Results for 'Design Theory'

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  1.  29
    Abstract design theory.Yuzuru Kakuda & Makoto Kikuchi - 2001 - Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science 10 (3):109-125.
  2. Intelligent design theory, religion, and the science curriculum.Warren A. Nord - 2003 - In John Angus Campbell & Stephen C. Meyer, Darwinism, design, and public education. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press. pp. 45--58.
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    Intelligent‐Design Theory: An Argument for Biotic Laws.Uko Zylstra - 2004 - Zygon 39 (1):175-191.
    A central thesis of intelligent‐design theorists is that physical and chemical laws and chance are insufficient to account for irreducibly complex biological structures and that intelligent design is necessary to account for such phenomena. This assertion, however, still implies a reductionist ontology. We need to recognize that reality displays multiple modes of being beyond simply chemical and physical modes of being, each of which is governed by laws for that mode of being. This essay argues for an alternate (...)
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  4. Intelligent Design Theory and the Supernatural—the ‘God or Extra-Terrestrials’ Reply.Elliot Sober - 2007 - Faith and Philosophy 24 (1):72-82.
    When proponents of Intelligent Design (ID) theory deny that their theory is religious, the minimalistic theory they have in mind (the mini-ID theory) is the claim that the irreducibly complex adaptations found in nature were made by one or more intelligent designers. The denial that this theory is religious rests on the fact that it does not specify the identity of the designer—a supernatural God or a team of extra-terrestrials could have done the work. (...)
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    Systemic Design: Theory, Methods, and Practice.Peter Jones & Kyoichi Kijima (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Japan.
    This book presents emerging work in the co-evolving fields of design-led systemics, referred to as systemic design to distinguish it from the engineering and hard science epistemologies of system design or systems engineering. There are significant societal forces and organizational demands impelling the requirement for “better means of change” through integrated design practices of systems and services. Here we call on advanced design to lead programs of strategic scale and higher complexity while adapting systems thinking (...)
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  6. The Problem Of Religious Nature Of Intelligent Design Theory.Dariusz Sagan - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 6 (4):55-74.
    Intelligent design theory claims that certain biological and cosmic phenomena point to the activity of some unspecified intelligent being behind them and that it is a fully scientific conclusion. Critics often respond that, in fact, intelligent design is a religious idea because the real agenda of proponents of the theory is to reintroduce supernatural, Christian beliefs into science, public education, and other domains of western culture. In other words, it is said that the source of inspiration (...)
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    Intelligent design theory and its context.Michael Ruse - 2005 - Think 4 (11):7-16.
    Michael Ruse introduces the debate over intelligent design creationism.
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    Introduction to Design Theory Philosophy, Critique, History and Practice.Michalle Gal - 2023 - London: Routledge.
    ntroduction to Design Theory introduces a comprehensive, systematic, and didactic outline of the discourse of design. Designed both as a course book and a source for research, this textbook methodically covers the central concepts of design theory, definitions of design, its historical milestones, and its relations to culture, industry, body, ecology, language, society, gender and ideology. -/- Demonstrated by a shift towards the importance of the sociocultural context in which products are manufactured and embedded, (...)
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  9. Design theory analysis of biface technology at the Botanie Lake Dam site (EcRj 15), south-central British Columbia.Paul Ewonus - 2009 - NEXUS: The Canadian Student Journal of Anthropology 21 (1):8.
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    A Response to Günter Figal’s Aesthetic Monism: Phenomenological Sublimity and the Genesis of Aesthetic Experience.GermanyIrene Breuer Irene Breuer Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Dipl-Ing Arch: Degree in Architecture Phil), Then Professor for Architectural Design Germanylecturer, Phenomenology at the Buwdaad Scholarship Buenos Airesto Midlecturer for Theoretical Philosophy, the Support of the B. U. W. My Research Focus is Set On: Ancient Greek Philosophy Research on the Reception of the German Philosophical Anthropology in Argentina Presently Working on Mentioned Research Subject, French Phenomenology Classical German, Architectural Theory Aesthetics & Design Cf: Https://Uni-Wuppertalacademiaedu/Irenebreuer - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):151-170.
