Results for 'David Trend'

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  1.  28
    Cybering Democracy: Public Space and the Internet (review).David Trend - 2004 - Symploke 12 (1):308-309.
  2.  13
    Trends in College Spending: Where Does the Money Come From? Where Does it Go? A Report of the Delta Cost Project.David Palfreyman - 2011 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 15 (4):138-139.
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    Diachronic trends in the topic distributions of formal epistemology abstracts.David Kinney - 2022 - Synthese 200 (1):1-34.
    Formal epistemology is a growing field of philosophical research. It is also evolving, with the subject matter of formal epistemology papers changing considerably over the past two decades. To quantify the ways in which formal epistemology is changing, I generate a stochastic block topic model of the abstracts of papers classified by as pertaining to formal epistemology. This model identifies fourteen salient topics of formal epistemology abstracts at a first level of abstraction, and four topics at a second level (...)
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    Population trends in Palestine.David V. Glass - 1946 - The Eugenics Review 38 (2):79.
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    Current notes on population trends in the British Empire.David V. Glass - 1945 - The Eugenics Review 37 (2):65.
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    The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of the Vienna Circle by David Edmonds.David Herman - 2022 - Philosophy and Literature 46 (1):248-250.
    The main title and subtitle of this well-researched, lucidly written, and engaging book reflect the author's double-sided approach. On the one hand, David Edmonds uses individual life stories as a route of access to key philosophical, political, and sociocultural issues and trends in the first half of the twentieth century. On the other hand, in chronicling the broader history of the origins, aims, and legacy of the Vienna Circle, he shows how individual lives were caught up in—and shaped by—the (...)
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    Trends in the perceived complexity of primary health care: a secondary analysis.David Katerndahl, Michael Parchman & Robert Wood - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (5):1002-1008.
  8.  30
    (1 other version)Current trends in soviet logic.David Dinsmore Comey - 1966 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 9 (1-4):94 – 108.
    A survey of the outstanding developments in Soviet philosophical logic shows that the formal and dialectical logicians have resolved most of the issues that divided them in the early 1950s. In orientation they are both converging on the avant-garde of English-speaking logicians who regard formalization as irrelevant for solving the essential problems of philosophical logic. Soviet dialecticians consider their logic to be a rapprochement with epistemology that will result in a logic that is concerned with the content and genetic development (...)
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  9. Reason Without Freedom: The Problem of Epistemic Normativity.David Owens - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    We call beliefs reasonable or unreasonable, justified or unjustified. What does this imply about belief? Does this imply that we are responsible for our beliefs and that we should be blamed for our unreasonable convictions? Or does it imply that we are in control of our beliefs and that what we believe is up to us? Reason Without Freedom argues that the major problems of epistemology have their roots in concerns about our control over and responsibility for belief. David (...)
  10.  19
    Pascal, new trends in Port Royal Studies: actes du 33e congrès annuel de la North American Society for Seventeenth Century French Literature.David Wetsel, Frédéric Canovas, Philippe Sellier & Pierre Force (eds.) - 2002 - Tübingen: Narr.
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  11. Causation: Empirical Trends and Future Directions.David Rose & David Danks - 2012 - Philosophy Compass 7 (9):643-653.
    Empirical research has recently emerged as a key method for understanding the nature of causation, and our concept of causation. One thread of research aims to test intuitions about the nature of causation in a variety of classic cases. These experiments have principally been used to try to resolve certain debates within analytic philosophy, most notably that between proponents of transference and dependence views of causation. The other major thread of empirical research on our concept of causation has investigated the (...)
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    Justice, Non-Human Animals, and the Methodology of Political Philosophy.David Plunkett - 2016 - Jurisprudence 7 (1):1-29.
    One important trend in political philosophy is to hold that non-human animals don't directly place demands of justice on us. Another important trend is to give considerations of justice normative priority in our general normative theorising about social/political institutions. This situation is problematic, given the actual ethical standing of non-human animals. Either we need a theory of justice that gives facts about non-human animals a non-derivative explanatory role in the determination of facts about what justice involves, or else (...)
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  13.  45
    Trends in the functional morphology and sensorimotor control of feeding behavior in salamanders: An example of the role of internal dynamics in evolution.Gerhard Roth & David B. Wake - 1985 - Acta Biotheoretica 34 (2-4):175-191.
