Results for 'Régis Ferrière'

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  1. Ecological Models for Gene Therapy. II. Niche Construction, Nongenetic Inheritance, and Ecosystem Perturbations.Arnaud Pocheville, Maël Montévil & Régis Ferrière - 2014 - Biological Theory 9 (4):414-422.
    In this paper, we apply the perspective of intra-organismal ecology by investigating a family of ecological models suitable to describe a gene therapy to a particular metabolic disorder, the adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA-SCID). The gene therapy is modeled as the prospective ecological invasion of an organ (here, bone marrow) by genetically modified stem cells, which then operate niche construction in the cellular environment by releasing an enzyme they synthesize. We show that depending on the chosen order (a choice that cannot (...)
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  2. The Functions of the Brain.David Ferrier - 1877 - Mind 2 (5):92-98.
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    Philosophical works of James Frederick Ferrier.James Frederick Ferrier - 1875 - New York: Garland.
    v. 1. Institutes of metaphysic.--v. 2. Lectures on Greek philosophy.--v. 3. Philosophical remains.
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    Institutes of metaphysic.James Frederick Ferrier - 1875 - New York: Garland.
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    How to Avoid Mistaking the Map for the Territory.Régis Martineau - 2019 - Philosophy of Management 18 (1):107-112.
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  6. Against the iterative conception of set.Edward Ferrier - 2019 - Philosophical Studies 176 (10):2681-2703.
    According to the iterative conception of set, each set is a collection of sets formed prior to it. The notion of priority here plays an essential role in explanations of why contradiction-inducing sets, such as the Russell set, do not exist. Consequently, these explanations are successful only to the extent that a satisfactory priority relation is made out. I argue that attempts to do this have fallen short: understanding priority in a straightforwardly constructivist sense threatens the coherence of the empty (...)
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    Le genre de la parabole démystifié sur les scènes de thé'tre : lectures renouvelées de L’Enfant prodigue (1707-1736).Béatrice Ferrier - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 14 (14).
    Starting from three theatrical rewritings of the parable of the prodigal son played on the stages of the Jesuits, the Fair and the Comédie-Française, the article focuses on analysing dramatic, dramaturgical and scenic choices that correspond to the narrative processes of the parable to renew its approach at the beginning of the eighteenth century, which is the turning point of a movement of secularization of biblical subjects. The open guidance of the word of Christ as reported by Luke is followed (...)
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  8. The Point of Change: Marxism/Australia.Carole Ferrier & Rebecca Pelan - forthcoming - History/Theory.
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    Le paradoxe humain: essai d'anthropologie humaine.Régis Viguier - 2004 - Paris: Harmattan.
    Cinq mille ans d'Histoire consignée nous montrent à la fois une humanité créatrice d'indéniables progrès et, simultanément, prisonnière de schémas qui la paralysent ou l'affolent. C'est comme si l'humanité cherchait son bonheur en suivant obstinément des stratégies qui lui assurent rarement une satisfaction durable. Assurément, il doit exister de sérieuses raisons à ces choix de comportements inefficaces, alors même que personne ne dispose d'une seconde vie pour rattraper les échecs de la première. Dans Le paradoxe humain, l'auteur resitue le psychisme (...)
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    L'emprise.Régis Debray - 2000 - Paris: Gallimard.
    On peut lire " L'Emprise " de deux manières : comme un texte de rupture ou bien de continuité. Dans le premier cas, assez subalterne, on y verra le " persiste et signe " de l'hérétique après les foudres qui l'ont frappé lors de la guerre du Kosovo. Dans le second, plus intéressant, une mise à jour du " Pouvoir intellectuel " (1979), pour décrire comment l'ordre moral est aujourd'hui passé aux mains d'un nouveau magistère, la presse. Assumant avec les (...)
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    Alter-géographies: fiches disputables de géographie.Jean-Paul Ferrier (ed.) - 2005 - Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'université de Provence.
    Pour le collectif Erato STENE créé par les auteurs, il existe non pas une géographie mais des géographies et les différences entre elles peuvent révéler des enjeux importants. Chaque auteur fait le point sur le vocabulaire de la géographie qu'il pratique. Sont ainsi proposées des fiches épistémologiques qui peuvent être comparées. Parmi les termes traités : centralité, dynamique, habitat, paysage.
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  12. On behalf of the creatures.John Todd Ferrier - 1930 - London,: The Order of the cross.
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  13. Hegel's natural philosophy and the Aristotelian tradition.N. Ferrier - 2000 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 107 (1):155-175.
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  14. De l'étant à l'être.Regis Jolivet - 1961 - Aquinas 4 (1):3.
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  15. (2 other versions)Les Activités de l’homme et la Sagesse.Régis Jolivet - 1963 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 18 (3):362-363.
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    Pascal y Kierkegaard: Dos "vidas paralelas".Régis Jolivet - 1962 - Augustinus 7 (27-28):361-370.