    This paper aims to pay tribute to Figal’s comprehensive and innovative analysis of the artwork and beauty, while challenging both his realist position on the immediacy of meaning and his monist stance that reduces sublimity to beauty. To enquire into the origin of aesthetic feelings and sense, and thus, to break the hermeneutic circle, we first trace the origin of this reduction to the reception of Burke’s concept of the sublime by Mendelssohn and Kant. We then recur to Husserl and (...)
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  11. Sober on Intelligent Design Theory and the Intelligent Designer.John Beaudoin - 2008 - Faith and Philosophy 25 (4):432-442.
    Intelligent design theorists claim that their theory is neutral as to the identity of the intelligent designer, even with respect to whether it is a natural or a supernatural agent. In a recent issue of Faith and Philosophy, Elliott Sober has argued that in fact the theory is not neutral on this issue, and that it entails theexistence of a supernatural designer. I examine Sober’s argument and identify several hurdles it must overcome.
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    Labour, utopia and modern design theory: the positivist sociology of Frederic Harrison.Matthew Wilson - 2019 - Intellectual History Review 29 (2):313-335.
    Historians of modern design and sociology have shown little interest in the leaders of the ever resourceful and influential British Positivist Society. One of the aims of this essay is to show that the Positivist polymath Frederic Harrison (1831–1923) cultivated ideas and practices that are compatible with modernists’ aspirations to improve the lives of the masses. It is accordingly shown that Harrison was an ardent supporter of working-class causes and that on this basis he developed sociological survey methods and (...)
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  13. Embodying Values in Design: Theory and Practice.M. Flanagan, D. Howe & H. Nissenbaum - 2008 - In M. J. van den Joven & J. Weckert, Information Technology and Moral Philosophy. Cambridge University Press. pp. 322--353.
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  14. Design Theory and its Critics: Monologues Passing in the Night. [REVIEW]Del Ratzsch - 2002 - Ars Disputandi 2:240-255.
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    False memories and statistical design theory: Comment on Miller and Wolford (1999) and Roediger and McDermott (1999).Thomas D. Wickens & Elliott Hirshman - 2000 - Psychological Review 107 (2):377-383.
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    Sensual Environmental Robots: Entanglements of Speculative Realist Ideas with Design Theory and Practice.Steven C. Santer - 2025 - Open Philosophy 8 (1):351-64.
    In response to this issue’s theme of Can robots be sensual? two propositions are discussed from a design researcher’s perspective. Four devices across two speculative projects Habitat Robots and Soil Protector Robots are presented. Speculative Realist ideas provide reasoning for design approaches to metaphorise sensed environmental data into multi-sensorial performances that the devices embody. Facilitated through the projects are philosophy of design concerns, such as asymmetrical relations, the nature of data, and language about the devices prefiguring sensorial (...)
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    A history of design theory in art education.Nanyoung Kim - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (2):12-28.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:...
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  18. Scientific Content, Testability, and the Vacuity of Intelligent Design Theory.Ryan Nichold - 2003 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 77 (4):591-611.
    Proponents of intelligent design theory seek to ground a scientific research program that appeals to teleology within the context of biological explanation. As such, intelligent design theory must contain principles to guide researchers. I argue for a disjunction: either Dembski’s ID theory lacks content, or it succumbs to the methodological problems associated with creation science—problems that Dembski explicitly attempts to avoid. The only concept of a designer permitted by Dembski’s explanatory filter is too weak to (...)
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  19. two Issues, One Rhetoric: Relating Intelligent Design Theory To Christian-muslim 'discord'.Daniel Murphy - 2008 - Florida Philosophical Review 8 (1):81-90.
    Over the past several years, the intelligent design/evolutionism debate and a collective national reckoning with Islam as both a religious confession and a political force have both become significant issues in public discourse in the United States. In my paper, I argue that philosophy can begin to determine a connection between extremist, Islamophobic rhetoric and extremist, pro-ID rhetoric. The connection is that both these forms of extreme rhetoric, while they deal with different issues, tend to corrupt reason and show (...)
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    Epistemic framework of intelligent design theory.K. Jodkowski - 2006 - Filozofia Nauki 14 (1 (53)):95-105.
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    Naill Shanks. God, the devil, and Darwin: A critique of intelligent design theory.Thomas Wayne Smythe - 2008 - Philosophia 36 (2):251-254.
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  22. Critical Review of Mary Midgley's Intelligent Design Theory and Other Ideological Problems.Nicholas Everitt - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 48 (4):665-674.
