Results for 'Clodoaldo Silva Da Anunciação'

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  1.  25
    Gênese do racismo no processo migratório brasileiro.Claudia de Faria Barbosa & Clodoaldo Silva Da Anunciação - 2020 - Odeere 5 (10):101-128.
    Situações históricas produzem marcas físicas e/ou emocionais significativas na vida das pessoas que vivem no Brasil, causando desequilíbrios em toda a sociedade, com problemas sérios de convivência, sobretudo no que tange ao racismo estrutural. Com base nisso, esse estudo parte da seguinte questão geradora: considerando o Brasil um país composto por migrantes de diversas raças/etnias, por que prevalece o racismo? Para tanto possui como objetivo geral analisar a gênese do racismo a partir dos processos migratórios, especificamente, discutir legislações, mitos e (...)
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    Explainability, Public Reason, and Medical Artificial Intelligence.Michael Da Silva - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (5):743-762.
    The contention that medical artificial intelligence (AI) should be ‘explainable’ is widespread in contemporary philosophy and in legal and best practice documents. Yet critics argue that ‘explainability’ is not a stable concept; non-explainable AI is often more accurate; mechanisms intended to improve explainability do not improve understanding and introduce new epistemic concerns; and explainability requirements are ad hoc where human medical decision-making is often opaque. A recent ‘political response’ to these issues contends that AI used in high-stakes scenarios, including medical (...)
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  3. Husserl's two notions of completeness.Jairo josé Da Silva - 2000 - Synthese 125 (3):417 - 438.
    In this paper I discuss Husserl's solution of the problem of imaginary elements in mathematics as presented in the drafts for two lectures hegave in Göttingen in 1901 and other related texts of the same period,a problem that had occupied Husserl since the beginning of 1890, whenhe was planning a never published sequel to Philosophie der Arithmetik(1891). In order to solve the problem of imaginary entities Husserl introduced,independently of Hilbert, two notions of completeness (definiteness in Husserl'sterminology) for a formal axiomatic (...)
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    Federalism: Contemporary political philosophy issues.Michael Da Silva - 2022 - Philosophy Compass 17 (4):e12820.
    Philosophy Compass, Volume 17, Issue 4, April 2022.
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  5. Federalism as an institutional doctrine.Michael Da Silva - 2023 - Journal of Social Philosophy 55 (1):81-105.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  6. Husserl and Hilbert on completeness, still.Jairo Jose da Silva - 2016 - Synthese 193 (6):1925-1947.
    In the first year of the twentieth century, in Gottingen, Husserl delivered two talks dealing with a problem that proved central in his philosophical development, that of imaginary elements in mathematics. In order to solve this problem Husserl introduced a logical notion, called “definiteness”, and variants of it, that are somehow related, he claimed, to Hilbert’s notions of completeness. Many different interpretations of what precisely Husserl meant by this notion, and its relations with Hilbert’s ones, have been proposed, but no (...)
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  7. Mathematics and its Applications: A Transcendental-Idealist Perspective.Jairo José da Silva - 2017 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This monograph offers a fresh perspective on the applicability of mathematics in science. It explores what mathematics must be so that its applications to the empirical world do not constitute a mystery. In the process, readers are presented with a new version of mathematical structuralism. The author details a philosophy of mathematics in which the problem of its applicability, particularly in physics, in all its forms can be explained and justified. Chapters cover: mathematics as a formal science, mathematical ontology: what (...)
  8.  30
    Handling Ethics Dumping and Neo-Colonial Research: From the Laboratory to the Academic Literature.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (3):433-443.
    This paper explores that the topic of ethics dumping, its causes and potential remedies. In ED, the weaknesses or gaps in ethics policies and systems of lower income countries are intentionally exploited for intellectual or financial gains through research and publishing by higher income countries with a more stringent or complex ethical infrastructure in which such research and publishing practices would not be permitted. Several examples are provided. Possible ED needs to be evaluated before research takes place, and detected prior (...)
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  9. Formal Theodicy: Religious Determinism and the Logical Problem of Evil.Gesiel B. Da Silva & Fábio Bertato - 2020 - Edukacja Filozoficzna 70:93-119.
    Edward Nieznański developed two logical systems to deal with the problem of evil and to refute religious determinism. However, when formalized in first-order modal logic, two axioms of each system contradict one another, revealing that there is an underlying minimal set of axioms enough to settle the questions. In this article, we develop this minimal system, called N3, which is based on Nieznański’s contribution. The purpose of N3 is to solve the logical problem of evil through the defeat of a (...)
