Results for 'D. Stillwell'

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  1.  29
    Deformation twinning in Zn, Sn and Bi single crystal whiskers.D. R. Overcash, E. P. Stillwell, M. J. Skove & J. H. Davis - 1972 - Philosophical Magazine 25 (6):1481-1488.
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  2. Tacit Knowledge And The Work Of Ikujiro Nonaka.William D. Stillwell - 2003 - Tradition and Discovery 30 (1):19-22.
    Ikujiro Nonaka, whose formative experience is Japanese, is an established scholar who has written about large business organizations. He sees knowledge at the heart of the organization and its products and aims to develop Michael Polanyi’s conception of tacit knowledge in a practical direction to enhance organizational “knowledge creation.” For Nonaka, what matters is the practice, the doing, the embodiment of knowledge. An organization can amplify and crystallize individuals’ tacit knowledge in a process that allows them to experience deeper understanding. (...)
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  3. Stillwell, R., Corinth: Results of Excavations Conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, Vol. II: The Theatre.D. M. Robinson - 1955 - Classical Weekly 49:75.
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    Corinth: Results of Excavations conducted by the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Vol. III., Part I: Acrocorinth, Excavations in 1926. By Carl William Blegen, Richard Stillwell, Oscar Broneer, and Alfred Raymond Bellinger. Pp. ix + 75; 8 plates and 61 text illustrations. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press (London: Milford), 1930. [REVIEW]D. S. Robertson - 1931 - The Classical Review 45 (04):154-.
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    The story of proof: logic and the history of mathematics.John Stillwell - 2022 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    How the concept of proof has enabled the creation of mathematical knowledge. The Story of Proof investigates the evolution of the concept of proof--one of the most significant and defining features of mathematical thought--through critical episodes in its history. From the Pythagorean theorem to modern times, and across all major mathematical disciplines, John Stillwell demonstrates that proof is a mathematically vital concept, inspiring innovation and playing a critical role in generating knowledge. Stillwell begins with Euclid and his influence (...)
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  6.  57
    What Does ‘Depth’ Mean in Mathematics?John Stillwell - 2015 - Philosophia Mathematica 23 (2):215-232.
    This paper explores different interpretations of the word ‘deep’ as it is used by mathematicians, with a large number of examples illustrating various criteria for depth. Most of the examples are theorems with ‘historical depth’, in the sense that many generations of mathematicians contributed to their proof. Some also have ‘foundational depth’, in the sense that they support large mathematical theories. Finally, concepts from mathematical logic suggest that it may be possible to order certain theorems or problems according to ‘logical (...)
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  7.  12
    Reverse mathematics: proofs from the inside out.John Stillwell - 2018 - Princeton: Princeton University Press.
    This book presents reverse mathematics to a general mathematical audience for the first time. Reverse mathematics is a new field that answers some old questions. In the two thousand years that mathematicians have been deriving theorems from axioms, it has often been asked: which axioms are needed to prove a given theorem? Only in the last two hundred years have some of these questions been answered, and only in the last forty years has a systematic approach been developed. In Reverse (...)
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  8.  31
    Decidability of the "almost all" theory of degrees.John Stillwell - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (3):501-506.
  9.  79
    Confirmation, paradoxes, and possible worlds.Shelley Stillwell - 1985 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 36 (1):19-52.
  10.  13
    A Concise History of Mathematics for Philosophers.John Stillwell - 2019 - Cambridge University Press.
    This Element aims to present an outline of mathematics and its history, with particular emphasis on events that shook up its philosophy. It ranges from the discovery of irrational numbers in ancient Greece to the nineteenth- and twentieth-century discoveries on the nature of infinity and proof. Recurring themes are intuition and logic, meaning and existence, and the discrete and the continuous. These themes have evolved under the influence of new mathematical discoveries and the story of their evolution is, to a (...)
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  11.  80
    Ideal Elements in Hilbert's Geometry.John Stillwell - 2014 - Perspectives on Science 22 (1):35-55.
    Hilbert took to using ideal elements in the 1890's, in both algebraic number theory and geometry. His Zahlbericht of 1897 popularized the concept of the ideal introduced by Dedekind in 1871 (which in turn formalized the concept of "ideal number" introduced by Kummer in the 1840's). His geometric work likewise followed a long history of ideal elements, some that originated in geometry and others that originated elsewhere and were applied to geometry. Important examples were:Piero della Francesca's Ideal City.Points at infinity (...)
