Results for 'David Levi'

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  1. Visual crowding: a fundamental limit on conscious perception and object recognition.David Whitney & Dennis M. Levi - 2011 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 15 (4):160-168.
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    La Philosophie d'Auguste Comte.David Irons & L. Levy-Bruhl - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9 (5):563.
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    Neuronal homeostasis and rem sleep.David Horn, Nir Levy & Eytan Ruppin - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 18--436.
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    The Battles in Seattle.David Olson & Margaret Levi - 2000 - Politics and Society 28 (3):309-329.
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    Union Democracy Reexamined.Devin Kelly, Jon Agnone, David Olson & Margaret Levi - 2009 - Politics and Society 37 (2):203-228.
    Trade union leaders serve dual, seemingly contradictory roles. They must command militant organizations in conflicts with employers. Simultaneously, they must be accountable and democratically responsive to their members. Few unions possess the institutions or leadership to accomplish both. This article analyzes the practices of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, in which effective contract negotiation and an informed, active rank-and-file democracy are mutually supportive. We offer an alternative to standard accounts of union democracy. While the claims are based on a (...)
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  6. Statistical Evidence, Sensitivity, and the Legal Value of Knowledge.David Enoch, Levi Spectre & Talia Fisher - 2012 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 40 (3):197-224.
    The law views with suspicion statistical evidence, even evidence that is probabilistically on a par with direct, individual evidence that the law is in no way suspicious of. But it has proved remarkably hard to either justify this suspicion, or to debunk it. In this paper, we connect the discussion of statistical evidence to broader epistemological discussions of similar phenomena. We highlight Sensitivity – the requirement that a belief be counterfactually sensitive to the truth in a specific way – as (...)
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  7. There is no such thing as doxastic wrongdoing.David Enoch & Levi Spectre - forthcoming - Philosophical Perspectives.
    People are often offended by beliefs, expect apologies for beliefs, apologize for their own beliefs. In many mundane cases, people are morally criticized for their beliefs. Intuitively, then, beliefs seem to sometimes wrong people. Recently, the philosophical literature has picked up on this theme, and has started to discuss it under the heading of doxastic wrongdoing. In this paper we argue that despite the strength of such initial intuitions, at the end of the day they have to be rejected. If (...)
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  8. Statistical resentment, or: what’s wrong with acting, blaming, and believing on the basis of statistics alone.David Enoch & Levi Spectre - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):5687-5718.
    Statistical evidence—say, that 95% of your co-workers badmouth each other—can never render resenting your colleague appropriate, in the way that other evidence (say, the testimony of a reliable friend) can. The problem of statistical resentment is to explain why. We put the problem of statistical resentment in several wider contexts: The context of the problem of statistical evidence in legal theory; the epistemological context—with problems like the lottery paradox for knowledge, epistemic impurism and doxastic wrongdoing; and the context of a (...)
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  9. Sensitivity, safety, and the law: A reply to Pardo.David Enoch & Levi Spectre - 2019 - Legal Theory 25 (3):178-199.
    ABSTRACTIn a recent paper, Michael Pardo argues that the epistemic property that is legally relevant is the one called Safety, rather than Sensitivity. In the process, he argues against our Sensitivity-related account of statistical evidence. Here we revisit these issues, partly in order to respond to Pardo, and partly in order to make general claims about legal epistemology. We clarify our account, we show how it adequately deals with counterexamples and other worries, we raise suspicions about Safety's value here, and (...)
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  10. Does legal epistemology rest on a mistake? On fetishism, two‐tier system design, and conscientious fact‐finding.David Enoch, Talia Fisher & Levi Spectre - 2021 - Philosophical Issues 31 (1):85-103.
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    David Hume's Invisible Hand in The Wealth of Nations : The Public Choice of Moral Information.David Levy - 1985 - Hume Studies 1985 (1):110-149.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:110 DAVID HUME'S INVISIBLE HAND IN THE WEALTH OF NATIONS THE PUBLIC CHOICE OF MORAL INFORMATION Introduction The thesis I shall defend is that there are systematic aspects of Adam Smith's economics which make little sense when read in isolation from a literature in which David Hume provides the signal contributions. Consequently, parts of Hume's own work are stripped of meaning, isolated as they are from later (...)
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    The Contested Politics of Corporate Governance.David Levy - 2010 - Business and Society 49 (1):88-115.
