Results for 'Denier Christian'

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  1.  32
    LAST-Q: Adaptation and normative data for the Language Screening Test in a French-Canadian population.Monetta Laura, Bourgeois-Marcotte Josiane, Flamand-Roze Constance & Denier Christian - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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  2. From Birth to Death? A Personalist Approach to End-of-Life Care of Severely Ill Newborns.Chris Gastmans, Gunnar Naulaers, Chris Vanhole & Yvonne Denier - 2013 - Christian Bioethics 19 (1):7-24.
    In this paper, a personalist ethical perspective on end-of-life care of severely ill newborns is presented by posing two questions. (1) Is it ethically justified to decide not to start or to withdraw life-sustaining treatment in severely ill newborns? (2) Is it ethically justified, in exceptional cases, to actively terminate the life of severely ill newborns? Based on five values—respect for life and for the dignity of the human person, quality of life, respect for the process of dying, relational autonomy, (...)
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    ‘Cornwallism’ and Arguments against Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions.Karin Edvardsson Björnberg, Helena Röcklinsberg & Per Sandin - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (6):691-711.
    Opposition against greenhouse gas emissions reductions is strong among some conservative Christian groups, especially in the United States. In this paper, we identify five scripture-based arguments against greenhouse gas mitigation put forward by a core group of Christian conservatives (‘the Cornwallists'): the anti-paganism argument, the enrichment argument, the omnipotence argument, the lack of moral relevance argument and the cost-benefit argument. We evaluate to what extent the arguments express positions that can be characterised as climate science denialist and to (...)
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    The Life-Idealism of Michel Henry.Steven Nemes - 2021 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 29 (1-2):87-108.
    The purpose of the present essay is to exposit and interpret the principal contours of the phenomenology of Christianity proposed by Michel Henry in dialog with his theological critics. Against the claims commonly made about him, Henry is not a Gnostic of any sort: neither a monist, nor a dualist, nor a pantheist, nor a denier of faith, nor a world- or creation-denier or anything of the sort. He rather proposes a form of “life-idealism” according to which life (...)
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  5. Kant's critique of Berkeley.Henry E. Allison - 1973 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 11 (1):43.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kant's Critique of Berkeley HENRY E. ALLISON THE CLAIMTHAT KANT'S IDEALISM,or at least certain strands of it, is essentially identical to that of Berkeley has a long and distinguished history. It was first voiced by several of Kant's contemporaries such as Mendelssohn, Herder, Hamann, Pistorius and Eberhard who attacked the alleged subjectivism of the Critique of Pure Reason. 1 This viewpoint found its sharpest contemporary expression in the notorious (...)
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    Religious Philosophy, A Group of Essays (review).John King-Farlow - 1963 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 1 (1):105-109.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS I05 1120a): these and much else form models of the meticulousness and also the daring with which such discussions should be conducted. THOMAS G. ROSENMEYER University of Washington Religious Philosophy, A Group ol Essays.By Harry Austryn Wolfson. (Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1961. Pp. xii + 278. $6.00.) For those who have never dared to take the plunge into one of Professor Wolfson's massive studies--the two-volume sets (...)
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    Mélanie V. Walton: Expressing the inexpressible in Lyotard and Pseudo-Dionysius: bearing witness as spiritual exercise: Lexington Books, Lanham, 2013, 326 pp., $100.Timothy D. Knepper - 2015 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 77 (2):191-194.
    All too often, the study of ineffability only looks on the bright side of life—mystical experiences of blissful unity, primordial grounds of overflowing fecundity, noetic truths of existential profundity. To some extent, this is true too for Mélanie V. Walton’s Expressing the Inexpressible in Lyotard and Pseudo-Dionysius: Bearing Witness as Spiritual Exercise, which turns to a “desperate love letter to God” —the eros-infused naming and unnaming of God in The Divine Names, a treatise by the sixth-century Neoplatonic-Christian Pseudo-Dionysius the (...)
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    An Evangelical Environmental Bioethic: A Proposal.Cristina Richie - 2020 - Ethics and the Environment 25 (2):29.
