Results for 'Daniel Boateng'

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  1. The narrative practice hypothesis: Clarifications and implications.Daniel D. Hutto - 2008 - Philosophical Explorations 11 (3):175 – 192.
    The Narrative Practice Hypothesis (NPH) is a recently conceived, late entrant into the contest of trying to understand the basis of our mature folk psychological abilities, those involving our capacity to explain ourselves and comprehend others in terms of reasons. This paper aims to clarify its content, importance and scientific plausibility by: distinguishing its conceptual features from those of its rivals, articulating its philosophical significance, and commenting on its empirical prospects. I begin by clarifying the NPH's target explanandum and the (...)
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  2. The deflationary theory of truth.Daniel Stoljar - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    According to the deflationary theory of truth, to assert that a statement is true is just to assert the statement itself. For example, to say that ‘snow is white’ is true, or that it is true that snow is white, is equivalent to saying simply that snow is white, and this, according to the deflationary theory, is all that can be said significantly about the truth of ‘snow is white’.
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  3. The conjunction fallacy: a misunderstanding about conjunction?Daniel Osherson - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (3):467-477.
    It is easy to construct pairs of sentences X, Y that lead many people to ascribe higher probability to the conjunction X-and-Y than to the conjuncts X, Y. Whether an error is thereby committed depends on reasoners’ interpretation of the expressions “probability” and “and.” We report two experiments designed to clarify the normative status of typical responses to conjunction problems. © 2004 Cognitive Science Society, Inc. All rights reserved.
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  4. (1 other version)Philosophy of economics.Daniel M. Hausman - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This is a comprehensive anthology of works concerning the nature of economics as a science, including classic texts and essays exploring specific branches and schools of economics. Apart from the classics, most of the selections in the third edition are new, as are the introduction and bibliography. No other anthology spans the whole field and offers a comprehensive introduction to questions about economic methodology.
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    Making the black box society transparent.Daniel Innerarity - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (3):975-981.
    The growing presence of smart devices in our lives turns all of society into something largely unknown to us. The strategy of demanding transparency stems from the desire to reduce the ignorance to which this automated society seems to condemn us. An evaluation of this strategy first requires that we distinguish the different types of non-transparency. Once we reveal the limits of the transparency needed to confront these devices, the article examines the alternative strategy of explainable artificial intelligence and concludes (...)
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  6. The origins of selves.Daniel C. Dennett - 1989 - Cogito 3 (3):163-173.
    What is a self? Since Descartes in the 17th Century we have had a vision of the self as a sort of immaterial ghost that owns and controls a body the way you own and control your car.
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  7. The Definition of "Luck" and the Problem of Moral Luck.Daniel Statman - 2019 - In Ian M. Church & Robert J. Hartman (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy and Psychology of Luck. New York: Routledge. pp. 195-205.
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  8. On the scope and limits of generalizations in the social sciences.Daniel Little - 1993 - Synthese 97 (2):183 - 207.
    This article disputes the common view that social science explanations depend on discovery of lawlike generalizations from which descriptions of social outcomes can be derived. It distinguishes between governing and phenomenal regularities, and argues that social regularities are phenomenal rather than governing. In place of nomological deductive arguments, the article maintains that social explanations depend on the discovery of causal mechanisms underlying various social processes. The metaphysical correlate of this argument is that there are no social kinds: types of social (...)
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    Supreme emergencies revisited.Daniel Statman - 2006 - Ethics 117 (1):58-79.
  10. Semantic externalism, language variation, and sociolinguistic accommodation.Daniel Lassiter - 2008 - Mind and Language 23 (5):607-633.
    Abstract: Chomsky (1986) has claimed that the prima facie incompatibility between descriptive linguistics and semantic externalism proves that an externalist semantics is impossible. Although it is true that a strong form of externalism does not cohere with descriptive linguistics, sociolinguistic theory can unify the two approaches. The resulting two-level theory reconciles descriptivism, mentalism, and externalism by construing community languages as a function of social identification. This approach allows a fresh look at names and definite descriptions while also responding to Chomsky's (...)
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  11. Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics and the Greek Mathematical Tradition.Daniel Sutherland - 2004 - Philosophical Review 113 (2):157-201.
    The aggregate EIRP of an N-element antenna array is proportional to N 2. This observation illustrates an effective approach for providing deep space networks with very powerful uplinks. The increased aggregate EIRP can be employed in a number of ways, including improved emergency communications, reaching farther into deep space, increased uplink data rates, and the flexibility of simultaneously providing more than one uplink beam with the array. Furthermore, potential for cost savings also exists since the array can be formed using (...)
