Results for 'Catherine Lammert-Beatty'

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  1. George Robinson and Janice Moulton, Ethical Problems in Higher Education Reviewed by.Catherine Beattie - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6 (4):172-175.
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    The paradigm case argument: Its use and abuse in education.Catherine Beattie - 1981 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 15 (1):77–86.
    Catherine Beattie; The Paradigm Case Argument: its use and abuse in education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 15, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 77–86.
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    When is a PCA a PCA?Catherine Beattie - 1982 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 16 (1):123–124.
    Catherine Beattie; When is a PCA a PCA?, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 16, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 123–124,
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  4. Optimal-design models and the strategy of model building in evolutionary biology.John Beatty - 1980 - Philosophy of Science 47 (4):532-561.
    The prevalence of optimality models in the literature of evolutionary biology is testimony to their popularity and importance. Evolutionary biologist R. C. Lewontin, whose criticisms of optimality models are considered here, reflects that "optimality arguments have become extremely popular in the last fifteen years, and at present represent the dominant mode of thought." Although optimality models have received little attention in the philosophical literature, these models are very interesting from a philosophical point of view. As will be argued, optimality models (...)
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    What’s Wrong with the Received View of Evolutionary Theory?John Beatty - 1980 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1980:397 - 426.
    Much if not most recent literature in philosophy of biology concerns the extent to which biological theories conform to what is known as the "received" philosophical view of scientific theories, a descendant of the logical-empiricist view of theories. But the received view currently faces a competitor--a very different view of theories known as the "semantic" view. It is argued here that the semantic view is more sensitive to the nature and limitations of evolutionary theory than is the received view. In (...)
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    Masking Disagreement among Experts.John Beatty - 2006 - Episteme: A Journal of Social Epistemology 3 (1):52-67.
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    The synthesis and the synthetic theory.John Beatty - 1986 - In William Bechtel, Integrating Scientific Disciplines. University of Chicago Press. pp. 125--135.
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    Scientific collaboration, internationalism, and diplomacy: The case of the atomic bomb casualty commission.John Beatty - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (2):205-231.
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    Die Zukunft der Aufklärung.Jörn Rüsen, Eberhard Lämmert & Peter Glotz (eds.) - 1988 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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    Finanzwirtschaftliche Lizenzierung in den deutschen Profisportligen - eine vergleichende Analyse/ Financial licensing in German professional sports leagues -a comparative analysis.Gregor Hovemann, Joachim Lammert & Birgit Bachmaier - 2012 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 9 (3):211-244.
    Zusammenfassung Zur ordnungsgemäßen Durchführbarkeit des Spielbetriebs setzen die deutschen Profisportligen Li­zenzierungsverfahren ein. Dabei stehen insbesondere zur Eindämmung der Rattenrennen-Proble­matik und zur Sicherstellung der finanziellen Stabilität der teilnehmenden Klubs und damit zum Vermeiden negativer Externalitäten die finanzwirtschaftlichen Anforderungen im Fokus. In den ver­gangenen Jahren kam es trotz dieser Vorkehrungen in den fünf größten deutschen Profisportligen im Basketball, Eishockey, Fußball, Handball sowie Volleyball mehrfach zu finanziellen Schieflagen. Vor dem Hintergrund wird in diesem Beitrag die finanzwirtschaftliche Lizenzierung der Profisport­ligen anhand von sechs Haupt- (...)
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    Microvascular development: learning from pancreatic islets.Irena Konstantinova & Eckhard Lammert - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (10):1069-1075.
    Microvascular development is determined by the interplay between tissue cells and microvascular endothelial cells. Because the pancreatic islet is an organ composed mainly of endothelial and endocrine cells, it represents a good model tissue for studying microvascular development in the context of a tissue. In this review, we will describe the special morphology of islet capillaries and its role in the physiologic function of islets: secretion of insulin in response to blood glucose levels. We will speculate on how islet‐secreted VEGF‐A (...)
