Results for 'Daniel Schensul'

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  1.  22
    James Mahoney Daniel schensul.Daniel Schensul - 2006 - In Robert E. Goodin & Charles Tilly (eds.), The Oxford handbook of contextual political analysis. Oxford : New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 454.
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  2. Historical context and path dependence.James Mahoney & Daniel Schensul - 2006 - In Robert E. Goodin & Charles Tilly (eds.), The Oxford handbook of contextual political analysis. Oxford : New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 454--471.
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    Who Needs Imperfect Duties?Daniel Statman - 1996 - American Philosophical Quarterly 33 (2):211 - 224.
  4. Strange Kinds, Familiar Kinds, and the Charge of Arbitrariness.Daniel Z. Korman - 2010 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics:119-144.
    Particularists in material-object metaphysics hold that our intuitive judgments about which kinds of things there are and are not are largely correct. One common argument against particularism is the argument from arbitrariness, which turns on the claim that there is no ontologically significant difference between certain of the familiar kinds that we intuitively judge to exist (snowballs, islands, statues, solar systems) and certain of the strange kinds that we intuitively judge not to exist (snowdiscalls, incars, gollyswoggles, the fusion of the (...)
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  5. Conditionals, Supposition and Euthyphro.Daniel Nolan - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Williamson proposes that a "suppositional procedure" is a central heuristic we use to evaluate the truth of conditionals, though he also argues that this method often leads us astray. An alternative approach to the link between supposition and conditionals is to claim that we are guided by our antecedent conditional judgements in our supposing, and in particular in our determining which things follow from an initial supposition. This alternative explanation of the close link between conditionals and supposition is developed and (...)
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  6. Blaming God for our pain: Human suffering and the divine mind.M. Wegner Daniel & Gray Kurt - unknown
    Believing in God requires not only a leap of faith but also an extension of people’s normal capacity to perceive the minds of others. Usually, people perceive minds of all kinds by trying to understand their conscious experience (what it is like to be them) and their agency (what they can do). Although humans are perceived to have both agency and experience, humans appear to see God as possessing agency, but not experience. God’s unique mind is due, the authors suggest, (...)
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  7. Vagueness, multiplicity and parts.Daniel Nolan - 2006 - Noûs 40 (4):716–737.
    There’s an argument around from so-called “linguistic theories of vagueness”, plus some relatively uncontroversial considerations, to powerful metaphysical conclusions. David Lewis employs this argument to support the mereological principle of unrestricted composition, and Theodore Sider employs a similar argument not just for unrestricted composition but also for the doctrine of temporal parts. This sort of argument could be generalised, to produce a lot of other less palatable metaphysical conclusions. However, arguments to Lewis’s and Sider’s conclusions on the basis of considerations (...)
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  8. A Modal Condition for the Beginning of the Universe.Daniel Linford - 2024 - Erkenntnis 89 (6):2343-2375.
    This paper considers two problems—one in philosophy of religion and another in philosophy of physics—and shows that the two problems have one solution. Some Christian philosophers have endorsed the views that (i) there was a first finitely long period of time, (ii) God is in time, and yet (iii) God did not have a beginning. If there was a first finitely long period of time and God is in time then there was a first finitely long period of time in (...)
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  9. The deflationary theory of truth.Daniel Stoljar - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    According to the deflationary theory of truth, to assert that a statement is true is just to assert the statement itself. For example, to say that ‘snow is white’ is true, or that it is true that snow is white, is equivalent to saying simply that snow is white, and this, according to the deflationary theory, is all that can be said significantly about the truth of ‘snow is white’.
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  10. Kant and the apriority of space.Daniel Warren - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (2):179-224.
    In interpretations of the "Transcendental Aesthetic" section of the first Critique, there is a widespread tendency to present Kant as establishing that the representation of space is a condition for individuating or distinguishing objects, and to claim that it is on this basis that Kant establishes the apriority of this representation. The aim of this paper is to criticize this way of interpreting the "Aesthetic," and to defend an alternative interpretation. On this alternative, questions about the formation of the representation (...)
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  11. Platitudes and metaphysics.Daniel Nolan - 2008 - In David Braddon-Mitchell & Robert Nola (eds.), Conceptual Analysis and Philosophical Naturalism. Bradford.
