Results for 'Claudia Furlanetto'

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  1.  15
    Le voci del corpo.Claudia Furlanetto & Claudio Tondo (eds.) - 2015 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Hope as an irreducible concept.Claudia Blöser - 2019 - Ratio 32 (3):205-214.
    I argue for a novel answer to the question “What is hope?”. On my view, rather than aiming for a compound account, i.e. analysing hope in terms of desire and belief, we should understand hope as an irreducible concept. After criticizing influential compound accounts of hope, I discuss Segal and Textor's alternative of describing hope as a primitive mental state. While Segal and Textor argue that available developments of the standard definition do not offer sufficient conditions for hope, I question (...)
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    Hope in political philosophy.Claudia Blöser, Jakob Huber & Darrel Moellendorf - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (5):e12665.
    The language of hope is a ubiquitous part of political life, but its value is increasingly contested. While there is an emerging debate about hope in political philosophy, an assessment of the prevalent scepticism about its role in political practice is still outstanding. The aim of this article is to provide an overview of historical and recent treatments of hope in political philosophy and to indicate lines of further research. We argue that even though political philosophy can draw on recent (...)
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  4. The child's right to an open future?Claudia Mills - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (4):499–509.
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    Microsoft, refusal to license intellectual property rights, and the incentives balance test of the EU commission.Wolfgang Kerber & Claudia Schmidt - unknown
    This article contributes to the analysis of refusal to license cases as abuse of a dominant position pursuant Article 82 EC from an economic perspective. In the Microsoft case, the European Commission introduced an "Incentives Balance Test" to assess whether the refusal to give access to interface information can be justified by arguing that this information is protected by Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs): The Commission argued that if the overall innovative effects evoked by a compulsory license are significantly higher than (...)
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  6. Politics and Manipulation.Claudia Mills - 1995 - Social Theory and Practice 21 (1):97-112.
  7.  58
    (1 other version)Choice and circumstance.Claudia Mills - 1998 - Ethics 109 (1):154-165.
    An applicant to our graduate program in philosophy, accepted as well by one (but only one) other graduate program, wrestles with his decision. Finally he decides to attend the other program, but he thanks me for our offer, telling me, "I'm glad that at least I had a choice." I want to focus a bit on these two stories, for while the central conclusion in each -- something turning on the importance of choice -- is initially compelling, it is also, (...)
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    Image/thinking.Claudia Becker - 2012 - Philosophy of Photography 2 (2):248-256.
    This article re-examines Vilém Flusser's philosophy of photography and its relation to what I will name the philosophical question of 'image-thinking'. It places his work on photography in the context of the much discussed 'pictorial' and 'iconic' turns in the study of visual culture and, through this, aims to reveal the depth of Flusser's approach to understanding media culture and to argue for the significance and continuing relevance of his philosophy of photography.
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    The stream of experience when watching artistic movies. Dynamic aesthetic effects revealed by the Continuous Evaluation Procedure.Claudia Muth, Marius H. Raab & Claus-Christian Carbon - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  10.  16
    Galen on the Stoic-Peripatetic Controversy about Mixtures: Qualities or Bodies?Claudia Mirrione - 2023 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 44 (2):295-311.
    Galen’s elemental mixture of fire, air, water and earth (and of the corresponding primary qualities, hot, cold, dry and wet) is primarily a physical process, in which primary elements mix and give rise to all compounded physical bodies, inanimate and animate. As such, the concrete, physical process of mixture is an essential basis for a thorough understanding of Galen’s physical system. In this article I pursued a twofold aim. First, I showed Galen’s syncretic approach while expounding his theory of mixture (...)
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  11.  37
    The Likelihood of Actions and the Neurobiology of Virtues: Veto and Consent Power.Claudia Navarini - 2020 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 23 (2):309-323.
    An increasing number of studies indicate that virtues affect brain structure. These studies might shed new light on some neuroethical perspectives suggesting that our brain network activity determines the acquisition and permanence of virtues. According to these perspectives, virtuous behavior could be interpreted as the product of a brain mechanism supervised by genes and environment and not as the result of free choice. In this respect, the neural correlates of virtues would confirm the deterministic theory. In contrast, I maintain that (...)
