Results for 'Contract agriculture'

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  1.  20
    Some Offers for Reconfiguration of Agricultural Commodity Futures Contract According to Islamic Law.Aytaç Aydin - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1407-1428.
    Futures contracts in agricultural commodities are an agreement to buy or sell a predetermined amount of agricultural commodities (such as wheat, corn, cotton, soybeans, live pork, live cattle, cocoa, etc.) at a specific price depending on the price on a specific date in the future. Futures contracts in agricultural commodities are carried out under “commodity futures contracts” on the futures exchange. These contracts are executed in two ways in terms of the delivery of the contract subject; physical delivery and (...)
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    Why did agriculture flourish in the late antique East? The role of climate fluctuations in the development and contraction of agriculture in Asia Minor and the Middle East from the 4th till the 7th c. AD. [REVIEW]Adam Izdebski - 2011 - Millennium 8 (1):291-312.
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    Animal rearing as a contract?Catherine Larrère & Raphaël Larrère - 2000 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 12 (1):51-58.
    Can animals, and especially cattle, be the subject ofmoral concern? Should we care about their well-being?Two competing ethical theories have addressed suchissues so far. A utilitarian theory which, inBentham's wake, extends moral consideration to everysentient being, and a theory of the rights orinterests of animals which follows Feinberg'sconceptions. This includes various positions rangingfrom the most radical (about animal liberation) tomore moderate ones (concerned with the well-being ofanimals). Notwithstanding their diversity, theseconceptions share some common flaws. First, as anextension of primarily anthropocentric (...)
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    The new achikumbe elite: food systems transformation in the context of digital platforms use in agriculture in Malawi.M. Tauzie, T. D. G. Hermans & S. Whitfield - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):475-489.
    The Malabo Declaration places the transformation of agriculture and food systems at the centre of regional and national policy priorities across Africa. Transformative change in the way that food is produced, processed and consumed is seen as not only necessary for addressing the complex challenges of food security and poverty alleviation, but also as a driver of new employment opportunities and economic development. As pointed out within the recent UN Food Systems Summit, essential elements of food system transformations include (...)
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    Decision Model of Contract-Farming Supply Chain Considering Producer’s Fairness Concerns under Random Yield.Yangang Feng, Rui Chen & Lin He - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-8.
    Supply chain management is critical for addressing uncertainties caused by random demand and production yield. In this study, a random yield supply chain, in which the production process of fresh agricultural products is easily affected by factors, such as weather, soil, or plant diseases and insect pests, was considered. Therefore, the actual output is typically less than the planned output. A model in which the producer faces yield uncertainty was considered, and the influence of the producer’s fairness concerns on the (...)
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    From sharecropping to crop-rent: women farmers changing agricultural production relations in rural South Asia.Kuntala Lahiri-Dutt & Mohanraj Adhikari - 2016 - Agriculture and Human Values 33 (4):997-1010.
    This paper explores changing production relations in agriculture in context of increasingly widespread and longer-duration male outmigration, as against previous, short-duration and seasonal migration. It investigates how de facto women-heads of households (WHHs) are changing a resilient crop-sharing system in absence of adequate access to productive assets, formal training or experience in farming, and while contributing labour to farming and coping with gendered demands on their time. Based on qualitative inquiry in one of the poorest parts of South Asia, (...)
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  7.  68
    The ethical contract as a tool in organic animal husbandry.Vonne Lund, Raymond Anthony & Helena Röcklinsberg - 2004 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 17 (1):23-49.
    This article explores what an ethicfor organic animal husbandry might look like,departing from the assumption that organicfarming is substantially based in ecocentricethics. We argue that farm animals arenecessary functional partners in sustainableagroecosystems. This opens up additional waysto argue for their moral standing. We suggestan ethical contract to be used as acomplementary to the ecocentric framework. Weexpound the content of the contract and end bysuggesting how to apply this contract inpractice. The contract enjoins us to share thewealth (...)
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  8.  51
    The role of informal contracts in the growth of small cattle herds on the floodplains of the Lower Amazon.Frank D. Merry, Pervaze A. Sheikh & David G. Mcgrath - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (4):377-386.