    Abstract:Increasing attention to climate change and health has re-centered environmental ethics on the medical industry and biomedical ethics on the environment. Yet, without a belief in climate change, there is little reason for sustainability in medicine. In the United States, about one-quarter of all adults self-identify as Evangelical Christians, with a sizable subset of "climate change deniers." In order for millions of Evangelicals to be persuaded about the importance of sustainability in medicine, there must be a theological justification. This article (...)
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    Bodily resurrection and ethics in 1 Cor 15: connecting faith and morality in the context of Greco-Roman mythology.Paul J. Brown - 2014 - Tübingen, Germany: Mohr Siebeck.
    Introduction and research setting -- Greco-Roman afterlife beliefs and Paul's resurrection convictions -- The deniers of the resurrection -- The bodily resurrection of Jesus (1 Cor 15:1-11) -- The veracity of the bodily resurrection and the resulting ethical imperatives (1 Cor 15:12-34) -- The nature of the bodily resurrection and its ethical implications (1 Cor 15:35-58) -- Summary and conclusion.
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    “It’s intense, you know.” Nurses’ experiences in caring for patients requesting euthanasia.Yvonne Denier, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Nele De Bal & Chris Gastmans - 2010 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (1):41-48.
    The Belgian Act on Euthanasia came into force on 23 September 2002, making Belgium the second country—after the Netherlands—to decriminalize euthanasia under certain due-care conditions. Since then, Belgian nurses have been increasingly involved in euthanasia care. In this paper, we report a qualitative study based on in-depth interviews with 18 nurses from Flanders (the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) who have had experience in caring for patients requesting euthanasia since May 2002 (the approval of the Act). We found that the care (...)
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  11.  38
    ‘You can give them wings to fly’: a qualitative study on values-based leadership in health care.Yvonne Denier, Lieve Dhaene & Chris Gastmans - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-17.
    Within contemporary health care, many of the decisions affecting the health and well-being of patients are not being made by the clinicians or health professionals, but by those involved in health care management. Existing literature on organizational ethics provides insight into the various structures, processes and strategies - such as mission statement, ethics committees, ethical rounds … - that exist to create an organizational climate, which fosters ethical practices and decision-making It does not, however, show how health care managers experience (...)
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  12. On Personal Responsibility and the Human Right to Healthcare.Yvonne Denier - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (2):224-234.
    Does a human right to healthcare imply individual obligations to healthy behavior? Or put another way: Is a self-induced condition a relevant criterion for some sort of restriction of this right—like withholding or modifying treatment in circumstances where choices have to be made? For instance, should a drunk driver bear the costs of medical care that he needs after a car accident he has caused? Should there be a difference in healthcare entitlements between the smoker with a heart attack who (...)
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  13.  39
    Relational autonomy, vulnerability and embodied dignity as normative foundations of dignified dementia care.Yvonne Denier & Chris Gastmans - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (12):968-969.
    Hojjat Soofi successfully developed a novel dementia-specific model of human flourishing.1 Based on a modified version of Nussbaum’s account of dignity (ie, the theoretical framework of the capabilities approach), and integrated with Kitwood and Bredin’s empirically informed list of indicators of well-being for people with dementia (ie, the field of empirically informed ethics), this model provides guidance on how to actually care for people with dementia in real-life practices, according to the moral requirements of respect for dignity. More specifically, we (...)
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  14.  90
    From Brute Luck to Option Luck? On Genetics, Justice, and Moral Responsibility in Reproduction.Y. Denier - 2010 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 35 (2):101-129.
    The structure of our ethical experience depends, crucially, on a fundamental distinction between what we are responsible for doing or deciding and what is given to us. As such, the boundary between chance and choice is the spine of our conventional morality, and any serious shift in that boundary is thoroughly dislocating. Against this background, I analyze the way in which techniques of prenatal genetic diagnosis (PGD) pose such a fundamental challenge to our conventional ideas of justice and moral responsibility. (...)
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    Mind the gap! Three approaches to scarcity in health care.Yvonne Denier - 2008 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 11 (1):73-87.
    This paper addresses two ways in which scarcity in health care turns up and three ways in which this dual condition of scarcity can be approached. The first approach is the economic approach, which focuses on the causes of cost-increase in health care and on developing various mechanisms of rationing and priority-setting in health care. The second approach is the justice approach, which interprets scarcity as one of the Humean ‹Circumstances of Justice.’ Whereas these approaches interpret scarcity as a given (...)
