Results for 'Christine Abbott'

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    Quality enhancement teams as an agent for change.Christine M. Abbott - 2000 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 4 (1):16-20.
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    On Wertheimer's "errata: A reply to Abbott".Philip Abbott - 1979 - Political Theory 7 (1):139-141.
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    The Reasonable Robot: Artificial Intelligence and the Law.Ryan Abbott - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    AI and people do not compete on a level-playing field. Self-driving vehicles may be safer than human drivers, but laws often penalize such technology. People may provide superior customer service, but businesses are automating to reduce their taxes. AI may innovate more effectively, but an antiquated legal framework constrains inventive AI. In The Reasonable Robot, Ryan Abbott argues that the law should not discriminate between AI and human behavior and proposes a new legal principle that will ultimately improve human (...)
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  4. Reference.Barbara Abbott - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book presents the most important problems of reference and considers their solution. It presupposes no technical knowledge, presents analyses from first principles, illustrates every stage with examples, and is written with verve and clarity. This is the ideal introduction to reference for students of linguistics and philosophy of language.
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  5. Natural language and thought: Thinking in English.Barbara Abbott - 1995 - Behavior and Philosophy 23 (2):49-55.
    Abbott replies to each of Hauser's arguments. Problem solving by chimpanzees and evidence of recursion in the thought of a feral human being suggest that natural language is not necessary for productive thought. Communication would be trivial if the inner language were the outer language, but it is not. The decryption analogy Hauser uses is flawed, and it is not clear which way Occam's razor cuts.
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  6. Transcending general linear reality.Andrew Abbott - 1988 - Sociological Theory 6 (2):169-186.
    This paper argues that the dominance of linear models has led many sociologists to construe the social world in terms of a "general linear reality." This reality assumes (1) that the social world consists of fixed entities with variable attributes, (2) that cause cannot flow from "small" to "large" attributes/events, (3) that causal attributes have only one causal pattern at once, (4) that the sequence of events does not influence their outcome, (5) that the "careers" of entities are largely independent, (...)
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  7. Linguistic solutions to philosophical problems: The case of knowing how.Barbara Abbott - 2013 - Philosophical Perspectives 27 (1):1-21.
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  8. Things of Boundaries.Andrew Abbott - 1995 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 62.
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    Random walks on semantic networks can resemble optimal foraging.Joshua T. Abbott, Joseph L. Austerweil & Thomas L. Griffiths - 2015 - Psychological Review 122 (3):558-569.
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    Making Sense.Barbara Abbott - 1981 - Linguistics and Philosophy 4 (3):437-451.
    This would have been a better book if Sampson had argued his main point, the usefulness of the Simonian principle as an explanation of the evolution, structure, and acquisition of language, on its own merits, instead of making it subsidiary to his attack on ‘limited-minders’ (e.g., Noam Chomsky). The energy he has spent on the attack he might then have been willing and able to employ in developing his argument at reasonable length and detail. He might then have found that (...)
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  11. A note on the nature of "water".Barbara Abbott - 1997 - Mind 106 (422):311-319.
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    The Self, Relational Sociology, and Morality in Practice.Owen Abbott - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    Providing a theory of moral practice for a contemporary sociological audience, Owen Abbott shows that morality is a relational practice achieved by people in their everyday lives. He moves beyond old dualisms—society versus the individual, social structure versus agency, body versus mind—to offer a sociologically rigorous and coherent theory of the relational constitution of the self and moral practice, which is both shared and yet enacted from an individualized perspective. In so doing, The Self, Relational Sociology, and Morality in (...)
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  13. Definiteness and Indefiniteness.Barbara Abbott - 2004 - In Laurence R. Horn & Gregory Ward, Handbook of Pragmatics. Blackwell.
    The prototypes of definiteness and indefiniteness in English are the definite article the and the indefinite article a/an, and singular noun phrases (NPs)1 determined by them. That being the case it is not to be predicted that the concepts, whatever their content, will extend satisfactorily to other determiners or NP types. However it has become standard to extend these notions. Of the two categories definites have received rather more attention, and more than one researcher has characterized the category of definite (...)