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  12. Artificial Life as Philosophy.Daniel C. Dennett - unknown
    There are two likely paths for philosophers to follow in their encounters with Artificial Life: they can see it as a new way of doing philosophy, or simply as a new object worthy of philosophical attention using traditional methods. Is Artificial Life best seen as a new philosophical method or a new phenomenon? There is a case to be made for each alternative, but I urge philosophers to take the leap and consider the first to be the more important and (...)
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  13. Intention, awareness, and implicit memory: The retrieval intentionality criterion.Daniel L. Schacter, J. Bowers & J. Booker - 1989 - In S. Lewandowsky, J. M. Dunn & K. Kirsner (eds.), Implicit Memory: Theoretical Issues. Lawrence Erlbaum.
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    Homogeneity, selection, and the faithfulness condition.Daniel Steel - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (3):303-317.
    The faithfulness condition (FC) is a useful principle for inferring causal structure from statistical data. The usual motivation for the FC appeals to theorems showing that exceptions to it have probability zero, provided that some apparently reasonable assumptions obtain. However, some have objected that, the theorems notwithstanding, exceptions to the FC are probable in commonly occurring circumstances. I argue that exceptions to the FC are probable in the circumstances specified by this objection only given the presence of a condition that (...)
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  15. Evidentialism.Daniel M. Mittag - 2004 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    The heterogeneous social : new thinking about the foundations of the social sciences.Daniel Little - 2009 - In Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (ed.), Philosophy of the social sciences: philosophical theory and scientific practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 154--78.
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    (1 other version)Moral tragedies, supreme emergencies and national-defence.Daniel Statman - 2006 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 23 (3):311–322.
    abstract Assume that some group, A, is under a serious threat from some other group, B. The only way group A can defend itself is by using lethal force against group B, but the standard conditions for using force in self‐defence are not met. Ought group A to avoid the use of force even if this means yielding to an aggressive, evil power? Most people would resist this conclusion, yet given the violation of essential conditions for self‐defence, this resistance is (...)
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  18. Philosophy, geometry, and logic in Leibniz, Wolff, and the early Kant.Daniel Sutherland - 2010 - In Michael Friedman, Mary Domski & Michael Dickson (eds.), Discourse on a New Method: Reinvigorating the Marriage of History and Philosophy of Science. Open Court.
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    The Effect of Regulation on Sustainable Procurement: Organisational Leadership and Culture as Mediators.Daniel Etse, Adela McMurray & Nuttawuth Muenjohn - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (2):305-325.
    The study reported in this paper sought to examine the extent to which organisational leadership support and organisational culture explain the effect of regulation on sustainable procurement practice, as insights into this relationship is lacking in the extant literature. Useable survey data from 322 Ghanaian organisations were analysed using descriptive statistics, and structural equation modelling techniques. The analysis examined the nature of sustainable procurement practice in an African context, and the potential mediating effects of organisational leadership support and organisational culture (...)
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  20. Fragmenting property.Daniel Attas - 2005 - Law and Philosophy 25 (1):119-149.
    The orthodoxy on the concept of ownership is given by Honoré's list of incidents. The idea this portrays is as ownership as a very flexible concept. The main purpose of this paper is to argue that the concept of property has much more integrity than the notion of a bundle of incidents may suggest. The Libertarian Challenge claims that redistributive theories of Justice, in so far as they impose involuntary taxes, are inconsistent with property rights, and are therefore unjustifiable. One (...)
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  21. Was Anaxagoras a Reductionist?Daniel W. Graham - 2004 - Ancient Philosophy 24 (1):1-18.
  22. Access to consciousness: Dissociations between implicit and explicit knowledge in neuropsychological syndromes.Daniel L. Schacter, M. P. McAndrews & Morris Moscovitch - 1997 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz (ed.), Thought without language: Thought without awareness? New York:
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    The permissibility of punishment.Daniel McDermott - 2001 - Law and Philosophy 20 (4):403-432.
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    The Weber–Fechner law: A misnomer that persists but that should go away.Daniel Algom - 2021 - Psychological Review 128 (4):757-765.
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    Optimization and simplicity: Computational vision and biological explanation.Daniel J. Gilman - 1996 - Synthese 107 (3):293 - 323.