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    Bridging Dynamical Systems and Optimal Trajectory Approaches to Speech Motor Control With Dynamic Movement Primitives.Benjamin Parrell & Adam C. Lammert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:459697.
    Current models of speech motor control rely on either trajectory-based control (DIVA, GEPPETO, ACT) or a dynamical systems approach based on feedback control (Task Dynamics, FACTS). While both approaches have provided insights into the speech motor system, it is difficult to connect these findings across models given the distinct theoretical and computational bases of the two approaches. We propose a new extension of the most widely used dynamical systems approach, Task Dynamics, that incorporates many of the strengths of trajectory-based approaches, (...)
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    Current Emotion Research in Anthropology: Reporting the Field.Andrew Beatty - 2013 - Emotion Review 5 (4):414-422.
    An internal critique of anthropology in recent decades has shifted the focus and scope of anthropological work on emotion. In this article I review the changes, explore the pros and cons of leading anthropological approaches and theories, and argue that—so far as anthropology is concerned—only detailed narrative accounts can do full justice to the complexity of emotions. A narrative approach captures both the particularity and the temporal dimension of emotion with greater fidelity than semantic, synchronic, and discourse-based approaches.
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    Acquisition of instrumental responding following noncontingent reinforcement: Failure to observe “learned laziness” in rats.William W. Beatty & William S. Maki - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (4):268-271.
  15.  16
    James Beattie: Selected Philosophical Writings.James Beattie & James A. Harris (eds.) - 2004 - Imprint Academic.
    James Beattie was appointed professor of moral philosophy and logic at Marischal College, Aberdeen, Scotland at the age of twenty-five. Though more fond of poetry than philosophy, he became part of the Scottish 'Common Sense' school of philosophy that included Thomas Reid and George Campbell. In 1770 Beattie published the work for which he is best known, An Essay on Truth, an abrasive attack on 'modern scepticism' in general, and on David Hume in particular, subsequently and despite Beattie's attack, Scotland's (...)
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  16. The propensity interpretation of fitness.Susan K. Mills & John H. Beatty - 1979 - Philosophy of Science 46 (2):263-286.
    The concept of "fitness" is a notion of central importance to evolutionary theory. Yet the interpretation of this concept and its role in explanations of evolutionary phenomena have remained obscure. We provide a propensity interpretation of fitness, which we argue captures the intended reference of this term as it is used by evolutionary theorists. Using the propensity interpretation of fitness, we provide a Hempelian reconstruction of explanations of evolutionary phenomena, and we show why charges of circularity which have been levelled (...)
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  17.  55
    Ecology and evolutionary biology in the war and postwar years: Questions and comments.John Beatty - 1988 - Journal of the History of Biology 21 (2):245-263.
    Of all the scientists discussed by Mitman, Keller, and Taylor, Odum stands out most as the technocrat, the social engineer. But less obvious candidates, like Allee, also fancied themselves in this capacity: “Our task as biologists and as citizens of a civilized country, is a practical engineering job.” Allee had in mind the establishment of an international cooperative order based on his biological principles. He apparently did not recognize the extent to which his principles were themselves an engineering feat: he (...)
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    Failure to observe learned helplessness in rats exposed to inescapable footshock.William W. Beatty - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 13 (4):272-273.
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    Geographical knowledge throughout the lifespan.William W. Beatty - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (4):379-381.
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    On evaluating deontic logics.Harry beatty - 1972 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 1 (3/4):439 - 444.
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    Sex differences in DRL and active avoidance behaviors in the rat depend upon the day-night cycle.William W. Beatty - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (2):95-97.
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    Sex differences in sensitivity to electric shock in rats and hamsters.William W. Beatty & Richard G. Fessler - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 10 (3):189-190.
