Results for 'Declaratory theory'

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  1.  53
    The Declaratory Theory of Law.Allan Beever - 2013 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 33 (3):421-444.
    This article examines the declaratory theory of law and defends it from the most prominent modern attack on it. It explains that the real declaratory theory is not the caricature of it criticized in modern writing and that, in fact, the theory properly understood is remarkably close to the position adopted by some of the theory’s most notable opponents. The article further examines the common law’s continuing commitment to the declaratory theory, a (...)
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    Law, reason, and justice: a defence of the declaratory theory of judicial decision.UKb Pembroke College Cambridge & U. K. Cambridge - forthcoming - Jurisprudence:1-25.
    Although the declaratory theory is arguably a central feature of common law adjudication, it is widely disparaged: either the law never changes, which is implausible, or it is changed retrospectively, which is unfair and contrary to the rule of law. These common objections are rooted in misconceptions about the nature of law. When we distinguish more clearly between the sources of law, whether in statute or precedent, and the corpus juris, shaped by general principles of justice, the (...) theory is vindicated. Structured by familiar precedents and principles, the common law offers a framework within which the rule of law is sustained by moral reflection and argument. There is a close analogy with Rawlsian reflective equilibrium. It is only in virtue of an inquiry into justice, guided but not irrevocably bound by past practice, that there is any law to be declared. Legal judgment is precisely a determination of the requirements of justice as they apply in all the circumstances. (shrink)
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    Law, reason, and justice: a defence of the declaratory theory of judicial decision.T. R. S. Allan - forthcoming - Jurisprudence:1-25.
    Although the declaratory theory is arguably a central feature of common law adjudication, it is widely disparaged: either the law never changes, which is implausible, or it is changed retrospectively, which is unfair and contrary to the rule of law. These common objections are rooted in misconceptions about the nature of law. When we distinguish more clearly between the sources of law, whether in statute or precedent, and the corpus juris, shaped by general principles of justice, the (...) theory is vindicated. Structured by familiar precedents and principles, the common law offers a framework within which the rule of law is sustained by moral reflection and argument. There is a close analogy with Rawlsian reflective equilibrium. It is only in virtue of an inquiry into justice, guided but not irrevocably bound by past practice, that there is any law to be declared. Legal judgment is precisely a determination of the requirements of justice as they apply in all the circumstances. (shrink)
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    Theories of legal relations.Emmanuel Jeuland - 2023 - Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    Theories of Legal Relations is an astute examination of existing legal systems that explores the notion of legal relationships and frameworks, using various analytical approaches to legal theory including subjectivist, objectivist, psychological and empirical. Emmanuel Jeuland defends the logical anteriority of relationships in law and their universality (e.g. in the new Chinese Civil Code), addressing new issues such as the possibility of legal relationships with natural and artificial entities. He delves into the consequences of these potential relationships in terms (...)
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    Why Legal Formalism Is Not a Stupid Thing.Paul Troop - 2018 - Ratio Juris 31 (4):428-443.
    Legal formalism is the foil for many theories of law. Yet formalism remains controversial, meaning that its critics focus on claims that are not central. This paper sets out a view of formalism using a methodology that embraces one of formalism’s most distinct claims, that formalism is a scientific theory of law. This naturalistic view of formalism helps to distinguish two distinct types of formalism, “doctrinal formalism,” the view that judicial behaviour can be represented using rules, and “rule formalism,” (...)
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    Law's reality: a philosophy of law.Allan Beever - 2021 - Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    520 "Allan Beever lays the foundation for a timely philosophical and empirical study of the nature of law with a detailed examination of the structure of evolving law through declaratory speech acts. This engaging book demonstrates both how law itself is achieved and also its ability to generate rights, duties, obligations, permissions and powers. Structured into three distinct parts - the philosophy of law and jurisprudence, the structure of the social word and the ontology of law, and the reconstruction (...)
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  7.  85
    Recognition: Personal and political.Thomas Baldwin - 2009 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 8 (3):311-328.
    Recognition plays a central role in international affairs and in moral and political theory. Hegel noted the connections between these two contexts, and this article explores Hegel's approach with reference to the work of two political philosophers (Honneth and Rawls) and debates in international law. The conclusion is that while recognition has a constitutive role in international affairs, it has a different role in moral and political theory: morality is the evaluative recognition of the significance of individual autonomy.
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  8. Roger J. Sullivan.Classical Moral Theories - 2001 - In William Sweet, The bases of ethics. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press. pp. 23.
