Results for 'Daryl Niko Lofranco Cempron'

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  1.  25
    Nikos Papastergiadis: The Cultures Of The South As Cosmos.Nikos Papastergiadis - 2017 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 25 (52).
    As the Global South is increasingly interpenetrated by neo-liberal and authoritarian regimes the idea of the South as a site of emancipatory resistance and exotic cultural difference has ended. This article offers an alternative route into the cultures of the South. It focuses on the shifting forms of the South in contemporary visual art and outlines the possibilities of non-coercive forms of cultural exchange and the cartographies of a cosmopolitanism from below. This perspective on the South is most evident in (...)
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  2. II—Niko Kolodny: Comment on Munoz-Dardé's‘Liberty's Chains’.Niko Kolodny - 2009 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 83 (1):197-212.
    Munoz-Dardé (2009) argues that a social contract theory must meet Rousseau's ‘liberty condition’: that, after the social contract, each ‘nevertheless obeys only himself and remains as free as before’. She claims that Rousseau's social contract does not meet this condition, for reasons that suggest that no other social contract theory could. She concludes that political philosophy should turn away from social contract theory's preoccupation with authority and obedience, and focus instead on what she calls the ‘legitimacy’ of social arrangements. I (...)
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  3. How Does Coherence Matter?Niko Kolodny - 2007 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 107 (1pt3):229 - 263.
    Recently, much attention has been paid to ‘rational requirements’ and, especially, to what I call ‘rational requirements of formal coherence as such’. These requirements are satisfied just when our attitudes are formally coherent: for example, when our beliefs do not contradict each other. Nevertheless, these requirements are puzzling. In particular, it is unclear why we should satisfy them. In light of this, I explore the conjecture that there are no requirements of formal coherence. I do so by trying to construct (...)
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  4. Publications by Daryl J. Bem.Daryl Bem - manuscript
    s of selected articles and a list of the online articles can also be accessed from this link.
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  5. State or process requirements?Niko Kolodny - 2007 - Mind 116 (462):371-385.
    rational requirements are narrow scope. The source of our disagreement, I suspect, is that Broome believes that the relevant rational requirements govern states, whereas I believe that they govern processes. If they govern states, then the debate over scope is sterile. The difference between narrow- and wide-scope state requirements is only as important as the difference between not violating a requirement and satisfying one. Broome's observations about conflicting narrow-scope state requirements only corroborate this. Why, then, have we thought that there (...)
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    Slowing the Slide Down the Slippery Slope of Medical Assistance in Dying: Mutual Learnings for Canada and the US.Daryl Pullman - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (11):64-72.
    Canada and California each introduced legislation to permit medical assistance in dying in June, 2016. Each jurisdiction publishes annual reports on the number of deaths that occurred under their respective legislations in the previous years. The numbers are disturbingly different. In 2021, 486 individuals died under California’s End of Life Option. In the same year 10,064 Canadians died under that country’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) legislation. California has a slightly larger population than Canada, and while medically assisted deaths as (...)
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    Protention in Husserl’s Phenomenology.Nikos Soueltzis - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    Every attempt to examine our consciousness’s passive life and its dynamic in its various forms inevitably intersects with our primal awareness of the future. Even though Husserl’s theory of time-consciousness enjoys a certain fame, his conception of our primordial relation to the future has not been adequately accounted for. The book at hand aims to offer a close study of Husserl’s view of protentional consciousness and to trace its unique contribution to our overall awareness of time. It offers an extensive (...)
  8.  63
    The pecking order: social hierarchy as a philosophical problem.Niko Kolodny - 2023 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Our political thinking is driven, far more than philosophers recognize, by a concern for social equality and, more specifically, a concern to avoid relations of inferiority. Niko Kolodny argues that, in order to make sense of the most familiar ideas in our political thought and discourse - the justification of the state, democracy, and rule of law, as well as objections to paternalism and corruption - we cannot merely appeal to freedom (as libertarians like Nozick do) or to distributive (...)
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  9. Rule Over None II: Social Equality and the Justification of Democracy.Niko Kolodny - 2014 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 42 (4):287-336.
  10.  88
    Resenting Heaven in the Mencius: An Extended Footnote to Mencius 2B13.Daryl Ooi - 2021 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 20 (2):207-229.