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    The prospects of working memory training for improving deductive reasoning.Erin L. Beatty & Oshin Vartanian - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  24. Why Should Plato's Philosopher Be Moral and, Hence, Rule?Joseph Beatty - 1976 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 57 (2):132.
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    Discriminating drunkenness: A replication.William W. Beatty - 1984 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 22 (5):431-432.
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    Dietary variety stimulates appetite in females but not in males.William W. Beatty - 1982 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 19 (4):212-214.
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    Effects of neonatal gonadectomy on DRL behavior.William W. Beatty, Calvin M. Bierley & Jeffrey M. Gerth - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (6):615-615.
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    Geographical knowledge in patients with Parkinson’s disease.William W. Beatty & Nancy Monson - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (5):473-475.
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    Him or Me?Joseph Beatty - 1986 - American Philosophical Quarterly 23 (3):231 - 242.
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    Relationship between performance on the Everyday Spatial Activities Test and on objective measures of spatial behavior in men and women.William W. Beatty & Dee Duncan - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (3):228-230.
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    Radical change and rational argument.Joseph Beatty - 1976 - Ethics 87 (1):66-74.
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    Rationality: putting the issue to the scientific community.John Beatty - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):355-356.
  33.  20
    Sex differences in extinction of food-rewarded approach responses.William W. Beatty & Dennis A. O’Briant - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (2):97-98.
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  34. Types and Blithedale.Lillian Beatty - 1956 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 37 (4):367.
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  35. The Natural Man Versus the Puritan.Lillian Beatty - 1959 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 40 (1):22.
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  36. Why do biologists argue like they do?John Beatty - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):443.
    "Theoretical pluralism" obtains when there are good evidential reasons for accommodating multiple theories of the same domain. Issues of "relative significance" often arise in connection with the investigation of such domains. In this paper, I describe and give examples of theoretical pluralism and relative significance issues. Then I explain why theoretical pluralism so often obtains in biology--and why issues of relative significance arise--in terms of evolutionary contingencies and the paucity or lack of laws of biology. Finally, I turn from explanation (...)
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    Catherine Tourre-Malen, Femmes à cheval, la féminisation des sports et des loisirs équestres : une avancée?Catherine Monnot - 2009 - Clio 29.
    Cet ouvrage prend pour objet les effets de la féminisation massive des activités équestres depuis l’après-guerre, tant au niveau statistique que du point de vue du contenu des pratiques. Le sous-titre choisi établit une certaine ambigüité sur la démarche adoptée : il pose la question d’une « avancée », c’est à dire d’un progrès que constituerait ou non la présence des femmes dans le domaine équestre. « Avancée » (mise ici en doute) pour qui? Pour les femmes? Pour les chevaux? (...)
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    High court should not restrict access to puberty blockers for minors.Cameron Beattie - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (1):71-76.
    Gender dysphoria is a clinically significant incongruence between expressed gender and assigned gender, with rapidly growing prevalence among children. The UK High Court recently conducted a judicial review regarding the service provision at a youth-focussed gender identity clinic in Tavistock. The high court adjudged it ‘highly unlikely’ that under-13s, and ‘doubtful’ that 14–15 years old, can be competent to consent to puberty blocker therapy for GD. They based their reasoning on the limited evidence regarding efficacy, the likelihood of progressing to (...)
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    Evolutionary anti-reductionism: Historical reflections. [REVIEW]John Beatty - 1990 - Biology and Philosophy 5 (2):199-210.
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    Collected Works of James Beattie.James Beattie - 1996 - Routledge.
    First published in 1997. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  41. Natural selection and history.John Beatty & Eric Cyr Desjardins - 2009 - Biology and Philosophy 24 (2):231-246.
    In “Spandrels,” Gould and Lewontin criticized what they took to be an all-too-common conviction, namely, that adaptation to current environments determines organic form. They stressed instead the importance of history. In this paper, we elaborate upon their concerns by appealing to other writings in which those issues are treated in greater detail. Gould and Lewontin’s combined emphasis on history was three-fold. First, evolution by natural selection does not start from scratch, but always refashions preexisting forms. Second, preexisting forms are refashioned (...)