    In the absence of access to formal credit, informal contracts with independent investors give the small ranchers of the Lower Amazon an acceptable means through which to surmount the high investment hurdle of starting a cattle herd. These contracts – called sociedades – allow small ranchers to raise an outside investor's cattle in return for a portion of the offspring and are commonplace in the cattle production systems of the Amazon. But, notwithstanding a vast literature on cattle production in the (...)
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    Trust in farm data sharing: reflections on the EU code of conduct for agricultural data sharing.Simone van der Burg, Leanne Wiseman & Jovana Krkeljas - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (3):185-198.
    Digital farming technologies promise to help farmers make well-informed decisions that improve the quality and quantity of their production, with less labour and less impact on the environment. This future, however, can only become a reality if farmers are willing to share their data with agribusinesses that develop digital technologies. To foster trust in data sharing, in Europe the EU Code of Conduct for agricultural data sharing by contractual agreement was launched in 2018 which encourages transparency about data use. This (...)
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    Sustainability and multifunctionality in French farms: Analysis of the implementation of Territorial Farming Contracts. [REVIEW]Mohamed Gafsi, Geneviève Nguyen, Bruno Legagneux & Patrice Robin - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (4):463-475.
    Sustainable agriculture and ways to achieve it are important issues for agricultural policy. However, the concept of sustainability has yet to be made operational in many agricultural situations, and only a few studies so far have addressed the implementation process of sustainable agriculture. This paper provides an assessment of the Territorial Farming Contracts (TFC) – the French model for implementing sustainable agriculture – and aims to give some insights into the ways to facilitate the development of sustainable (...)
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  11. Eden Inverted: On the Wild Self and the Contraction of Consciousness.Eugene Halton - 2007 - The Trumpeter 3 (23):45-77.
    The conditions of hunting and gathering through which one line of primates evolved into humans form the basis of what I term the wild self, a self marked by developmental needs of prolonged human neoteny and by deep attunement to the profusion of communicative signs of instinctive intelligence in which relatively “unmatured” hominids found themselves immersed. The passionate attunement to, and inquiry into, earth-drama, in tracking, hunting, foraging, rhythming, singing, and other arts/sciences, provided the trail to becoming human, and provide (...)
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    A social contract for biotechnology: Shared visions for risky technologies?Donald M. Bruce - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (3):279-289.
    Future technological developmentsconcerning food, agriculture, and theenvironment face a gulf of social legitimationfrom a skeptical public and media, in the wakeof the crises of BSE, GM food, and foot andmouth disease in the UK (House of Lords, 2000). Keyethical issues were ignored by the bioindustry,regulators, and the Government, leaving alegacy of distrust. The paper examinesagricultural biotechnology in terms of a socialcontract, whose conditions would have to be fulfilled togain acceptance of novel applications. Variouscurrent and future GM applications areevaluated against (...)
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  13.  28
    Depicting the Two “Faces” of Labor Contracting and Their Effects in the Philippines.Frances Jeanne L. Sarmiento - 2022 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 41 (3):501-524.
    This study provides an overview of the different forms of labor contracting in the Philippines, as found in the “formal” economy, i.e., the traditional sectors of Agriculture, Industry, and Services, as well as the “informal” or gig economy. It also discusses similarities and differences between the “formal” and “informal” economy, as well as the increasing precarity of labor contracting, regardless of industry sector and the nature of work. The paper concludes with recommendations to address the precariousness and inequality of (...)
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  14.  38
    Legal framework for small autonomous agricultural robots.Subhajit Basu, Adekemi Omotubora, Matt Beeson & Charles Fox - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (1):113-134.
    Legal structures may form barriers to, or enablers of, adoption of precision agriculture management with small autonomous agricultural robots. This article develops a conceptual regulatory framework for small autonomous agricultural robots, from a practical, self-contained engineering guide perspective, sufficient to get working research and commercial agricultural roboticists quickly and easily up and running within the law. The article examines the liability framework, or rather lack of it, for agricultural robotics in EU, and their transpositions to UK law, as a (...)
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  15.  31
    Professionalization of agriculture and distributed innovation for multifunctional landscapes and territorial development.Steven A. Wolf - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (2):203-207.
