Results for 'Circumstance'

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  1.  10
    in Which a Doctor May.Is There Ever A. Circumstance - 2013 - In Arthur L. Caplan & Robert Arp (eds.), Contemporary debates in bioethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 401.
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    From 'Circumstances' to 'Environment': Herbert Spencer and the Origins of the Idea of Organism–Environment Interaction.Trevor Pearce - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 41 (3):241-252.
    The word ‘environment’ has a history. Before the mid-nineteenth century, the idea of a singular, abstract entity—the organism—interacting with another singular, abstract entity—the environment—was virtually unknown. In this paper I trace how the idea of a plurality of external conditions or circumstances was replaced by the idea of a singular environment. The central figure behind this shift, at least in Anglo-American intellectual life, was the philosopher Herbert Spencer. I examine Spencer’s work from 1840 to 1855, demonstrating that he was exposed (...)
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  3. The Circumstances of Intergenerational Justice.Eric Brandstedt - 2015 - Moral Philosophy and Politics 2 (1):33-56.
    Some key political challenges today, e.g. climate change, are future oriented. The intergenerational setting differs in some notable ways from the intragenerational one, creating obstacles to theorizing about intergenerational justice. One concern is that as the circumstances of justice do not pertain intergenerationally, intergenerational justice is not meaningful. In this paper, I scrutinize this worry by analysing the presentations of the doctrine of the circumstances of justice by David Hume and John Rawls. I argue that we should accept the upshot (...)
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    Circumstances/context: A fifth cause.David Weissman - 2025 - Metaphilosophy 56 (1):126-134.
    Individualism dominates Western ontologies: atoms and molecules; substances, minds, and agents. Each is said to embody conditions sufficient to establish its nature and existence. Ontologies spawned by Descartes's cogito and Kantian world‐making are, nevertheless, false to all we know of reality and ourselves. This paper suggests an alternative: entities and events are generated by the material circumstances in which they emerge and evolve; nothing at any scale is exempt from the discovery that its existence and character derive from and are (...)
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    The circumstances of justice.Peter Vanderschraaf - 2006 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 5 (3):321-351.
    In this article, I analyze the circumstances of justice, that is, the background conditions that are necessary and sufficient for justice to exist between individual parties in society. Contemporary political philosophers almost unanimously accept an account of these circumstances attributed to David Hume. I argue that the conditions of this standard account are neither sufficient nor necessary conditions for justice. In particular, I contend that both a Hobbesian state of nature and a prisoner’s dilemma are cases in which the conditions (...)
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    Standard circumstances and vital goals: Comments on venkatapuram's critique.Lennart Nordenfelt - 2012 - Bioethics 27 (5):280-284.
    This article is a reply to Venkatapuram's critique in his article Health, Vital Goals, Capabilities, this volume. I take issue mainly with three critical points put forward by Venkatapuram with regard to my theory of health. (1) I deny that the contents of my vital goals are relative to each community or context, as Venkatapuram claims. There is no conceptual connection at all between standard circumstances and vital goals, as I understand these concepts. (2) Venkatapuram notes that I stop short (...)
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  7. Victims of Circumstances? A Defense of Virtue Ethics in Business.Robert C. Solomon - 2003 - Business Ethics Quarterly 13 (1):43-62.
    Abstract:Should the responsibilities of business managers be understood independently of the social circumstances and “market forces” that surround them, or (in accord with empiricism and the social sciences) are agents and their choices shaped by their circumstances, free only insofar as they act in accordance with antecedently established dispositions, their “character”? Virtue ethics, of which I consider myself a proponent, shares with empiricism this emphasis on character as well as an affinity with the social sciences. But recent criticisms of both (...)
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  8. Justifying circumstances and Moore-paradoxical beliefs: A response to Brueckner.John N. Williams - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):490-496.
    In 2004, I explained the absurdity of Moore-paradoxical belief via the syllogism (Williams 2004): (1) All circumstances that justify me in believing that p are circumstances that tend to make me believe that p. (2) All circumstances that tend to make me believe that p are circumstances that justify me in believing that I believe that p. (3) All circumstances that justify me in believing that p are circumstances that justify me in believing that I believe that p. I then (...)