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  10.  22
    Junk Science, Junk Journals, and Junk Publishing Management: Risk to Science’s Credibility.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1701-1704.
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    Entre Mead e Heidegger: a interioridade desdobrada e a formaç'o humana.Marli Teresinha Silva da Silveira, Raísla Girardi Rodrigues & Angelo Vitorio Cenci - 2021 - Educação E Filosofia 34 (71):819-852.
    Entre Mead e Heidegger: a interioridade desdobrada e a formaçâo humana Resumo: O artigo visa aproximar a abordagem da psicologia social de Mead e a perspectiva fenomenológico-existencial de Martin Heidegger da noção de interioridade desdobrada. Tal aproximação permite sustentar que há uma radical e inseparável reciprocidade entre homem/mulher e mundo. A radicalidade de tal reciprocidade suplanta a dicotomia interioridade e exterioridade, reaproximando o corpo do tempo, lugar mesmo da abertura existencial humana. Apresenta-se a noção de “self” como processo e a (...)
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    Nietzsche and Cosmology: A Possible Way of Enriching the Practice of Science.Wigson Rafael Silva da Costa & Antonio Augusto Passos Videira - 2023 - Perspectives on Science 31 (4):503-533.
    In this paper we will present the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s main reflections on the scientific enterprise, its relation to the metaphysical tradition, and how the German author drew on the nineteenth century cosmological discussion to develop a worldview that ultimately endorses a dynamic and more creative form of science, whose representations and values should not be separated from human interests.
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    Interview with Shahid Rahman.Diogo Silva da Cunha - 2016 - Kairos 15 (1):85-96.
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    A unidade ética em "O mundo como vontade e como representação" de Schopenhauer.Luan Corrêa da Silva - 2018 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 9 (2):4.
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    Morality and Access to Essential Medicines: Pairing the Theoretical and Practical.Michael Da Silva & Andreas Albertsen - 2024 - Developing World Bioethics 24 (1):3-5.
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    African Socrates: the philosophical power of the work of Carolina Maria de Jesus.Francisco José da Silva - 2024 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 31:160-172.
    This article intends to explore the philosophical potency in the work of the black writer Carolina Maria de Jesus (1914-1977). Carolina de Jesus is best known for her work Quarto de Despejo, diary of a favelada (1960), our approach, however, focuses specifically on her short story “Socrates Africano”, in which she deals with her experience with her grandfather Benedito and the relationship between her wisdom and that of the Greek philosopher Sócrates (5th century BC). Her reflection starts from the attempt (...)
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  17. Should editors with multiple retractions or a record of academic misconduct serve on journal editorial boards?Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva - 2022 - European Science Editing 48:e95926.
    In the academic world, despite their corrective nature, there is still a negative stigma attached to retractions, even more so if they are based on ethical infractions. Editors-in-chief and editors are role models in academic and scholarly communities. Thus, if they have multiple retractions or a record of academic misconduct, this viewpoint argues that they should not serve on journals’ editorial boards. The exception is where such individuals have displayed a clear path of scholarly reform. Policy and guidance is needed (...)
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  18.  25
    Maat and the origins of philosophy in Kemet (Egypt).Francisco Jose da Silva - 2024 - Griot 24 (2):114-126.
    The Kemetic or Egyptian civilization is one of the first great cultures of the ancient world, dating back to time immemorial. Kemet (Egypt) is known for its magnificent monuments, the pyramids, as well as for its belief in the immortality of the soul, to which they dedicated an entire cult and a specific book for ceremonies and formulas in the afterlife, the Book of the Dead. In addition to these fundamental references, we must also include his understanding of the cosmic (...)
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  19.  29
    Being and Nothingness and metaphysical liberation: first task of the philosophy of freedom.Luciano Donizetti da Silva - 2024 - ARGUMENTOS - Revista de Filosofia 31:52-61.
    The philosophy developed by Sartre is the philosophy of freedom. This is confirmed by his work, whether in literary or theatrical texts, in political interventions and even in travel reports; but it is in technical works that this concern is even more evident: Sartre sustains that his philosophy must fulfill three tasks, of which the first – and most important – is the metaphysical liberation of men and women. Being and Nothingness fulfills precisely this task; it is against Kant and (...)
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  20.  31
    How Do Molecular Systems Engineering Scientists Frame the Ethics of Their Research?Renan Gonçalves Leonel da Silva, Alessandro Blasimme, Effy Vayena & Kelly E. Ormond - 2024 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 15 (3):226-235.
