Results for 'D. Ernst'

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    Toleranz nach evangelischem Verständnis.D. Ernst Wolf - 1957 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 1 (1):97-109.
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    Das Alte Testament und die evangelische Kirche der Gegenwart.D. Ernst Sellin - 1923 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 43:72.
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  3. Residual function after brain wounds involving the central visual pathways in man.Ernst Poppel, R. Held & D. Frost - 1973 - Nature 243:295-96.
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    Geleitwort zum 3. Jahrzehnt der ZRGG.Hans-Joachim Schoeps Benz & D. D. Ernst - 1978 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 30 (1):1-1.
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  5. Temporal mechanisms of consciousness.Ernst Poppel & D. Schwender - 1993 - International Anesthesiology Clinics 31:27-38.
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    New Techniques of Difference: On Data as School Pupils.Ernst D. Thoutenhoofd - 2016 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (5):517-532.
    Pupils—the learners of both educational thought and of educational practice—exist ever more as data, as do the strictures and goals through which these pupils are pedagogically managed. I elaborate this thought by way of a single example: a particular kind of pupils whose number is reportedly on the increase, namely pupils diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. In my analysis I combine Hacking’s nominalist conception of human kinds and Weber’s instrumental rationalism with recent thinking about the effects of digital technologies (...)
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    Wanting or having to: The role of goal self-concordance in episodic future thinking.Alexandra Ernst, Frederick L. Philippe & Arnaud D'Argembeau - 2018 - Consciousness and Cognition 66 (C):26-39.
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    The Datafication of Learning: Data Technologies as Reflection Issue in the System of Education.Ernst D. Thoutenhoofd - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (5):433-449.
    Like other parts of the social system, education is becoming an information-driven venture: data technologies pervade all levels of the system. This datafication of education seems to take place alongside a general turn to learning that Gert Biesta has called learnification: a progressively singular focus on the manipulable features of individual learning in education. Given rapidly rising levels of datafication, it seems timely to take up Luhmann and Schorr’s contention that education entails a technology deficit and discuss datafication as reflection (...)
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  9. Reinforcement learning with raw image pixels as state input.D. Ernst, R. Marée & L. Wehenkel - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf (eds.), Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 4153.
  10. Essays on the Philosophy of Music.Ernst Bloch, P. Palmer & D. Drew - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (2):325-326.
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    (1 other version)Sanskrit-Wörterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-FundenSanskrit-Worterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden.D. Seyfort Ruegg, Ernst Waldschmidt & Heinz Bechert - 1977 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 97 (4):550.
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    Vehicles capable of dynamic vision: a new breed of technical beings?Ernst D. Dickmanns - 1998 - Artificial Intelligence 103 (1-2):49-76.
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    De la question métaphysique à la création culturelle : métamorphoses du néokantisme d'Ernst Cassirer.Éléonore Faivre D'Arcier - 2010 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 94 (3):433.
    Nous nous intéressons dans cet article à la façon dont Ernst Cassirer renforce et réinvestit la méthode critique de Kant en replaçant l’imagination productrice non seulement au cœur de la théorie de la connaissance – désormais étendue au cosmos de la culture –, mais aussi au cœur d’une métaphysique renouvelée. La valorisation de la spontanéité – inséparable de ses objectivations, les formes symboliques –, traduit et sert les enjeux corrélatifs de l’idéalisme critique de Cassirer : d’une part, son combat (...)
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    The Archaeology of Jordan and beyond: Essays in Honor of James A. Sauer.Ernst Axel Knauf, Lawrence E. Stager, Joseph A. Greene & Michael D. Coogan - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (4):690.
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    Correction of Effects of Memory Valence and Emotionality on Content and Style of Judgements.Ernst D. Lantermannand Jurgen - 1996 - Cognition and Emotion 10 (5):505-528.
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    Ueber Herkunft und Sprache der transgangetischen Volker.W. D. W. & Ernst Kuhn - 1884 - American Journal of Philology 5 (1):88.
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    Constructional morphology: The analysis of constraints in evolution dedicated to A. seilacher in honour of his 60. birthday.Wolf-Ernst Reify, Roger D. K. Thomas & Martin S. Fischer - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (2-4):233-248.
    Evolutionary change is opportunistic, but its course is strongly constrained in several fundamental ways. These constraints (historical/phylogenetic, functional/adaptive, constructional/morphogenetic) and their dynamic relationships are discussed here and shown to constitute the conceptual framework of Constructional Morphology. Notwithstanding recent published opinions which claim that the discovery of constraints renders Neodarwinian selection theory obsolete, we regard the insights of Constructional Morphology as being entirely consistent with this theory. As is shown here in the case of the Hyracoidea, formal analysis of the constraints (...)
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    The Foundations of Wittgenstein's Late Philosophy.Justus Hartnack, Ernst Konrad Specht & D. E. Walford - 1971 - Philosophical Review 80 (3):391.