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  9. Normal Circumstances Reliabilism: Goldman on Reliability and Justified Belief.Peter J. Graham - 2017 - Philosophical Topics 45 (1):33-61.
    Alvin Goldman’s paper “What Is Justified Belief" and his book Epistemology and Cognition pioneered reliabilist theories of epistemic justifiedness. In light of counterexamples to necessity and counterexamples to sufficiency, Goldman has offered a number of refinements and modifications. This paper focuses on those refinements that relativize the justification conferring force of a belief-forming process to its reliably producing a high ratio of true beliefs over falsehoods in special circumstances: reliability in the actual world, in normal worlds, and in nonmanipulated environments. (...)
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  10. From contexts to circumstances of evaluation: is the trade-off always innocuous?Mikhail Kissine - 2012 - Synthese 184 (2):199-216.
    Both context relativists and circumstance-of-evaluation relativists agree that the traditional semantic interpretation of some sentence-types fails to deliver the adequate truth-conditions for the corresponding tokens. But while the context relativists argue that the truth-conditions of each token depend on its context of utterance—each token being thus associated with a distinct intension—circumstance-of-evaluation relativists preserve a unique intension for all the tokens by placing circumstances of evaluations under the influence of a certain ‘point of view’. The main difference between the (...)
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  11. Structures and circumstances: two ways to fine-grain propositions.David Ripley - 2012 - Synthese 189 (1):97 - 118.
    This paper discusses two distinct strategies that have been adopted to provide fine-grained propositions; that is, propositions individuated more finely than sets of possible worlds. One strategy takes propositions to have internal structure, while the other looks beyond possible worlds, and takes propositions to be sets of circumstances, where possible worlds do not exhaust the circumstances. The usual arguments for these positions turn on fineness-of-grain issues: just how finely should propositions be individuated? Here, I compare the two strategies with an (...)
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    Circumstances: Chance in the Literary Text.David F. Bell - 1993 - U of Nebraska Press.
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    Elite Schools in Globalising Circumstances: New Conceptual Directions and Connections.Jane Kenway & Cameron McCarthy (eds.) - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Elite Schools in Globalizing Circumstances_ foregrounds the richly theoretical and empirically-based work of an international cast of scholars seeking to break out of the confines of the methodological nationalism that now governs so much of contemporary scholarship on schooling. Based on a 5-year extended global ethnography of elite schools in nine different countries—countries defined by colonial pasts linked to England—the contributors make a powerful case for the rethinking of elite schools and elite class formation theory in light of contemporary processes (...)
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  14. Dispositions, conditionals and auspicious circumstances.Justin C. Fisher - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 164 (2):443-464.
    A number of authors have suggested that a conditional analysis of dispositions must take roughly the following form: Thing X is disposed to produce response R to stimulus S just in case, if X were exposed to S and surrounding circumstances were auspicious, then X would produce R. The great challenge is cashing out the relevant notion of ‘auspicious circumstances’. I give a general argument which entails that all existing conditional analyses fail, and that there is no satisfactory way to (...)
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    Propositions, circumstances, objects.Walter Edelberg - 1994 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 23 (1):1 - 34.
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    Happenstance, circumstance or enemy action: Cyclin D1 in breast, eye and brain.Emmett V. Schmidt - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (1):6-8.
    Two recent reports of mice homozygously deleted for cyclin D1 provide unequivocal evidence that the critical G1 cyclin, cyclin D1, is by itself rate‐limiting for growth in some mammalian tissues(1,2). Cyclin D1 knockout mice are small and exhibit behavioral abnormalities. Specific hypoplasias of retinal and mammary tissues suggest an unusual dependence on cyclin D1 function for tissue growth in those organs. The odd coincidences that cyclin D1 functions as the retinoblastoma gene kinase, together with associations between increased cyclin D1 expression (...)
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    The Circumstances of Global Justice.Idil Boran - 2008 - Public Affairs Quarterly 22 (4):335-352.
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    Rawlsian Theory and the Circumstances of Politics.Andrew Mason - 2010 - Political Theory 38 (5):658-683.
