Results for 'Debra Thom'

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  1. A lopsided view: Feminist history or the history of women.Debra Thom - 1992 - In Kate Campbell (ed.), Critical feminism: argument in the disciplines. Philadelphia: Open University Press. pp. 25--52.
  2.  21
    Thom Brooks. On Ellis´s deterrence theory of punishment (Rezensionsabhandlung).Thom Brooks - 2006 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 92 (4):594-596.
    Anthony Ellis attempts to offer a deterrence theory of punishment that overcomes a number of common criticisms of deterrence theories in general. While his discussion does suggest many interesting responses that proponents of deterrence theories might use, the theory he defends is problematic for several reasons.
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  3. La diffusion de prégnance de R. Thom: Une application à l'ontogénèse Des conduites sémiotiques normales et pathologiques Laurent mottron.R. Thom - 1987 - Semiotica 67:233.
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    The syllogism.Paul Thom - 1981 - München: Philosophia.
  5. Rational Choice and Social Theory.Debra Satz & John Ferejohn - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy 91 (2):71-87.
  6.  29
    The Logic of the Trinity: Augustine to Ockham.Paul Thom - 2022 - Fordham University Press.
    This book recounts the remarkable history of efforts by significant medieval thinkers to accommodate the ontology of the Trinity within the framework of Aristotelian logic and ontology. These efforts were remarkable because they pushed creatively beyond the boundaries of existing thought while trying to strike a balance between the Church's traditional teachings and theoretical rigor in a context of institutional politics. In some cases, good theology, good philosophy, and good politics turned out to be three different things. The principal thinkers (...)
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  7. A defence of jury nullification.Thom Brooks - 2004 - Res Publica 10 (4):401-423.
    In both Great Britain and the United States there has been a growing debate about the modern acceptability of jury nullification. Properly understood, juries do not have any constitutional right to ignore the law, but they do have the power to do so nevertheless. Juries that nullify may be motivated by a variety of concerns: too harsh sentences, improper government action, racism, etc. In this article, I shall attempt to defend jury nullification on a number of grounds. First, I discuss (...)
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    Struggling for legitimacy: nursing students’ stories of organisational aggression, resilience and resistance.Debra Jackson, Marie Hutchinson, Bronwyn Everett, Judy Mannix, Kath Peters, Roslyn Weaver & Yenna Salamonson - 2011 - Nursing Inquiry 18 (2):102-110.
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  9. Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale: The Moral Limits of Markets.Debra Satz - 2010 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    In Why Some Things Should Not Be for Sale, philosopher Debra Satz takes a penetrating look at those commodity exchanges that strike most of us as problematic. What considerations, she asks, ought to guide the debates about such markets? What is it about a market involving prostitution or the sale of kidneys that makes it morally objectionable? How is a market in weapons or pollution different than a market in soybeans or automobiles? Are laws and social policies banning the (...)
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  10. Thom Brooks book review of Theodor W. Adorno, Metaphysics: Concepts and Problems. [REVIEW]Thom Brooks - 2003 - Philosophy in Review 23 (3):160-163.
    Thom Brooks reviews two books by Theodor Adorno.
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    Hegel's Philosophy of right: essays on ethics, politics, and law.Thom Brooks (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Wiley-Blackwell.
    Hegel's Philosophy of Right presents a collection of new essays by leading international philosophers and Hegel scholars that analyze and explore Hegel's key contributions in the areas of ethics, politics, and the law. The most comprehensive collection on Hegel's Philosophy of Right available Features new essays by leading international Hegel interpreters divided in sections of ethics, politics, and law Presents significant new research on Hegel's Philosophy of Right that will set a new standard for future work on the topic Introduction (...)
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  12.  22
    Building Bridges, Not Barriers: The Case for Reforming the Uk's Citizenship Test.Thom Brooks - 2021 - Bristol: Bristol University Press.
    How many questions could you answer in a pub quiz about British values? Designed to ensure new migrants have accepted British values and integrated, the UK's citizenship test is often portrayed as a bad pub quiz with answers few citizens know. With the launch of a new post-Brexit immigration system, this is a critical time to change the test. Thom Brooks draws on first-hand experience of taking the test, and interviews with key figures including past Home Secretaries, to expose (...)
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    Polishing the Apple: A Holistic Approach to Developing Public Health Law Educators as Leaders of Change.Debra Gerardi - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (s1):87-92.
    The RWJF public health law faculty fellowship provided an opportunity for legal and public health scholars to come together to develop innovative approaches for teaching public health law in schools of law, public health, medicine, and social work nationally. The fellowship program emphasized the importance of integrating individual change with organizational change as twin pillars of the core competencies necessary for advancing public health law education. This article describes the curriculum and learning formats used throughout the fellowship to guide the (...)
