Results for 'Charles Arnaud'

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  1.  25
    Future-oriented mental time travel in individuals with disordered gambling.Xavier Noël, Mélanie Saeremans, Charles Kornreich, Nematollah Jaafari & Arnaud D'Argembeau - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 49:227-236.
  2.  48
    MOREAU, Denis, Deux cartésiens. La polémique entre Antoine Arnaud et Nicolas MalebrancheMOREAU, Denis, Deux cartésiens. La polémique entre Antoine Arnaud et Nicolas Malebranche.Syliane Charles - 2000 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 56 (2):391-394.
  3.  14
    Synthèses et temps vertical chez Daniel Charles.Arnaud Villani - 2012 - Noesis 19:133-138.
    Dans la jovialité particulière des discussions avec Daniel Charles, ce qui ressortait toujours était l’impressionnante densité du réseau de ses « connaissances ». Sans doute le plus grand lecteur de son époque, il mettait une égale passion à explorer l’immense maillage de ses amis et de ses relations à travers le monde. Comme il est clair à tous ceux qui l’ont connu, et pour le dire à l’aide d’un concept deleuzien qu’il admirait, il n’avait aucun « usage transcendant des (...)
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    Science in Eighteenth-Century French Literary Fiction: A Step to Modern Science Fiction and a New Definition of the Human Being?Arnaud Parent - 2022 - Acta Baltica Historiae Et Philosophiae Scientiarum 10 (1):78-103.
    In eighteenth-century France, scientific progress and its spreading met a growing interest among public, an enthusiasm that was to be reflected in literature. Fictional works including scientific knowledge in their narrative made their appearance, paving the ground for a genre promised to a growing success in the following centuries—science fiction. The article presents three eighteenth-century French literary works, each one centered on a different domain of science: Voltaire’s Micromégas, Charles-François Tiphaigne’s Amilec, or the Seeds of Mankind and François-Félix Nogaret’s (...)
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    The Labour Theory of Value and Social Justice. The Teachings of Social Catholic Criticisms of Bastiat's Doctrine.Arnaud Pellissier Tanon - 2001 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 11 (2).
    Social Catholic criticisms of Frédéric Bastiat’s thinking, notably Charles Périn’s, clarify the link between the labour theory of value and the demands for social justice. Claiming that Bastiat’s theory of value rests on a sophism, Périn rejects his view that competition is the solution to the social question. Contrary to Bastiat, indeed, he accepts the labor theory of value and apparently makes it a standard of justice: according to him, rents sanction an injustice. Social Catholics, particularly René de La (...)
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    The Universality of Peirce's Rhetoric.Arnaud Petit - 2018 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 54 (1):84.
    In recent years, scholars have shown the fruitfulness of linking Peirce’s speculative rhetoric with the rhetorical tradition—which can be broadly construed as the art, time and again rediscovered and refined, of rendering discourses eloquent and persuasive. They have suggested many ways in which the historical development of rhetoric sheds light on the third branch of Peirce’s semiotic and further pointed out many contributions Peirce makes in turn to the field of rhetoric. However, with the notable exception of Colapietro, these authors (...)
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    Leibniz entre les économistes anglais et le Roi de Prusse.Stefan Luckscheiter & Arnaud Pelletier - 2016 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 4 (4):597-616.
    Cet article expose l’intérêt qu’il peut y avoir pour la recherche à éditer les notes de lecture de Leibniz dans les Sämtlichen Schriften und Briefen. Il examine à titre d’exemple un mémoire sur la politique sociale et économique que Leibniz a soumis à la cour de Prusse en 1701, deux notes de lecture sur des propositions semblables faites par d’autres ainsi que deux extraits des œuvres de Charles Davenant. Leur comparaison permet entre autres de montrer d’où Leibniz tenait ses (...)
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    Repenser le droit: hommage à André-Jean Arnaud.André Jean Arnaud, Wanda Capeller, Jacques Commaille & Laure Ortiz (eds.) - 2019 - Issy-les-Moulineaux: LGDJ, une marque de lextenso.
