Results for 'D. Argilés'

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  1. Caracterización de la dispersión temporal del canal en interiores hasta 4 GHz.J. A. Díaz, D. Argilés, L. Rubio, N. Cardona & Grupo de Comunicaciones Móviles - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay (eds.), Power. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Une rondelle d'argile d'Haghia Triada avec un signe en linéaire A'.Jean-Pierre Olivier - 1983 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 107 (1):75-84.
    Δημοσίευση πήλινου δισκίου μέ σημεῖο σέ γραμμική Α γραφή (L 99) στήν πάνω ὄψη καί δυό σφραγίσματα στήν περιφέρεια. Τό ἀντικείμενο βρίσκεται στό Μουσεῖο Allard Pierson του Άμστερνταμ καί λέγεται ὅτι προέρχεται ἀπό τήν 'Αγία Τριάδα (Κρήτης). Ἡ αὐθεντικότητα καί ἡ ἀναφερόμενη προέλευση βεβαιώνονται ἀπό τή μορφή καί τήν παρουσία τῶν δυό σφραγισμάτων. 'Αντίθετα ὁ προορισμός του παραμένει ἀβέβαιος.
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    Transition entre les cultures néolithiques de Sesklo et de Dimini : Recherches minéralogiques, chimiques et technologiques sur les céramiques et les argiles.Jean-Paul Demoule, Kostas Gallis, Heinz Knoll & Gerwulf Schneider - 1991 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 115 (1):1-64.
    Cet article constitue le second volet d'un programme d'ensemble sur le Néolithique de la Thessalie. Il est consacré aux résultats des analyses chimiques et pétrographiques effectuées sur la céramique de la fin de la culture de Sesklo («Néolithique Moyen») et du début de la culture de Dimini («Néolithique Récent»). Environ 400 analyses, principalement en fluorescence X, sont présentées ici, sur un total d'un millier déjà réalisées. Elles portent à la fois sur la céramique fine, la céramique grossière et sur des (...)
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    Une statuette en argile MR IIIA de Poros/Irakliou avec inscription en linéaire A.Jean-Pierre Olivier, Georges Réthémiotakis & Nota Dimopoulou - 1993 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 117 (2):501-521.
    Cette statuette, très exactement datée tant par son contexte archéologique que par son style, nous fournit l'inscription en linéaire A la plus récente connue à ce jour (PO Zg 1). Six des huit signes peints qu'elle présente se retrouvent dans le même ordre sur l'épingle en argent de Platanos qui porte une inscription en linéaire A (PL Zf 1). Il est possible qu'il s'agisse d'un nom de divinité suivi de la «formule» A-SA-SA-RA-·. Le document démontre en tout cas la survivance (...)
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    La rondelle en linéaire A d'Aghia Triada Wc 3024 (HM 1110).Jean-Pierre Olivier, Éric Hallager & Louis Godart - 1989 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 113 (2):431-437.
    La rondelle d'argile HT Wc 3024, trouvée fortuitement en surface en 1987, semble bien démontrer la validité d'une hypothèse proposée deux ans avant sa découverte : le nombre d'empreintes de sceau sur le pourtour d'une rondelle indique le nombre d'objets impliqués dans la transaction dont cette rondelle porte témoignage (dans le cas présent, aux six empreintes de sceau correspond le chiffre six qui suit l'idéogramme de la brebis).
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    Lampes paléochrétiennes d'Argos.Anastasia Oikonomou - 1988 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112 (1):481-502.
    A. Oikonomou, Lampes paléochrétiennes d'Argos. P. 481-502 En 1983, à Argos, une fouille d'urgence dans un cimetière paléochrétien a donné 116 lampes qui copient ou imitent des modèles corinthiens du me et du ive s., des types nord- africains, siciliens ou d'Asie Mineure. Elles ressemblent beaucoup quant à l'argile, la technique et le décor à des exemplaires de la «Fountain of Lamps» du Gymnase de Corinthe. Certaines d'entre elles sont d'origine argienne, d'autres des importations corinthiennes.
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    Des ateliers d'amphores à Paros et à Naxos.Maurice Picon & Jean-Yves Empereur - 1986 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 110 (1):495-511.
    Une rapide prospection a permis de localiser six ateliers amphoriques à Paros et deux à Naxos. Cette découverte a permis de préciser les conditions d'installation de ces poteries, de caractériser les argiles employées, de tenter une première esquisse typologique des amphores de Paros (époque hellénistique et impériale) et de Naxos (IVe siècle) et enfin de se fonder sur les échantillons provenant de ces ateliers pour identifier leur composition par thermoluminescence et les comparer avec d'autres vases provenant de sites de consommation.
