Results for 'Christine Harrauer'

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  1. Chapter five Sartre and Nietzsche: Brothers in arms Christine Daigle.Christine Daigle - 2009 - In B. P. O'Donohoe & R. O. Elveton, Sartre's second century. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 56.
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  2. The sources of normativity.Christine Marion Korsgaard - 1996 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Onora O'Neill.
    Ethical concepts are, or purport to be, normative. They make claims on us: they command, oblige, recommend, or guide. Or at least when we invoke them, we make claims on one another; but where does their authority over us - or ours over one another - come from? Christine Korsgaard identifies four accounts of the source of normativity that have been advocated by modern moral philosophers: voluntarism, realism, reflective endorsement, and the appeal to autonomy. She traces their history, showing (...)
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  3. Creating the Kingdom of Ends.Christine M. Korsgaard - 1996 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Christine Korsgaard has become one of the leading interpreters of Kant's moral philosophy. She is identified with a small group of philosophers who are intent on producing a version of Kant's moral philosophy that is at once sensitive to its historical roots while revealing its particular relevance to contemporary problems. She rejects the traditional picture of Kant's ethics as a cold vision of the moral life which emphasises duty at the expense of love and value. Rather, Kant's work is (...)
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    Christine E. Sherretz 79.Christine E. Sherretz - forthcoming - Journal of Thought.
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  5. The constitution of agency: essays on practical reason and moral psychology.Christine M. Korsgaard - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Christine M. Korsgaard is one of today's leading moral philosophers: this volume collects ten influential papers by her on practical reason and moral psychology ...
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    Christine Williams.Christine Williams - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (3):373-376.
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  7. Self-constitution: agency, identity, and integrity.Christine M. Korsgaard - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Agency and identity -- Necessitation -- Acts and actions -- Aristotle and Kant -- Agency and practical identity -- The metaphysics of normativity -- Constitutive standards -- The constitution of life -- In defense of teleology -- The paradox of self-constitution -- Formal and substantive principles of reason -- Formal versus substantive -- Testing versus weighing -- Maximizing and prudence -- Practical reason and the unity of the will -- The empiricist account of normativity -- The rationalist account of normativity (...)
  8. Virtue Ethics and the Problem of Indirection: A Pluralistic Value-Centred Approach: Christine Swanton.Christine Swanton - 1997 - Utilitas 9 (2):167-181.
    Many forms of virtue ethics, like certain forms of utilitarianism, suffer from the problem of indirection. In those forms, the criterion for status of a trait as a virtue is not the same as the criterion for the status of an act as right. Furthermore, if the virtues for example are meant to promote the nourishing of the agent, the virtuous agent is not standardly supposed to be motivated by concern for her own flourishing in her activity. In this paper, (...)
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  9. Emotions, Value, and Agency.Christine Tappolet - 2016 - Oxford: Oxford University Press UK.
    The emotions we experience are crucial to who we are, to what we think, and to what we do. But what are emotions, exactly, and how do they relate to agency? The aim of this book is to spell out an account of emotions, which is grounded on analogies between emotions and sensory experiences, and to explore the implications of this account for our understanding of human agency. The central claim is that emotions consist in perceptual experiences of values, such (...)
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  10. Christine Overall, ed. and William P. Zion, assoc. ed., Perspectives on AIDS: Ethical and Social Issues Reviewed by.Christine Harrison - 1992 - Philosophy in Review 12 (2):130-132.
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    Christine E. Bose.Christine E. Bose - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (3):368-373.
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  12. (2 other versions)Two distinctions in goodness.Christine M. Korsgaard - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (2):169-195.
  13. Skepticism about practical reason.Christine M. Korsgaard - 1986 - Journal of Philosophy 83 (1):5-25.
    Content skepticism about practical reason is doubt about the bearing of rational considerations on the activities of deliberation and choice. Motivational skepticism is doubt about the scope of reason as a motive. Some people think that motivational considerations alone provide grounds for skepticism about the project of founding ethics on practical reason. I will argue, against this view, that motivational skepticism must always be based on content skepticism. I will not address the question of whether or not content skepticism is (...)
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    Flourishing with Shared Vitality: Education based on Aesthetic Experience, with Performance for Meaning.Christine Doddington - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 40 (3):261-274.
    In this paper, I set an aspect of what it is to live a flourishing life against the backdrop of neo liberal trends that continue to influence educational policy across the globe. The view I set out is in sharp contrast to any narrow assumption that education’s main task is the measurement of high performing individuals who will thus contribute to an economically viable society. Instead, I explore and argue for a conception of what constitutes a flourishing life that is (...)
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    Penser la loyauté en droit: mélanges en l'honneur de Christine Youego.Christine Youego, Pierre-Olivier Chaumet & Christine Puigelier (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: Éditions Mare & Martin.