    Rendre hommage à un auteur, ce n'est pas seulement célébrer ce qu'il fut mais c'est aussi alerter sur ce que son oeuvre apporte au présent et à l'avenir de la connaissance. C'est bien le sens donné à cet hommage à André-Jean Arnaud. Repenser le droit, c'était pou r cet auteur érudit : repenser les lieux, les conditions et les façons de l'étudier en dépassant les frontières géographiques en même temps que les frontières disciplinaires. En montrant en quoi André-Jean (...) fut, hors des sentiers battus et des orthodoxies de la production et de la transmission des savoirs en la matière, un exceptionnel précurseur et l'infatigable artisan d'un nouveau régime de connaissance sur le droit, le présent ouvrage s'adresse à toutes celles et à tous ceux, enseignants, chercheurs, étudiants ou simples citoyens, pou r qui l'étude du droit permet de mieux comprendre ce que sont et ce que sont susceptibles de devenir nos sociétés. (shrink)
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  9. Can sequence learning be implicit? New evidence with the process dissociation procedure.Arnaud Destrebecqz & Axel Cleeremans - 2001 - Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 8 (2):343-350.
    Running head: Implicit sequence learning ABSTRACT Can we learn without awareness? Although this issue has been extensively explored through studies of implicit learning, there is currently no agreement about the extent to which knowledge can be acquired and projected onto performance in an unconscious way. The controversy, like that surrounding implicit memory, seems to be at least in part attributable to unquestioned acceptance of the unrealistic assumption that tasks are process-pure, that is, that a given task exclusively involves either implicit (...)
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  10. Natural Classes in Brentano's Psychology.Arnaud Dewalque - 2018 - Brentano‐Studien: Internationales Jahrbuch der Franz Brentano Forschung 16:111-142.
    This article argues that Brentano’s classification of mental phenomena is best understood against the background of the theories of natural classification held by Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill. Section 1 offers a reconstruction of Brentano’s two-premise argument for his tripartite classification. Section 2 gives a brief overview of the reception and historical background of the classification project. Section 3 addresses the question as to why a classification of mental phenomena is needed at all and traces the answer back to (...)
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  11.  44
    Comparing Causes - an Information-Theoretic Approach to Specificity, Proportionality and Stability.Arnaud Pocheville, Paul Edmund Griffiths & Karola C. Stotz - 2017 - Proceedings of the 15th Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science.
    The interventionist account of causation offers a criterion to distinguish causes from non-causes. It also aims at defining various desirable properties of causal relationships, such as specificity, proportionality and stability. Here we apply an information-theoretic approach to these properties. We show that the interventionist criterion of causation is formally equivalent to non-zero specificity, and that there are natural, information-theoretic ways to explicate the distinction between potential and actual causal influence. We explicate the idea that the description of causes should be (...)
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  12.  37
    Regularity Extraction Across Species: Associative Learning Mechanisms Shared by Human and Non‐Human Primates.Arnaud Rey, Laure Minier, Raphaëlle Malassis, Louisa Bogaerts & Joël Fagot - 2019 - Topics in Cognitive Science 11 (3):573-586.
    One of the themes that has been widely addressed in both the implicit learning and statistical learning literatures is that of rule learning. While it is widely agreed that the extraction of regularities from the environment is a fundamental facet of cognition, there is still debate about the nature of rule learning. Rey and colleagues show that the comparison between human and non‐human primates can contribute important insights to this debate.
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  13. Centre-embedded structures are a by-product of associative learning and working memory constraints: Evidence from baboons ( Papio Papio ).Arnaud Rey, Pierre Perruchet & Joël Fagot - 2012 - Cognition 123 (1):180-184.
  14. On Noticing Transparent States: A Compatibilist Approach to Transparency.Arnaud Dewalque - 2022 - European Journal of Philosophy 31 (2):398-412.