    Professionalization of farmers and rural entrepreneurs is identified as a potential resource to advance transition to multifunctional landscapes and territorial development. Drawing on interactive conceptions of knowledge creation and technical change, I argue that collective structures that support pooling of experiential knowledge can complement public and private sector engagement in innovation systems. Through exercise of leadership in advancing integration of farming into regional development and in integrating ecological and social concerns into agriculture, farmers can forge a professional identity and (...)
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  16.  48
    Agribusiness ethics: Specifying the terms of the contract[REVIEW]Jeffrey Burkhardt - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (4):333 - 345.
    Agricultural production in the western world in our time is primarily agribusiness. As such, a business ethics approach can be extended to agricultural production. Given the nature of the agricultural production system, however, not only are general principles for business ethics applicable, but more specific obligations need to be generated. A social contract approach such as Donaldson's, with modifications, serves to provide both the general principles for the ethical practice of agribusiness, as well as more specific obligations for agents (...)
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  17.  55
    Potential of corporate social responsibility for poverty alleviation among contract sugarcane farmers in the nzoia sugarbelt, western kenya.Fuchaka Waswa, Godfrey Netondo, Lucy Maina, Tabitha Naisiko & Joseph Wangamati - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (5):463-475.
    Although contract sugarcane farming is the most dominant and popular land use among farmers in Nzoia Sugarbelt, results from a 2007 study suggests that the intended goal of increasing farmers’ incomes seems to have failed. With a mean monthly income of Kenya Shillings 723 (US $ 10) from an average cane acreage of 0.38 hectares, it would be difficult for a household of eight family members to meet their basic needs and lead a decent life. Analysis of farmer statements (...)
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  18.  20
    Optimal Financing Decision in a Contract Food Supply Chain with Capital Constraint.Ying Luo, Tianyu Deng, Qiang Wei, Guoan Xiao & Qihui Ling - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-17.
    To solve the financing problem of the food producers, we consider a two-echelon contract food supply chain composed of a family farm with capital constraints and a food processing enterprise. With no capital constraints as the benchmark model, we analyze optimal decisions of the family farm and the food processing enterprise in the case of bank financing with bank participation only and bank financing with “government, bank, and insurance” coparticipation. Then, we discuss how the risk of yield uncertainty influences (...)
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  19.  33
    Constrained Choice and Climate Change Mitigation in US Agriculture: Structural Barriers to a Climate Change Ethic.Diana Stuart & Rebecca L. Schewe - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (3):369-385.
    This paper examines structural barriers to the adoption of climate change mitigation practices and the evolution of a climate change ethic among American farmers. It examines how seed corn contracts in Michigan constrain the choices of farmers and allow farmers to rationalize the over-application of fertilizer and associated water pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. Seed corn contracts use a competitive “tournament” system where farmers are rewarded for maximizing yields. Interviews and a focus group were used to understand fertilizer over-application and (...)
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  20. The Ethics of Aid and Trade: U.S. Food Policy, Foreign Competition, and the Social Contract.Paul B. Thompson - 1992 - Cambridge University Press.
    The traditional military-territorial model of the nation state defines international duties in terms of protecting citizens' property from foreign threats. In this 1992 book about the principles of the US agricultural policy and foreign aid, Professor Thompson replaces this model with the notion of the trading state that sees its role in terms of the establishment of international institutions that stabilize and facilitate cultural and intellectual, as well as commercial, exchanges between nations. The argument focuses on protectionist challenges to foreign (...)
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  21.  34
    Farmland and the environment: Protection of vulnerable agricultural areas in the Netherlands. [REVIEW]Margaret Rosso Grossman - 1989 - Agriculture and Human Values 6 (1-2):101-109.
    Agriculture in the Netherlands is a critical industry, in terms of both its share of available land and its importance to the Dutch economy. Cultural-technical improvements and intensification of land use have resulted in increased productivity, but have also threatened vulnerable and valuable natural habitats and landscapes. TheRelatienota, a government report issued in 1975, introduced an environmental policy implemented by regulation in 1983 and 1988. Under this policy,Relatienota areas (management areas and reserves) are established. Farmers in management areas voluntarily (...)
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  22. Biology and Authority in Industrial US Contract Hog Production.Fecal Free - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (1):79-93.