    Can Rawlsian theory provide us with an adequate response to the practical question of how we should proceed in the face of widespread and intractable disagreement over matters of justice? Recent criticism of ideal theorizing might make us wonder whether this question highlights another way in which ideal theory can be too far removed from our non-ideal circumstances to provide any practical guidance. Further reflection on it does not show that ideal theory is redundant, but it does indicate that there (...)
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    The circumstances of migrant families raising children with disabilities in five European countries.Geneviève Piérart, Melissa Arneton, Alida Gulfi, Elena Albertini-Früh, Hilde Lidén, Tamar Makharadze, Eliso Rekhviashvili & Roberto Dainese - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-4 (14-4):286-298.
    En 2017, des spécialistes de différentes disciplines (santé, éducation et travail social) issus de cinq pays européens (France, Géorgie, Italie, Norvège et Suisse) ont créé un réseau afin de poursuivre leurs recherches sur le handicap et la migration. Le présent article expose les principaux résultats d’un premier workshop qu’ils ont réalisé et les pistes qui en découlent pour de futures recherches. D’une part, les enfants migrants en situation de handicap restent invisibles sur le plan statistique dans plusieurs pays. Leurs besoins (...)
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  20. Choice, circumstance, and the value of equality.Samuel Scheffler - 2005 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 4 (1):5-28.
    Many recent political philosophers have attempted to demonstrate that choice and responsibility can be incorporated into the framework of an egalitarian theory of distributive justice. This article argues, however, that the project of developing a responsibility-based conception of egalitarian justice is misconceived. The project represents an attempt to defuse conservative criticism of the welfare state and of egalitarian liberalism more generally. But by mimicking the conservative’s emphasis on choice and responsibility, advocates of responsibility-based egalitarianism unwittingly inherit the conservative’s unsustainable justificatory (...)
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    The Circumstances of Civil Recourse.Rebecca Stone - 2021 - Law and Philosophy 41 (1):39-62.
    What circumstances create the need for an institution that conforms to civil recourse theory? I consider polities that vary in the extent to which they instantiate justice and argue that only a moderately non-ideal polity has a need for such an institution. When a polity gets close to the ideal, the polity needs institutions of corrective justice. When the polity gets very far from the ideal, tort law is at best instrumentally justified. Somewhere in between those two extremes, a civil (...)
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    Circumstances.Rebecca S. Mills - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (2):493-498.
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  23. Choice, Circumstance and the Costs of Children.Serena Olsaretti - 2009 - In Stephen De Wijze, Matthew H. Kramer & Ian Carter (eds.), Hillel Steiner and the Anatomy of Justice: Themes and Challenges. New York: Routledge.
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    Values, circumstances, and epistemic justification.Rosalind S. Simson - 1993 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 31 (3):373-391.
    "Evidentialism" is the view that a person's epistemic justification for a doxastic attitude is determined entirely by his or her evidence for the content of that attitude. This paper has two goals. The first is to argue that values and circumstances properly influence epistemic justification, and that evidentialism is therefore untenable, even as an epistemic ideal. The second is to outline a nonevidentialist theory of epistemic justification that avoids the common objection that nonevidentialist theories fail to preserve important distinctions between (...)
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    Economic Circumstances in Childhood and Subsequent Substance Use in Adolescence – A Latent Class Analysis: The youth@hordaland Study.Jens Christoffer Skogen, Børge Sivertsen, Mari Hysing, Ove Heradstveit & Tormod Bøe - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  26. Circumstances and Consequences.R. G. Frey - 1976 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 57 (1):34.
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    Circumstance sentences.Helmut Schnelle - 1979 - In A. Margalit (ed.), Meaning and Use. Reidel. pp. 93--115.
  28. (1 other version)Why Propositions Cannot be Sets of Truth-supporting Circumstances.Scott Soames - 2008 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 37 (3):267-276.
    No semantic theory satisfying certain natural constraints can identify the semantic contents of sentences (the propositions they express), with sets of circumstances in which the sentences are true–no matter how fine-grained the circumstances are taken to be. An objection to the proof is shown to fail by virtue of conflating model-theoretic consequence between sentences with truth-conditional consequence between the semantic contents of sentences. The error underlines the impotence of distinguishing semantics, in the sense of a truth-based theory of logical consequence, (...)