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    Target Centred Virtue Ethics.Christine Swanton - 2021 - Oxford University Press.
    Christine Swanton presents a new target centred virtue ethics, which is opposed to orthodox virtue ethics in two major ways. She rejects the 'natural goodness' metaphysics of neo-Aristotelian virtue ethics in favour of a 'hermeneutic ontology' of ethics, and she offers a new target centred framework for assessing rightness of acts.
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  17. Fellow creatures: Kantian ethics and our duties to animals.Christine M. Korsgaard - unknown
    Christine M. Korsgaard is Arthur Kingsley Porter Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University. She was educated at the University of Illinois and received a Ph.D. from Harvard. She has held positions at Yale, the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the University of Chicago, and visiting positions at Berkeley and UCLA. She is a member of the American Philosophical Association and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She has published extensively on Kant, and about (...)
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  18. The Sources of Normativity.Christine Korsgaard - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (196):384-394.
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    (1 other version)Actuar por una razón.Christine M. Korsgaard - 2004 - Anuario Filosófico 37 (80):645-677.
    What do we mean when we say we act "for a reason"? What is the connection between Reason, as a faculty, and the reasons of our actions? This article maintains that Aristotle and Kant had a similar answer to this question. Moreover: the answer they give can help us to clarify the controversy between moral realism and empiricism regarding the ontological and epistemological status of what we call the reason of an action.
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  20. Fellow Creatures: Our Obligations to the Other Animals.Christine Marion Korsgaard - 2018 - Oxford University Press.
    Christine M. Korsgaard presents a compelling new view of our moral relationships to the other animals. She offers challenging answers to such questions as: Are people superior to animals, and does it matter morally if we are? Is it all right for us to eat animals, experiment on them, make them work for us, and keep them as pets?
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    Christianity and Colonial Discourse in Joanna Baillie's The Bride.Christine Colón - 2002 - Renascence 54 (3):163-176.
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    Contrer la barbarie.Walter Benjamin et la notion de « barbarie positive ».Schmider Christine - 2011 - Noesis 18:85-101.
    La pensée de Walter Benjamin constitue la tentative aussi lucide que désespérée d’un intellectuel de contrer ce qu’il sait inévitable : la déshumanisation d’un monde dont la tradition et les valeurs culturelles ont été liquidées par l’expérience de la grande guerre et l’avènement de la barbarie fasciste qui fera de l’histoire une catastrophe. Les stratégies politiques et esthétiques que Benjamin développe afin de combattre la menace du fascisme peuvent être résumées sous la notion de « barbar...
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  23. Managers' personal values as drivers of corporate social responsibility.Christine A. Hemingway & Patrick W. Maclagan - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (1):33-44.
    In this theoretical paper, motives for CSR are considered. An underlying assumption is that the commercial imperative is not the sole driver of CSR decision-making in private sector companies, but that the formal adoption and implementation of CSR by corporations could be associated with the changing personal values of individual managers. These values may find expression through the opportunity to exercise discretion, which may arise in various ways. It is suggested that in so far as CSR initiatives represent individuals' values, (...)
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  24. Personal identity and the unity of agency: A Kantian response to Parfit.Christine Korsgaard - 1989 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 18 (2):103-31.
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    Émotions et Valeurs.Christine Tappolet - 2000 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    Pour contrer le scepticisme au sujet de la connaissance des valeurs, la plupart soutiennent avec John Rawls qu’une croyance comme celle qu’une action est bonne est justifiée dans la mesure où elle appartient à un ensemble de croyances cohérent, ayant atteint un équilibre réfléchi. Christine Tappolet s’inspire des travaux de Max Scheler et d’Alexius von Meinong pour défendre une conception opposée au cohérentisme. La connaissance des valeurs est affirmée dépendre de nos émotions, ces dernières étant conçues comme des perceptions (...)
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  26. (1 other version)The right to lie: Kant on dealing with evil.Christine M. Korsgaard - 1986 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 15 (4):325-349.
    One of the great difficulties with Kant’s moral philosophy is that it seems to imply that our moral obligations leave us powerless in the face of evil. Kant’s theory sets a high ideal of conduct and tells us to live up to that ideal regardless of what other persons are doing. The results may be very bad. But Kant says that the law "remains in full force, because it commands categorically" (G, 438-39/57).* The most weI1—known example of...
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    Freedom: A Coherence Theory.Christine Swanton - 1992 - Hackett.
    ... View (i) The Thesis of Essential Contestedness The view that freedom and other ideals such as justice are essentially contested is important, ...
