Results for 'Clare Greer'

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  1. On Jantzen and theology : A conversation with William Desmond.Clare Greer - 2009 - In Elaine L. Graham (ed.), Grace Jantzen: Redeeming the Present. Ashgate.
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    After Innocence: Gillian Rose's Reception and Gift of Faith. By Andrew Shanks and Law and Transcendence: On the Unfinished Project of Gillian Rose. By Vincent Lloyd.Clare Greer - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (4):720-722.
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    Is decision style related to moral development among managers in the U.s.?Clare M. Pennino - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (4):337 - 347.
    The decision making process is an important aspect of the managerial function that is becoming increasingly complex due to technological and global impacts. It is essential, therefore, to understand why various managers approach the decision making process differently. One area that is related to how managers perceive and process the information that is associated with decision making, is that of decision style.It is not enough, however, to explore decision style in isolation, as some of the decisions that managers make often (...)
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    Against Marriage: An Egalitarian Defense of the Marriage-Free State.Clare Chambers - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    Clare Chambers argues that marriage violates both equality and liberty and should not be trecognized by the state. She shows how feminist and liberal principles require creation of a marriage-free state: one in which private marriages, whether religious or secular, would have no legal status.
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    Tracing the emergence of the memorability benefit.Greer Gillies, Hyun Park, Jason Woo, Dirk B. Walther, Jonathan S. Cant & Keisuke Fukuda - 2023 - Cognition 238 (C):105489.
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    Overcoming Barriers to Women's Career Transitions: A Systematic Review of Social Support Types and Providers.Tomika W. Greer & Autumn F. Kirk - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In the current career landscape and labor market, career transitions have become a critical aspect of career development and are significant for Human Resource Development research and practice. Our research examines the type of support used during different career transitions and who can provide that support to women in career transition. We investigated four types of social support—emotional, appraisal, informational, and instrumental—and their roles in five types of career transitions: school-to-work transition, upward mobility transition, transition to a new profession, transition (...)
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    Prenatal Whole Genome Sequencing.Greer Donley, Sara Chandros Hull & Benjamin E. Berkman - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 42 (4):28-40.
    Whole genome sequencing is quickly becoming more affordable and accessible, with the prospect of personal genome sequencing for under $1,000 now widely said to be in sight. The ethical issues raised by the use of this technology in the research context have received some significant attention, but little has been written on its use in the clinical context, and most of this analysis has been futuristic forecasting. This is problematic, given the speed with which whole genome sequencing technology is likely (...)
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    Animal Ethics in Context.Clare Palmer - 2010 - Columbia University Press.
    It is widely agreed that because animals feel pain we should not make them suffer gratuitously. Some ethical theories go even further: because of the capacities that they possess, animals have the right not to be harmed or killed. These views concern what not to do to animals, but we also face questions about when we should, and should not, assist animals that are hungry or distressed. Should we feed a starving stray kitten? And if so, does this commit us, (...)
  9. How clinical ethics discussions can be a model for accommodating and incorporating plural values in paediatric and adult healthcare settings.Clare Delany - forthcoming - Monash Bioethics Review:1-7.
    The following text is the de-identified and edited transcript of an invited presentation by Professor Clare Delany on the topic of ‘How clinical ethics discussions can be a model for accommodating and incorporating plural values in paediatric and adult healthcare settings.’ Professor Delany’s presentation formed part of the Conference on Accommodating Plural Values in Healthcare and Healthcare Policy, which was held in Melbourne, Australia, on Monday, October 30, 2023. This conference was a key output of the Australian Research Council (...)
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    Why stories matter: the political grammar of feminist theory.Clare Hemmings - 2011 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    Progress -- Loss -- Return -- Amenability -- Citation tactics -- Affective subjects.
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    Critical dialogue method of ethics consultation: making clinical ethics facilitation visible and accessible.Clare Delany, Sharon Feldman, Barbara Kameniar & Lynn Gillam - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (1):10-16.