    Organisms are self-producing and self-maintaining, or autopoietic systems. Therefore, the course of evolution and adaptation of an organism is strongly determined by its own internal properties, whatever role external selection may play. The internal properties may either act as constraints that preclude certain changes or they open new pathways: the organism canalizes its own evolution. As an example the evolution of feeding mechanisms in salamanders, especially in the lungless salamanders of the family Plethodontidae, is discussed. In this family a large (...)
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  14. Some Aspects of Market Socialism: A Dialogue with David Schweickart.David Schweickart - 2005 - Foreign Theoretical Trends 1 (2005):18-22.
    Some Aspects of Market Socialism: A Dialogue with David Schweickart.
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  15. Current trends in psychological theory.Wayne Dennis, Robert Leeper, Harry F. Harlow, James J. Gibson, David Krech, David McK Rioch, W. S. McCulloch & Herbert Feigl - 1951 - University of Pittsburgh Press.
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  16.  32
    Classification in Mathematics and Biology: Some Recent Trends. [REVIEW]David Reed - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (1):59-66.
  17.  28
    On Defining a Jewish Stance toward Newtonianism: Eliakim ben Abraham Hart's Wars of the Lord.David Ruderman - 1997 - Science in Context 10 (4):677-691.
    The ArgumentThe article studies a small Hebrew book called “The Wars of God” composed by an Anglo-Jewish jeweler who lived in London at the end of the eighteenth century. The book is interesting in further documenting the Jewish response to Newtonianism, that amalgam of scientific, political, and religious ideas that pervaded the culture of England and the Continent throughout the century. Hart, while presenting Newton in a favorable light, departs from other Jewish Newtonians in voicing certain reservations about Newton's alleged (...)
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    Religion and Nothingness.David Edward Shaner - 1987 - Philosophy East and West 37 (4):458-462.
    In _Religion and Nothingness_ the leading representative of the Kyoto School of Philosophy lays the foundation of thought for a world in the making, for a world united beyond the differences of East and West. Keiji Nishitani notes the irreversible trend of Western civilization to nihilism, and singles out the conquest of nihilism as _the_ task for contemporary philosophy. Nihility, or relative nothingness, can only be overcome by being radicalized to Emptiness, or absolute nothingness. Taking absolute nothingness as the (...)
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  19.  17
    Purpose and Cognition: Edward Tolman and the Transformation of American Psychology.David W. Carroll - 2017 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book discusses the development of Edward Tolman's purposive behaviourism from the 1920s to the 1950s, highlighting the tension between his references to cognitive processes and the dominant behaviourist trends. It shows how Tolman incorporated concepts from European scholars, including Egon Brunswik and the Gestalt psychologists, to justify a more purposive form of behaviourism and how the theory evolved in response to the criticisms of his contemporaries. The manuscript also discusses Tolman's political activities, culminating in his role in the California (...)
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    Hume and Humeans on Practical Reason.David Phillips - 2005 - Hume Studies 31 (2):347-378.
    Hume and contemporary “Humeans” have had prominent roles in reinvigorating the study of practical reason as a topic in its own right. I introduce a distinction between two divergent trends in the literature on Hume and practical reason. One trend, action-theoretic Humeanism, primarily concerns itself with defending a general account of reasons for acting, often one supposed to establish that moral reasons lack the categorical status the moral rationalist requires them to possess. The other trend, virtue-theoretic Humeanism, concentrates (...)
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    Perspectives on Brenner.David Laibman - 1999 - Historical Materialism 4 (1):105-108.
    There is a new trend among academically trained philosophers and political theorists to address issues in political economy that were formerly the preserve of Marxist economists.
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  22. Hacking’s Experimental Realism.David B. Resnik - 1994 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 24 (3):395-411.
    Traditional debates about scientific realism tend to focus on issues concerning scientific representation and de-emphasize issues concerning scientific intervention. Questions about the relation between theories and the world, the nature of scientific inference, and the structure of scientific explanations have occupied a central place in the realism debate, while questions about experimentation and technology have not. Ian Hacking's experimental realism attempts to reverse this trend by shifting the defense of realism away from representation to intervention. Experimental realism, according to (...)
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  23.  17
    The identity myth: why we need to embrace our differences to beat inequality.David Swift - 2022 - London: Constable.
    In A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy, Karl Marx outlined his idea of a material 'base' and politico-cultural 'superstructure'. According to this formula, a material reality - wealth, income, occupation - determined your politics, leisure habits, tastes, and how you made sense of the world. Today, the importance of material deprivation, in terms of threats to life, health and prosperity, are as acute as ever. Despite the continued importance of inequality and disadvantage, the identities apparently generated by these (...)
