Results for 'Dharmendra Naidu'

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  1.  23
    Shhh… Do Gender-Diverse Boards Prioritize Product Market Concerns Over Capital Market Incentives?Dharmendra Naidu & Kumari Ranjeeni - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (1):235-257.
    We examine whether gender-diverse boards prioritize product market concerns over capital market incentives when proprietary costs are high. We argue that gender-diverse boards protect their firm’s competitive edge and maximize long-term shareholder wealth by ethically and carefully maintaining the confidentiality of proprietary information. Due to the reduced disclosure of proprietary information, firms with gender-diverse boards are likely to face more adverse selection when proprietary costs are high. However, the reduced disclosure of proprietary information enables firms with gender-diverse boards to enhance (...)
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  2. Neutrality, contingency and undecidability.Dharmendra Kumar - 1969 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 19 (4):353-356.
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  3. Logic and inexact predicates.Dharmendra Kumar - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (3):211-222.
  4. A critique of ideology.Dharmendra Goel - 1980 - In Surendra Sheodas Barlingay, Kalidas Bhattacharya & K. J. Shah, Philosophy, theory and action. Poona: Continental Prakashan for Prof. S.S. Barlingay Felicitation Committee. pp. 191.
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    Philosophy of history.Dharmendra Goel - 1967 - Delhi,: Sterling Publishers.
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  6. The Laws of Nature and the Conventionalism-Reconsidered.Dharmendra Goel - 1992 - In Jayant Vishnu Narlikar, Indu Banga & Chhanda Gupta, Philosophy of science: perspectives from natural and social sciences. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers. pp. 40--118.
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  7. Vivekananda: His Religious Vision and Indian Society.Dharmendra Goel - 2007 - In Rekha Jhanji, The philosophy of Vivekananda. New Delhi: Aryan Books International. pp. 23.
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    Vagueness and subjunctivity.Dharmendra Kumar - 1971 - Mind 80 (317):127-131.
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    Vagueness and Truth by Convention.Dharmendra Kumar - 1969 - Analysis 29 (4):129 - 130.
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  10. Bhāratīya darśana-śāstra, nyāya-vaiśeshika.Dharmendra Nath Shastri - 1953
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  11. Punarjanmavimarśaḥ: anātmavādināmaekātmavādināñca = Rebirth, a critical study.Dharmendra Kumar Singhdeo - 2008 - Jammū: Vīṇāpāṇiprakāśanam.
    Concept of rebirth in Indic philosophy; an analytical study.
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    Personality and Value Preference as Predictors of Social Well-being.Dharmendra Nath Tiwari & Girishwar Misra - 2021 - Journal of Human Values 27 (2):161-174.
    This article explored the role of personality disposition and value preference as predictors of social well-being in the context of ecological setting. Ecological contexts like rural and urban are critical, particularly in a developing country like India, because they represent significant disparities and variations in the lived experiences of the people. The participants ( n = 360) from the age range of 15–65 years (M = 33.50, SD = 11.99) were drawn from two ecological settings, that is, rural (Gorakhpur Region, (...)
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    Effect of thermal annealing on disorder and optical properties of Cr/Si bilayer thin films.Kuna Lakshun Naidu & Mamidipudi Ghanashyam Krishna - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (30):3431-3444.
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  14. Animated environment" animism" and the environment revisited.Maheshvari Naidu - 2011 - Journal of Dharma 36 (3):257-273.
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    An invitation to think.Mumulla Venkat Rao Naidu - 1965 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
    While Human Life Has Been Scientified, Science Has Not Humanized. In These Words The Author Of This Book Draws The Attention Of His Readers Towards The Existing Conflict Between Science And Culture.
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  16. Attending to the patient bioethics and medical literature.Maheshvari Naidu - 2013 - Journal of Dharma 38 (1):57-70.
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  17. Belief across borders religion as networked social capital.Maheshvari Naidu - 2009 - Journal of Dharma 34 (4):461-476.