    According to the transparency thesis, some conscious states are transparent or “diaphanous”. This thesis is often believed to be incompatible with an inner‐awareness account of phenomenal consciousness. In this article, I reject this incompatibility. Instead, I defend a compatibilist approach to transparency. To date, most attempts to do so require a rejection of strong transparency in favor of weak transparency. In this view, transparent states can be attended to by attending (in the right way) to the presented world: that is, (...)
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  15.  75
    The new self-advocacy activism in psychiatry: Toward a scientific turn.Sarah Arnaud & Anne-Marie Gagné-Julien - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    The anti-psychiatry movement of the 20th century has notably denounced the role of values and social norms in the shaping of psychiatric categories. Recent activist movements also recognize that psychiatry is value-laden, however, they do not fight for a value-free psychiatry. On the contrary, some activist movements of the 21st century advocate for self-advocacy in sciences of mental health in order to reach a more accurate understanding of psychiatric categories/mental distress. By aiming at such epistemic gain, they depart from the (...)
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  16. Emotional Phenomenology: Toward a Nonreductive Analysis.Arnaud Dewalque - 2017 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 41 (1):27-40.
    In this article I want to create a presumption in favor of a nonreductive analysis of emotional phenomenology. The presumption relies on the claim that none of the nonemotional elements which are usually regarded as constitutive of emotional phenomenology may reasonably be considered responsible for the evaluative character of the latter. In section 1 I suggest this is true of cognitive elements, arguing that so-called ‘evaluative’ judgments usually result from emotional, evaluative attitudes, and should not be conflated with them. In (...)
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  17. Misleading Expressions: The Brentano-Ryle Connection.Arnaud Dewalque - 2021 - In Arnaud Dewalque, Charlotte Gauvry & Sébastien Richard, Philosophy of Language in the Brentano School: Reassessing the Brentanian Legacy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 95-118.
    This chapter argues that Gilbert Ryle’s account of misleading expressions, which is rightly considered a milestone in the history of analytic philosophy, is continuous with Brentano’s. Not only did they identify roughly the same classes of misleading expressions, but their analyses are driven by a form of ontological parsimony which sharply contrasts with rival views in the Brentano School, like those of Meinong and Husserl. Section 1 suggests that Ryle and Brentano share a similar notion of analysis. Section 2 spells (...)
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  18.  75
    Corporate Humanistic Responsibility: Social Performance Through Managerial Discretion of the HRM.Stéphanie Arnaud & David M. Wasieleski - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 120 (3):313-334.
    The Corporate Social Performance (CSP) model (Wood, Acad Manag Rev 164:691–718, 1991) assesses a firm’s social responsibility at three levels of analysis—institutional, organizational and individual—and measures the resulting social outcomes. In this paper, we focus on the individual level of CSP, manifested in the managerial discretion of a firm’s principles, processes, and policies regarding social responsibilities. Specifically, we address the human resources management of employees as a way of promoting CSR values and producing socially minded outcomes. We show that applying (...)
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  19. The Phenomenology of Mentality.Arnaud Dewalque - 2021 - In Denis Fisette, Guillaume Fréchette & Hynek Janoušek, Franz Brentano’s Philosophy After One Hundred Years: From History of Philosophy to Reism. New York: Springer. pp. 23-40.
    This chapter offers a phenomenological interpretation of Brentano’s view of mentality. The key idea is that mental phenomena are not only characterized by intentionality; they also exhibit a distinctive way of appearing or being experienced. In short, they also have a distinctive phenomenology. I argue this view may be traced back to Brentano’s theory of inner perception. Challenging the self-representational reading of IP, I maintain the latter is best understood as a way of appearing, that is, in phenomenological terms. Section (...)
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  20.  50
    Creating number semantics through finger movement perception.Arnaud Badets & Mauro Pesenti - 2010 - Cognition 115 (1):46-53.