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  24.  14
    Reader in archaeological theory: post-processual and cognitive approaches.David S. Whitley (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    In recent years, the discipline of archaeology has witnessed its scientific base challenged by new interpretive approaches, new kinds of data and proposals for new levels of social relevance. The Reader in Archaeological Theory comprises a summary perspective on these different trends, problems and currents in recent archaeological method and theory, how they are related, and how they differ. Remarkable in its emphasis on North American research, many of the papers in this volume focus on ancient Mesoameria and the native (...)
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    On the Nose.David F. Bell - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):231-236.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:On the NoseDavid F. Bell (bio)I recently underwent a COVID test. As the technician inserted the rather ominous cotton-tipped probe into my nostril, she told me that it was going to feel as if she were tickling my brain. Indeed… This experience, shared by many during the past three years, and likely multiple times, prompted me to think about my nose. Not since cocaine reentered American mainstream culture in (...)
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  26. Against Illiberalism: a critique of illiberal trends in liberal institutions, with a focus on neoracist ideology in Unitarian Universalism.David Cycleback - 2022 - Fifth Principle Project.
    This text examines recent illiberal trends in traditionally liberal institutions. Specifically, it critiques radical “anti-racism” approaches based on critical race theory (CRT) and the ideas of academics such as Ibram X. Kendi and Robin DiAngelo. It also focuses on Unitarian Universalism, a historically liberal church whose national leadership has adopted an extreme version of critical race theory. -/- Racial and other inequities are problems in all societies and all of human history, and there are no simple, easy or objectively correct (...)
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    Changes and Trends in World Christianity.Sang-Bok David Kim - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (4):257-266.
    The centre of world Christianity has shifted to the southern hemisphere largely due to the growth of the Evangelical/pentecostal/charismatic churches in Africa, Latin America and Asia. Christian unity is understood more in terms of spiritual unity in Christ than as organizational unity. The Lausanne Congress held in 2010 is a good example of this. Christian unity is to be recognized and celebrated. The primary mission of the Church is to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus. As far as (...)
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  28.  31
    How to Encourage Reading and Learning in the College Classroom.David Sackris - 2020 - Teaching Philosophy 43 (1):71-92.
    In this article I argue that the best way to ensure that students engage with assigned reading is by having open-ended questions that require textual interpretation to accompany every class session. Although this runs contrary to a recent trend of using multiple-choice questions or true/false questions to ensure reading compliance, using questions that require written responses has four key benefits: (1) such questions result in 75 percent of students completing the assigned reading; this leads to more successful class discussions, (...)
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    Music, spirituality, and education.David Carr - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (1):16-29.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Music, Spirituality, and EducationDavid Carr (bio)Recent Interest in Spiritual EducationFew concerned with educational theory and policy could have failed to notice the recent upsurge of interest—not least in such economically developed democracies as the United Kingdom and the United States—in the notion of spiritual development as a possible aim or goal of public or common schooling. Indeed, in addition to the enormous growth of academic literature on this topic—including (...)
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    Are integrationists sceptics?David Eisenschitz - 2018 - Empedocles: European Journal for the Philosophy of Communication 9 (2):201-217.
    Integrationism advocates a radical epistemological reform in semiological theory. It is a relatively recent perspective, developed by Oxford Professor Roy Harris (1931–2015); yet integrationism’s main principles are best seen as the outcome of different timid trends in the history of theories of language. The epistemological exigencies that this perspective puts on theorists has often provoked reproaches that this perspective was too negative, nihilistic, destructive, a form of scepticism. This article takes this criticism at its word and outlines a comparison between (...)
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  31. Multistable phenomena: Changing views in perception.David A. Leopold & Nikos K. Logothetis - 1999 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 3 (7):254-264.
    Traditional explanations of multistable visual phenomena (e.g. ambiguous figures, perceptual rivalry) suggest that the basis for spontaneous reversals in perception lies in antagonistic connectivity within the visual system. In this review, we suggest an alternative, albeit speculative, explanation for visual multistability – that spontaneous alternations reflect responses to active, programmed events initiated by brain areas that integrate sensory and non-sensory information to coordinate a diversity of behaviors. Much evidence suggests that perceptual reversals are themselves more closely related to the expression (...)
