Results for 'Carole Pound'

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  1.  28
    Facilitating a dedicated focus on the human dimensions of care in practice settings: Development of a new humanised care assessment tool ( HCAT ) to sensitise care.Kathleen T. Galvin, Claire Sloan, Fiona Cowdell, Caroline Ellis-Hill, Carole Pound, Roger Watson, Steven Ersser & Sheila Brooks - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12235.
    There is limited consensus about what constitutes humanly sensitive care, or how it can be sustained in care settings. A new humanised care assessment tool may point to caring practices that are up to the task of meeting persons as humans within busy healthcare environments. This paper describes qualitative development of a tool that is conceptually sensitive to human dimensions of care informed by a life‐world philosophical orientation. Items were generated to reflect eight theoretical dimensions that constitute what makes care (...)
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    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law / By Roscoe Pound.Roscoe Pound - 2018 - Sagwan Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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    Fashions in Juristic Thinking: Being the Presidential Address of Dean Roscoe Pound, LL. D., to the Holdsworth Club of the Students of the Faculty of Law in the University of Birmingham, Delivered at the University, Edmund Street, Birmingham, on May 7th, 1937.Roscoe Pound - 1937 - Holdsworth Club of the University of Birmingham.
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    Interpretations of modern legal philosophies: essays in honor of Roscoe Pound.Roscoe Pound & Paul Sayre (eds.) - 1947 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman.
  5.  21
    (2 other versions)An introduction to the philosophy of law.Roscoe Pound - 1922 - Clark, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange. Edited by Marshall L. DeRosa.
    " William Herbert Page, Harvard Law Review 36:115-117 cited in Marke, A Catalogue of the Law Collection at New York University (1953) 922.
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    Jurisprudence.Roscoe Pound - 1959 - Union, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange.
    v. 1. Jurisprudence. The end of law -- v. 2. The nature of law -- v. 3. The scope and subject matter of law. Sources, forms, modes of growth -- v. 4. Application and enforcement of law. Analysis of general juristic conceptions -- v. 5. The system of law.
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    The ideal element in law.Roscoe Pound - 1958 - Clark, N.J.: Lawbook Exchange.
    Roscoe Pound, former dean of Harvard Law School, delivered a series of lectures at the University of Calcutta in 1948. In these lectures, he criticized virtually every modern mode of interpreting the law because he believed the administration of justice had lost its grounding and recourse to enduring ideals. Now published in the U.S. for the first time, Pound's lectures are collected in Liberty Fund's The Ideal Element in Law, Pound's most important contribution to the relationship between (...)
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    Law and Morals: The McNair Lectures, 1923, Delivered at the University of North Carolina.Roscoe Pound - 1987 - Fred B Rothman & Company.
    Considered one of Pound's ingenious & stimulating critical historical studies; his theme is the succession of different views held by judges & publicists during the past century as to the relation of law to morality.
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    Legal Rights.Roscoe Pound - 1915 - International Journal of Ethics 26 (1):92-116.
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    An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law: Revised Edition.Roscoe Pound - 1959 - Yale University Press.
    “Among books of similar scope, this is the recognized classic. Those who read this book will have the strange privilege of _thinking things together_ in the law from the beginning of world history to the moment Pound sent his writings to the printer.”—_American Bar Association Journal_.
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  11. Jubilee law lectures. 1889-1939.Roscoe Pound (ed.) - 1939 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    The church in legal history: The idea of universality. The idea of authority. The idea of good faith. The idea of law. By R. Pound.--The function of law in society today: The future of the common law, by D. J. Lyne. Law and civil liberty, by G. Clark. Natural law and positive law, by H. D. Castro. Law and ethics, by J. J. Burns.
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  12. Social Control through Law.Roscoe Pound - 1944 - Science and Society 8 (1):85-88.
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    Social control through law.Roscoe Pound - 1942 - [Hamden, Conn.]: Archon Books.
    In saying this he had reference to practical activities such as medicine and law . In these the practitioner is in constant contact with the facts of life ...
