Results for 'Civilization, Oriental '

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  1.  29
    Die Ninegalla-Hymne: Die Wohnungnahme Inannas in Nippur in altbabylonischer Zeit.Miguel Civil & Hermann Behrens - 2000 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 120 (4):674.
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    Išme-Dagan and Enlil's ChariotIsme-Dagan and Enlil's Chariot.Miguel Civil - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (1):3.
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    The Anzu-Bird and Scribal Whimsies.M. Civil - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (2):271.
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    Civil Regulation, the Environment and the Compliance Orientations of SMEs.Gary Lynch-Wood & David Williamson - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 125 (3):1-14.
    The article explores the impact of civil regulation on the environmental behaviour of SMEs. It shows that although civil regulatory pressures are generally subdued, and that conventional regulation continues to be an important driver of behaviour, there are circumstances where civil pressures nevertheless produce a ‘regulatory’ stimulus. Where they do, it appears that civil regulatory pressures tend to derive from stakeholders pursuing relatively narrow self-interest (rather than public interest) mandates; and they normally target particular issues rather than ‘social responsibility’ in (...)
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    Atra-ḫasīs; The Babylonian Story of the FloodThe Sumerian Flood StoryAtra-hasis; The Babylonian Story of the Flood.Hope Nash Wolfe, W. G. Lambert, A. R. Millard & M. Civil - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (1):75.
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  6. Oriental enlightenment: the encounter between Asian and Western thought.John James Clarke - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    The West has long had an ambivalent attitude toward the philosophical traditions of the East. Voltaire claimed that the East is the civilization "to which the West owes everything", yet C.S. Peirce was contemptuous of the "monstrous mysticism of the East". And despite the current trend toward globalizations, there is still a reluctance to take seriously the intellectual inheritance of South and East Asia. Oriental Enlightenment challenges this Eurocentric prejudice. J. J. Clarke examines the role played by the ideas (...)
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    Is Relationality Always Other-Oriented? Adam Smith, Catholic Social Teaching, and Civil Economy.Paolo Santori - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (1):49-68.
    Recent studies have investigated connections between Adam Smith’s economic and philosophical ideas and Catholic Social Teaching (CST). Scholars argue that their common background lies in their respective anthropologies, both endorsing a relational view of human beings. I raise one main concern regarding these analyses. I suggest that the relationality endorsed by Smith lacks a central element present in CST—the other-oriented perspective which is the intentional concern for promoting the good of others. Some key elements of CST, such as love, gift, (...)
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    Marx and Weber on oriental societies: in the shadow of western modernity.Lütfi Sunar - 2014 - Farnham Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    The Orient was central to the work of Marx and Weber, both figures building their theories around the question of why modernity appeared to emerge only in the West. Extending recent work comparing the social theories of Marx and Weber, this book examines their approaches to oriental societies, showing how, in spite of the differences in their respective theorizations of the historical and political development of the West, their work on the form of modern society in the Orient converges, (...)
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  9.  22
    (1 other version)Science and Civilization in China. Vol. I, Introductory Orientations.L. Carrington Goodrich & Joseph Needham - 1954 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (4):275.
  10.  13
    Lectures of Turcology Department of National Institute of Oriental Languages and Civilizations and the Written Expression Abilities of Students.Ayşe Yücel Çeti̇n - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:153-167.
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    Oriental thought: an introduction to the philosophical and religious thought of Asia.Yong Choon Kim - 1981 - Totowa, N.J.: Littlefield, Adams.
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    Oriental thought.Yong Choon Kim - 1973 - Springfield, Ill.,: Thomas.
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    Science and Civilization in China. By Joseph Needham, F.R.S., with the research assistance of L. Wang. Volume I, “Introductory Orientations.' [Pp. xxxviii + 318, with 36 figures, 13 plates, 9 tables, and two folded-in maps.] (Cambridge: The University Press, 1954. Price 52s. 6d. net.). [REVIEW]H. H. Dubs - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (115):362-.
  14.  13
    Civil Society, Constitution, and Legitimacy.Andrew Arato - 2000 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Spurred by recent governmental transitions from dictatorships to democratic institutions, this highly original work argues that negotiated civil society-oriented transitions have an affinity for a distinctive method of constitution making— one that accomplishes the radical change of institutions through legal continuity. Arato presents a compelling argument that this is the preferred method for rapidly establishing viable democratic institutions, and he contrasts the negotiated model with radical revolutionary change. This exceptionally engaging work will be of interest to students and scholars of (...)
