Results for 'Concerts Germany.'

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  1.  19
    Give Up Flights? Psychological Predictors of Intentions and Policy Support to Reduce Air Travel.Jessica M. Berneiser, Annalena C. Becker & Laura S. Loy - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Concerted, timely action for mitigating climate change is of uttermost importance to keep global warming as close to 1.5°C as possible. Air traffic already plays a strong role in driving climate change and is projected to grow—with only limited technical potential for decarbonizing this means of transport. Therefore, it is desirable to minimize the expansion of air traffic or even facilitate a reduction in affluent countries. Effective policies and behavioral change, especially among frequent flyers, can help to lower greenhouse gas (...)
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    Freie Musikszene - Perspektiven für ein innovatives Konzertwesen?: privatwirtschaftliche Organisation von und kulturpolitische Fördermodelle für Ensembles der Alten und Neuen Musik.Sandra Soltau - 2010 - Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
    Die Freie Musikszene war, im Gegensatz zum Freien Theater, in Deutschland bisher kaum Gegenstand kulturpolitischer Debatten. In Statistiken uber die Musikforderung in Deutschland wird sie nur selten gesondert aufgefuhrt, da ihre offentliche Unterstutzung im Vergleich zur Forderung von Musiktheatern und Sinfonieorchestern verschwindend gering ist. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, das Phanomen Freie Musikszene naher zu beschreiben, ihren Stellenwert in der deutschen Musiklandschaft zu diskutieren und mogliche Entwicklungsperspektiven aufzuzeigen. Basierend auf Experteninterviews, die in den drei Stadten Hamburg, Koln und Freiburg im (...)
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    Global Citizens – Global Jet Setters? The Relation Between Global Identity, Sufficiency Orientation, Travelling, and a Socio-Ecological Transformation of the Mobility System.Laura S. Loy, Josephine Tröger, Paula Prior & Gerhard Reese - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Global crises such as the climate crisis require fast concerted action, but individual and structural barriers prevent a socio-ecological transformation in crucial areas such as the mobility sector. An identification with people all over the world and an openness toward less consumption may represent psychological drivers of a socio-ecological transformation. We examined the compatibility of both concepts as well as their relation to people’s support of a decarbonised mobility system and their flight mobility behaviour – a CO2-intensive behaviour that may (...)
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    Patientenautonomie und Entscheider-Subjekt.Silja Samerski - 2015 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 101 (4):565-576.
    Since the end of the 20th century, patient autonomy does not only aim at protecting patients’ personal rights, but also to promote their active cooperation in the health system. In Germany, the legal development of patient autonomy goes hand in hand with the concerted establishment of patient counseling and training designed to produce „informed decision makers“. This article examines the practice of patient autonomy and its corresponding subject beyond the sphere of formal law. Therefore, it draws on (1) reports of (...)
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  5. The Oxford handbook of music and the middlebrow.Kate Guthrie & Christopher Chowrimootoo (eds.) - 2024 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Handbook of Music and the Middlebrow takes a fresh look at the history of nineteenth- and twentieth-century music. Offering an alternative to the traditional focus on either "highbrow" modernism on the one hand or "lowbrow" popular music on the other, its novel view centers on the wealth of previously overlooked products and practices that bridged the space between these cultural extremes. While seminal attempts to recover middlebrow culture came from literary critics and historians, middlebrow studies is now a (...)
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    Toward the Materiality of Aesthetic Experience.Peter De Bolla - 2002 - Diacritics 32 (1):19-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Toward the Materiality of Aesthetic ExperiencePeter de Bolla (bio)Over the last twenty years or so it has become a commonplace in discussions of "aesthetics" or of "art" in the most general sense to note that the term "aesthetics" was only very recently invented by Alexander Baumgarten in 1735, where it appears in his Meditationes philosophicae de nonnullis ad poema pertinentibus [see Menke 40; Dickie; Eagleton]. But the force of (...)
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    ‘VaxTax’: a follow-up proposal for a global vaccine pandemic response fund.Federico Germani, Felicitas Holzer, Ivette Ortiz, Nikola Biller-Andorno & Julian W. März - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (3):160-164.
    Equal access to vaccines has been one of the key ethical challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic. Most scholars consider the massive purchase and hoarding of vaccines by high-income countries, especially at the beginning of the pandemic, to be unjust towards the vulnerable living in low-income countries. A recent proposal by Andreas Albertsen of a vaccine tax has been put forward to remedy this problem. Under such a scheme, high-income countries would pay a contribution, conceptualised as a vaccine tax, dedicated to (...)