    One increasingly popular technique in philosophy might be called the "platitudes analysis": a set of widely accepted claims about a given subject matter are collected, adjustments are made to the body of claims, and this is taken to specify a “role” for the phenomenon in question. (Perhaps the best-known example is analytic functionalism about mental states, where platitudes about belief, desire, intention etc. are together taken to give us a "role" for states to fill if they are to count as (...)
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    Jewish Biomedical Law: Legal and Extra-Legal Dimensions.Daniel B. Sinclair - 2003 - Oxford University Press.
    Dealing with major issues in Jewish biomedical law, this book focuses upon the influence of morality, the rise of patient autonomy, and the role played by scientific progress in this area of Jewish Law. The book examines Jewish Law in comparison with canon, common, and modern Israeli law.
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  13. The conjunction fallacy: a misunderstanding about conjunction?Daniel Osherson - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (3):467-477.
    It is easy to construct pairs of sentences X, Y that lead many people to ascribe higher probability to the conjunction X-and-Y than to the conjuncts X, Y. Whether an error is thereby committed depends on reasoners’ interpretation of the expressions “probability” and “and.” We report two experiments designed to clarify the normative status of typical responses to conjunction problems. © 2004 Cognitive Science Society, Inc. All rights reserved.
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  14. (1 other version)Philosophy of economics.Daniel M. Hausman - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    This is a comprehensive anthology of works concerning the nature of economics as a science, including classic texts and essays exploring specific branches and schools of economics. Apart from the classics, most of the selections in the third edition are new, as are the introduction and bibliography. No other anthology spans the whole field and offers a comprehensive introduction to questions about economic methodology.
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  15. Particular and general: Wittgenstein, linguistic rules, and context.Daniel Whiting - 2009 - In The later Wittgenstein on language. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Wittgenstein famously remarks that ‘the meaning of a word is its use’ (PI §43). Whether or not one views this as gesturing at a ‘theory’ of meaning, or instead as aiming primarily at dissuading us from certain misconceptions of language that are a source of puzzlement, it is clear that Wittgenstein held that for certain purposes the meaning of an expression could profitably be characterised as its use. Throughout his later writings, however, Wittgenstein’s appeal to the notion of use pulls (...)
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    Making the black box society transparent.Daniel Innerarity - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (3):975-981.
    The growing presence of smart devices in our lives turns all of society into something largely unknown to us. The strategy of demanding transparency stems from the desire to reduce the ignorance to which this automated society seems to condemn us. An evaluation of this strategy first requires that we distinguish the different types of non-transparency. Once we reveal the limits of the transparency needed to confront these devices, the article examines the alternative strategy of explainable artificial intelligence and concludes (...)
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  17. What has collective wisdom to do with wisdom?Daniel Andler - 2012 - In J. Elster & H. Landemore (eds.), Collective Wisdom: Principles and Mechanisms. Cambridge University Press.
    Conventional wisdom holds two seemingly opposed beliefs. One is that communities are often much better than individuals at dealing with certain situations or solving certain problems. The other is that crowds are usually, and some say always, at best as intelligent as their least intelligent members and at worst even less. Consistency would seem to be easily re-established by distinguishing between advanced, sophisticated social organizations which afford the supporting communities a high level of collective performance, and primitive, mob-like structures which (...)
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  18. The origins of selves.Daniel C. Dennett - 1989 - Cogito 3 (3):163-173.
    What is a self? Since Descartes in the 17th Century we have had a vision of the self as a sort of immaterial ghost that owns and controls a body the way you own and control your car.
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  19. Artificial Life as Philosophy.Daniel C. Dennett - unknown
    There are two likely paths for philosophers to follow in their encounters with Artificial Life: they can see it as a new way of doing philosophy, or simply as a new object worthy of philosophical attention using traditional methods. Is Artificial Life best seen as a new philosophical method or a new phenomenon? There is a case to be made for each alternative, but I urge philosophers to take the leap and consider the first to be the more important and (...)
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  20. On the scope and limits of generalizations in the social sciences.Daniel Little - 1993 - Synthese 97 (2):183 - 207.
