Results for 'D. Darby and T. Shelby'

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  1. Hip Hop and Philosophy.D. Darby and T. Shelby (ed.) - 2005 - Open Court.
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  2. From rhyme to reason: this shit ain't easy.D. Darby & T. Shelby - 2005 - In Derrick Darby & Tommie Shelby (eds.), Hip Hop and Philosophy: Rhyme 2 Reason. Open Court. pp. 2.
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    Faith, Reason, and Political Life Today.Michelle E. Brady, Paul A. Cantor, Thomas Darby, Henry T. Edmondson Iii, Stephen L. Gardner, Marc D. Guerra, Gregory R. Johnson, Joseph M. Knippenberg, Peter Augustine Lawler, Daniel J. Mahoney, James F. Pontuso, Paul Seaton & Ashley Woodiwiss (eds.) - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    This rich and varied collection of essays addresses some of the most fundamental human questions through the lenses of philosophy, literature, religion, politics, and theology. Peter Augustine Lawler and Dale McConkey have fashioned an interdisciplinary consideration of such perennial and enduring issues as the relationship between nature and history, nature and grace, reason and revelation, classical philosophy and Christianity, modernity and postmodernity, repentance and self-limitation, and philosophy and politics.
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    Circumcision, Autonomy and Public Health.Brian D. Earp & Robert Darby - 2019 - Public Health Ethics 12 (1):64-81.
    Male circumcision—partial or total removal of the penile prepuce—has been proposed as a public health measure in Sub-Saharan Africa, based on the results of three randomized control trials showing a relative risk reduction of approximately 60 per cent for voluntary, adult male circumcision against female-to-male human immunodeficiency virus transmission in that context. More recently, long-time advocates of infant male circumcision have argued that these findings justify involuntary circumcision of babies and children in dissimilar public health environments, such as the USA, (...)
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  5. Environmental influences on ethical decision making: Climate and environmental predictors of research integrity.Michael D. Mumford, Stephen T. Murphy, Shane Connelly, Jason H. Hill, Alison L. Antes, Ryan P. Brown & Lynn D. Devenport - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (4):337 – 366.
    It is commonly held that early career experiences influence ethical behavior. One way early career experiences might operate is to influence the decisions people make when presented with problems that raise ethical concerns. To test this proposition, 102 first-year doctoral students were asked to complete a series of measures examining ethical decision making along with a series of measures examining environmental experiences and climate perceptions. Factoring of the environmental measure yielded five dimensions: professional leadership, poor coping, lack of rewards, limited (...)
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    An fMRI Study of the Impact of Block Building and Board Games on Spatial Ability.Sharlene D. Newman, Mitchell T. Hansen & Arianna Gutierrez - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Young and restless: validation of the Mind-Wandering Questionnaire reveals disruptive impact of mind-wandering for youth.Michael D. Mrazek, Dawa T. Phillips, Michael S. Franklin, James M. Broadway & Jonathan W. Schooler - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
  8. Traditions, trends, and innovations.D. L. Horton & T. R. Dixon - 1968 - In T. Dixon & Deryck Horton (eds.), Verbal Behavior and General Behavior Theory. Prentice-Hall. pp. 572--581.
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    Depression, Suicide, and the Right to Refuse Life-Sustaining Treatment.Joseph D. Bloom, Ronald T. Heintz, Melinda A. Lee & Linda Ganzini - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (4):337-340.
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    Technology and cultural values: on the edge of the third millennium.Peter D. Hershock, M. T. Stepanëiìanëtìs & Roger T. Ames (eds.) - 2003 - Honolulu: East-West Philosophers Conference.
    Recent history makes clear that the quantum leaps being made in technology are the leading edge of a groundswell of paradigm shifts taking place in science, politics, economics, social institutions, and the expression of cultural values. Indeed it is the simultaneity and interdependence of these changes occurring in every dimension of human experience and endeavor that makes the present so historically distinctive. The essays gathered here give voice to perspectives on the always improvised relationship between technology and cultural values from (...)