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  14. A values framework for measuring the impact of workplace spirituality on organizational performance.Carole L. Jurkiewicz & Robert A. Giacalone - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 49 (2):129-142.
    Growing interest in workplace spirituality has led to the development of a new paradigm in organizational science. Theoretical assumptions abound as to how workplace spirituality might enhance organizational performance, most postulating a significant positive impact. Here, that body of research has been reviewed and analyzed, and a resultant values framework for workplace spirituality is introduced, providing the groundwork for empirical testing. A discussion of the factors and assumptions involved for future research are outlined.
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  15. Commensuration Bias in Peer Review.Carole J. Lee - 2015 - Philosophy of Science 82 (5):1272-1283,.
    To arrive at their final evaluation of a manuscript or grant proposal, reviewers must convert a submission’s strengths and weaknesses for heterogeneous peer review criteria into a single metric of quality or merit. I identify this process of commensuration as the locus for a new kind of peer review bias. Commensuration bias illuminates how the systematic prioritization of some peer review criteria over others permits and facilitates problematic patterns of publication and funding in science. Commensuration bias also foregrounds a range (...)
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    The Limits of Effective Legal Action.Roscoe Pound - 1917 - International Journal of Ethics 27 (2):150-167.
  17.  17
    Positionality.Carole Rushton - 2023 - Nursing Philosophy 24 (4):e12415.
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    Feminist Challenges: Social and Political Theory.Carole Pateman & Elizabeth Gross - 1986 - Sydney ; Boston : Allen & Unwin.
    In this title, new and established scholars demonstrate the application of feminism in a range of academic disciplines including history, philosophy, politics, and sociology.
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  19. A Feudal Principle in Modern Law.Roscoe Pound - 1914 - International Journal of Ethics 25 (1):1-24.
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    Contemporary juristic theory.Roscoe Pound - 1940 - Littleton, Colo.: F.B. Rothman.
    The revival of absolutism -- The give-it-up philosophies -- The pssibility of a measure of values.
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    Gillian Rose: From Melancholia to Mourning: A Readers' Guide.M. Pound - 2015 - Télos 2015 (173):9-19.
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  22.  32
    Interpretations of Legal History.Roscoe Pound - 1923 - International Journal of Ethics 34 (1):91-93.
  23.  27
    The Carol J. Adams reader: writings and conversations 1995-2015.Carol J. Adams (ed.) - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, An imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
    The Carol J. Adams Reader gathers together Adams's foundational and recent articles in the fields of critical studies, animal studies, media studies, vegan studies, ecofeminism and feminism, as well as relevant interviews and conversations in which Adams identifies key concepts and new developments in her decades-long work. This volume, a companion to The Sexual Politics of Meat (Bloomsbury Revelations), offers insight into a variety of urgent issues for our contemporary world: Why do batterers harm animals? What is the relationship between (...)
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  24. A Feudal Principle in Modern Law.Roscoe Pound - 1915 - Philosophical Review 24:115.
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    A new school of jurists.Roscoe Pound - 1904 - [Lincoln, Neb.?: University Studies?.
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    Aesthetic Transformations: Taking Nietzsche at His Word. By Thomas Jovanovski.Marcus Pound - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (2):348-349.
  27.  43
    Baudrillard, Žižek, and the Seduction of Christ.Marcus Pound - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (1).
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    Comic subjectivity: Žižek and Zupančič's spiritual work of art.Marcus Pound - 2010 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 4 (4).
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    Confucius: The Great Digest and Unwobbling Pivot.Ezra Pound - 1954 - Philosophy East and West 3 (4):371-373.
  30.  39
    Conversations with žižek by Slavoj žižek and Glyn Daly.Marcus Pound - 2006 - Heythrop Journal 47 (4):679–680.
  31. Fa lü tao tê yü cheng i.Roscoe Pound - 1959
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    Functional significance of human female orgasm still hypothetical.Nicholas Pound & Martin Daly - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (4):620-621.