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  12.  16
    The Hearst Hydria: An Attic Footnote to Corinthian History.Agnes N. Stillwell & H. R. W. Smith - 1946 - American Journal of Philology 67 (1):94.
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  13. Gregory Bateson’s Re-Visioning of Epistemology.Will Stillwell & Jere Moorman - 2012 - Tradition and Discovery 39 (1):34-48.
    The following three related contributions jointly serve to lift up elements of the thought of the anthropolo­gist Gregory Bateson that can be fruitfully compared with elements of Michael Polanyi’s thought. In a brief introduction, William Stillwell reviews Bateson’s life and developing interests. Stillwell also provides, in a creative dialog form akin to Bateson’s own dialogs, a short review article on Noel Charlton’s Understanding Gregory Bateson: Mind, Beauty and the Sacred Earth. The third piece is Jere Moorman’s short 1991 (...)
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  14.  36
    ‘Necessity’ and ‘provability’ in the later wittgenstein.Shelley L. Trianosky-Stillwell - 1983 - History and Philosophy of Logic 4 (1-2):39-61.
    I present a new interpretation of Wittgenstein's later philosophy of logic and mathematics. This interpretation, like others, emphasizes Wittgenstein's attempt to reconcile platonistic and constructivistic approaches. But, unlike other interpretations, mine explains that attempt in terms of Wittgenstein's position about the relations between our concepts of necessity and provability. If what I say here is correct, then we can rescue Wittgenstein from the charge of naive relativism. For his relativism extends only to provability, and not to necessity.
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  15. Empirical Enquiry and Proof.Shelley Stillwell - 1992 - In Michael Detlefsen (ed.), Proof and Knowledge in Mathematics. New York: Routledge.
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  16.  33
    Genetic counseling in historical perspective: Understanding our hereditary past and forecasting our genomic future.Devon Stillwell - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (4):618-622.
  17.  8
    Spatial, Semantic, and Evolutionary Analysis of an Animal Signal: Inciting by Female Mallards.Thomas Stillwell & Jack P. Hailman - 1978 - Semiotica 23 (3-4).
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  18.  72
    Thymectomy as an experimental system in immunology.Craig R. Stillwell - 1994 - Journal of the History of Biology 27 (3):379-401.
  19.  22
    The Ethics of Homicide, and John Ladd, Ethical Issues Relating to Life and Death. [REVIEW]Gregory W. Trianosky-Stillwell - 1981 - Philosophical Review 90 (4):633-637.
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  20.  20
    Book Review: A Mathematical Prelude to the Philosophy of Mathematics. [REVIEW]John Stillwell - 2016 - Studia Logica 104 (1):181-183.
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  21.  33
    Review: The Historiography of Immunology Is Still in Its Infancy. [REVIEW]Thomas Söderqvist & Craig Stillwell - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (1):205 - 215.
  22.  56
    Book Review: "Wittgenstein and the Turning Point in the Philosophy of Mathematics", by S. G. Shanker. [REVIEW]Shelley Stillwell - 1989 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 30:629-645.
  23.  5
    C. TRETKOFF [1988] Complexity, combinatorial group theory and the language of palutators, Theoret. Comput. Sci., 56. pp. 253-275. [REVIEW]J. Stillwell, V. Stoltenberg-Hansen & Jv Tucker - 1999 - In Edward R. Griffor (ed.), Handbook of computability theory. New York: Elsevier. pp. 140--445.
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  24.  57
    John Stillwell.*A Concise History of Mathematics for Philosophers.Emily Carson - 2020 - Philosophia Mathematica 28 (1):128-131.
    StillwellJohn.* * _ A Concise History of Mathematics for Philosophers. _ Cambridge Elements in the Philosophy of Mathematics. Cambridge University Press, 2019. Pp. 69. ISBN: 978-1-108-45623-4, 978-1-108-61012-4.
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  25.  28
    J. Stillwell, Reverse Mathematics: Proofs from the Inside Out, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2018, xiii + 182 pp. [REVIEW]Jeffry L. Hirst - 2018 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 24 (2):176-177.
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  26. Review of John Stillwell, Reverse Mathematics: Proofs from the Inside Out. [REVIEW]Benedict Eastaugh - 2020 - Philosophia Mathematica 28 (1):108-116.
    Review of John Stillwell, Reverse Mathematics: Proofs from the Inside Out. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2018, pp. 200. ISBN 978-0-69-117717-5 (hbk), 978-0-69-119641-1 (pbk), 978-1-40-088903-7 (e-book).