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    Dis-Orientations: Philosophy, Literature and the Lost Grounds of Modernity.Marcia Sá Cavalcante Schuback & Tora Lane (eds.) - 2014 - London: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This is an edited collection of original essays that combine philosophy, phenomenology, and literature to reflect on modern ideas about orientation and disorientation, grounds and groundlessness.
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  16. Naturalism and Civilization (1927-1947).Antonio M. Nunziante - 2024 - Cogent Arts and Humanities 11 (1):1-15.
    This paper analyzes the specific shift in the meaning of “civilization” that took place in texts and documents of early American philosophical naturalism. Particularly, it will focus on the specific role that naturalization plays in the edification of a newly secularized, science-oriented, and democratic society, as well as of a naturalized conception of culture and civilization. Indeed, as the work of many philosophers and intellectuals of the Forties highlights, naturalism represents not only the banner of a new idea of civilization, (...)
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    Civil Society Discourse in Russian Modernism and French Post-Modernism.Svetlana Klimova - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 20:121-127.
    Various approaches to civil society research are considered. Two key problems caused by impact of post-modernism are discussed, that are: crises of identification with the society and problems of personal identity. A particular personality crisis that is specific for contemporary Russia is noticed. The crisis is caused by the combination of two factors. They are: social abandonment, atomization and loneliness and total relativism produced by expansion of post-modernism. The second factor influences the Western citizenship as well. That’s why “re-emergence” of (...)
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    Oriental Despotism and the Limits of Doux Commerce, from Montesquieu to Raynal.Kate Yoon - 2023 - Political Theory 51 (3):456-480.
    According to one interpretation, Montesquieu believed that laws should be suited to the particular physical and moral characteristics of a nation, and that political change should not be abruptly imposed. However, as Montesquieu nonetheless condemned despotism, he argued that change in despotic regimes should happen gradually through the noncoercive alternative of doux commerce. My aim is to challenge this interpretation of Montesquieu in two ways. First of all, Montesquieu was far more skeptical about the possibility of political change; so strong (...)
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    Normative orientations of university faculty and doctoral students.Melissa S. Anderson - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (4):443-461.
    Data from two national surveys of 4,000 faculty and doctoral students in chemistry, civil engineering, microbiology and sociology indicate that both faculty and students subscribe strongly to traditional norms but are more likely to see alternative counternorms enacted in their departments. They also show significant effects of departmental climate on normative orientations and suggest that many researchers express some degree of ambivalence about traditional norms.
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    East Asian Community: Theory of Alternative Civilization - Focusing on Civilizational Orientation -. 전홍석 - 2018 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 90 (90):189-222.
    20세기 말 미소냉전질서의 해체 이후 ‘문명대안론’의 대두와 함께 다각적인 차원에서 동아시아와 지역공동체 담론이 폭발되어 오늘에 이르고 있다. 이 제반 동아시아담론들을 세밀하게 들여다보면 그것을 관통하는 저류에는 ‘문명공동체’의 실제상들이 포착된다. 초국적 지역질서를 설계하는 지역공동체론은 ‘문명’이라는 큰 그림 안에서 동행한 것이다. 이로 볼 때 제2 기축시대 3ㆍ4차 산업혁명이라는 ‘변환된 근대성’의 토대 위에서 동아시아공동체에 대한 문명적 정위定位문제를 공론화할 필요가 있다. 그것은 상위범주인 ‘문명학’이 수범垂範하는 학술적 영감과 자원들을 동아시아 역내담론 차원에서 적극 수용해 재창안함으로써 장기지속적인 공동번영과 평화협력의 새로운 동아시아 ‘지역시스템’을 모색하는 데 있다. 이 논제설정은 현 (...)
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    Oriental philosophy: a westerner's guide to Eastern thought.Stuart Cornelius Hackett - 1979 - Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.
    This insightful explication of oriental philosophy meets a long felt need for a critical introduction to four systems of eastern thought—Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism—presented in familiar western terms. Students of comparative religion, eastern philosophy and civilization, and the philosophy of religion who have been trained in traditional western modes of thought often find the intuitive and aphorisic quality of eastern writing a major stumbling block to understanding. This is eastern philosophy presented to westerners by a westerner, a practical (...)
