Results for 'Cyrille Bégorre-Bret'

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  1.  34
    Bioéthique et post-humanité.Cyrille Bégorre-Bret - 2004 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 2 (2):253-264.
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    Le terrorisme, l’anti-terrorisme et la déspécification de la guerre.Cyrille Bret - 2021 - Cités 4:147-151.
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    L'amitié: de Platon à Debray.Cyrille Bégorre-Bret - 2012 - Paris: Eyrolles.
    La collection "Petite philosophie des grandes idées" retrace, à travers la présentation d'une dizaine de penseurs majeurs, le destin d'un concept-clé.Ainsi, ce livre raconte l'histoire de l'idée d'amitié, de l'Antiquité à nos jours; chaque chapitre est consacré à la pensée d'un philosophe dont l'auteur dégage les lignes de force.Illustré de citations de référence et d'exemples de la vie quotidienne, ce guide constitue une approche vivante et efficace de l'histoire de la pensée philosophique.Avec une préface d'André Comte-Sponville.
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  4. Objets à l'état vif: entre dynamiques sociales & pratiques artistiques.Gavoty de Berthe, F. J., Nicolas Fourgeaud & Cyrille Bret (eds.) - 2024 - [Strasbourg]: HEAR.
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    Comments on Sister Cyril Edwin Kinney’s Paper.Cyril Edwin Kinney - 1954 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 28:159-162.
  6.  14
    Prescience et liberté: Essai de théologie philosophique sur la Providence.Cyrille Michon - 2004 - Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Cette étude tente de répondre à la question de la possibilité ou plutôt du caractère intelligible de l'attribution à Dieu de la prescience de nos actes libres. Il s'agir d'un problème bien connu des historiens de la pensée, d'Aristote à Leibniz. La question "Dieu a-t-il la science des futurs actes futurs libres (plus généralement des futurs contingents)" doit être précédée par la question "la notion de Dieu comme d'un être qui a la science des actes futurs libres est-elle intelligible?" L'auteur (...)
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    Le stop motion : singularité cinématographique et alternative aux simulations en image de synthèse.Cyril Lepot - 2022 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 29 (1):39-47.
    Chez Eisenstein on découvre comment dans le cinéma de prise de vues réelles, il est déjà possible de détourner un élément du représenté pour en faire le moyen d’une représentation qui le dépasse au point de lui être étranger, dans la mesure où il sert un propos tout autre que celui de son contexte d’origine. Dans le stop motion la mise en mouvement fondée sur un type de « montage » image par image permet non seulement de réanimer le monde, (...)
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  8. Über die Krisis des modernen SondereigentumsbegrirTes.K. Von Cyrill - 1954 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 1:64.
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    The ‘Epistemic Critique’ of Epistocracy and Its Inadequacy.Cyril Hédoin - 2021 - Social Epistemology 35 (5):502-514.
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    Yin yang: la dynamique du monde.Cyrille Javary - 2018 - Paris: Albin Michel. Edited by Danielle Elisseeff.
    "Yin-Yang" est le nom donné en chinois au fonctionnement de tout le vivant. Cette unité changeante, ce mouvement incessant, cette danse de tout l'univers se dit en un seul mot. Or, en français comme dans toutes les langues occidentales, "Yin" et "Yang" sont deux mots. Voilà où commence le quiproquo. Avec le talent narratif et pédagogique qui a fait le succès de ses nombreux livres, Cyrille Javary nous introduit dans l'esprit chinois à travers cette clé essentielle : "Yin" n'est (...)
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    Wittgenstein on ethics and religious belief.Cyril Barrett - 1990 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
    This text expounds and relates the ethical and religious views of a philosopher that are usually discussed in terms of language. (Philosophy).
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    VI—Concepts and Concept Formation.S. J. Cyril Barrett - 1963 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 63 (1):127-144.
    S.J. Cyril Barrett; VI—Concepts and Concept Formation, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 63, Issue 1, 1 June 1963, Pages 127–144,
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    Improving deliberations by reducing misrepresentation effects.Cyrille Imbert, Thomas Boyer-Kassem, Vincent Chevrier & Christine Bourjot - 2020 - Episteme 17 (4):403-419.
    ABSTRACTDeliberative and decisional groups play crucial roles in most aspects of social life. But it is not obvious how to organize these groups and various socio-cognitive mechanisms can spoil debates and decisions. In this paper we focus on one such important mechanism: the misrepresentation of views, i.e. when agents express views that are aligned with those already expressed, and which differ from their private opinions. We introduce a model to analyze the extent to which this behavioral pattern can warp deliberations (...)
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  14.  43
    A framework for community-based salience: Common knowledge, common understanding and community membership.Cyril Hédoin - 2014 - Economics and Philosophy 30 (3):365-395.
    This article presents a community-based account of salience as an alternative and a complement to the ‘natural salience’ approach which is endorsed by almost all game theorists who use this concept. While in the naturalistic approach, salience is understood as an objective and natural property of some entities, the community-based account claims that salience is a function of community membership. Building on David Lewis’s theory of common knowledge and on some of its recent refined accounts, I suggest that salience acts (...)