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  18.  50
    Consanguinity and its relationship to differential fertility and mortality in the kotia: A tribal population of andhra pradesh, india.Yasmin Naidu & C. G. N. Mascie-Taylor - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29 (2):171-180.
    Data on patterns of marriage, differential fertility and mortality were collected from 211 Kotia women residing in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh, India. Consanguineous marriages made up just over a quarter of the total, and of these, father's sister's daughter (FSD) were more common than mother's brother's daughter (MBD). The mean inbreeding coefficient for the sample (F) was 0·0172. Women in consanguineous marriages had a lower mean number of total conceptions, live births and living offspring (net fertility) than women in (...)
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  19.  31
    Critical realism and John Locke.P. S. Naidu - 1935 - Journal of Philosophy 32 (16):431-437.
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  20.  23
    Ethics and risks in sustainable civilian nuclear energy development in Vietnam.Lakshmy Naidu & Ravichandran Moorthy - 2022 - Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 22:1-12.
    Vietnam is a vibrant and emerging South East Asian economy. However, the country faces a challenging task in meeting rising energy demand and the need to securitize energy while addressing the negative environmental impact of fossil fuel utilization. Growing concerns about sustainable development have led Vietnam to develop civilian nuclear energy for electricity generation. Nuclear power is widely recognized as a clean, mature and reliable energy source. Its inclusion in Vietnam’s energy mix by 2030 is expected to supplement other energy (...)
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  21. Eco-femin (ism) and hindu (ism) positioning contemporary Eco-ethic conversation.Maheshvari Naidu - 2008 - Journal of Dharma 33 (1-4):133-154.
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  22. Gendered religion autoethnography as a methodological tool in religion studies.Maheshvari Naidu - 2011 - Journal of Dharma 36 (4):347-366.
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  23. Religious'relationality'as an ethical resource.Maheshvari Naidu - 2010 - Journal of Dharma 35 (4):355-368.
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  24. Religious belonging and identity among South African Hindu women.M. Naidu - 2005 - Journal of Dharma 30 (2).
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  25. Religion, development, and palaeo-tourism fossils and ideas of oneness at the cradle of humankind world heritage site.Maheshvari Naidu - 2007 - Journal of Dharma 32 (4):395-406.
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    Reparations for human rights abuses.Ereshnee Naidu & John Torpey - 2012 - In Thomas Cushman, Handbook of human rights. New York: Routledge. pp. 476.
  27. 'Transcendent'genealogical and kinship relations afterlife in african traditional religions.Maheshvari Naidu - 2012 - Journal of Dharma 37 (4).
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  28.  43
    The First Adam-Second Adam Typology in John Chrysostom and Cyril of Alexandria.Ashish J. Naidu - 2014 - Perichoresis 12 (2):153-162.
    Patristic scholars have commented on the early church’s common practice of drawing catechetical instructions from the creation account in Genesis. One of the recurring motifs in such discussions is the fathers’ use of the Adam-Christ typology with its soteriological and sacramental implications. The present study briefly explores this theme in John Chrysostom and Cyril of Alexandria with particular reference to the baptism of Jesus and the theological challenge it posed to the early church: Did Jesus the Lord receive the Spirit (...)
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    The Principle of Uncertainty.P. S. Naidu - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 7:53-59.
    Le principe d’incertitude, qui a pris une extraordinaire importance dans la science contemporaine, révèle l’impossibilité des affirmations si fréquentes, que le monde physique et l’expérience sensible sont les seules choses qui comptent. Ce principe montre aussi combien est illégitime la tendance à considérer comme objectives et concrètes les hypothèses de travail. En biologie comme en physique, l’étude expérimentale du règne sous-microscopique est une source de surprise: le comportement des éléments sous-nucléaires nous force à reconnaître partout une action directrice. Quand on (...)
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  30. Urban encounters with God when God lends a hand.Maheshvari Naidu - 2012 - Journal of Dharma 37 (3).
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    Convergence of a Two-Step Iterative Method for Nondifferentiable Operators in Banach Spaces.Abhimanyu Kumar, Dharmendra K. Gupta, Eulalia Martínez & Sukhjit Singh - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-11.