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  12.  20
    Argumentos anticirenaicos en el programa cultural de la República de Platón.Claudia Mársico - 2019 - Dianoia 64 (83):3-26.
    Resumen Platón proyecta en la República un programa cultural que supone la redefinición del papel de la poesía tradicional en razón de su asociación con los regímenes democrático y tiránico. Esto, según pretendo mostrar, puede vincularse de manera legítima con la polémica anticirenaica de Platón contra Aristipo. Para ello, por un lado, exploraré los rasgos del biotipo tiránico y su régimen concomitante en la República VIII-IX y, por otro, analizaré sus vínculos con los planteamientos anticirenaicos en el Gorgias. Este examen (...)
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  13.  47
    The ethics of reproductive control.Claudia Mills - 1999 - Philosophical Forum 30 (1):43–57.
  14.  31
    “Escucha, entonces, un sueño por otro”: Antístenes en el Teeteto de Platón.Claudia Mársico - 2021 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 78:157-172.
    El avance de los estudios sobre filosofías socráticas ha permitido una vuelta renovada al examen de pasajes intertextuales en el corpus platónico. El presente trabajo explora pasaje del sueño de Teeteto, 201c ss. y sus vínculos con la filosofía antisténica. En primer lugar, analiza las características de esta obra en el contexto del diálogo socrático. En segundo lugar, traza las coordenadas exegéticas del pasaje del sueño, y finalmente, ofrece una interpretación de la filosofía antisténica que revela contactos relevantes con el (...)
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    Semantic Stability is More Pleasurable in Unstable Episodic Contexts. On the Relevance of Perceptual Challenge in Art Appreciation.Claudia Muth, Marius H. Raab & Claus-Christian Carbon - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    In Friendship: A Place for the Exploration of Being Human.Claudia Baracchi - 2017 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 25 (3):320-335.
    The ancient Greek philosophical discourse harbors an anthropology radically discontinuous with the framework of modernity. Rather than emphasizing the tension between the individual and community, and far from understanding the political on the ground of instinctual sacrifice, Greek thought illuminates the interdependence of ethics and politics, and situates the human being in a cosmos in which the human is neither central nor prominent. In particular the reflection of philia, most notably in Plato and Aristotle, calls for the exploration of human (...)
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    L'architettura dell'umano: Aristotele e l'etica come filosofia prima.Claudia Baracchi - 2014 - Milano: VP Vita e pensiero.
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  18. Paul Klee: Self-Portrait of the Artist as a Tree.Claudia Baracchi - 2012 - In Paul Klee (ed.), Paul Klee: Philosophical Vision, From Nature to Art. Mcmullen Museum of Art, Boston College.
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    Vanitas-Stillleben in der Videokunst.Claudia Benthien & Julia Catherine Berger - 2021 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 66 (1):40-68.
    Das Aufgreifen tradierter Motive, speziell des frühneuzeitlichen Vanitas-Topos, lässt sich in zeitgenössischer Literatur, Theater und bildender Kunst beobachten. Insbesondere die Videokunst weist dabei eine Affinität zum malerischen Genre des Stilllebens auf, welches im Kontext des Topos mit moralisch-religiösen und philo- sophischen Fragen verbunden ist und eine Integration unterschiedlicher Zeitmodi ermöglicht. In Anlehnung sowohl an frühneuzeitliche Zeitkonzepte als auch an aktuelle Theorieansätze werden Gestaltungsformen von Zeitlichkeit untersucht, die durch Film- und Videotechnik entstehen, dabei die innerbildlichen Tempora- litäten statischer Stillleben erweitern und (...)
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  20. Passing.Claudia Mills - 1999 - Social Theory and Practice 25 (1):29-51.
  21.  85
    Aquinas on Our Responsibility for Our Emotions.Claudia Eisen Murphy - 1999 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 8 (2):163-205.
    INTRODUCTIONPhilosophical investigations of the concept of responsibility, mirroring its most common function in ordinary language and thought, have been geared for the most part to clarifying intuitions concerning moral and legal accountability for actions. But the resurgence of interest in ethical theories concerned with human virtues has resurrected old questions about our responsibility for our character, attitudes, and emotions. The philosophical tradition that takes virtues as a central moral category has taught us to think of virtues not only as involving (...)