    The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) has successfully become institutionalized as the preeminent global framework for voluntary corporate environmental and social reporting. Its success can be attributed to the “institutional entrepreneurs” who analyzed the reporting field and deployed discursive, material, and organizational strategies to change it. GRI has, however, fallen short of the aspirations of its founders to use disclosure to empower nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). The authors argue that its trajectory reflects the power relations between members of the field, their strategic (...)
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  13. David Hume. Œuvres philosophiques choisies.Maxime David & L. Lévy-Bruhl - 1912 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 20 (3):6-7.
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  14. Sympathy and approbation in Hume and Smith: A solution to the other rational species problem.David M. Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 2004 - Economics and Philosophy 20 (2):331-349.
    David Hume's sympathetic principle applies to physical equals. In his account, we sympathize with those like us. By contrast, Adam Smith's sympathetic principle induces equality. We consider Hume's “other rational species” problem to see whether Smith's wider sympathetic principle would alter Hume's conclusion that “superior” beings will enslave “inferior” beings. We show that Smith introduces the notion of “generosity,” which functions as if it were Hume's justice even when there is no possibility of contract.
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  15. Escape from Democracy: The Role Of Experts And The Public In Economic Policy.David M. Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 2017
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  16. Bishop Berkeley Exorcises the Infinite: Fuzzy Consequences of Strict Finitism.David M. Levy - 1992 - Hume Studies 18 (2):511-536.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Bishop Berkeley Exorcises the Infinite: Fuzzy Consequences of Strict Finitism1 David M. Levy Introduction It all began simply enough when Molyneux asked the wonderful question whether a person born blind, now able to see, would recognize by sight what he knew by touch (Davis 1960). After George Berkeley elaborated an answer, that we learn to perceive by heuristics, the foundations ofcontemporarymathematics wereinruin. Contemporary mathematicians waved their hands and (...)
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    A Gentle Ethical Defence of Homeopathy.David Levy, Ben Gadd, Ian Kerridge & Paul A. Komesaroff - 2015 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 12 (2):203-209.
    Recent discourses about the legitimacy of homeopathy have focused on its scientific plausibility, mechanism of action, and evidence base. These, frequently, conclude not only that homeopathy is scientifically baseless, but that it is “unethical.” They have also diminished patients’ perspectives, values, and preferences. We contend that these critics confuse epistemic questions with questions of ethics, misconstrue the moral status of homeopaths, and have an impoverished idea of ethics—one that fails to account either for the moral worth of care and of (...)
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    When open data is a Trojan Horse: The weaponization of transparency in science and governance.David Merritt Johns & Karen E. C. Levy - 2016 - Big Data and Society 3 (1).
    Openness and transparency are becoming hallmarks of responsible data practice in science and governance. Concerns about data falsification, erroneous analysis, and misleading presentation of research results have recently strengthened the call for new procedures that ensure public accountability for data-driven decisions. Though we generally count ourselves in favor of increased transparency in data practice, this Commentary highlights a caveat. We suggest that legislative efforts that invoke the language of data transparency can sometimes function as “Trojan Horses” through which other political (...)
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  19. "Magic Buffalo" and Berkeley's Theory of Vision: Learning in Society.David M. Levy - 1993 - Hume Studies 19 (1):223-226.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Magic Buffalo" and Berkeley's Theory ofVision: Learning in Society David M. Levy Introduction Berkeley's Theory of Vision contains the remarkable claim that the perception ofdistance is learned by experience. This thesis is rooted in Berkeley's doctrine that the physical basic of optical perception is angular. An impression of angle? impacts upon the optic nerve. The interpretative problem confronting an individual is that of reconstructing two pieces ofinformation, distance (...)
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    Wily Elites and Spirited Peoples in Machiavelli’s Republicanism.David N. Levy - 2014 - Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
    In this book, author David N. Levy uses Machiavelli’s conflict between the elite and the people as the lens through which to understand the other major features of his republicanism. Through analyzing his Discourses on Livy, Levy shows that Machiavelli’s principles can provide support for, and constructive criticism of, modern liberal democracy.
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    Political Order: Philosophical Anthropology, Modernity, and the Challenge of Ideology.David J. Levy - 1987 - Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press.
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    Essays in the philosophy and history of science.David B. Levy - 2020 - [New York?]: [David B. Levy].
    Essays on the History and Philosophy of Science by David B. Levy.
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    Mindful tech: how to bring balance to our digital lives.David M. Levy - 2016 - New Haven: Yale University Press.
