Results for 'Christopher Nolan'

933 found
  1.  45
    The amygdala's response to face and emotional information and potential category-specific modulation of temporal cortex as a function of emotion.Stuart F. White, Christopher Adalio, Zachary T. Nolan, Jiongjiong Yang, Alex Martin & James R. Blair - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Christopher Nolan: filmmaker and philosopher.Robbie B. H. Goh - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Christopher Nolan is the writer and director of Hollywood blockbusters like The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, and also of arthouse films like Memento and Inception. Underlying his staggering commercial success however, is a darker sensibility that questions the veracity of human knowledge, the allure of appearance over reality and the latent disorder in contemporary society. This appreciation of the sinister owes a huge debt to philosophy and especially modern thinkers like Friedrich Nietzsche, Sigmund Freud and (...)
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    The Philosophy of Christopher Nolan.Jason T. Eberl & George A. Dunn (eds.) - 2017 - Lexington Books.
    The Philosophy of Christopher Nolan collects sixteen essays written by philosophers and film theorists analyzing moral, metaphysical, epistemological, and political themes that characterize the films of Christopher Nolan.
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    The Twisted Femmes Fatales of Christopher Nolan.Kania Andrew - 2014 - Aesthetics for Birds.
    Philosophical reflections on the trope of the femme fatale in the films of Christopher Nolan.
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    Michel Serres, Topology and Folded Time in Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk.Kevin Hunt - 2022 - Film-Philosophy 26 (3):308-330.
    This article discusses Michel Serres's topological thinking and his approach to space and time from a film studies perspective, specifically looking at connections between Serresian philosophy and the work of Christopher Nolan, using Dunkirk (2017) as an example of folded time. The article provides a selective overview of Serres's topological thinking, which opposes a geometrical approach to space and time, as well as indicating connections between Serresian thought and film studies more broadly. Serres makes frequent use of visual (...)
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  6. How Can Satan Cast Out Satan?: Violence and the Birth of the Sacred in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight.Nicholas Bott - 2013 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 20:239-251.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:How Can Satan Cast Out Satan? Violence and the Birth of the Sacred in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight1Nicholas Bott (bio)Last Summer, Christopher Nolan’s final installment of the Batman trilogy hit theaters. The Dark Knight Rises promised to be the epic conclusion of a hero’s journey, a journey of a man’s transformation into a legend. Little was revealed in the official trailers, except that evil (...)
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    The public sociology debate: ethics and engagement.Christopher J. Schneider & Ariane Hanemaayer (eds.) - 2014 - Vancouver: UBC Press.
    In 2004, Michael Burawoy challenged sociologists to move beyond the ivory tower and into the realm of activism, to engage in public discourses about what society could or should be. His call to arms sparked intense debate among sociologists. Which side would "sociology" take? Who would define "the norm," and how could public sociology possibly speak for all sociologists? In this volume, which opens with a foreword by Michael Burawoy, leading Canadian sociologists continue the debate by discussing not only how (...)
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    Vengeance, the powers of the false, and the time-image in Christopher Nolan's memento.Diran Lyons - 2006 - Angelaki 11 (1):127 – 135.
  9.  30
    The prestige e Memento di Christopher Nolan.Umberto Curi, Mario Pezzella & Antonio Tricomi - 2007 - Iride: Filosofia e Discussione Pubblica 20 (3):623-634.
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    Stellar Spectral Classification.Richard O. Gray & Christopher J. Corbally - 2009 - Princeton University Press.
    Written by leading experts in the field, Stellar Spectral Classification is the only book to comprehensively discuss both the foundations and most up-to-date techniques of MK and other spectral classification systems. Definitive and encyclopedic, the book introduces the astrophysics of spectroscopy, reviews the entire field of stellar astronomy, and shows how the well-tested methods of spectral classification are a powerful discovery tool for graduate students and researchers working in astronomy and astrophysics. The book begins with a historical survey, followed by (...)
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    Memento.Andrew Kania - 2008 - In Paisley Livingston & Carl R. Plantinga (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Philosophy and Film. New York: Routledge. pp. 650-660.
    This essay first discusses the structure of the film (Memento_ (Christopher Nolan, 2000), its status as a neo-noir, and the implications of its accompanying website for its ontology. It then considers two clusters of philosophical themes in the film: the nature of mind and memory, and freedom, personal identity, and moral responsibility;.