    Mary Midgley's pamphlet Intelligent Design Theory and Other Ideological Problems has been a widely read contribution to discussions of the place of creationism in schools. In this critique of her account, I outline Midgley's view of the relations between science and religion, her claims about what material can legitimately appear in science lessons, and her account of the nature of religion. I argue that she is mistaken in all three areas, and show that her most plausible reply to (...)
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    The theory of educational technology: towards a dialogic foundation for design.Rupert Wegerif - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Louis Major.
    Educational technology is controversial - some see it as essential to providing free global learning, others view it as a dangerous distraction that undermines good education. In both instances, most theories that have previously been applied to educational technology do not account for the distinctive nature and vast potential of technology. This book addresses this issue, exploring how education has been bound up with technology from the beginning, and recognising that educational aims have already been shaped by technologies. Offering a (...)
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  24. Review of Niall Shanks, God, the Devil, and Darwin: A Critique of Intelligent Design Theory[REVIEW]Neil A. Manson - 2004 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2004 (5).
    In this book Niall Shanks aims to debunk thoroughly “intelligent design theory” (henceforth IDT). The aim of proponents of IDT, Shanks warns us (p. xi), “is to insinuate into public consciousness a new version of science – supernatural science – in which the God of Christianity (carefully not directly mentioned for legal and political reasons) is portrayed as the intelligent designer of the universe and its contents.” He thinks the answer to the two basic questions about IDT – (...)
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    Designing Journeys to the Social World: Hegel's Theory of Property and His Noble Dreams Revisited.Haochen Sun - 2010 - Cosmos and History 6 (1):33-59.
    The conventional readings of Hegel’s theory of property show that property plays an important role in developing human individuality. In this paper, I repudiate the conventional readings and offer a new interpretation of Hegel’s theory of property. I aim to show that Hegel’s theory of property provides a vantage point for us to rethink the relationship between persons and the society in general and the nature of property in particular. Situated in the whole picture of Hegel’s social (...)
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    Life Design Counseling: Theory, Methodology, Challenges, and Future Trends.Ya Wen, Kai Li, Huaruo Chen & Fei Liu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    With the rapid development of society and the dramatic change of environment, previous career counseling focusing on personal choice has been difficult to meet individuals’ needs. It is very meaningful and valuable to introduce the ideology of Life Design Counseling. In this mini review, we introduce and analyze the theory and methodology of LDC. This review puts forward challenges in the field of LDC, including the lack of attention to clients from multiple backgrounds and professional counselors, the lack (...)
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    Howard J. Van Till’s “Robust Formational Economy Principle” as a Critique of Intelligent Design Theory.Jay Wesley Richards - 2002 - Philosophia Christi 4 (1):101-112.
  28.  50
    Designing Realistic Utopia: Ideal Theory in Practical Political Philosophy.Jürgen Sirsch - 2020 - Baden-Baden, Deutschland: Nomos.
    Building on the work of John Rawls, this book offers a conception of ideal theory which provides practical guidance and a critical perspective on politics, institutions and society. The author develops this approach by discussing recent criticism of ideal theory by authors such as Amartya Sen and Raymond Geuss. Answering Sen’s criticism, the author proposes a novel account of feasibility in relation to ideal theory, especially with regard to ideal institutional design. As a reply to Geuss’ (...)
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    Design Thinking in Argumentation Theory and Practice.Sally Jackson - 2015 - Argumentation 29 (3):243-263.
    This essay proposes a design perspective on argumentation, intended as complementary to empirical and critical scholarship. In any substantive domain, design can provide insights that differ from those provided by scientific or humanistic perspectives. For argumentation, the key advantage of a design perspective is the recognition that humanity’s natural capacity for reason and reasonableness can be extended through inventions that improve on unaided human intellect. Historically, these inventions have fallen into three broad classes: logical systems, scientific methods, (...)
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    Four Design Criteria for any Future Contractarian Theory of Business Ethics.Ben Wempe - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):697-714.
    This article assesses the quality of Integrative Social Contracts Theory (ISCT) as a social contract argument. For this purpose, it embarks on a comparative analysis of the use of the social contract model as a theory of political authority and as a theory of social justice. Building on this comparison, it then develops four criteria for any future contractarian theory of business ethics (CBE). To apply the social contract model properly to the domain of business ethics, (...)