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    Meditating and Inquiring with Imagination: Leibniz, Lambert, and Kant on the Cognitive Value of Diagrams.Germany Münster - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-19.
    Reasoning with diagrams is considered to be a peculiar form of reasoning. Diagrams are often associated with imagistic representations conveyed by spatial arrangements of lines, points, figures, or letters that can be manipulated to obtain knowledge on a subject matter. Reasoning with diagrams is not just ‘peculiar’ because reasoners use spatially arranged characters to obtain knowledge – diagrams apparently have cognitive surplus: they enable a quasi-intuitive form of knowledge. The present paper analyses the issue of diagrams’ cognitive value by enquiring (...)
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  9.  12
    Comments on Samantha Matherne’s Cassirer.Germany Paderborn - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (5):1182-1191.
    Volume 32, Issue 5, September 2024, Page 1182-1191.
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    Anxiety Severity, Perceived Risk of COVID-19 and Individual Functioning in Emerging Adults Facing the Pandemic.Alessandro Germani, Livia Buratta, Elisa Delvecchio, Giulia Gizzi & Claudia Mazzeschi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The COVID-19 pandemic is showing a strong impact on people in terms of uncertainty and instability it has caused in different areas of daily life. Uncertainty and instability are also emotions that characterize emerging adulthood. They generate worries about the present and the future and are a source of anxiety that impacts negatively on personal and interpersonal functioning. Anxiety seems a central effect of the pandemic and recent studies have suggested that it is linked to COVID-19 risk perception. In the (...)
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    Beyond Trade-Offs: Autonomy, Effectiveness, Fairness, and Normativity in Risk and Crisis Communication.Federico Germani, Giovanni Spitale & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (6):1-4.
    This paper addresses the critiques based on trade-offs and normativity presented in response to our target article proposing the Public Health Emergency Risk and Crisis Communication (PHERCC) framework. These critiques highlight the ethical dilemmas in crisis communication, particularly the balance between promoting public autonomy through transparent information and the potential stigmatization of specific population groups, as illustrated by the discussion of the mpox outbreak among men who have sex with men. This critique underscores the inherent tension between communication effectiveness and (...)
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  12. George 1994; Agnew/Corbridge 1995; Ò Tuathail 1996; Agnew 1998), especially in.Alfred T. Germany - 2006 - Historical Materialism 14 (1):327-335.
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  13. How can the phenomenological-anthropological approach contribute to diagnosis and classification in psychiatry?Kraus - Germany - 2003 - In Bill Fulford, Katherine Morris, John Z. Sadler & Giovanni Stanghellini (eds.), Nature and Narrative: An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry. New York: Oxford University Press.
  14.  11
    Infusing Theory into the Undergraduate Classics Curriculum: Examples from Haverford College’s Senior Seminar, Translation and Transformation, and History of Literary Theory.Robert Germany, Bret Mulligan & Deborah H. Roberts - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 108 (2):221-242.
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    Protestant Theologies in Modern Japan.Charles H. Germany - 1969 - Philosophy East and West 19 (2):200-201.
  16.  17
    The figure of echo in the homeric hymn to pan.Robert Germany - 2005 - American Journal of Philology 126 (2):187-208.
    This paper presents a literary reading of the Homeric Hymn to Pan, tracing the effects of phonetic, verbal, and thematic repetitions throughout the hymn and especially surrounding the appearance of Echo in line 21. A close reading of the structures generated by these repetitions reveals a complex superimposition of structural schemata, and a psychoanalytic reader-response analysis relates our deferred expectation for closure to Pan's disappointed desire for Echo in the erotic myth. The nightingale simile, in its allusion to the Odyssey, (...)
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    Metainferentially substructural validity theories.Germany Tübingen - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics:1-22.
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    Review Article.Germany Paderborn - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-8.
    Ultralogic as Universal was drafted in 1976, appeared in 1977 as ‘Ultralogic as Universal?’ in The Relevance Logic Newsletter, 2 (1–2) and was reprinted as an appendix to Exploring Meinong’s Jungle...
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    Thinking with Rosa: assent in philosophy of the Islamic world.Germany Munich - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 32 (3):647-665.
    Volume 32, Issue 3, May 2024, Page 647-665.
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  20.  24
    1792: Myths and Realities of the Nation-in-Arms.Ian Germani - 2000 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 19:153.
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  21. Anne Kuhnert, Der römische Senat im 3. und 2. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Entscheidung, Konflikt und Konsens. 2013.Germany Karl-Joachim HölkeskampCorresponding authorKarl-Joachim Hölkeskamp: Köln & Stein@Hoelkeskoelndeemail: E. -Mail: - 2016 - Klio 98 (2).