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  12.  24
    Tenet, Climate Change, and the Misdirection of Interpretation.Ben Roth - 2022 - Film and Philosophy 26:85-101.
    Christopher Nolan’s seems a spy thriller in which a government operative saves the world. As others have noted, it is in a larger sense about climate change—even though it mentions it but once. Where the film has been dismissed as not saying anything substantial, or even read as promoting an activist message, I argue it is most coherently interpreted as a reactionary defense of the status quo. The film is about a war between the present and future, its (...)
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  13. The Generous Ethic of Deleuze.Finn Janning - 2016 - Philosophy Study 6 (8).
    This paper argues that the affirmative philosophy of Gilles Deleuze opens for a generous ethic. Such ethic passes on new or different possibilities of life. The paper briefly outlines the basic ideas in Deleuze thinking that can be understood as generous. Then it suggests how paying attention is a prerequisite for practicing a generous ethics, that is, mainly being aware of what, how and why something happens. Finally, it exemplifies how—referring to Christopher Nolan’s film Inception—we may practice a (...)
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  14. "Remember Leonard Shelby": 'Memento' and the Double Life of Memory.Robert Hopkins - 2016 - In Julian Dodd (ed.), Art, Mind, and Narrative: Themes From the Work of Peter Goldie. New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 89-99.
    Christopher Nolan’s Memento illustrates and explores two roles that memory plays in human life. The film’s protagonist, Leonard Shelby, cannot ‘make new memories’. He copes by using a ‘system’ of polaroids, tatoos, charts and notes that substitutes for memory in its first role, the retention of information. In particular, the system is supposed to help Leonard carry out his sole goal: to find and kill his wife’s murderer. In this it proves a disastrous failure. But are we so (...)
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  15.  13
    Inception as Philosophy: Choose Your Dreams or Seek Reality.David Kyle Johnson - 2022 - In The Palgrave Handbook of Popular Culture as Philosophy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 753-772.
    Christopher Nolan’ Inception is more than its folding cityscapes and mind-bending ambiguous ending. It’s a film that makes its viewer question the very nature of reality. Not only is it possible that the entire movie is a dream, but multiple viewings of Inception leaves one wondering whether the same might be true of one’s experience. Indeed, according to the author of “The Fiction of Christopher Nolan” Todd McGowan, Inception calls its viewers to abandon any concern they (...)
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  16.  27
    Identity Theft: A Thought Experiment on the Fragility of Identity.David Menčik - 2020 - Conatus 5 (1):71.
    This paper intends to discuss some aspects of what we conceive as personal identity: what it consists in, as well as its alleged fragility. First I will try to justify the methodology used in this paper, that is, the use of allegories in ontological debates, especialy in the form of thought experiments and science fiction movies. Then I will introduce an original thought experiment I call “Who am I actually?,” one that was coined with the intent to shed light on (...)
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  17.  39
    The Violence of Creation in "The Prestige".Todd Mcgowan - 2007 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 1 (3).
    One of the central ideas of Slavoj Žižek’s recent work is that liberation never occurs without some form of sacrifice. As he puts it, “liberation hurts.” Through its account of the intertwined lives of two magicians competing to outdo each other, Christopher Nolan’s The Prestige explores this idea by emphasizing the necessary role that sacrifice and loss play in the act of artistic creation and in all production of the new. By doing so, it points toward an alternative (...)
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  18.  10
    Rewatching on The Point of The Cinematic Index.Allen H. Redmon - 2022 - Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
    Rewatching on the Point of the Cinematic Index offers a reassessment of the cinematic index as it sits at the intersection of film studies, trauma studies, and adaptation studies. Author Allen H. Redmon argues that far too often scholars imagine the cinematic index to be nothing more than an acknowledgment that the lens-based camera captures and brings to the screen a reality that existed before the camera. When cinema's indexicality is so narrowly defined, the entire nature of film is called (...)
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  19.  35
    Socratic Film.Nicholas Diehl - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (1):23-34.
    This article is about a relationship between the Socratic practice of philosophy and the aesthetic practice of watching and appreciating film. The conclusion that I defend is that certain narrative films, like the elenctic method in the hands of Socrates, are philosophical tools for examining our cognitive and emotional life and thus for gaining insight into aspects of our character. In the early sections of the article I construct an analogy between the practice of watching narrative film and the practice (...)
