Results for 'Concetta Lucia Cristofaro'

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  1.  18
    Yawning Is More Contagious in Pregnant Than Nulliparous Women.Ivan Norscia, Lucia Agostini, Alessia Moroni, Marta Caselli, Margherita Micheletti-Cremasco, Concetta Vardé & Elisabetta Palagi - 2021 - Human Nature 32 (2):301-325.
    Contrary to spontaneous yawning, which is widespread in vertebrates and probably evolutionary ancient, contagious yawning—yawning triggered by others’ yawns—is considered an evolutionarily recent phenomenon, found in species characterized by complex sociality. Whether the social asymmetry observed in the occurrence of contagious yawning is related to social and emotional attachment and may therefore reflect emotional contagion is a subject of debate. In this study we assessed whether yawn contagion was enhanced in pregnant women, a cohort of subjects who develop prenatal emotional (...)
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    Working With the Encounter: A Descriptive Account and Case Analysis of School-Based Collaborative Mental Health Care for Refugee Children in Leuven, Belgium.Caroline Spaas, Siel Verbiest, Sofie de Smet, Ruth Kevers, Lies Missotten & Lucia De Haene - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Scholars increasingly point toward schools as meaningful contexts in which to provide psychosocial care for refugee children. Collaborative mental health care in school forms a particular practice of school-based mental health care provision. Developed in Canada and inspired by systemic intervention approaches, collaborative mental health care in schools involves the formation of an interdisciplinary care network, in which mental health care providers and school partners collaborate with each other and the refugee family in a joint assessment of child development and (...)
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    Mitigating ethical conflict and moral distress in the care of patients on ECMO: impact of an automatic ethics consultation protocol.M. Jeanne Wirpsa, Louanne M. Carabini, Kathy Johnson Neely, Camille Kroll & Lucia D. Wocial - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e63-e63.
    AimsThis study evaluates a protocol for early, routine ethics consultation for patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to support decision-making in the context of clinical uncertainty with the aim of mitigating ethical conflict and moral distress.MethodsWe conducted a single-site qualitative analysis of EC documentation for all patients receiving ECMO support from 15 August 2018 to 15 May 2019. Detailed analysis of 20 ethically complex cases with protracted ethics involvement identifies four key ethical domains: limits of prognostication, bridge to nowhere, burden of (...)
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    Ambient Odor Exposure Affects Food Intake and Sensory Specific Appetite in Obese Women.Cristina Proserpio, Cecilia Invitti, Sanne Boesveldt, Lucia Pasqualinotto, Monica Laureati, Camilla Cattaneo & Ella Pagliarini - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Sleep fragmentation and lucid dreaming.Jarrod Gott, Michael Rak, Leonore Bovy, Emma Peters, Carmen F. M. van Hooijdonk, Anastasia Mangiaruga, Rathiga Varatheeswaran, Mahmoud Chaabou, Luke Gorman, Steven Wilson, Frederik Weber, Lucia Talamini, Axel Steiger & Martin Dresler - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 84:102988.
  6.  24
    The Emotional Effectiveness of Advertisement.F. Javier Otamendi & Dolores Lucia Sutil Martín - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Bankruptcy Prevention: New Effort to Reflect on Legal and Social Changes.Tomas Kliestik, Maria Misankova, Katarina Valaskova & Lucia Svabova - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):791-803.
    Every corporation has an economic and moral responsibility to its stockholders to perform well financially. However, the number of bankruptcies in Slovakia has been growing for several years without an apparent macroeconomic cause. To prevent a rapid denigration and to prevent the outflow of foreign capital, various efforts are being zealously implemented. Robust analysis using conventional bankruptcy prediction tools revealed that the existing models are adaptable to local conditions, particularly local legislation. Furthermore, it was confirmed that most of these outdated (...)
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    Creencias sobre Justicia Restaurativa de diez mujeres víctimas de violencia intrafamiliar.Paola María Akl Moanack, Catalina Abril Pérez, Nelly Beltrán Díaz & Marta Lucía Yepes Cardona - 2016 - Ratio Juris 11 (22):91-116.
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  9. Instituto de Geociências e Ciências Exatas.Câmpus de Rio Claro, Maria Rita Caetano Chang, Conselho do Programa, Marcelo de Carvalho Borba, Miriam Godoy Penteado, Claudemir Murari, Maria Lucia Lorenzetti Wodewotzki, Heloísa da Silva Representante Discente, Antonio Vicente Marafioti Garnica & Rosa Lucia Sverzut Baroni - 1913 - Tópicos 18 (19).
