Results for 'Contraste '

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  1. Une methode linguistique d'approche contrastive.Critique de L'analyse Contrastive & A. Absence de Methode Propre - forthcoming - Contrastes: Revue de l'Association Pour le Developpement des Études Contrastives.
  2. Arguments that aren't Contrast To - forthcoming - Informal Logic: The First International Symposium.
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    El suicidio en La opera flotante de John Barth: contraste entre las miradas del Apocalipsis y el existencialismo.Jorge Aloy - 2015 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 25 (2):125-130.
    La opera flotante de John Barth tiene varias puertas de acceso para el análisis. Una de ellas nos lleva a indagar sobre el tema que circunda la obra: el suicidio. Para ello, en el presente trabajo vamos a contrastar las posibles características apocalípticas del personaje principal, Todd Andrews, con determinados postulados de la filosofía existencialista de Jean Paul Sartre. La propuesta estará centrada en revisar puntos de divergencia y de afinidad en ambas cosmovisiones.
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    Les Malebranchismes des Lumières: études sur les réceptions contrastées de la philosophie de Malebranche, fin XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles.Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine (ed.) - 2014 - Paris: Honoré Champion Éditeur.
    Plus que Malebranche lui-même, ce volume interroge les potentialités complexes de ses textes et les différents prismes qui les ont réfractées, dans des contextes et à des desseins souvent bien différents de ceux de l'Oratorien. Plus que de savoir si telle ou telle réception est ou non "fidèle" aux "intentions" de Malebranche, ce volume entend participer à une réflexion plus large sur une méthodologie de l'histoire des idées soucieuse de n'occulter aucune des lectures réelles d'une œuvre à la fois apologétique (...)
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    O uso público da razão como procedimento: Um contraste entre Rawls e Habermas.Rúrion Soares Melo - 2008 - Dois Pontos 5 (2).
    Para poder encontrar uma base comum de justificação de princípios e normas que,sob condições de um pluralismo social e cultural, pudessem ser publicamente reconhecidos,John Rawls e Jürgen Habermas fazem uma reconstrução do ponto de vista sob o qualé possível fundamentar imparcialmente normas de ação. Mas de acordo com a concepçãohabermasiana de democracia, a legitimidade das normas depende da institucionalização deprocedimentos que promovem a deliberação e aumentam as chances de se alcançardecisões válidas de acordo com o uso público da razão. Esse (...)
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    Friedrich Hayek e Hannah Arendt Em Contraste: Liberdade da Política Ou Liberdade Na Política?Anderson Paz - 2023 - Revista PERI 14:100-113.
    O objetivo do presente artigo é comparar as perspectivas de Friedrich von Hayek e Hannah Arendt sobre a relação entre liberdade e política. A perspectiva de Hayek é chamada de liberdade da política devido a seu pessimismo quanto à capacidade da ação política estatal ampliar a liberdade individual. E a perspectiva de Arendt é chamada de liberdade na política devido a sua aceitação positiva do espaço político enquanto campo para o exercício da ação e da liberdade dos indivíduos. A conclusão (...)
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  7. Conciencia-yo-me, componentes del hecho subjetivo en contraste al hecho objetivo de índole zubiriana.Leonard P. Wessell - 2005 - Revista Agustiniana 46 (140):227-276.
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    John Rawls et al., A cincuenta años de Teoría de la justicia, México: Contraste, 2021.Camilo Andrés Soto Suárez - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (1):259-260.
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  9. de L'attention". 1ere Partie: "contraste Affectif Et Unité De Conscience. E. Rignano & La RedacciÓn - 1911 - Scientia 5 (10 Supplement):165-190.
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    «‘Ente’, dicho sin más, nada es». Hermenéutica sobre un enigma aristotélico a la luz de un contraste de métodos.Fernando Haya-Segovia - forthcoming - Studia Poliana:23-58.
