to be critical to practitioners. These are “what is Corporate Responsibility and how to do it” and “what is the value of Corporate Responsibility.” The paper uses theories from within the academic literature to develop a model to answer these two practitioner-based questions. An empirical framework based upon the model is developed and tested with a study of (...)
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    Evaluating Models of Gesture and Speech Production for People With Aphasia.Carola Beer, Katharina Hogrefe, Martina Hielscher‐Fastabend & Jan P. Ruiter - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (9):e12890.
    People with aphasia use gestures not only to communicate relevant content but also to compensate for their verbal limitations. The Sketch Model (De Ruiter, 2000) assumes a flexible relationship between gesture and speech with the possibility of a compensatory use of the two modalities. In the successor of the Sketch Model, the AR‐Sketch Model (De Ruiter, 2017), the relationship between iconic gestures and speech is no longer assumed to be flexible and compensatory, but instead iconic gestures are assumed to express (...)
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    Corporate Tax: What Do Stakeholders Expect?Carola Hillenbrand, Kevin Guy Money, Chris Brooks & Nicole Tovstiga - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (2):403-426.
    Motivated by the ongoing controversy surrounding corporate tax, this article presents a study that explores stakeholder expectations of corporate tax in the context of UK business. We conduct a qualitative analysis of in-depth interviews with representatives of community groups, as well as interviews with those representing business groups. We then identify eight themes that together describe “what” companies need to do, “how” they need to do it, and “why” they need to do it, if they wish to appeal to a (...)
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    The Paradox of the Future: Is it Rational to Feel Emotions for Future Generations?Carola Barbero - 2024 - Topoi 43 (1):75-84.
    According to some, there is a problem concerning the emotions we feel toward fictional entities such as Anna Karenina, Werther and the like. We feel pity, fear, and sadness toward them, but how is that possible? “We are saddened, but how can we be? What are we sad about? How can we feel genuinely and involuntarily sad, and weep, as we do know that no one has suffered or died?” (Radford, in: Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, 1975). This is the (...)
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    Cultural semiotics for mathematical discourses.Carola Manolino - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (259):61-77.
    Mathematics is often defined as a “universal” or “conventional” language. Yet, things may be not as simple as that. The theoretical lens of the semiosphere, with the related notions of context and spatial dynamics, within which the concept of cultural conflict is defined, provides a new framework for research in mathematics education to consider the cultural aspects of mathematical discourses. It is under this framework that learning awareness occurs, and teaching challenges are no longer conceived as independent of the content (...)
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  8.  18
    Normal Development: The Photographic Dome and the Children of the Yale Psycho-Clinic.Carola Ossmer - 2020 - Isis 111 (3):515-541.
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    Looking for Creativity: Where Do We Look When We Look for New Ideas?Carola Salvi & Edward M. Bowden - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Piangere e ridere per finta.Carola Barbero - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica 60:21-29.
    Il cosiddetto “paradosso della finzione” nasce dal tentativo di spiegare quale tipo di emozioni proviamo verso quegli oggetti che troviamo nei romanzi e nei film e che sappiamo perfettamente essere fittizi. Si tratta di un paradosso classico, tornato alla ribalta nel 1975 dopo la pubblicazione di un articolo di Colin Radford che partiva precisamente dall’interrogativo riguardante le lacrime che versiamo per ciò che non è reale (come un personaggio fittizio, appunto). Perché ci commuoviamo per il suicidio di Anna Karenina se (...)
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    De Cristo Esperanza a María Esperanza.Ignacio M. Calabuig - 2024 - Isidorianum 5 (9):136-172.
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    Dios y el coito: entre la misoginia y el feminismo.Noemí Calabuig Cañestro - 2017 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 34 (2):451-468.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es señalar que para la reflexión filosófica sobre los sexos hay dos cuestiones de vital importancia que están íntimamente relacionadas: el significado que atribuimos al coito y cómo entendemos la relación del ser humano con lo absoluto. Para ello, recurriremos a las filosofías de dos autores que representan opciones antagónicas en esta materia: Otto Weinigner, un autor indudablemente misógino, y Simone de Beauvoir, precursora del feminismo. Dado que sus discursos coinciden en muchos aspectos relevantes —pues (...)
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    Bürgerliche Lebensführung im Zeichen der Balance. Funktionen und Ideale der Bildung in Theorie und Praxis des George-Kreises in der Weimarer Republik.Carola Groppe - 2009 - In Korinna Schönhärl, Bertram Schefold, Werner Plumpe & Roman Köster (eds.), Das Ideal des Schönen Lebens Und Die Wirklichkeit der Weimarer Republik: Vorstellungen von Staat Und Gemeinschaft Im George-Kreis. Akademie Verlag. pp. 137-150.