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    Consequences of clinical situations that cause critical care nurses to experience moral distress.Debra L. Wiegand & Marjorie Funk - 2012 - Nursing Ethics 19 (4):479-487.
    Little is known about the consequences of moral distress. The purpose of this study was to identify clinical situations that caused nurses to experience moral distress, to understand the consequences of those situations, and to determine whether nurses would change their practice based on their experiences. The investigation used a descriptive approach. Open-ended surveys were distributed to a convenience sample of 204 critical care nurses employed at a university medical center. The analysis of participants’ responses used an inductive approach and (...)
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  15. Thom Brooks reviews Colin Tyler, "Thomas Hill Green 1836-1882 And The Philosophical Foundations Of Politics: An Internal Critique". [REVIEW]Thom Brooks - 2005 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 51:141-144.
  16.  48
    Ethics, economics, and markets: an interview with Debra Satz.Debra Satz - 2010 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 3 (1):68.
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    The Philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Gendered Phenomenologies, Erotic Generosities.Debra Bergoffen - 1996 - State University of New York Press.
    Challenges Beauvoir's self-portrait and argues that she was a philosopher in her own right.
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  18. Equality, adequacy, and education for citizenship.Debra Satz - 2007 - Ethics 117 (4):623-648.
  19.  24
    The Trial and Death of Socrates.Debra Nails - 2006 - In Sara Ahbel-Rappe & Rachana Kamtekar (eds.), A Companion to Socrates. Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 5–20.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Meletus' Summons and the Political Background The Theaetetus: Trial and Death in Prospect The Euthyphro and Piety The Preliminary Hearing The Pretrial Examination The Trial and Socrates' Defense: The Apology The Crito and Socrates' Refusal to Escape The Execution of Socrates in the Phaedo.
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    The People of Plato: A Prosopography of Plato and Other Socratics.Debra Nails - 2002 - Hackett Publishing.
    The People of Plato is the first study since 1823 devoted exclusively to the identification of, and relationships among, the individuals represented in the complete Platonic corpus. It provides details of their lives, and it enables one to consider the persons of Plato's works, and those of other Socratics, within a nexus of important political, social, and familial relationships. Debra Nails makes a broad spectrum of scholarship accessible to the non-specialist. She distinguishes what can be stated confidently from what (...)
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    Thom Brooks book review of "German Idealism and the Concept of Punishment," by Jean‐Christophe Merle, trans. Joseph J. Kominkiewicz with Jean‐Christophe Merle and Frances Brown. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009, xv + 207 pp. ISBN 978 0 521 88684 0 hb. [REVIEW]Thom Brooks - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 20 (1):179-182.
  22.  15
    Van Til & the use of evidence.Thom Notaro - 1980 - Phillipsburg, N.J.: Presbyterian and Reformed Pub. Co..
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  23. Punishment.Thom Brooks - 2012 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Punishment is a topic of increasing importance for citizens and policy makers. Why should we punish criminals? Which theory of punishment is most compelling? Is the death penalty ever justified? These questions and many others are addressed in this highly engaging guide. Punishment is a critical introduction to the philosophy of punishment offering a new and refreshing approach that will benefit readers of all backgrounds and interests. This is the first critical guide to examine all leading contemporary theories of punishment, (...)
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    Saving the Greatest Number.Thom Brooks - 2002 - Logique Et Analyse 45 (177-178):55-59.
    Imagine there are three boats equidistant from one another. You are alone in the first boat. The other two boats are sinking fast: one boat has one person (A), the other has two persons (B&C). There is only enough time to allow saving either A or B&C before their boats sink, drowning whoever is onboard. Will we always combine claims of those wishing to be saved and rescue B&C? Otsuka says that the 'Kamm-Scanlon' contractualist framework that does not aggregating various (...)
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  25. The body politic: Democratic metaphors, totalitarian practices, erotic rebellions.Debra B. Bergoffen - 1990 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 16 (2):109-126.
  26. “Me Too”: Epistemic Injustice and the Struggle for Recognition.Debra L. Jackson - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (4).
    Congdon (2017), Giladi (2018), and McConkey (2004) challenge feminist epistemologists and recognition theorists to come together to analyze epistemic injustice. I take up this challenge by highlighting the failure of recognition in cases of testimonial and hermeneutical injustice experienced by victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault. I offer the #MeToo movement as a case study to demonstrate how the process of mutual recognition makes visible and helps overcome the epistemic injustice suffered by victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault. (...)