    From email to smart phones, and from social media to Google searches, digital technologies have transformed the way we learn, entertain ourselves, socialize, and work. Despite their usefulness, these technologies have often led to information overload, stress, and distraction. David M. Levy, who has lived his life between the "fast world" of high tech and the "slow world" of contemplation, offers a welcome guide to being more relaxed, attentive, and emotionally balanced while online. In a series of exercises carefully (...)
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    Utility-Enhancing Consumption Constraints.David Levy - 1988 - Economics and Philosophy 4 (1):69.
    The Greek poets and philosophers, united in a belief that men and women perceive the world around them very poorly, for this reason describe much of human behavior as fumbling for happiness in the dark. By contrast, perception failure is anathema to the modern tradition, as even the most innocent sort plays havoc with modern preference axioms.
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    The Impossibility of a Complete Methodological Individualist: Reduction When Knowledge Is Imperfect.David M. Levy - 1985 - Economics and Philosophy 1 (1):101-108.
    F. A. Hayek is uniquely responsible for his fellow economists grasping the importance of the decentralization of knowledge: as Hayek shows in his pathbreaking “The Use of Knowledge in Society,” knowledge nowhere exists as a coherent whole and to pretend otherwise is a most serious error. Hayek also shares responsibility for the popularity of a strong form of the methodological individualist research program which asserts that since collectives as such have no impact on the choices of individuals, investigators ought to (...)
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  26. Socrates vs. Callicles: examination & ridicule in Plato’s Gorgias.David Levy - 2013 - Plato Journal 13:27-36.
    The Callicles colloquy of Plato’s Gorgias features both examination and ridicule. Insofar as Socrates’ examination of Callicles proceeds via the elenchus, the presence of ridicule requires explanation. This essay seeks to provide that explanation by placing the effort to ridicule within the effort to examine; that is, the judgment/pronouncement that something/ someone is worthy of ridicule is a proper part of the elenchic examination. Standard accounts of the Socratic elenchus do not include this component. Hence, the argument of this essay (...)
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    Eros and socratic political philosophy.David Levy - 2013 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Eros and Socratic Political Philosophy offers a new account of Plato's view of eros, or romantic love, by focusing on a question which has vexed many scholars: why does Plato's Socrates praise eros highly on some occasions but also criticize it harshly on others? Through detailed analyses of Plato's Republic, Phaedrus, and Symposium, Levy shows how, despite the apparent tensions between Socrates' statements about eros in each dialogue, these statements supplement each other well and serve to clarify Socrates' understanding of (...)
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    Socrates’ Self-Knowledge.David Levy - 2018 - In Paul J. Diduch & Michael P. Harding, Socrates in the Cave: On the Philosopher’s Motive in Plato. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 77-106.
    Focusing mainly on Plato’s Phaedrus, Levy intends to reflect on the way Socrates characterizes his philosophizing in contrast to the intellectual activity of the sophists. Levy’s chapter takes up specifically the question of the character of the self-knowledge Socrates is seeking, why talking to others contributes to his self-knowledge, why Socrates is interested in and respectful of eros, and the character of Socrates’ interest in educating others.
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  29. "i Paid For This Microphone!" The Importance Of Shareholder Theory In Business Ethics.David Levy & Mark Mitschow - 2009 - Libertarian Papers 1:25.
    Two prominent normative theories of business ethics are stakeholder and shareholder theory. Business ethicists generally favor the former, while business people prefer the latter. If the purpose of business ethics is “to produce a set of ethical principles that can be both expressed in language accessible to and conveniently applied by an ordinary business person” , then it is important to examine this dichotomy.While superficially attractive, the normative version of stakeholder theory contains numerous limitations. Since balancing multiple stakeholder preferences is (...)
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    Statistical Evidence, Sensitivity, and the Legal Value of Knowledge.Levi Spectre David Enoch - 2012 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 40 (3):197-224.
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    Abstract deixis.David Mcneill, Justine Cassell & Elena T. Levy - 1993 - Semiotica 95 (1-2):5-20.
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    Oxford Guide to Low Intensity Cbt Interventions.James Bennett-Levy, David Richards, Paul Farrand, Helen Christensen, Kathy Griffiths, David Kavanagh, Britt Klein, Mark A. Lau, Judy Proudfoot, Lee Ritterband, Jim White & Chris Williams (eds.) - 2010 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Mental disorders such as depression and anxiety are increasingly common. Yet there are too few specialists to offer help to everyone, and negative attitudes to psychological problems and their treatment discourage people from seeking it. As a result, many people never receive help for these problems. The Oxford Guide to Low Intensity CBT Interventions marks a turning point in the delivery of psychological treatments for people with depression and anxiety. Until recently, the only form of psychological intervention available for patients (...)