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  16.  20
    Gay Pay for Straight Work: Mechanisms Generating Disadvantage.Nicole Denier & Sean Waite - 2015 - Gender and Society 29 (4):561-588.
    Drawing from the gender wage gap literature, we explore four possible causes of sexual minority earnings gaps: variation in human capital and labor force participation, occupational and industrial sorting, differences in the institutional organization of the public and private sector, and different returns to marriage and parenthood. Using the 2006 Census of Canada, we find that heterosexual men earn more than gay men, followed by lesbians and heterosexual women. Oaxaca-Blinder decompositions show that industry of employment, rather than occupation, disadvantages gay (...)
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    3. autonomy in dependence.Yvonne Denier - 2007 - In Thomas Nys, Yvonne Denier & Toon Vandevelde, Autonomy & paternalism: reflections on the theory and practice of health care. Dudley, MA: Peeters. pp. 5--93.
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    Een onmogelijk antwoord op onbeantwoordbare vragen?Yvonne Denier - 2019 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 111 (2):245-252.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Ethical questions of the financial world and the external debt in the South.Yvonne Denier - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7 (2-3):194-198.
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    Justice, luck & responsibility in health care: philosophical background and ethical implications for end-of-life care.Yvonne Denier, Chris Gastmans & T. Vandevelde (eds.) - 2013 - New York: Springer.
    In this book, an international group of philosophers, economists and theologians focus on the relationship between justice, luck and responsibility in health care. Together, they offer a thorough reflection on questions such as: How should we understand justice in health care? Why are health care interests so important that they deserve special protection? How should we value health? What are its functions and do these make it different from other goods? Furthermore, how much equality should there be? Which inequalities in (...)
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  21.  61
    Need or Desire?Yvonne Denier - 2006 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 20 (1):81-95.
    This paper explores the significative structure and normative quality of the child wish by focusing on the concepts that are used when people speak about it. Does having children belong to the category of human needs, or is it rather something that people desire? The Principle of Precedence holds that needs tend to have a substantially greater moral impact than desires. In order to do justice both to people’s profound happiness that goes with fulfilment of the child wish and to (...)
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  22.  27
    Public Health, Well-Being and Reciprocity.Yvonne Denier - 2005 - Ethical Perspectives 12 (1):41-66.
    Public-health measures are very effective and efficient means of improving health, yet public health is either neglected by the literature or fraught with unease, mainly due to the combination of the aggregate-distributive tension with the element of compulsion.The author argues that this unease can be decreased by 1) a pluralist-holistic view of health, situating the normative value of health in its effect on well-being, incorporating both the objective and subjective source of the value of health; and 2) by a rich (...)
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  23.  12
    Philosophical Problems in Health Care.Yvonne Denier - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7:3-4.
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    The Ethics of Choice in Medicine.Yvonne Denier - 2000 - Ethical Perspectives 7:2-3.
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  25.  32
    Which Framework to Use? A Systematic Review of Ethical Frameworks for the Screening or Evaluation of Health Technology Innovations.Tijs Vandemeulebroucke, Yvonne Denier, Evelyne Mertens & Chris Gastmans - 2022 - Science and Engineering Ethics 28 (3):1-35.
    Innovations permeate healthcare settings on an ever-increasing scale. Health technology innovations impact our perceptions and experiences of health, care, disease, etc. Because of the fast pace these HTIs are being introduced in different healthcare settings, there is a growing societal consensus that these HTIs need to be governed by ethical reflection. This paper reports a systematic review of argument-based literature which focused on articles reporting on ethical frameworks to screen or evaluate HTIs. To do this a four step methodology was (...)
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  26.  25
    The Need for a Global Approach to the Ethical Evaluation of Healthcare Machine Learning.Tijs Vandemeulebroucke, Yvonne Denier & Chris Gastmans - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (5):33-35.
    In their article “A Research Ethics Framework for the Clinical Translation of Healthcare Machine Learning,” McCradden et al. highlight the various gaps that emerge when artificial intelligen...