    Este artículo contrasta el método del abandono del límite con la analogía de Tomás de Aquino, ofreciendo una descripción global de esta última, en orden a la determinación del significado y el estatuto gnoseológico de la noción de ente. Examina en los respectivos planteamientos el valor y el alcance metafísico de la potencia, de la articulación abstracta del tiempo y de la “entelécheia”.
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    Emociones, intencionalidad y racionalidad práctica: Un contraste de las teorías de las emociones de William James y Antonio Damasio.Sebastián Pereira Restrepo - 2019 - Ideas Y Valores 68 (170):13-36.
    Se presentan y discuten las teorías de las emociones de William James y de Antonio Damasio haciendo énfasis en la intencionalidad de las emociones y en su entretejimiento con la racionalidad práctica. Se argumenta que la propuesta de James enfrenta varias dificultades para dar cuenta de ambos aspectos de las emociones y se muestra cómo la teoría neo-jamesiana de Damasio supera en parte algunas de esas dificultades, pero también da pie a otras objeciones. Al final se expone en forma breve (...)
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  12. Perspectivas éticas del concepto placer. Un contraste entre Aristipo de Cirene y Epicuro de Samos.Estiven Valencia Marin - 2019 - Dissertation, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
    En principio es el placer un tema históricamente tratado, aunque moralmente recusado, mas con el abordaje teórico de pensadores cirenaicos y epicúreos tal concepto acabó por situarse en una defensa del mismo, hecho que resignifica a esa expresión tan censurada en el filosofar griego de antaño. De igual manera, el uso de sinonimias como gozo, fruición, bienestar, entre otros conceptos para referirse al placer, posicionan una vez más a este como elemento valioso en el tratamiento filosófico ulterior a las nociones (...)
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  13. Contrastive Explanation and the 'Strong Programme' in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge.Jeff Kochan - 2010 - Social Studies of Science 40 (1):127-44.
    In this essay, I address a novel criticism recently levelled at the Strong Programme by Nick Tosh and Tim Lewens. Tosh and Lewens paint Strong Programme theorists as trading on a contrastive form of explanation. With this, they throw valuable new light on the explanatory methods employed by the Strong Programme. However, as I shall argue, Tosh and Lewens run into trouble when they accuse Strong Programme theorists of unduly restricting the contrast space in which legitimate historical and sociological explanations (...)
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    Contrast reversal of the iris and sclera increases the face sensitive N170.Kelly J. Jantzen, Nicole McNamara, Adam Harris, Anna Schubert, Michael Brooks, Matthew Seifert & Lawrence A. Symons - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:987217.
    Previous research has demonstrated that reversing the contrast of the eye region, which includes the eyebrows, affects the N170 ERP. To selectively assess the impact of just the eyes, the present study evaluated the N170 in response to reversing contrast polarity of just the iris and sclera in upright and inverted face stimuli. Contrast reversal of the eyes increased the amplitude of the N170 for upright faces, but not for inverted faces, suggesting that the contrast of eyes is an important (...)
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  15. (1 other version)Contrasting approaches to the legitimation of intentional language within comparative psychology.Cecilia M. Heyes - 1987 - Behaviorism 15 (1):41-50.
    Dennett, a philosopher, and Griffin, an ethologist, have recently presented influential arguments promoting the extended use of intentional language by students of animal behavior. This essay seeks to elucidate and to contrast the claims made by each of these authors, and to evaluate their proposals primarily from the perspective of a practicing comparative psychologist or ethologist. While Griffin regards intentional terms as explanatory, Dennett assigns them a descriptive function; the issue of animal consciousness is central to Griffin's program and only (...)
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  16. Contrast as denial.Emar Maier & Jennifer Spenader - 2004 - In Jonathan Ginzburg & Enric Vallduví (eds.), Proceedings of Catalog'04: The 8th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue.
    We present a unified treatment of contrast and denial as slightly different instantiations of the same discourse schema. Both denial and contrast are analysed as involving a revision operation, what sets them apart is merely the type of information being retracted. The formal analysis requires a representational framework that separates different types of information and is therefore implemented in Layered DRT. One of our selling points is the account of the uses of rectification vs. contrastive particles (like German sondern/aber) we (...)