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  14. Where have some of the presuppositions gone.Barbara Abbott - unknown
    Some presuppositions seem to be weaker than others in the sense that they can be more easily neutralized in some contexts. For example some factive verbs, most notably epistemic factives like know, be aware, and discover, are known to shed their factivity fairly easily in contexts such as are found in (1). (1) a. …if anyone discovers that the method is also wombat-proof, I’d really like to know! b. Mrs. London is not aware that there have ever been signs erected (...)
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  15. Presuppositions and common ground.Barbara Abbott - 2008 - Linguistics and Philosophy 31 (5):523-538.
    This paper presents problems for Stalnaker’s common ground theory of presupposition. Stalnaker (Linguist and Philos 25:701–721, 2002) proposes a 2-stage process of utterance interpretation: presupposed content is added to the common ground prior to acceptance/rejection of the utterance as a whole. But this revision makes presupposition difficult to distinguish from assertion. A more fundamental problem is that the common ground theory rests on a faulty theory of assertion—that the essence of assertion is to present the content of an utterance as (...)
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    The figure of this world: Agamben and the question of political ontology.Mathew Abbott - 2014 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Introduction: the figure of this world -- 1. The question of political ontology -- 2. The poetic experience of the world -- 3. The myth of the earth -- 4. The unbearable -- 5. The creature before the law -- 6. The animal for which animality is an issue -- 7. Understanding the happy -- 8. The picture and its captives -- 9. The passing of the figure of this world.
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  17. Linked ecologies: States and universities as environments for professions.Andrew Abbott - 2005 - Sociological Theory 23 (3):245-274.
    In this article I generalize ecological theory by developing the notion of separate but linked ecologies. I characterize an ecology by its set of actors, its set of locations, and the relation it involves between these. I then develop two central concepts for the linkage of ecologies: hinges and avatars. The first are issues or strategies that "work" in both ecologies at once. The second are attempts to institutionalize in one ecology a copy or colony of an actor in another. (...)
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    [Introduction].T. K. Abbott - 1884 - Mind 9 (33):163-165.
  19. (1 other version)Issues in the Semantics and Pragmatics of Definite Descriptions in English.Barbara Abbott - 2008 - In Jeanette K. Gundel & Nancy Ann Hedberg, Reference: interdisciplinary perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 61-72.
  20. Nondescriptionality and natural kind terms.Barbara Abbott - 1989 - Linguistics and Philosophy 12 (3):269 - 291.
    The phrase "natural kind term" has come into the linguistic and philosophical literature in connection with well-known work of Kripke (1972) and Putnam (1970, 1975a). I use that phrase here in the sense it has acquired from those and subseqnent works on related topics. This is not the transparent sense of the phrase. That is, if I am right in what follows there are words for kinds of things existing in nature which are not natural kind terms in the current (...)
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  21. The Poetic Experience of the World.Mathew Abbott - 2010 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18 (4):493-516.
    In this article I develop Heidegger's phenomenology of poetry, showing that it may provide grounds for rejecting claims that he lapses into linguistic idealism. Proceeding via an analysis of the three concepts of language operative in the philosopher's work, I demonstrate how poetic language challenges language's designative and world-disclosive functions. The experience with poetic language, which disrupts Dasein's absorption by emerging out of equipmentality in the mode of the broken tool, brings Dasein to wonder at the world's existence in such (...)
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    Emergence explained: Abstractions: Getting epiphenomena to do real work.Russ Abbott - 2006 - Complexity 12 (1):13-26.
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  23. An introduction to sociology: feminist perspectives.Pamela Abbott - 2005 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Claire Wallace & Melissa Tyler.