    David Marr's theory of vision has been a rich source of inspiration, fascination and confusion. I will suggest that some of this confusion can be traced to discrepancies between the way Marr developed his theory in practice and the way he suggested such a theory ought to be developed in his explicit metatheoretical remarks. I will address claims that Marr's theory may be seen as an optimizing theory, along with the attendant suggestion that optimizing assumptions may be inappropriate for cognitive (...)
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  26. (1 other version)How to protect human dignity from science.Daniel C. Dennett - 2008 - In Adam Schulman (ed.), Human dignity and bioethics: essays commissioned by the President's Council on Bioethics. Washington, D.C.: [President's Council on Bioethics.
    for the Bioethics Commission, August 16, 2006.
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  27. What has collective wisdom to do with wisdom?Daniel Andler - 2012 - In J. Elster & H. Landemore (eds.), Collective Wisdom: Principles and Mechanisms. Cambridge University Press.
    Conventional wisdom holds two seemingly opposed beliefs. One is that communities are often much better than individuals at dealing with certain situations or solving certain problems. The other is that crowds are usually, and some say always, at best as intelligent as their least intelligent members and at worst even less. Consistency would seem to be easily re-established by distinguishing between advanced, sophisticated social organizations which afford the supporting communities a high level of collective performance, and primitive, mob-like structures which (...)
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  28. A Hegelian theory of retribution.Daniel Farnham - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (4):606-624.
  29. What Do I Think You 're Doing? Action Identification and Mind Attribution'.Daniel M. Wegner - unknown
    The authors examined how a perceiver’s identification of a target person’s actions covaries with attributions of mind to the target. The authors found in Study 1 that the attribution of intentionality and cognition to a target was associated with identifying the target’s action in terms of high-level effects rather than low-level details. In Study 2, both action identification and mind attribution were greater for a liked target, and in Study 3, they were reduced for a target suffering misfortune. In Study (...)
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    Revolution, no! Reform, si!Daniel C. Dennett - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (5):636-637.
    Van Gelder's hard line against representations is not supported or supportable, and his soft line in favor of dynamical systems thinking as a supplement to representational models of cognition is good advice, but not revolutionary, as he seems to think.
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    The asymmetry of creating and not creating life.Daniel J. Elstein - 2005 - Journal of Value Inquiry 39 (1):49-59.
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    Why Rawlsian liberals should support free market capitalism.Daniel Shapiro - 1995 - Journal of Political Philosophy 3 (1):58–85.
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    A route to intelligence: Oversimplify and self-monitor.Daniel Dennett - manuscript
    I want to try to do something rather more speculative than the rest of you have done. I have been thinking recently about how one might explain some features of human reflective consciousness that seem to me to be very much in need of an explanation. I'm trying to see if these features could be understood as solutions to design problems, solutions arrived at by evolution, but also, in the individual, as a result of a process of unconscious self-design. I've (...)
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    Implicit knowledge: New perspectives on unconscious processes.Daniel L. Schacter - 1992 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Usa 89:11113-17.
  35. Defending semantic generalism.Daniel Whiting - 2007 - Analysis 67 (4):303–311.
    ‘Particularism’ is a meta-ethical theory resulting from a holistic doctrine in the theory of reasons. According to Jonathan Dancy, the foremost contemporary proponent of particularism, ‘a feature that is a reason in favour of an action in one case may be no reason at all in another, or even a reason against’ (2004: 190). From this, Dancy claims, it follows that the ‘possibility of moral thought and judgement does not depend on the provision of a suitable supply of moral principles’ (...)
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    Moral Dilemmas.Daniel Statman - 1995 - Brill | Rodopi.
    Moral dilemmas set a challenge for ethical theory. They are situations where agents seem to be under an obligation both to do, and to refrain from doing, a specific act. Are such situations possible? What is their exact nature? These are the questions that _Moral Dilemmas_ tries to answer. The book argues that moral theories should not allow for the possibility of irresolvable dilemmas, for situations in which no right answer exists. To this end, arguments seeking to prove the existence (...)
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  37. Gedankenexperimente in der Philosophie.Daniel Cohnitz & Sören Häggqvist - 2007 - In M. Staschok (ed.), Abstrakt - Exakt - Obskur: Philosophische Gedankenexperimente & Kunst. Logos.