    It is widely accepted among Mencius scholars that for Mencius, the junzi 君子 is the kind of person who accepts Heaven’s will and never resents Heaven. There are, however, several passages where resentment seems to be presented as a quality that the junzi possesses. In particular, Mencius 2B13 has been the subject of much contention. In Section 1, I will discuss various interpretations of 2B13, building on and updating Philip Ivanhoe’s helpful 1988 survey. In Section 2, I will present an (...)
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    Evolution of the human menopause.Daryl P. Shanley & Thomas B. L. Kirkwood - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (3):282-287.
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  12. Updating the ganzfeld database: A victim of its own success? Daryl J. Bem John Palmer.Daryl Bem - manuscript
    The existence of psi—anomalous processes of information transfer such as telepathy or clairvoyance—continues to be controversial. Earlier meta-analyses of studies using the ganzfeld procedure appeared to provide replicable evidence for psi (D. J. Bem & C. Honorton, 1994), but a follow-up meta-analysis of 30 more recent ganzfeld studies did not (J. Milton & R. Wiseman, 1999). When 10 new studies published after the Milton-Wiseman cutoff date are added to their database, the overall ganzfeld effect again becomes significant, but the mean (...)
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    “Kantian Virtue Ethics in the Context of Business: How Practically Useful Can It Be?” by Daryl Koehn.Daryl Koehn - 2014 - Business Ethics Journal Review 2 (3):15-21.
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  14. Hume's Social Epistemology and the Dialogue Form.Daryl Ooi - forthcoming - Episteme:1-16.
    Hume begins his Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion by providing a discussion on what an ideal dialogue ought to look like. Many considerations that Hume raises coincide with similar concerns in contemporary social epistemology. This paper examines three aspects of Hume’s social epistemology: epistemic peerhood, inquiry norms and the possibility of rational persuasion. Interestingly, however, I will argue that the conversation between Philo, Cleanthes and Demea falls short of meeting Hume’s articulated standard of what an ideal dialogue ought to look like. (...)
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  15. Why Student Ratings of Faculty Are Unethical.Daryl Close - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics.
    For decades, student ratings of university faculty have been used by administrators in high stakes faculty employment decisions such as tenure, promotion, contract renewal and reappointment, and merit pay. However, virtually no attention has been paid to the ethical questions of using ratings in employment decisions. Instead, the ratings literature is generally limited to psychometric issues such as whether a given student ratings instrument exhibits the statistical properties of reliability and validity. There is no consensus understanding of teaching effectiveness, the (...)
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    The ethics of cryptonormativism: A defense of Foucault's evasions.Niko Kolodny - 1996 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 22 (5):63-84.
    In his later work, Foucault was more skeptical of theory than he was of norms. His apparent evasion of normative theory was not meant to suggest, as some interpreters have thought, that norm ative theory is useless or oppressive, but rather that it is fragile and uncertain, that it depends for its practical effect on something essen tially untheorizable: character, or what Foucault alternately called 'ethos' and 'philosophical life'. This conception of ethos suggests a way to make sense of Foucault's (...)
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    Death and the Afterlife.Niko Kolodny (ed.) - 2013 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    We normally take it for granted that other people will live on after we ourselves have died. Even if we do not believe in a personal afterlife in which we survive our own deaths, we assume that there will be a "collective afterlife" in which humanity survives long after we are gone. Samuel Scheffler maintains that this assumption plays a surprising - indeed astonishing - role in our lives.
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  18. Single units and conscious vision.Nikos K. Logothetis - 1998 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 353:1801-1818.
    Logothetis, N.K.: Single units and conscious vision. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 353, 1801-1818 (1998) Abstract.
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  19. A Role for Virtue Ethics in the Analysis of Business Practice.Daryl Koehn - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (3):533-539.
    This article explores differences in the ways in which utilitarian, deontological and virtue/aretic ethics treat of act, outcome, and agent. I argue that virtue ethics offers important and distinctive insights into business practice, insights overlooked by utilitarian and deontological ethics.
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  20. Which Relationships Justify Partiality? General Considerations and Problem Cases.Niko Kolodny - 2010 - In Brian Feltham & John Cottingham (eds.), Partiality and impartiality: morality, special relationships, and the wider world. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  21. Why be rational.Niko Kolodny - 2005 - Mind 114 (455):509-563.