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  27.  9
    Robert Kilwardby's science of logic: a thirteenth-century intensional logic.Paul Thom - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    Paul Thom's book presents Kilwardby's science of logic as a body of demonstrative knowledge about inferences and their validity, about the semantics of non-modal and modal propositions, and about the logic of genus and species. This science is thoroughly intensional. It grounds the logic of inference on "that in virtue of which" the inference holds. It bases the truth conditions of propositions on relations between conceptual entities. It explains the logic of genus and species through the notion of essence. (...)
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    Being a self: Considerations from functional imaging.Debra A. Gusnard - 2005 - Consciousness and Cognition 14 (4):679-697.
    Having a self is associated with important advantages for an organism.These advantages have been suggested to include mechanisms supporting elaborate capacities for planning, decision-making, and behavioral control. Acknowledging such functionality offers possibilities for obtaining traction on investigation of neural correlates of selfhood. A method that has potential for investigating some of the brain-based properties of self arising in behavioral contexts varying in requirements for such behavioral guidance and control is functional brain imaging. Data obtained with this method are beginning to (...)
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  29. Rethinking remedial responsibilities.Thom Brooks - 2011 - Ethics and Global Politics 4 (3):195-202.
    How should we determine which nations have a responsibility to remedy suffering elsewhere? The problem is pressing because, following David Miller, ‘[it] is morally intolerable if (remediable) suffering and deprivation are allowed to continue . . . where they exist we are morally bound to hold somebody (some person or collective agent) responsible for relieving them’. Miller offers a connection theory of remedial responsibilities in response to this problem, a theory he has been developing over the last decade. This theory (...)
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  30.  14
    “Too Good to Be Real”: The Obviously Augmented Breast in Women’s Narratives of Cosmetic Surgery.Debra L. Gimlin - 2013 - Gender and Society 27 (6):913-934.
    Although consumers and physicians alike have long described the goal of aesthetic surgery as the production of an “improved” but still “natural-looking” body, interviews with women who had cosmetic surgery between 1990 and 2007 suggest that the “artificial” is becoming increasingly prevalent within consumers’ narratives of breast enlargement. This article explores that change in relation to processes of conspicuous consumption, the growing cultural emphasis on continual self-transformation, and the increasing normalization of cosmetic modification. Following Fraser, it treats consumers’ accounts not (...)
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    (1 other version)Punishment: A Critical Introduction.Thom Brooks - 2021 - Routledge.
    This new second edition of Punishment includes a revised and expanded defence of the groundbreaking unified theory of punishment that brings together elements of retribution, deterrence and rehabilitation into a new coherent framework. Thom Brooks expands the chapter length case studies from capital punishment, juvenile offending, domestic violence and sex crimes to include new chapters on social media offences and corporate liability addressing some of today's most pressing issues in criminal justice.
  32.  19
    The role of phonology in the activation of word meanings during reading: evidence from proofreading and eye movements.Debra Jared, Betty Ann Levy & Keith Rayner - 1999 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 128 (3):219.
  33. (1 other version)Markets in women's sexual labor.Debra Satz - 1995 - Ethics 106 (1):63-85.
  34.  28
    Moral Frankensteins.Thom Brooks - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (4):28-30.
    Moral enhancement techniques modifying brain processes to produce improved moral conduct present us with new challenges for how we grapple with the ethical questions raised. John Shook (2012) argues that we should greet these developments with some measure of skepticism and cynicism regarding their success and desirability. This commentary considers further Shook’s scepticism. It is argued that the issue of “moral enhancement” raises questions about which view(s) may benefit and the problems this poses for societies characterized by the fact of (...)
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  35.  86
    Philosophy Unbound: The Idea of Global Philosophy.Thom Brooks - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (3):254-266.
    The future of philosophy is moving towards “global philosophy.” The idea of global philosophy is the view that different philosophical approaches may engage more substantially with each other to solve philosophical problems. Most solutions attempt to use only those available resources located within one philosophical tradition. A more promising approach might be to expand the range of available resources to better assist our ability to offer more compelling solutions. This search for new horizons in order to improve our clarity about (...)
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    The Therapeutic “Mis”conception: An Examination of its Normative Assumptions and a Call for its Revision.Debra J. H. Mathews, Joseph J. Fins & Eric Racine - 2018 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 27 (1):154-162.
    Dissecting Bioethics, edited by Tuija Takala and Matti Hayry, welcomes contributions on the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of bioethics. The department is dedicated to the idea that words defined by bioethicists and others should not be allowed to imprison people’s actual concerns, emotions, and thoughts. Papers that expose the many meanings of a concept, describe the different readings of a moral doctrine, or provide an alternative angle to seemingly self-evident issues are particularly appreciated. To submit a paper or to discuss (...)