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  32.  16
    Republics of Commitments: Pluralism from the Individual to the Liberal State.David Emmanuel Gray - 2010 - Dissertation,
    Procedural approaches to political legitimacy have become increasingly popular amongst liberals. According to such an approach, the legitimacy of a state decision is primarily derived from the processes followed in order to make that decision and not from the quality of the decision itself. The processes that liberals have in mind are typically those found within a system of democratic institutions. These electoral and legislative procedures are supposed to allow the state’s constitutive members to reach legitimately binding agreements on how (...)
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    (1 other version)The Problem of Language Variety: an example from religious language.David Crystal - 1976 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures 10:195-207.
    One of the most significant trends within linguistics in the 1970s has been the move away from the formalised models of language introduced by Chomsky towards an account of language that incorporates functional premises. As Charles Fillmore put it, in a 1972 paper, the emphasis on formalisation needs to be balanced by a consideration of what exactly it is that linguists want to formalise. Putting this another way, a contrast can be drawn between the stress laid in the 1960s on (...)
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  34. Corporate philanthropy in the U.k. 1985–2000 some empirical findings.David Campbell, Geoff Moore & Matthias Metzger - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1-2):29 - 41.
    This paper briefly reviews the theories that seek to explain the phenomenon of corporate charitable donations and then provides a review of the empirical issues that have arisen in previous studies in this area. The findings of an analysis of charitable donations data from the entire U.K. FTSE index for the years 1985–2000 are then reported. These findings include the observation of a time-related increase in charitable donations, which is compared with an earlier study to give a 24 year history (...)
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  35.  60
    Coming down from the trees: Metaphysics and the history of classification.David Kolb - 2002 - Continental Philosophy Review 35 (2):161-183.
    Three kinds of concepts can be distinguished in Plato and Aristotle, empirical genera and species, “transcendental” concepts such as being and unity, and polarized “meanings of being” such as power and actuality. Both Kant and Hegel break with the traditional dominance of polarized meanings of being, but they do so in different ways which are at work as competing trends inside both Continental and analytic philosophy today.
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  36. The Left and the Question of Law.David Dyzenhaus - 2004 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 17 (1):7-30.
    This article examines the work of Martin Loughlin, a prominent public lawyer who works in the leftwing tradition of political and legal theory, often associated with the London School of Economics and Political Science. It argues that tensions in Loughlin’s work exemplify certain trends within the left, the result of the left having lost faith in its positive political programme, one which was supposed to be delivered by Parliament. What remains once this faith is lost is a traditional hostility to (...)
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  37. Cosmopolitanism: ideals and realities.David Held - 2010 - Malden, MA: Polity Press.
    Introduction : changing forms of global order. Towards a multipolar world ; The paradox of our times ; Economic liberalism and international market integration ; Security ; The impact of the global financial crisis ; Shared problems and collective threats ; A cosmopolitan approach ; Democratic public law and sovereignty ; Summary of the book ahead -- Cosmopolitanism : ideas, realities and deficits. Globalization ; The global governance complex ; Globalization and democracy : five disjunctures ; Cosmopolitanism : ideas and (...)
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  38.  23
    Exploring ethical approaches to evaluate future technology scenarios.David J. LePoire - 2005 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 3 (3):143-150.
    The integration of technology into the workplace has resulted in a long trend of changing working conditions, from agriculture to today’s growing “knowledge economy.” This latest development depends on information technology, which may continue to evolve through eventual convergence with nanotechnology and biotechnology. Knowledge work places more emphasis on an expanded skill set, as opposed to the smaller set of specialized skills typically needed in an industrial economy. Future technological progress might lead to further enhancement of human potential or (...)
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  39. A Giant Step Towards Artificial Life?David Deamer - 2005 - Trends in Biotechnology 23 (7):336--338.
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  40.  18
    Rhetoric and Substance in Value Theory: An Appraisal of the New Orthodox Marxism.David Laibman & D. L. - 2000 - Science and Society 64 (3):310 - 332.
    A recent trend among Marxist economists tries to vindicate Marx, in opposition to criticism from mainstream economics and to developments in what may be called the mainstream of Marxist theory in the 20th century. It does this, however, by insisting on the literal truth of Marx's formulations, especially in Volume III of Capital. Well-known difficulties with these formulations are countered by resort to a "temporal" interpretation, in which inputs and outputs are differently timedated. This, however, reduces either to the (...)
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  41. Inferentialism and the Transcendental Deduction.David Landy - 2009 - Kantian Review 14 (1):1-30.
