Results for 'Daniel Brasil Justi'

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  1.  26
    Um palco de tensões e disputas: tempo presente e lembranças do passado no evangelho de Marcos.Daniel Brasil Justi, André Leonardo Chevitarese & Lair Amaro dos Santos Faria - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):315-344.
    Subject of constant reflections in other works and published studies, the theme of memory and its relations between past and present always provokes renewed perspectives regarding the readings of the ancient texts in our academic discussions. Analyzing the present time of a community behind an ancient document is likewise always challenging. However, in the present document (Mark’s Gospel), when analyzed in the light of heuristic concepts - such as memory, for example - there are very effective indications in proposing new (...)
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  2. O Jesus Ariano. O imaginário e as concepções historiográficas do Jesus Histórico na Alemanha Nazista.André Leonardo Chevitarese & Daniel Brasil Justi - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (45):186-203.
    Este trabalho pretende discutir que os teólogos alemães, comprometidos com a ideologia nazista, inclusive através do juramento de lealdade que fizeram ao Führer, não optaram pelo “silêncio virtual” nem demonstraram “um interesse limitado” pelo Jesus histórico. Muito pelo contrário, eles não apenas potencializaram o “retrato” de Jesus como sendo um ariano, como também o popularizaram, por meio de seus escritos, de suas homilias e de suas experiências cotidianas. Deve-se ter atenção aqui: a consolidação desse novo retrato é anterior ao advento (...)
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  3. Updated Review of the Evidence Supporting the Medical and Legal Use of NeuroQuant® and NeuroGage® in Patients With Traumatic Brain Injury.David E. Ross, John Seabaugh, Jan M. Seabaugh, Justis Barcelona, Daniel Seabaugh, Katherine Wright, Lee Norwind, Zachary King, Travis J. Graham, Joseph Baker & Tanner Lewis - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Over 40 years of research have shown that traumatic brain injury affects brain volume. However, technical and practical limitations made it difficult to detect brain volume abnormalities in patients suffering from chronic effects of mild or moderate traumatic brain injury. This situation improved in 2006 with the FDA clearance of NeuroQuant®, a commercially available, computer-automated software program for measuring MRI brain volume in human subjects. More recent strides were made with the introduction of NeuroGage®, commercially available software that is based (...)
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    As cidades e as vozes: histórias de migração em espaços urbanos do Sul do Brasil na metade do século XX.Danielle Heberle Viegas - 2018 - Ágora – Revista de História e Geografia 20 (1):16.
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    Kant no Brasil.Daniel Omar Perez & Valério Rohden (eds.) - 2005 - São Paulo, SP: Escuta.
    Os nomes de Guido de Almeida, Ricardo R. Terra, Valerio Rohden e Zeljko Loparic representam, sem dúvida, uma marca nos estudos kantianos que não pode ser negligenciada nem mesmo pelo leitor mais desatento. Qualquer aproximação dos escritos de Immanuel Kant que demande o debate de idéias e o confronto de argumentos não deve ignorar as obras destes filósofos que, nas últimas décadas, balizaram o rumo das pesquisas filosóficas no Brasil. A maturidade do pensamento se reflete aqui na heterogeneidade de (...)
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  6. Dois séculos de leitura de Kant no Brasil.Daniel Omar Perez - 2005 - In Daniel Omar Perez & Valério Rohden (eds.), Kant no Brasil. São Paulo, SP: Escuta.
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    O Núcleo de Estudos de Filosofias e Inf'ncias (NEFI): um percurso para pensarmos o campo do ensino de filosofia no Brasil.Walter Omar Kohan, Daniel Gaivota Contage & Carlineide Justina da Silva Almeida - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-26.
    Resumo: O presente texto apresenta o Núcleo de Estudos de Filosofias e Infâncias com seus vinte anos de ensino, pesquisa e extensão dedicados ao ensino de filosofia e uma educação filosófica. O texto tematiza a especificidade e a história do grupo, colocando ênfase em algumas dimensões de sua atuação presente: a) Os colóquios internacionais de filosofia e educação; b) a NEFI edições; c) o Mestrado Profissional em educação filosófica com infâncias; d) os projetos de extensão; e) o periódico childhood & (...)
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    “Ganhando o Brasil para Jesus”: alguns apontamentos sobre a influência do movimento fundamentalista norte-americano sobre as práticas políticas do pentecostalismo brasileiro("Winning Brazil for Jesus":some notes about the American fundamentalist movement).Daniel Rocha - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (22):583-604.