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    Spinoza’s metaphysics of infinity: from indeterminacy, infinity follows.Germany Berlin - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-28.
    The importance of infinity for Spinoza's philosophy can hardly be overstated. Understanding Spinoza means understanding (Spinoza's take on) infinity. In this paper, I present a deflationary account of Spinoza's infinity: Infinities across ontological states (modes, attributes, substance) follow the same general trajectory: From an indeterminate essence, infinitely many things follow. And as a consequence, Spinoza's universe is infinite all the way down. Some think that to Spinoza, infinity is indeterminacy (acosmism). Others say that infinity in substance follows from the essence (...)
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  23.  6
    Mimetic Contagion: Art and Artifice in Terence's Eunuch.Robert Germany - 2016 - Oxford University Press UK.
    The ancient Greeks and Romans often conceived works of art as inspiring them to direct imitation of what they saw represented. Such mimetic contagion is attested to throughout antiquity, yet its operation as a motif is most usefully analysed in the context of a particular historical moment: this volume takes Terence's Eunuch both as an exemplar of a persistent pattern of framing responses to art, and also as a case study of how mimetic contagion functions as a key to a (...)
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  24. Luca Baccelli, Praxis E Poiesis Nella Filosofia Politica Moderna (Milano: Franc0 Angeli.Imperial Germany - 1991 - Filosofia 265:235-00.
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  25.  5
    Buridan’s Theory of Consequences.Germany Osnabrück - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-25.
    Buridan endorses the basic idea that q follows from p iff it is impossible that p is true but q is false. Since he also accepts the law that, if p is impossible, the conjunction (p ∧ q) must be impossible, he comes to regard the principle ‘Ex impossibili quodlibet’ (EIQ) as basically correct. However, his logic is based on a ‘nominalist’ view according to which propositions are tokens of spoken, written or thought language existing in space of time, and (...)
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  26.  24
    The PHERCC Matrix. An Ethical Framework for Planning, Governing, and Evaluating Risk and Crisis Communication in the Context of Public Health Emergencies.Giovanni Spitale, Federico Germani & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (4):67-82.
    Risk and crisis communication (RCC) is a current ethical issue subject to controversy, mainly due to the tension between individual liberty (a core component of fairness) and effectiveness. In this paper we propose a consistent definition of the RCC process in public health emergencies (PHERCC), which comprises six key elements: evidence, initiator, channel, publics, message, and feedback. Based on these elements and on a detailed analysis of their role in PHERCC, we present an ethical framework to help design, govern and (...)
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  27.  13
    The ineffability of God – a logical approach.Germany Tübingen - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics:1-16.
    This paper takes a closer look at the phenomenon of the ineffability of God from a purely logical perspective. In doing so, it pursues two main objectives. First, as to this day many philosophers speak – without hesitation – of the ‘paradox’ of ineffability closely associated with Liar-like sentences, it clarifies the situation by showing that ineffability is by no means paradoxical in the strict logical sense. Secondly, it uses a new information-theoretic approach in order to clearly distinguish between what (...)
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  28. Timpler, Clemens. Logicae systema methodicum Libris V. comprehensum, in quo universus bene disserendi et sciendi modus, tam generatim, quam speciatim, per praecepta et quaestiones breviter ac dilucide explicatur & probatur.Germany Vallendar - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-3.
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    Direct Reduction of Syllogisms with Byzantine Diagrams.Germany Münster - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-22.
    The paper explores the potential of Byzantine diagrams in syllogistic logic. Byzantine diagrams are originated by Byzantine scholars in the early modern period to use as tools for teaching and studying Aristotelian logic. This paper presents pioneering work on employing Byzantine diagrams for checking syllogistic validity through reduction.
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    A Medieval Controversy about Entailments between Categorical and ‘Continuing’ Propositions.Germany Osnabrück - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-21.
    The early thirteenth century tract Ars Meliduna deals with the issue whether categorical propositions entail, or are entailed by, ‘continuing’ propositions, i.e. by implications. From the perspective of modern logic, with implication interpreted as a material, truth-functional connective, the first question has to be answered in the affirmative because, e.g. β entails (α ⊃ β). But conversely (α ⊃ β) ‘normally’ doesn’t entail the truth (or the falsity) of any of the components α, β; hence the second question should be (...)
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    Notions of Proof and Refutation in ‘Gentzensemantik’: Franz von Kutschera as an Early Proponent of (Bilateralist) Proof-Theoretic Semantics.Germany Bochum - forthcoming - History and Philosophy of Logic:1-7.