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    Les inscriptions en linéaire B des nodules de Thèbes (1982) : la fouille, les documents, les possibilités d'interprétation.Jean-Pierre Olivier, José L. Melena & Christos Piteros - 1990 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 114 (1):101-184.
    Les inscriptions en linéaire Β des nodules de Thèbes (1982) : la fouille, les documents, les possibilités d'interprétation. P. 103-184 Les inscriptions en linéaire Β portées par les 56 nodules en argile — lesquels présentent également une empreinte de sceau — qui ont été trouvés en 1982 à Thèbes avaient déjà été glosées ici ou là mais jamais véritablement éditées. On trouvera ici photographie, dessin et transcription des faces portant les groupes de signes, le tout accompagné d'un apparat critique et (...)
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    Les paris de l'éducation.Hubert Hannoun - 1996 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
    L'acte d'éduquer est, parfois à l'insu de l'éducateur lui-même, fondé sur des présupposés à la fois fondamentaux et instrumentaux. Eduquer suppose que l'humanité soit capable de faire elle-même son bonheur et que l'homme soit perfectible... Eduquer suppose de même que l'éducation ne réalise pas seulement ce que l'environnement, sans elle, aurait réalisé. Eduquer, à l'école, suppose que le maître en ait la capacité et la volonté, que le message adressé à tous sera reçu par chacun, que la motivation de l'élève (...)
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    Étude en laboratoire des céramiques dites de Vassiliki (Crète orientale).Olivier Pelon & Anne Schmitt - 2003 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 127 (2):431-442.
    Olivier Pelon et Anne Schmitt Étude en laboratoire des céramiques dites de Vassiliki (Crète orientale) p. 431-442. La céramique minoenne dite de Vassiliki est datée du Minoen Ancien II et se rencontre sur la plupart des sites crétois de cette époque ; très reconnaissable, elle se caractérise par un décor flammé constitué de plaques irrégulières, rouges orangées et noires. Pour la détermination de son lieu de production, on a procédé à l'étude chimique globale par fluorescence X, complétée par une étude (...)
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    La céramique pergamienne à reliefs appliqués de Délos.Philippe Bruneau - 1991 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 115 (2):597-666.
    Publication de la céramique pergaménienne à appliques de Délos, collection qui, compte tenu de la rareté du genre, est, avec celle de Pergame, une des plus nombreuses actuellement connues. Sur des récipients dont les types se retrouvent dans la vaisselle non décorée de l'époque (même argile rosé et tendre, même glaçure rouge corail ou brun, mêmes formes), les appliques sont disposées sans constituer des ensembles iconographiquement cohérents, se répétant dans des contextes différents : ce qui oblige à deux catalogues distincts, (...)
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    Directional trend of floral evolution.E. E. Leppik - 1968 - Acta Biotheoretica 18 (1-4):87-102.
    A directional trend of floral evolution, due to the selective activity of pollinating insects, birds and bats, is here described and discussed. Six clearly distinguishable levels in the evolution of flower types are correlated with six corresponding stages of sensory development of pollinating insects . This sequence of floral evolution was used for classification of present-day flower types , and for identification of flower imprints in fossilized clays, muds, and fine sands. It was also used as a practical yardstick to (...)
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    (1 other version)Non-humans in the Zhuangzi: Animalism and anti-anthropocentrism.Paul J. D’Ambrosio - 2022 - Asian Philosophy 32 (1):1-18.
    Some argue that animals and non-human figures in the Zhuangzi help displace the significance of humans. According to others the Zhuangzi suggests a certain time of ‘animalism,’ asking us to be more like various types of fauna and flora that do not share our self-centeredness. In this paper the use of non-human characters in the Zhuangzi will be examined through a survey of traditional Chinese commentary, comparisons with the Lunyu, and placing the use of non-human characters within the larger context (...)
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    Human acts.Eric D'Arcy - 1963 - Oxford,: Clarendon Press.
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    The Problem of Cratylus.D. J. Allan - 1954 - American Journal of Philology 75 (3):271.
  16. Avicenna's theory of primary mixture: Abraham D. stone.Abraham D. Stone - 2008 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 18 (1):99-119.
    Ancient Peripatetics and Neoplatonists had great difficulty coming up with a consistent, interpretatively reasonable, and empirically adequate Aristotelian theory of complete mixture or complexion. I explain some of the main problems, with special attention to authors with whom Avicenna was familiar. I then show how Avicenna used a new doctrine of the occultness of substantial form to address these problems. The result was in some respects an improvement, but it also gave rise to a new set of problems, which were (...)
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    Trust in a specific technology: An investigation of its components and measures.D. H. McKnight, M. Carter, J. B. Thatcher & P. F. Clay - 2011 - ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 2.