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    Philosophy and Economics: Recent Issues and Perspectives. Introduction to the Special Issue.Cyril Hédoin - 2018 - Revue d'Economie Politique 128 (2):177.
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  16.  84
    The Greek atomists and Epicurus.Cyril Bailey - 1964 - New York,: Russell & Russell.
  17.  12
    Rethinking Paternalism: Derek Parfit’s Moral Philosophy and Normative Behavioral Economics.Cyril Hédoin - unknown
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    Sen’s criticism of revealed preference theory and its ‘neo-samuelsonian critique’: a methodological and theoretical assessment.Cyril Hédoin - 2016 - Journal of Economic Methodology 23 (4):349-373.
    This paper evaluates how Amartya Sen’s critique of revealed preference theory stands against the latter’s contemporary, ‘neo-Samuelsonian’ version. Neo- Samuelsonians have argued that Sen’s arguments against RPT are innocuous, in particular once it is acknowledged that RPT does not assume away the existence of motivations or other latent psychological or cognitive processes. Sen’s claims that preferences and choices need to be distinguished and that external factors need to be taken into account to analyze the act of choice then appear to (...)
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  19.  43
    Institutions, rule-following and game theory.Cyril Hédoin - 2017 - Economics and Philosophy 33 (1):43-72.
    :Most game-theoretic accounts of institutions reduce institutions to behavioural patterns the players are incentivized to implement. An alternative account linking institutions to rule-following behaviour in a game-theoretic framework is developed on the basis of David Lewis’s and Ludwig Wittgenstein's respective accounts of conventions and language games. Institutions are formalized as epistemic games where the players share some forms of practical reasoning. An institution is a rule-governed game satisfying three conditions: common understanding, minimal awareness and minimal practical rationality. Common understanding has (...)
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  20.  4
    Unorthodox dialogues on education and art.Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad - 1930 - London,: E. Benn.
  21.  20
    ˆLes‰ "Libri paeniteniales".Cyrille Vogel & Allen J. Frantzen - 1978 - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers. Edited by Allen J. Frantzen.
  22. Realitäten entfalten: Explikationsverständnisse als Grundlage der Begriffsgestaltung.Cyrill Mamin - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (6):857-888.
    This paper is concerned with the relationship between paradigms of explication and the practice of conceptual engineering. It defends three interrelated claims: First, the predominant functionalist attitude in the present debate on conceptual engineering is due to its roots in Carnapian explication, which identifies the explicandum with a precursor concept. Second, alternative metaphysical paradigms of explication locate the explicandum in a part of a concept-independent reality (‘field explication‘, as I will call it). Third, field explication may be a better paradigm (...)
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  23. The Factors of the Mind.Cyril Burt - 1942 - Mind 51 (202):170-180.
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    Intuition und Erkenntnis.Cyrill Mamin - 2020 - Paderborn: Mentis.
    Was ist Intuition? Gibt es intuitive Erkenntnis? Intuition beschäftigt Philosophie, Psychologie und Alltagsdenken. Einschätzungen reichen dabei von "höchste Erkenntnisart" bis "höchst unzuverlässig." Cyrill Mamin zeichnet zentrale Bestimmungen der Intuition in Philosophie und Psychologie nach. Wesentliche Fragen sind dabei: Wie ist es, eine Intuition zu haben? Wie kommt eine Intuition zustande? Auf dieser Grundlage bestimmt Mamin Intuition als massgeblich nicht-propositionale Erkenntnisart, welche unsere intuitiven Überzeugungen rechtfertigen kann. Im Zentrum steht ein neuartiges Modell der intuitiven Rechtfertigung, das psychologische mit erkenntnistheoretischen Elementen verbindet. (...)
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    Liberal Perfectionism and Epistocracy.Cyril Hédoin - 2023 - Public Affairs Quarterly 37 (4):307-330.
    This essay explores the possible justification that liberal perfectionism may provide to an epistocratic regime. I suggest that epistocratic mechanisms and rules can maintain and improve epistemic autonomy, which itself contributes to the form of personal autonomy to which perfectionists grant a moral priority. Though not decisive, I claim that the Perfectionist Argument for Epistocracy partially justifies epistocracy. Because this argument is developed in the context of liberal social forms, this indicates the conceptual possibility of liberal epistocracy.
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    The concept of consciousness.Cyril Burt - 1962 - British Journal of Psychology 53:229-42.
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    Social Contract, Extended Goodness, and Moral Disagreement.Cyril Hédoin - 2021 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 14 (2).
    This article discusses the role played by interpersonal comparisons in matters of justice and equity. The role of such interpersonal comparisons has initially been made explicit in the context of social choice theory through the concept of extended preferences. Social choice theorists have generally claimed that extended preferences should be taken as being uniform across a population. Three related claims are made within this perspective. First, though it is sometimes opposed to social choice theory, the social contract approach may also (...)
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  28. The Lite Everlasting.Cyril Alington - 1947
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    P. Vergili Maronis Aeneidos Liber Primus.Cyril Bailey & Robert Seymour Conway - 1936 - American Journal of Philology 57 (3):341.