    This is a comment on a translation of Franz von Kutschera's paper ‘Ein verallgemeinerter Widerlegungsbegriff für Gentzenkalküle’, which was published in German in 1969. The paper is an important predecessor of what is nowadays called ‘proof-theoretic semantics’, which describes the view that the meaning of logical connectives is determined by the rules governing their use in a proof system. Von Kutschera adopts this view in this paper, and more specifically, a bilateralist view on this subject in that his aim is (...)
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    Idealism and Facticity: Kant’s Grounding of Metaphysics and Fichte’s Challenge.Germany Leipzig - 1764 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies:1-25.
    Kant scholarship often refers to transcendental idealism as a ‘theory.’ Kant’s project, however, is not easily reconciled with that term in its current use. This paper contends that his critique and idealism should be seen as a remedial response against our natural albeit confused prejudice of transcendental realism. Kant’s idealism articulates a ‘metametaphysical’ ethos that is supposed to provide a new grounding of metaphysics by proceeding ‘from the human standpoint:’ it aims to dispel the temptation of transcendental realism in favor (...)
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  33.  24
    Roman Comedy of Letters - (A.) Sharrock Reading Roman Comedy. Poetics and Playfulness in Plautus and Terence. Pp. xii + 321. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. Cased, £55, US$99. ISBN: 978-0-521-76181-9. [REVIEW]Robert Germany - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):99-101.
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    Women’s experiences with non-invasive prenatal testing in Switzerland: a qualitative analysis.Mirriam Tyebally Fang, Federico Germani, Giovanni Spitale, Sebastian Wäscher, Ladina Kunz & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-12.
    Background Prenatal genetic testing, in particular non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT), as well as screening for risks associated with pregnancy, and counseling, play pivotal roles in reproductive healthcare, offering valuable information about the health of the fetus to expectant parents. This study aims to delve into the perspectives and experiences of women considering genetic testing and screening during pregnancy, focusing on their decision-making processes and the implications for informed consent. Methods A nationwide qualitative study was conducted in Switzerland, involving in-depth interviews (...)
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    Disruptive Technologies and Open Science: How Open Should Open Science Be? A ‘Third Bioethics’ Ethical Framework.Giovanni Spitale, Federico Germani & Nikola Biller-Andorno - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (4):1-18.
    This paper investigates the ethical implications of applying open science (OS) practices on disruptive technologies, such as generative AIs. Disruptive technologies, characterized by their scalability and paradigm-shifting nature, have the potential to generate significant global impact, and carry a risk of dual use. The tension arises between the moral duty of OS to promote societal benefit by democratizing knowledge and the risks associated with open dissemination of disruptive technologies. Van Rennselaer Potter's ‘third bioethics’ serves as the founding horizon for an (...)
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  36.  27
    ESPMH Conference, Vilnius 2003.Roberto Germany Andorno - 2003 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 6 (2):181-210.
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    Über Kant und Kunst: Beiträge zum Weltfragen Symposion.Roland Kreuzer & Germany) Haus am Waldsee (eds.) - 2002 - Berlin: Haus am Waldsee.
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    Charity or empowerment? The role of COVAX for low and middle‐income countries.Felicitas Holzer, Tania Manríquez Roa, Federico Germani, Nikola Biller-Andorno & Florencia Luna - 2022 - Developing World Bioethics 23 (1):59-66.
    What has the past reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic taught us? We have seen that many low and middle-income countries (LMICs) still lack access to vaccines, and it seems little progress has been made in the last few months and year. This article discusses whether the current strategies, most notably, vaccine donations by the international community and the COVID-19 global access facility COVAX, offer meaningful solutions to tackle the problem. At the centre of our analysis, we compare the concepts of (...)
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  39.  70
    Personality Features in Obesity.Livia Buratta, Chiara Pazzagli, Elisa Delvecchio, Giulia Cenci, Alessandro Germani & Claudia Mazzeschi - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Obesity is a widespread and broadly consequential health condition associated with numerous medical complications that could increase mortality rates. As personality concerned individual’s patterns of feeling, behavior, and thinking, it may help in understanding how people with obesity differ from people with normal-weight status in their typical weight-relevant behavior. So far, studies about personality and BMI associations have mainly focused on broad personality traits. The main purpose of this study was to explore the personality and health associations among a clinical (...)
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    Too simple solutions of hard problems.Ludwig-Maximilians-Universtität A. Mathematisches Institut & Germany München - 2010 - Nordic Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (2):138-146.