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    Introduction to the Field of Nanotechnology Ethics and Policy.Jonathan D. Linton & Steven T. Walsh - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):547-549.
    Nanotechnologies and nanoscience have generated an unprecedented global research and development race involving dozens of countries. The understanding of associated environmental, ethical, and societal implications lags far behind the science and technology. Consequently, it is critical to consider both what is known and what is unknown to offer a kernel that future work can be added to. The challenges presented by nanotechnologies are discussed. Some initial solutions such as self-regulation and borrowing techniques and tools from other fields are accompanied by (...)
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    Sucrose transport in plants.William D. Hitz & Robert T. Giaquinta - 1987 - Bioessays 6 (5):217-221.
    Physiological studies show that the driving force for long distance transport and the control of nutrient movement in plants resides largely in the regulated, membrane transport of a few carbohydrates, principally sucrose. The evidence is reviewed here and biochemical studies on sucrose carrier proteins are discussed.
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  13. Khur̲ānuṃ yuktivādavuṃ.Cer̲iyamuṇṭaṃ Abdulhamīd - 1996 - Mañcēri, [Kerala]: Niccȧ ōph Tr̲ūtȧ.
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    Making implicit explicit: The role of learning.Bruce D. Homer & Jason T. Ramsay - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (5):770-770.
    Three forms of implicit knowledge are presented (functional, structural, and procedural). These forms differ in the way they are made explicit and hence in how they are represented by the individual. We suggest that the framework presented by Dienes & Perner does not account for these differences.
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  15. A new Python in Captivity from New Guinea, The New Guinea Carpet Python and the Sawu Python–a correct common name.D. G. Barker & T. M. Barker - 1995 - Vivarium 6 (6):30-33.
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    Exploring the Ethical Considerations of Direct Contact in Pediatric Organ Transplantation: A Qualitative Study.Jordan Joseph Wadden, Jordan Hermiston, Tom D. Blydt-Hansen, Ranjeet Dhaliwal, Shelby Gielen & Alice Virani - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (3):143-154.
    Background Nonanonymized direct contact between organ recipients and donor families is a topic of international interest in the adult context. However, there is limited discussion about whether direct contact should be extended to pediatric settings due to clinician and researcher concerns of the potential harms to pediatric patients.Methods We interviewed pediatric organ recipients, their families, and donorfamilies in British Columbia, Canada, to determine their views on direct contact. Interviews were conducted in two stages, with those who were further removed from (...)
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    Stepping out of history: Mindfulness improves insight problem solving.Brian D. Ostafin & Kyle T. Kassman - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):1031-1036.
    Insight problem solving is hindered by automated verbal–conceptual processes. Because mindfulness meditation training aims at “nonconceptual awareness” which involves a reduced influence of habitual verbal–conceptual processes on the interpretation of ongoing experience, mindfulness may facilitate insight problem solving. This hypothesis was examined across two studies . Participants in both studies completed a measure of trait mindfulness and a series of insight and noninsight problems. Further, participants in Study 2 completed measures of positive affect and a mindfulness or control training. The (...)
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    Intuition and consciousness.A. D. Rosenblatt & J. T. Thickstun - 1994 - Psychoanalytic Quarterly 63:696-714.
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    Magnetic anisotropy and magnetization dynamics of Fe nanoparticles embedded in Cr and Ag matrices.D. Peddis, M. T. Qureshi, S. H. Baker, C. Binns, M. Roy, S. Laureti, D. Fiorani, P. Nordblad & R. Mathieu - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (33):3798-3807.
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    Inheritance of pod and seed resistance to the cow-pea seed beetle (Callosobruchus maculatus Fabr.).D. G. Rusoke & T. Fatunla - 1987 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 1313:0-70.
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    Elementary Particles: What are they? Substances, Elements and Primary Matter.D. -M. Cabaret, T. Grandou, G. -M. Grange & E. Perrier - 2023 - Foundations of Science 28 (2):727-753.