    This article disputes the common view that social science explanations depend on discovery of lawlike generalizations from which descriptions of social outcomes can be derived. It distinguishes between governing and phenomenal regularities, and argues that social regularities are phenomenal rather than governing. In place of nomological deductive arguments, the article maintains that social explanations depend on the discovery of causal mechanisms underlying various social processes. The metaphysical correlate of this argument is that there are no social kinds: types of social (...)
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  21. Intention, awareness, and implicit memory: The retrieval intentionality criterion.Daniel L. Schacter, J. Bowers & J. Booker - 1989 - In S. Lewandowsky, J. M. Dunn & K. Kirsner (eds.), Implicit Memory: Theoretical Issues. Lawrence Erlbaum.
  22.  12
    Last call: humanity hanging from a cross of iron and our escape to another planet.Daniel R. Altschuler - 2022 - New Jersey: World Scientific.
    This book tries to look at human thought and action from a scientific perspective, and in the process, acquaints the reader with essential concepts about science and its history. It takes a broad look at our present troubles without overlooking some crucial historical, religious, and political causes but places science at the center stage. The author applies what he has learned throughout his career to go beyond science. After an introduction setting the scene and a review of the "scientific temper" (...)
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    Did Diomedes know Latin?Daniel C. Andersson - 2011 - Hermes 139 (1):110-111.
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    The Second Revolution.Daniel Andrews - unknown
    Liberties are taken in portraying the US public as class-conscious and informed. Otherwise, this story would not be about a revolution ... it would be about a fascist takeover. The chances of fighting off fascism are very slim unless the public at large is provided with an accessible alternative to the news and history which they are offered by the mass media, by the schools, by the government and by their employers. These reports are not a hoax, but a piece (...)
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    Diversity of approaches: science of learning and education.Daniel Ansari & Donna Coch - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (4):146-151.
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  26. Recent and past freshwater systems reaction to environmental change and the challenge of cultural sustainability.Daniel Ariztegui - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  27. El monacato en Tierra Santa.Daniel Attinger - 2009 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 33 (67):21-90.
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  28. 1. The Mutuality Problem.Daniel Attas - 2009 - In Gosseries Axel & Meyer Lukas H. (eds.), Intergenerational Justice. Oxford, Royaume-Uni: Oxford University Press. pp. 189.
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  29. Moral knowledge, epistemic externalism, and intuitionism.Daniel Star - 2008 - Ratio 21 (3):329-343.
    This paper explores the generally overlooked relevance of an important contemporary debate in mainstream epistemology to philosophers working within ethics on questions concerning moral knowledge. It is argued that this debate, between internalists and externalists about the accessibility of epistemic justification, has the potential to be both significantly influenced by, and have a significant impact upon, the study of moral knowledge. The moral sphere provides a particular type of strong evidence in favour of externalism, and mainstream epistemologists might benefit from (...)
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    Steps toward an evolutionary psychology of a culture dependent species.Daniel Fessler - 2005 - In Peter Carruthers, Stephen Laurence & Stephen P. Stich (eds.), The Innate Mind: Structure and Contents. New York, US: Oxford University Press on Demand. pp. 61.
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    A Critique of Sovereignty.Daniel Loick - 2017 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This book offers a broad reconstruction of the modern notion of sovereignty, a comprehensive critique of state-inflicted violence, and a concept of non-coercive law for our contemporary world society.
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  32. Kant’s Philosophy of Mathematics and the Greek Mathematical Tradition.Daniel Sutherland - 2004 - Philosophical Review 113 (2):157-201.
    The aggregate EIRP of an N-element antenna array is proportional to N 2. This observation illustrates an effective approach for providing deep space networks with very powerful uplinks. The increased aggregate EIRP can be employed in a number of ways, including improved emergency communications, reaching farther into deep space, increased uplink data rates, and the flexibility of simultaneously providing more than one uplink beam with the array. Furthermore, potential for cost savings also exists since the array can be formed using (...)
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  33.  46
    The heterogeneous social : new thinking about the foundations of the social sciences.Daniel Little - 2009 - In Chrysostomos Mantzavinos (ed.), Philosophy of the social sciences: philosophical theory and scientific practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 154--78.