    In clinical ethics consultations, clinical ethicists bring moral reasoning to bear on concrete and complex clinical ethical problems by undertaking ethical deliberation in collaboration with others. The reasoning process involves identifying and clarifying ethical values which are at stake or contested, and guiding clinicians, and sometimes patients and families, to think through ethically justifiable and available courses of action in clinical situations. There is, however, ongoing discussion about the various methods ethicists use to do this ethical deliberation work. In this (...)
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    (1 other version)Considering Emma Goldman: Feminist Political Ambivalence and the Imaginative Archive.Clare Hemmings - 2017 - Duke University Press.
    In _Considering Emma Goldman_ Clare Hemmings examines the significance of the anarchist activist and thinker for contemporary feminist politics. Rather than attempting to resolve the tensions and problems that Goldman's thinking about race, gender, and sexuality pose for feminist thought, Hemmings embraces them, finding them to be helpful in formulating a new queer feminist praxis. Mining three overlapping archives—Goldman's own writings, her historical and theoretical legacy, and an imaginative archive that responds creatively to gaps in those archives —Hemmings shows (...)
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  13. What the Nose Doesn't Know: Non-Veridicality and Olfactory Experience.Clare Batty - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (3-4):10-17.
    We can learn much about perceptual experience by thinking about how it can mislead us. In this paper, I explore whether, and how, olfactory experience can mislead. I argue that, in the case of olfactory experience, the traditional distinction between illusion and hallucination does not apply. Integral to the traditional distinction is a notion of ‘object-failure’—the failure of an experience to present objects accurately. I argue that there are no such presented objects in olfactory experience. As a result, olfactory experience (...)
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    Computer chess move-ordering schemes using move influence.Kieran Greer - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 120 (2):235-250.
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  15. Interactions with other institutional panels.William G. Greer - 2015 - In Whitney Petrie & Sonja L. Wallace (eds.), The care and feeding of an IACUC: the organization and management of an institutional animal care and use committee. Boca Raton: CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
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    Perspectives on social and material fractures in care.Colleen Greer & Debra F. Peterson (eds.) - 2024 - Hershey, PA: IGiGlobal.
    While the focus examines multiple levels and perspectives on care, it will go beyond description and analysis to discuss ethical, intersectional, and life-sustaining ways in which care may be enhanced.
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    The Political Economy of the Local State.James L. Greer - 1987 - Politics and Society 15 (4):513-538.
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    Checking in on Cds1 (Chk2): A checkpoint kinase and tumor suppressor.Clare H. McGowan - 2002 - Bioessays 24 (6):502-511.
    Together, DNA repair and checkpoint responses ensure the integrity of the genome. Coordination of cell cycle checkpoints and DNA repair are especially important following genotoxic radiation or chemotherapy, during which unusually high loads of DNA damage are sustained. In mammalian cells, the checkpoint kinase, Cds1 (also known as Chk2) is activated by ATM in response to DNA damage. The role of Cds1 as a checkpoint kinase depends on its ability to phosphorylate cell cycle regulators such p53, Cdc25 and Brca1. A (...)
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    On Habit.Clare Carlisle - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    For Aristotle, excellence is not an act but a habit, and Hume regards habit as ‘the great guide of life’. However, for Proust habit is problematic: ‘if habit is a second nature, it prevents us from knowing our first.’ What is habit? Do habits turn us into machines or free us to do more creative things? Should religious faith be habitual? Does habit help or hinder the practice of philosophy? Why do Luther, Spinoza, Kant, Kierkegaard and Bergson all criticise habit? (...)
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  20. “Taming the Wild Profusion of Existing Things”?: A Study of Foucault, Power, and Human/Animal Relationships.Clare Palmer - 2001 - Environmental Ethics 23 (4):339-358.
    I explore how some aspects of Foucoult’s work on power can be applied to human/animal power relations. First, I argue that because animals behave as “beings that react” and can respond in different ways to human actions, in principle at least, Foucoult’s work can offer insights into human/animal power relations. However, many of these relations fall into the category of “domination,” in which animals are unable to respond. Second, I examine different kinds of human power practices, in particular, ways in (...)