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  22. Thomas Paine's Le Siecle de la Raison, ou Le Sens Commun Des Droits De L'Homme : Notes on a Curious Edition of The Age of Reason.David Hoffman & Claudia Carlos - 2016 - In Scott Cleary & Ivy Linton Stabell (eds.), New directions in Thomas Paine studies. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Confirmation of the Factor Structure and Reliability of the ‘Adult Eating Behavior Questionnaire’ in an Adolescent Sample.Claudia Hunot-Alexander, Rebecca J. Beeken, William Goodman, Alison Fildes, Helen Croker, Clare Llewellyn & Silje Steinsbekk - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Vernunft ohne „Gespenst in der Maschine“?Frank Kannetzky & Claudia Henning - 2012 - In Sebastian Rödl & Henning Tegtmeyer (eds.), Sinnkritisches Philosophieren. De Gruyter. pp. 129-166.
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  25. Der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Eine zeithistorische Perspektive.Christiane Kuller & Claudia Lepp - 2019 - In Christian Albrecht & Reiner Anselm (eds.), Aus Verantwortung: der Protestantismus in den Arenen des Politischen. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
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    Spinoza e os caminhos dos afetos na docência como corpos múltiplos no cotidiano escolar.Ana Cláudia Santiago Zouain, Janete Magalhães Carvalho & José Américo Cararo - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-26.
    Resumo: Este artigo busca dizer da multiplicidade que povoa a escola: de corpos, de acontecimentos, de vida. Busca com base na leitura Deleuze-Guattariana de instrumentos conceituais de Spinoza, na afirmação da multiplicidade que habita a docência, dar-lhes novos sentidos, nas redes de conversações nas veredas de afetos que atravessam o cotidiano escolar. Utiliza, como metodologia, redes de conversações, modos de dizer das experiências vividas, estabelecidas com professoras em encontros quinzenais realizados em escolas públicas situadas em bairros periféricos. A noção spinozana (...)
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    Practical wisdom versus the virtue of care: A prototype approach to the geography of virtues.Claudia Navarini & Paweł Pijas - 2025 - Metaphilosophy 56 (1):3-16.
    The purpose of this article is to address the complex relationships within the geography of virtues. Based on the recent prototypical theories of concepts as idealized cognitive models arising from abstraction, the article argues that the relations between virtues are asymmetrical, with a prototypical virtue characterizing the whole category and specific virtues being character traits or skills derived from the prototypical virtue. It also argues that the most promising candidates for the role of prototypical virtue are phronesis (practical wisdom) and (...)
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    Distributive PBZ $$^{*}$$ -lattices.Claudia Mureşan - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1319-1341.
    Arising in the study of Quantum Logics, PBZ \(^{*}\) -_lattices_ are the paraorthomodular Brouwer–Zadeh lattices in which the pairs of elements with their Kleene complements satisfy the Strong De Morgan condition with respect to the Brouwer complement. They form a variety \(\mathbb {PBZL}^{*}\) which includes that of orthomodular lattices considered with an extended signature (by endowing them with a Brouwer complement coinciding with their Kleene complement), as well as antiortholattices (whose Brouwer complements are trivial). The former turn out to have (...)
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  29. Goodness as Weapon.Claudia Mills - 1995 - Journal of Philosophy 92 (9):485-499.
    Most of us spend much of our time trying to get other people to act as we would like them to act, trying to influence them in some way to further our purposes or advance our ends. In this enterprise, we make use of a wide array of motivational levers; we take advantage of various sources of others’ susceptibility to influence. Much of this, I submit, is morally unproblematic. There is no moral reason why we should eschew all attempts at (...)
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    Aquinas on Voluntary Beliefs.Claudia Eisen Murphy - 2000 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 74 (4):569-597.
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    Essai de logopolitique. Langue, politique, historicité.Claudia Moatti - 2023 - Astérion 29 (29).