    Este artigo apresenta uma breve reflexão sobre a politização do fundamentalismo protestante norte-americano e sua possível influência no tipo de práxis sociopolítica que vem caracterizando o pentecostalismo brasileiro a partir de meados da década de 1980. Partindo de uma discussão sobre o que seria, de fato, o fundamentalismo e sobre os desenvolvimentos e reconfigurações desse movimento ao longo da história norte-americana, buscar-se-á analisar a influência e os possíveis paralelos entre o fundamentalismo e o recente engajamento político-eleitoral que vêm marcando o (...)
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  9. Memória, opinião e cultura política. A Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil sob a ditadura (1964-1974).Denise Rollemberg, Daniel Aarão Reis & Denis Rolland - 2008 - In Reis Filho, Daniel Aarão & Denis Rolland (eds.), Modernidades alternativas. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil: FGV Editora.
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    Religião, Democracia e Direitos Humanos: Presença pública inter-religiosa no fortalecimento da democracia e na defesa dos direitos humanos no Brasil.Claudia Danielle Andrade Ritz - 2017 - Horizonte 15 (47):1086-1090.
    Book reviews RIBEIRO, Claudio de Oliveira. Religião, Democracia e Direitos Humanos : Presença pública inter-religiosa no fortalecimento da democracia e na defesa dos direitos humanos no Brasil. São Paulo: Reflexão, 2016. 159p. ISBN 978.85.8088.194-3.
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    Pentecostais e neopentecostais na política brasileira: um estudo sobre cultura política, Estado e atores coletivos religiosos no Brasil.Daniel Rocha - 2009 - Horizonte 7 (15):182-184.
    BAPTISTA, Saulo. Pentecostais e neopentecostais na política brasileira : um estudo sobre cultura política, Estado e atores coletivos religiosos no Brasil. São Paulo: Annablume; São Bernardo do Campo: Instituto Metodista Izabela Hendrix, 2009. 432 p.
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    Ensaio Visual - O Encontro Etnográfico em Do Outro Lado do Atl'ntico.Daniele Ellery Mourão & Marcio Elísio Carneiro Câmara - 2021 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 27 (3).
    O ensaio visual pretende refletir sobre o processo de realização do documentário Do Outro Lado do Atlântico, com estudantes de Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (PALOP) no Brasil, a partir da ideia de um “encontro etnográfico” com os personagens do filme. Traz uma reflexão sobre a abordagem dos documentários de busca, e seus processos de subjetivação, ao mesmo tempo que busca reafirmar uma postura contra-colonial e antirracista, desconstruindo imaginários visuais de raça, subalternidade e estereótipos de África.
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  13. A duras e pesadas penas: imprensa, identidade e nacionalidade no Brasil imperial1.Daniel Afonso da Silva - 2009 - Topoi: Revista de História 10 (19):55-69.
  14. Suzane is The New Black.Danielle Brasiliense - 2019 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 25 (2):82-98.
    Neste artigo vamos falar sobre a exploração midiática do fait-divers através das histórias narrativas da presidiária Suzane, visto que, ela é a representação social no Brasil do que conhecemos como monstruoso, alguém que cometeu grande atrocidade contra o pilar da ordem social, a família. Ainda que vista como monstro desde seu ato assassino repousa sobre ela um mecanismo eficaz de manutenção da emoção e respiração do público de massa que acompanha seu caso sempre em alta tensão. Assim como nas (...)
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    A liquidez das relações socioculturais na contemporaneidade: os paradoxos trazidos à baila pela pandemia do novo Coronavírus.Daniel Cardoso Alves - 2020 - Investigação Filosófica 11 (2):71.
    Este artigo aborda sobre as clássicas concepções do atual modelo de sociedade em meio a um contexto de pandemia viral. Para tanto, a questão que o permeia é a seguinte: O que caracteriza uma “sociedade em rede”, alterada pelo “meio técnico-científico-informacional” e imersa numa “modernidade líquida”? Essa abordagem, sobretudo num latente contexto de crises, revela-se imprescindível para a compreensão do que venha a ser progresso na sociedade contemporânea. Adotando como pano de fundo o contexto da pandemia do novo Coronavírus no (...)
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    Lawfare: aspectos conceituais e desdobramentos da guerra jurídica no Brasil e na América Latina.Silvina María Romano, Larissa Ramina, Lucas Silva de Souza, Carol Proner & Danielle Cevallos Soares (eds.) - 2022 - Curitiba: Editora Íthala.
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    Ideias sobre a educação para o desenvolvimento em Portugal e no Brasil em meados do século XX.Antonio Gomes Ferreira & Leziany Silveira Daniel - 2010 - Educação E Filosofia 24 (47):125-151.