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  27.  40
    John Stillwell. Elements of Mathematics: From Euclid to Gödel. xiv + 422 pp., figs., bibl., index. Princeton, N.J./Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2016. $39.95. [REVIEW]Laura E. Turner - 2017 - Isis 108 (3):673-674.
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  28.  82
    Post truth: the new war on truth and how to fight back.Matthew D'Ancona - 2017 - London: Ebury Press.
    Welcome to the Post-Truth era-- a time in which the art of the lie is shaking the very foundations of democracy and the world as we know it. The Brexit vote; Donald Trump's victory; the rejection of climate change science; the vilification of immigrants; all have been based on the power to evoke feelings and not facts. So what does it all mean and how can we champion truth in in a time of lies and 'alternative facts'? In this eye-opening (...)
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  29.  23
    Incunabula and Americana, 1450-1800. Margaret Bingham Stillwell.George Sarton - 1931 - Isis 16 (1):178-181.
  30.  13
    Tradition, Rationality, and Virtue: The Thought of Alasdair Macintyre.Thomas D. D'Andrea - 2006 - Routledge.
    Tradition, Rationality and Virtue provides the first comprehensive and detailed treatment of the work of Alasdair MacIntyre. In this book, Thomas D'Andrea presents an accessible critical study of the full range of MacIntyre's thought, across ethical theory, psychoanalytic theory, social and political philosophy, Marxist theory, and the philosophy of religion. Moving from the roots of MacIntyre's thought in ethical inquiry, this book examines MacIntyre's treatment of Marx, Christianity, and the nature of human action and discusses in depth the development and (...)
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  31.  41
    Erratum: Evolutionary psychology: the emperor's new paradigm (vol 9, pg 277, 2005).D. J. Buller - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (8):366-366.
    Full text of erratum: "In the article by D.J. Buller, on p. 278, the y-axis label to Fig. IIb was incorrect. Instead of 'Percentage choosing "Eats cassava root" and "Tattoo," it should have read: 'Percentage choosing "Eats cassava root" and "No tattoo."' We apologise to readers for this error.".
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  32.  10
    Socrates in love: the making of a philosopher.Armand D’Angour - 2019 - New York: Bloomsbury Publishing.
    Socrates: the philosopher whose questioning gave birth to the foundations of Western thought, and whose execution marked the end of the Athenian Golden Age. Yet despite his pre-eminence among the great thinkers of history, little of his life story is known. What we know tends to begin in his middle age and end with his trial and death. Our conception of Socrates has relied upon Plato and Xenophon--men who met him when he was in his fifties, a well-known figure in (...)
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  33.  27
    P. G. Lejeune Dirichlet. Lectures on Number Theory. Supplements by, R. Dedekind. Translated by, John Stillwell. xx + 275 pp., apps., index. Providence, R.I.: American Mathematical Society, 1999. $49. [REVIEW]Catherine Goldstein - 2002 - Isis 93 (4):718-718.
  34.  21
    A concise history of mathematics, but not for philosophers: John Stillwell: A concise history of mathematics for philosophers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019. 69pp, £15.Fenner Stanley Tanswell - 2020 - Metascience 29 (3):519-521.
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  35.  20
    Rationalities in history: a Weberian essay in comparison.D. L. D'Avray - 2010 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    In Rationalities in history, the distinguished historian David d'Avray writes a new comparative history in the spirit of Max Weber. In a strikingly original reassessment of seminal Weberian ideas, d'Avray applies value rationality to the comparative history of religion and the philosophy of law. Integrating theories of rational choice, anthropological reflections on relativism, and the recent philosophy of rationality with Weber's conceptual framework, d'Avray seeks to disengage 'rationalisation' from its enduring association with Western 'modernity.' This mode of analysis is contextualised (...)
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  36.  27
    Educating the Rational Emotions: An Affective Response to Extremism.Laura D'Olimpio - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (3):394-412.
    Educating against extremism doesn't just involve seeking to prevent individuals from becoming extremists or radicalized, although that, of course, is a significant concern. There is also an important role for education in teaching the rest of us, the general populace, the best way to react and respond when we learn of a terrorist attack or consider the potential risk of violent extremism in our community, or even worldwide, given we are connected globally via technology. In this article, Laura D'Olimpio argues (...)
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  37.  8
    Taking Other Religions Seriously: Some Ironies in the Current Debate on a Christian Theology of Religions.Gavin D'Costa - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (3):519-529.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:TAKING OTHER RELIGIONS SERIOUSLY: SOME IRONIES IN THE CURRENT DEBATE ON A CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY OF RELIGJ:ONS * 1GAvIN D'CosTA West London Institute of Higher E'ducation Isleworth, Middlese111 HE QUESTION oi Christian attitudes to the world eligions is becoming increasingly important. An lnterpretatwn of Religion is emblematic of a growing trend, which runs across 1denominational lines, that attempts fo take other,religions seriously. John Hick.argues that for most of its ihistory (...)