  28. The Normativity of Instrumental Reason.Christine M. Korsgaard - 1997 - In Garrett Cullity & Berys Nigel Gaut, Ethics and practical reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This paper criticizes two accounts of the normativity of practical principles: the empiricist account and the rationalist or realist account. It argues against the empiricist view, focusing on the Humean texts that are usually taken to be its locus classicus. It then argues both against the dogmatic rationalist view, and for the Kantian view, through a discussion of Kant's own remarks about instrumental rationality in the second section of the Groundwork. It further argues that the instrumental principle cannot stand alone. (...)
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  29. An Interview on Hong Kong's" Civic Exchange" NGO, with Former MP Christine Loh.Christine Loh & Eric Sautede - 2009 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 55 (3):83 - +.
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    Explicating Maxine Greene's notion of naming and becoming: "I am... not yet".Christine Debelak Neider - 2021 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume offers a Naming praxis with which teachers might more closely align with their ethical ideals in the midst of their daily practice and relationships with students. Framed ontologically in Maxine Greene's existential-phenomenological notion of Becoming, the author explicates Greene's Naming as a praxis within her own early teaching experiences through the interpretive methods of currere and teacher lore. This study evolves in epistolary conversation with Maxine Greene, teacher colleagues, and new teachers. It demonstrates the possibilities of applying critical (...)
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    Students at the Nexus Between the Chinese Diaspora and Internationalisation of Higher Education: The Role of Overseas Students in China’s Strategy of Soft Power.Christine Han & Yaobin Tong - 2021 - British Journal of Educational Studies 69 (5):579-598.
    In recent years, an increasingly assertive People’s Republic of China (PRC) leadership has sought to extend the PRC’s influence globally. To this end, it has developed diverse strategies ranging from soft power to more coercive means. The more visible strategies include the Belt and Road Initiative, the Chinese Dream, and ‘wolf warrior’ diplomacy. At the soft power end of the spectrum, Chinese overseas students are at the nexus between two strategies of soft power – the Chinese diaspora and the internationalisation (...)
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  32. Men are the solution.Christine Obbo - 1993 - In Stanlie Myrise James & Abena P. A. Busia, Theorizing black feminisms: the visionary pragmatism of Black women. New York: Routledge. pp. 163.
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    Conjoined Twins, Embodied Personhood, and Surgical Separation.Christine Overall - 2009 - In Lisa Tessman, Feminist Ethics and Social and Political Philosophy: Theorizing the Non-Ideal. Springer. pp. 69--84.
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    Reply to “Overall and Larmer on Miracles as Evidence for the Existence of God” by Frank Jankunis.Christine Overall - 2014 - Dialogue 53 (4):601-609.
    Dans cette réplique à l’article de Frank Jankunis, «Overall and Larmer on Miracles as Evidence for the Existence of God», je traite du concept de miracle comme violation de la loi naturelle. Je soutiens que, s’il advenait un miracle, ce serait un mal épistémique, ontique et moral, et, par conséquent, une preuve qu’il n’existe pas de Dieu parfait.
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  35. Values and emotions: neo-sentimentalism’s prospects.Christine Tappolet - 2015 - In Carla Bagnoli & Patricia S. Greenspan, Morality and the emotions. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 117–34.
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  36. Names, Thoughts and Objects in Plato's "Cratylus", "Theaetetus" and "Sophist".Christine J. Thomas - 1999 - Dissertation, Cornell University
    In this dissertation I explore Plato's views about the nature of language and thought, and their relations to the world. Plato is sometimes thought to hold that meaningful terms do not require referents at all. Others argue that he holds a referential theory of meaning according to which the meaning of a term just is its referent. I reject both of these views, arguing that Plato thinks that a significant term must have a referent but that the referent of a (...)
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    1. Es gibt keinen empirischen Beweis der Freiheit.Christine Zunke - 2008 - In Kritik der Hirnforschung: Neurophysiologie Und Willensfreiheit. Akademie Verlag. pp. 15-31.
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    Animal Welfare and Environmental Ethics: Reconciling Competing Values.Christine Reed - 2022 - Ethics and the Environment 27 (1):67-78.
    Abstract:In this discussion I revisit the animal welfare-environmental ethics debate, including a recent argument by Ian Campbell in this journal, that its underlying values are incommensurable at the level of principle, making them hard to reconcile, even in practice. By relying on the geocentric framework of William Lynn and the capabilities approach of Martha Nussbaum, as well as a place-specific example of wild horse protection policies, I argue that it is possible to balance these competing values. In light of the (...)
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  39. his few sustained critiques of artists. Thus Donald Kuspit, a champion of neo.Christine Mehring - 2007 - In Diarmuid Costello & Jonathan Vickery, Art: key contemporary thinkers. New York: Berg. pp. 56.
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    Student complainants – vexatious or vulnerable?Christine V. Millward - 2016 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 20 (4):137-142.
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    Mutated mtDNA distribution in exponentially growing cell cultures and how the segregation rate is increased by the mitochondrial compartments.Christine Reder - 2001 - Acta Biotheoretica 49 (4):235-245.