    Normativity involves two kinds of relation. On the one hand, there is the relation of being a reason for. This is a relation between a fact and an attitude. On the other hand, there are relations specified by requirements of rationality. These are relations among a person's attitudes, viewed in abstraction from the reasons for them. I ask how the normativity of rationality—the sense in which we ‘ought’ to comply with requirements of rationality—is related to the normativity of reasons—the sense (...)
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  22. What Makes Threats Wrong?Niko Kolodny - 2017 - Analytic Philosophy 58 (2):87-118.
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    Alternativen in der Raumzeit: eine Studie zur philosophischen Anwendung multimodaler Aussagenlogiken.Niko Strobach - 2007 - Berlin: Logos.
    Ist der Indeterminismus mit der Relativitatstheorie und ihrer Konzeption der Gegenwart vereinbar? Diese Frage lasst sich beantworten, indem man die fur das alte Problem der futura contingentia entwickelten Ansatze auf Aussagen uber das Raumartige ubertragt. Die dazu hier Schritt fur Schritt aufgebaute relativistische indeterministische Raumzeitlogik ist eine erste philosophische Anwendung der multidimensionalen Modallogiken. Neben den ublichen Zeitoperatoren kommen dabei die Operatoren "uberall" und "irgendwo" sowie "fur jedes Bezugssystem" und "fur manches Bezugssystem" zum Einsatz. Der aus der kombinierten Zeit- und Modallogik (...)
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    How Would Confucian Virtue Ethics for Business Differ from Aristotelian Virtue Ethics?Daryl Koehn - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 165 (2):205-219.
    Confucianism is potentially relevant to business ethics and business practice in many ways. Although some scholars have seen Confucian thought as applicable to corporate social responsibility :433–451, 2009) and to corporate governance :30–43, 2013), only a few business ethicists :415–431, 2001b; Journal of Business Ethics 116:703–715, 2013; Romar in Journal of Business Ethics 38:119–131, 2002; Lam in The Analects, Penguin Classics, London, 2003; Chan in Journal of Business Ethics 77:347–360, 2008; Woods and Lamond in Journal of Business Ethics 102:669–683, 2011) (...)
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  25. Instrumental reasons.Niko Kolodny - 2018 - In Daniel Star (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Reasons and Normativity. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
    Often our reason for doing something is an "instrumental reason": that doing that is a means to doing something else that we have reason to do. What principles govern this "instrumental transmission" of reasons from ends to means? Negatively, I argue against principles often invoked in the literature, which focus on necessary or sufficient means. Positively, I propose a principle, "General Transmission," which answers to two intuitive desiderata: that reason transmits to means that are "probabilizing" and "nonsuperfluous" with respect to (...)
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    Narrative Business Ethics Versus Narratives Within Business Ethics: Problems and Possibilities From an Aristotelian Virtue Ethics Perspective.Daryl Koehn - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (4):763-779.
    Applied ethicists’ interest in narratives and narratives ethics has grown steadily. Some thinkers position narratives as supplements to ethics, while others see narratives as new form of ethics comparable to virtue or deontological ethics. In this paper, I analyze some of the main ethical claims being made on behalf of business and literary narratives from the perspective of Aristotelian virtue ethics. I argue that, while narratives can significantly contribute to the development of our character, to a better grasp of virtues (...)
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  27. Self-perception: An alternative interpretation of cognitive dissonance phenomena.Daryl J. Bem - 1967 - Psychological Review 74 (3):183-200.
  28. Ifs and Oughts.Niko Kolodny & John MacFarlane - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy 107 (3):115-143.
    We consider a paradox involving indicative conditionals (‘ifs’) and deontic modals (‘oughts’). After considering and rejecting several standard options for resolv- ing the paradox—including rejecting various premises, positing an ambiguity or hidden contextual sensitivity, and positing a non-obvious logical form—we offer a semantics for deontic modals and indicative conditionals that resolves the paradox by making modus ponens invalid. We argue that this is a result to be welcomed on independent grounds, and we show that rejecting the general validity of modus (...)
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    Instantiating abstract argumentation with classical logic arguments: Postulates and properties.Nikos Gorogiannis & Anthony Hunter - 2011 - Artificial Intelligence 175 (9-10):1479-1497.