    Considerando a situação no mundo nesta época, o artigo visa estabelecer um dialogo analítico sobre os trabalhos publicados em Portugal e no Brasil que de algum modo posicionaram sobre a articulação do desenvolvimento com a educação.
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  18. The logic of negative conceivability.Daniel Cohnitz - manuscript
    Analytic epistemology is traditionally interested in rational reconstructions of cognitive pro- cesses. The purpose of these rational reconstructions is to make plain how a certain cognitive process might eventually result in knowledge or justi?ed beliefs, etc., if we pre-theoretically think that we have such knowledge or such justi?ed beliefs. Typically a rational reconstruction assumes some unproblematic basis of knowledge and some justi?cation-preserving inference pattern and then goes on to show how these two su ce to generate the (...)
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    Reflexões sobre as metodologias ativas como abordagem pedagógica no contexto brasileiro // Reflections on Active Methodologies as a pedagogical approach in the Brazilian context.José Lotúmolo Junior & Daniel Mill - 2020 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:020035.
    Este trabalho analisa reflexões sobre a abordagem pedagógica denominada “Metodologias Ativas”, que estão sendo apresentadas como alternativa para melhorar os resultados de ensino e aprendizagem no Brasil. Por meio de uma revisão bibliográfica, são apresentados alguns dos principais elementos das Metodologias Ativas, principalmente suas características mais evidentes. Busca, também, trazer à discussão alguns questionamentos sobre essa abordagem pedagógica, indicando a existência de possíveis dificuldades que possam comprometer a aplicação das Metodologias Ativas. A partir deste estudo, registra-se que são necessários (...)
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  20. On an Intuitionistic Logic for Pragmatics.Gianluigi Bellin, Massimiliano Carrara & Daniele Chiffi - 2018 - Journal of Logic and Computation 50 (28):935–966..
    We reconsider the pragmatic interpretation of intuitionistic logic [21] regarded as a logic of assertions and their justi cations and its relations with classical logic. We recall an extension of this approach to a logic dealing with assertions and obligations, related by a notion of causal implication [14, 45]. We focus on the extension to co-intuitionistic logic, seen as a logic of hypotheses [8, 9, 13] and on polarized bi-intuitionistic logic as a logic of assertions and conjectures: looking at (...)
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  21.  42
    O que (não) dizem os números – para além das estatísticas sobre o Novo Mapa Religioso Brasileiro (The meaning of numbers - beyond statistics on the Brazilian New Religious Map). DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n23p690. [REVIEW]Mauro Passos, Paola La Guardia Zorzin & Daniel Rocha - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (23):690-714.
    Na dinâmica do campo religioso brasileiro, novas formas de crer surgem, algumas religiões têm maior expansão - como algumas correntes evangélicas - e religiões tradicionais - como o catolicismo - vão-se “desencantando”. Este artigo pretende, a partir dos dados sobre religião da Pesquisa de Orçamentos Familiares (POF/IBGE, 2009), publicados em estudo da Fundação Getúlio Vargas - FGV (NERI, 2011), discutir a composição deste novo mapa religioso. Em relação às igrejas cristãs, o estudo da FGV mostrou, em termos quantitativos, a diminuição (...)
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    Pentecostalismo e Protestantismo “Histórico” no Brasil: um século de conflitos, assimilação e mudanças (Pentecostalism and “Historical” Protestantism in Brazil: one century of conflicts, assimilation and changes) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2011v9n22p504. [REVIEW]Leonildo Silveira Campos - 2011 - Horizonte 9 (22):504-533.
    Este artigo propõe analisar as relações entre o pentecostalismo e o protestantismo “histórico” nos últimos 100 anos. Desde o ano 2010 comemora-se o centenário da chegada do pentecostalismo no Brasil por meio das pregações do ítalo-americano Luis Francescon e dos suecos Daniel Berg e Gunner Vingren. Até os anos 1950, a Congregação Cristã no Brasil e a Assembléia de Deus, resultantes do trabalho dos três, eram os dois maiores exemplos de igrejas pentecostais consolidadas no Brasil. Uma (...)
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    The marketplace of rationalizations.Daniel Williams - 2023 - Economics and Philosophy 39 (1):99-123.
    Recent work in economics has rediscovered the importance of belief-based utility for understanding human behaviour. Belief ‘choice’ is subject to an important constraint, however: people can only bring themselves to believe things for which they can find rationalizations. When preferences for similar beliefs are widespread, this constraint generates rationalization markets, social structures in which agents compete to produce rationalizations in exchange for money and social rewards. I explore the nature of such markets, I draw on political media to illustrate their (...)