    This third edition of the bestselling An Introduction to Sociology: Feminist Perspectives confirms the ongoing centrality of feminist perspectives and research to the sociological enterprise and introduces students to the wide range of feminist contributions to key areas of sociological concern. This completely revised edition includes: · new chapters on sexuality and the media · additional material on race and ethnicity, disability and the body · many new international and comparative examples · the influence of theories of globalization and post-colonial (...)
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    Measuring Gambling Reinforcers, Over Consumption and Fallacies: The Psychometric Properties and Predictive Validity of the Jonsson-Abbott Scale.Jakob Jonsson, Max W. Abbott, Anders Sjöberg & Per Carlbring - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Emerging Ethical Issues Related to the Use of Brain-Computer Interfaces for Patients with Total Locked-in Syndrome.Michael N. Abbott & Steven L. Peck - 2016 - Neuroethics 10 (2):235-242.
    New brain-computer interface and neuroimaging techniques are making differentiation less ambiguous and more accurate between unresponsive wakefulness syndrome patients and patients with higher cognitive function and awareness. As research into these areas continues to progress, new ethical issues will face physicians of patients suffering from total locked-in syndrome, characterized by complete loss of voluntary muscle control, with retention of cognitive function and awareness detectable only with neuroimaging and brain-computer interfaces. Physicians, researchers, ethicists and hospital ethics committees should be aware of (...)
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  26. Some remarks on indicative conditionals.Barbara Abbott - unknown
    We will look at several theories of indicative conditionals grouped into three categories: those that base its semantics on its logical counterpart (the material conditional); intensional analyses, which bring in alternative possible worlds; and a third subgroup which denies that indicative conditionals express propositions at all. We will also look at some problems for each kind of approach.
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    The Evolution of Christianity: Volume 1.Lyman Abbott - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Lyman Abbott was an American liberal theologian and a confidant of Theodore Roosevelt. He was a moderate man who sought to re-establish Christian faith among the American people in a period of change. This book, first published in 1893, argued that spiritual experience is always new and therefore every age requires a new expression for it. A believer in the possibility of harmonious coexistence between the Church and evolutionary theory, Abbott proposed a 'more intelligible and credible' religion that (...)
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  28. (1 other version)Reference and quantification: The Partee effect.Barbara Abbott - unknown
    Partee (1973) discussed quotation from the perspective of the then relatively new theory of transformational grammar.2 As she pointed out, the phenomenon presents many curious puzzles. In some ways quotes seem quite separate from their surrounding text; they may be in a different dialect, as in her example in (1), (1) ‘I talk better English than the both of youse!’ shouted Charles, thereby convincing me that he didn’t. [Partee (1973):ex. 20] or even in a different language, as in (2): (2) (...)
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    Authorship Not Taught and Not Caught in Undergraduate Research Experiences at a Research University.Lauren E. Abbott, Amy Andes, Aneri C. Pattani & Patricia Ann Mabrouk - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (5):2555-2599.
    This grounded study investigated the negotiation of authorship by faculty members, graduate student mentors, and their undergraduate protégés in undergraduate research experiences at a private research university in the northeastern United States. Semi-structured interviews using complementary scripts were conducted separately with 42 participants over a 3 year period to probe their knowledge and understanding of responsible authorship and publication practices and learn how faculty and students entered into authorship decision-making intended to lead to the publication of peer-reviewed technical papers. Herein (...)
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  30. A Reply to Szabó’s “Descriptions and Uniqueness”.Barbara Abbott - 2003 - Philosophical Studies 113 (3):223 - 231.
    Szabó follows Heim in viewing familiarity, rather than uniqueness, as the essence of the definite article, but attempts to derive both familiarity and uniqueness implications pragmatically, assigning a single semantic interpretation to both the definite and indefinite articles. I argue that if there is no semantic distinction between the articles, then there is no way to derive these differences between them pragmatically.
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  31. Support for individual concepts.Barbara Abbott - 2011 - Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 10:23-44.
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    Kant, Theremin, and the Morality of Rhetoric.Don Paul Abbott - 2007 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 40 (3):274-292.