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  21. Scents and Sensibilia.Clare Batty - 2010 - American Philosophical Quarterly 47 (2):103-118.
    This paper considers what olfactory experience can tell us about the controversy over qualia and, in particular, the debate that focuses on the alleged transparency of experience. The appeal to transparency is supposed to show that there are no qualia—intrinsic, non-intentional and directly accessible properties of experience that determine phenomenal character. It is most commonly used to motivate intentionalism—namely, the view that the phenomenal character of an experience is exhausted by its representational content. Although some philosophers claim that transparency holds (...)
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  22.  33
    Metaphysical Animals: How Four Women Brought Philosophy Back to Life.Clare Mac Cumhaill & Rachael Wiseman - 2022 - London, UK: Chatto and Windus.
    'Philosophy in a world of women. I reflected, talking with Mary, Pip and Elizabeth, how much I love them.' Two brilliant young scholars uncover the major philosophical contributions of four women whose ideas could have changed the course of twentieth-century thought. Written with energy, expertise and panache, The Quartet is a page-turning blend of research and recovery, storytelling, and a call to arms. Iris Murdoch, Philippa Foot, Mary Midgley and Elizabeth Anscombe were great friends and comrades in the intellectual trenches, (...)
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  23.  31
    Gender and Discourse: Language and Power in Politics, the Church and Organisations.Clare Walsh - 2016 - Routledge.
    Real Language Series General Editors:Jennifer Coates, Jenny Cheshire, Euan Reid This is a sociolinguistics series about the relationships between language, society and social change. Books in the series draw on natural language data from a wide range of social contexts. The series takes a critical approach to the subject, challenging current orthodoxies, and dealing with familiar topics in new ways. Gender and Discourse offers a critical new approach to the study of language and gender studies. Women moving into the public (...)
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    Introduction au sport.Michel Clare - 1965 - Paris,: Éditions ouvrières.
    Michel Clare est né le 21 février 1927 à Sceaux. Études secondaires, bachelier. Résistance et séjour au Maquis de Lorris à dix-sept ans. Puis sport pour guérir des déceptions d’après la Libération : athlétisme, champion de France du 800 mètres en 1949. De nombreuses fois international. Entre à l’Equipe en 1953 où il occupe les fonctions de grand reporter et spécialiste du ski. Auteur d’un livre sur le Ski (La table ronde). Lauréat de l’Académie des Sports pour une enquête (...)
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    Are women human? And other international dialogues - by Catharine A. Mackinnon.Clare Chambers - 2007 - Ethics and International Affairs 21 (2):261–263.
    Catharine MacKinnon's fundamental claim is that the violence and abuse routinely inflicted on women by men is not treated with the same seriousness accorded to a human rights violation, or torture, or terrorism, or a war crime, or a crime against humanity, or an atrocity.
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  26. Characterizing variation in the functional connectome: promise and pitfalls.Clare Kelly, Bharat B. Biswal, R. Cameron Craddock, F. Xavier Castellanos & Michael P. Milham - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (3):181-188.
  27.  41
    (1 other version)Ethical foundations: A new framework for reliable financial reporting.Lesley Greer & Alyson Tonge - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (3):259–270.
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    How Medicare Is Altering the Hospice Movement.David S. Greer & Vincent Mor - 1985 - Hastings Center Report 15 (5):5-9.
    In 1982, without waiting for the findings of the National Hospice Study, Congress passed legislation enabling certified hospices to receive Medicare reimbursement. What emerged is a reimbursement program that differs substantially from the movement that spawned it. Hospices now face many dilemmas, among them shifting the burden of care to the family, determining who controls the course of patient care, and breaking even financially.
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  29. What’s That Smell?Clare Batty - 2009 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 47 (4):321-348.
    In philosophical discussions of the secondary qualities, color has taken center stage. Smells, tastes, sounds, and feels have been treated, by and large, as mere accessories to colors. We are, as it is said, visual creatures. This, at least, has been the working assumption in the philosophy of perception and in those metaphysical discussions about the nature of the secondary qualities. The result has been a scarcity of work on the “other” secondary qualities. In this paper, I take smells and (...)