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  21. A social–emotional salience account of emotion recognition in autism: Moving beyond theory of mind.Sarah Arnaud - 2022 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 42 (1):3-18.
  22. The neural correlates of implicit and explicit sequence learning: Interacting networks revealed by the process dissociation procedure.Arnaud Destrebecqz, Philippe Peigneux, Steven Laureys, Christian Degueldre, Guy Del Fiore, Joel Aerts, Andre Luxen, Martia Van Der Linden, Axel Cleeremans & Pierre Maquet - 2005 - Learning and Memory 12 (5):480-490.
    In cognitive neuroscience, dissociating the brain networks that ing—has thus become one of the best empirical situations subtend conscious and nonconscious memories constitutes a through which to study the mechanisms of implicit learning, very complex issue, both conceptually and methodologically.
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  23.  94
    Unconscious Emotions.Sarah Arnaud - 2025 - Erkenntnis 90 (1):285-304.
    According to some authors, emotions can be unconscious when they are unfelt or unnoticed. According to others, emotions are always conscious because they always have a phenomenology. The aim of this paper is to resolve the ongoing debate about the possibility for emotions to be unfelt. To do so, I focus on the notion of “unconscious emotions”. While this notion appears paradoxical, by way of a distinction between two meanings of emotional consciousness I show that it is not so. These (...)
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  24. Brentano and the parts of the mental: a mereological approach to phenomenal intentionality.Arnaud Dewalque - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (3):447-464.
    In this paper, I explore one particular dimension of Brentano’s legacy, namely, his theory of mental analysis. This theory has received much less attention in recent literature than the intentionality thesis or the theory of inner perception. However, I argue that it provides us with substantive resources in order to conceptualize the unity of intentionality and phenomenality. My proposal is to think of the connection between intentionality and phenomenality as a certain combination of part/whole relations rather than as a supervenience (...)
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  25.  36
    Philosophy of Language in the Brentano School: Reassessing the Brentanian Legacy.Arnaud Dewalque, Charlotte Gauvry & Sébastien Richard (eds.) - 2021 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This collection of fourteen original essays addresses the seminal contribution of Franz Brentano and his heirs, to philosophy of language. Despite the great interest provoked by the Brentanian tradition and its multiple connections with early analytic philosophy, precious little is known about the Brentanian contribution to philosophy of language. The aim of this new collection is to fill this gap by providing the reader with a more thorough understanding of the legacy of Brentano and his school, in their pursuit of (...)
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  26.  6
    On the Road to Paradise: Some Logical Steps.Arnaud Plagnol - 2024 - Logica Universalis 18 (4):533-545.
    How to reach Paradise using only a few idealized and limited representational fragments gathered over a lifetime? After having specified the logical questions raised by the (re)presentation of a paradisiacal world, we show that such a world, in order to have the characteristics usually attributed to Paradise (such as unity or plenitude), must satisfy specific representational properties with respect to the Good. In order to clarify the impact of these properties on the access to Paradise, we introduce the Grounded Representation (...)
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  27. The Unity of the Brentano School.Arnaud Dewalque - 2017 - In Uriah Kriegel, The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano School. London and New York: Routledge. pp. 236-248.
    Franz Brentano’s works are not just full of deep and innovative insights into mind, world and values. His views also turned out to be highly influential upon several generations of students, who made them the basis of their own philosophical investigations, giving rise to what is known as the Brentano School (Albertazzi et al. 1996; Fisette & Fréchette 2007). In this chapter, I give a bird’s eye view of the Brentano School from a rather historical perspective. My leading hypothesis is (...)
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    Conscious awareness of action potentiates sensorimotor learning.Arnaud Boutin, Yannick Blandin, Cristina Massen, Herbert Heuer & Arnaud Badets - 2014 - Cognition 133 (1):1-9.
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    Attention to number requires magnitude-specific inhibition.Arnaud Viarouge, Hoyeon Lee & Grégoire Borst - 2023 - Cognition 230 (C):105285.