  33. Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethics, Tr. By T.K. Abbott.Immanuel Kant & Thomas Kingsmill Abbott - 1895
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  34. Philosophers and the abortion question.Philip Abbott - 1978 - Political Theory 6 (3):313-335.
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    Abbas Kiarostami and film-philosophy.Mathew Abbott - 2017 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This book presents a powerful new film-philosophy through the cinema of Iranian director Abbas Kiarostami. Mathew Abbott argues that Kiarostami's films carry out cinematic thinking: they do not just illustrate pre-existing philosophical ideas, but do real philosophical work. Crossing the divide between analytic and continental philosophy, he draws on Ludwig Wittgenstein, Stanley Cavell, John McDowell, Alice Crary, Noël Carroll, Giorgio Agamben and Martin Heidegger, bringing out the thinking at work in Kiarostami's later films: Taste of Cherry, The Wind Will (...)
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    In Focus: Edward Weston: Photographs From the J. Paul Getty Museum.Brett Abbott - 2005 - J. Paul Getty Museum.
    "In 2003 the Getty Museum, which holds a collection of about 240 Weston prints, hosted a colloquium on the photographer. This volume in the In Focus series records remarks by the author, Brett Abbott, along with those of six other participants: William Clift, Amy Conger, David Featherstone, Weston Naef, David Travis, and Jennifer Watts. Context for their conversation is provided by the author's introduction, plate texts, and chronology. Approximately fifty of Weston's images demonstrate why his work continues to resonate (...)
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    The Family on Trial: Special Relationships in Modern Political Thought.Philip Abbott - 1981 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    A defense of the modern family, in historical perspective, this book reconstructs political theory with the family in an important and honorable place. By reviewing critically both traditional and contemporary thought on the most special relationships—as well as current public policy issues relating to them—the author addresses concerns shared by professional and lay constituencies. Noting Tocqueville's observation of the American obsession with reevaluating and remodeling the family, Professor Abbott pleads for a balanced view. The development of liberal ambivalence toward (...)
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  38. The formal approach to meaning: Formal semantics and its recent developments.Barbara Abbott - unknown
    Like Spanish moss on a live oak tree, the scientific study of meaning in language has expanded in the last 100 years, and continues to expand steadily. In this essay I want to chart some central themes in that expansion, including their histories and their important figures. Our attention will be directed toward what is called 'formal semantics', which is the adaptation to natural language of analytical techniques from logic.[1] The first, background, section of the paper will survey the changing (...)
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  39. Vad är liv? Jakten på en ny definition av liv.Jessica Abbott & Erik Persson - 2017 - In Jessica Abbott & Erik Persson, LIV – Utomjordiskt, Syntetiskt, Artificiellt. Lund, Sverige: Pufendorfinstitutet. pp. 21-33.
    I årtusenden har människan försökt definiera livet – hur levande djur och växter skiljer sig från död materia. Problemet är dock att livet är mångfacetterat, och varje regel har sitt undantag. Vi försöker möta kommande utmaningar med nya livsformer, genom att lyfta fram en ny definition av liv.
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  40. An Information Packaging Approach to Presuppositions and Conventional Implicatures.Barbara Abbott - 2016 - Topoi 35 (1):9-21.
    Within the relevant semantics and pragmatics literature the terms “presupposition” and “conventional implicature” are used in a variety of different, but frequently overlapping, ways. The overlaps are perhaps not surprising, given that the two categories of conveyed meaning share the property of remaining constant in the scope of other operators—the property usefully characterize as projectivity. One of my purposes in this paper will be to try to clarify these different usages. In addition to that we will explore two additional properties (...)
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    Contributors to this volume.Barbara Abbott, Manuel Bremer, Elke Brendel, Sarah-Jane Conrad, Cathrine Fabricius Hansen & Manuel García-Carpintero - 2011 - In Elke Brendel, Jörg Meibauer & Markus Steinbach, Understanding Quotation. De Gruyter Mouton.
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  42. Donkey Demonstratives.Barbara Abbott - 2002 - Natural Language Semantics 10 (4):285-298.