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    Land-Grant Universities and Extension into the 21st Century: Renegotiating or Abandoning a Social Contract. By George R. McDowell. [REVIEW]Nancy Grudens-Schuck & Brett A. Kramer - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (2):205-209.
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    Fecal free: Biology and authority in industrialized Midwestern pork production. [REVIEW]Ronald Rich - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (1):79-93.
    Ethnographically, “fecal free” is a lexical marker that invokes a form of industrialized swine husbandry used in large-scale confinement hog production. Using participant observation and interview research with Illinois contract hog producers, I explore the basis of this husbandry in the biological fragility of confinement hogs. Rather than biology being a simplistic “state of nature,” as it was in early neo-Marxist and populist studies of the 1970s, the frailty of confinement hogs suggests that industrial hog biology is a socially (...)
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  25.  22
    The Ethics of Biosurveillance.S. K. Devitt, P. W. J. Baxter & G. Hamilton - 2019 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 32 (5):709-740.
    Governments must keep agricultural systems free of pests that threaten agricultural production and international trade. Biosecurity surveillance already makes use of a wide range of technologies, such as insect traps and lures, geographic information systems, and diagnostic biochemical tests. The rise of cheap and usable surveillance technologies such as remotely piloted aircraft systems presents value conflicts not addressed in international biosurveillance guidelines. The costs of keeping agriculture pest-free include privacy violations and reduced autonomy for farmers. We argue that physical (...)
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  26. Indigenous Bodies, Civilized Selves, and the Escape from the Earth.Eugene Halton - 2019 - In Darcia Narvaez, Four Arrows, Eugene Halton, Brian Collier & Georges Enderle (eds.), Indigenous Sustainable Wisdom: First-Nation Know-How for Global Flourishing. Peter Lang. pp. 47-73.
    History can be understood as involving a problematic interplay between the long-term legacy of human evolution, still tempered into the human body today, and the shorter-term heritage of civilization from its beginnings to the present. Each of us lives in a tension between our indigenous bodies and our civilized selves, between the philosophy of the earth and that which I characterize as “the philosophy of escape from the earth.” The standard story of civilization is one of linear upward progress, a (...)
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    Farm and market structure, industrial regulation and rural community welfare: conceptual and methodological issues. [REVIEW]Rick Welsh - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (1-2):21-28.
    The Goldschmidt Hypothesis posits that rural community welfare is negatively associated with the scale of farms surrounding them. The intervening mechanism that links a farm structure dominated by larger farms to negative rural community welfare outcomes is polarized class structure. There have been a number of studies that have found support for the basic relationship between increasing farm scale and negative rural community outcomes. However, since Walter Goldschmidt’s original study was completed in the 1940s, the agricultural market and farming structures (...)
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  28.  32
    Reverse leasing and power dynamics among blue agave farmers in western Mexico.Sarah Bowen & Peter R. W. Gerritsen - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (4):473-488.
    We examine changing production relations in the Mexican tequila industry to explore the ways in which large industrial firms are using “reverse leasing arrangements,” a form of contract farming, to extend their control over small agave farmers. Under these arrangements, smallholders rent their parcels to contracting companies who bring in capital, machinery, labor, and other agricultural inputs. Smallholders do not have access to their land, nor do they make any of the management decisions. We analyze the factors that have (...)
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    Rousseau, Diderot and the Spirit of Catherine the Great's Reforms.Graham Clure - 2015 - History of European Ideas 41 (7):883-908.
    SummaryIn the Social Contract, Rousseau predicted that Europe would experience a cycle of increasingly intense wars, culminating in invasion from the east: first, Russia would conquer Europe's exhausted and war-torn states; then, Russia would itself become overextended and Europe would ultimately be overrun by the Tartars. The future of the modern state would be a version of the fall of Rome. The present essay provides an explanation of why Rousseau held such apocalyptic views by placing them in the context (...)
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  30. Property and the Private in a Sharia System.Brinkley Messick - 2003 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 70 (3):711-734.
    The case of highland Yemen up to around the middle of the twentieth century involves a history different from most Muslim societies in that, from 1919, the Yemeni state was independent. The problem I address concerns the utility of thinking about the highland property regime in this era in relation to the categories of "private" and "public." What sort of antecedents existed, at the level of property relations, for later commercial transformations that would culminate in such things as Pizza Hut (...)