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    The mind club: who thinks, what feels, and why it matters.Daniel M. Wegner & Kurt James Gray - 2016 - New York, New York: Viking Press. Edited by Kurt James Gray.
    From dogs to gods, the science of understanding mysterious minds--including your own. Nothing seems more real than the minds of other people. When you consider what your boss is thinking or whether your spouse is happy, you are admitting them into the "mind club." It's easy to assume other humans can think and feel, but what about a cow, a computer, a corporation? What kinds of mind do they have? Daniel M. Wegner and Kurt Gray are award-winning psychologists who (...)
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    Lukács: Praxis and the Absolute.Daniel Andrés López - 2019 - BRILL.
    In Lukács: Praxis and the Absolute, Daniel Andrés López reassembles Lukács’s philosophy of praxis on a Hegelian basis, as a conceptual-historical totality, both defending him and proposing an unprecedented, immanent critique that raises problems for Marxian philosophy as a whole.
  26. Margaret Macdonald on the Definition of Art.Daniel Whiting - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (6):1074-1095.
    In this paper, I show that, in a number of publications in the early 1950s, Margaret Macdonald argues that art does not admit of definition, that art is—in the sense associated with Wittgenstein—a family resemblance concept, and that definitions of art are best understood as confused or poorly expressed contributions to art criticism. This package of views is most typically associated with a famous paper by Morris Weitz from 1956. I demonstrate that Macdonald advanced that package prior to Weitz, indeed, (...)
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  27. Kant and the apriority of space.Daniel Warren - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (2):179-224.
    In interpretations of the "Transcendental Aesthetic" section of the first Critique, there is a widespread tendency to present Kant as establishing that the representation of space is a condition for individuating or distinguishing objects, and to claim that it is on this basis that Kant establishes the apriority of this representation. The aim of this paper is to criticize this way of interpreting the "Aesthetic," and to defend an alternative interpretation. On this alternative, questions about the formation of the representation (...)
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  28.  32
    Cognitive interdependence in close relationships.Daniel M. Wegner, Toni Giuliano & Paula T. Hertel - 1985 - In W. J. Ickes (ed.), Compatible and Incompatible Relationships. Springer Verlag. pp. 253--276.
  29. Whither Higher-Order Evidence?Daniel Whiting - 2019 - In Mattias Skipper & Asbjørn Steglich-Petersen (eds.), Higher-Order Evidence: New Essays. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    First-order evidence is evidence which bears on whether a proposition is true. Higher-order evidence is evidence which bears on whether a person is able to assess her evidence for or against a proposition. A widespread view is that higher-order evidence makes a difference to whether it is rational for a person to believe a proposition. In this paper, I consider in what way higher-order evidence might do this. More specifically, I consider whether and how higher-order evidence plays a role in (...)
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    Who Needs Imperfect Duties?Daniel Statman - 1996 - American Philosophical Quarterly 33 (2):211 - 224.
  31. Neuroeducation–a critical overview of an emerging field.Daniel Ansari, Bert De Smedt & Roland H. Grabner - 2011 - Neuroethics 5 (2):105-117.
    Abstract In the present article, we provide a critical overview of the emerging field of ‘neuroeducation’ also frequently referred to as ‘mind, brain and education’ or ‘educational neuroscience’. We describe the growing energy behind linking education and neuroscience in an effort to improve learning and instruction. We explore reasons behind such drives for interdisciplinary research. Reviewing some of the key advances in neuroscientific studies that have come to bear on neuroeducation, we discuss recent evidence on the brain circuits underlying reading, (...)
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  32. Embodied cognition and linguistic comprehension.Daniel A. Weiskopf - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (3):294-304.
    Traditionally, the language faculty was supposed to be a device that maps linguistic inputs to semantic or conceptual representations. These representations themselves were supposed to be distinct from the representations manipulated by the hearer’s perceptual and motor systems. Recently this view of language has been challenged by advocates of embodied cognition. Drawing on empirical studies of linguistic comprehension, they have proposed that the language faculty reuses the very representations and processes deployed in perceiving and acting. I review some of the (...)
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  33. Captology Notebook.Daniel Berdichevsky, Bj Fogg, Ramit Sethi & Manu Kumar - forthcoming - Ethics.
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  34. Kant on attractive and repulsive force : the balancing argument.Daniel Warren - 2010 - In Michael Friedman, Mary Domski & Michael Dickson (eds.), Discourse on a New Method: Reinvigorating the Marriage of History and Philosophy of Science. Open Court.
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    The development of children's regret and relief.Daniel P. Weisberg & Sarah R. Beck - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (5):820-835.