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  27.  7
    Location Tracking in Dementia Care to Address Sexual Behavior: No Ad-Hoc Decisions, More Talk Is Needed.Jared Howes Yvonne Denier Chris Gastmans K. U. Leuven - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):153-156.
    Volume 25, Issue 2, February 2025, Page 153-156.
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  28.  75
    A fair share for the orphans: ethical guidelines for a fair distribution of resources within the bounds of the 10-year-old European Orphan Drug Regulation: Figure 1.Wim Pinxten, Yvonne Denier, Marc Dooms, Jean-Jacques Cassiman & Kris Dierickx - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (3):148-153.
    For a significant number of patients, there exists no, or only little, interest in developing a treatment for their disease or condition. Especially with regard to rare diseases, the lack of commercial interest in drug development is a burning issue. Several interventions have been made in the regulatory field in order to address the commercial disinterest in these conditions. However, existing regulations mainly focus on the provision of incentives to the sponsors of clinical trials of orphan drugs, and leave unanswered (...)
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  29.  23
    The Ethics of Electronic Tracking Devices in Dementia Care: An Interview Study with Developers.Jared Howes, Yvonne Denier, Tijs Vandemeulebroucke & Chris Gastmans - 2024 - Science and Engineering Ethics 30 (3):1-29.
    Wandering is a symptom of dementia that can have devastating consequences on the lives of persons living with dementia and their families and caregivers. Increasingly, caregivers are turning towards electronic tracking devices to help manage wandering. Ethical questions have been raised regarding these location-based technologies and although qualitative research has been conducted to gain better insight into various stakeholders' views on the topic, developers of these technologies have been largely excluded. No qualitative research has focused on developers’ perceptions of ethics (...)
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  30.  72
    What if patients with dementia use decision aids to make an advance euthanasia request?Chris Gastmans & Yvonne Denier - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (4):25 – 26.
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  31. Autonomy & paternalism: reflections on the theory and practice of health care.Thomas Nys, Yvonne Denier & Toon Vandevelde (eds.) - 2007 - Dudley, MA: Peeters.
    This book offers a thorough reflection on the relationship between autonomy and paternalism, and argues that, from both theoretical and practical angles, the ...
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  32.  47
    What Do the Various Principles of Justice Mean Within the Concept of Benefit Sharing?Bege Dauda, Yvonne Denier & Kris Dierickx - 2016 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 13 (2):281-293.
    The concept of benefit sharing pertains to the act of giving something in return to the participants, communities, and the country that have participated in global health research or bioprospecting activities. One of the key concerns of benefit sharing is the ethical justifications or reasons to support the practice of the concept in global health research and bioprospecting. This article evaluates one of such ethical justifications and its meaning to benefit sharing, namely justice. We conducted a systematic review to map (...)
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    Location Tracking in Dementia Care to Address Sexual Behavior: No Ad-Hoc Decisions, More Talk Is Needed.Jared Howes, Yvonne Denier & Chris Gastmans - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (2):153-156.
    This case (Tarzian 2025) centers on two ethically sensitive topics: sexual expression among persons with dementia and the use of location tracking devices (locator devices) in their care. BK is con...
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  34. Free Will, Determinism, and the Possibility of Doing Otherwise.Christian List - 2014 - Noûs 48 (1):156-178.
    I argue that free will and determinism are compatible, even when we take free will to require the ability to do otherwise and even when we interpret that ability modally, as the possibility of doing otherwise, and not just conditionally or dispositionally. My argument draws on a distinction between physical and agential possibility. Although in a deterministic world only one future sequence of events is physically possible for each state of the world, the more coarsely defined state of an agent (...)
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  35. (1 other version)What is it Like to be a Group Agent?Christian List - 2015 - Noûs:295-319.
    The existence of group agents is relatively widely accepted. Examples are corporations, courts, NGOs, and even entire states. But should we also accept that there is such a thing as group consciousness? I give an overview of some of the key issues in this debate and sketch a tentative argument for the view that group agents lack phenomenal consciousness. In developing my argument, I draw on integrated information theory, a much-discussed theory of consciousness. I conclude by pointing out an implication (...)