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    Enlightenment Thought: An Anthology of Sources.Margaret L. King - 2019 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    "Margaret L. King has put together a highly representative selection of readings from most of the more significant—but by no means the most obvious—texts by the authors who made up the movement we have come to call the 'Enlightenment.' They range across much of Europe and the Americas, and from the early seventeenth century until the end of the eighteenth. In the originality of the choice of texts, in its range and depth, this collection offers both wide coverage and striking (...)
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    Harnessing the potential of public procurement for the protein transition – perceived barriers and facilitators.Sanne K. Djojosoeparto, Muriel C. D. Verain, Hanna Schebesta, Sander Biesbroek, Maartje P. Poelman & Jeroen J. L. Candel - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-18.
    Shifting dietary patterns from animal-based proteins to more plant-based and alternative protein sources – the protein transition – is urgently needed to improve planetary and human health. Public food procurement is considered to be an effective policy instrument to accelerate the protein transition and to be a potential game changer towards a sustainable food system. However, this potential has remained far from leveraged, and it is largely unknown which barriers and enablers exist in that context. Therefore, this study aimed to (...)
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  33.  21
    Connecting the Concepts of Frugality and Inclusion to Appraise Business Practices in Systems of Food Provisioning: A Kenyan Case Study.Peter Knorringa, Greetje Schouten & Sietze Vellema - 2023 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 36 (3):1-19.
    Small and medium size business enterprises (SMEs) are the linchpin in systems of food provisioning in sub-Saharan Africa. These businesses occupy the middle of the agri-food chain and face a food security conundrum: they must ensure that smallholder producers of limited means can operate under fair terms while low-income consumers are supplied with affordable and nutritious food. This task becomes even more challenging when resources are scarce. This paper explores how resource-constrained SMEs arrange the terms on which both farmers and (...)
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  34.  25
    Regulating surplus: charity and the legal geographies of food waste enclosure.Joshua D. Lohnes - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (2):351-363.
    Food charity in the United States has grown into a critical appendage of agro-food supply chains. In 2016, 4.5 billion pounds of food waste was diverted through a network of 200 regional food banks, a fivefold increase in just 20 years. Recent global trade disruptions and the COVID-19 pandemic have further reinforced this trend. Economic geographers studying charitable food networks argue that its infrastructure and moral substructure serve to revalue food waste and surplus labor in the capitalist food system. The (...)
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    The Evaluation of Current Sharecropping Practices on Hazelnut Orchards within the Framework of the Musaqat Agreement in Hanafi School.Salih Ülev, Mervan Selçuk & Nazan Li̇la - forthcoming - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi:1-27.
    Tarımsal üretim pek çok ekonomide olduğu gibi Türkiye’de de önemli bir paya sahiptir. Özellikle fındık, çay ve yaş meyvelerin üretimi yakın tarihe kadar bilinçsizce gerçekleştirilse de günümüzde üretim imkânlarının gelişmesi sayesinde az maliyetle yüksek verim alınabilmektedir. Fakat başta miras yoluyla arazilerin bölünmesi, köyden şehre göç olmak üzere çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı ya tarım arazileri sahipleri tarafından terk edilmekte ya da yarıcılığa verilmek suretiyle işlenmeye devam edilmektedir. Halk arasında yarıcılık olarak bilinen bu ortaklıkların temeli, fıkıhtaki müzâraa ve müsâkāt ortaklıklarına dayanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın (...)
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    Exploring smallholder farmers’ climate change adaptation intentions in Tiruchirappalli District, South India.Hermine Mitter, Kathrin Obermeier & Erwin Schmid - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-17.
    Smallholder farmers are disproportionally vulnerable to climate change, and knowledge on cognitive factors and processes is required to successfully support their adaptation to climate change. Hence, we apply a qualitative interview approach to investigate smallholder farmers’ adaptation intentions and behavior. The theoretical Model of Private Proactive Adaptation to Climate Change has guided data collection and analysis. We conducted twenty semi-structured interviews with smallholder farmers living and working in Tiruchirappalli District in South India. We applied a qualitative content analysis by combining (...)