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  20.  6
    From Ascetic Ideals to Honest Illusions: A Nietzschean Interpretation of Inception.Yonghwa Lee & Kyoung-Min Han - 2025 - Film-Philosophy 29 (1):244-263.
    This article illuminates the open ending of Christopher Nolan's film Inception (2010) in light of Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy. Drawing particularly on Nietzsche's notions of ascetic ideals and honest illusions, the article contends that Cobb's refusal to look at the spinning top can be seen not necessarily as his renunciation of autonomy but as his new attempt to affirm his existence and create meanings. Mal's tragic death has turned Cobb into an ascetic idealist who paradoxically resorts to self-torture to (...)
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  21.  4
    Les psychonautes.Sinziana Ravini - 2022 - Paris: PUF.
    Qu'est-ce que l'inconscient? À cette question, de nombreuses disciplines, de la psychanalyse aux neurosciences, ont proposé une réponse - toujours frustrante. Peut-être cet échec reposait-il sur le fait que l'inconscient a trop longtemps été considéré comme une chose à observer de loin, plutôt que comme un paysage à arpenter, à explorer. S'entourant d'une pléiade d'artistes, de cinéastes et d'écrivains, de Christopher Nolan à Mikhaïl Boulgakov, de Pierre Huygue à Stanley Kubrick, de Michel Houellebecq à Liv Strômquist, Sinziana Ravini (...)
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  22.  18
    Particles of Light.Stephen Turner - 2022 - Film and Philosophy 26:103-122.
    This article addresses recent science fiction films about the colonization of outer worlds, or space-steading, in the context of the longer colonial history of the frontier. Paying particular attention to Interstellar (Christopher Nolan, 2014), Serenity (Joss Whedon, 2005) and The Wild Blue Yonder (Werner Herzog, 2005), I argue that colonizing outer space is not only a race to the new frontier, but that this takes place because technologies that picture space have quickened the pulse. Through its imagining of (...)
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  23.  10
    Are you watching closely?: cultural paranoia, new technologies, and the contemporary Hollywood misdirection film.Seth Friedman - 2017 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Retrospective issues: the discursive approach to genre and the misdirection film -- -- The truth is out there: manufacturing conspiratorial narrative coherence -- Constructing the (im)perfect cover: masculine masquerade and narrative agency -- -- Start making sense: narrative complexity, DVD, and online fandom -- The masters of misdirection: branding M. Night Shyamalan and Christopher Nolan -- Genre prestige: the misdirection film as blockbuster and middlebrow art -- Conclusion.
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  24.  24
    Desperate Acts and Compromises.Alexander Wilson - 2022 - Foundations of Science 27 (3):1001-1008.
    This article expands on what Bernard Stiegler describes as “The Ordeal of Truth”. Through an evolutionary account of cognition and its exteriorization in human technology, I highlight a recurring tension in philosophy between the “as-if” nature of our models and representations, and the doubt that infects even our most stable understanding of the world. Truth is here associated to the process of metastabilization that characterizes the biological organism. The famous case of Clive Wearing’s severe amnesia, as well as the fictional (...)
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  25.  67
    Inception and Philosophy: Because It's Never Just a Dream.David Kyle Johnson & William Irwin (eds.) - 2011 - Wiley.
    A philosophical look at the movie Inception and its brilliant metaphysical puzzles Is the top still spinning? Was it all a dream? In the world of Christopher Nolan's four-time Academy Award-winning movie, people can share one another's dreams and alter their beliefs and thoughts. Inception is a metaphysical heist film that raises more questions than it answers: Can we know what is real? Can you be held morally responsible for what you do in dreams? What is the nature (...)
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  26.  9
    Translating Across Cultures.Kinya Nishi - 2011 - Culture and Dialogue 1 (1):91-105.
    The paper offers a philosophical reflection upon the film Ghajini which was directed by Ajith Rahul Murugadoss in 2008. The film is an Indian remake/translation/transcreation of Christopher Nolan’s Memento (2000). Through Ghajini, I attempt to explore the reversible migration between spaces such as forgetfulness and memory, moment and sequence, inwardness (or consciousness) and externality (or the world). The paper creates an intercultural dialogue about self-identity and the materials of which it is made, a theme touched upon and developed (...)
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    Cinematic Philosophy: Experiential Affirmation in Memento.Rafe Mcgregor - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (1):57-66.
