Results for 'David Belde'

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  1.  19
    The Efficacy of Ethics Discernment in the Organizational Context: The Case of Post-Offer Nicotine Screening.David M. Belde - 2012 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 2 (2):137-146.
    This article examines the efficacy of an ethics discernment process in the organizational context, a practice referred to in the paper as "mission due diligence." This type of ethics discernment is a structured process intended to awaken the ethical concerns that a particular issue raises within moral agents and to give voice, directly and indirectly, to those who will be impacted by, and responsible for, strategic decision making. The efficacy of this particular ethics discernment practice is contingent upon several realities, (...)
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    End-of-Life Decision Making: A Cross-National Study edited by Robert H. Blank and Janna C. Merrick.David Belde - 2008 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 8 (3):579-581.
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    Health Care Ethics: Theological Foundations, Contemporary Issues, and Controversial Cases, revised edition by Michael R. Panicola, David M. Belde, John Paul Slosar, and Mark F. Repenshek, and: On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics, third edition ed. by M. Therese Lysaught and Joseph J. Kotva Jr. with Stephen E. Lammers and Allen Verhey. [REVIEW]Lindsey Esbensen - 2014 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 34 (2):211-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Health Care Ethics: Theological Foundations, Contemporary Issues, and Controversial Cases, revised edition by Michael R. Panicola, David M. Belde, John Paul Slosar, and Mark F. Repenshek, and: On Moral Medicine: Theological Perspectives in Medical Ethics, third edition ed. by M. Therese Lysaught and Joseph J. Kotva Jr. with Stephen E. Lammers and Allen VerheyLindsey EsbensenReview of Health Care Ethics: Theological Foundations, Contemporary Issues, and Controversial Cases, (...)
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    Divan Şiirinde "Âb" Motifinin Methiye Unsuru Olarak Kullanımı: Hayretî'nin "Âb" Redifli Kasidesi.Belde Aka - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 13):423-423.
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    3d band structure of some transition elements.Ellinor F. Belding - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (46):1145-1148.
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    Intuitionistic negation.W. Russell Belding - 1971 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 12 (2):183-187.
  7.  17
    Batislam, H. Dilek . Divan Şiirinin Benzetme ve Hayal Dünyasından, Kesit Y.Belde Aka - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 15):707-707.
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    Alert! The pauper scholars are here!Robert E. Belding - 1977 - Educational Studies 8 (1):51-55.
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    A note on the intuitionist fan theorem.W. Russell Belding - 1970 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 11 (4):484-486.
  10.  20
    Induction on fields of binary relations.W. Russell Belding - 1972 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 13 (2):191-194.
  11.  35
    Incidence rings of pre-ordered sets.W. Russell Belding - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (4):481-509.
  12.  57
    Frequency of Home Numeracy Activities Is Differentially Related to Basic Number Processing and Calculation Skills in Kindergartners.Belde Mutaf Yıldız, Delphine Sasanguie, Bert De Smedt & Bert Reynvoet - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  13.  21
    Probing the Relationship Between Home Numeracy and Children's Mathematical Skills: A Systematic Review.Belde Mutaf-Yıldız, Delphine Sasanguie, Bert De Smedt & Bert Reynvoet - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  14. Can collective responsibility for perpetrated evil persist over generations?Ton Van Den Beld - 2002 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 5 (2):181-200.
    In the first part of the paper an argument is developed to the effect that (1) there is no moral ground for individual persons to feel responsible for or guilty about crimes of their group to which they have in no way contributed; and (2) since there is no irreducibly collective responsibility nor guilt at any time, there is no question of them persisting over time. In the second part it is argued that there is nevertheless sufficient reason for innocent (...)
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    Transitivity, supertransitivity and induction.W. Russell Belding, Richard L. Poss & Paul J. Welsh - 1972 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 13 (2):177-190.
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    Wat Heeft God Met De Moraal Te Maken? - What Has God To Do With Morality?De Goddelijke Gebodstheorie Van De Morele Verplichting - The Divine Command Theory Of Moral Obligation.A. Van Den Beld - 1997 - Bijdragen 58 (4):362-380.