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    Classification Theory: Proceedings of the U.S.-Israel Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical Logic Held in Chicago, Dec. 15-19, 1985.J. T. Baldwin & U. Workshop on Model Theory in Mathematical Logic - 1987 - Springer.
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  10. 14 Howard H. Kendler.General Sr Theory - 1968 - In T. Dixon & Deryck Horton, Verbal Behavior and General Behavior Theory. Prentice-Hall.
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    Anthropological Training and the Quest for Immortality.John L. Wengle Theory - 1984 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 12 (3):223-244.
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    Det er i nåtid vi snakker om kommunisering.Théorie Communiste - 2014 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 31 (3-4):245-261.
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  13. European academy of legal theory.Académie Européenne, Europese Akademie, du Droit de Théorie & Voor Rechstheorie - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (1):122-130.
  14. Ranking Theory.Franz Huber - 2019 - In Richard Pettigrew & Jonathan Weisberg, The Open Handbook of Formal Epistemology. PhilPapers Foundation. pp. 397-436.
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  15. Wolfgang Vogt, Moses Mendelssohns Beschreibung der Wirklichkeit menschlichen Erkennens.(Epistemata. Würzburger wissenschaftliche Schriften. Reihe Philosophie 394) Königs-hausen & Neumann 2005. 250 S., E 34, 80. [REVIEW]Theorie Moses Mendelssohns - 1983 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 57 (S 64):166.
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  16. Paulina Taboada.The General Systems Theory: An Adequate - 2002 - In Paulina Taboada, Kateryna Fedoryka Cuddeback & Patricia Donohue-White, Person, society, and value: towards a personalist concept of health. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
  17. Katharina Nieswandt, Concordia University. Authority & Interest in the Theory Of Right - 2019 - In Toh Kevin, Plunkett David & Shapiro Scott, Dimensions of Normativity: New Essays on Metaethics and Jurisprudence. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  18. Das komische Pathos.Kierkegaards Theorie der Komik - 1999 - Kierkegaardiana 20:111.
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  19. Glaubens.Theorie Des Zu Spinozas - 1988 - Studia Spinozana: An International and Interdisciplinary Series 4:227.
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  20. A. Heyting.Remarques Sur la Théorie Intuitionniste - 1968 - In Jean-Louis Destouches & Evert Willem Beth, Logic and foundations of science. Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
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  21. FS3 a# 0&b# 0-* ab# 0. FS4 a# 0-» a~ 1 existe et a~ l# 0.Remarques Sur la Théorie Intuitionniste - 1968 - In Jean-Louis Destouches & Evert Willem Beth, Logic and foundations of science. Dordrecht,: D. Reidel.
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  22. In Anthropology, the Image Can Never Have the Last Say the Ninth Annual Gdat Debate, Held in the University of Manchester on 6th December 1997.Bill Watson, Peter Wade & Group for Debates in Anthropological Theory - 1998
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  23. Ruiping Fan.Moral Theories vsMoral Perspectives: - 2002 - In Julia Lai Po-Wah Tao, Cross-cultural perspectives on the (im) possibility of global bioethics. Boston: Kluwer Academic.
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  24.  11
    Just Interpretations: Law Between Ethics and Politics.Michel Rosenfeld & Professor of Human Rights and Director Program on Global and Comparative Constitutional Theory Michel Rosenfeld - 1998 - Univ of California Press.
    "An important contribution to contemporary jurisprudential debate and to legal thought more generally, Just Interpretations is far ahead of currently available work."--Peter Goodrich, author of Oedipus Lex "I was struck repeatedly by the clarity of expression throughout the book. Rosenfeld's description and criticism of the recent work of leading thinkers distinguishes his work within the legal theory genre. Furthermore, his own theory is quite original and provocative."--Aviam Soifer, author of Law and the Company We Keep.
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  25. M. bibliographie sélective.Soziale Syslemen, Legitimation Durch Verfahren, Soziologische Aufklârung, Aufsâlze Zur Theorie Sozialer Systeme & Illuminismo Sociologico - 1990 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 89:397.
  26.  1
    A Response to Günter Figal’s Aesthetic Monism: Phenomenological Sublimity and the Genesis of Aesthetic Experience.GermanyIrene Breuer Irene Breuer Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Dipl-Ing Arch: Degree in Architecture Phil), Then Professor for Architectural Design Germanylecturer, Phenomenology at the Buwdaad Scholarship Buenos Airesto Midlecturer for Theoretical Philosophy, the Support of the B. U. W. My Research Focus is Set On: Ancient Greek Philosophy Research on the Reception of the German Philosophical Anthropology in Argentina Presently Working on Mentioned Research Subject, French Phenomenology Classical German, Architectural Theory Aesthetics & Design Cf: Https://Uni-Wuppertalacademiaedu/Irenebreuer - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):151-170.