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    Subjective Experiences of Tourette Syndrome: Beyond the Premonitory Urge.Daryl Efron, Ivan Mathieson & MClin Psych - 2024 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 31 (1):47-48.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Subjective Experiences of Tourette SyndromeBeyond the Premonitory UrgeThe authors report no conflicts of interest.There is an evolving recognition in healthcare that the patient's subjective experience needs to be privileged both in understanding clinical phenomena and also ensuring the salience of outcomes used to evaluate the impact of treatment interventions. This is reflected in the expansion of patient-reported outcome measures to capture a person's perception of their own health, and (...)
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    The Ground of Professional Ethics.Daryl Koehn - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    As each week beings more stories of doctors, lawyers and other professionals abusing their powers, while clients demand extra services as at a time of shrinking resources; it is imperative that all practising professionals have an understanding of professional ethics. In _The Ground of Profesional Ethics_, Daryl Koehn discusses the practical issues in depth, such as the level of service clients can justifiably expect from professionals, when service to a client may be legitimately terminated and circumstances in which client (...)
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  32. The Myth of Practical Consistency.Niko Kolodny - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):366-402.
    Niko Kolodny It is often said that there is a special class of norms, ‘rational requirements’, that demand that our attitudes be related one another in certain ways, whatever else may be the case.1 In recent work, a special class of these rational requirements has attracted particular attention: what I will call ‘requirements of formal coherence as such’, which require just that our attitudes be formally coherent.2 For example, we are rationally required, if we believe something, to believe what (...)
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  33. Love as valuing a relationship.Niko Kolodny - 2003 - Philosophical Review 112 (2):135-189.
    At first glance, love seems to be a psychological state for which there are normative reasons: a state that, if all goes well, is an appropriate or fitting response to something independent of itself. Love for one’s parent, child, or friend is fitting, one wants to say, if anything is. On reflection, however, it is elusive what reasons for love might be. It is natural to assume that they would be nonrelational features of the person one loves, something about her (...)
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  34. Report Vocal-Tract Resonances as Indexical Cues in Rhesus Monkeys.Nikos Logothetis - unknown
    Asif A. Ghazanfar,1,3,* Hjalmar K. Turesson,1,3 statistical pattern recognition [16, 17] and psychophys- Joost X. Maier,1 Ralph van Dinther,2 ics [13, 18–23] have suggested that formants are signif- Roy D. Patterson,2 and Nikos K. Logothetis1 icant contributors to these indexical cues. It is likely, 1Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics then, that detecting formants could have provided 72076 Tuebingen ancestral primates with indexical cues necessary for Germany navigating the complex social interactions that are the 2Centre for the Neural Basis of (...)
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    Conscious and unconscious memory and eye movements in context-guided visual search: A computational and experimental reassessment of Ramey, Yonelinas, and Henderson (2019).Daryl Y. H. Lee & David R. Shanks - 2023 - Cognition 240 (C):105539.
  36.  14
    Is EBE theory supported by the evidence? Is it androcentric? A reply to Peplau et al. (1998).Daryl J. Bem - 1998 - Psychological Review 105 (2):395-398.
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    Harmony as Ideology: Questioning the Diversity–Stability Hypothesis.Nikos Nikisianis & Georgios P. Stamou - 2015 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (1):33-64.
    The representation of a complex but stable, self-regulated and, finally, harmonious nature penetrates the whole history of Ecology, thus contradicting the core of the Darwinian evolution. Originated in the pre-Darwinian Natural History, this representation defined theoretically the various schools of early ecology and, in the context of the cybernetic synthesis of the 1950s, it assumed a typical mathematical form on account of α positive correlation between species diversity and community stability. After 1960, these two aforementioned concepts and their positive correlation (...)
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    Goldilocks and the Thanatron: A Response to Open Peer Commentaries.Daryl Pullman - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (12):4-6.
    I want to begin this brief response by thanking all of those who took the time to read and reflect upon this piece. There were many thoughtful and thought provoking responses and I have learned fro...
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    A virtue ethics critique of ethical dimensions of behavioral economics.Daryl Koehn - 2020 - Business and Society Review 125 (2):241-260.
    Behavioral economics is the latest trendy form of economics. Increasingly theorists are advocating using behavioral economics to do normative ethics or claiming that the behavioralists’ findings render normative claims otiose. I argue in this paper that we should be extremely wary when it comes to accepting any such normative pronouncements. I argue that behavioral economics: (a) minimizes and/or misunderstands the role that character and architectonic life goals play in accounting for the why of ethical behavior, (b) fundamentally misconceives human practical (...)