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    L'anti-masoch.Régis Michel - 2006 - Multitudes 2 (2):69-85.
    Masochism brings Freud up against the accursed share of analysis, which was always the female. Masoch undermines the epistemological apparatus of the Freudian unconscious, which could reinvent sex, but not the world : it gives way to the old demons of metaphysics, where the death drive triumphs. The return of the repressed.
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    On searching explanatory argumentation graphs.Régis Riveret - 2020 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 30 (2):123-192.
    Cases or examples can be often explained by the interplay of arguments in favour or against their outcomes. This paper addresses the problem of finding explanations for a collection of cases where an explanation is a labelled argumentation graph consistent with the cases, and a case is represented as a statement labelling. The focus is on semi-abstract argumentation graphs specifying attack and subargument relations between arguments, along with particular complete argument labellings taken from probabilistic argumentation where arguments can be excluded. (...)
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  19. “Setting” n-Opposition.Régis Pellissier - 2008 - Logica Universalis 2 (2):235-263.
    Our aim is to show that translating the modal graphs of Moretti’s “n-opposition theory” (2004) into set theory by a suited device, through identifying logical modal formulas with appropriate subsets of a characteristic set, one can, in a constructive and exhaustive way, by means of a simple recurring combinatory, exhibit all so-called “logical bi-simplexes of dimension n” (or n-oppositional figures, that is the logical squares, logical hexagons, logical cubes, etc.) contained in the logic produced by any given modal graph (an (...)
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    Conduction in amorphous magnesium-bismuth alloys.R. P. Ferrier & D. J. Herrell - 1969 - Philosophical Magazine 19 (160):853-868.
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    Probabilistic rule-based argumentation for norm-governed learning agents.Régis Riveret, Antonino Rotolo & Giovanni Sartor - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 20 (4):383-420.
    This paper proposes an approach to investigate norm-governed learning agents which combines a logic-based formalism with an equation-based counterpart. This dual formalism enables us to describe the reasoning of such agents and their interactions using argumentation, and, at the same time, to capture systemic features using equations. The approach is applied to norm emergence and internalisation in systems of learning agents. The logical formalism is rooted into a probabilistic defeasible logic instantiating Dung’s argumentation framework. Rules of this logic are attached (...)
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    Nullified equal loss property and equal division values.Sylvain Ferrières - 2017 - Theory and Decision 83 (3):385-406.
    We provide characterizations of the equal division values and their convex mixtures, using a new axiom on a fixed player set based on player nullification which requires that if a player becomes null, then any two other players are equally affected. Two economic applications are also introduced concerning bargaining under risk and common-pool resource appropriation.
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    Risking Subjectivity in Everyday Social Work Practice.Claire Ferrier - 2018 - Ethics and Social Welfare 12 (2):181-187.
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    Gewirth's ethical rationalism: critical essays with a reply by Alan Gewirth.Edward Regis (ed.) - 1984 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Alan Gewirth's Reason and Morality directed philosophical attention to the possibility of presenting a rational and rigorous demonstration of fundamental moral principles. Now, these previously unpublished essays from some of the most distinguished philosophers of our generation subject Gewirth's program to thorough evaluation and assessment. In a tour de force of philosophical analysis, Professor Gewirth provides detailed replies to all of his critics--a major, genuinely clarifying essay of intrinsic philosophical interest.
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    Ingénierie de la formation et développement professionnel des enseignants. Ressorts et conditions d’un renouveau au prisme du comparatisme.Régis Malet & Alice Le Coz - 2023 - Revue Phronesis 12 (4):92-116.
    The concept of continuing professional development (CPD) for teachers combines issues of training, recognition, and professional effectiveness. In this article, we examine the conditions and effects of the implementation of CPD policies at the international and national levels, before looking comparatively at concrete CPD training provision in two “academies” in France. We seek to identify certain conditions for the renewal of in-service teacher training engineering devices and, more broadly, to document major contemporary issues for the teaching profession: attractiveness, recognition, renewal, (...)
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  26. Religion nord-germanique ancienne. Déesse-mère/déesse-mort.Régis Boyer - 2002 - Iris 23:229-239.
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    Quand l’exégèse des gens de lettres précède celle des exégètes : le cas Judas.Régis Burnet - 2019 - ThéoRèmes 14 (14).
    It is often thought that the literature dealing with religion is nothing more than the expression of a thought elaborated by the theologian, which he struggles to express: the Bible, the primary text, is initially interpreted by theologians, and then writers gather their interpretations. But it is not always so, as the reception of Judas Iscariote testifies: from Klosptock to Kazantzakis through Victor Hugo and Gérard de Nerval, it is the people of letters who preceded the exegetes in the interpretation (...)
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  28. Se a ciência é inventada, podemos escrever outra história que não seja a história social da ciência?Regis Cabral - 1998 - Episteme 3 (6):195-207.