    The article deals with the classical idea that God's will is the foundation of moral obligation. The particular theory should be understood as a theory of a certain moral practice. Therefore, its 'Sitz im Leben' is first invoked by means of an episode of Walter Scott's The Heart of Midlothian. Then a strong version of the theory is stated and defended against a couple of current and classical objections. A successful defense would give rational support to the theory, but it (...)
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    Filosofie van het menselijk handelen: een inleiding.A. van den Beld - 1982 - Assen: Van Gorcum.
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    A note on: "Transitivity, supertransitivity and induction".W. Russell Belding & Richard L. Poss - 1973 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 14 (4):565-566.
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    Moral Incapacities.Ton van den Beld - 1997 - Philosophy 72 (282):525-.
    There has been a time in my teaching career that I used to cite in my introductory classes ‘Moral Philosophy’ from Erica Jong's Fear of Flying . The situation leading up to the quote is that the main character, Isadora, is asked a sexual favour by her brother in law, Pierre. Her answer and the subsequent dialogue read then as follows: ‘I can't’ , I said. ‘Come on,’ Pierre said, ‘I'll teach you.’ ‘I didn't mean that … I meant that (...)
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  20.  28
    The Tablets of Ebla: Concordance and Bibliography.Vesna Davidović, Scott G. Beld, William W. Hallo, Piotr Michalowski & Vesna Davidovic - 1987 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 107 (2):330.
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    Humaniteit.A. Van den Beld - 1973 - Assen,: Gorcum.
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    Human Rights, Moral Obligations, and Divine Commands.Ton van den Beld - 2006 - Faith and Philosophy 23 (2):119-136.
  23.  17
    Niederländische Diskussionen über ethische Fragen der Gegenwart: Ein Bericht.A. Van Den Beld - 1971 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 15 (1):375-381.
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  24. The Morality System with and without God.Ton van den Beld - 2001 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 4 (4):383-399.
    What I set out to do is to cast some doubt on the thesis that, in Bernard Williams's words, any appeal to God in morality “either adds nothing at all, or it adds the wrong sort of thing”. A first conclusion is that a morality of real, inescapable and (sometimes) for the agent costly obligations, while being at home in a theistic metaphysic, does not sit easily with metaphysical, atheistic naturalism. The second conclusion is that Christine Korsgaard's impressive ethical project (...)
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  25. Masaryk a Korsgaardová o Bohu a morálním závazku: k morálnímu argumentu pro existenci Boha.Ton van den Beld - 2000 - Filosoficky Casopis 48:257-270.
    [Masaryk and Korsgaard on God and Moral Obligation: Toward a Moral Argument for the Existence of God].
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    Moral Responsibility and Ontology.A. Van den Beld (ed.) - 2000 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    This is the first book that pays systematic attention to ontological issues impinging on this question.
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    Over kierkegaards notie Van de suspensie Van het ethische.A. van den Beld - 1978 - Bijdragen 39 (4):424-439.
  28.  45
    Romeinen 7: 14–25 en het probleem Van de akrasía.A. Van Den Beld - 1985 - Bijdragen 46 (1):39-58.
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    Töten oder Sterbenlassengibt es einen Unterschied?Anton van den Beld - 1991 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 35 (1):60-71.
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    Humanity: the political and social philosophy of Thomas G. Masaryk.A. Van den Beld - 1976 - The Hague: Mouton.
    No detailed description available for "Humanity".
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    Abnormal grain growth in Ni-5at.%W.M. Witte, M. Belde, L. Barrales Mora, N. de Boer, S. Gilges, J. Klöwer & G. Gottstein - 2012 - Philosophical Magazine 92 (35):4398-4407.
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    Romans 7: 14-25 and the Problem of Akrasia.A. Van Den Beld & T. Van Den Beld - 1985 - Religious Studies 21 (4):495-515.