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    Kinaesthesis Revisited: Kinaesthetic Sensation and its Temporal Asymmetry.Nikos Soueltzis - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (1):71-90.
    The hyletic component of kinaesthetic sensation has generally been treated with suspicion. It is usually set aside in favour of Husserl’s later analysis of kinaesthetic experience which emphasizes its practical dimension. I try to show that a nuanced understanding of the hyletic component allows us to consider its deeper temporal function. From a rather neglected passage in his Ding und Raum I show that Husserl was aware of the temporal peculiarity of kinaesthetic sensation: it is characterized by a unique kind (...)
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    Platonic Drama and its Ancient Reception.Nikos G. Charalabopoulos - 2012 - Cambridge University Press.
    As prose dramatic texts Plato's dialogues would have been read by their original audience as an alternative type of theatrical composition. The 'paradox' of the dialogue form is explained by his appropriation of the discourse of theatre, the dominant public mode of communication of his time. The oral performance of his works is suggested both by the pragmatics of the publication of literary texts in the classical period and by his original role as a Sokratic dialogue-writer and the creator of (...)
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  42. Integrity as a Business Asset.Daryl Koehn - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 58 (1):125-136.
    . In this post-Enron era, we have heard much talk about the need for integrity. Today’s employees perceive it as being in short supply. A recent survey by the Walker Consulting Firm found that less than half of workers polled thought their senior leaders were people of high integrity. To combat the perceived lack of corporate integrity, companies are stressing their probity. This stress is problematic because executives tend to instrumentalize the value of integrity. This paper argues that integrity needs (...)
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  43. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior.Daryl J. Ben, Sandra L. Bern, W. N. Schoenfeld & Kanxofs Objective Psychol Jr - 1978 - Behaviorism 6 (1).
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    Ethics, Morality, and Art in the Classroom.Daryl Koehn - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 7:213-232.
    Scholars are increasingly interested in possible relationships between aesthetics and ethics and in the pedagogical value of art. This paper considers some specific works of art and explores their multi-faceted relation to ethics and morality. I argue that art has both positive and negative relationships to ethics and morality (which I distinguish in a very rough way as the paper progresses). Art works of various sorts may productively be used in the business ethics classroom,but instructors need to keep in mind (...)
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    Conference Theme Lecture: STS or PRD (Policy, Research, and Democracy)?Daryl E. Chubin - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (3):147-152.
    The convergences of science, technology, and soci ety (STS) may be better specified as the interaction of policy, research, and democracy. From the perspective of a long-time participant in the process of federal policy making, the author puts STS as a research and education enterprise into its broader cultural context. He addresses how, in the information age, STS promotes participation in a democracy through human resource development, paths to science literacy, and federal funding of science and technology.
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    Scientific misconduct: The lessons of time: Commentary on “The history and future of the office of research integrity: Scientific conduct and beyond”.Daryl E. Chubin - 1999 - Science and Engineering Ethics 5 (2):199-202.
    Pascal’s paper indicates how far we have come. Now as then, however, there is a need to reflect from outside the cocoon of our agencies, institutions, and disciplines to behold the enterprise that shapes both our behavior and our interpretations of it. For the boundary separating propriety from impropriety continues to move. Just as science, and the knowledge it begets, continues to evolve, so must our collective standards. The lessons of time include this: ORI or biomedical research is no island; (...)
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    Processualité de l'être social dans la philosophie du jeune Lukács.Nikos Foufas - 2021 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
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    Are Benefit Corporations Truly Beneficial?Daryl Koehn & Michael Hannigan - 2016 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 35 (2):165-178.
    Michael Hannigan is the CEO and co-founder of Give Something Back Office Supplies, the third largest office supply company on the west coast of the United States. Hannigan began his business in 1991, long before any benefit corporation legislation was enacted. He reincorporated his business as a benefit corporation after California passed such legislation in 2011. On April 23, 2015, he spoke at the 22nd Annual Stakeholder Dialogue Speaker Series convened at the University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis, by Daryl (...)
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    Figures of Evil in the Business World.Daryl Koehn - 2003 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 22 (3):3-21.
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    Accounting for Self‐Destruction: Morselli, Moral Statistics and the Modernity of Suicide.Daryl Lee - 2009 - Intellectual History Review 19 (3):337-352.
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