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    A Phenomenology of Creative Attention.Diego D'Angelo - 2018 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2018 (2):100-117.
    This paper develops the concept of ‘creative attention’. Against classical theories that understand attention as a spotlight that brings objects into focus, I will argue that attention is a complex phenomenon structured in different layers. The most basic layer is perceptual, passive and pre-predicative: at this level, attention is creative – and this is the central claim of this paper – because it institutes meanings and rules for our behaviour.
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    Symbolic knowledge extraction from trained neural networks: A sound approach.A. S. D'Avila Garcez, K. Broda & D. M. Gabbay - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 125 (1-2):155-207.
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    Organicity of the phenomenon of culture as an explication of vitality.D. B. Svyrydenko, O. D. Yatsenko & O. V. Prudnikova - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 16:7-23.
    Purpose. The aim of the article is to clarify the content of the concept of culture as an explication of vitality within the philosophy of life and its further modifications in current problems of contemporary. The analysis performed standing from the point, that contrasting of nature and culture is irrelevant, since culture does not contradict natural determinants and patterns, but rather qualitatively alters them. So, are justified the idea of culture as a phenomenon that exist accordingly and in proportion to (...)
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    Le περη φιλοσοφίας d'Aristote et la théorie platonicienne des idées nombres: Deuxième édition revue et accompagnée du compte-rendu critique par Harold Cherniss.H. D. Saffrey - 1955 - BRILL.
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    Communicating open systems.Mark dʼInverno, Michael Luck, Pablo Noriega, Juan A. Rodriguez-Aguilar & Carles Sierra - 2012 - Artificial Intelligence 186 (C):38-94.
  23. On the Character of Statistical-Mechanical Probabilities'.D. Albert - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64.
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    Spontaneous Order and the Rule of Law: Some Problems.D. Neil Maccormick - 1989 - Ratio Juris 2 (1):41-54.
    Two conservative theorists, F. A. Hayek and Michael Oakeshott, have advanced theories of law with important and plausible central theses focusing on the rule of law. The author argues, however, that in each case the theorist ‐ or at least some of his followers on the contemporary British and American political scene ‐ have wrongly inferred strong conclusions from these theories which are inimical to the welfare state. In conclusion, the author points to possible ways of reconciling rule of law (...)
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    The composite species concept: a rigorous basis for cladistic practice.D. J. Kornet & James W. McAllister - 2005 - In Thomas A. C. Reydon & Lia Hemerik (eds.), Current Themes in Theoretical Biology : A Dutch Perspective. Springer. pp. 95--127.
  26. A tribute to David Armstrong.D. C. Stove - 2014 - Quadrant 58 (3):42-43.
    A tribute, originally given at David Armstrong's retirement in 1991 as Challis Professor of Philosophy at Sydney University. Stove recalls Armstrong's role in the "Sydney disturbances" of the 1970s when under attack from Marxists.
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    Der Ausdruck der Freiheit und die Genese des ‚Ist-Sagens‘.Matteo Vincenzo D’Alfonso - 2018 - Fichte-Studien 45:382-397.
    Fichte’s Doctrine of Science of 1811 offers a sound model for explaining the conditions of semantics in its connection with the idea of freedom. Following Wolfram Hogrebe’s suggestion that the principle of contradiction works as an archaeological semantic postulate, i.e., is the implicit condition for any sentence to be meaningful, we argue that in Fichte’s definition of the phenomenon we find such a semantic postulate at a higher genetic level than the principle of contradiction indicated by Hogrebe. Moreover, the Doctrine (...)
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    Reason and Conduct: New Bearings in Moral Philosophy.D. Z. Phillips - 1965 - Philosophical Quarterly 15 (59):189-190.
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    Plato.D. J. Allan - 1951 - The Classical Review 1 (01):23-.
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    Calculo—Logistes—ḥashban.D. Sperber - 1969 - Classical Quarterly 19 (2):374-378.
    In the opening passage of the Breviarium of Festus we read the following: ‘… ac morem secutus calculonum, qui ingentes summas aeris breuioribus exprimunt, res gestas signabo, non eloquar. Accipe ergo quod breuiter dictis breuis conputetur …’ The problem that I should like briefly to discuss in the following study is: Who were the calculones, ‘qui ingentes surnmas aeris breuioribus exprimunt’? This term calculo, and indeed the whole problematic clause can, I suggest, only be fully understood and appreciated in the (...)
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    Goldfish avoidance acquisition: Is the process classical, instrumental, or a phototaxis?D. J. Zerbolio & L. L. Wickstra - 1978 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 11 (5):321-323.
  32. The Theology of the Gospel of John.D. Moody Smith - 1995
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    Beta-decay of16N: Conservation of spin and parity in16o.D. E. Alburqer, R. E. Pixley, D. H. Wilkinson & P. Donovan - 1961 - Philosophical Magazine 6 (61):171-174.