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    Contrastive Reasons.Justin Snedegar - 2017 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Justin Snedegar develops and defends contrastivism about reasons. This is the view that normative reasons are fundamentally reasons for or against actions or attitudes only relative to sets of alternatives. Simply put, reasons are always reasons to do one thing rather than another, instead of simply being reasons to do something, full stop.
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    La revelación celeste: Los pastores y el pueblo. Contraste entre los títulos atribuidos a Jesús y la señal dada por Dios (Lc 2,6-12). [REVIEW]Carlos Escudero Freire - 2023 - Isidorianum 13 (25):95-138.
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    Contrast Sensitivity Is a Significant Predictor of Performance in Rifle Shooting for Athletes With Vision Impairment.Peter M. Allen, Rianne H. J. C. Ravensbergen, Keziah Latham, Amy Rose, Joy Myint & David L. Mann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:363277.
    _Purpose:_ In order to develop an evidence-based, sport-specific minimum impairment criteria (MIC) for the sport of vision-impaired (VI) shooting, this study aimed to determine the relative influence of losses in visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity (CS) on shooting performance. Presently, VA but not CS is used to determine eligibility to compete in VI shooting. _Methods:_ Elite able-sighted athletes ( n = 27) shot under standard conditions with their habitual vision, and with their vision impaired by the use of simulation (...)
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    Contrasting Meanings in Languages of the East and West.Dingfang Shu & Ken Turner (eds.) - 2009 - Peter Lang.
    This is a collection of papers that resulted from the Third International Conference on Contrastive Semantics and Pragmatics that was held at Shanghai ...
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  21. Contrastive causation in the law.Jonathan Schaffer - 2010 - Legal Theory 16 (4):259-297.
    What conception of causation is at work in the law? I argue that the law implicitly relies on a contrastive conception. In a liability case where the defendant's breach of duty must be shown to have caused the plaintiff's damages, it is not enough to consider what would have happened if the cause had not occurredthe law requires us to look to a specific replacement for the effect, which in this case is the hypothetical outcome in which the plaintiff came (...)
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    Contrast as denial in multi-dimensional semantics.Jennifer Spenader & Emar Maier - 2009 - Journal of Pragmatics 41:1707-26.
    We argue that contrastive statements have the same underlying semantics and affect the context in the same way as denials. We substantiate this claim by giving a unified account of the two phenomena that treats contrast as a subtype of denial. This analysis crucially requires a dynamic semantics view of context-dependence with a multi-dimensional representation of information.
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    Contrast Is in the Eye of the Beholder: Infelicitous Beat Gesture Increases Cognitive Load During Online Spoken Discourse Comprehension.Laura M. Morett, Jennifer M. Roche, Scott H. Fraundorf & James C. McPartland - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (10):e12912.
    We investigated how two cues to contrast—beat gesture and contrastive pitch accenting—affect comprehenders' cognitive load during processing of spoken referring expressions. In two visual‐world experiments, we orthogonally manipulated the presence of these cues and their felicity, or fit, with the local (sentence‐level) referential context in critical referring expressions while comprehenders' task‐evoked pupillary responses (TEPRs) were examined. In Experiment 1, beat gesture and contrastive accenting always matched the referential context of filler referring expressions and were therefore relatively felicitous on the global (...)
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    Contrastive empiricism.Elliott Sober - 1956 - In C. Wade Savage (ed.), Scientific Theories. University of Minnesota Press. pp. 392--410.
    Realism and empiricism have always been contradictory tendencies in the philosophy of science. The view I will sketch is a synthesis, which I call Contrastive Empiricism. Realism and empiricism are incompatible, so a synthesis that merely conjoined them would be a contradiction. Rather, I propose to isolate important elements in each and show that they combine harmoniously. I will leave behind what I regard as confusions and excesses. The result, I hope, will be neither contradiction nor mishmash.