    This paper aims to pay tribute to Figal’s comprehensive and innovative analysis of the artwork and beauty, while challenging both his realist position on the immediacy of meaning and his monist stance that reduces sublimity to beauty. To enquire into the origin of aesthetic feelings and sense, and thus, to break the hermeneutic circle, we first trace the origin of this reduction to the reception of Burke’s concept of the sublime by Mendelssohn and Kant. We then recur to Husserl and (...)
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  27. Nikil Mukerji.Christoph Schumacher, Economics Order Ethics & Game Theory - 2016 - In Christoph Luetge & Nikil Mukerji, Order Ethics: An Ethical Framework for the Social Market Economy. Cham: Springer.
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  28. K. Kuypers.Die Wissenschaften Vom Menschen & Husserls Theorie von Zwei Einstellungen - 1971 - Analecta Husserliana 1:186.
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  29. Part III: Chinese Aesthetics. Introduction: From the Classical to the Modern / Gao Jianping ; Several Inspirations from Traditional Chinese Aesthetics / Ye Lang ; The Theoretical Significance of Painting as Performance / Gao Jianping ; A Study in the Onto-Aesthetics of Beauty and Art: Fullness (chongshi) and Emptiness (kongling) as Two Polarities in Chinese Aesthetics / Cheng Chung-ying ; On the Modernisation of Chinese Aesthetics.Peng Feng & Reflections on Avant-Garde Theory in A. Chinese-Western Cross-Cultural Context - 2010 - In Ken'ichi Sasaki, Asian Aesthetics. Singapore: National Univeristy of Singapore Press.
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    Theories of information, communication and knowledge: a multidisciplinary approach.Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan & Thomas Mark Dousa (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Springer.
    Theories of Information, Communication and Knowledge.
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  31. Theory of mind’ in animals: ways to make progress.Elske van der Vaart & Charlotte K. Hemelrijk - 2014 - Synthese 191 (3).
    Whether any non-human animal can attribute mental states to others remains the subject of extensive debate. This despite the fact that several species have behaved as if they have a ‘theory of mind’ in various behavioral tasks. In this paper, we review the reasons of skeptics for their doubts: That existing experimental setups cannot distinguish between ‘mind readers’ and ‘behavior readers’, that results that seem to indicate ‘theory of mind’ may come from studies that are insufficiently controlled, and (...)
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  32. Modularity, Theory of Mind, and Autism Spectrum Disorder.Marcus P. Adams - 2011 - Philosophy of Science 78 (5):763-773.
    The theory of mind (ToM) deficit associated with autism spectrum disorder has been a central topic in the debate about the modularity of the mind. In a series of papers, Philip Gerrans and Valerie Stone argue that positing a ToM module does not best explain the deficits exhibited by individuals with autism (Gerrans 2002; Stone & Gerrans 2006a, 2006b; Gerrans & Stone 2008). In this paper, I first criticize Gerrans and Stone’s (2008) account. Second, I discuss various studies of (...)
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    Modernity Theory: Modern Experience, Modernist Consciousness, Reflexive Thinking.John Jervis - 2018 - London: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Modernity theory approaches modern experience as it incorporates a sense of itself as 'modern' (modernity), along with the possibilities and limitations of representing this in the arts and culture generally (modernism). The book interrogates modernity in the name of a fluid, unsettled, unsettling modernism. As the offspring of the Enlightenment and the Age of Sensibility, modernity is framed here through a cultural aesthetics that highlights not just an instrumental, exploitative approach to the world but the distinctive configuration of embodiment, (...)
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    Critical Theory and Classroom Talk.Robert Young - 1992 - Multilingual Matters.
    An application of Young's Habermasian critical theory of education to classroom communication problems of teachers in schools, with a special focus on the question/answer cycle and its educational role. The book uses classroom transcripts extensively in the analysis.
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    A Theory of Legal Argumentation: The Theory of Rational Discourse as Theory of Legal Justification.Ruth Adler (ed.) - 1989 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Robert Alexy develops his influential theory of legal reasoning exploring the nature of legal argumentation and its relation to practical reasoning. In doing so he sheds light on fundamental questions of law and rationality, which are as crucial to practising lawyers and law students as they are to scholars of legal theory.
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    A Theory of Resonance: Towards an Ecological Cognitive Architecture.Vicente Raja - 2018 - Minds and Machines 28 (1):29-51.