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    The properties of beryllium-11.D. E. Alburger & D. H. Wilkinson - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (35):1332-1333.
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  35. Differenzierungen im Katholizismus.D. Alexander - 1965 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 13 (12):1504.
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    “Knowledge Value Alliances”: An Alternative to the R&D Project Focus in Evaluation.Barry Bozeman & Juan D. Rogers - 2001 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 26 (1):23-55.
    The question of what the relevant entities or units of analysis for studying the dynamics of R&D are is central not only for adequate characterizations of the system of scientific and technological knowledge production but also for determining the correct focus for evaluation of R&D activities. Typically, R&D performance evaluations have focused not only on the wrong thing but have looked in the wrong place. Most evaluations have been project or program based. Often this focus is misleading. This article presents (...)
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    On the foundations of the theory of probabilities.D. J. Struik - 1934 - Philosophy of Science 1 (1):50-70.
    The foundation of the mathematical theory of probabilities is still a controversial subject. There are schools of insufficient reasoning and of cogent reasoning, of a priori determination and of frequency determination, of subjective and of objective probability. Two main difficulties exist. The first is the definition of equally like events. The second difficulty is the relation between the laws of causal natural science and the laws of statistical regularity. Is it really necessary to add to the laws of mechanics one (...)
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    Organ donation after circulatory death – legal in South Africa and in alignment with Chapter 8 of the National Health Act and Regulations relating to organ and tissue donation.D. Thomson & M. Labuschaigne - forthcoming - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law:e1561.
    Organ donation after a circulatory determination of death is possible in selected patients where consent is given to support donation and the patient has been legally declared dead by two doctors. The National Health Act (61 of 2003) and regulations provide strict controls for the certification of death and the donation of organs and tissues after death. Although the National Health Act expressly recognises that brain death is death, it does not prescribe the medical standards of testing for the determination (...)
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    Urbanicity mental costs valuation: a review and urban-societal planning consideration.Luca S. D’Acci - 2020 - Mind and Society 19 (2):223-235.
    Living in cities has numerous comparative advantages than living in the countryside or in small villages and towns, most notably better access to education, services and jobs. However, it is also associated with a roughly twofold increase in some mental disorders rate incidence compared with living in rural areas. Economic assessments reported a forecasted loss of more than 19 trillion dollars in global GDP between 2011 and 2030 and of around 7 trillion for the year 2030 alone when measured by (...)
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    Alberto Romele, Digital Hermeneutics (London/New York: Routledge, 2019).Francesca D'Alessandris - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 11 (1):173-176.
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    The Representation of Body Size: Variations With Viewpoint and Sex.Sarah D’Amour & Laurence R. Harris - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Calling for a developmental perspective on action-based consciousness.Hana D'Souza & Andrew J. Bremner - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:e174.
    Human newborns can resolve some response conflicts in order to adapt their behaviour, suggesting that the newborn has consciousness according to Morsella et al.'s framework. However, we pose a range of developmental questions regarding Morsella et al.'s account, especially concerning the role of consciousness in the development of action.
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  43. Studies in Genesis.D. T. Niles - 1958
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    Defining "Ideology" : a reformulation.D. A. Strickland - 1974 - Res Publica 16 (1):161-177.
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    The politics of the workshop: craft, autonomy and women’s liberation.D.-M. Withers - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (2):217-234.
    The women’s liberation movements that emerged in Britain in the late 1960s are rarely thought of through their relationship with technology and technical knowledge. To overlook this is to misunderstand the movement’s social, cultural and economic interventions; it also understates how the technical environment conditioned the emergence of autonomous, women-centred politics. This article draws on archival evidence to demonstrate how the autonomous women’s liberation movement created experimental social contexts that enabled de-skilled, feminised social classes to confront their technical environment and (...)
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    Neuroscienze e interconnessione dei saperi: la persona: relazione di anima e corpo.Nicola D'Onghia - 2015 - Bari: Edizioni Giuseppe Laterza. Edited by Daniela Del Gaudio.
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    L’asile et la prison.D. Fassin - 2016 - Sociology of Power 28 (4):168-180.
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  48. Problemi fondamentali della pedagogia (appunti) per l'anno 1944-45.Giuseppe Flores D'Arcais - 1945 - Padova,: CEDAM, Casa editrice dott. A. Milani.
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  49. Educazione, conoscenza, volontà.D. R. Leotta - 1952 - Catania,: Scuola salsiana del libro.
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  50. Pedagogicheskie stranit︠s︡y Leniniany.D. P. Margulis - 1986 - Kiev: "Rad. shkola".
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