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    The Creativity of Natural Selection? Part II: The Synthesis and Since.John Beatty - 2019 - Journal of the History of Biology 52 (4):705-731.
    This is the second of a two-part essay on the history of debates concerning the creativity of natural selection, from Darwin through the evolutionary synthesis and up to the present. In the first part, I focussed on the mid-late nineteenth century to the early twentieth, with special emphasis on early Darwinism and its critics, the self-styled “mutationists.” The second part focuses on the evolutionary synthesis and some of its critics, especially the “neutralists” and “neo-mutationists.” Like Stephen Gould, I consider the (...)
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    Postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism? Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg in conversation.Catherine Rottenberg, Rosalind Gill & Sarah Banet-Weiser - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (1):3-24.
    In this unconventional article, Sarah Banet-Weiser, Rosalind Gill and Catherine Rottenberg conduct a three-way ‘conversation’ in which they all take turns outlining how they understand the relationship among postfeminism, popular feminism and neoliberal feminism. It begins with a short introduction, and then Ros, Sarah and Catherine each define the term they have become associated with. This is followed by another round in which they discuss the overlaps, similarities and disjunctures among the terms, and the article ends with how (...)
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    Blood flow‐induced angiocrine signals promote organ growth and regeneration.Paula Follert, Linda Große-Segerath & Eckhard Lammert - 2025 - Bioessays 47 (2):2400207.
    Recently, we identified myeloid‐derived growth factor (MYDGF) as a blood flow‐induced angiocrine signal that promotes human and mouse hepatocyte proliferation and survival. Here, we review literature reporting changes in blood flow after partial organ resection in the liver, lung, and kidney, and we describe the angiocrine signals released by endothelial cells (ECs) upon blood flow alterations in these organs. While hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) and MYDGF are important angiocrine signals for liver regeneration, by now, angiocrine signals have also been reported (...)
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  45. Chance and natural selection.John Beatty - 1984 - Philosophy of Science 51 (2):183-211.
    Among the liveliest disputes in evolutionary biology today are disputes concerning the role of chance in evolution--more specifically, disputes concerning the relative evolutionary importance of natural selection vs. so-called "random drift". The following discussion is an attempt to sort out some of the broad issues involved in those disputes. In the first half of this paper, I try to explain the differences between evolution by natural selection and evolution by random drift. On some common construals of "natural selection", those two (...)
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    Codeswitching: A Bilingual Toolkit for Opportunistic Speech Planning.Anne L. Beatty-Martínez, Christian A. Navarro-Torres & Paola E. Dussias - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  47. When What Had to Happen Was Not Bound to Happen: History, Chance, Narrative, Evolution.John Beatty & Isabel Carrera - 2011 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 5 (3):471-495.
    What is it for history to matter? Stephen Gould argued that unpredictability is part of the answer. For example, the “fact“ that repeated replays of the history of life would end differently every time is a sign that history matters to the course of evolution. But there is a problem here: if a particular point in the past leaves open alternative possible futures, then in what sense does that point in the past matter with regard to which of the outcomes (...)
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    How to Do Things with Emotions: The Morality of Anger and Shame across Cultures.Andrew Beatty - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (2):236-239.
    Publishers love titles that begin How or Why. Better still, How and Why, combining edification with utility. The target group is that overlap between the self-help audience and the idly curious—which is to say, most of us. And since emotions are very much about self-help and self-harm, they offer rich pickings in a burgeoning market. Flanagan's How to Do things with Emotions is a philosopher's take on moral emotions, the allusion to J. L. Austin's How to Do Things with Words (...)
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    Is Putnam inconsistent and parochial?James Beattie - 1993 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 71 (3):316 – 324.
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  50. The body’s little secrets.Geoffrey Beattie - 2018
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