    The extremely successful _Standard Model of Particle Physics_ allows one to define the so-called _Elementary Particles_. From another point of view, how can we think of them? What kind of a status can be attributed to Elementary Particles and their associated quantised fields? Beyond the unprecedented efficiency and reach of quantum field theories, the current paper attempts at understanding the nature of what these theories describe, the enigmatic reality of the quantum world.
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  22. Modelling Experiments as Mediating Models.D. C. Gooding & T. R. Addis - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (1):17-35.
    Syntactic and structural models specify relationships between their constituents but cannot show what outcomes their interaction would produce over time in the world. Simulation consists in iterating the states of a model, so as to produce behaviour over a period of simulated time. Iteration enables us to trace the implications and outcomes of inference rules and other assumptions implemented in the models that make up a theory. We apply this method to experiments which we treat as models of the particular (...)
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    Royal College of Nursing (Rcn) code of professional conduct: a discussion document.J. D. Dawson, A. T. Altschul, C. Sampson & A. M. Smith - 1977 - Journal of Medical Ethics 3 (3):115-123.
    We are printing in its entirety the discussion document which sets out a code of professional conduct for nurses published by the Royal College of Nursing in November 1976 together with commentaries by the Assistant Secretary of the British Medical Association, a professor of nursing studies, student nurses and a lawyer. The image of the nurse is still that of one of Florence Nightingale's young ladies or of a member of a religious order who is wholly dedicated to caring for (...)
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  24. Ethics and marketing on this internet: Practitioners' perceptions of societal, industry and company concerns. [REVIEW]Victoria D. Bush, Beverly T. Venable & Alan J. Bush - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 23 (3):237 - 248.
    The astonishing growth of the Internet coupled with its unique capabilities has captured the attention of the marketing community. Although many businesses are acknowledging the importance of a Web site, to date, little attention has been given to the business community'sperceptions of the ethicality of this new medium. A national sample of marketing executives was surveyed regarding their perceptions of: (1) regulation of the Internet, (2) the potential ethical issues via Internet marketing facing their industry, and (3) the role of (...)
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    Deducibility and many-valuedness.D. J. Shoesmith & T. J. Smiley - 1971 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 36 (4):610-622.
  26. The Propositional Logic of Frege’s Grundgesetze: Semantics and Expressiveness.Eric D. Berg & Roy T. Cook - 2017 - Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 5 (6).
    In this paper we compare the propositional logic of Frege’s Grundgesetze der Arithmetik to modern propositional systems, and show that Frege does not have a separable propositional logic, definable in terms of primitives of Grundgesetze, that corresponds to modern formulations of the logic of “not”, “and”, “or”, and “if…then…”. Along the way we prove a number of novel results about the system of propositional logic found in Grundgesetze, and the broader system obtained by including identity. In particular, we show that (...)
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  27. Voprosy leksicheskoĭ i grammaticheskoĭ semantiki: sbornik nauchnykh trudov.D. A. Shteling & O. T. Ulʹt︠s︡iferov (eds.) - 1983 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ gos. in-t mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniĭ.
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  28. The maintenance and reproduction of a little-known python, Liasis mackloti savuensis: the Savu python's first year in captivity'.D. G. Barker & T. M. Barker - 1994 - Vivarium 5 (6):18-21.
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  29. Time course of semantic and phonological interference effects in picture naming.D. P. Corina & T. W. Lostutter - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell (ed.), Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 746.
  30. Hip Hop and Philosophy: Rhyme 2 Reason.Derrick Darby & Tommie Shelby (eds.) - 2005 - Open Court.
    all the violence in hip hop? Does po-po wield legit authority in the hood? Where does the real Kimberly Jones end and the persona Lil' Kim begin? Is hip-hop culture a "black" thang?