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  25. Targeted Contrast Agents for MR Imaging.Anurag Mishra & Josef Pfeuffer - unknown
    Smart MR contrast agents exhibit modulation of their relaxivity by specific physiological or biochemical trigger-events, while targeted MR contrast agents are envisioned to deliver the large gadolinium chelates into the target tissue. In an effort to develop novel smart and targeted MR contrast agents, the series of the DO3A based multifunctional chelating agents with the variable length of the side chain has been synthesized. They serve as valuable multipurpose precursors for contrast agents based on gadolinium chelates in the design of (...)
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  26. Contrastive explanations: A dilemma for libertarians.Neil Levy - 2005 - Dialectica 59 (1):51-61.
    To the extent that indeterminacy intervenes between our reasons for action and our decisions, intentions and actions, our freedom seems to be reduced, not enhanced. Free will becomes nothing more than the power to choose irrationally. In recognition of this problem, some recent libertarians have suggested that free will is paradigmatically manifested only in actions for which we have reasons for both or all the alternatives. In these circumstances, however we choose, we choose rationally. Against this kind of account, most (...)
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    Contrasting approaches to a theory of learning.Timothy D. Johnston - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):125-139.
    The general process view of learning, which guided research into learning for the first half of this century, has come under attack in recent years from several quarters. One form of criticism has come from proponents of the so-called biological boundaries approach to learning. These theorists have presented a variety of data showing that supposedly general laws of learning may in fact be limited in their applicability to different species and learning tasks, and they argue that the limitations are drawn (...)
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    Contrastive mental causation.Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2019 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 3):861-883.
    Any theory of mind needs to explain mental causation. Kim’s exclusion argument concludes that non-reductive physicalism cannot meet this challenge. One classic reply is that mental properties capture the causally relevant level of generality, because they are insensitive to physical realization. However, this reply suggests downward exclusion, contrary to physicalism’s assumption of closure. This paper shows how non-reductive physicalists can solve this problem by introducing a contrastive account of causation with non-exhaustive contrasts. That view has independent justification, because it is (...)
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    Successive contrast effects as a function of type and magnitude of reward.I.-Ning Huang - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 82 (1p1):64.
  30. Contrasting Classical and Quantum Vacuum States in Non-inertial Frames.Timothy H. Boyer - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (8):923-947.
    Classical electron theory with classical electromagnetic zero-point radiation (stochastic electrodynamics) is the classical theory which most closely approximates quantum electrodynamics. Indeed, in inertial frames, there is a general connection between classical field theories with classical zero-point radiation and quantum field theories. However, this connection does not extend to noninertial frames where the time parameter is not a geodesic coordinate. Quantum field theory applies the canonical quantization procedure (depending on the local time coordinate) to a mirror-walled box, and, in general, each (...)
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    Untypical Contrast Normalization Explains the “Weak Outnumber Strong” Numerosity Illusion.Quan Lei & Adam Reeves - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Less salient, lower contrast disks appear to be more numerous than more salient, higher contrast disks when intermingled in equal numbers into the same display, but they are equal in perceived numerosity when segregated into different displays. Comparative judgements indicate that the apparent numerosity of the lower contrast disks is unaffected by being intermingled with high contrast disks, whereas the high contrast disks are reduced in numerosity by being intermingled with the low contrast ones. Here, we report that this illusion (...)
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    Defending Contrastive Luck.Patrick Beach - 2017 - Southwest Philosophy Review 33 (2):107-126.
    In his paper, “Why Every Theory of Luck is Wrong,” Steven D. Hales presents a range of purported counterexamples to every account of luck that has a control condition or a chance condition. He gathers these counterexamples under the headings of lucky necessities, skillful luck, and diachronic luck. He concludes that no account of luck does or even can be developed which adequately handles these cases. In response, a novel account of luck— contrastive luck —is briefly developed in this paper. (...)