    This article demonstrates that Memento (Christopher Nolan, 2000) meets both conditions of Paisley Livingston's bold thesis of cinema as philosophy. I delineate my argument in terms of Aaron Smuts's clarifications of Livingston's conditions. The results condition, which is concerned with the nature of the philosophical content, is developed in relation to Berys Gaut's conception of narrational confirmation, which I designate ‘experiential affirmation.’ Because experiential affirmation is a function of cinematic depiction, it meets Livingston's means condition, which is concerned (...)
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  28. Olhar e memória na percepção cinematográfica.Susana Isabel Rainho Viegas - 2008 - Princípios 15 (24):31-44.
    O presente artigo tem dois objectivos: por um lado, o de analisar os conceitos de percepçáo e memória no cinema segundo a fenomenologia de Maurice Merleau-Ponty em “Le Cinéma et la Nouvelle Psychologie” e, por outro lado, o de analisar estes mesmos conceitos no filme de Christopher Nolan, Memento . A nossa principal referência será a fenomenologia da percepçáo em Merleau-Ponty de modo a melhor compreendermos o interesse fenomenológico do cinema e deste filme em particular.
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    Ghosts of My Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology and Lost Futures vol. 1.Mark Fisher - 2014 - John Hunt (NBN).
    This collection of writings by Mark Fisher, author of the acclaimed Capitalist Realism, argues that we are haunted by futures that failed to happen. Fisher searches for the traces of these lost futures in the work of David Peace, John Le Carré, Christopher Nolan, Joy Division, Burial and many others.
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    Cinematic cuts: theorizing film endings.Sheila Kunkle (ed.) - 2016 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    _Explores the philosophical, literary, and psychoanalytic significance of film endings._ Editing has been called the language of cinema, and thus a film’s ending can be considered the final punctuation mark of this language, framing everything that came before and offering the key to both our interpretation and our enjoyment of a film. In _Cinematic Cuts_, scholars explore the philosophical, literary, and psychoanalytic significance of film endings, analyzing how film endings engage our fantasies of cheating death, finding true love, or determining (...)
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    The search for meaning in film and television: disenchantment at the turn of the millennium.Marcus Maloney - 2015 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This fascinating study explores the difficulties faced by modern Westerners in their search for a meaningful life. It sheds light on this enduring cultural dilemma through a close reading of four popular film and television narratives: Pixar's animated feature film, Toy Story; Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins and The Dark Knight; the television romantic comedy, Sex and the City; and, finally, the mobster drama, The Sopranos. The readings are guided by a number of inter-related questions. First, in what ways (...)
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    Saving the world and healing the soul: heroism and romance in film.David Matzko McCarthy - 2017 - Eugene, Oregon: CASCADE Books. Edited by Kurt E. Blaugher.
    Saving the World and Healing the Soul treats the heroic and redemptive trials of Jason Bourne, Bruce Wayne, Bella Swan, and Katniss Everdeen. The Bourne films, Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy, the Twilight saga, and the Hunger Games series offer us stories to live into, to make connection between our personal loves and trials and a good order of the world.
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  33. Memento: A Philosophical Investigation.Phil Hutchinson & Rupert Read - 2005 - In Rupert Read & Jerry Goodenough (eds.), Film as Philosophy: Essays on Cinema After Wittgenstein and Cavell. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 72-93.
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    Morality and Epistemic Judgement: The Argument From Analogy.Christopher Cowie - 2019 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Moral judgments attempt to describe a reality that does not exist, so they are all false. This troubling view is known as the moral error theory. Christopher Cowie defends it against the most compelling counter-argument, the argument from analogy: Cowie shows that moral error theory does not compromise the practice of making epistemic judgments.
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  35. Minimal Rationality.Christopher Cherniak - 1988 - Behaviorism 16 (1):89-92.
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  36.  46
    The Shadow of the Object: Psychoanalysis of the Unthought Known.Christopher Bollas - 1987 - Columbia University Press.
    Basing his view on the object relations theories of the "British School" of psychoanalysis, Christopher Bollas examines the human subject's memories of its earliest experiences (during infancy and childhood) of the object, whether it be mother, father, or self. He explains in well-written and non-technical language how the object can affect the child, or "cast in shadow," without the child being able to process this relation through mental representations of language.
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    The Indeterminacy of Republican Policy.Christopher Mcmahon - 2004 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 33 (1):67-93.
  38. Introductory essay : Communal agreement and objectivity.Christopher M. Leich & Steven H. Holtzman - 1981 - In Steven H. Holtzman & Christopher M. Leich (eds.), Wittgenstein: To Follow a Rule. Boston: Routledge.