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    Attention deficits in Brazilian health care workers with chronic pain.Sergio L. Schmidt, Ingrid M. Araguez, Vithória V. Neves, Eelco van Duinkerken, Guilherme J. Schmidt, Julio C. Tolentino & Ana Lúcia T. Gjorup - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The impact of COVID-19 on chronic pain in non-infected vulnerable South American subjects is unknown. Healthcare workers are at increased risk for CP. During the pandemic, many HCWs with CP kept working. Knowing how cognition is affected by CP in these subjects is an important subject for work safety. The attention domain has a pivotal role in cognition. Previously, the Continuous Visual Attention Test was applied to detect specific attention deficits in fibromyalgia patients. The present investigation described CP prevalence in (...)
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    Metric biases in body representation extend to objects.Valeria Peviani, Francesca Giulia Magnani, Gabriella Bottini & Lucia Melloni - 2021 - Cognition 206 (C):104490.
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    Validation and Factor Structure of the French-Language Version of the Emotional Appetite Questionnaire.Léna Bourdier, Christophe Lalanne, Yannick Morvan, Laurence Kern, Lucia Romo & Sylvie Berthoz - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Correction to: The Ethical, Societal, and Global Implications of Crowdsourcing Research.Shuili Du, Mayowa T. Babalola, Premilla D’Cruz, Edina Dóci, Lucia Garcia-Lorenzo, Louise Hassan, Gazi Islam, Alexander Newman, Ernesto Noronha & Suzanne van Gils - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (1):17-18.
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  14.  47
    Prevalência de problemas de comportamento em uma amostra de crianças em idade escolar da cidade de Porto Alegre.Juliane Callegaro Borsa & Maria Lucia Tiellet Nunes - 2011 - Revista Aletheia 34:32-46.
    Este estudo investigou a prevalência de problemas de comportamento, medidos através do CBCL, em uma amostra de 366 crianças, estudantes de primeira a quarta série do ensino fundamental da cidade de Porto Alegre, RS. Os dados foram coletados a partir das informações obtidas por pais, mães ou demais c..
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  15.  26
    Alejandro Neckam: El ajedrez en De naturis rerum.Nicolás José Martínez Sáez & Lucía García Almeida - 2023 - Circe de Clásicos y Modernos 27 (2):59-68.
    En el presente trabajo se ofrece, hasta donde nos consta, la única traducción al español del capítulo “Sobre el ajedrez” de la obra enciclopédica _De naturis rerum_ escrita hacia el año 1190 por el filósofo inglés Alejandro Neckam (1157-1217). El capítulo mencionado, que sigue a otro sobre los jugadores de dados, es relevante no solamente para comprender la continuidad de una actitud anti-lúdica que hunde sus raíces en el pensamiento de los primeros cristianos sino para advertir la recepción del ajedrez (...)
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    Su Giovanni Vailati.Maria Assunta Del Torre, Mauro De Zan & Lucia Ronchetti - forthcoming - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia.
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  17. Cidade Educadora e Escola Cidadã na Cidade Contemporânea.Fernando de Assis dos Santos & Maria Lucia de Amorim Soares - 2009 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 11 (2).
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    Analysis of Novel Basketball Coaches: Pedagogical Content Knowledge Using Mixed Methodology.Juan Granda-Vera, Lucia Granda-Ortells, Inmaculada Alemany-Arrebola & Ángel Custodio Mingorance-Estrada - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of this article is to know the role of learning tasks within the pedagogical content knowledge of novel sports coaches in initial stages of sports training of children/young people and their impact on their daily work. Participants are two coaches in their first or second working year. A mixed methodology was used by means of polar coordinates analysis. The results agree with previous studies that established that PCK of novel coaches presents deficits in task selection and modification, motivation (...)
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  19. Editorial 5 ESTUDOS.João dos Reis Silva Júnior, Jorge Lufs Cammarano González, Celso Carvalho, Erivanio da Silva Carvalho, Wilson Sandano, Maria de Lourdes Pinto de Almeida & Vera Lúcia de Carvalho Machado - 2001 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos de Educaç̧ão 3:3.