    Sie halten gerade ein Buch in Ihren H¨anden. Vielleicht liegt es auch auf dem Tisch vor Ihnen, w¨ahrend Sie diese Worte lesen. Aber woher wissen Sie, dass Sie ein Buch vor sich haben? Nun, Sie sehen es nat¨urlich mit eigenen Augen. Vermutlich f¨uhlen Sie auch das Gewicht des Buches, das gegen Ihre Haut dr¨uckt, w¨ahrend sie es in H¨anden halten, und h¨oren das Rascheln der Seiten, wenn Sie umbl¨attern. Dar¨uber hinaus sind Sie wach und (so vermuten wir mal) einigermaßen n¨uchtern, (...)
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    Overdetermination.Daniel Lim - 2015 - In God and Mental Causation. Heidelberg, Germany: Springer.
    Non-Reductive Physicalism is similar in many ways with, what I will call, Orthodox Theism. This strongly suggests that Non-Reductive Physicalist solutions to the Supervenience Argument can be adapted to offer Orthodox Theistic solutions to the Conservation is Continuous Creation Argument. One particular Non-Reductive Physicalist solution will be examined in detail and then applied in the debate over Occasionalism.
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    The Compromised Scientist.Daniel W. Bjork - 1983 - Columbia University Press.
    "A compelling, insightful, and intimate portrait of William James as artist, philosopher, and psychologist, The Compromised Scientist explains James's emergence as a founding father of American experimental psychology. Unlike most books about James, this one emphasizes the fact that he had found a career as a painter and was not really a "buried" philosopher or psychologist. He was, in fact, an artist who was forced to compromise his urge to paint by developing a unique psychological language--the language of the "stream (...)
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    Discussion paper on the work of Frédéric De Buzon and John Schuster presented at the sixth annual Séminaire Descartes, Paris, May 23, 2015.Daniel Garber - 2015 - .
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    Assessing the Value of Nature.Daniel G. Campos - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24 (1):57-74.
    Henry David Thoreau’s discussion of the highest value of wild apples and my own reflection upon my experience, interacting with the sea and enjoying its products during my Central American upbringing, motivate this discussion of how human beings may apprehend nature’s highest worth. I propose that in order to apprehend nature’s highest value it is necessary to understand the complete transaction between human beings and nature—an active transaction that requires from the human being a continuous movement along experience, reflection, and (...)
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  42. The purview of state-sponsored violence : law enforcement, just war, and the ethics of limited force.Daniel R. Brunstetter - 2018 - In Daniel R. Brunstetter & Jean-Vincent Holeindre (eds.), The ethics of war and peace revisited: moral challenges in an era of contested and fragmented sovereignty. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
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  43. (1 other version)After the Aging of the New Music.Daniel Barbiero - 1989 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 82:134.
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    David Carrier, Poussin'S Paintings: A Study in Art-Historical Methodology.Daniel Herwitz - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (3):326-327.
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    The effect of physical constants of a control on tracking performance.Daniel Howland & Merrill E. Noble - 1953 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 46 (5):353.
  46. The role of cultural beliefs and existential motivation in suffering perceptions.Daniel Sullivan, Roman Palitsky & Isaac F. Young - 2018 - In Bastiaan T. Rutjens & Mark J. Brandt (eds.), Belief systems and the perception of reality. New York: Taylor & Francis.
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  47. Joint perception: gaze and beliefs about social context.Daniel C. Richardson, Chris Nh Street & Joanne Tan - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  48. The Principles of Reasoning.Daniel S. Robinson - 1932 - Philosophical Review 41:96.
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    The Book of Doctrines and Beliefs.Daniel H. Frank (ed.) - 2002 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    Saadya ben Joseph al-Fayyumi, gaon of the rabbinic academy at Sura and one of the preeminent Jewish thinkers of the medieval period, attempted to create a complete statement of Jewish religious philosophy in which all strands of philosophical thought were to be knit into a unified system. In _The Book of Doctrines and Beliefs_, Saadya sought to rescue believers from "a sea of doubt and the waters of confusion" into which they had been cast by Christianity, Islam, and other faiths. (...)
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  50. Particularly general and generally particular: language, rules and meaning.Daniel Whiting - 2010 - Logique Et Analyse 53 (209):77-90.
    Semantic generalists and semantic particularists disagree over the role of rules or principles in linguistic competence and in the determination of linguistic meaning, and hence over the importance of the notions of a rule or of a principle in philosophical accounts of language. In this paper, I have argued that the particularist’s case against generalism is far from decisive and that by moderating the claims she makes on behalf of her thesis the generalist can accommodate many of the considerations that (...)
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