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  32. Theory on Duplicity of Finite Neutrosophic Rings.T. Chalapathi, K. Kumaraswamy Naidu, D. Harish Babu & Florentin Smarandache - 2023 - Neutrosophic Sets and Systems 55.
    This article introduces the notion of duplex elements of the finite rings and corresponding neutrosophic rings. The authors establish duplex ring Dup(R) and neutrosophic duplex ring Dup(R)I)) by way of various illustrations. The tables of different duplicities are constructed to reveal the comparison between rings Dup(Zn), Dup(Dup(Zn)) and Dup(Dup(Dup(Zn ))) for the cyclic ring Zn . The proposed duplicity structures have several algebraic systems with dissimilar consequences. Author’s characterize finite rings with R + R is different from the duplex ring (...)
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    Sustainable Entertainment: Management Strategies for Sustainable Growth in the Television Industry.Dr Rimjhim Jha, Dr Kanchan Naidu, Dr Gayathri Band & Dr Soma Sharma - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:571-577.
    As it faces the threats and seizes the possibilities presented by sustainability, the television business is experiencing a profound shift. The potential for long-term expansion in the television industry is investigated in this study by looking at sustainable entertainment management practices. The research finds important tactics that production businesses and television networks may use to incorporate social, economic, and environmental sustainability into their operations by looking at existing practices and new developments. Case studies of prominent firms, examination of sustainability reports, (...)
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    Hyperbolic Feature-based Sarcasm Detection in Telugu Conversation Sentences.Korra Sathya Babu, Reddy Naidu & Santosh Kumar Bharti - 2020 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 30 (1):73-89.
    Recognition of sarcastic statements has been a challenge in the process of sentiment analysis. A sarcastic sentence contains only positive words conveying a negative sentiment. Therefore, it is tough for any automated machine to identify the exact sentiment of the text in the presence of sarcasm. The existing systems for sarcastic sentiment detection are limited to the text scripted in English. Nowadays, researchers have shown greater interest in low resourced languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, Indonesian, etc. (...)
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    Neurophysiological indices of free recall memory biases in major depression: The impact of stimulus arousal and valence.Patricia J. Deldin, Shanthi K. Naidu, Avgusta Y. Shestyuk & Brooks R. Casas - 2009 - Cognition and Emotion 23 (5):1002-1020.
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    Tandava Laksanam: Or the Fundamentals of Ancient Hindu Dancing.Clifford R. Jones, B. V. Narayanaswami Naidu, P. Srinivasululu Naidu & O. V. Rangayya Pantulu - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (2):340.
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    Moral values and good citizens in a multi-ethnic society: A content analysis of moral education textbooks in Malaysia.Bee Piang Tan, Noor Banu Mahadir Naidu & Zuraini Jamil@Osman - 2018 - Journal of Social Studies Research 42 (2):119-134.
    One of the most important roles of schools is to enable students to become good citizens, capable of participating in the public affairs of society. However, the term ‘good citizens’ evokes different interpretations and definitions in different value systems. Using the methods of quantitative content analysis and narrative analysis, this paper aims to identify the dominant moral values of a good citizen that are conveyed by Malaysian moral education textbooks. The findings demonstrate that ‘responsibility’ is the dominant value for shaping (...)
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  38.  18
    Consanguinity and its relationship to differential fertility and mortality in the Kotia: A tribal population of Andhra Pradesh, India.Jm Naidu Yasmin & Cgn Mascie-Taylor - 1997 - Journal of Biosocial Science 29:171-80.
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    Kāvyādarśaḥ. Ācāryadaṇḍiviracitaḥ. Suvarṇaṇākhyayā Saṃskṛtahindīvyākhyāyā SametaḥKavyadarsah. Acaryadandiviracitah. Suvarnanakhyaya Samskrtahindivyakhyaya Sametah. [REVIEW]Ludwik Sternbach & Dharmendra Gupta - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):321.