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    The Circumstances that Led to the Founding of The Chesterton Review.Ian Boyd - 1995 - The Chesterton Review 21 (1/2):164-167.
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    Normal Circumstances, Literal Language, Direct Speech Acts, the Ordinary, the Everyday, the Obvious, What Goes without Saying, and Other Special Cases.Stanley E. Fish - 1978 - Critical Inquiry 4 (4):625-644.
    A sentence is never not in a context. We are never not in a situation. A statute is never not read in the light on some purpose. A set of interpretative assumptions is always in force. A sentence that seems to need no interpretation is already the product of one...No sentence is ever apprehended independently of some or other illocutionary force. Illocutionary force is the key term in speech-act theory. It refers to the way an utterance is taken—as an order, (...)
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    Analyzing Societal Circumstances, Sustainability and Sustainable Urban Development: New Theoretical and Methodological Challenges.Laurent J. G. van der Maesen - 2013 - International Journal of Social Quality 3 (1):82-105.
    This article reviews the development of social quality indicators and the challenges ahead. First, through a review of recent Asian and Australian work carried out on social quality indicators, and the World Bank related work on “social development indicators,” the article argues that social quality indicators research should move beyond the empirical level of particular policy areas. Therefore, it should be guided by a clear methodological perspective regarding the role of indicators as part of a social quality theory (SQT) and (...)
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  32. Circumstance, answerability and luck.Lubomira V. Radoilska - 2021 - The Monist 104 (2):155-167.
    This paper identifies a distinctive kind of moral luck, deep circumstantial luck and then explores its effects on moral responsibility. A key feature of the phenomenon is that it is recurrent rather than one-off. It also affects agents across a wide range of situations making it difficult to detect. Deeply unlucky agents are subject to unfavourable moral assessments through no fault of their own both in specific cases and when they try to respond to such initial assessments. In this respect, (...)
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    Circumstance and dharma.Margaret Chatterjee - 2010 - Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study.
    Four lectures delivered by the author at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study in 2008.
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    'Exceptional circumstances' – access to low priority treatments after the Herceptin case.Christopher Newdick - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (4):205-208.
    What is the link between patients' rights to NHS treatment and PCTs' duties to live within their budgets? This was the issue in Rogers v Swindon PCT [2006], in which a patient had been denied trastuzamab (Herceptin®) for early-stage breast cancer. In principle, rationing is lawful and PCTs have to make hard choices about spending priorities, but they may not ignore the interests of needy patients in doing so. Rather, they must balance the 'corporate' interests of the PCT with the (...)
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  35. Information and circumstance.Jon Barwise - 1986 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 27 (July):324-338.
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    On circumstance and other tyrannies.Gregor Benton - 1984 - Theory and Society 13 (3):471-484.
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  37. Discussion. Circumstances and the truth of words: A reply to Travis.H. Simmons - 1997 - Mind 106 (421):117-118.
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    Minimum Circumstances Necessary for Virtue and Happiness.Benjamin Hole - 2020 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 76 (1):237-260.
    What are the worst conditions under which someone can be virtuous and happy? In this paper, I argue that a minimum threshold of favorable circumstances is necessary for moral virtue and human flourishing or happiness. Stoic and Aristotelian traditions make different and important claims about the role of external circumstances in our moral lives. Retrieving the ancient dispute benefits contemporary ethics. For one, the relevance of external circumstances is an important question for the development of present-day virtue ethics. For another, (...)
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  39. Historical circumstances of the English parliamentary reform of 1832.P. Wende, W. Steinmetz, A. Wirsching & G. Lottes - forthcoming - Hegel-Studien.
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    ‘Despite Circumstance’: The Principles of Medical Ethics and the Role of Hope.Anna Westin - 2018 - The New Bioethics 24 (3):258-267.
    In this paper, I will examine how the role of hope can inform our interpretation of the classical principles of medical ethics. Defining hope as a future-oriented expectation for the good, I will look at how it can shape our understanding of justice, beneficence, respect for autonomy and non-maleficence. I will suggest that ethically engaging with these principles in medical practice requires placing value on the patient–practitioner relation as a mode of hope. Engaging the writings of Emmanuel Lévinas and Søren (...)