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    Wissenschaftliche Kommunikation: d. Korrespondenz Ernst Machs.Joachim Thiele & Ernst Mach (eds.) - 1978 - Kastellaun: Henn.
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    Secundum doctores: essays in medieval learned law in honour of Harry Dondorp.Hylkje de Jong, Wolfgang Ernst, Jan Hallebeek, D. J. Ibbetson, Yves Mausen, E. J. H. Schrage & Andreas Thier (eds.) - 2023 - Amsterdam: VU Uitgeverij / VU University Press.
    The present volume, a tribute to Harry Dondorp, contains contributions to the symposium held on the occasion of his farewell at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Written by four eminent scholars in the field of legal history, the contributions are related to his areas of interest: delictual liability, Romano-canonical procedure and comparative law texts. The contributors are Wolfgang Ernst, David Ibbetson, Yves Mausen and Andreas Thier. The introductory words are by Eltjo Schrage, Jan Hallebeek and Hylkje de Jong.
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    Sanskrit-Wörterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden und der kanonischen Literatur der Sarvāstivāda-Schule, Parts 5-8Sanskrit-Worterbuch der buddhistischen Texte aus den Turfan-Funden und der kanonischen Literatur der Sarvastivada-Schule, Parts 5-8. [REVIEW]D. Seyfort Ruegg, Ernst Waldschmidt, Michael Schmidt, Jens-Uwe Hartmann & Siglinde Dietz - 1998 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 118 (4):552.
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  22. Genese und Gültigkeit von Epochenbegriffen: theoret. -methodolog. Prinzipien d. Periodisierrung.Ernst Engelberg (ed.) - 1974 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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    L'inscription philosophique d'Oenoanda.Ernst Kalinka & Rudolf Heberdey - 1897 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 21 (1):345-443.
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    Paideia: Die Grundlagen d. europ. Bildungsdenkens im griech.-röm. Altertum.Ernst Lichtenstein - 1970 - Schroedel.
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    L'identité mémorielle. Généalogie d'un tropisme contemporain.Sophie Ernst - 2009 - Rue Descartes 66 (4):100.
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  26. New books. [REVIEW]W. D. Lamont, A. E. Taylor, T. E. Jessop, John Laird, W. J. H. Sprott, T. Whittaker, S. S., O. de Selincourt & Ernst Harms - 1933 - Mind 42 (165):101-125.
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    Carrie D. Shanafelt, Uncommon Sense: Jeremy Bentham, Queer Aesthetics, and the Politics of Taste, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2022.Anne Brunon-Ernst - 2024 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 25.
    In 1984, Lea Campos-Boralevi published a seminal study on _ Bentham and the Oppressed _, which focused on women, sexual non-conformists, the poor, the colonized, the enslaved and animals. There did not seem to be any need for further studies on the subject. Carrie D. Shanafelt proves us wrong. The combination of the publication of new volumes of the _ Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham _, especially _ Not Paul, but Jesus. ___ ___ vol. __ III. Doctrine _ (2013) and (...)
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  28. Stadtluft macht frei: Frühscholastik u. bürgerl. Emanzipation in d. 1. Hälfte d. 12. Jahrhunderts.Ernst Werner - 1976 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
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  29. Ernst von Glasersfeld's Contributions to the LANA Project.D. M. Rumbaugh - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 2 (2-3):29-31.
    First paragraph: Ernst von Glasersfeld's contributions to the LANA Project (the Language Analogue Project) were very important to its seven years of success, 1971--1977, during which the effort was led by the senior author of this paper... Indeed, his contributions have helped perpetuate research into the language skills of apes and sea mammals to this day. Ernst was a member of the original team of 1970 that formulated the proposal to the National Institutes of Health for four years' (...)
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  30. A Concise History of Israel, From the Earliest Times to the Destruction of the Temple in A.D. 70.Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich & James Barr - 1965
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  31. Temporalite et historicite chez Husserl. Le probleme d'un a priori en processus.Ernst Wolfgang Orth - 1998 - Recherches Husserliennes 10:35-49.
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  32. L'histoire ecclésiastique de Jean d'Éphèse.Ernst Honigmann - 1939 - Byzantion 14:615-25.
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    Amerikanische Philosophen: von d. Puritanern bis zu Herbert Marcuse.Ernst Friedrich Sauer - 1977 - S[ank]t Augustin: Kersting.
  34. La théorie de la relativité d'Einstein. Éléments pour une théorie de la connaissance.Ernst Cassirer & Jean Seidengart - 2003 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 193 (2):257-257.
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    Freiheit und Ordnung: Abriß d. Sozialutopien. Mit Quellentexten.Ernst Bloch - 1963 - Rowohlt.
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  36. A propos d'un livre récent sur la liste des préfets du prétoire.Ernst Stein - 1934 - Byzantion 9:327-353.
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    Ernst Wenkebach: Galeni adversus Lycum et adversus Iulianum. (Corpus Medicorum Graecorum, v. 10. 3.) Pp. xlii+83. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1952. Paper, $3.60.D. E. Eichholz - 1954 - The Classical Review 4 (2):165-166.