    Background There are intense discussions about the ethical and societal implications of biomedical engineering, but little data to suggest how scientists think about the ethics of their work. The aim of this study is to describe how scientists frame the ethics of their research, with a focus on the field of molecular systems engineering.Methods Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted during 2021–2022, as part of a larger study. This analysis includes a broad question about how participants view ethics as related to (...)
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  21. Capitães de bibocas: casamentos e compadrios construindo redes sociais originais nos sertões cariocas (Capela de Sapopemba, freguesia de Irajá, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, século XVIII).Manoela da Silva Pedroza - 2008 - Topoi. Revista de História 9 (17):67-92.
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    From behaving to being.Paulo Eduardo Lopes da Silva - 2024 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 7 (1):82-98.
    What is childhood? This basic but not less intriguing question guides the present philosophical exercise. However, along the journey, that first question inevitably leads us to some other indispensable queries: What are we able to know about children through the way they behave? Is it ‘what’ they are indeed? If behaviours show us some things, cannot they, at the same time, hide others from us? What is it they are showing or hiding? What is at stake here? Returning to our (...)
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    Einstein and the search for the logical unity of the world: principle of relativity and generalisation of lorentz transformations.Vinícius Carvalho Da Silva - 2024 - Griot 24 (1):194-204.
    In this article we analyse the role of the principle of relativity and the generalisation of Lorentz transformations in Einstein's relativistic physics, whose philosophical ideal was the construction of an image of nature endowed with maximum unity and logical simplicity. In his critical-rationalist realism, Einstein aimed to develop a "conception of the world" that expressed the logical unity of nature. Throughout his scientific career, this philosophical programme led him to produce "great syntheses", seeking compatibility between different physical systems.
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    Do Androids Dream of Electric Crimes?Ricardo Tavares da Silva - 2023 - Anatomia Do Crime 17:95-106.
    The title of the paper is an allusion to Philip K. Dick’s book Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (which inspired the movie Blade Runner) and aims, at once, to highlight the (possible) relation between Criminal Law and Artificial Intelligence in its two dimensions of criminal protection (hence the reference to ‘electric crimes’) and criminal liability (hence the reference to the androids’ dreams), within the background problem of knowing whether Artificial Intelligence is truly mind. The purpose of this paper is, (...)
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  25.  7
    A Millian Case against Epistemic Arguments for Federalism.Michael Da Silva - 2024 - Utilitas 36 (3):280-299.
    John Stuart Mill is central to parallel debates in mainstream contemporary political epistemology and philosophy of federalism concerning the epistemic dimension(s) of legitimate authority. Many scholars invoke Mill to support epistemic arguments for democratic decision-making and decentralized federalism as a means of conferring democratic legitimacy. This article argues that Millian considerations instead provide reason to reject common epistemic arguments for decentralized federalism. Combining Mill's own insights about the epistemic costs of decentralization and recent work in philosophy, politics, and economics undermines (...)
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  26. Not Telling the Truth in the Patient–Physician Relationship.Carlos Henrique Martins Da Silva, Renato Luiz Guerino Cunha, Ronaldo Borges Tonaco, Thúlio Marquez Cunha, Carolina Boaventura Diniz, Gustavo Gontijo Domingos, Juliana Diniz Silva, Marcelo Vitral Vitorino Santos, Melissa Ganam Antoun & Rodrigo Lobato de Paula - 2003 - Bioethics 17 (5‐6):417-424.
    ABSTRACT The presence of truth and honesty is a permanent demand, and becomes vital the more committed and intimate a relationship is. Medical practice is relevant to this discussion when one questions whether or not a physician should always tell their patient the truth in the face of a progressive or potentially fatal disease, regarding the diagnosis, outcome, therapy and evolution of the specific disease. From this discussion we aim, with the present report, to look at the truth applicable to (...)
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    Habitual Leadership Ethics: Timelessness and Virtuous Leadership in the Jesuit Order.Jose Bento da Silva, Keith Grint, Sandra Pereira, Ulf Thoene & Rene Wiedner - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 188 (4):779-793.
    This paper is about the relationship between leadership, organisational morals, and temporality. We argue that engaging with questions of time and temporality may help us overcome the overly agentic view of organisational morals and leadership ethics that dominates extant literature. Our analysis of the role of time in organizational morals and leadership ethics starts from a virtue-based approach to leading large-scale moral endeavours. We ask: how can we account for organizational morality across generations and independently of the leader? To address (...)
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    Elliptical conversation: Alchemy and cybernetics.Diego Fagundes da Silva - 2021 - Technoetic Arts 19 (1):87-96.