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  38.  82
    Philosophy of Science: Between the Natural Sciences, the Social Sciences, and the Humanities.Antonio Piccolomini D’Aragona, Martin Carrier, Roger Deulofeu, Axel Gelfert, Jens Harbecke, Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Lara Huber, Peter Hucklenbroich, Ludger Jansen, Elizaveta Kostrova, Keizo Matsubara, Anne Sophie Meincke, Andrea Reichenberger, Kian Salimkhani & Javier Suárez (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This broad and insightful book presents current scholarship in important subfields of philosophy of science and addresses an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary readership. It groups carefully selected contributions into the four fields of I) philosophy of physics, II) philosophy of life sciences, III) philosophy of social sciences and values in science, and IV) philosophy of mathematics and formal modeling. Readers will discover research papers by Paul Hoyningen-Huene, Keizo Matsubara, Kian Salimkhani, Andrea Reichenberger, Anne Sophie Meincke, Javier Suárez, Roger Deulofeu, Ludger Jansen, (...)
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    Comments on “On the quantum mechanical superposition of macroscopically distinguishable states”.D. Bedford & D. Wang - 1983 - Foundations of Physics 13 (10):987-988.
    The substance of the authors' disagreement with the views of D. Gutkowski and M. V. Valdes Franco is presented.
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  40. The reign of arcadius in Eunapius' histories.D. F. Buck - 1998 - Byzantion 68 (1):15-46.
    L'A. étudie le récit d'Eunapius concernant le règne d'Arcadius à partir de la mort de Théodose en 395 jusqu'en 404. Eunapius de Sarde est un sophiste, un philosophe et un historien grec païen qui a vécu de 347 à environ 414 ; il est un exemple de la rédaction helléniste et son travail peut être classé dans la fiction historique. Il s'oppose aux changements politiques, sociaux, économiques et religieux du 4e siècle ainsi qu'aux régimes de Constantin et Théodose. Son héros (...)
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  41.  16
    Der Ausdruck der Freiheit und die Genese des ‚Ist-Sagens‘.Matteo Vincenzo D’Alfonso - 2018 - Fichte-Studien 45:382-397.
    Fichte’s Doctrine of Science of 1811 offers a sound model for explaining the conditions of semantics in its connection with the idea of freedom. Following Wolfram Hogrebe’s suggestion that the principle of contradiction works as an archaeological semantic postulate, i.e., is the implicit condition for any sentence to be meaningful, we argue that in Fichte’s definition of the phenomenon we find such a semantic postulate at a higher genetic level than the principle of contradiction indicated by Hogrebe. Moreover, the Doctrine (...)
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  42. Morfologie del rapporto parti/tutto: totalità e complessità nelle filosofie dell'età moderna.Giuseppe D'Anna, Edoardo Massimilla, Francesco Piro, Manuela Sanna & Francesco Toto (eds.) - 2019 - Milano: Mimesis.
    CONTENTS: -/- SEZIONE I IL TUTTO E' UNO? IL RISVEGLIO DI UN PROBLEMA TRA SCOLASTICA E RINASCIMENTO Il principio omne causatum est compositum fra Tommaso e Cajetano Igor Agostini, p. 25 Parti e tutto in Montaigne. La natura e l'individuo tra frammentazione e integrazione Raffaele Carbone 45 Le minuzzarie e il tutto. Giordano bruno e la conoscenza universale Maurizio Cambi 75 -/- SEZIONE II A PARTIRE DA CARTESIO. COME PUO' ESSERE UN TUTTO L'UOMO? -/- Mente/Corpo in Cartesio. Spunti per un'interpretazione (...)
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  43.  11
    Pijariurniq. Performances et rituels inuit de la première fois.Bernard Saladin D'Anglure - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans ÉTUDES/INUIT/STUDIES, 24, no 2, 2000, p. 89-113. Québec : Département d'anthropologie de l'Université Laval. Nous remercions Bernard Saladin d'Anglure de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. Résumé : Les rites inuit de la première fois, qui célèbrent les premières performances effectuées par les enfants et les adolescents inuit, ont été souvent mentionnés par les ethnographes de l'Arctique mais jamais véritablement analysés comme « séquence cérémonielle », pour - Anthropologie.