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  39. Justice as equality.Christopher Ake - 1975 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 5 (1):69-89.
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    The Phenomenon of Life.Christopher Alexander & Center for Environmental Structure - 2002
    Contemporary architecture is increasingly grounded in science and mathematics. Architectural discourse has shifted radically from the sometimes disorienting Derridean deconstruction, to engaging scientific terms such as fractals, chaos, complexity, nonlinearity, and evolving systems. That's where the architectural action is -- at least for cutting-edge architects and thinkers -- and every practicing architect and student needs to become conversant with these terms and know what they mean. Unfortunately, the vast majority of architecture faculty are unprepared to explain them to students, not (...)
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  41. Self-care : embodiment, personal autonomy, and the shaping of health consciousness.Christopher Ziguras - 2011 - In Ann Brooks (ed.), Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
  42.  5
    The Synaptic Gospel: Teaching the Brain to Worship.Christopher D. Rodkey - 2012 - UPA.
    In this book, Christopher D. Rodkey asks how the brain worships and responds by engaging ideas from neurological science, philosophy, ritual theory, and religious education. The Synaptic Gospel will prove to be a useful theoretical tool for pastors, religious educators, youth ministers, church music professionals, and seminary students.
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    Qualities and translations.Christopher Tancredi & Yael Sharvit - 2020 - Linguistics and Philosophy 43 (3):303-343.
    We argue for a new mode of interpretation for attributed attitudes, what we call de translato interpretation. De translato interpretation assigns a meaning to an expression based on the interpretation given to that expression by the attitude subject rather than that standardly given by the attributor. We argue that this new mode of interpretation is distinct from but compatible with de dicto, de re and de qualitate interpretation. Formally, de translato interpretation is analyzed as introducing a modification in the language (...)
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  44. Autonomy and authority.Christopher McMahon - 1987 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 16 (4):303-328.
  45. Preface.Christopher Brooke - 2012 - In Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought From Lipsius to Rousseau. Princeton University Press.
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    From Complex Bodies to a Theory of Art.Christopher Thomas - 2018 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 22 (2):367-387.
    Spinoza’s limited words on the subject of art has led many to claim that his philosophy is incompatible and even hostile to a theory of art. Such a critique begins by confusing modern aesthetic standards with Spinoza’s actual words on art and its objects. Beginning with this confusion, this paper will argue that Spinoza’s philosophy naturalises the work of art and conceives of things such as paintings and temples through his theory of complex bodies.Turning to the two places that Spinoza (...)
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    The Development of Moral Theology: Five Strands by Charles E. Curran.Christopher Libby - 2015 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 35 (2):219-220.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Development of Moral Theology: Five Strands by Charles E. CurranChristopher LibbyThe Development of Moral Theology: Five Strands Charles E. Curran washington, dc: georgetown university press, 2013. 306 pp. $29.95At least two entwined questions dominate Charles Curran’s The Development of Moral Theology: first, what differentiates Catholic moral theology from other approaches to Christian ethics, and second, how we should understand, evaluate, and appropriate that tradition in light of (...)
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    The poetic imagination in Heidegger and Schelling.Christopher Yates - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    The first comparative study of Heidegger and Schelling, recognizing Schelling's place in post-Kantian GermanIdealism and his contribution to Heidegger's later thought.
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    Reasonableness and Fairness: A Historical Theory.Christopher McMahon - 2016 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    We all know, or think we know, what it means to say that something is 'reasonable' or 'fair', but what exactly are these concepts and how have they evolved and changed over the course of history? In this book, Christopher McMahon explores reasonableness, fairness, and justice as central concepts of the morality of reciprocal concern. He argues that the basis of this morality evolves as history unfolds, so that forms of interaction that might have been morally acceptable in the (...)
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    Work, well–being and vocational education: The ethical significance of work and preparation for work.Christopher Winch - 2002 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 19 (3):261–271.
    David Carr's account of the nature of professional work is described and examined. It is argued that Carr's criteria for distinguishing between professional and non–professional work are not adequate. The criteria are as follows: the professions’ essential role in promoting human flourishing; their contestability; their direct concern for the well–being of clients; their provision of a high degree of autonomy for practitioners. They do not mark out a qualitative difference between professions and other occupations. Carr's notion of civic necessities applies (...)
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