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    Existe-t-il des phénomènes mentaux?Arnaud Dewalque & Denis Seron - 2014 - Philosophie (124):105-126.
    Nous nous attribuons naturellement une vie mentale, au sens minimal où il nous semble intuitivement que quelque chose se passe dans notre esprit. Mais que veut dire « quelque chose se passe dans notre esprit »?La formule est singulièrement obscure, et les philosophes y consacrent depuis toujours de patientes recherches. Au sens le plus naturel et immédiat, elle semble signifier quelque chose de ce...
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  31.  23
    L’influence de l’expertise des communautés autistes sur la science : vers une meilleure compréhension de l’autisme.Sarah Arnaud - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):135-160.
    Sarah Arnaud C’est par une affirmation provocatrice que Hacking propose un ratio pour représenter le rapport entre science et militantisme dans le façonnement des notions sur l’autisme. Selon lui, la définition et la compréhension actuelles de l’autisme proviennent à 99 % de personnes « personnellement connectées à une personne autiste » plutôt que de la science. Kendler rejette un tel point de vue en suggérant au contraire que notre compréhension de l’autisme est le résultat d’un travail scientifique approfondi, notamment (...)
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    La mémoire historique en espagne, ou le Droit saisi Par la politique.Arnaud Martin - 2019 - Les Ateliers de l'Éthique / the Ethics Forum 14 (2):128-158.
    Arnaud Martin Le 29 août 2018, le président du gouvernement espagnol Pedro Sánchez annonça la création d’une commission de la vérité sur les crimes commis durant la guerre civile et la dictature franquiste. Ainsi devait prendre officiellement fin la politique d’impunité et d’amnésie politique imposée au peuple espagnol au lendemain de la mort du général Franco par la loi du 15 octobre 1977, confirmée trente ans plus tard par la loi du 26 décembre 2007, comme contrepartie des mesures d’amnistie (...)
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    Nécessité et imputation chez Hobbes : Se démarquer d'Aristote et se démarquer de la scolastique.Arnaud Milanese - 2014 - Philosophiques 41 (1):3-35.
    Arnaud Milanese | : La philosophie pratique de Hobbes est problématique parce que son déterminisme ne semble pas permettre une théorie de l’action : comment penser l’imputation des actes, si l’on soutient que le libre-arbitre n’existe pas ? 1) Son analyse se construit à travers la critique de la théorie scolastique du libre arbitre (dans la controverse avec Bramhall), et, à cette fin, Hobbes semble puiser dans l’analyse d’Aristote pour y reprendre sa distinction entre actions volontaires et involontaires. 2) (...)
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  34. Sentence, utterance, and samesayer.Richard B. Arnaud - 1976 - Noûs 10 (3):283-304.
  35.  95
    Self‐consciousness in autism: A third‐person perspective on the self.Sarah Arnaud - 2022 - Mind and Language 37 (3):356-372.
    This paper suggests that autistic people relate to themselves via a third-person perspective, an objective and explicit mode of access, while neurotypical people tend to access the different dimensions of their self through a first-person perspective. This approach sheds light on autistic traits involving interactions with others, usage of narratives, sensitivity and interoception, and emotional consciousness. Autistic people seem to access these dimensions through comparatively indirect and effortful processes, while neurotypical development enables a more intuitive sense of self.
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  36. Stability of risk preference measures: results from a field experiment on French farmers.Arnaud Reynaud & Stéphane Couture - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (2):203-221.
    We compare two different elicitation methods for measuring risk attitudes on a sample of French farmers. We consider the lottery tasks initially proposed by Holt and Laury (Econ Rev 92:1644–1655, 2002) and by Eckel and Grossman (Evol Hum Behav 23:281–295, 2002; J Econ Behav Org 68:1–7, 2008). The main empirical result from this within-subject study is that risk preference measures are affected by the type of mechanism used. We first show that this risk preference instability can be related to non-expected (...)