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  36. Freedom as Independence.Christian List & Laura Valentini - 2016 - Ethics 126 (4):1043–1074.
    Much recent philosophical work on social freedom focuses on whether freedom should be understood as non-interference, in the liberal tradition associated with Isaiah Berlin, or as non-domination, in the republican tradition revived by Philip Pettit and Quentin Skinner. We defend a conception of freedom that lies between these two alternatives: freedom as independence. Like republican freedom, it demands the robust absence of relevant constraints on action. Unlike republican, and like liberal freedom, it is not moralized. We show that freedom as (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Scepticism about Beneficiary Pays: A Critique.Christian Barry & Robert Kirby - 2015 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 32 (4):285-300.
    Some moral theorists argue that being an innocent beneficiary of significant harms inflicted by others may be sufficient to ground special duties to address the hardships suffered by the victims, at least when it is impossible to extract compensation from those who perpetrated the harm. This idea has been applied to climate change in the form of the beneficiary-pays principle. Other philosophers, however, are quite sceptical about beneficiary pays. Our aim in this article is to examine their critiques. We conclude (...)
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  38.  49
    How do ethnic minority patients experience the intercultural care encounter in hospitals? A systematic review of qualitative research.Liesbet Degrie, Chris Gastmans, Lieslot Mahieu, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé & Yvonne Denier - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):2.
    BackgroundIn our globalizing world, caregivers are increasingly being confronted with the challenges of providing intercultural healthcare, trying to find a dignified answer to the vulnerable situation of ethnic minority patients. Until now, international literature lacks insight in the intercultural care process as experienced by the ethnic minority patients themselves. We aim to fill this gap by analysing qualitative literature on the intercultural care encounter in the hospital setting, as experienced by ethnic minority patients.MethodsA systematic search was conducted for papers published (...)
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  39. Whose Consciousness? Reflexivity and the Problem of Self-Knowledge.Christian Coseru - 2020 - In Mark Siderits, Ching Keng & John Spackman, Buddhist Philosophy of Consciousness: Tradition and Dialogue. Boston: Brill | Rodopi. pp. 121-153.
    If I am aware that p, say, that it is raining, is it the case that I must be aware that I am aware that p? Does introspective or object-awareness entail the apprehension of mental states as being of some kind or another: self-monitoring or intentional? That is, are cognitive events implicitly self-aware or is “self-awareness” just another term for metacognition? Not surprisingly, intuitions on the matter vary widely. This paper proposes a novel solution to this classical debate by reframing (...)
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  40. Inference and the taking condition.Christian Kietzmann - 2018 - Ratio 31 (3):294-302.
    It has recently been argued that inference essentially involves the thinker taking his premises to support his conclusion and drawing his conclusion because of this fact. However, this Taking Condition has also been criticized: If taking is interpreted as believing, it seems to lead to a vicious regress and to overintellectualize the act of inferring. In this paper, I examine and reject various attempts to salvage the Taking Condition, either by interpreting inferring as a kind of rule-following, or by finding (...)
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  41. Dynamic and stochastic systems as a framework for metaphysics and the philosophy of science.Christian List & Marcus Pivato - 2019 - Synthese 198 (3):2551-2612.
    Scientists often think of the world as a dynamical system, a stochastic process, or a generalization of such a system. Prominent examples of systems are the system of planets orbiting the sun or any other classical mechanical system, a hydrogen atom or any other quantum–mechanical system, and the earth’s atmosphere or any other statistical mechanical system. We introduce a general and unified framework for describing such systems and show how it can be used to examine some familiar philosophical questions, including (...)
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  42.  69
    A possibility theorem on aggregation over multiple interconnected propositions.Christian List - 2003 - Mathematical Social Sciences 45 (1):1-13.
    Drawing on the so-called “doctrinal paradox”, List and Pettit (2002) have shown that, given an unrestricted domain condition, there exists no procedure for aggregating individual sets of judgments over multiple interconnected propositions into corresponding collective ones, where the procedure satisfies some minimal conditions similar to the conditions of Arrow’s theorem. I prove that we can avoid the paradox and the associated impossibility result by introducing an appropriate domain restriction: a structure condition, called unidimensional alignment, is shown to open up a (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Reasons and Conscious Persons.Christian Coseru - 2020 - In Andrea Sauchelli, Derek Parfit’s Reasons and Persons: An Introduction and Critical Inquiry. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 160-186.