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    Concepts and Concept Formation.Cyril Barrett - 1963 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 63:127 - 144.
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    Is the Artist Really Necessary?Cyril Barrett - 1976 - Dialectics and Humanism 3 (2):81-91.
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  32. Symposium: Wittgenstein and problems of objectivity in aesthetics.Cyril Barrett, Margaret Paton & and Harry Blocker - 1967 - British Journal of Aesthetics 7 (2):158-174.
  33.  16
    Naturalistic Decision-Making in Sport: How Current Advances Into Recognition Primed Decision Model Offer Insights for Future Research in Sport Settings?Cyril Bossard, Thibault Kérivel, Sylvain Dugény, Pierre Bagot, Tanguy Fontaine & Gilles Kermarrec - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Education by DiscoveryLearning by Discovery: A Critical Appraisal.Cyril Burt, L. S. Schulman & E. R. Keislar - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 2 (2):117.
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  35. Recent Models of the African Iron Age and the Cattle-Related Evidence.Cyril A. Hromník - 1982 - Diogenes 30 (119):103-113.
    Our present models and theories of African history and prehistory are profoundly influenced by the physical anthropologists’ perceptions of human reality in present-day Africa. Professor P. V. Tobias has suggested that the present-day people of Africa, excluding the recent arrivals from Europe and Asia, descended from a common proto-Negriform stock which gave birth first to the so-called “Khoisan” (I am using here the terminology of my source, not the historically justified Khoe and San, meaning the Hottentots and the Bushmen) and (...)
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    Postmodernity: an Indian Christian philosophical appraisal.Cyril Desbruslais - 2019 - Pune: Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth & Christian World Imprints. Edited by Kuruvila Pandikattu.
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    Le sophiste et ses images : épistémologie du temps simulé.Cyrille Imbert - 2008 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 133 (3):309-318.
    Les simulations donnent l’impression de ressembler aux systèmes qu’elles représentent, au point d’en être peut-être des analogues. Dans cet article, je discute d’abord les différentes notions de temps qu’il faut distinguer pour bien analyser les simulations puis je montre sur cette base que, pour être de bonnes représentations scientifiques, les simulations ne doivent pas en général ressembler du point de vue temporel aux objets qu’elles représentent.Simulations often give the impression of being similar to the systems they represent. In this paper, (...)
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    Pieces of mind.Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad - 1942 - London,: Faber & Faber.
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  39. The meaning of life.Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad - 1928 - London,: Watts & co..
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    The recovery of belief: a restatement of Christian philosophy.Cyril Edwin Mitchinson Joad - 1952 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    Heidegger's way through phenomenology to the question of the meaning of being: a study of Heidegger's philosophical path of thinking from 1909 to 1927.Cyril McDonnell - 2015 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    The Athonite Monastery of Zographou and its property in Hierissos in the late 13 th and the early 14 th Century.Cyril Pavlikianov - 2004 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 97 (2):559-565.
    The purpose of the present article is to offer the scholarly community interested in the Byzantine period of Mount Athos new knowledge about some of the estates possessed by the Bulgarian Athonite monastery of Zographou in the vicinity of Hierissos in the early 14th century. The new details we shall comment on derive from an unknown document kept in the archive of Zographou.
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  43. What do we mean by God?Cyril Henry Valentine - 1929 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
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  44. ST Nietzsche et le bouddhisme.Cyril Vink - 1987 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 79 (2):121-136.
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    The construction of the world in terms of fact & value.Cyril Tollemache Harley Walker - 1919 - Oxford,: B. H. Blackwell.
  46.  43
    Robust Correlation Analyses: False Positive and Power Validation Using a New Open Source Matlab Toolbox.Cyril R. Pernet, Rand Wilcox & Guillaume A. Rousselet - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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  47. The Impact of Corporate Social Performance on a Firm’s Multinationality.Cyril Bouquet & Yuval Deutsch - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (4):755-769.
    Using panel data of 4,244 company years, we examine whether and how corporate social performance affects a firm's capacity to achieve profitable sales in foreign markets. Based on our extension of instrumental stakeholder theory into the international arena, we hypothesized a U-shaped relationship between CSP and multinationality. Results supported our contention that multinational enterprises need to be substantially committed to social performance objectives if they are to recoup the cost of their CSP investments, and improve their capacity to compete in (...)
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    (1 other version)Formal verification, scientific code, and the epistemological heterogeneity of computational science.Cyrille Imbert & Vincent Ardourel - 2022 - Philosophy of Science:1-40.
    Various errors can affect scientific code and detecting them is a central concern within computational science. Could formal verification methods, which are now available tools, be widely adopted to guarantee the general reliability of scientific code? After discussing their benefits and drawbacks, we claim that, absent significant changes as regards features like their user-friendliness and versatility, these methods are unlikely to be adopted throughout computational science, beyond certain specific contexts for which they are well-suited. This issue exemplifies the epistemological heterogeneity (...)
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  49.  11
    Personal Knowledge, Art, and the Humanities.Cyril Burt - 1969 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 3 (2):29.
  50.  24
    Darwin and the Darwinian revolution.Cyril Bibby - 1959 - The Eugenics Review 51 (3):169.
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