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    Circumstance anguish: an iatrophilosophical model for depresalgia.Martín L. Vargas-Aragón - 2024 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 70:201-224.
    “Iatrophilosophy” is defined as the translational discipline between medicine and philosophy that has a double objective, theoretical and practical. It is presented a model of practical iatrophilosophy applied to chronic pain associated with depression and stress—depresalgia—, that expands Phenomenologic, Hermeneutic, Dynamic Psychotherapy (PHD) to the general medical field. It starts from the general model of the medical triad - disease, illness, and sickness- and, in the horizon of Ortega's anthropology, five nuclear metaphors are proposed: greed of the body, anguish of (...)
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  42. Circumstances-Serres, Michel and the question of time.Alessandro DelcÒ - 1993 - Filosofia 44 (2):301-340.
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    Circumstances and dominance in a causal decision theory.Jordan Howard Sobel - 1985 - Synthese 63 (2):167 - 202.
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    Lyric location and performance circumstances in sappho and alcaeus: A cognitive approach.David Gribble - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (1):52-70.
    A striking feature of the songs of Sappho and Alcaeus is their constant use of ‘deictic’ signals to establish a setting in a specific location in time and space. This article examines the created worlds of Sappho and Alcaeus, drawing on cognitive methodologies, in particular Text World Theory. It argues for the importance of a methodological distinction between the circumstances of performance of the songs, and the cognitive world they create. The locations established by the songs are designed to assimilate (...)
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    V*—Causes and Causal Circumstances as Necessitating.Ted Honderich - 1978 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 78 (1):63-86.
    Ted Honderich; V*—Causes and Causal Circumstances as Necessitating, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 78, Issue 1, 1 June 1978, Pages 63–86, https.
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  46. The Circumstances of Justice.Simon Hope - 2010 - Hume Studies 36 (2):125-148.
    David Hume famously states, in his A Treatise of Human Nature, “that ’tis only from the selfishness and confin’d generosity of men, along with the scanty provision nature has made for his wants, that justice derives its origin”.1 This is Hume’s summary of the conditions under which the very idea of rules of justice makes practical sense, and he effectively repeats it in the Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals.2 To put it briefly at the outset, Hume’s point is simply (...)
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    The Effect of Change in Circumstances on the Performance of Contract.Egidijus Baranauskas & Paulius Zapolskis - 2009 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 118 (4):197-216.
    The authors of this article use systemic, comparative and historical methods to review the most representative legal systems – rench, English and German – and analyse how these legal systems deal with the effects of change in circumstances on the performance of a contract. The authors also discuss solutions adopted by scholar groups working on supranational contract law (soft law) instruments, namely, UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts and Principles of European Contract Law, stressing that these sets of principles have (...)
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  48. The circumstances of justice: Pluralism, community, and friendship.Neera Kapur Badhwar - 1993 - Journal of Political Philosophy 1 (3):250–276.
    Liberal political theory sees justice as the "first virtue" of a good society, the virtue that guides individuals' conceptions of their own good, and protects the equal liberty of all to pursue their ends, so long as these ends and pursuits are just. But ever since Marx's declaration that "liberty as a right of man is not founded upon the relations between man and man, but rather upon the separation of man from man...,"i liberal society has been frequently criticized for (...)
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    Virtue and Circumstances: On the City-State Concept of Arete.Margalit Finkelberg - 2002 - American Journal of Philology 123 (1):35-49.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Virtue and Circumstances:On the City-State Concept of AreteMargalit FinkelbergIn his discussion of virtue (arete) in books 1 and 10 of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle makes the famous claim that "it is impossible, or not easy, to do noble acts without the proper equipment ()" (Eth. Nic. 1.8 1099a32-33). This is why arete would need what he calls "the external goods" () in order to be actualized:The liberal man will (...)
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  50. Circumstances of justice and future generations.Brian Barry - 1978 - In Richard I. Sikora & Brian Barry (eds.), Obligations to future generations. Cambridge, UK: White Horse Press. pp. 204--48.
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