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David Grandy [22]David A. Grandy [4]
  1. Merleau-Ponty’s Visual Space and the Law of Large Numbers.David Grandy - 2006 - Studia Phaenomenologica 6:391-406.
    Maurice Merleau-Ponty argued that the seeing of things together (focal figure and background objects) accounted for the sense that things possess unseen depth: they are three-dimensional entities, not facades. I compare this idea to the law of large numbers. In both cases, single entities take on substance, depth, or meaning when assimilated into a large body of comparable instances. Thinking along these lines, Erwin Schrödinger proposed that living processes achieve order by virtue of the multiplicity of their constituent parts, any (...)
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    Light as a Solution to Puzzles AboutLight.David Grandy - 2002 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 33 (2):369-379.
    Light is puzzling in modern physics–witness wave-particle duality, the two-slit experiment, and the invariant speed of light. These puzzles are not intrinsic to light but arise from overly narrow views of light. Disregarding the expansive, unitary nature of light that informs everyday experience, modern physics treats light as if it were self-bounded and separable. Further, physics assumes that light is not complicit with observations of light, that the two are separable. By likening light to light-illuminated entities, these attitudes set the (...)
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  3. Magic, Mystery, and Science: The Occult in Western Civilization.Dan Burton & David Grandy - 2004 - Utopian Studies 15 (1):98-101.
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    Conceptual Nonlocality.David A. Grandy - 2007 - Cosmos and History : The Journal of Natural and Social Philosophy 3 (1):191-197.
    Nonlocality is a puzzling issue in modern physics. I propose that, aside from the experimental determination of nonlocality, the concept of atomistic lightmdash;discrete, self-bounded photonsmdash;breaks down toward something like nonlocality when subjected to philosophical scrutiny. Louis de Broglie made a similar argument regarding the material atom: the concept of the classical atom, when interrogated, collapses upon itself to offer a glimpse of wave-particle duality. Light atoms or photons, I argue, similarly collapse toward the contradictory possibility of nonlocality.
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    Everyday Quantum Reality.David Grandy - 2010 - Indiana University Press.
    Most people have heard about quantum physics and its remarkable, well-nigh bizarre claims. And most people would assume that quantum reality describes a world quite different from ours. In this book, David A. Grandy shows that one can find quantum puzzles, or variations thereof, in the backyard of everyday experience. What disappears in transferring quantum theory to the everyday is the theory's mathematical formalism, but that need not imply a loss of analytic rigor. If quantum reality is truly as elemental (...)
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    Finding Light.David Grandy - 2015 - Philosophy East and West 65 (4):1194-1208.
    Parts of the natural sciences have been deepened to the point where evidence can be brought to bear in a controlled way on problems classified as metaphysical. According to Elizabeth Napper, śūnyatā inheres in “the utter unfindability of objects” owing to their intrinsic emptiness: “If things existed in the palpable, independent way we imagine them to, they would have to be such that they could be found when sought—but they cannot.” She further notes that when objects are subjected to meditative (...)
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    Gibson's ambient light and light speed constancy.David Grandy - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (4):1-16.
    Special relativity insists that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant for all inertial observers. This is often said to be counterintuitive: why should light alone, among all things in the world, return the same speed value to all inertial observers, regardless of their different states of motion? I argue that this question or puzzle arises because physics misconstrues light by characterizing it as a freestanding phenomenon. As James Gibson insisted, and as any analysis of the visual experience (...)
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    Goethe on Color and Light.David Grandy - 2005 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 17 (1-2):26-44.
    Thiis essay explores Johann Wolfgang von Goethe*s reaction to Newtonian science and its quantification of nature. In particular, Goethe insisted that Newton's mechanistic portrayal of light and color was but a partial account of their reality. Broadening the understandings upon which science is practiced, Goethe developed ideas that presuppose mind-world intimacy and the consequent need to acknowledge the limited utility of mathematical modeling and theory construction. Such an approach values human subjectivity and sees it as partly constitutive of nature. While (...)
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    Light as an Absolute in Science and Religion.David A. Grandy - 2000 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 12 (1-2):159-177.