    Romans 7: 14 if. has traditionally been one of the most frequently discussed passages in the whole of the Pauline Corpus. Nevertheless, this pericope has attracted attention more because it is consistently regarded as a crucial part of Paul's theology, than because of its intrinsic exegetical problems. The main issue is whether the ‘split personality’ and the weakness of will should be regarded as essential to the life of the believing Christian; or, rather, as characteristic for those who are not (...)
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    Boekbesprekingen.J. T. A. G. M. van Ruiten, P. C. Beentjes, M. J. J. Menken, J. Lambrecht, Liuwe H. Westra, Peter van Veldhuijsen, A. van de Pavert, Jan Ambaum, Teije Brattinga, Arie L. Molendijk, A. H. C. van Eijk, H. M. Vos, A. van den Beld, Ephraim Meir, H. J. Adriaanse, Lourens Minnema & Jan van Lin - 1995 - Bijdragen 56 (2):212-235.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Robert R. Sherman, Robert E. Belding, John D. Pulliam, Clinton B. Allison, Jack K. Campbell, Llyod P. Williams, Paul T. Rosewell, Janice Ann Beran, Don K. Adams, Russell B. Vlaanderen, Trygve R. Tholfsen & Gene Jensen - 1976 - Educational Studies 7 (1):82-103.
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    Book Reviews Section 5.T. Barr Greenfield, Natalie A. Naylor, Clifford G. Erickson, Roy D. Bristow, Marjorie Holiman, Bruce M. Lutsk, Edward C. Nelson, Richard M. Schrader, Calvin B. Michael, Max Bailey, Robert E. Belding, Hank Prince, Gari Lesnoff-Caravaglia, Edgar B. Gumbert, Robert J. Nash, Robert R. Sherman, Philip G. Altbach, Edward F. Carr, Lawrence W. Byrnes & Robert Gallacher - 1972 - Educational Studies 3 (4):255-270.
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    John Hare, Why Bother Being Good? The Place of God in the Moral Life. Downers Grove 2002: InterVarsity Press. 216 pages. ISBN 0830826831. [REVIEW]T. van den Beld - 2005 - Philosophia Reformata 70 (2):174-175.
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  37. Moral Autonomy and Christian Faith. [REVIEW]Ton van den Beld - 2004 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 2.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Joe L. Green, Clinton B. Allison, Robert E. Belding, John R. Thelin, J. Theodore Klein, Robert M. Caldwell, Addie J. Butler, Sally H. Wertheim, Sandford W. Reitman, Jeffrey L. Lant, Hilda Calabro, George A. Male, Alan H. Jones & James J. Groark - 1976 - Educational Studies 7 (4):368-389.
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Brian J. Spittle, Samuel M. Vinocur, Virginia Underwood, Robert L. Leight, L. Glenn Smith, Harold M. Bergsma, Robert H. Graham, William M. Bart, George D. Dalin, Lyle S. Maynard, Fred Drewe, Theodore Hutchcroft, Francesco Cordasco, Frank Andrews Stone, Roy R. Nasstrom, Edward B. Goellner, Margaret Gillett, Robert E. Belding, Kenneth V. Lottich & Arden W. Holland - 1981 - Educational Studies 12 (4):431-459.
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  40. The character of consciousness.David John Chalmers - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    What is consciousness? How does the subjective character of consciousness fit into an objective world? How can there be a science of consciousness? In this sequel to his groundbreaking and controversial The Conscious Mind, David Chalmers develops a unified framework that addresses these questions and many others. Starting with a statement of the "hard problem" of consciousness, Chalmers builds a positive framework for the science of consciousness and a nonreductive vision of the metaphysics of consciousness. He replies to many (...)
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  41. Moral Realism and the Foundations of Ethics.David Owen Brink - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a systematic and constructive treatment of a number of traditional issues at the foundation of ethics, the possibility and nature of moral knowledge, the relationship between the moral point of view and a scientific or naturalistic world view, the nature of moral value and obligation, and the role of morality in a person's rational life plan. In striking contrast to many traditional authors and to other recent writers in the field, David Brink offers an integrated defense (...)