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  44.  62
    Collingwood, Metaphysics, and Historicism.Giuseppina D'oro - 2002 - Dialogue 41 (1):71.
    RÉSUMÉ: Cet article discute l'idée que la philosophie tardive de Collingwood soit d'orientation historiciste et relativiste. Je soutiens que cette accusation de relativisme historique est basée sur deux erreurs, l'une exégétique et l'autre philosophique. L'erreur exégétique est le résultat de l'hypothèse d'une prétendue «conversion radicale». L'erreur philosophique repose sur la conception selon laquelle il n'y a pas de différences substantielles entre le projet d'une métaphysique descriptive et le projet de la sociologie de la connaissance. L'article essaie de saper à la (...)
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  45. Ein Blick in die Kristallkugel: »Zivilgesellschaft« und »Humanität« im 21. Jahrhundert.Radha D’Souza - 2007 - Polylog.
    Die indische Philosophin und Aktivistin Radha d’Souza begegnet dem Begriff Weltzivilgesellschaft mit größter Vorsicht und Skepsis. Selbst jahrelang in existenzielle Auseinandersetzungen um Grundrechte auf natürliche Ressourcen wie Wasser und Ackerland und höchstgerichtliche Entscheidungen verwickelt, sieht d’Souza im Begriff der Weltzivilgesellschaft in der Hauptsache den Versuch, einer neuerlichen Bemäntelung imperialistischer, westlicher Interessen, die sich nun nicht nur durch Entscheidungen von Regierungen legitimieren, sondern gar durch den Willen ihrer zivilen Bevölkerung.
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  46.  4
    Netflicks: conceptual television in the streaming era.Tony Hughes-D'Aeth - 2024 - Crawley, Western Australia: UWA Publishing.
    It seemed to happen overnight. Not long ago, we were all watching television, and now we are watching something else. Television stations have been replaced by streaming services. Well, not quite replaced, since we still have televisions, but somehow our television screens are not quite what they were. In Netflicks: Conceptual Television in the Streaming Era Tony Hughes-d'Aeth critically considers how our viewing habits, and television shows themselves, have changed over time. This book is about television in the streaming age (...)
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  47.  18
    The art of cycling, living, and dying: moral theology from everyday life.D. Stephen Long - 2021 - Eugene, OR.: Cascade Books.
    Forty years of avid bicycling came to a conclusion for D. Stephen Long in early October, 2020. Fearing his own imminent death required Long to reflect on life, on its beginnings, middle, and endings. This work uses the lessons learned from cycling, and the experience of the rapid onset of illness, to discuss God, friendship, racism, sexuality, justice, virtues, vices, and much more. It offers a moral theology but one more in keeping with how we take it up--not through theories (...)
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  48.  7
    Space, Time, and Mechanics: Basic Structures of a Physical Theory.D. Mayr & G. Süssmann - 1982 - Springer.
    In connection with the "Philosophy of Science" research program conducted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft a colloquium was held in Munich from 18th to 20th May 1919. This covered basic structures of physical theories, the main emphasis being on the interrelation of space, time and mechanics. The present volume contains contributions and the results of the discussions. The papers are given here in the same order of presentation as at the meeting. The development of these "basic structures of physical theories" involved (...)
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  49.  4
    La crise sans fin: essai sur l'expérience moderne du temps.Myriam Revault D'Allonnes - 2012 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    C’est une évidence : on ne parle plus aujourd’hui d’une crise succédant à d’autres crises – et préludant à d’autres encore –, mais de « la crise », qui plus est d’une crise globale qui touche aussi bien la finance que l’éducation, la culture, le couple ou l’environnement. Ce constat témoigne d’une véritable mutation : si à l’origine le concept de krisis désignait le moment décisif dans l’évolution d’un processus incertain permettant d’énoncer le diagnostic (et donc la sortie de crise), (...)
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    La faiblesse du vrai: ce que la post-vérité fait à notre monde commun.Myriam Revault D'Allonnes - 2018 - Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
    "L'irruption récente de la notion de "post-vérité", désignée comme mot de l'année 2016 par le dictionnaire d'Oxford, a suscité d'innombrables commentaires journalistiques, notamment sur le phénomène des fake news, mais peu de réflexions de fond. Or, cette notion ne concerne pas seulement les liens entre politique et vérité, elle brouille la distinction essentielle du vrai et du faux, portant atteinte à notre capacité à vivre ensemble dans un monde commun. En questionnant les rapports conflictuels entre politique et vérité, Myriam Revault (...)
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