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    Corporations as political actors – a report on the first swiss master class in corporate social responsibility.Andreas Rasche, Dorothea Baur, Mariëtte van Huijstee, Stephen Ladek, Jayanthi Naidu, Cecilia Perla, Esther Schouten, Michael Valente & Mingrui Zhang - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):151 - 173.
    This paper presents a report on the first Swiss Master Class in Corporate Social Responsibility, which was held between the 8th and 9th December 2006 at HEC Lausanne in Switzerland. The first section of the report introduces the topic of the master class – ‚Corporations as Political Actors – Facing the Postnational Challenge’ – as well as the concept of the master class. The second section gives an overview of papers written by nine young scholars that were selected to present (...)
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    Corporations as Political Actors – A Report on the First Swiss Master Class in Corporate Social Responsibility.Andreas Rasche, Dorothea Baur, Mariëtte Huijstee, Stephen Ladek, Jayanthi Naidu & Cecilia Perla - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (2):151-173.
    This paper presents a report on the first Swiss Master Class in Corporate Social Responsibility, which was held between the 8th and 9th December 2006 at HEC Lausanne in Switzerland. The first section of the report introduces the topic of the master class – ‚Corporations as Political Actors – Facing the Postnational Challenge’ – as well as the concept of the master class. The second section gives an overview of papers written by nine young scholars that were selected to present (...)
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    Vyutpattivādaḥ: Kr̥ṣṇaṃbhaṭṭī-Gūḍhārthatattvāloka-Ādarśa-Jayā-Dīpikā-Prakāśa-Śāstrārthakalā-vya ̄khyābhiḥ samalaṅkr̥taḥ. Gadādharabhaṭṭācārya, Achyutanand Dash, Kr̥ṣṇapadadāsa Adhikārī & Dharmendra Kumar Singhdeo - 2004 - Dillī: Nyū Bhāratīya Buka Kārporeśana. Edited by Achyutanand Dash, Kr̥ṣṇapadadāsa Adhikārī, Dharmendra Kumar Singhdeo & Kr̥ṣṇambhaṭṭa.
    Neo-Nyaya treatise on verbal testimony, presenting semantic approaches to Sanskrit case and suffix; includes seven Sanskrit commentaries and exhaustive introduction in English.
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    Decision tree algorithms for image data type identification.Khoa Nguyen, Dat Tran, Wanli Ma & Dharmendra Sharma - 2017 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 25 (1):67-82.
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  44. The Philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi for the Twenty-First Century.Bhikhu Parekh, Anthony Parel, Vinit Haksar, Richard L. Johnson, Nicholas F. Gier, Fred Dallmayr, Joseph Prabhu, Naresh Dadhich, Makarand Paranjape, Margaret Chatterjee & M. V. Naidu (eds.) - 2008 - Lexington Books.
    This volume shows how Gandhi's thought and action-oriented approach are significant, relevant, and urgently needed for addressing major contemporary problems and concerns, including issues of violence and nonviolence, war and peace, religious conflict and dialogue, terrorism, ethics, civil disobedience, injustice, modernism and postmodernism, oppression and exploitation, and environmental destruction. Appropriate for general readers and Gandhi specialists, this volume will be of interest for those in philosophy, religion, political science, history, cultural studies, peace studies, and many other fields.
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    Using imaginary worlds for real social benefits.Shira Gabriel, Melanie C. Green, Esha Naidu & Elaine Paravati - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45:e283.
    We argue that imaginary worlds gain much of their appeal because they fulfill the fundamental need of human beings to feel connected to other humans. Immersion into story worlds provides a sense of social connection to the characters and groups represented in the world. By fulfilling the need to belong, imaginary worlds provide a buffer against rejection and loneliness.
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    Epistemic Agitations and Pedagogies for Justice: A Conversation around Hungry Translations: Relearning the World through Radical Vulnerability.Emek Ergun, Nida Sajid, Keisha-Khan Perry, Sirisha Naidu, AnaLouise Keating, Sangeeta Kamat & Richa Nagar - 2022 - Feminist Studies 48 (1):146-175.
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