    Human males are more polygamously inclined than females. However, there is substantial within-sex variation in polygamous inclinations and practices. This is acknowledged by Gangestad & Simpson but we pose the question: Is the target article's “strategic pluralism” pluralistic enough? In addition, we argue that the hypothesis that the female orgasm is an adaptation for post-copulatory female choice between rival ejaculates demands more research.
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  33. (1 other version)Fa xue yi yan.Roscoe Pound - 1928 - [Beijing: Beijing zhong xian tuo fang ke ji fa zhan you xian gong si. Edited by Peihong Lei.
    Yüan shu shih wei Mei-kuo ta hsüeh sheng chʻu hsüeh fa lü erh tso, ku chʻi nei jung tsʻe chung Ying Mei fa lü ti yen chiu.
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    10. Guido's Relations.Ezra Pound - 2012 - In John Biguenet & Rainer Schulte, Theories of Translation: An Anthology of Essays From Dryden to Derrida. University of Chicago Press. pp. 83-92.
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    Justice according to law.Roscoe Pound - 1951 - Port Washington, N.Y.,: Kennikat Press.
    What is justice? -- What is law? -- Judicial justice.
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    Law and morals.Roscoe Pound - 1924 - South Hackensack, N.J.,: Rothman Reprints.
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  37. Law and Morals.Roscoe Pound - 1925 - International Journal of Ethics 36 (1):97-99.
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    La filosofia nel diritto costituzionale americano.Roscoe Pound - 1922 - Premiata Tipografia Sociale.
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    Las grandes tendencias del pensamiento jurídico.Roscoe Pound - 1950 - Barcelona,: Ediciones Ariel.
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  40. Madkhal ilá falsafat al-qānūn.Roscoe Pound - 1967 - Nyūyūrk: Nushira bi-al-ishtirāk maʻ Muʼassasat Franklīn lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr. Edited by Ṣalāḥ Dabbāgh & Aḥmad Musallam.
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    Pious Nietzsche: Decadence and Dionysian Faith. By Bruce Ellis Benson.Marcus Pound - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (2):351-352.
  42. 326 Readings in jurisprudence the ideal element in american judicial decision.Roscoe Pound - 1938 - In Jerome Hall, Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt. pp. 45--326.
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  43. Satu pengantar ke filsafat hukum.Roscoe Pound - 1963 - Djakarta: Bhratara. Edited by Muhamad Radjab.
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    The Limits of Effective Legal Action.Roscoe Pound - 1916 - International Journal of Ethics 27 (2):150.
  45. The Limits of Effective Legal Action.Roscoe Pound - 1917 - Philosophical Review 26:345.
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    There's no contest: Human sex differences are sexually selected.Nicholas Pound, Martin Daly & Margo Wilson - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (3-4):286-287.
    An evolutionary psychological perspective drawing on sexual selection theory can better explain sex differences in aggression and violence than can social constructionist theories. Moreover, there is accumulating evidence that, in accordance with predictions derived from sexual selection theory, men modulate their willingness to engage in risky and violent confrontations in response to cues to fitness variance and future prospects.
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    Theory of the self-diffusion coefficient in cubic metals.G. M. Pound, W. R. Bitler & H. W. Paxton - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (64):473-483.
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    The Part of Philosophy in International Law.Roscoe Pound - 1927 - [Longmans, Green and Co.].
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    The rise of the service state and its consequences.Roscoe Pound (ed.) - 1949 - [New Wilmington,: [New Wilmington.
  50. Revisiting Current Causes of Women's Underrepresentation in Science.Carole J. Lee - 2016 - In Michael Brownstein & Jennifer Mather Saul, Implicit Bias and Philosophy, Volume 1: Metaphysics and Epistemology. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    On the surface, developing a social psychology of science seems compelling as a way to understand how individual social cognition – in aggregate – contributes towards individual and group behavior within scientific communities (Kitcher, 2002). However, in cases where the functional input-output profile of psychological processes cannot be mapped directly onto the observed behavior of working scientists, it becomes clear that the relationship between psychological claims and normative philosophy of science should be refined. For example, a robust body of social (...)
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