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    Business Managers in Ancient Rome: A Social and Economic Study of Institores, 200 B.C.-A.D. 250 (review).Nicholas K. Rauh - 1996 - American Journal of Philology 117 (3):501-504.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Business Managers in Ancient Rome: A Social and Economic Study of Institores, 200 B.C.–A.D. 250Nicholas K. RauhJean-Jacques Aubert. Business Managers in Ancient Rome: A Social and Economic Study of Institores, 200 B.C.–A.D. 250. Leiden, New York, and Köln: E. J. Brill, 1994. xvi + 520 pp. Cloth, Gld. 220, $125.75 (US). (Columbia Studies in the Classical Tradition, Volume XXI.)Aubert’s declared purpose in this study is to examine the (...)
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  38. Three moral hints.Adam Morton - manuscript
    A vegetarian argument: We should avoid meat not because we think that animals are like us but because most animals are very different from humans. Most animals are not persons: they think and feel but do not have thoughts and feelings about their thoughts and feelings. With persons the obligation to prevent suffering, and indeed the obligation to preserve life, can be over-ridden by mutual agreement. I'll risk my life and welfare to protect your children if you do the same (...)
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  39. Needs assessment of Texas festival coordinators.Jennifer M. Flusche & Matthew Caleb Flamm - unknown
    Texas festivals are given credit for providing benefits for both the festival's community and for the people who visit the community. As a result of these perceived benefits, communities across Texas stage a broad range of festivals and events. These events require substantial planning and skilled management to be successful. Those involved in the planning are often volunteers and have little or no background in event planning and management. Regardless of their experience level however, most event coordinators have ongoing needs (...)
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    (1 other version)Nativeness as Gradient: Towards a More Complete Value Assessment of Species in a Rapidly Changing World.Avery P. Hill - 2024 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 38 (1):1-19.
    Conservation biologists recognize a duty to maintain as much value as possible in ecosystems that are threatened by recent anthropogenic impacts. Until recently the paradigm of contemporary conservation seemed relatively straightforward: the best way to maintain the value of species and ecosystems at a given location was to maintain—or shepherd the system back towards—historical conditions. Among the most difficult theoretical tasks was the determination of “baseline” historical conditions (or trajectories) to return to, recognizing the dynamism of ecosystems over time. However, (...)
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    Remote Sensing Monitoring and Ecological Risk Assessment of Landscape Patterning in the Agro-Pastoral Ecotone of Northeast China.Min Guo & Shijun Wang - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-13.
    The agro-pastoral ecotone, an ecological transition zone connecting adjacent areas of agricultural planting area and grassland animal husbandry, has three features: a complex natural condition, relatively pronounced population pressure, and a fragile ecological environment. In this study, we conducted an ecosystem risk assessment in the western part of Jilin Province, China, based on multiscale and multitemporal remote sensing images and land-use data. Furthermore, we focused on land-use change from 1995 to 2015 by applying the dynamic change information survey method and (...)
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    Nafia for the Tigris: The Privy Purse and the infrastructure of development in late Ottoman Iraq, 1882–1914.Camille Lyans Cole - 2024 - History of Science 62 (4):488-510.
    Between 1893 and 1908, at least six private consortia and the municipality of Baghdad were denied permission to operate steamships on the Tigris and Euphrates on the grounds that a navigation concession had already been granted to the Privy Purse ( hazine-i hassa). The Privy Purse justified its insistence on monopoly with reference to the emerging ideology of development ( nafia), though its ideas about the role of steam technology in nafia stood in contrast to those of private investors and (...)
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    Polanyi and the Peasant Question in China: State, Peasant, and Land Relations in China, 1949–Present.John Yasuda & Julia Chuang - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (2):311-347.
    This article applies Karl Polanyi’s concept of a double movement to the trajectory of rural state policies in China since 1949. It argues that Chinese socialism created a contradictory social contract that has fueled an ongoing struggle between state and peasantry over the surplus generated from rural land. This struggle has shaped a historical oscillation between state policies that facilitate extraction of agricultural surpluses and policies that introduce social protections in the form of household farming and revitalized collective ownership. (...)