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    Graham Greene's Pinkie Brown and Flannery O'Connor's Misfit.Carola Kaplan - 1980 - Renascence 32 (2):116-128.
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    Was ist "CIPSH".Carola Kaufmann - 1960 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 12 (2):184-185.
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    Things that Place Names Do.Carola Lentz & Matthias Egeler - 2022 - Anthropos 117 (2):453-466.
    Drawing on corpora from West Africa and Iceland, the article presents a fieldwork-based comparative exploration of ‘things that place names do’. Treating toponyms as performative elements of culture, we have observed striking parallels as well as differences in the uses of place names in both regions. Place names communicate spatial orientation; play an important role in the commemoration of people and events; mark claims of possession; support the construction of identity; sacralize landscapes; and voice moral reprimands. They can provide entertainment, (...)
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  17. Om förståendet av främmande språkbruk.Carola Sandbacka - 1983 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 4 (2):19.
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    List of Abbreviations and Acronyms.Carola Trips - 2009 - In Lexical Semantics and Diachronic Morphology: The Development of -Hood, -Dom and -Ship in the History of English. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
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    Was it me when it happened too early? Experience of delayed effects shapes sense of agency.Carola Haering & Andrea Kiesel - 2015 - Cognition 136 (C):38-42.
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  20.  24
    Storied Ethics: conversations in nursing care.Carola Skott - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (4):368-376.
    The purpose of this article is to discuss narration of ethical themes in nursing care. The text represents part of the findings of an ethnographic study aimed at description of everyday work on an oncology ward. Nurses on this ward are constantly involved in ethical care issues and narratives are told to share experiences. Of vital importance in ethical decision making is the perpetual creation of a mediating moral world constituted by daily experience. The need for making space in nursing (...)
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  21.  14
    Solanes Corella, A. (2023) ¿Castigar o premiar? Las sanciones positivas. València: Tirant lo Blanch.Aitana Torró Calabuig - 2024 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 25:277-281.
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    Salud e integración de las mujeres inmigrantes.Aitana Torró I. Calabuig - 2023 - UNIVERSITAS Revista de Filosofía Derecho y Política 43:70-100.
    A la hora de acceder a los servicios sanitarios, las mujeres inmigrantes – especialmente, aquellas en situación administrativa irregular – se van a topar con una serie de obstáculos concretos, fruto de los diversos ejes de desigualdad que las atraviesan y dan forma a su ubicación en la trama social. Así, se pretende exponer la necesidad de incorporar un enfoque interseccional y de género en las políticas de integración, concretamente las relativas al ámbito sanitario, a través del análisis de la (...)
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  23. Finzioni ed emozioni [Fictions and emotions].Carola Barbero - 2008 - la Società Degli Individui 33:23-36.
    Gli oggetti fittizi sono quegli oggetti presenti nelle opere di finzione, dalla letteratura al cinema, dal teatro ai dipinti. Questo saggio prende in con­siderazione, prevalentemente, gli oggetti della finzione letteraria. Tali og­getti pongono interessanti quesiti tanto sul versante ontologico quanto sul versante semantico: in primo luogo occorre fare chiarezza sulle condizioni alle quali essi possono legittimamente essere considerati degli oggetti, in se­condo luogo è importante individuare il valore semantico degli enunciati de­signanti oggetti di tal sorta e infine è in­di­spensabile esplicitare (...)
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  24.  14
    Lafcadio e Termidoro (Oggetti fittizi e oggetti sociali).Carola Barbero - 2007 - Rivista di Estetica 36 (36):27-42.
    Nel giardino floreale dell’Isola Che Non C’è si scontrano Lafcadio e Termidoro, due strani tipi sempre preoccupati di farsi riconoscere e di fare accettare gli oggetti delle loro ricerche. Non sono come gli studiosi d’un tempo, impegnati a costruire grandi sistemi e a inventare nuovi modi di pensare e di parlare, loro fanno piccole ricerche su oggetti particolari, si chiedono se esistono o se non esistono, come sono costruiti, di quali elementi sono composti, di che cosa hanno bisogno per con...
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    Learning from Fiction, “Teorema. Revista Internacional de Filosofia”.Carola Barbero - 2018 - Rivista di Estetica 67:237-239.