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    Technological Civilization.Vladimir Davchev - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 48:5-23.
    One of the 20th century's most popular non-realistic genre is absurd. The root "absurd," connotes something that does not follow the roots of logic. Existence is fragmented, pointless. There is no truth so the search for truth is abandoned in Absurdist works. Language is reduced to a bantering game where words obfuscate rather elucidate the truth. Action moves outside of the realm of causality to chaos. Absurdists minimalize the sense of place. Characters are forced to move in an incomprehensible, void-like (...)
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    Japanese and oriental political philosophy.Chikao Fujisawa - 1935 - (Great oriental culture society).
  24.  16
    Political Authority, Civil Disobedience, Revolution.Alexander Kaufman - 2013 - In Jon Mandle & David A. Reidy, A Companion to Rawls. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 216–231.
    The notions of duty and obligation constitute the central focus of Rawls's account of political authority. This chapter examines Rawls's accounts of (1) the justification of political authority; (2) the essential elements of a just constitutional regime; (3) the conditions under which resistance to just institutions is permissible or required; and (4) the conditions under which institutions cease to deserve fidelity and obedience. It commences with Rawls's accounts of duty and obligation, focusing on his accounts of (1) the duties and (...)
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    A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence: Volume 12 Legal Philosophy in the Twentieth Century: The Civil Law World, Tome 1: Language Areas, Tome 2: Main Orientations and Topics.Enrico Pattaro & Corrado Roversi (eds.) - 2016 - Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
    A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence is the first-ever multivolume treatment of the issues in legal philosophy and general jurisprudence, from both a theoretical and a historical perspective. The work is aimed at jurists as well as legal and practical philosophers. Edited by the renowned theorist Enrico Pattaro and his team, this book is a classical reference work that would be of great interest to legal and practical philosophers as well as to jurists and legal scholar at all (...)
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  26. Conscience and Conviction: The Case for Civil Disobedience.Kimberley Brownlee - 2012 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Oxford Legal Philosophy publishes the best new work in philosophically-oriented legal theory. It commissions and solicits monographs in all branches of the subject, including works on philosophical issues in all areas of public and private law, and in the national, transnational, and international realms; studies of the nature of law, legal institutions, and legal reasoning; treatments of problems in political morality as they bear on law; and explorations in the nature and development of legal philosophy itself. The series represents diverse (...)
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  27. La métaphysique intellectuelle d'Extrême-Orient.Mohand Tazerout - 1955 - Rodez,: Éditions Subervie.
    Discours du mandarin chinois.--Discours du pandit hindou.
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  28. Avicenna and Oriental Logic.Lotfollah Nabavi - 2013 - Avicennian Philosophy Journal 17 (50):5-16.
    Avicenna is undoubtedly one of the outstanding scientists and perhaps the most prominent one in the history of Islamic-Iranian civilization. After a lifetime of trying to describe, explain and complete the Greek intellectual heritage, Avicenna admitted to have achieved a realm of philosophy which he construed as "oriental philosophy''. Avicenna's oriental logic can be defined and explained according to the very oriental philosophy in terms of method and content. The issue is what the characteristics of this (...) philosophy and particularly, oriental logic is. Since there is not direct and abundant evidence in "surface" as documents, we try to reach the conclusion by a range of indirect and limited evidences in "depth". In this paper, two different and yet consistent features of Avicenna's oriental logic are inferenced and introduced. In the first sense, oriental logic can refer to a range of "non-Aristotelian innovative and established systems" in the East, and in the second aspect, it can be an oriental horizon and dawn to establish a "fuzzy logic" which is considered today multi-valued and infinite-valued logic. (shrink)
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  29. Collective Wisdom and Civilization: Revitalizing Ancient Wisdom Traditions.Thomas Kiefer - 2015 - Comparative Civilizations Review 72.
    I argue that, in one sense, collective wisdom can save civilization. But in a more important sense, collective wisdom should be understood as a form of civilization, as the result and expression of a moral civilizing-process that comes about through the creation and transmission of collective interpretations of human experience and human nature. Collective wisdom traditions function in this manner by providing an interpretation of what it means to be human and what thoughts, skills, and actions are required to live (...)