    This article presents and discusses alchemy and cybernetics as fields in interaction through a conversation model. The starting point for establishing this relationship is the distinction between communication and conversation as pointed out by authors such as Gordon Pask, Ranulph Glanville and Vilém Flusser. Alchemy was the field of knowledge that best managed to unify Europe’s technological, philosophical and mystical world-view in the late Middle Ages. From an experimental basis, alchemy dealt with the transformation processes mirrored both in a particular (...)
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    Les rapports de pouvoir chez Michel Foucault : une action sur l’action.Antonio José Carlos da Silva & Daniel Benevides Soares - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 10 (1):281-296.
    The main objective of the article is to understand the notion of power in Foucault as an action on action in a relationship of forces. In principle, the power of sovereignty and biopower in classical times are investigated. Where it is perceived that the former has negative and repressive connotations, while this one has positive and productive connotations of facts, happenings. Then, an analysis of Foucault's power is analyzed, where it is possible to verify that there is no construction of (...)
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    Emerging Infectious Diseases and Disease Emergence: Critical, Ontological and Epistemological Approaches.Matheus Alves Duarte da Silva & Jules Skotnes-Brown - 2023 - Isis 114 (S1):26-49.
    This paper provides an introduction to the history of the concept of “emerging infectious diseases” (EID) and reflects on how humanities and social science scholars have interacted with it. It starts with a chronological outline of the coinage of the concept in the early 1990s in the wake of the shocks provoked by Ebola and HIV/AIDS, which disrupted the idea that the West was transitioning from a period of infectious diseases to one of chronic diseases. We argue that humanities and (...)
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  31. Instrumentalismo e explicação científica no De motu de Berkeley no De motu de Berkeley.Marcos Rodrigues da Silva - 2006 - Scientiae Studia 4 (1):101-114.
  32.  23
    Histórias de Mulheres: Identidade Étnica, Resiliências nas Alterizações - Apresentação do Dossiê.Luzia Wilma Santana da Silva, Maria de Fátima Araújo Di Gregório, Ana Angélica Leal Barbosa & Júlio César dos Santos - 2023 - Odeere 8 (2):1-2.
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    Historical Analysis of the Work Divisione Della Filosofia by Benedetto Varchi.João Pedro Da Silva - 2023 - Pólemos 11 (24):16-41.
    In this paper, I intend to explore the 16th century Italian work entitled Divisione della filosofia (1895) by the writer Benedetto Varchi, by reflecting on concepts raised and discussed throughout the history of philosophy, such as art and science, while making a thorough analysis of the text and the conceptions exposed by the historian. From a historical-philosophical point of view, I intend to investigate a varchian corpus from the Renaissance period, thus, I examine the statements and inferences of the Florentine (...)
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    O autoconhecimento, O narrador onisciente, a Vida comum.Waldomiro José Da Silva Filho - 2006 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 11 (2):287-303.
    This text investigates some difficulties that Semantic Externalism presents for the idea of “self-knowledge” and “first person authority”. I would like to defend that those difficulties originate mainly from the fact that externalist arguments often fall back on mental experiments construed in the perspective of an omniscient narrator. I believe that “self-knowledge” and “first person authority” should be thought of not from the viewpoint of epistemology, but our normal practical capacities to evaluate, ponder, criticize, judge our thoughts, attitudes and actions, (...)
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  35.  19
    Filosofia e educação.Vitor Gomes da Silva & Anderson de Alencar Menezes - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9:119-126.
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    Creusa Capalbo (1934 – 2017): O Elogio à Historicidade.Claudinei Aparecido de Freitas da Silva - 2017 - Aoristo - International Journal of Phenomenology, Hermeneutics and Metaphysics 1 (2):399-402.
    Mediante um breve recorte, presto, no que se segue, uma singela homenagem à recémfalecida professora doutora Creusa Capalbo (1934-2017), importante difusora intelectualquanto aos estudos fenomenológicos no Brasil. Para tanto, chamo a atenção para um dosconceitos-chave mais trabalhados em sua produção: a noção de historicidade.
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    A multimodal contrastive analysis of regulations and instructions during the COVID-19 lockdown in the context of the Island of Madeira and the United Kingdom.Leandro da Silva & Svetlana Kurteš - 2024 - Lodz Papers in Pragmatics 20 (1):67-101.
    The paper analyses aspects of multilingual and multimodal narratives employed during the COVID-19 lockdown, attempting to identify how they were used in professional and public environments. More specifically, the paper looks at editing choices, photography, design, drawing, colour, and writing to get a better understanding of multimodal communication, semiotics, image analysis, and their correlation with the written text and the way it has been perceived and interpreted, be it in online or print-based contexts. Methodologically, this is a contrastively inspired research (...)