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    Attentive-executive functioning and compensatory strategies in adult ADHD: A retrospective case series study.Martino Ceroni, Stefania Rossi, Giorgia Zerboni, Elena Biglia, Emiliano Soldini, Alessia Izzo, Lucia Morellini & Leonardo Sacco - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundAdults with ADHD exhibit a neuropsychological profile that may present deficits in many cognitive domains, particularly attention and executive functions. However, some authors do not consider executive disfunction as an important part of the clinical profile of the syndrome; this could be related to the use of inappropriate neuropsychological tests, probably not adapted and not sufficiently ecological. Moreover, new data are required on specific correlation of attentive-executive symptoms with socio-demographic factors. Therefore, the aim of this study is to analyze the (...)
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  21.  14
    Positive Arousal Increases Individuals’ Preferences for Risk.Galentino Andrea, Bonini Nicolao & Savadori Lucia - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Adjectives Modulate Sensorimotor Activation Driven by Nouns.Gioacchino Garofalo, Barbara F. M. Marino, Stefano Bellelli & Lucia Riggio - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (3):e12953.
    We performed three experiments to investigate whether adjectives can modulate the sensorimotor activation elicited by nouns. In Experiment 1, nouns of graspable objects were used as stimuli. Participants had to decide if each noun referred to a natural or artifact, by performing either a precision or a power reach‐to‐grasp movement. Response grasp could be compatible or incompatible with the grasp typically used to manipulate the objects to which the nouns referred. The results revealed faster reaction times (RTs) in compatible than (...)
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  23.  37
    A" mercadoria" informação: um estudo sobre comerciais de TV e rádio.Pedrinho Arcides Guareschi, Lisie Polita Romanzini & Lúcia Biavaschi Grassi - 2008 - Paideia 18 (41):567-580.
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  24. Assessing Intervention Effects in Sentence Processing: Object Relatives vs. Subject Control.João Delgado, Ana Raposo & Ana Lúcia Santos - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:610909.
    Object relative clauses are harder to process than subject relative clauses. UnderGrillo’s (2009)Generalized Minimality framework, complexity effects of object relatives are construed as intervention effects, which result from an interaction between locality constraints on movement (Relativized Minimality) and the sentence processing system. Specifically, intervention of the subject DP in the movement dependency is expected to generate a minimality violation whenever processing limitations render the moved object underspecified, resulting in compromised comprehension. In the present study, assuming Generalized Minimality, we compared the (...)
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  25.  61
    Legal medicine implications in fibrinolytic therapy of acute ischemic stroke.Monica Sabau, Simona Bungau, Camelia Liana Buhas, Gheorghe Carp, Lucia-Georgeta Daina, Claudia Teodora Judea-Pusta, Bogdan Adrian Buhas, Claudia Maria Jurca, Cristian Marius Daina & Delia Mirela Tit - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-9.
    Before the advent of fibrinolytic therapy as a gold standard method of care for cases of acute ischemic stroke in Romania, issues regarding legal medicine aspects involved in this area of medical expertise were already presented and, in the majority of cases, the doctors seem to be unprepared for these situations. The present research illustrates some of the cases in which these aspects were involved, that adressed a clinical center having 6 years of professional experience in the application of fibrinolytic (...)
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    O adoecer como ruptura: insuficiência renal crônica em crianças; Sickness as rupture: chronic renal failure in children.Tânia Martins de Barros, Ana Lúcia Saldanha Duarte & Cláudia Simone Santos - 2000 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 11:111-116.
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    Spanish Pre-Olympic Athletes’ Motivations and Barriers to Pursuing Dual Career as a Function of Sociodemographic, Sport and Academic Variables.Adrián Mateo-Orcajada, Alejandro Leiva-Arcas, Raquel Vaquero-Cristóbal, Lucía Abenza-Cano, Juan Alfonso García-Roca, Lourdes Meroño, Emanuele Isidori & Antonio Sánchez-Pato - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The dual career allows elite athletes to attain their maximum competitive and academic performance, but the COVID-19 pandemic hindered their development and changed their perception of the importance given to the sporting and educational environment. For this reason, the aim of the present study was to determine the differences in the motivations and perceived barriers, the importance given to academic qualifications, and the perception of the dual career from a multifactorial perspective, of elite athletes according to sex, type of sport (...)
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  28.  12
    Beyond Behavior: Linguistic Evidence of Cultural Variation in Parental Ethnotheories of Children’s Prosocial Helping.Andrew D. Coppens, Anna I. Corwin & Lucía Alcalá - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study examined linguistic patterns in mothers’ reports about their toddlers’ involvement in everyday household work, as a way to understand the parental ethnotheories that may guide children’s prosocial helping and development. Mothers from two cultural groups – US Mexican-heritage families with backgrounds in indigenous American communities and middle-class European American families – were interviewed regarding how their 2- to 3-year-old toddler gets involved in help with everyday household work. The study’s analytic focus was mothers’ responses to interview questions asking (...)