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    Parmenides: die Anfänge d. Ontologie, Logik u. Naturwiss.: die Fragmente.Ernst Heitsch - 1974 - München: Heimeran. Edited by Parmenides.
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  39. The Social Teaching of the Christian Churches. By C. D. Burns. [REVIEW]Ernst Troeltsch - 1931 - International Journal of Ethics 42:473.
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    Introduction.Anne Brunon-Ernst - 2021 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 19.
    The introduction maps five panoptic-shaped establishments in Australia's colonial history, as well as discusses how the convict industry in Australia developed a unique pattern, alternating out-door and in-door penal servitude. In-door confinement was modelled on a variety of influences, of which Bentham’s is one among many. The label Panopticon might appear inaccurate to describe these prisons, however it is still used today as the term is loaded with connotations with encapsulates some of the spirit of the penal colony.
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    Zeit und Erfahrung: e. konstruktive Interpretation d. Zeitbegriffs d. Kritik d. reinen Vernunft.Ernst Henke - 1978 - Meisenheim am Glan: Hain.
  42.  14
    L'esprit de l'utopie.Ernst Bloch - 1977 - Editions Gallimard.
    Nous ne sommes pas encore nés. Pris dans l'obscur de ce qui n'est qu'une préhistoire, nul d'entre nous ne peut prétendre être l'héritier du passé, nul ne peut y chercher la lumière. Livre de rupture et de passion écrit tout au long des années de guerre, d'avril 1913 à mai 1917, L'esprit de l'utopie, première, œuvre provocante plus que démonstrative d'Ernst Bloch, est animé d'un double mouvement de révolte et d'espérance. Sa révolte s'élève contre un univers qui a perdu (...)
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    Experimentum mundi: Frage, Kategorien d. Herausbringens, Praxis.Ernst Bloch - 1975 - Frankfurt (am Main): Suhrkamp.
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    The Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole) and the Scientific Advancement of Women in the Early 20th Century: The Example of Mary Jane Hogue.Ernst-August Seyfarth & Steven J. Zottoli - 2015 - Journal of the History of Biology 48 (1):137-167.
    The Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA provided opportunities for women to conduct research in the late 19th and early 20th century at a time when many barriers existed to their pursuit of a scientific career. One woman who benefited from the welcoming environment at the MBL was Mary Jane Hogue. Her remarkable career as an experimental biologist spanned over 55 years. Hogue was born into a Quaker family in 1883 and received her undergraduate degree from Goucher College. She (...)
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  45. Notícia d'Ernst Cassirer (874-945).J. Jaques - 1995 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 23:35-69.
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    Aufklärung und staatsbürgerliche Erziehung: Gottfried van Swieten als Reformator d. österreich. Unterrichtswesens 1781-1791.Ernst Wangermann - 1978 - München: Oldenbourg.
  47.  13
    "Murther, By a Specious Name": Absalom and Achitophel's Poetics of Sacrificial Surrogacy.Gary Ernst - 2003 - Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture 10 (1):61-82.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"MURTHER, BY A SPECIOUS NAME": ABSALOMAND ACHITOPHEVS POETICS OF SACRIFICIAL SURROGACY Gary Ernst Roger's State University d;,uring the late 1670's and early '80s, English political satirists 'participated in the endeavors of the rival factions, Dissenter or Whig and Royalist or Tory, to effect judicial violence. While juries condemned and the hangman executed Catholics as traitors during the Popish Plot persecution, John Oldham suggests in the "Prologue' to his (...)
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    Le structuralisme dans la linguistique moderne.Ernst Cassirer - 2024 - Philosophia Scientiae 28:107-130.
    Le texte qui suit est une conférence donnée par Ernst Cassirer en 1945 au Cercle linguistique de New York. Il est publié pour la première fois – à titre posthume – dans le numéro inaugural de la revue _Word_ sous le titre « Structuralism in modern linguistics » (_Word_, 1(2), 1945, 99–120. ). La présente traduction s’accompagne d’une bibliographie rassemblant toutes les références citées par Cassirer. Nous renvoyons également, lorsque celle-ci est disponible, à la traduction française des textes (...)
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    Ecclesia spiritualis: Kirchenidee und Geschichtstheologie der franziskanischen Reformation.Ernst Benz - 1969 - Wissenschaftliche Buchges.
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    Ueber die wertung der variabilität bei der mathematischen erfassung biologischer gesetzmässigkeiten.Ernst Janisch - 1935 - Acta Biotheoretica 1 (1-2):47-58.
    At all biological processes, we see a variability of the individuals. The problem is, to find out the valuation of the different reactions. Size and form of the variation dependend upon the environment. That has been demonstrated in fig. I on the second moult of the bugBagrada picta. In overcrowded populations most of the individuals are retarded, but the first moulting individuals not so much as the later ones. In cultures of bedbugs bread at 34° C, the moultings of the (...)
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