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  42.  94
    Utopophobia: On the Limits (If Any) of Political Philosophy.David M. Estlund - 2019 - Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    A leading political theorist’s groundbreaking defense of ideal conceptions of justice in political philosophy Throughout the history of political philosophy and politics, there has been continual debate about the roles of idealism versus realism. For contemporary political philosophy, this debate manifests in notions of ideal theory versus nonideal theory. Nonideal thinkers shift their focus from theorizing about full social justice, asking instead which feasible institutional and political changes would make a society more just. Ideal thinkers, on the other hand, question (...)
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  43. Reason Without Freedom: The Problem of Epistemic Normativity.David Owens - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    We call beliefs reasonable or unreasonable, justified or unjustified. What does this imply about belief? Does this imply that we are responsible for our beliefs and that we should be blamed for our unreasonable convictions? Or does it imply that we are in control of our beliefs and that what we believe is up to us? Reason Without Freedom argues that the major problems of epistemology have their roots in concerns about our control over and responsibility for belief. David (...)
  44. Materialism and the metaphysics of modality.David J. Chalmers - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (2):473-96.
    This appeared in Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59:473-93, as a response to four papers in a symposium on my book The Conscious Mind . Most of it should be comprehensible without having read the papers in question. This paper is for an audience of philosophers and so is relatively technical. It will probably also help to have read some of the book. The papers I’m responding to are: Chris Hill & Brian McLaughlin, There are fewer things in reality than are (...)
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  45. Hume's reason.David Owen - 1999 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book explores Hume's account of reason and its role in human understanding, seen in the context of other notable accounts by philosophers of the early modern period. David Owen offers new interpretations of many of Hume's most famous arguments about induction, belief, scepticism, the passions, and moral distinctions.
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    On Reasoning and Argument: Essays in Informal Logic and on Critical Thinking.David Hitchcock - 2017 - Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
    This book brings together in one place David Hitchcock’s most significant published articles on reasoning and argument. In seven new chapters he updates his thinking in the light of subsequent scholarship. Collectively, the papers articulate a distinctive position in the philosophy of argumentation. Among other things, the author:• develops an account of “material consequence” that permits evaluation of inferences without problematic postulation of unstated premises.• updates his recursive definition of argument that accommodates chaining and embedding of arguments and allows (...)
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  47. (1 other version)Panpsychism in the West.David Skrbina - 2005 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Bradford.
    In _Panpsychism in the West_, the first comprehensive study of the subject, David Skrbina argues for the importance of panpsychism -- the theory that mind exists, in some form, in all living and nonliving things -- in consideration of the nature of consciousness and mind. Despite the recent advances in our knowledge of the brain and the increasing intricacy and sophistication of philosophical discussion, the nature of mind remains an enigma. Panpsychism, with its conception of mind as a general (...)
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  48. Introduction to Critical Theory: Horkheimer to Habermas.David Held - 1980 - Polity.
    The writings of the Frankfurt school, in particular of Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse, and Jurgen Habermas, caught the imagination of the radical movements of the 1960s and 1970s and became a key element in the Marxism of the New Left. Partly due to their rise to prominence during the political turmoil of the 1960s, the work of these critical theorists has been the subject of continuing controversy in both political and academic circles. However, their ideas are frequently misunderstood. In this major (...)
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  49. Saint Foucault: towards a gay hagiography.David Halperin - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    "My work has had nothing to do with gay liberation," Michel Foucault reportedly told an admirer in 1975. And indeed there is scarcely more than a passing mention of homosexuality in Foucault's scholarly writings. So why has Foucault, who died of AIDS in 1984, become a powerful source of both personal and political inspiration to an entire generation of gay activists? And why have his political philosophy and his personal life recently come under such withering, normalizing scrutiny by commentators as (...)
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  50. The ethics of science: an introduction.David B. Resnik - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    During the past decade scientists, public policy analysts, politicians, and laypeople, have become increasingly aware of the importance of ethical conduct in scientific research. In this timely book, David B. Resnik introduces the reader to the ethical dilemmas and questions that arise in scientific research. Some of the issues addressed in the book include ethical decision-making, the goals and methods of science, and misconduct in science. The Ethics of Science also discusses significant case studies such as human and animal (...)
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