    Nonostante Don Chisciotte e Madame Bovary si siano rovinati (letteralmente) la vita a forza di leggere romanzi, è opinione condivisa che le opere letterarie possano essere molto importanti, se non addirittura fondamentali, quale fonte di conoscenza. Non è quindi per caso che si comincino a leggere le storie ai bambini piccoli, che se ne richieda la lettura ai ragazzi a scuola e si cerchi di sensibilizzare il più possibile al mondo dei libri, perché, come diceva Umberto Eco, «[…] la nostra (...)
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  26.  72
    Introduzione.Carola Barbero, Mario De Caro & Alberto Voltolini - 2010 - Rivista di Estetica 44:3-5.
    “Naturalismo” è una parola che si dice in molti modi, almeno tanti quanti nella storia della filosofia e nel sentire comune sono i modi in cui si è parlato di “natura” e di espressioni simili. Oggi, il tema del naturalismo in filosofia e della cosiddetta naturalizzazione che una filosofia dovrebbe eventualmente attrezzare determinate nozioni e teorie è tornato prepotentemente alla ribalta della riflessione filosofica, sulla scia dei successi provenienti dalle scienze cognitive (linguistica, n...
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    Factores sociodemográficos que intervienen en la inmunización de los adultos en Argentina. 2013.Carola Leticia Bertone, Marcos Javier Andrada & Víctor Eduardo Torres - 2022 - Astrolabio 29:35-64.
    La inmunización en adultos es una estrategia de salud pública que se ha desarrollado e impulsado en los últimos años como consecuencia del envejecimiento poblacional. El aumento de la proporción de personas adultas en la población y la manifiesta preocupación por promover un envejecimiento saludable de la población plantean la premura de aportar evidencia científica sobre los factores que se asocian a la vacunación de adultos. La prevalencia de inmunizaciones en adultos está por debajo de las metas planteadas por el (...)
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    Weininger y Wittgenstein: una cuestión de carácter.Noemí Calabuig Cañestro - 2008 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:97-105.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar que además de la influencia que la obra de Weininger, Sexo y carácter, ejerció sobre la concepción wittgensteiniana del carácter, la genialidad, el talento, la cultura, la civilización, etc., –tal y como vemos reflejado en sus aforismos sobre cultura y valor–, los dos autores compartían la misma opinión acerca de las cuestiones que Wittgenstein consideraba más importantes: la concepción de la lógica, de la ética y, por supuesto también, del sujeto.
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    Augustine’s Vision of Lay Participation in Ecclesial Reconciliation.Joseph Carola - 2004 - Augustinian Studies 35 (1):73-93.
    Augustine of Hippo understands the lay faithful in virtue of their regal-sacerdotal anointing at Baptism to exercise, always in unison with the ordained ministry, an indispensable twofold role in the sinner’s reconciliation. In Peter, not only the clergy but indeed all the saintly members of the community receive the spiritual commission to bind and loose. According to their particular vocation, the lay faithful bind the sinner through fraternal correction and loose him through their intercessory prayer. As members of the Totus (...)
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    I. some problems of prescriptivism in Navaho ethics.Carola Sandbacka - 1984 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 27 (1-4):255-268.
    This essay deals with some philosophical problems concerning the understanding of ethical conceptions in an alien culture. Its aim is to show that in investigating such conceptions we cannot proceed on purely empirical grounds; our own ethical concepts will, in a conceptual sense, determine what it is conceivable that we find.
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  31. Practice and theory of narrative inquiry in education.Carola Conle - 2010 - In Mark T. F. Murphy & Ted Fleming (eds.), Habermas, critical theory and education. New York: Routledge.
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    Selbstvergewisserung im Exil. Autobiographische Dimensionen einer Meistererzählung: Die verspätete Nation von Helmuth Plessner.Carola Dietze - 2006 - In Kay Schiller & Gerald Hartung (eds.), Weltoffener Humanismus: Philosophie, Philologie Und Geschichte in der Deutsch-Jüdischen Emigration. Transcript Verlag. pp. 111-132.
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  33. An Affordance-Based Conceptual Framework for Spatial Behavior of Social Robots.Carola Eschenbach & Felix Lindner - 2017 - In Raul Hakli & Johanna Seibt (eds.), Sociality and Normativity for Robots. Studies in the Philosophy of Sociality. Cham: Springer.
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    Kloster, Hof und Stadt als Bildungswelten des Mittelalters.Carola Groppe - 2003 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 55 (4):289-311.
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    Eduardo Carrasco. Heidegger y el nacionalsocialismo. Ensayos sobre filosofía y política. Catalonia, 2012.Carola Leiva - 2014 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 70:177-180.