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  30. The Meaning of Cause and Prevent: The Role of Causal Mechanism.Clare R. Walsh & Steven A. Sloman - 2011 - Mind and Language 26 (1):21-52.
    How do people understand questions about cause and prevent? Some theories propose that people affirm that A causes B if A's occurrence makes a difference to B's occurrence in one way or another. Other theories propose that A causes B if some quantity or symbol gets passed in some way from A to B. The aim of our studies is to compare these theories' ability to explain judgements of causation and prevention. We describe six experiments that compare judgements for causal (...)
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    Saving Species but Losing Wildness: Should We Genetically Adapt Wild Animal Species to Help Them Respond to Climate Change?Clare Palmer - 2016 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 40 (1):234-251.
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    Refusing post-truth with Butler and Honig.Clare Woodford - 2023 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (2):218-229.
    This article argues that although post-truth is understood to pose a particular misogynistic threat to feminism, we cannot assume that feminists should simply oppose post-truth. The way the post-truth debate is constructed is problematic for feminism in three ways: it misconceives the relationship between democracy and truth; utilizes a questionable binary between reason and emotion; and propagates elitist assumptions about protecting democracy from the people. Recognizing the insufficiency of our understanding of post-truth, feminists have called for greater understanding of the (...)
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    Environmental Ethics and Process Thinking.Clare Palmer (ed.) - 1998 - Clarendon Press.
    In this study, Clare Palmer challenges the belief that the process thinking of writers like A.N. Whitehead and Charles Hartshorne has offered an unambiguously positive contribution to environmental ethics. She compares process ethics to a variety of other forms of environmental ethics, as well as deep ecology, and reveals a number of difficulties associated with process thinking about the environment.
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    Augustine’s Transformation of the Free Will Defence.Rowan A. Greer - 1996 - Faith and Philosophy 13 (4):471-486.
    Augustine’s first conversion is to the Christian Platonism of his day, which brought along with it a free-will defence to the problem of evil. Formative as this philosophical influence was, however, Augustine’s own experience of sin combines with his sense of God’s sovereignty to lead him to modify the views he inherited in significant ways. This transformation is demonstrated by setting Augustine’s evolving position against that of Gregory of Nyssa.
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    Extensionality in natural language quantification: the case of many and few.Kristen A. Greer - 2014 - Linguistics and Philosophy 37 (4):315-351.
    This paper presents an extensional account of manyand few that explains data that have previously motivated intensional analyses of these quantifiers :599–620, 2000). The key insight is that their semantic arguments are themselves set intersections: the restrictor is the intersection of the predicates denoted by the N’ or the V’ and the restricted universe, U, and the scope is the intersection of the N’ and V’. Following Cohen, I assume that the universe consists of the union of alternatives to the (...)
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  36. A Representational Account of Olfactory Experience.Clare Batty - 2010 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 40 (4):511-538.
    Seattle rain smelled different from New Orleans rain…. New Orleans rain smelled of sulfur and hibiscus, trumpet metal, thunder, and sweat. Seattle rain, the widespread rain of the Great Northwest, smelled of green ice and sumi ink, of geology and silence and minnow breath.— Tom Robbins, Jitterbug PerfumeMuch of the philosophical literature on perception has focused on vision. This is not surprising, given that vision holds for us a certain prestige. Our visual experience is incredibly rich, offering up a mosaic (...)
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    The challenges and potential solutions of achieving meaningful consent amongst research participants in northern Thailand: a qualitative study.Rachel C. Greer, Nipaphan Kanthawang, Jennifer Roest, Carlo Perrone, Tri Wangrangsimakul, Michael Parker, Maureen Kelley & Phaik Yeong Cheah - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    Background Achieving meaningful consent can be challenging, particularly in contexts of diminished literacy, yet is a vital part of participant protection in global health research. Method We explored the challenges and potential solutions of achieving meaningful consent through a qualitative study in a predominantly hill tribe ethnic minority population in northern Thailand, a culturally distinctive population with low literacy. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 37 respondents who had participated in scrub typhus clinical research, their family members, researchers and other key (...)