    What justifies holding the person that we are today morally responsible for something we did a year ago? And why are we justified in showing prudential concern for the future welfare of the person we will be a year from now? These questions cannot be systematically pursued without addressing the problem of personal identity. This essay considers whether Buddhist Reductionism, a philosophical project grounded on the idea that persons reduce to a set of bodily, sensory, perceptual, dispositional, and conscious elements, (...)
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    The Capitalist Schema: Time, Money, and the Culture of Abstraction.Christian Lotz - 2014 - Lexington Books.
    The Capitalist Schema uses marxist philosophy to explain how money frames all social relations in our capitalist world and how money regulates and conditions social references to past and future social life. Consequently, modern life becomes ever more abstract and leveled, and all human desire becomes channeled towards profit and making money.
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  45. Benatar’s Anti-Natalism: Philosophically Flawed, Morally Dubious.Christian Piller - 2022 - Philosophia 51 (2):897-917.
    In the first part of the paper, I discuss Benatar’s asymmetry argument for the claim that it would have been better for each of us to have never lived at all. In contrast to other commentators, I will argue that there is a way of interpreting the premises of his argument which makes all of them come out true. (This will require one departure from Benatar’s own presentation.) Once we see why the premises are true, we will, however, also realise (...)
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    Decentered ethics in the machine era and guidance for AI regulation.Christian Hugo Hoffmann & Benjamin Hahn - 2020 - AI and Society 35 (3):635-644.
    Recent advancements in AI have prompted a large number of AI ethics guidelines published by governments and nonprofits. While many of these papers propose concrete or seemingly applicable ideas, few philosophically sound proposals are made. In particular, we observe that the line of questioning has often not been examined critically and underlying conceptual problems not always dealt with at the root. In this paper, we investigate the nature of ethical AI systems and what their moral status might be by first (...)
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  47. When to defer to supermajority testimony — and when not.Christian List - 2014 - In Jennifer Lackey, Essays in Collective Epistemology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 240-249.
    Pettit (2006) argues that deferring to majority testimony is not generally rational: it may lead to inconsistent beliefs. He suggests that “another ... approach will do better”: deferring to supermajority testimony. But this approach may also lead to inconsistencies. In this paper, I describe conditions under which deference to supermajority testimony ensures consistency, and conditions under which it does not. I also introduce the concept of “consistency of degree k”, which is weaker than full consistency by ruling out only “blatant” (...)
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  48. How Much for the Child?Christian Barry & Gerhard Øverland - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (1):189-204.
    In this paper we explore what sacrifices you are morally required to make to save a child who is about to die in front of you. It has been argued that you would have very demanding duties to save such a child (or any adult who is in similar circumstance through no fault of their own, for that matter), and some examples have been presented to make this claim seem intuitively correct. Against this, we argue that you do not in (...)
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    (1 other version)On the corporate social responsibility perceptions of equity analysts.Christian Fieseler - 2011 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 20 (2):131-147.
    The importance of communicating corporate social responsibility (CSR) not only to socially responsible investors but also to the mainstream of the financial community is gaining importance in a more competitive capital market environment. This article looks at how equity analysts at the German stock exchange in Frankfurt – individuals who are not particularly involved in socially responsible investment (SRI) research – perceive economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibility strategies. The evidence obtained in our interviews suggests that responsibility issues are increasingly (...)
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    Norms of Legitimate Dissensus.Christian Kock - 2007 - Informal Logic 27 (2):179-196.
    The paper calls for argumentation theory to learn from moral and political philosophy. Several thinkers in these fields help understand the occurrence of what we may call legitimate dissensus: enduring disagreement even between reasonable people arguing reasonably. It inevitably occurs over practical issues, e.g., issues of action rather than truth, because there will normally be legitimate arguments on both sides, and these will be incommensurable, i.e., they cannot be objectively weighed against each other. Accordingly, ‘inference,’ ‘validity,’ and ‘sufficiency’ are inapplicable (...)
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