    One recent trend in Kant scholarship has been to read Kant as undertaking a project in philosophical semantics, as opposed to, say, epistemology, or transcendental metaphysics. This trend has evolved almost concurrently with a debate in contemporary philosophy of mind about the nature of concepts and their content. Inferentialism is the view that the content of our concepts is essentially inferentially articulated, that is, that the content of a concept consists entirely, or in essential part, in the role (...)
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  42. Lifestreams: An Introduction to Biosynthesis.David Boadella - 1987 - New York: Routledge.
    Biosynthesis means "integration of life". It is a holistic form of body psychotherapy, which was founded over forty-five years ago. The concept of life-streams is one of its major foundations, which has since been supported by research in neurobiology. How can we integrate the three most important domains of being human: our bodily existence, our psychological experience and our spiritual essence? Biosynthesis Therapy has developed a broad spectrum of reliable methods to make this possible and to free our life energy. (...)
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  43.  20
    Trends in Unionization of Nursing Homes.Aaron J. Sojourner, David C. Grabowski, Min Chen & Robert J. Town - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (4):331-342.
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    Les horizons de la liberté.David Harvey - 2006 - Actuel Marx 40 (2):39-54.
    History shows convincingly that major transformations coincide with periods of crisis or wars. Many aspects of the contemporary world and US economy point to a possible crisis, in particular financial instability, and domestic and external imbalances. Neither hyperinflation nor deflation appear as likely issues. The consolidation of neoconservative authoritarism appears as a potential answer. Fortunately, there is a substantial opposition which can be mobilized against such trends. There are to ways of addressing the problem of alternatives. One is suggested by (...)
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  45.  28
    Génesis de la episteme de lo criminal: anotaciones en torno a Beccaria, Ferri y Foucault.David J. Domínguez & Mario Domínguez Sánchez-Pinilla - 2021 - Isegoría 65:13-13.
    The fundamental principles of the classical utilitarian school characterize this trend as an administrative and legal criminology. This had two implications. On the one hand, the motives, and ultimate causes of the behavior and the unequal consequences of an arbitrary rule were ignored. On the other hand, the role of the judge was reduced to enforcing the law, while it was up to the judge to set a penalty for each offence. At the end of the nineteenth century, these (...)
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    The Grand Challenges Discourse: Transforming Identity Work in Science and Science Policy.David Kaldewey - 2018 - Minerva 56 (2):161-182.
    This article analyzes the concept of “grand challenges” as part of a shift in how scientists and policymakers frame and communicate their respective agendas. The history of the grand challenges discourse helps to understand how identity work in science and science policy has been transformed in recent decades. Furthermore, the question is raised whether this discourse is only an indicator, or also a factor in this transformation. Building on conceptual history and historical semantics, the two parts of the article reconstruct (...)
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    Prospects for the Expansion of Democratic Pluralism.David T. Risser - 2004 - In Friederich M. Zimmermann & Susanne Janschitz (eds.), Regional Policies in Europe: Soft Features for Innovative Cross-Border Cooperation. Leykam Publishers, Graz.
    Pluralism is an essential feature of liberal democratic theory and practice and rests upon the fundamental value of tolerance. Today, commitment to various forms of constitutional representative democracy appears to be widespread, and globilization has diminished the political, economic, and cultural significance of borders to some degree. But concurrently, in a trend which seems to have accelerated since the end of the Cold War, there has been a marked increase in many areas around the world of conflict, tormoil, and (...)
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  48. RodolfoLlinasPatricia S. ChurchlandThe Mind-Brain Continuum1996MIT PressISBN 0 262 12198 0.David Gaffan - 1997 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 1 (5):194.
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  49. Surveillance, Snowden, and Big Data: Capacities, consequences, critique.David Lyon - 2014 - Big Data and Society 1 (2).
    The Snowden revelations about National Security Agency surveillance, starting in 2013, along with the ambiguous complicity of internet companies and the international controversies that followed provide a perfect segue into contemporary conundrums of surveillance and Big Data. Attention has shifted from late C20th information technologies and networks to a C21st focus on data, currently crystallized in “Big Data.” Big Data intensifies certain surveillance trends associated with information technology and networks, and is thus implicated in fresh but fluid configurations. This is (...)
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  50. Trends in nursing home unionization.Aaron Sojourner, Michelle M. Chen, David C. Grabowski & Robert J. Town - 2011 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (4).
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