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    Percepção de risco de pessoas envolvidas com intoxicação por chumbo.Lígia Ebner Melchiori, Patrícia Kusumi, Ompr Rodrigues, Tânia Gracy do Valle, Vera Lúcia Messias Fialho Capellini & Carmem Maria Bueno Neme - 2010 - Paideia (Misc) 20 (45):63-72.
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    The Mediating Role of Conceptions of Learning in the Relationship Between Metacognitive Skills/Strategies and Academic Outcomes Among Middle-School Students.Giulia Vettori, Claudio Vezzani, Lucia Bigozzi & Giuliana Pinto - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:309540.
    The present study investigated the mediating role of conceptions of learning in the relationship between metacognition and academic outcomes among middle school students. The self-report ‘Learning Conceptions Questionnaire’ (LCQ) and ‘Metacognitive questionnaire on the method of study’ (QMS) were administered to 136 middle school students and their academic outcomes were collected. Correlation analyses revealed that within metacognition only self-assessment was positively correlated with academic outcomes. Mediation analysis indicated that a conception of learning as internal attribution of success and failure was (...)
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  31.  31
    Esthetics, the supreme ideal of human life.Lucia Santaella - 2001 - Semiotica 2001 (135).
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  32. A new formulation of the principle of indifference.Rodolfo de Cristofaro - 2008 - Synthese 163 (3):329-339.
    The idea of a probabilistic logic of inductive inference based on some form of the principle of indifference has always retained a powerful appeal. However, up to now all modifications of the principle failed. In this paper, a new formulation of such a principle is provided that avoids generating paradoxes and inconsistencies. Because of these results, the thesis that probabilities cannot be logical quantities, determined in an objective way through some form of the principle of indifference, is no longer supportable. (...)
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    (1 other version)Sustainability report and bank valuation: evidence from European stock markets.Concetta Carnevale & Maria Mazzuca - 2013 - Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (1):69-90.
    Applying value relevance analysis to a sample of European banks, we test the following: (i) the direct effects of the sustainability report on stock price; (ii) whether the report modifies the value relevance of financial accounting variables (indirect effects); and (iii) whether the value relevance of sustainability reports varies across countries. Results show that investors appreciate the additional and complementary disclosure provided by the sustainability report and that this disclosure produces a positive effect on stock prices. Estimates of the indirect (...)
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  34.  19
    ‘I know this whole market is based on the trust you put in me and I don’t take that lightly’: Trust, community and discourse in crypto-drug markets.Matteo Di Cristofaro & Nuria Lorenzo-Dus - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (6):608-626.
    This study uses a Corpus Assisted Discourse Studies methodology to provide the first systematic analysis of how trust is discursively constructed in crypto-drug markets. The data come from two purpose-built corpora. One comprises all the forum messages posted on the flag ship crypto-drug market Silk Road during the years in which it traded on the hidden net. The other corpus comprises all the reports published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime during the same period. Our analysis of (...)
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  35.  12
    Pulsations du corps en médecine. Sentir et mesurer par la musique.Concetta Pennuto - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Concetta Pennuto, « Pulsations du corps en médecine », Histoire, médecine et santé, 11, été 2017, p. 55-76. Cet article propose une illustration de la manière dont la musique a fourni, par le biais de ses harmonies et son langage, un outil aux médecins pour comprendre et maîtriser les pulsations du coeur. Après une courte exploration de l'acte de prendre le pouls dans l'Antiquité et au Moyen Âge, l'étude présente des exemples de médecins modernes qui utilisent non seulement les (...)
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    Trois e ́tudes sur la tradition des commentaires anciens a225}0la me ́taphysique d'Aristote.Concetta Luna (ed.) - 2001 - Boston: Brill.
    This volume deals with the rapports among the extant Greek commentaries on Aristotle's _Metaphysics_: Alexander of Aphrodisias, Syrianus, Asclepius, Ps. Alexander. It traces the precise map of these texts and provides a starting point for any future research in the field.
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    Affect and Cognition in Managerial Decision Making: A Systematic Literature Review of Neuroscience Evidence.Matteo Cristofaro, Pier Luigi Giardino, Andrea P. Malizia & Antonio Mastrogiorgio - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:762993.