    This article reflects on the place of language in the writing of history. The first part recalls the recent influence of linguistics on historians, and critically evokes the main works inspired by it. The second part defines the specific project of “logopolitics”, which proposes three combined approaches: formalist, which consists in working on the initial concept of a notion; discursive, which, by bringing to light the conflicts of a “moment”, analyses the construction of a dominant discourse; praxeological, which studies the (...)
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    C. D. C. Reeve, Practices of Reason. Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Oxford 1995, (Oxford Clarendon Press, 229 págs.).Claudia T. Mársico - 1997 - Méthexis 10 (1):190-193.
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    Au carrefour de la Mégaride. Devins et oracles.Pierre Lévêque & Claudia Antonetti - 1990 - Kernos 3:197-209.
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    Ni El Hombre Es Blanco Ni El Caballo Corre. Argumentos Antiplatónicos En Estilpón de Mégara.Claudia Mársico - 2012 - Méthexis 25 (1):9-33.
    The testimonies of Stilpo of Megara show an anti-Platonic position within the megaric program against fundationists attempts. This paper studies a particular point of this deployment. We will review the origin of the views that locate thruth on the onomastic or on the predicative level. This initial survey will provide the basis for the study of the paradoxes of the nomination, an element Stilpo used as a tool to challenge the theory of Forms, and the analysis of the aporias of (...)
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    Sintomas e perda de corpo.Claudia Murta - 2014 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 59 (2):304-314.
    O sintoma como acontecimento de corpo é uma proposição de Jacques Lacan que se remete aos seus últimos anos de ensino e trata sobre os efeitos do trauma da língua sobre o corpo. Esses efeitos se apresentam como padecimentos ou adoecimentos corporais e são nomeados como afetos ou paixões. A ressonância do pensamento de René Descartes é evidente no contexto da elaboração lacaniana do sintoma como acontecimento de corpo, tendo em vista que se fundamenta na distinção entre ter e ser (...)
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    Encrucijadas dialécticas: Elenchos, dispositivos antierísticos y Filosofia megárica en las refutaciones sofísticas.Claudia Mársico - 2015 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 14:137-148.
    Refutaciones Sofísticas ha sido usualmente interpretado como un intento de clasificación de sofismas. Este acercamiento, sin embargo, corre el riesgo de oscurecer la dimensión de sus propias intenciones confrontativas. El presente trabajo se propone enfatizar la importancia de las Refutaciones Sofísticas como parte de un programa antierístico que tiene por objetivo prioritario la filosofía megárica, en las antípodas de Aristóteles en el terreno epistemológico. Bajo esta luz, la resolución de argumentos erísticos excede el estudio lógico así como también la denuncia (...)
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    Francesca Pentassuglio, Eschine di Sfetto. Tutte le testimonianze.Claudia Mársico - 2019 - Philosophie Antique 19:183-186.
    The new book of Francesca Pentassuglio on Aeschines has come to fill an essential vacuum. The studies on Socratic philosophies have an interesting history that combines moments of great recognition with others of almost total disrepair. They were prominent in Antiquity and constituted a space where many lines were connected and enhanced the quantity and quality of the philosophical dialogue. Nothing at that time could make us suspect their subsequent fate and the development of an enormous di...
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  38.  18
    Ethics and Children's Literature.Claudia Mills - 2014 - Routledge.
    Exploring the ethical questions posed by, in, and about children’s literature, this collection examines the way texts intended for children raise questions of value, depict the moral development of their characters, and call into attention shared moral presuppositions. Even as children’s literature has evolved in opposition to its origins in didactic Sunday school tracts and moralizing fables, authors, parents, librarians, and scholars remain sensitive to the values conveyed to children through the texts they choose to share with them.
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    Theology and Public Policy: An Interview with Rev. J. Bryan Hehir.Claudia Mills - 1984 - Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly 4 (1):12.
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    "What Has Posterity Ever Done for Me?": Energy Policy and Future Generations.Claudia Mills - 1981 - Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly 1 (1):6.
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    Why We Mistrust Lawyers.Claudia Mills - 1981 - Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly 1 (3):6.
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    Maternal Bodies in the Biblical Books of Samuel and Kings: Notes on the Representation of Maternity in Crisis Contexts.Claudia Andreina D’Amico Monascal - 2021 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 24:9-19.