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  30. Can Humanity Learn to become Civilized? The Crisis of Science without Civilization.Nicholas Maxwell - 2000 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 17 (1):29-44.
    Two great problems of learning confront humanity: learning about the nature of the universe and our place in it, and learning how to become civilized. The first problem was solved, in essence, in the 17th century, with the creation of modern science. But the second problem has not yet been solved. Solving the first problem without also solving the second puts us in a situation of great danger. All our current global problems have arisen as a result. What we need (...)
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    Religion and civilization in the sociology of Norbert Elias: Fantasy–reality balances in long-term perspective.Andrew Linklater - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (1):56-79.
    Many sociologists have drawn attention to the puzzling absence of a detailed discussion of religion in Elias’s investigation of the European civilizing process. Elias did not develop a sociology of religion, but he did not overlook the importance of beliefs in the ‘spirit world’ in the history of human societies. In his writings such convictions were described as fantasy images that could be contrasted with ‘reality-congruent’ knowledge claims. Elias placed fantasy–reality balances, whether religious or secular, at the centre of the (...)
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  32. Integrating Biosemiotics and Biohermeneutics in the Quest for Ecological Civilization as a Practical Utopia.Arran Gare - 2022 - Cosmos and History: The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 18 (2):23-47.
    : ‘Ecological civilization’ has been put forward as a utopia, as this notion has been defended by Ernst Bloch and Paul Ricoeur. It is a vision of the future that puts into question that which presently exists, revealing its contingency while offering an inspiring image of the future that can mobilize people to create this future. Ecological civilization is a vision based on ecological thinking, seeing all life as interdependent communities of communities. Humanity’s place in nature is redefined as participating (...)
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    Indian Civilization-The Formative Period. A Study of Archaeology as Anthropology.Ludo Rocher & S. C. Malik - 1972 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 92 (4):572.
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    Technology- and Product-Oriented Movements: Approximating Social Movement Studies and Science and Technology Studies.David J. Hess - 2005 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 30 (4):515-535.
    Technology- and product-oriented movements are mobilizations of civil society organizations that generally include alliances with private-sector firms, for which the target of social change is support for an alternative technology and/or product, as well as the policies with which they are associated. TPMs generally involve “private-sector symbiosis,” that is, a mixture of advocacy organizations/networks and private-sector firms. Case studies of nutritional therapeutics, wind energy, and open-source software are used to explore the tendency for large corporations in established industries to incorporate (...)
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    Corporations, Civil Society, and Stakeholders: An Organizational Conceptualization. [REVIEW]Eleanor R. E. O’Higgins - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 94 (2):157 - 176.
    This article presents a descriptive conceptual framework comprising four different company configurations with respect to orientations toward corporate social responsibility (CSR). The four types are Skeptical, Pragmatic, Engaged, and Idealistic. The framework is grounded in instrumental and normative stakeholder theory, and a company's configuration is based on its instrumental and/or normative stance toward stakeholders. Its configuration indicates what position a company adopts in relation to CSR. This article argues that there is no one formula to fit all companies, descriptively or (...)
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    From interpretation to civilization — and back: Analyzing the trajectories of non-European modernities.Peter Wagner - 2011 - European Journal of Social Theory 14 (1):89-106.
    This article identifies civilizational analysis as one response to a recent crisis in the sociology of large-scale social configurations and explores how far the concept of civilization can go in analyzing the contemporary global social constellation. The reasoning proceeds in four steps. First, a brief review of the recent conceptual debate in social theory and historical sociology leads to the conclusion that concepts such as ‘civilization’ and ‘modernity’ still work with too strong presuppositions about continuity and commonality of patterns of (...)
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  37.  25
    Using the U.S. Civil Rights Movement to Explore Social Justice Education with K-6 Pre-Service Teachers.Janie Hubbard & Holly Hilboldt Swain - 2017 - Journal of Social Studies Research 41 (3):217-233.
    The U.S. Civil Rights Movement (CRM) is a relevant K-6 topic to learn foundational concepts of social justice and participatory citizenship. Year after year, though, U.S. elementary school lessons typically focus on a Martin Luther King, Jr.-Rosa Parks centered narrative, adapted for character education. This qualitative inquiry invited 66 pre-service teachers to explore social justice education embedded at the core of existing K-6 historical topics. Examining pre-service teachers' knowledge, beliefs, and what and how they plan to teach their future students (...)