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    Children's reasoning about physics within and across ontological kinds.Gail D. Heyman, Ann T. Phillips & Susan A. Gelman - 2003 - Cognition 89 (1):43-61.
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    Clinical and Translational Research Ethics: Training Consultants and Biomedical Research Personnel.Jason F. Arnold, Andrea D. Boan, Daniel T. Lackland & Robert M. Sade - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (1):57-61.
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  33. Analysis and integration of behavioral units.M. D. Thompson, T. And Zeiler (ed.) - 1986, 2016 - London: Routledge.
    A festschrift volume for Prof Kenneth MacCorquodale retired from th e University of Minnesota. MacCorquodale was one of the first graduate students to study with B.F. Skinner. Chapters are concerned with the basic units into which behavior is analyzed according to functional analysis principles. A second theme was how such units once demonstrated can be integrated to comprise more complex naturalistic behavior, animal and human. Contributors included many leaders in the experimental and applied analysis of operant behavior.
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    An Announcement From the Editors.E. D. Pellegrino & H. T. Engelhardt - 1981 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 6 (1):1-2.
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    Community food security: Practice in need of theory? [REVIEW]Molly D. Anderson & John T. Cook - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (2):141-150.
    Practitioners and advocates of community food security (CFS) envision food systems that are decentralized, environmentally-sound over a long time-frame, supportive of collective rather than only individual needs, effective in assuring equitable food access, and created by democratic decision-making. These themes are loosely connected in literature about CFS, with no logical linkages among them. Clear articulation in a theoretical framework is needed for CFS to be effective as a guide for policy and action. CFS theory should delimit the level of analysis (...)
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  36. Strong emergence.Alexander D. Carruth & J. T. M. Miller - 2017 - Philosophica 91 (1):5-13.
    An overview of the concept of Strong Emergence, and a summary of the papers within the special issue.
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    Induction of a phosphomannosyl binding lectin activity in Giardia.Honorine D. Ward, Gerald T. Keusch & Miercio E. A. Pereira - 1990 - Bioessays 12 (5):211-215.
    Giardia lamblia, a protozoan parasite that causes widespread diarrheal disease, expresses a surface membrane associated lectin, taglin, which is specifically activated by limited proteolysis with trypsin, a protease that is present in abundance at the site of infection. When activated, taglin agglutinates enterocytes which are the cells to which the parasite adheres in vivo, and in addition, binds to isolated brush border membranes of these cells. These findings suggest that this lectin may be involved in the host‐parasite interaction. Taglin is (...)
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    A realist theory of empirical testing resolving the theory-ladenness/ objectivity debate.Shelby D. Hunt - 1994 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 24 (2):133-158.
    This article explores whether theory-ladenness makes empirical testing an inse cure foundation for objectivity. Specifically, this article uses path diagrams as visual heuristics to assist in (1) developing a parsimonious representation of the traditional empiricist view of empirical testing, (2) showing how the "New Image" view ostensibly threatens the objectivity of science, (3) proposing a unified, realist theory of empirical testing, (4) developing a representation of the unified theory, (5) exploring several potential threats to objectivity, (6) discussing the proposed theory's (...)
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  39. Lucc report series no. 6, agent-based models of land-use and land-cover change; report and review of an international workshop october 4–7, 2001, Irvine, california, usa lucc international project office 2002polhill, jg and Gotts nm and law, anr (1999), imitative versus non-imitative strategies in a land use simulation. [REVIEW]D. C. Parker, T. Berger & S. M. Manson - 2002 - In Robert Trappl (ed.), Cybernetics and Systems. Austrian Society for Cybernetics Studies. pp. 32--1.
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    Philosophies of Place: An Intercultural Conversation.Peter D. Hershock & Roger T. Ames (eds.) - 2019 - Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
    Humanity takes up space. Human beings, like many other species, also transform spaces. What is perhaps uniquely human is the disposition to qualitatively transform spaces into places that are charged with distinctive kinds of intergenerational significance. There is a profound, felt difference between a house as domestic space and a home as familial place or between the summit of a mountain one has climbed for the first time and the “same” rock pinnacle celebrated in ancestral narratives. Contemporary philosophical uses of (...)