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    The Effect of Dopaminergic Replacement Therapy on Creative Thinking and Insight Problem-Solving in Parkinson's Disease Patients.Carola Salvi, Emily K. Leiker, Beatrix Baricca, Maria A. Molinari, Roberto Eleopra, Paolo F. Nichelli, Jordan Grafman & Joseph E. Dunsmoor - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Parkinson's disease patients receiving dopaminergic treatment may experience bursts of creativity. Although this phenomenon is sometimes recognized among patients and their clinicians, the association between dopamine replacement therapy in PD patients and creativity remains underexplored. It is unclear, for instance, whether DRT affects creativity through convergent or divergent thinking, idea generation, or a general lack of inhibition. It is also unclear whether DRT only augments pre-existing creative attributes or generates creativity de novo. Here, we tested a group of PD patients (...)
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  37. Metafoorgebruik in veertig jaar immigratiedebat Van oprotpremie tot kopvoddentaks.Carola Schoor - 2011 - Filosofie En Praktijk 32 (2):33.
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    Ethics and Evidence in End-of-Life Decision Making. Interdisciplinary Perspectives.Carola Seifart - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (3):255-258.
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    8. Conclusion.Carola Trips - 2009 - In Lexical Semantics and Diachronic Morphology: The Development of -Hood, -Dom and -Ship in the History of English. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
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    Dygd och hälsa.Carola Wärnå - 2002 - Åbo: Åbo akademis förlag.
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    Mine is Earlier than Yours: Causal Beliefs Influence the Perceived Time of Action Effects.Carola Haering & Andrea Kiesel - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    1. toward a history on equal terms: A discussion of provincializing europe.Carola Dietze - 2008 - History and Theory 47 (1):69–84.
    This essay is a critical discussion of Dipesh Chakrabarty’s book Provincializing Europe as well as a first sketch of a History on Equal Terms. After giving a short summary of Provincializing Europe, I first argue, against Chakrabarty, that there is no necessary connection between the discipline of history and the metanarratives of modernity. To the contrary: the founding idea of the discipline of history was a turn against such grand narratives. With his attempt to deconstruct the narratives of the European (...)
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    What is Existence? A Matter of Co(n)text.Carola Barbero, Filippo Domaneschi, Ivan Enrici & Alberto Voltolini - 2024 - Acta Analytica 39 (1):1-18.
    In this paper, we present some experimental findings whose best explanation, first of all, provides a positive answer to a philosophical question in ontology as to whether, in the overall domain of beings, there are fictional characters (_ficta_) over and above concrete individuals. Moreover, since such findings arise out of different comparisons between fictional characters and concrete individuals on the one hand and fictional characters again and non-items that do not belong at all to such an overall domain on the (...)
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    Kommentar I zum Fall: „Umgang mit medizinischer Indikation und mutmaßlichem Willen bei einem jungen Menschen im Wachkoma“.Carola Seifart - 2024 - Ethik in der Medizin 36 (1):75-78.
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    Maigret: conocimiento por connaturalidad y conciencia concomitante.Juan José Noain Calabuig - 2002 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 27 (2):453-483.
    El presente artículo analiza, en su primera parte, aspectos recurrentes de la personalidad del comisario Maigret, famoso personaje de ficción del novelista belga Simenon. A continuación se procura advertir dos aparentes aporías cognoscitivas que plantean esas recurrencias: – Por un lado, la resuelta negación de método por parte del comisario compaginada con un comportamiento indagatorio idiosincrásico; – Por otro lado, unos resultados policiacos sorprendentes a la par que se supone, durante el desarrollo de las investigaciones, una permanente suspensión del pensamiento. (...)
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  46. Religious teleologies, modernity and violence : the case of John Brown.Carola Dietze - 2015 - In Henning Trüper, Dipesh Chakrabarty & Sanjay Subrahmanyam (eds.), Historical teleologies in the modern world. London: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
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    Die Magie der Unterbrechung.Carola Hilmes & Dietrich Mathy (eds.) - 1999 - Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
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    Out‐of‐hours demand in primary care: frequency, mode of contact and reasons for encounter in Switzerland.Carola A. Huber, Thomas Rosemann, Marco Zoller, Klaus Eichler & Oliver Senn - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (1):174-179.
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    Appeals from the Duchy of Burgundy to the Parlement of Paris in the Early Fourteenth Century.Carola M. Small - 1977 - Mediaeval Studies 39 (1):350-368.
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    1. Introduction.Carola Trips - 2009 - In Lexical Semantics and Diachronic Morphology: The Development of -Hood, -Dom and -Ship in the History of English. Walter de Gruyter – Max Niemeyer Verlag.
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