    This paper presents a blueprint for an ecological cognitive architecture. Ecological psychology, I contend, must be complemented with a story about the role of the CNS in perception, action, and cognition. To arrive at such a story while staying true to the tenets of ecological psychology, it will be necessary to flesh out the central metaphor according to which the animal perceives its environment by ‘resonating’ to information in energy patterns: what is needed is a theory of resonance. I (...)
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  37.  28
    Karman-Theory in the Mahābhārata Prolegomena to an Inquiry into the Culture and the Condition of Philosophical Reflection About Human Life and the Requirements of Liberation.Peter Schreiner - 2017 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 45 (4):651-667.
    After delimiting the topic by reflecting on the heuristic function of the concept of “theory” in “Delimiting the Topic” section, the paper considers the literary aspects of karman-theory in the Mahābhārata in “Literary Characteristics” section. “Axioms, Theorems, Domains” section then lists the elements or axioms that fall under the umbrella term “karman-theory.” Next, dealing with contexts and collocations, “Contexts, Collocations” section combines the consideration of literary and theoretical aspects of the matter. “Historical Perspective” section then argues for (...)
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  38.  62
    Defending the Correspondence Theory of Truth.Joshua L. Rasmussen - 2014 - Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
    The correspondence theory of truth is a precise and innovative account of how the truth of a proposition depends upon that proposition's connection to a piece of reality. Joshua Rasmussen refines and defends the correspondence theory of truth, proposing new accounts of facts, propositions, and the correspondence between them. With these theories in hand, he then offers original solutions to the toughest objections facing correspondence theorists. Addressing the Problem of Funny Facts, Liar Paradoxes, and traditional epistemological questions concerning (...)
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  39.  18
    Critical Theory and Animal Liberation.Carol Adams, Aaron Bell, Ted Benton, Susan Benston, Carl Boggs, Karen Davis, Josephine Donovan, Christina Gerhardt, Victoria Johnson, Renzo Llorente, Eduardo Mendieta, John Sorenson, Dennis Soron, Vasile Stanescu & Zipporah Weisberg (eds.) - 2011 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Critical Theory and Animal Liberation is the first collection to look at the human relationship with animals from the critical or 'left' tradition in political and social thought. The contributions in this volume highlight connections between our everyday treatment of animals and other forms of oppression, violence, and domination. Breaking with past treatments that have framed the problem as one of 'animal rights,' the authors instead depict the exploitation and killing of other animals as a political question of the (...)
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  40.  63
    Proof theory of reflection.Michael Rathjen - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 68 (2):181-224.
    The paper contains proof-theoretic investigation on extensions of Kripke-Platek set theory, KP, which accommodate first-order reflection. Ordinal analyses for such theories are obtained by devising cut elimination procedures for infinitary calculi of ramified set theory with Пn reflection rules. This leads to consistency proofs for the theories KP+Пn reflection using a small amount of arithmetic and the well-foundedness of a certain ordinal system with respect to primitive decending sequences. Regarding future work, we intend to avail ourselves of these (...)
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    Fundamental theories and their empirical patches.Jerome A. Berson - 2008 - Foundations of Chemistry 10 (3):147-156.
    Many theories require empirical patches or ad hoc assumptions to work properly in application to chemistry. Some examples include the Bohr quantum theory of atomic spectra, the Pauli exclusion principle, the Marcus theory of the rate-equilibrium correlation, Kekule’s hypothesis of bond oscillation in benzene, and the quantum calculation of reaction pathways. Often the proposed refinements do not grow out of the original theory but are devised and added ad hoc. This brings into question the goal of constructing (...)
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  42.  13
    Théorie des Textes Possibles.Marc Escola (ed.) - 2012 - Editions Rodopi.
    La critique littéraire est-elle vouée par nature et fonction à rester un « discours second » entièrement subordonné à un texte premier qui peut seul prétendre à la dignité d’un discours créateur? L’interprète peut-il se départir de toute déférence à l’égard des décisions de l’auteur pour les regarder comme des choix parmi d’autres, de fragiles options ou des arrêts toujours révisables? Peut-on concevoir une forme de critique authentiquement créatrice qui s’émanciperait du respect attaché à la lettre du texte pour entrer (...)
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  43.  10
    Theories of action and morality: perspectives from philosophy and social theory.José María Torralba & Mark Alznauer (eds.) - 2016 - Hildesheim: Georg Olms.