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    Performance: Texts & Documents, Proceedings of the Conference on Multidisciplinary Aspects of Performance: Postmodernism.Regis Durand & Chantal Pontbriand - 1983 - Substance 11 (4):226.
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    Dissolving Hume's Paradox: On Knowledge of Mind and Self.James F. Ferrier - 2007 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 5 (1):7-13.
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    Jean Cavaillès, philosophe et combattant (1903-1944): avec une étude de son oeuvre.Gabrielle Ferrières & Gaston Bachelard - 1950 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France.
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  32. Quantification and Paradox.Edward Ferrier - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst
    I argue that absolutism, the view that absolutely unrestricted quantification is possible, is to blame for both the paradoxes that arise in naive set theory and variants of these paradoxes that arise in plural logic and in semantics. The solution is restrictivism, the view that absolutely unrestricted quantification is not possible. -/- It is generally thought that absolutism is true and that restrictivism is not only false, but inexpressible. As a result, the paradoxes are blamed, not on illicit quantification, but (...)
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  33. The concept of magnitude according to gibieuf.F. Ferrier - 1975 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 29 (114):475-495.
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  34. The Goulstonian lectures on the localisation of cerebral disease.David Ferrier - 1878 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 6:164-172.
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  35. « De Rosmini à Lachelier - Essai de philosophie comparée », suivi de « Antonio Rosmini - L'idée de la sagesse », Collection: Problèmes et Doctrines V.Régis Jolivet & Marie-Louise Roure - 1954 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 9 (2):204-205.
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    (1 other version)Indroduction à Kierkegaard.Regis Jolivet - 1946 - [Paris]: Éditions de Fontenelle.
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    Sartre.Régis Jolivet - 1965 - Paris,: A. Fayard.
  38.  51
    Deux éditions récentes de textes d'astronomie arabe.Régis Morelon - 2001 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 11 (2):297-303.
    Na[sdotu]īr al-Dīn al-[Tdotu]ūsī, Memoir on Astronomy . [Sdotu]adr al-Sharī‘a. An Islamic Response to Greek Astronomy: Kitāb Ta‘dīl Hay’at al-Aflāk of [sdotu]adr al-Sharīa , Edited with Translation and Commentary by Ahmad S. Dallal, X + 461 pp., figs., index. Leiden - New York - Köln, E.J. Brill, 1995.
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  39. St. Thomas and epistemology.Louis Marie Régis - 1946 - Milwaukee: Marquette University Press.
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  40. Mathématisation indirecte et monde de la vie un commentaire de la section 9 C de la Krisis.Régis Tomas - 2003 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 22:213-234.
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  41. Y at-il une épistémologie cyrénaïque du vécu?Régis Tomas - 2005 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 25:315-349.
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    Gewirth's Ethical Rationalism.Edward Regis - 1986 - Philosophy 61 (235):137-138.
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  43. How literature changes the way we think (review).Sean Gerard Ferrier - 2014 - Contemporary Political Theory 13 (3):e11-e14.
    Review of *How Literature Changes the Way We Think*, by Michael Mack (Continuum, 2012).
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    Into God: Itinerarium mentis in Deum of Saint Bonaventure: an annotated translation.Regis J. Armstrong (ed.) - 2020 - Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    The Itinerarium provides a concise introduction to Bonaventure's theological understanding. This new translation presents Latin and English on facing pages, followed by an extensive and detailed commentary on the historical, scriptural, and linguistic contexts of the text and its translation.
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  45. Powrót do Kirkegaarda.Regis Boyer - 1996 - Nowa Krytyka 7.
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  46. La chute du Temple en 70 constitue-t-elle un tournant de l'histoire du judaïsme et du christianisme?: Quelques réflexions à partir d'un livre récent.Régis Burnet - 2013 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 44 (2):256-271.
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  47. Transmitir más, comunicar menos.Régis Debray - 2007 - A Parte Rei 50:1.
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    Seeable Signs: The Iconography of the Seven Sacraments 1350-1544 by Ann Eljenholm Nichols.Regis A. Duffy - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):362-366.
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    Les petits drames de L’Ami des enfants de Berquin : l’influence des théories de Diderot sur le thé'tre d’éducation.Béatrice Ferrier - 2009 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 28:83.
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    La construction d'une identité territoriale : l'exemple de Mécanic Vallée.Régis Guillaume - 2008 - Hermes 50:47.
    À partir de l'observation du nord de la région Midi-Pyrénées, cet article défend l'hypothèse que les logiques économiques, les réseaux sociaux et les jeux d'acteurs locaux sont à l'origine de la construction d'une identité territoriale. Fruit d'une histoire collective celle-ci n'empêche pas l'expression d'enjeux et de stratégies aux intérêts divergents mais entraîne deux changements majeurs. Elle permet de penser de façon positive le futur de ce territoire et conduit à l'envisager à partir des relations qu'il entretient avec d'autres espaces parfois (...)
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