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  37. The Academic Journal Editor—Secrets Revealed.Thom Brooks - 2012 - Journal of Moral Philosophy 9 (3):313-325.
    My advice for journal editors - and not only editors of philosophy journals - for how to edit journals. Secrets shared from over 10 years of experiences with different journals and publishers.
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    In Defense of A Mandatory Public Service Requirement.Debra Satz - 2022 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 91:259-269.
    This paper defends mandatory national service as a response to democratic decay. Because democracy cannot be maintained by laws and incentives alone, citizens must care about the quality and attitudes of their society's members. In an age of increasing segregation and conflict on the basis of class and race, national service can bring citizens from different walks of life together to interact cooperatively on social problems. It offers a form of ‘forced solidarity’. The final sections of the paper consider objections (...)
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  39. Feminist perspectives on reproduction and the family.Debra Satz - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  40.  30
    Plato.Debra Nails - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 92:85-91.
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    Virtuous judges, politicisation, and decision-making in the judicialized legal landscape.Thom Snijders - 2023 - Legal Ethics 26 (1):46-73.
    In recent years, a growing body of work has emerged in legal theory that focuses on the relationship between law and virtue. Part of this virtue jurisprudence literature deals with the role of virtue in adjudication and judicial decision-making, with leading authors claiming that virtue plays a central explanatory and normative role. This article engages with this literature on virtue in adjudication, and connects it with a contemporary phenomenon that poses a risk for courts and judges, namely the politicisation of (...)
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  42. What Do We Owe the Global Poor?Debra Satz - 2005 - Ethics and International Affairs 19 (1):47-54.
    In this article, Satz critiques "both Pogge's use of the causal contribution principle as well as his attempt to derive all of our obligations to the global poor from the need to refrain from harming others.".
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    Gendering violence: Masculinity and power in men's accounts of domestic violence.Debra Umberson & Kristin L. Anderson - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (3):358-380.
    This article examines the construction of gender within men's accounts of domestic violence. Analyses of in-depth interviews conducted with 33 domestically violent heterosexual men indicate that these batterers used diverse strategies to present themselves as nonviolent, capable, and rational men. Respondents performed gender by contrasting effectual male violence with ineffectual female violence, by claiming that female partners were responsible for the violence in their relationships and by constructing men as victims of a biased criminal justice system. This study suggests that (...)
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    Hegel’s Social and Political Philosophy.Thom Brooks - 2021 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2021:Online.
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770–1831) developed a philosophy based on freedom within a wider philosophical system offering novel views on topics ranging from property and punishment to morality and the state. Hegel’s main work was the Elements of the Philosophy of Right (“PR”) first published in 1821. Many of his other major works include discussions or analyses connected to his social and political philosophy. He also wrote various political essays during his career, many of which have been translated (Hegel 1999). (...)
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  45. Modèles mathématiques de la morphogenèse.René Thom - 1982 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 172 (3):556-564.
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  46.  40
    Gregg D. Caruso: Rejecting Retributivism: Free Will, Punishment, and Criminal Justice.Thom Brooks - 2023 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (1):157-159.
  47.  20
    Global Justice and Stakeholding.Thom Brooks - 2020 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 34 (1):105-122.
    The orthodox position in global justice is to consider questions about international distributive justice from a perspective of what duties, if any, affluent states have towards people in severe poverty. The debate has focused on whether positive or negative duties are most relevant and how they should be applied. This article challenges this orthodoxy by defending stakeholder theory as a promising new approach overcoming limitations in current debates through promotion of the virtue of stakeholders having a say where they have (...)
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  48.  42
    Just War Theory.Thom Brooks (ed.) - 2012 - Brill.
    Just War Theory raises some of the most pressing and important philosophical issues of our day. This book brings together some of the most important essays in this area written by leading scholars and offering significant contributions to how we understand just war theory.
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  49.  23
    New Waves in Ethics.Thom Brooks (ed.) - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    New Waves in Ethics brings together the leading future figures in ethics broadly construed, with essays ranging from meta-ethics and normative ethics to applied ethics and political philosophy. Topics include new work on experimental philosophy, feminism, and global justice, incorporating perspectives informed from historical and contemporary approaches alike. An ideal collection for anyone interested in the most important debates in ethics and political philosophy, as well as those with an interest in the latest significant contributions from the leading new generation (...)
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  50.  11
    The legal brain: a lawyer's guide to well-being and better job performance.Debra S. Austin - 2024 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers practical advice for legal professionals to optimize cognitive fitness and protect their brain from the damaging effects of chronic stress. Drawing on the latest research in neuroscience and psychology, it provides actionable information to help readers thrive amidst the demands and stressors of the legal profession.
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