    Even after yet another grand conjecture has been proved or refuted, any omniscience principle that had trivially settled this question is just as little acceptable as before. The significance of the constructive enterprise is therefore not affected by any gain of knowledge. In particular, there is no need to adapt weak counterexamples to mathematical progress.
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    Remapping Biology with Goethe, Schelling, and Herder. Romanticising Evolution.Christoph J. Hueck Akanthos Academy, Stuttgart & Germany - forthcoming - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science:1-3.
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    Psychosocial Support in Liver Transplantation: A Dyadic Study With Patients and Their Family Caregivers.Sabrina Cipolletta, Lorenza Entilli, Massimo Nucci, Alessandra Feltrin, Giacomo Germani, Umberto Cillo & Biancarosa Volpe - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:461481.
    Background and aims: Liver transplantation provides an opportunity of survival for patients with liver failure, however, this procedure is known to be psychologically and physically fatiguing for patients and their informal caregivers. The aim of this study was to investigate how perceived social support and the distribution of dependency were associated with the psychological wellbeing of patients waiting for liver transplantation and their caregivers, as a dyad. Methods: The present was a cross sectional study. 95 participants were recruited at a (...)
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  43. Ethics of Information Technology in Medicine and Health Care.Rafael Capurro, Frankfurt Oder Viadrina & P. O. Germany - 2006 - International Review of Information Ethics 5:09.
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    Warum Reformation?A. Horst Georg PöhlmannCorresponding authorSchöneberger Straße & Wallenhorst Germany Email: D. - - 2017 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 59 (1).
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    The Refutation of Polus in Plato’s Gorgias Revisited.authorLeibnizstr Georgia Sermamoglou-SoulmaidiCorresponding, Goettingen & Germany Email: - forthcoming - Apeiron.
    Objective Apeiron was founded in 1966 and has developed into one of the oldest and most distinguished journals dedicated to the study of ancient philosophy, ancient science, and, in particular, of problems that concern both fields. Apeiron is committed to publishing high-quality research papers in these areas of ancient Greco-Roman intellectual history; it also welcomes submission of articles dealing with the reception of ancient philosophical and scientific ideas in the later western tradition. The journal appears quarterly. Articles are peer-reviewed on (...)
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    Women’s Perceptions of the Medicalization of Pregnancy and Their Preferred Models of Care: A Qualitative Analysis.Mirriam Tyebally Fang, Ladina Kunz, Giovanni Spitale, Sebastian Wäscher, Federico Germani & Nikola Biller-Andorno - forthcoming - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics.
    The concept of women-centered care during pregnancy and childbirth has received increasing attention. It addresses the question of the right degree of medical care during pregnancy. Consequently, it further opens a debate about the medicalization of pregnancy, which puts pregnancy into the realm of medicine and treats it as a medical problem. The experience of pregnancy and childbirth plays an essential role in the well-being of both the mother and the future child and is influenced by women’s autonomy and freedom (...)
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  47. A hint as to my grounds for judgement: Frege’s positive account of modality.Universität Duisburg-Essen Thorsten Sander Institut für Philosophie & Germany Essen - forthcoming - British Journal for the History of Philosophy:1-26.
    Frege’s Begriffsschrift account of modality involves both a negative and a positive claim. The negative claim is that modal notions are logically insignificant; the positive claim is that modals convey a ‘hint’ (Wink) as to the speaker’s grounds for judgement. This paper is about Frege’s positive claim, which has not received much attention. I explain in detail the Fregean notion of hinting and how to distinguish hints from conceptual contents, and I argue that Frege’s two-dimensional account of modal talk is (...)
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    The environments of reproductive and birth defects research in the U.S. and West Germany (c. 1955–1975).Birgit Nemec & Heather Dron - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 95 (C):50-63.
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    Institutionalizing Dualism: Complementarities and Change in France and Germany.Kathleen Thelen & Bruno Palier - 2010 - Politics and Society 38 (1):119-148.
    The French and German political economies have been significantly reconfigured over the past two decades. Although the changes have often been more piecemeal than revolutionary, their cumulative effects are profound. The authors characterize the changes that have taken place as involving the institutionalization of new forms of dualism and argue that what gives contemporary developments a different character from the past is that dualism is now explicitly underwritten by state policy. They see this outcome as the culmination of a sequence (...)
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    History of religion and philosophy in Germany.Heinrich Heine - 1982 - [Townsville, Qld.]: Dept. of History, James Cook University of North Queensland. Edited by Paul Lawrence Rose.
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