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  37.  15
    Une religion sans droit? Réflexions sur le régime de normativité de l’Église médiévale.Arnaud Fossier - 2022 - ThéoRèmes 18 (18).
    Despite epistemological and ideological obstacles, the reasons of which are briefly recalled in this article, the relationship between law and religion in the medieval West has been extensively explored, notably through studies devoted to canon law, ecclesiastical procedures and legal qualifications. Yet the boundaries, contact zones and connections between these two “regimes of normativity” and “veridiction” have been left in the dark. This paper does not claim to encompass all the aspects of such a titanic investigation. Instead, it intends to (...)
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    Fifty years of the spectrum problem: survey and new results.Arnaud Durand, Neil D. Jones, Johann A. Makowsky & Malika More - 2012 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 18 (4):505-553.
    In 1952, Heinrich Scholz published a question in The Journal of Symbolic Logic asking for a characterization of spectra, i.e., sets of natural numbers that are the cardinalities of finite models of first order sentences. Günter Asser in turn asked whether the complement of a spectrum is always a spectrum. These innocent questions turned out to be seminal for the development of finite model theory and descriptive complexity. In this paper we survey developments over the last 50-odd years pertaining to (...)
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  39. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce: Pragmatism and pragmaticism and Scientific metaphysics.Charles Sanders Peirce - 1960 - Cambridge: Belknap Press.
    Charles Sanders Peirce has been characterized as the greatest American philosophic genius. He is the creator of pragmatism and one of the founders of modern logic. James, Royce, Schroder, and Dewey have acknowledged their great indebtedness to him. A laboratory scientist, he made notable contributions to geodesy, astronomy, psychology, induction, probability, and scientific method. He introduced into modern philosophy the doctrine of scholastic realism, developed the concepts of chance, continuity, and objective law, and showed the philosophical significance of the (...)
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  40. The Normative Force of Perceptual Justification.Arnaud Dewalque - 2015 - In Maxime Doyon & Thiemo Breyer, Normativity in Perception. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 178-195.
    It seems uncontroversial that perceptual experiences provide us with some “normative support” for beliefs or judgments about our surroundings. Provided that the normative force of perceptual justification is something that manifests itself in consciousness or something we commonly experience, what are its phenomenal features? To put it differently: What is it to experience the normative force of perceptual justification? In the first section I will briefly comment on the demand of a unified theory of perceptual experiences, viz. a theory which (...)
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  41. Brentano's Case for Optimism.Arnaud Dewalque - 2019 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 111 (4):835-847.
    Call metaphysical optimism the view that this world is the best of all possible worlds. This article addresses Franz Brentano’s case for metaphysical optimism. I argue that, although Brentano does not offer any conclusive argument in favour of the latter, he disentangles many related issues which are interesting in their own right. The article has five sections corresponding to five claims, which I argue are central to Brentano’s view, namely: metaphysical optimism is best spelled out as the view that this (...)
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    Biological Information as Choice and Construction.Arnaud Pocheville - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (5):1012-1025.
    A causal approach to biological information is outlined. There are two aspects to this approach: information as determining a choice between alternative objects and information as determining the construction of a single object. The first aspect has been developed in earlier work to yield a quantitative measure of biological information that can be used to analyze biological networks. This article explores the prospects for a measure based on the second aspect and suggests some applications for such a measure. These two (...)
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    Michel Henry.Arnaud François - 2010 - Revue Internationale Michel Henry 1:51-68.
    Le Marx de Michel Henry est un ouvrage paradoxal – comme en témoigne sa conclusion en manière de coup de force, selon laquelle Marx, au motif que sa philosophie contiendrait une « métaphysique de l’individu », est « l’un des premiers penseurs chrétiens de l’Occident » –, et, à ce titre, il ne peut valoir que par l’éclairage inédit qu’il donne aux textes précis qu’il commente. M. Henry procède ainsi en prêtant à Marx une ontologie de la « vie » (...)