    Die in diesem Band versammelten Essays erörtern die Frage nach der Möglichkeit des Verstehens menschlichen Handelns ohne den Rückbezug auf moralische Werte und Normen. Obwohl die Autoren sich dieser Frage auf ganz unterschiedliche, manchmal divergierende, Weisen nähern, verbindet sie alle die Annahme, es sei nicht wünschenswert oder sogar inkohärent, das menschliche Handeln grundsätzlich unabhängig von moralischen Werten zu betrachten. Die Herausgeber haben sich um eine für Philosophen und Gesellschaftswissenschaftler gleichermaßen attraktive Beitragssammlung bemüht. Die Verknüpfung philosophischer und soziologischer Perspektiven könnte zur (...)
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  44.  39
    Critical Theory from the Margins: Horizons of Possibility in the Age of Extremism.Saladdin Ahmed - 2023 - SUNY Press.
    Great critical theorists from Marx and Engels to Adorno and Horkheimer not only came from the margins but also stayed faithful to the plight of the marginalized. They refused to compromise about the struggle for equality and tried to universalize its emancipatory essence. From Marx to Benjamin, critical philosophers who showed fidelity to the cause were denied a career in European universities and made impoverished, stateless, and homeless. Marginalization and critical theory are inseparable; yet, today, Marxism is institutionalized, and (...)
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  45. Theories of Truth: A Critical Introduction.Richard L. Kirkham - 1992 - Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
    Theories of Truth provides a clear, critical introduction to one of the most difficult areas of philosophy. It surveys all of the major philosophical theories of truth, presenting the crux of the issues involved at a level accessible to nonexperts yet in a manner sufficiently detailed and original to be of value to professional scholars. Kirkham's systematic treatment and meticulous explanations of terminology ensure that readers will come away from this book with a comprehensive general understanding of one of philosophy's (...)
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    Between theory and praxis: reply to Thaddeus Metz.Oladele Abiodun Balogun - 2019 - Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions 8 (2):19-26.
    In a Guest Lecture delivered by Professor Thaddeus Metz at a Colloquium organized in honour of my 50th birthday, he critically interrogated various aspects of my African philosophical scholarship with a particular focus on what I consider as the task of an African philosopher in the twenty-first century. Drawing on the existential and social problems in contemporary Africa, I have argued that African philosophy should be tailored towards ameliorating these problems as a way of making life meaningful. Metz’s striking criticism (...)
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  47. Explaining the theory of mind deficit in autism spectrum disorder.Marcus P. Adams - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 163 (1):233-249.
    The theory of mind (ToM) deficit associated with autism has been a central topic in the debate about the modularity of the mind. Most involved in the debate about the explanation of the ToM deficit have failed to notice that autism’s status as a spectrum disorder has implications about which explanation is more plausible. In this paper, I argue that the shift from viewing autism as a unified syndrome to a spectrum disorder increases the plausibility of the explanation of (...)
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  48. Decidability of mereological theories.Hsing-Chien Tsai - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (1):45-63.
    Mereological theories are theories based on a binary predicate ‘being a part of’. It is believed that such a predicate must at least define a partial ordering. A mereological theory can be obtained by adding on top of the basic axioms of partial orderings some of the other axioms posited based on pertinent philosophical insights. Though mereological theories have aroused quite a few philosophers’ interest recently, not much has been said about their meta-logical properties. In this paper, I will (...)
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    La théorie biostatistique, l’objection des dysfonctions bénignes et l’enjeu de la portée pratique des concepts de santé et de pathologie.Antoine Dussault - 2022 - Philosophiques 49 (1):9-35.
    Antoine C. Dussault Cet article renforce l’objection des dysfonctions bénignes soulevée par Jerome Wakefield contre la théorie biostatistique de Christopher Boorse, en en présentant une version qui prend acte d’une critique importante de l’analyse conceptuelle comme visée pour une théorie de la santé et de la pathologie. Cette objection prend pour cible la considération, par la théorie de Boorse, que la dysfonction de la partie d’un organisme est suffisante pour la pathologie de cet organisme. Situant sa critique dans le cadre (...)
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  50. Mimetic Theory and Hermeneutics.Paolo Diego Bubbio - 2005 - Colloquy 9:16-28.
    René Girard's mimetic theory has been object of much interest in the last few years, both in the 'Continental' and in the 'English-speaking' philosophical areas. Nevertheless, Girard's thought is not always accepted in the academic circles. The main cause for this is that his theory is considered too 'philosophical' in the Human Sciences Departments, and it seems too close to cultural anthropology and literary criticism to be appreciated by philosophers. This is the reason why it could be fruitful (...)
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