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    Unintended Changes in Cognition, Mood, and Behavior Arising from Cell-Based Interventions for Neurological Conditions: Ethical Challenges.P. S. Duggan, A. W. Siegel, D. M. Blass, H. Bok, J. T. Coyle, R. Faden, J. Finkel, J. D. Gearhart, H. T. Greely, A. Hillis, A. Hoke, R. Johnson, M. Johnston, J. Kahn, D. Kerr & P. King - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (5):31-36.
    The prospect of using cell-based interventions to treat neurological conditions raises several important ethical and policy questions. In this target article, we focus on issues related to the unique constellation of traits that characterize CBIs targeted at the central nervous system. In particular, there is at least a theoretical prospect that these cells will alter the recipients' cognition, mood, and behavior—brain functions that are central to our concept of the self. The potential for such changes, although perhaps remote, is cause (...)
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  42. The temporal binding problem: What it is and how it might be solved.D. M. Eagleman & T. J. Sejnowski - 2000 - Consciousness and Cognition 9 (2):S37 - S37.
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    Gender-based homophily in collaborations across a heterogeneous scholarly landscape.Y. Samuel Wang, Carole J. Lee, Jevin D. West, Carl T. Bergstrom & Elena A. Erosheva - 2023 - PLoS ONE 18 (4):e0283106.
    Using the corpus of JSTOR articles, we investigate the role of gender in collaboration patterns across the scholarly landscape by analyzing gender-based homophily--the tendency for researchers to co-author with individuals of the same gender. For a nuanced analysis of gender homophily, we develop methodology necessitated by the fact that the data comprises heterogeneous sub-disciplines and that not all authorships are exchangeable. In particular, we distinguish three components of gender homophily in collaborations: a structural component that is due to demographics and (...)
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  44.  35
    Human beings or human becomings?: a conversation with Confucianism on the concept of person.Peter D. Hershock & Roger T. Ames (eds.) - 2021 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Agues that Confucianism and other East Asian philosophical traditions can be resources for understanding and addressing current global challenges such as climate change and hunger.
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  45. After… word! The philosophy of the hip-hop battle.Marcyliena Morgan, Derrick Darby & Tommie Shelby - 2005 - In Derrick Darby & Tommie Shelby (eds.), Hip Hop and Philosophy: Rhyme 2 Reason. Open Court.
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    Hjorth, G., Kechris, AS and Louveau, A., Bore1 equivalence.J. Avigad, B. Courcelle, I. Walukiewicz, D. W. Cunningham, T. Fernando, M. Forti & F. Honaell - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 92 (1):297.
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    A study of the influence of precipitate-free zones on the strain localization and failure of the aluminium alloy AA7075-T651.M. Fourmeau, C. D. Marioara, T. Børvik, A. Benallal & O. S. Hopperstad - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (28-30):3278-3304.
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    Notes and news.N. T. Walker, D. C. Whimster, T. E. B. Howarth & A. J. D. Porteous - 1954 - British Journal of Educational Studies 2 (2):170-176.
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    An integrated model of semantics and control.Tyler Giallanza, Declan Campbell, Jonathan D. Cohen & Timothy T. Rogers - forthcoming - Psychological Review.
  50.  38
    Quine and Analytic Philosophy: The Language of Language.George D. Romanos - 1983 - MIT Press.
    For fifty years, Willard Van Orman Quine's books and articles have stimulated intense debate in the fields of logic and the philosophy of language. Many scholars in fact, regard Quine as the greatest living English-speaking philosopher; yet his views remain widely misunderstood and misinterpreted. This book provides the first major explication and defense of Quine's systematic philosophy and is ideally suited for use as a required or supplementary text in a wide variety of undergraduate and graduate courses in philosophy and (...)
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