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    Do employers comply with civil/human rights legislation? New evidence from new zealand job application forms.Sondra Harcourt & Mark Harcourt - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 35 (3):207-221.
    This study assesses the extent to which job application forms violate the New Zealand Human Rights Act. The sample for the study includes 229 job application forms, collected from a variety of large and small, public- and private-sector organizations that together employ approximately 200,000 workers. Two hundred and four or 88% of the job application forms contain at least one violation of the Act. One hundred and sixty five or 72% contain two or more and 140 or 61% contain three (...)
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    (2 other versions)Minoan Civilization: Maturity and Zenith.Machteld J. Mellink & F. Matz - 1962 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 82 (4):572.
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    Philosophy and the oriental mind.Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (ed.) - 1979 - Albuquerque, N.M.: American Classical College Press.
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    Indian Civilization-The First Phase; Problems of a Source Book.B. G. Gokhale & S. C. Malik - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (1):149.
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    Power for the Powerless: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Late Theory of Civil Disobedience.Alexander Livingston - 2020 - Journal of Politics 2 (82):700-713.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” has been canonized as an essential statement of the political theory of civil disobedience. This article examines the early reception of King’s essay and the development of the liberal idea of civil disobedience it has become synonymous with to argue that its canonization coincided with, and displaced, the radicalization of King’s developing thinking about disobedience. It examines published and archival writings from 1965 through 1968 to reconstruct King’s power-oriented theory of “mass” (...)
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    Agire o non agire?: strategie di pensiero/azione in Oriente e Occidente.Pietro Piro & Pietro Chierichetti (eds.) - 2015 - Milano: Edizioni Unicopli.
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    The astronomical orientation of the historical Grand mosques in Anatolia.Ibrahim Tiryakioglu & Mustafa Yilmaz - 2018 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 72 (6):565-590.
    In the ancient civilizations, the sky has been observed in order to understand the motions of the celestial bodies above the horizon. The study of faiths and practices dealing with the sky in the past has been attributed to the sun, the moon, and the prominent stars. The alignment and orientation of constructions to significant celestial objects were a common practice. The orientation was an important component of the religious structure design. Religious buildings often have an intentional orientation to fix (...)
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    The mismeasure of desire: the science, theory, and ethics of sexual orientation.Edward Stein - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In the last decade, fierce controversy has arisen over the nature of sexual orientation. Scientific research, religious views, increasingly ambiguous gender roles, and the growing visibility of sexual minorities have sparked impassioned arguments about whether our sexual desires are hard-wired in our genes or shaped by the changing forces of society. In recent years scientific research and popular opinion have favored the idea that sexual orientations are determined at birth, but philosopher and educator Edward Stein argues that much of what (...)
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    Political Sociology: Between Civilizations and Modernities: A Multiple Modernities Perspective.Willfried Spohn - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (1):49-66.
    This article outlines a comparative-civilizational multiple modernities perspective on political sociology. In the context of the major currents within political sociology — modernization approaches, critical and neo-Marxist as well as postmodern and global approaches — it is argued that a comparative-civilizational multiple modernities perspective is defined by several characteristics. First, against functionalist-evolutionist modernization approaches it emphasizes the fragility, contradictions and openness as well as civilizational multiplicity of political modernity and political modernization processes. Second, against critical and neo-Marxist approaches, it insists (...)
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  47. Price, M. T. - Christian Missions And Oriental Civilization. [REVIEW]P. Masson-Oursel - 1928 - Scientia 22 (43):447.
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    Japanese Civilization: A Comparative View.Anne Walthall & S. N. Eisenstadt - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (2):362.
  49.  13
    Western Republicanism and the Oriental Prince.Patricia Springborg - 1992 - Polity Press.
    The East/West divide seems to be as old as history itself, the roots of Orientalism and anti-Semitism lying far beyond the origins of modern Western imperialism. The very project of Western classical republicanism had its darker side: to purloin the legacy of the Greeks, distancing them from Eastern systems deemed 'despotic' and 'other'. Western Republicanism and the Oriental Prince is a thoroughly revisionist book, challenging not only the comfortable view the West has of its own political evolution, but the (...)
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  50. Orient-Occident (vers un humanisme nouveau).Georges Albert Astre - 1942 - Tunis,: Éditions d'Afrique littéraire.
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