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  31. How Not to Critique Intelligent Design Theory[REVIEW]Del Ratzsch - 2005 - Ars Disputandi 5.
    I have been an interested observer of the Intelligent Design movement for some years, and although I have argued elsewhere that some of the philosophical points made by a number of ID advocates are right, I have been critical of other aspects of ID views. Having that interest, I would welcome a comprehensive, competent, evaluation and critique of ID. The structure, the catalogue of topics addressed, and the Oxford University Press imprimatur initially suggest that Niall Shanks’s God, the Devil, (...)
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  32. Grounded Theory as a Means of User Centred Design and Evaluation (pp. 189–194).A. Stone, G. Alsop & C. Tompsett - 2003 - In Kristóf Nyíri, Mobile Learning: Essays on Philosophy, Psychology and Education. Passagen Verlag.
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  33. personality. Theory and practice of educational systems design. M.Serikov vv Education - forthcoming - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España].
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  34. Theory and Design of Christian Education Curriculum.D. Campbell Wyckoff - 1961
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    Designing Realistic Educational Utopias Using (Mainly) Non-ideal Theory.Alison M. Jaggar - 2014 - Philosophy of Education 70:25-36.
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  36. Kant, the transcendental designation of I, and the direct reference theory.Luca Forgione - 2019 - Theoria : An International Journal for Theory, History and Fundations of Science 34 (1): 31-49.
    The aim of this paper is to address the semantic issue of the nature of the representation I and of the transcendental designation, i.e., the self-referential apparatus involved in transcendental apperception. The I think, the bare or empty representation I, is the representational vehicle of the concept of transcendental subject; as such, it is a simple representation. The awareness of oneself as thinking is only expressed by the I: the intellectual representation which performs a referential function of the spontaneity of (...)
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  37. Rigid Designation and Anaphoric Theories of Reference.Michael P. Wolf - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 130 (2):351-375.
    Few philosophers today doubt the importance of some notion of rigid designation, as suggested by Kripke and Putnam for names and natural kind terms. At the very least, most of us want our theories to be compatible with the most plausible elements of that account. Anaphoric theories of reference have gained some attention lately, but little attention has been given to how they square with rigid designation. Although the differences between anaphoric theories and many interpretations of the New Theory (...)
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    Design thinking, system thinking, Grounded Theory, and system dynamics modeling—an integrative methodology for social sciences and humanities.Eva Šviráková & Gabriel Bianchi - 2018 - Human Affairs 28 (3):312-327.
    This paper concerns design thinking (Lawson, 1980), system thinking (systems theory) (von Bertalanffy, 1968), and system dynamics modeling as methodological platforms for analyzing large amounts of qualitative data and transforming it into quantitative mode. The aims of this article are to present an integral (mixed) research process including the design thinking process—a solution oriented approach applicable in the social sciences and humanities which enables to reveal causality in research on societal and behavioral issues. This integral approach is (...)
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    Instrumentalization theory and reflexive design in animal husbandry.A. P. Bos - 2008 - Social Epistemology 22 (1):29 – 50.
    In animal husbandry in The Netherlands, as in a wide variety of other societal areas, we see an increased awareness of the fact that progress cannot be attained anymore by simply repeating the way we modernized this sector in the decades before, due to the multiplicity of the problems to be dealt with. The theory of reflexive modernization articulates this macro-social phenomenon, and at the same time serves as a prescriptive master-narrative. In this paper, I analyse the relationship between (...)
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  40. Thoughts on Developing Theory in Designing C-Books.D. Corcoran - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):316-317.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Designing Constructionist E-Books: New Mediations for Creative Mathematical Thinking?” by Chronis Kynigos. Upshot: As a mathematics teacher educator and “digital tourist,” I focus my response to the many questions posed by Kynigos from three perspectives. First, I outline the theories he uses to frame the reporting of the research into the design of constructionist e-books. Second, I compare his theoretical tools with design-based research as an organising framework for a research project of (...)
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  41. Intelligent Design from the viewpoint of complex systems theory.Chunyu Dong - 2010 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 5 (3):461-470.
    Based on an analysis of the origins and characteristics of Intelligent Design, this essay discusses the related issues of probability and irreducible complexity. From the viewpoint of complex systems theory, I suggest that Intelligent Design is not, as certain advocates claim, the only reasonable approach for dealing with the current difficulties of evolutionary biology.
