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Darrow Schecter [11]D. Schecter [2]
  1.  37
    The critique of instrumental reason from Weber to Habermas.Darrow Schecter - 2010 - New York: Continuum.
    Darrow Schecter explores the most important theoretical and political debates about the relation between reason and legitimacy.
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    Critical theory and sociological theory: On late modernity and social statehood.Darrow Schecter - 2019 - Manchester University Press.
    Democracy in the twenty-first century faces a number of major challenges, populism, neoliberalism and globalisation being three of the most prominent. This book examines such challenges by investigating how the conditions of democratic statehood have been altered at several key historical intervals since 1945. It demonstrates that the formal mechanisms of democratic statehood, such as elections, have always been complemented by civic, cultural, educational, socio-economic and constitutional institutions that mediate between citizens and state authority. Rearticulating critical theory with a contemporary (...)
  3. Gramsci, Gentile and the theory of the ethical state in italy.D. Schecter - 1990 - History of Political Thought 11 (3):491-508.
  4.  11
    Gramsci: Pre-prison writings.Darrow Schecter - 1995 - History of European Ideas 21 (6):793-794.
  5.  26
    Liberalisms and the limits of knowledge and freedom: On the epistemological and social bases of negative liberty.Darrow Schecter - 2007 - History of European Ideas 33 (2):195-211.
    This article sets out to show that it is more precise to speak of different liberal traditions than it is to speak of liberalism in general. The argument is pursued by showing how contrary to French liberalism, which has a strong republican element, and in contrast with English and Scottish liberalism, which reserve an important place for political economy, there is also a central European liberalism with a marked philosophical dimension. This particular form of liberalism is analysed by examining the (...)
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    System and Life-world, or Systems and Systemic Environments?Darrow Schecter - 2018 - Philosophical Inquiry 42 (1-2):115-144.
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    Two views of the revolution: Gramsci and Sorel, 1916–1920.Darrow Schecter - 1990 - History of European Ideas 12 (5):637-653.
  8.  34
    Unity, identity and difference: Reflections on Hegel's dialectics and negative dialectics.Darrow Schecter - 2012 - History of Political Thought 33 (2):258-279.
    This paper looks at key points of convergence and divergence in Hegel and Adorno on the question of the dialectics of humanity and nature as these unfold in institutions. Bearing in mind the distinct historical periods in which they worked, particular attention is paid to the ways in which their respective epistemologies deliver very different assessments of social and political life in modern societies. This is illustrated by contrasting Hegel's notion of recognition with the utopian dimension of Adorno's ideas on (...)
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    From Welfare to War. [REVIEW]Darrow Schecter - 2006 - The European Legacy 11 (1):79-82.
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    Georg Simmel and Avant-Garde Sociology: the birth of modernity, 1880–1920: Ralph M. Leck; Humanity Books, 2000, pp. 356, ISBN: 1-57392-867-4. [REVIEW]Darrow Schecter - 2003 - History of European Ideas 29 (1):118-122.
  11.  35
    On liberal revolution:: Piero Gobetti, edited with an introduction by Nadia Urbinati, translated by William McCuaig, Foreword by Norberto Bobbio, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT, 2000, pp. 241, ISBN 0-300-081189-9. [REVIEW]Darrow Schecter - 2001 - History of European Ideas 27 (4):425-426.