    A cell contains many copies of mitochondrial DNA. The distribution of a mitochondrial gene mutation in a cell culture is governed by the way in which the mtDNA molecules of a cell are replicated and partitioned between the two daughter cells during mitosis. Assuming that this partition process is random, we describe the evolution of the mitochondrial genetic state of a cell culture. The mutated mtDNA is ultimately segregated and the rate of the trend to segregation is relatively slow. It (...)
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  42. Mixed inferences: A problem for pluralism about truth predicates.Christine Tappolet - 1997 - Analysis 57 (3):209–210.
    In reply to Geach's objection against expressivism, some have claimed that there is a plurality of truth predicates. I raise a difficulty for this claim: valid inferences can involve sentences assessable by any truth predicate, corresponding to 'lightweight' truth as well as to 'heavyweight' truth. To account for this, some unique truth predicate must apply to all sentences that can appear in inferences. Mixed inferences remind us of a central platitude about truth: truth is what is preserved in valid inferences. (...)
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  43. Self-constitution in the ethics of Plato and Kant.Christine M. Korsgaard - 1999 - The Journal of Ethics 3 (1):1-29.
    Plato and Kant advance a constitutional model of the soul, in which reason and appetite or passion have different structural and functional roles in the generation of motivation, as opposed to the familiar Combat Model in which they are portrayed as independent sources of motivation struggling for control. In terms of the constitutional model we may explain what makes an action different from an event. What makes an action attributable to a person, and therefore what makes it an action, is (...)
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  44. A virtue ethical account of right action.Christine Swanton - 2001 - Ethics 112 (1):32-52.
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    When Treatment Pressures Become Coercive: A Context-Sensitive Model of Informal Coercion in Mental Healthcare.Christin Hempeler, Esther Braun, Sarah Potthoff, Jakov Gather & Matthé Scholten - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (12):74-86.
    Treatment pressures are communicative strategies that mental health professionals use to influence the decision-making of mental health service users and improve their adherence to recommended treatment. Szmukler and Appelbaum describe a spectrum of treatment pressures, which encompasses persuasion, interpersonal leverage, offers and threats, arguing that only a particular type of threat amounts to informal coercion. We contend that this account of informal coercion is insufficiently sensitive to context and fails to recognize the fundamental power imbalance in mental healthcare. Based on (...)
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    The Seven Stages of an Enlightened Teacher.Christine Jax - 2011 - R&L Education.
    In The Seven Stages of an Enlightened Teacher, Dr. Christine Jax presents a path to great teaching that shows how and why teaching is "a calling" in the true sense of the words.
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  47. Money for research participation: Does it jeopardize informed consent?Christine Grady - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (2):40 – 44.
    Some are concerned about the possibility that offering money for research participation can constitute coercion or undue influence capable of distorting the judgment of potential research subjects and compromising the voluntariness of their informed consent. The author recognizes that more often than not there are multiple influences leading to decisions, including decisions about research participation. The concept of undue influence is explored, as well as the question of whether or not there is something uniquely distorting about money as opposed to (...)
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    The Swirl of Emotion Among Us: Affect, the Voice, and Performance Training.Christine Hamel & Ann J. Cahill - forthcoming - British Journal of Aesthetics.
    Our recent theory of intervocality (Cahill and Hamel 2018, 2021) provided a new model of voice as material, relational, and socially constructed. However, our work did not substantially address the complex relationship between voice and emotion, or how that complex relationship could be taken up more effectively and ethically in actor training and the theater studio. Utilizing insights from affect theory, cultural psychology, and affective neuroscience, this article argues for the need for pedagogies that substantively engage with the cultural specificity (...)
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    Elizabeth Hooton (1600/1672). Une guerrière de la paix : ses lettres.Christine Dousset - 2012 - Clio 35:267-269.
    L’Angleterre du xviie siècle connut un intense bouillonnement politique et religieux dont le paroxysme se situe au milieu du siècle, lors de la première révolution anglaise. De profondes aspirations égalitaires s’exprimèrent au sein de certains groupes. Les sectes dissidentes qui émergèrent alors offrirent à des individus, jusque-là condamnés au silence par leur position sociale, la possibilité de prendre la parole et la plume pour s’exprimer publiquement. Les femmes furent nombreuses à se sa...
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  50. A Relational Theory of Equality.Christine M. Koggel - 1994 - Dissertation, Queen's University at Kingston (Canada)
    The classical liberal argument that each human being has equal moral value and is deserving of equal concern and respect has had an enormous impact on our understanding both of equality and of individuals. Using this as a foundation, liberals have formulated theories of what is required for treating individuals with equal concern and respect that have provided ever more substantive interpretations of what individuals need to flourish in social relations marred by a legacy of discrimination and inequality. Yet the (...)
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