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    (1 other version)The Economic Thought of David Hume.Robert W. McGee - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (1):184-204.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:184 THE ECONOMIC THOUGHT OF DAVID HUME David Hume's views on economics are expressed in his Essays, Moral, Political and Literary, Part II (1752). He was a contemporary of Adam Smith and read Smith's The Wealth of Nations shortly before his death. Some commentators have suggested that Hume exercised some influence over Smith's views on economics; others are not so sure. Hume's commentators over the last 200 years have (...)
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    Not made by slaves: ethical capitalism in the age of abolition.Bronwen Everill - 2020 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    "East India Sugar Not Made By Slaves"-with these words on a sugar bowl, consumers of the early nineteenth century declared their power to change the global economy. Bronwen Everill examines how abolitionists in the Atlantic world shaped emerging ideas of ethical commerce to fight the system of plantation slavery that had become an engine of modern capitalism. How did consumers define ethical commerce? How did producers create markets for their products? Everill focuses on the everyday economy of the Atlantic world (...)
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    Why Do People Who Belong to the Same Clan Engage in the Same Entrepreneurial Activities?—A Case Study on the Influence of Clan Networks on the Content of Farmers’ Entrepreneurship.Xiaoli Jiang, Xiao Ma, Zenian Li, Yongjin Guo, Anxin Xu & Xiaofeng Su - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Farmers’ entrepreneurship is a powerful breakthrough for solving the problems associated with “agriculture, rural areas and farmers.” Although studies have commonly used the same entrepreneurial activities to analyze farmers’ entrepreneurship, its deep economic roots have rarely been investigated. Investigating the internal development mechanism within the same industry is helpful for understanding farmers’ entrepreneurship motivation and decision making and is an important point at which to implement regional research and enrich the overall research on farmers’ entrepreneurship in the Chinese context. (...)
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    ‘Smallholding for Whom?’: The effect of human capital appropriation on smallholder palm farmers.Gabriel B. Snashall & Helen M. Poulos - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (4):1599-1619.
    Wage inequality and land and labor insecurity are critical barriers to sustainable palm oil production among those employed in Indonesia’s small-farm sector. Palm oil contract farming, a pre-harvest agreement between palm oil farmers and transnational processors and traders, facilitates smallholder participation in global agro-commodities markets, improves smallholder livelihoods, and promotes local economic development in rural communities. But negative externalities in contract farming can emerge depending on whether corporate guarantors of contract-farm assets manage farmer assets equitably. This study (...)
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  48. Ethical issues involving long-term land leases: a soil sciences perspective.Cristian Timmermann & Georges F. Félix - 2019 - In Cristian Timmermann & Georges F. Félix (eds.), Sustainable governance and management of food systems: ethical perspectives. Wageningen Academic Publishers. pp. 287-292.
    As populations grow and arable land becomes increasingly scarce, large-scale long- term land leases are signed at a growing rate. Countries and investors with large amounts of financial resources and a strong agricultural industry seek long-term land leases for agricultural exploitation or investment purposes. Leaders of financially poorer countries often advertise such deals as a fast way to attract foreign capital. Much has been said about the short-term social costs these types of leases involve, however, less has been said about (...)
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    Finding a balance over precaution.Donald Bruce - 2002 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 15 (1):7-16.
    Three interpretations of theprecautionary principle are identified, namely``soft,'' ``hard,'' and outright rejection. The ECCommunication of February 2000 is largely aresponse to the latter, to provide alegitimation in trade-related WTO disputes.This context leads to an over stress onscientific closure. This is critiqued asidealistic in respect of resolving long termuncertainties inherent in the GM food issue.While offering some useful guidelines in riskmanagement, the EC report seriously fails totake into account the ethical and societaldimension of risk. These are crucial both indetermining when precautionary (...)
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    (1 other version)Flowers of Time: On Postapocalyptic Fiction by Mark Payne (review).Aihua Chen - 2023 - Philosophy and Literature 46 (2):499-501.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Flowers of Time: On Postapocalyptic Fiction by Mark PayneAihua ChenFlowers of Time: On Postapocalyptic Fiction, by Mark Payne; 192 pp. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2020.Mark Payne's Flowers of Time: On Postapocalyptic Fiction contributes significantly to the nascent scholarship on the ever-increasing corpus of postapocalyptic fiction by reading this genre philosophically and interrogating how it imagines new forms of life beyond the confines of a particular kind of world (...)
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