  34.  16
    The Bioethics of Pain Management: Beyond Opioids.Daniel S. Goldberg (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    In this book, public health ethicist Daniel S. Goldberg sets out to characterize the subjective experience of pain and its undertreatment within the US medical establishment, and puts forward public policy recommendations for ameliorating the undertreatment of pain. The book begins from the position that the overwhelming focus on opioid analgesics as a means for improving the undertreatment of pain is flawed, and argues instead that dominant Western models of biomedicine and objectivity delegitimize subjective knowledge of the body and (...)
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  35. Philosophy, geometry, and logic in Leibniz, Wolff, and the early Kant.Daniel Sutherland - 2010 - In Michael Friedman, Mary Domski & Michael Dickson (eds.), Discourse on a New Method: Reinvigorating the Marriage of History and Philosophy of Science. Open Court.
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    Challenge Trials: What Are the Ethical Problems?Daniel M. Hausman - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (1):137-145.
    If, as is alleged, challenge trials of vaccines against COVID-19 are likely to save thousands of lives and vastly diminish the economic and social harms of the pandemic while subjecting volunteers to risks that are comparable to kidney donation, then it would seem that the only sensible objection to such trials would be to deny that they have low risks or can be expected to have immense benefits. This essay searches for a philosophical rationale for rejecting challenge trials while supposing (...)
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    The moral choice.Daniel C. Maguire - 1978 - Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.
  38.  68
    Reply.Daniel Simberloff - 1980 - Synthese 43 (1):79 - 93.
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    Fethullah Gülen, Islamic Banking, and Global Finance.Daniel W. Skubik - 2009 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 4:289-304.
    Fethullah Gülen, a leader of interfaith and intercultural dialogue, writes of “humanity’s vicegerency” that includes “reaping the bounties of the Earth . . . within the framework of the Creator’s orders and rules.” What might this mean for international business ethics in general, and the expansion of Islamic banking practices and global financial ethics in particular? Forthrightness and transparency are critical in the contemporary development and spread of what are nominated Islamic or shariah-compliant financial products and services. This paper seeks (...)
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    Recycling Alone or Protesting Together? Values as a Basis for Pro-environmental Social Change Actions.Daniel Sloot, Maja Kutlaca, Vanja Medugorac & Petra Carman - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Intensifying.Daniel L. Smith - unknown
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    Republikanismus und Pädagogik: Pestalozzi im historischen Kontext.Daniel Tröhler - 2006 - Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.
    Betr. Isaak Iselin und die "Basler Preisfrage nach Aufwandgesetzen in einer Republik" von 1779.
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  43. Wie hätte etwas anderes geschehen können als das, was geschehen ist?Daniel von Wachter - 2009 - Erwägen, Wissen, Ethik 20:66-68.
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  44. A Reassessment of Keat's Otho the Great.Daniel P. Watkins - 1986 - Clio: A Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History 16 (1):49-66.
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  45. Access to consciousness: Dissociations between implicit and explicit knowledge in neuropsychological syndromes.Daniel L. Schacter, M. P. McAndrews & Morris Moscovitch - 1997 - In Lawrence Weiskrantz (ed.), Thought without language: Thought without awareness? New York:
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    The use of aggregation in causal simulation.Daniel S. Weld - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 30 (1):1-34.
  47. Definite descriptions and negative polarity.Daniel Rothschild - manuscript
    The argument here comes from consideration of a certain sort of linguistic expression called negative polarity items (NPIs). These are expressions such as “any,” “at all” and “ever.” NPIs are of particular interest for semantics because they can only be used in contexts with a certain rather abstract semantic feature. However, the precise characterization of the feature is itself a matter of some controversy. For those interested in the semantics of natural language it is worthwhile to figure out precisely what (...)
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  48. The active role of partial knowledge in cross-situational word learning.Daniel Yurovsky, Damian Fricker, Chen Yu & Linda B. Smith - 2010 - In S. Ohlsson & R. Catrambone (eds.), Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.
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  49. Atheism and evolution.Daniel C. Dennett - 2006 - In Michael Martin (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Atheism. Cambridge University Press. pp. 135--148.
  50. Wearing your values on your sleeve.Daniel Yim - 2011 - In Fritz Allhoff, Jessica Wolfendale & Jeanette Kennett (eds.), Fashion - Philosophy for Everyone: Thinking with Style. Wiley. pp. 103--119.
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