    How do affect and cognition interact in managerial decision making? Over the last decades, scholars have investigated how managers make decisions. However, what remains largely unknown is the interplay of affective states and cognition during the decision-making process. We offer a systematization of the contributions produced on the role of affect and cognition in managerial decision making by considering the recent cross-fertilization of management studies with the neuroscience domain. We implement a Systematic Literature Review of 23 selected contributions dealing with (...)
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  38.  44
    Ainda a questão de gênero – determinação ou luta Por reconhecimento?Helgis Torres Cristófaro & Ronaldo Manzi Filho - 2015 - Trans/Form/Ação 38 (1):29-42.
    Este texto pretende apresentar algumas posições sobre o problema do gênero, na modernidade. Partindo do diagnóstico de Foucault de que os processos de constituição e de produção do sujeito implicariam ter um modelo de autodeterminação de si, buscamos pensar o problema do gênero por duas vertentes: por um lado, uma proposta de Butler, em que a sexualidade não poderia ser determinada, pois ela sempre resistiria a qualquer forma de normatização; por outro, uma luta por reconhecimento da individualidade que procura incluir (...)
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  39. Contratti a distanza e norme a tutela del consumatore.Giovanni De Cristofaro - forthcoming - Studium.
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    We had a garden and we paved it.Diletta De Cristofaro - 2021 - In Jeffery L. Nicholas (ed.), The Expanse and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 133–144.
    The Expanse 's ocean is the lifeless and polluted ocean forecast by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The disastrous impact of human activities on the Earth characterizes our age. In The Expanse, humankind has survived climate change thanks to technological solutions aimed at stabilizing the climate and managing the risks of global warming. The Expanse depicts humanity as having failed to learn the Anthropocene's lessons, and hence repeating the mistakes made on Earth across the Sol System and (...)
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  41. Identità di genere femminile e maschile.G. di Cristofaro Longo - 1995 - Studium 91 (4-5):687-702.
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    Aelian and atticism. Critical notes on the text of de natura animalium.Lucía Rodríguez-Noriega Guillén - 2005 - Classical Quarterly 55 (02):455-462.
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    Le Père L. J. Bataillon et le renouveau des études médiévales.Concetta Luna - 2012 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 96 (2):201.
    Résumé L’œuvre philologique du Père Louis Jacques Bataillon (1914-2009) a profondément marqué les études médiévales en général et la philologie en particulier. L’élaboration de notions-clefs telles que celle d’original, la grande variété de traditions textuelles étudiées, la maîtrise hors pair des techniques d’édition élaborées dans le cadre de l’Édition Léonine de Saint Thomas d’Aquin, ainsi que la connaissance exceptionnelle des fonds manuscrits les plus importants d’Europe, font de l’œuvre du Père Bataillon une référence incontournable pour tout philologue.
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    Space-time in the brain.Concetta Morrone & David Burr - 2010 - In Anna C. Nobre & Jennifer T. Coull (eds.), Attention and Time. Oxford University Press. pp. 177--186.
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    Affective Detection of ‘Brain Drain’ Through Video-Narrative Interview.Concetta Papapicco, Francesca D’Errico & Giuseppe Mininni - forthcoming - Tandf: World Futures:1-19.
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    ‘Confesiones’ 5, 15 de Agustín. Una reescritura a modo de palimpsesto.Concetta Scibetta - 2009 - Augustinus 54 (212):219-235.
    A partir de los paralelismos lexemáticos entre conf. 5, 15 y la 'Eneida', el artículo estudia los paralelismos semánticos y semióticos entre ambos textos, para señalar como uno de los hipotextos de conf. 5, 15 el de los libros IV-VI de la 'Eneida' virgiliana.
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    Values, quality, and evaluation in ethics consultation.Lucia D. Wocial, Elizabeth Molnar & Mary A. Ott - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (4):227-234.
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    Crying Shame: Metaculture, Modernity, and the Exaggerated Death of Lament. James M. Wilce. Oxford: Wiley‐Blackwell. 2009. ix+274pp. [REVIEW]Charles Lindholm & Lucia Huwy-Min Liu - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (3):1-3.
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    An Evaluation of Unit-Based Ethics Conversations.Lucia D. Wocial, Maureen Hancock, Patricia D. Bledsoe, Amy R. Chamness & Paul R. Helft - 2010 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 12 (2):48-54.
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    Low or High-Level Motor Coding? The Role of Stimulus Complexity.Lucia Amoruso & Alessandra Finisguerra - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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