    Donkey pronouns (e.g., it in Every farmer who owns a donkey beats it) are argued to have an interpretation more similar to a demonstrative phrase (e.g., . . . beats that donkey) than to any of the other alternatives generally considered (e.g., . . . the donkey(s) he owns, . . . a donkey he owns). Like the demonstrative phrase, the pronoun is not equivalent to Evans' E-type paraphrase, nor to either the weak or the strong reading sometimes claimed for (...)
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  43. The reductionist blind spot.Russ Abbott - 2008 - Complexity 14 (5):10-22.
    Can there be higher level laws of nature even though everything is reducible to the fundamental laws of physics? The computer science notion of level of abstraction explains how there can be.
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    Orthoimplication algebras.J. C. Abbott - 1976 - Studia Logica 35 (2):173 - 177.
    Orthologic is defined by weakening the axioms and rules of inference of the classical propositional calculus. The resulting Lindenbaum-Tarski quotient algebra is an orthoimplication algebra which generalizes the author's implication algebra. The associated order structure is a semi-orthomodular lattice. The theory of orthomodular lattices is obtained by adjoining a falsity symbol to the underlying orthologic or a least element to the orthoimplication algebra.
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  45. Water =h 2 O.Barbara Abbott - 1999 - Mind 108 (429):145 - 148.
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  46. Emerging plurality of life: Assessing the questions, challenges and opportunities.Jessica Abbott, Erik Persson & Olaf Witkowski - 2023 - Frontiers Human Dynamics 5:1153668.
    Research groups around the world are currently busy trying to invent new life in the laboratory, looking for extraterrestrial life, or making machines increasingly more life-like. In the case of astrobiology, any newly discovered life would likely be very old, but when discovered it would be new to us. In the case of synthetic organic life or life-like machines, humans will have invented life that did not exist before. Together, these endeavors amount to what we call the emerging plurality of (...)
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  47. The Animal for which Animality is an Issue: nietzsche, agamben, and the anthropological machine.Mathew Abbott - 2011 - Angelaki 16 (4):87-99.
    There is congruence between Nietzsche’s philosophy of life and the biopolitical philosophy of Giorgio Agamben. For both philosophers the human animal possesses a divided relationship to its being alive. For both philosophers this division is of a political nature, such that membership in political community as we know it is conditional on the human animal’s alienation from its biological being. Both philosophers are also concerned with the possibility of transformation and, because of the connection they establish between politics and animality, (...)
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    Reflections on researcher departure: Closure of prison relationships in ethnographic research.Laura Abbott & Tricia Scott - 2019 - Nursing Ethics 26 (5):1424-1441.
    Background: The United Kingdom has the highest incarceration rate in Western Europe. It is known that women in prison are a vulnerable female population who are at risk of mental ill-health due to disadvantaged and chaotic life experiences. Accurate numbers of pregnant women held in UK prisons are not recorded, yet it is estimated that 6%–7% of the female prison population are at varying stages of pregnancy and around 100 babies are born to incarcerated women each year. There are limited (...)
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    Withdrawing and Withholding in the Clinical Arena.Jean Abbott & Kristin Furfari - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics 19 (3):45-47.
    The debate between Ursin (2019) and Wilkinson and colleagues (2019) in this issue of The American Journal of Bioethics underscores the long-standing theoretical controversy about the equivalence of...
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  50. The Bit (and Three Other Abstractions) Define the Borderline Between Hardware and Software.Russ Abbott - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (2):239-285.
    Modern computing is generally taken to consist primarily of symbol manipulation. But symbols are abstract, and computers are physical. How can a physical device manipulate abstract symbols? Neither Church nor Turing considered this question. My answer is that the bit, as a hardware-implemented abstract data type, serves as a bridge between materiality and abstraction. Computing also relies on three other primitive—but more straightforward—abstractions: Sequentiality, State, and Transition. These physically-implemented abstractions define the borderline between hardware and software and between physicality and (...)
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