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  44. Ecological Models for Gene Therapy. II. Niche Construction, Nongenetic Inheritance, and Ecosystem Perturbations.Arnaud Pocheville, Maël Montévil & Régis Ferrière - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (4):414-422.
    In this paper, we apply the perspective of intra-organismal ecology by investigating a family of ecological models suitable to describe a gene therapy to a particular metabolic disorder, the adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA-SCID). The gene therapy is modeled as the prospective ecological invasion of an organ (here, bone marrow) by genetically modified stem cells, which then operate niche construction in the cellular environment by releasing an enzyme they synthesize. We show that depending on the chosen order (a choice that cannot (...)
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    Entre modernidad y globalización: siete lecciones de historia de la filosofía del derecho y del estado.André Jean Arnaud - 2000 - Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Externado de Colombia..
    La reunión de los textos que componen esta obra les confiere un significado propio que contribuye a permitir una mejor comprensión de la globalización gracias a la realización de una serie de aproximaciones críticas que competen a formaciones disciplinarias diversas y complementarias como la historia, la filosofía y la sociología. El profesor Arnaud insite aquí en la revolución que la globalización engendra en la producción y en la implementación de la norma jurídica, siendo ésta última la razón principal por (...)
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    Bergson et le schématisme cinématographique de l’intelligence.Arnaud Bouaniche - 2021 - Philosophie 150 (3):35-50.
    The aim of the study by Arnaud Bouaniche, “Bergson on the cinematographical Schematism of Intelligence”, is to understand the role of cinema in the fourth chapter of Bergson’s Creative Evolution in the light of a precise comparison with the Kantian doctrine of schematism of pure concepts of understanding. A thesis then becomes clear : for Bergson, cinema is not, as is often believed, only a machine for producing illusion — the illusion of movement — but this “hidden art” — (...)
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  47.  9
    Antimanuel de politique.Arnaud Montebourg - 2012 - [Paris]: Bréal.
    Le " troisième homme " de la primaire socialiste compte bien peser dans le sprint final à l'élection présidentielle. Il n'a pas fini de faire parler de lui... Mais à quoi peut bien encore servir la politique? Jamais la démocratie n'a été aussi solidement installée et, en même temps, jamais elle n'a été autant menacée par le vide, l'impuissance ou l'abus de pouvoir. Le politique a-t-il encore la main? Le rouleau-compresseur des marchés a-t-il eu raison de sa superbe? L'archaïsme des (...)
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    Réordonner le cosmos: itinéraires érigéniens à Cluny.Arnaud Montoux - 2016 - Paris: Les éditions du Cerf.
    L'incompréhension qui nous saisit face aux nombreuses créatures réelles ou chimériques qui peuplent l'iconographie romane clunisienne, est révélatrice du défi que constitue la pénétration de l'intelligence médiévale du cosmos. Convaincu que ces images trouvent leurs racines dans une vision théologique, Arnaud Montoux soutient que leur présence manifeste le rapport des Clunisiens à la société dont ils se veulent les guides. Parmi les oeuvres théologiques majeures du Moyen Âge carolingien dans lequel s'enracinent l'histoire et la geste clunisiennes, celle de Jean (...)
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    Graphemes are perceptual reading units.Arnaud Rey, Johannes C. Ziegler & Arthur M. Jacobs - 2000 - Cognition 75 (1):B1-B12.
  50.  80
    Emotional Consciousness in Autism.S. Arnaud - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (9-10):34-59.
    An abundant literature on autism shows differences in emotional consciousness between neurotypical and autistic people. This paper proposes an interpretation of these results through a conceptual clarification of emotional consciousness. It suggests that autistic people generally access their emotions through a thirdperson's perspective whereas neurotypical people's emotions reach consciousness via first-person access. This interpretation is based on a model of 'emotional consciousness' that applies leading theories of consciousness to emotions as well as on research on the way autistic people relate (...)
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