    We often think about the alternatives to a decision that has been made. Thinking in this way is known as counterfactual thinking, that is, thinking about what could have been had an alternative dec...
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  36. (1 other version)A note on conditionals and restrictors.Daniel Rothschild - 2021 - In Lee Walters & John Hawthorne (eds.), Conditionals, Paradox, and Probability: Themes from the Philosophy of Dorothy Edgington. Oxford, England: Oxford University press.
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    A Harm Reduction Approach to the Ethical Management of the COVID-19 Pandemic.Daniel Weinstock - 2020 - Public Health Ethics 13 (2):166-175.
    The post-confinement phase of the COVID-19 pandemic will require that governments navigate more complex ethical questions than had occurred in the initial, ‘curve-flattening’ phase, and that will occur when the pandemic is in the past. By looking at the unavoidable harms involved in the confinement and quarantine methods employed during the initial phase of the pandemic, we can develop a harm reduction approach to managing the phase during which society will be gradually reopened in a context of managed risk. The (...)
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  38. What Do I Think You 're Doing? Action Identification and Mind Attribution'.Daniel M. Wegner - unknown
    The authors examined how a perceiver’s identification of a target person’s actions covaries with attributions of mind to the target. The authors found in Study 1 that the attribution of intentionality and cognition to a target was associated with identifying the target’s action in terms of high-level effects rather than low-level details. In Study 2, both action identification and mind attribution were greater for a liked target, and in Study 3, they were reduced for a target suffering misfortune. In Study (...)
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    New techniques and ideas in quantum measurement theory.Daniel M. Greenberger (ed.) - 1986 - New York, N.Y.: New York Academy of Sciences.
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    Exaggeration.Daniel S. Weld - 1990 - Artificial Intelligence 43 (3):311-368.
  41. Boulesic logic, Deontic Logic and the Structure of a Perfectly Rational Will.Daniel Rönnedal - 2020 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 27 (2):187–262.
    In this paper, I will discuss boulesic and deontic logic and the relationship between these branches of logic. By ‘boulesic logic,’ or ‘the logic of the will,’ I mean a new kind of logic that deals with ‘boulesic’ concepts, expressions, sentences, arguments and systems. I will concentrate on two types of boulesic expression: ‘individual x wants it to be the case that’ and ‘individual x accepts that it is the case that.’ These expressions will be symbolised by two sentential operators (...)
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    Reasoning about model accuracy.Daniel S. Weld - 1992 - Artificial Intelligence 56 (2-3):255-300.
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    The use of aggregation in causal simulation.Daniel S. Weld - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 30 (1):1-34.
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    Presentative and representative cognitions.Daniel Greenleaf Thompson - 1878 - Mind 3 (10):270-276.
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    The later Wittgenstein on language.Daniel Whiting (ed.) - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein's notoriously elusive later writings are dominated by remarks on language. However, while the textual analysis of Wittgenstein's writings is presently a booming industry, the tendency is to focus narrowly on exegetical matters with little attention to their bearing on philosophy at large. Moreover, one finds in contemporary philosophy of language various ideas with a distinctively Wittgensteinian ring to them but whose pedigree is uncertain. This volume brings together distinguished Wittgenstein scholars and renowned philosophers of language in order to (...)
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  46. Kant's Dynamics.Daniel Warren - 2000 - In Eric Watkins (ed.), Kant and the Sciences. New York, US: Oxford University Press. pp. 93--116.
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    Comparative analysis.Daniel S. Weld - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 36 (3):333-373.
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    The death of implicit memory.Daniel Willingham & Laura Preuss - 1995 - PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness 2.
    The thesis of this article is that implicit memory does not exist. Implicit memory.
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    Introduction à De l’imitation théâtrale de J.J. Rousseau.Daniel Schulthess - 2012 - In R. Trousson & F. Eigeldinger (eds.), Œuvres complètes de Jean Jacques Rousseau, t. XVI. Slatkine-Champion. pp. p. 651-655, annotation du texte,.
    The text shortly introduces Rousseau’s De l’imitation théatrale (1764). Rousseau’s writing is basically a translation of the first pages of Book X of Plato’s Republic. On the one hand, Rousseau shares with Plato the ethical rigor that, in view of a certain political project, leads to the moral condemnation of theatrical practices. On the other hand, the metaphysical assumptions on which Plato’s critique relies are much heavier than those of Rousseau, whose sensualistic nominalism is incompatible with the metaphysical realism about (...)
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  50. Joint perception: gaze and beliefs about social context.Daniel C. Richardson, Chris Nh Street & Joanne Tan - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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