    Although motherhood is the female destiny par excellence in the biblical narrative, it is an experience only accessible through a male point of view. In order to reflect on the problems of representation of the maternal body in the Hebrew Bible, I propose an analysis of different maternal characters present in the books of Samuel and Kings. My reading aims, on the one hand, to identify the features that define the maternal in the biblical text and, on the other hand, (...)
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    Durrant, Michel, ed., Aristotle's De Anima in focus, London-New York, 1993 (Routledge, 225 páginas).Claudia T. Mársico - 1996 - Méthexis 9 (1):138-142.
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    Castration Anxiety, COVID-19 and the Extremist Right.Claudia Leeb - 2021 - Global Discourse 3 (11):387-403.
    In this article, I draw on Theodor W. Adorno’s works on (neo-)fascism and psychoanalytic theory to outline the threat of castration in contemporary capitalist societies on economic, interpersonal, and bodily levels. I then explain how the COVID-19 pandemic has heightened people’s castration anxieties on all three levels in a class- and gender-specific way. Finally, I expose how the right extremist president of the United States, Donald Trump, and the right extremist leader of the Austrian Freedom Party, Norbert Hofer, utilized castration (...)
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    A syllable-based net-linguistic approach to lexical access.Claudia Kunze - 1990 - In G. Dorffner (ed.), Konnektionismus in Artificial Intelligence Und Kognitionsforschung. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pp. 28--37.
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    Hannah Arendt y Walter Benjamin: el diálogo (in) interrumpido de dos pescadores de perlas.Claudia Galindo Lara - 2023 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (3):223-242.
    Aun cuando se plantea que Arendt y Benjamin sostienen posiciones filosófico políticas irreconciliables, nosotros consideramos que existen líneas de confluencia que parten de una crítica a la Modernidad y los llevan a explorar temas como la narración, la narratividad, la autoridad y la legitimidad. En este trabajo me centraré en la visión que cada uno de ellos tiene sobre el Marxismo, sus apropiaciones, así como las derivaciones a las que llegan. Intentaré mostrar que, mientras en Arendt sobresale una crítica al (...)
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  47. Analyzing the Far Right: A Psychoanalytic Critical Theory Perspective.Claudia Leeb - manuscript
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    Preface and Introduction.Claudia Leeb - 2005 - In Lisa Nicole Gurley, Claudia Leeb & Anna Aloisia Moser (eds.), Feminists Contest Politics and Philosophy: Selected Papers of the 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference Celebrating International Women's Day. PIE - Peter Lang. pp. 11-17.
    This chapter provides a general introduction to the theoretical frameworks the contributors to the volume Feminists Contest Politics and Philosophy draw on to address wide-ranging topics and critical questions in feminist politics, theory, and philosophy. In particular, this chapter outlines the four major topics – aesthetics and female representation, love and psychoanalysis, care and ethics, and the different understandings of ‘women,’ which are core in the volume.
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    About as boring as flossing sharks: Cognitive accounts of irony and the family of approximate comparison constructions in American English.Claudia Lehmann - 2021 - Cognitive Linguistics 32 (1):133-158.
    This paper reports a case study on a family of American English constructions that will be called the family of approximate comparison constructions. This family has three members, all of which follow the syntactic pattern about as X as Y with X being an adjective, but which allow three related functions: literal comparison, simile and irony. Two cognitive frameworks concern themselves with irony, the cognitive modelling approach and viewpoint approach, and the paper will show that, while the ironic approximate comparison (...)
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    On cultural plurality in the public sphere: Choosing between freedom and equality as criteria of judgement.Cláudia Álvares - 2018 - Empedocles European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 9 (1):25-40.
    In an age of postmodern suspicion of master narratives, the egalitarianism and universality inherent in a normative system of rights defended by liberalism is countered by disbelief in the idealized conceptions of a ‘public subject’, divorced from the particularity of both individual and historical communal narratives, as well as an impartial collective good. Simultaneously, the excessive fragmentation of opposed and contradictory aspirations of counterpublics, privileged by a communitarian approach, runs the risk of giving priority to individual rights over social well-being. (...)
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