    In Einstein's theory of relativity, the speed of light is deemed an absolute value because it is indifferent to the motion of material bodies. Nothing we do can "take a bite" out of its measured velocity of 186,000 miles per second: it is an irreducible quantity. Similarly, our minds cannot race ahead quickly enough to reduce or convert light to everyday understandings. Indeed, modem physics portrays light as having an infinite aspect. Leading to talk of the spaceless, timeless character of (...)
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    Of Logos, Wonder and Morning Understanding.David Grandy - 1996 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (1-2):168-175.
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    (1 other version)Quantum uncertainty, quantum play, quantum sorrow.David A. Grandy - 2008 - Cosmos and History 4 (1-2):202-210.
    I argue that intrinsic quantum uncertainty informs the elemental life experiences of random play and compassionate sorrow. These experiences, like Niels Bohr’s quantum ontology, point toward unscripted novelty, fresh variation, and far-flung sympathetic interconnections. And in doing this, they allow the inner and outer feeling experiences to grow back together. As we feel the world sensibly—that is, touch it with our sense organs—it touches back in a way that engenders feeling-laden or sympathetic understanding.
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    Science, Divine Providence and Human Choice.David Grandy - 2015 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 27 (1-2):126-139.
    We often suppose that science forces our hand when it comes to theological options. Thus, in the twentieth century, some argued that Darwinian biology rules out the possibility of a loving, caring God, and that quantum mechanics, by disclosing the intrinsic chanciness of nature, problematizes the traditional Christian belief of God’s providential involvement in our lives. Yet science underdetermines religious belief--the so-called scientific evidence is insufficient to rule out belief in divine providence. If we choose not to believe in such, (...)
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    Sunyata in the West.David Grandy - unknown
    I argue that sunyata, or something like it, manifested itself in early Western thought. While Plato and Aristotle resisted emptiness or nothingness, they nevertheless felt themselves obliged to venture close to its edge in order to ground their explanations of changing reality to unchanging principles. These principles embody much of the indeterminancy long associated with the Mahayana understanding of sunyata. Although their function was to enable lasting explanations of reality by putting change out of play, they themselves shade off toward (...)
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    The Musical Roots of Western Mathematics.David Grandy - 1993 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 5 (1-2):3-24.
    Alfred North Whtiehead stated that mathematics and music compete with each other for the honor of being the most novel achievement of the human imagination. Actually, there is no rivalry or competition, for the two enterprises interpenetrate once the investigation is pursued far enough. Though on opposite ends of the science-humanities spectrum, each discipline points toward the other and elicits the same sort of reverential puzzlement. This essay considers the seminal interconnection between music and mathematics and concludes that this unexpected (...)
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    The Voice of the Martians. George Marx.David Grandy - 1998 - Isis 89 (4):761-761.
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    Dennett, Daniel C. Sweet Dreams: Philosophical Obstacles to a Science of Consciousness. [REVIEW]David Grandy - 2006 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 18 (1-2):195-197.
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    Ferguson, Kitty. The Fire in the Equations: Science, Religion and the Search for God. [REVIEW]David Grandy - 1999 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 11 (1-2):190-192.
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    Hanford, Jack T. Bioethics From a Faith Perspective. [REVIEW]David Grandy - 2003 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 15 (1-2):197-198.
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    Kramer, Lawrence. Why Classical Music Still Matters. [REVIEW]David Grandy - 2010 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 22 (1-2):199-201.
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    Kurek, Michael. The Sound of Beauty: A Classical Composer on Music in the Spiritual Life. [REVIEW]David Grandy - 2021 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 33 (1-2):184-186.
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    Sabella, Jeremy L. An American Conscience: The Reinhold Niebuhr Story. [REVIEW]David Grandy - 2020 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 32 (1-2):212-213.
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    Sharpe, Kevin J. David Bohm's World: New Physics and New Religion. [REVIEW]David Grandy - 1995 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 7 (1-2):198-200.
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    Thinking about Science: Max Delbruck and the Origins of Molecular Biology by Ernst Peter Fischer; Carol Lipson. [REVIEW]David Grandy - 1993 - Isis 84:173-174.
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    The Future of Information Technology. [REVIEW]David Grandy - 2013 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 25 (1-2):161-176.
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    Yanofsky, Noson S. The Outer Limits of Reason: What Science, Mathematics and Logic Cannot Tell Us. [REVIEW]David Grandy - 2016 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 28 (1-2):198-200.
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