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  38.  11
    Autores en desacuerdo con las retractaciones: ¿una preocupación procedimental creciente?Jaime Teixeira da Silva - 2023 - Persona y Bioética 27 (2):e2726.
    En varios estudios ya se ha documentado la falta de transparencia en los avisos de retractación (AdR), que a menudo omiten infor-mación de vital importancia que permitiría a los lectores apreciar las complejidades de todo el proceso, incluidos los involucrados y las razones que llevaron a la retractación en sí. Un tema específico que rara vez se discute en la literatura académica es el desacuerdo de los autores con las retractaciones, la redacción de las AdR o las propias retractaciones. En (...)
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  39.  48
    How Christian Norms Can Have an Impact on Bioethics in a Pluralist and Democratic Europe: A Scandinavian Perspective.A. Barbosa da Silva - 2009 - Christian Bioethics 15 (1):54-73.
    This article assesses the similarity and difference between the Western European style of doing bioethics and the Scandinavian one. First, it reviews the introductory article by the editor, C. Delkeskamp-Hayes in the first issue of Christian Bioethics (2008), devoted to the possibility of a specifically Christian bioethics in Europe. Second, it analyses bioethics debates in Scandinavian today. In light of Delkeskamp-Hayes' article, the main similarity is that both regions are facing secularization as a threat to basic Christian values, for example, (...)
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    (1 other version)O perspectivismo nietzscheano enquanto rigor hermenêutico.José Roberto Carvalho da Silva - 2016 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 17 (14):01-10.
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    A filosofia do judaísmo.Elias Gomes da Silva - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):530-539.
    Resenha do livro A filosofia do judaísmo.
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    A função lógica desempenhada pelas fotografias nos pensamentos acerca dos objetos fotografados.Guilherme Ghisoni da Silva - 2015 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):29-54.
    The main objective of this paper is to understand the logic role played by photographs in thoughts about entities known only through photographs. I will contrast two general interpretative lines: photography as knowledge by acquaintance and as knowledge by description. The analyses of those interpretations will take into account possible relations with discussions about metaphysics of time and episodic memory. Throughout the paper I will criticize the treatment of photography as acquaintance, based on John Zeimbekis' interpretation. In its treatment as (...)
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    Alianças seminais: Merleau-Ponty e Bento Prado Júnior.Claudinei Aparecido de Freitas da Silva - 2011 - Discurso 41 (41):271-292.
    Alianças seminais: Merleau-Ponty e Bento Prado Júnior.
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    Breve biografia do líder leigo católico mexicano-americano césar chavez.Flávio José Rocha da Silva - 2019 - Revista de Teologia 12 (22):125-126.
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    Confluencias de un proyecto de huerto escolar y el currículo afroindígena.Michela Tuchapesk da Silva & Núbia Ferreira Machado de Amorim - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 31:408-418.
    This text reports experiences of a decolonial Mathematics Education practice in a municipal public school in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, that resulted in the elaboration of this ongoing master's project. More specifically, it discusses the tensions between an official curriculum and school practices. The experiences occurred with the production of school gardens, executed from the knowledge of agroecology and agroforestry. Among the objectives of this work, we seek to highlight the collective construction of a project, carried out with (...)
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    Corpus and language disorders: from data collection to analyses for clinical and applied linguistics.Christine Da Silva Genest & Caroline Masson - 2018 - Corpus 19.
    Ce numéro thématique a pour objectif de réunir un ensemble de contributions s’attachant à rendre compte de la constitution et de l’utilisation de corpus de données orales ou écrites dans le champ des pathologies du langage. Plus précisément, notre ambition est de montrer ce que les données issues de situations réelles peuvent apporter aux connaissances actuelles dans ce domaine. Nous considérons, à l’instar de (de Weck & Rodi 2005 ; de Weck & Marro 2010 ; MacLeod et al. 2011 ; (...)
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    Chronic pain, stress and their psychoneuroimmunologic implications: A literature review.Leonardo Machado da Silva & Raquel Vitola Rieger - 2008 - Revista Aletheia 28:11-20.
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    Die funksie van die skeppingstradisie in die boek Jeremia.A. A. Da Silva - 1991 - HTS Theological Studies 47 (4).
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  49. Filosofia social.António da Silva - 1966 - Evora: Instituto de Estudos Superiores de Evora.
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    Hermenêutica filosófica: metodologia e apresentação de um precurso temático.Maria Luísa Portocarrero Ferreira da Silva - 2015 - [Coimbra]: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra = Coimbra University Press.
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