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    Oxford Guide to Behavioural Experiments in Cognitive Therapy.James Bennett-Levy, Gillian Butler, Melanie Fennell, Ann Hackmann, Martina Mueller & David Westbrook (eds.) - 2004 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Behavioural experiments are one of the central and most powerful methods of intervention in cognitive therapy. Yet until now, there has been no volume specifically dedicated to guiding physicians who wish to design and implement behavioural experiments across a wide range of clinical problems.The Oxford Guide to Behavioural Experiments in Cognitive Therapy fills this gap. It is written by clinicians for clinicians. It is a practical, easy to read handbook, which is relevant for practising clinicians at every level, from trainees (...)
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  34. Technē and the Problem of Socratic Philosophy in the Gorgias.David Levy - 2005 - Apeiron 38 (4):185-228.
    In Plato’s Gorgias, Socrates argues that philosophy is superior to rhetoric in part because the former is a techne while the latter is not. I argue that the Socratic practice of philosophy within this dialogue fails to qualify as a techne for exactly the same reasons that rhetoric fails to qualify as a techne. In doing so, I introduce a new kind of Socratic ignorance: methodological ignorance. I reject both Charles Kahn’s account of the relationship between the dialogue’s dramatic and (...)
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    The Measure of Man: Incursions in Philosophical and Political Anthropology.David J. Levy - 1993
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    Transfer of differential eyelid conditioning through successive discriminations.David A. Grant, C. Michael Levy, Johanna Thompson, Craig W. Hickok & Dennis C. Bunde - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 75 (2):246.
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    Adam Smith and the state! Language and reform.David M. Levy & Sandra I. Peart - 2013 - In Christopher J. Berry, Maria Pia Paganelli & Craig Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Adam Smith. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 372.
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    Adam Smith's "Natural Law" and Contractual Society.David Levy - 1978 - Journal of the History of Ideas 39 (4):665.
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    Between Jerusalem and Athens: Israeli Theatre and the Classical Tradition by Nurit Yaari.David B. Levy - 2019 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (1):109-110.
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  40. Constraining the Choice Set: Lessons from the Software Revolution.David Levy - 1985 - Reason Papers 10:77-88.
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    Cyrus the Great: Life and Lore ed. by M. Rahim Shayegan.David B. Levy - 2020 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 113 (4):495-496.
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    Documents and the search for stable ground.David M. Levy - 2003 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 14 (1):6-11.
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    Different predictors of memory scanning with unidimensional and digit stimuli.Robert M. Levy, David M. Goldberg & John C. Schmid - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (5):331-334.
  44. Herbert Croly of the New Republic: The Life and Thought of an American Progressive.David W. Levy - 1986 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 22 (3):343-349.
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    Hans Jonas: The Integrity of Thinking.David J. Levy - 2002 - University of Missouri.
    " "Unlike the scattered works, anthologies, and essays that are currently available, Hans Jonas: The Integrity of Thinking provides a much-needed single, coherent overview of the various fields to which Jonas's attention was drawn, bringing ...
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    Hanson's salvation by gambling.David M. Levy - 1995 - Social Epistemology 9 (1):39 – 40.
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    Information, silence, and sanctuary.David M. Levy - 2007 - Ethics and Information Technology 9 (4):233-236.
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    James Buchanan and the Return to an Economics of Natural Equals.David M. Levy & Sandra J. Peart - 2018 - In Richard E. Wagner, James M. Buchanan: A Theorist of Political Economy and Social Philosophy. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 693-712.
    James Buchanan often argued that fairness is an obligation toward our equals. If Adam Smith is our equal, then we are under obligation to try to understand him. We see this in Buchanan’s attempts to reformat political economy on the basis of natural equals, a world in which Smith’s street porter does indeed have the same capacity as the philosopher. This shows in Buchanan’s excitement over increasing returns models as well as John Rawls’ Theory of Justice both of which he (...)
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    Liberalism, politics and anti‐politics.David J. Levy - 1989 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 3 (2):336-347.
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  50. Moral Authority and Wrongdoing.David Levy - 2010 - Philosophical Topics 38 (1):107-122.
    I discuss a remark made by Gitta Sereny about Treblinka Kommandant Franz Stangl that questions the role and scope of moral authority, viz. “I don’t know now at which point one human being can make the moral decision for another that he should have the courage to risk death.” I provide an illustrative elaboration from her remark of a role for moral authority and a limit on its scope. First, I use the idea of supererogation to introduce the idea and (...)
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