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    Sociology of Low Expectations: Recalibration as Innovation Work in Biomedicine.Clare Williams, Gabrielle Samuel & John Gardner - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (6):998-1021.
    Social scientists have drawn attention to the role of hype and optimistic visions of the future in providing momentum to biomedical innovation projects by encouraging innovation alliances. In this article, we show how less optimistic, uncertain, and modest visions of the future can also provide innovation projects with momentum. Scholars have highlighted the need for clinicians to carefully manage the expectations of their prospective patients. Using the example of a pioneering clinical team providing deep brain stimulation to children and young (...)
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    Agency, Signification, and Temporality.Stephanie Clare - 2009 - Hypatia 24 (4):50 - 62.
    This paper examines the temporality of agency in Judith Butler's and Saba Mahmood's writing. I argue that Mahmood moves away from a performative understanding of agency, which focuses on relations of signification, to a corporeal understanding, which focuses on desire and sensation. Drawing on Gilles Deleuze's reading of Henri Bergson, I show how this move involves a changed model of becoming: whereas Butler imagines movement as a series of discontinuous beings, in Mahmood's case, we get an understanding of becoming.
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    Review Article II: Apollonius Rhodius.R. J. Clare - 1996 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 116:178-181.
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    Air Pollution and Corporate Power: Municipal Reform Limits In A Black City.Edward Greer - 1974 - Politics and Society 4 (4):483-510.
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    Eric Allen Hill 1952-1994.Melvin E. Greer, Mary Hawkesworth & Robin Schott - 1994 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 68 (2):74 - 76.
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    Elements of ethics for physical scientists.Sandra C. Greer - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    A guide to the everyday decisions about right and wrong faced by physical scientists and research engineers. This book offers the first comprehensive guide to ethics for physical scientists and engineers who conduct research. Written by a distinguished professor of chemistry and chemical engineering, the book focuses on the everyday decisions about right and wrong faced by scientists as they do research, interact with other people, and work within society. The goal is to nurture readers' ethical intelligence so that they (...)
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    Kant and the Capacity to Judge; Sensibility and Discursivity in the TranscendentaI Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason (review).Michelle Greer - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):372-374.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant and the Capacity to Judge; Sensibility and Discursivity in the Transcendental Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason by Beatrice LonguenesseMichelle GreerBeatrice Longuenesse. Kant and the Capacity to Judge; Sensibility and Discursivity in the Transcendental Analytic of the Critique of Pure Reason. Translation by Charles T. Wolfe. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998. Pp. xv + 420. Cloth, $59.50.Kant and the Capacity to Judge is a translation (...)
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    The Study of Education and Art.Dwaine Greer - 1977 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 11 (1):119.
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  46. Women and the struggle for human rights.Germaine Greer - 2017 - In Steven Lecce, Neil McArthur & Arthur Schafer (eds.), Fragile Freedoms: The Global Struggle for Human Rights. New York: Oup Usa.
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    The theory of knowledge and the rise of modern science.Clare Hay - 2009 - Cambridge, U.K.: Lutterworth Press.
    A comprehensive introduction to the theory of knowledge, this work explores what it is to be a rational, sentient human being.
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    Analytic value statements.Clare Lampel - 1956 - Journal of Philosophy 53 (12):378-394.
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  49. Linguistic Analysis in Ethics: A Study of the Moral Philosophy of R. M. Hare.Clare Lampel - 1960 - Dissertation, Columbia University
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    Pregnancy dismissals and theWebb litigation.Clare McGlynn - 1996 - Feminist Legal Studies 4 (2):229-242.
    It is generally accepted that women have the right to participate in the workplace, although only if replicating the traditional male mode of working. To this extent, the right to formal equality with men is generally agreed to be a legitimate goal for legislation. However, where the limitations of such assimilation to a male norm come into sharp focus, as they do in the context of pregnancy, the restrictions placed on improving the position of women are evident. The courts seek (...)
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