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  33. Contrastive statements.Fred I. Dretske - 1972 - Philosophical Review 81 (4):411-437.
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    Context, contrast, and the structure of discourse in Turkish.Umit Deniz Turan & Deniz Zeyrek - 2011 - In Anita Fetzer & Etsuko Oishi (eds.), Context and contexts: parts meet whole? Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. 147.
    This paper attempts to account for the contrastive discourse connective (tam) tersine (‘on the contrary’) in Turkish discourse. We suggest that this connective evokes a discourse structure which has at least three parts: the material in the prior linguistic context, its refutation, and then rectification in the clause where the connective is hosted. Since negation is obligatory in the discourse context for refutation, we include a discussion of negation and we conclude that the obligatory negative clauses are instances of descriptive (...)
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  35. Causes, contrasts, and the non-identity problem.Thomas D. Bontly - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (5):1233-1251.
    Can an act harm someone—a future someone, someone who does not exist yet but will—if that person would never exist but for that very action? This is one question raised by the non-identity problem. Many would argue that the answer is No: an action harms someone only insofar as it is worse for her, and an action cannot be worse for someone if she would not exist without it. The first part of this paper contends that the plausibility of the (...)
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    Contrasts and Contests About Philosophy.Mogobe B. Ramose (ed.) - 2016 - Routledge.
    The sheer variety of socio-political events and technological advancements which affect modern society, and the speed and intensity at which these events occur around the world, delivers change known as epistemic and social transformation. Within this context, the question of justice for all is a poignant one. It is a cognitive revolution challenging humankind to consider whether or not the already contested meaning of philosophy can remain unchanged. The contributions to _Contrasts and contests about philosophy_ address this challenge from a (...)
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  37. Phenomenal Contrast Arguments for Cognitive Phenomenology.Elijah Chudnoff - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (1):82-104.
    According to proponents of irreducible cognitive phenomenology some cognitive states put one in phenomenal states for which no wholly sensory states suffice. One of the main approaches to defending the view that there is irreducible cognitive phenomenology is to give a phenomenal contrast argument. In this paper I distinguish three kinds of phenomenal contrast argument: what I call pure—represented by Strawson's Jack/Jacques argument—hypothetical—represented by Kriegel's Zoe argument—and glossed—first developed here. I argue that pure and hypothetical phenomenal contrast arguments face significant (...)
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    Negative contrast in human probability learning as a function of incentive magnitudes.John A. Schnorr & Jerome L. Myers - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (4):492.
  39. (1 other version)Contrastive knowledge.Antti Karjalainen & Adam Morton - 2003 - Philosophical Explorations 6 (2):74 – 89.
    We describe the three place relation of contrastive knowledge, which holds between a person, a target proposition, and a contrasting proposition. The person knows that p rather than that q. We argue for three claims about this relation. (a) Many common sense and philosophical ascriptions of knowledge can be understood in terms of it. (b) Its application is subject to fewer complications than non-contrastive knowledge is. (c) It applies over a wide range of human and nonhuman cases.
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    The contrast between permissions to act and permissions to believe.Javier González de Prado Salas - 2017 - Philosophical Explorations 20 (1):21-34.
    There is an interesting contrast between permissions to act and permissions to believe. Plausibly, if it is permissible to believe something from a perspective with incomplete evidence, it cannot become impermissible to believe it from a second perspective with complete evidence. In contrast, it seems that something permissible to do for an agent in a perspective with limited evidence can become impermissible in a second perspective in which all the relevant evidence is available. What is more, an agent with incomplete (...)
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    Is Contrastive Consent Necessary for Secondary Permissibility?Peter Graham - 2023 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 25 (3).
    Theron Pummer has argued that contrastive consent is necessary for the phenomenon of "secondary permissibility". I argue that it is not, and I undermine the motivation for thinking that it is.
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    Graph contrastive learning networks with augmentation for legal judgment prediction.Yao Dong, Xinran Li, Jin Shi, Yongfeng Dong & Chen Chen - forthcoming - Artificial Intelligence and Law:1-24.
    Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) is a typical application of Artificial Intelligence in the intelligent judiciary. Current research primarily focuses on automatically predicting law articles, charges, and terms of penalty based on the fact description of cases. However, existing methods for LJP have limitations, such as neglecting document structure and ignoring case similarities. We propose a novel framework called Graph Contrastive Learning with Augmentation (GCLA) for legal judgment prediction to address these issues. GCLA constructs trainable document-level graphs for fact description, capturing (...)
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  43. Contrastive confirmation: some competing accounts.Jake Chandler - 2013 - Synthese 190 (1):129-138.
    I outline four competing probabilistic accounts of contrastive evidential support and consider various considerations that might help arbitrate between these. The upshot of the discussion is that the so-called 'Law of Likelihood' is to be preferred to any of the alternatives considered.
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    Contrasting medium and genre on Wikipedia to open up the dominating definition and classification of geoengineering.Andreas Kaltenbrunner, David Laniado, Tommaso Venturini & Nils Markusson - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (2).
    Geoengineering is typically defined as a techno-scientific response to climate change that differs from mitigation and adaptation, and that includes diverse individual technologies, which can be classified as either solar radiation management or carbon dioxide removal. We analyse the representation of geoengineering on Wikipedia as a way of opening up this dominating, if contested, model for further debate. We achieve this by contrasting the dominating model as presented in the encyclopaedic article texts with the patterns of hyper-link associations between the (...)
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    Positive contrast effects as a function of method of incentive presentation.C. Richard Chapman & Joseph Halpern - 1969 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 80 (3p1):548.
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    Color-contrast and color-constancy.G. Katona - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (1):49.
  47. Contrastive Knowledge: Reply to Baumann.Jonathan Schaffer - 2012 - In Stefan Tolksdorf (ed.), The Concept of Knowledge. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 411-24.
    Baumann (2008a) raises three main concerns for epistemic contrastivism. These lead him to a more complicated re-conception of knowledge, involving varying numbers of argument places for varying sorts of arguments. I will argue that these complications are unneeded. The more elegant and uniform contrastive treatment can resolve all of Baumann’s concerns, in a straightforward way.
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    Contrastive Constraints Guide Explanation‐Based Category Learning.Seth Chin-Parker & Julie Cantelon - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (6):1645-1655.
    This paper provides evidence for a contrastive account of explanation that is motivated by pragmatic theories that recognize the contribution that context makes to the interpretation of a prompt for explanation. This study replicates the primary findings of previous work in explanation-based category learning, extending that work by illustrating the critical role of the context in this type of learning. Participants interacted with items from two categories either by describing the items or explaining their category membership. We manipulated the feature (...)
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    Compare and Contrast: How to assess the completeness of mechanistic explanation.Matej Kohár & Beate Krickel - 2020 - In Fabrizio Calzavarini & Marco Viola (eds.), Neural Mechanisms: New Challenges in the Philosophy of Neuroscience. Springer. pp. 395-424.
    Opponents of the new mechanistic account of scientific explanation argue that the new mechanists are committed to a ‘More Details Are Better’ claim: adding details about the mechanism always improves an explanation. Due to this commitment, the mechanistic account cannot be descriptively adequate as actual scientific explanations usually leave out details about the mechanism. In reply to this objection, defenders of the new mechanistic account have highlighted that only adding relevant mechanistic details improves an explanation and that relevance is to (...)
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  50. Closure, Contrast, and Answer.Jonathan Schaffer - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 133 (2):233-255.
    How should the contrastivist formulate closure? That is, given that knowledge is a ternary contrastive state Kspq (s knows that p rather than q), how does this state extend under entailment? In what follows, I will identify adequacy conditions for closure, criticize the extant invariantist and contextualist closure schemas, and provide a contrastive schema based on the idea of extending answers. I will conclude that only the contrastivist can adequately formulate closure.
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