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    Representative design and probabilistic theory in a functional psychology.Egon Brunswik - 1955 - Psychological Review 62 (3):193-217.
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    The normative gap: mechanism design and ideal theories of justice.Zoë Hitzig - 2020 - Economics and Philosophy 36 (3):407-434.
    This paper investigates the relationship between economic theory and theories of justice in the design of public policy. In particular, it focuses on the role of mechanism design in policy contexts beset with issues of social, racial and distributive justice. Economists’ involvement in redesigning Boston’s algorithm for allocating K-12 students to public schools serves as an instructive case study. The paper draws on the distinction betweenideal theoryandnon-ideal theoryin political philosophy and the concept ofperformativityin economic sociology to argue (...)
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  44.  13
    (Re)Designing the Public Sphere? Doing Political Theory After the Empirical Turn.Anthony Longo - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (3):1-26.
    This article critically addresses current debates on the digital transformation of the public sphere. It responds to two contrasting responses to this transformation: the school of destruction, which expresses pessimism about the design of social media, and the school of restoration, which advocates for the redesign of social media to align with normative conceptions of the public sphere. However, so far these responses have omitted an explicit philosophical reflection on the relationship between politics, technology and design. After tracing (...)
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    Theory languages in designing artificial intelligence.Pertti Saariluoma & Antero Karvonen - 2024 - AI and Society 39 (5):2249-2258.
    The foundations of AI design discourse are worth analyzing. Here, attention is paid to the nature of theory languages used in designing new AI technologies because the limits of these languages can clarify some fundamental questions in the development of AI. We discuss three types of theory language used in designing AI products: formal, computational, and natural. Formal languages, such as mathematics, logic, and programming languages, have fixed meanings and no actual-world semantics. They are context- and practically (...)
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    Transgressive Design Strategies for Utopian Cities: Theories, Methodologies and Cases in Architecture and Urbanism.Bertug Ozarisoy - 2023 - Routledge. Edited by Hasim Altan.
    This book critically examines the philosophy of the term 'transgression' and how it shapes the utopian vision of contemporary urban design scenarios. The aim of this book is to provide scholarly yet accessible graphic novel illustrations to inform narratives of urban manifestos. Through four select case studies from the UK, Cyprus and Germany, the book highlights the paradoxes and contradictions in architecture and provides detailed evaluation of the limits and contemporary forms of sustainable urban regeneration. The book proposes an (...)
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    Designing Technology, Developing Theory: Toward a Symmetrical Approach.Andreas Kolb & Cornelius Schubert - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (3):528-554.
    We focus on collaborative activities that engage computer graphics designers and social scientists in systems design processes. Our conceptual symmetrical account of technology design and theory development is elaborated as a mode of mutual engagement occurring in an interdisciplinary trading zone, where neither discipline is placed at the service of the other and nor do disciplinary boundaries dissolve. To this end, we draw on analyses of mutual engagements between computer and social scientists stemming from the fields of (...)
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    Designing normative theories for ethical and legal reasoning: LogiKEy framework, methodology, and tool support.Christoph Benzmüller, Xavier Parent & Leendert van der Torre - 2020 - Artificial Intelligence 287 (C):103348.
  49. Course Design to Connect Theory to Real-World Cases: Teaching Political Philosophy in Asia.Sandra Leonie Field - 2019 - Asian Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 9 (2):199-211.
    Students often have difficulty connecting theoretical and text-based scholarship to the real world. When teaching in Asia, this disconnection is exacerbated by the European/American focus of many canonical texts, whereas students' own experiences are primarily Asian. However, in my discipline of political philosophy, this problem receives little recognition nor is it comprehensively addressed. In this paper, I propose that the problem must be taken seriously, and I share my own experiences with a novel pedagogical strategy which might offer a possible (...)
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    Deliberative Democratic Theory for Building Global Civil Society: Designing a Virtual Community of Activists.Brooke A. Ackerly - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (2):113-141.
    The questions of this article are: what can we learn from deliberative democratic theory, its critics, the practices of local deliberative communities, the needs of potential participants, and the experiences of virtual communities that would be useful in designing a technology-facilitated institution for global civil society that is deliberative and democratic in its values? And what is the appropriate design of such an online institution so that it will be attentive to the undemocratic forces enabled by power inequalities (...)
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