Results for 'Diana Tolmie'

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  1.  18
    Crisis, what’s a crisis? Some methodological reflections on evaluating the impact of Covid-19 on Australian arts and culture.Julian Meyrick, Ben Green, Diana Tolmie, Jane Frank & Guy Cooper - 2023 - Journal for Cultural Research 27 (2):189-209.
    Confronted by contemporary neoliberal crisis, apparently rooted in economistic, or even nihilistic worldviews, the task for the [sociologist] is not simply to impose … critique from without, but to...
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    Making sense of the COVID-19 pandemic from the Bible – Some perspectives.Francois Tolmie & Rian Venter - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):9.
    In this article, a brief survey of some of the ways in which biblical scholars try to make sense of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is offered. The views of the following scholars are discussed: Walter Brueggemann, Ying Zhang, John Goldingay and Kathleen Scott Goldingay, N.T. Wright, Philemon M. Chamburuka and Ishanesu S. Gusha, and Peter Lampe. This is followed by the reflections of a biblical scholar and a systematic theologian. From the perspective of a biblical scholar, the following (...)
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    Die retoriese analise van die Brief aan Filemon in die lig van Johannes Chrysostomus se homilieë oor dié brief.D. Francois Tolmie - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (1).
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    The reception of rhetorical elements in the Letter to Philemon by Patristic exegetes.D. Francois Tolmie - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-8.
    The aim of this study is to offer an overview of the way in which Patristic exegetes interpreted the rhetorical aspects of Paul's Letter to Philemon. Although a rhetorical analysis of the letter was not the matter which interested them as such, one can still obtain a fairly good idea of the way in which they perceived such aspects by reading their explanations of this letter. Accordingly, the contributions of all the Patristic exegetes in this regard are studied systematically in (...)
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    Bang waarvoor? Die betekenis van [vreemde taal weggelaat] in Galasiërs 2:2.D. F. Tolmie - 2004 - HTS Theological Studies 60 (1/2).
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    The Development of Spatial–Temporal, Probability, and Covariation Information to Infer Continuous Causal Processes.Selma Dündar-Coecke, Andrew Tolmie & Anne Schlottmann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper considers how 5- to 11-year-olds’ verbal reasoning about the causality underlying extended, dynamic natural processes links to various facets of their statistical thinking. Such continuous processes typically do not provide perceptually distinct causes and effect, and previous work suggests that spatial–temporal analysis, the ability to analyze spatial configurations that change over time, is a crucial predictor of reasoning about causal mechanism in such situations. Work in the Humean tradition to causality has long emphasized on the importance of statistical (...)
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    Theresa Coletti, Mary Magdalene and the Drama of Saints: Theater, Gender, and Religion in Late Medieval England. (The Middle Ages Series.) Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004. Pp. xiii, 342; black-and-white frontispiece and 15 black-and-white figures. $59.95. [REVIEW]Jane Tolmie - 2006 - Speculum 81 (3):828-829.
  8.  11
    E-Portfolio: value tensions encountered in documenting design case studies.Qinyu Li, Peter Tolmie, Anne Weibert, Marén Schorch, Claudia Müller & Volker Wulf - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (1):89-93.
    We present here the “e-Portfolio” concept, which aims to provide access to documented design case studies of design researchers’ practices. Our e-Portfolio has its origins in Grounded Design. We examine here how the e-Portfolio concept grew out of Grounded Design, the way it instantiates values, and how it contributes to our understanding of the ways in which shifting values in practice can have an impact beyond the individual.
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    Angels as arguments? The rhetorical function of references to angels in the Main Letters of Paul.D. Francois Tolmie - 2011 - HTS Theological Studies 67 (1).
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    Die resepsie van retoriese momente van die Filemonbrief deur Patristiese eksegete.D. Francois Tolmie - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):8.
    The reception of rhetorical elements in the Letter to Philemon by Patristic exegetes. The aim of this study is to offer an overview of the way in which Patristic exegetes interpreted the rhetorical aspects of Paul’s Letter to Philemon. Although a rhetorical analysis of the letter was not the matter which interested them as such, one can still obtain a fairly good idea of the way in which they perceived such aspects by reading their explanations of this letter. Accordingly, the (...)
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    Die vertaling van ἐξουσία [eksousia] in Johannes 1:12.D. Francois Tolmie - 2012 - HTS Theological Studies 68 (1).
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    Die vertaling van [vreemde taal weggelaat]-uitdrukkings in die Nuwe Testament.D. F. Tolmie - 2002 - HTS Theological Studies 58 (3).
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    Geweld in Galasiers?D. F. Tolmie - 2008 - HTS Theological Studies 64 (4).
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    “... He’s Just Swapped His Fists for the System” The Governance of Gender through Custody Law.Julia Tolmie, Nicola Gavey & Vivienne Elizabeth - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (2):239-260.
    In this article, we investigate the state’s role in the reproduction of relations of male dominance between separated parents through custody law. We argue that three “logics” shape the current operation of family law—durability, gender neutrality and present/future temporality—such that custody law is not simply a mechanism of dispute resolution between parents; it is also a vehicle for the differential production, positioning, and regulation of mothers and fathers as postseparation parents. Drawing on interviews with 21 mothers, we show that the (...)
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  15.  19
    Paulus as vredemaker. Oor die resepsie van die Brief aan Filemon in die vierde en vyfde eeu n.C.D. Francois Tolmie - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1):7.
    Paul, the peacemaker. On the reception of the Letter to Philemon in the 4th and 5th centuries AD. By means of his letter to Philemon Paul attempted to make peace between Philemon and his slave, Onesimus. The theological aspects of this endeavour have been discussed often in academic circles, but thus far little attention has been given to what the practical implications of this would have been for Philemon’s household. In this article, this issue is addressed from a particular perspective, (...)
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    The HEFCE guide to strategic planning: the need for a new approach.Fiona Tolmie - 2005 - Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education 9 (4):110-114.
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    Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Resident Mothers and the Moral Dilemmas they Face During Custody Disputes. [REVIEW]Vivienne Elizabeth, Nicola Gavey & Julia Tolmie - 2010 - Feminist Legal Studies 18 (3):253-274.
    Recent scholarship has critiqued the tendency for separated mothers in custody disputes to be defined as hostile and alienating. Through the presentation of three case studies, drawn from an interview-based study with 21 women, we show how such pejorative constructions only arise when the conflicting gendered moral accountabilities of contemporary motherhood are overlooked. We found that mothers tend to believe that contact with non-resident fathers is generally in a child’s best interests. However, as a result of balancing complex moral obligations (...)
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  18. Feminism and Women's Autonomy: the Challenge of Female Genital Cutting.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2000 - Metaphilosophy 31 (5):469-491.
    Feminist studies of female genital cutting (FGC) provide ample evidence that many women exercise effective agency with respect to this practice, both as accommodators and as resisters. The influence of culture on autonomy is ambiguous: women who resist cultural mandates for FGC do not necessarily enjoy greater autonomy than do those women who accommodate the practice, yet it is clear that some social contexts are more conducive to autonomy than others. In this paper, I explore the implications for autonomy theory (...)
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    Sequential egocentric navigation and reliance on landmarks in Williams syndrome and typical development.Hannah J. Broadbent, Emily K. Farran & Andrew Tolmie - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Machiavellianism revisited.George Nelson & Diana Gilbertson - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (8):633 - 639.
    The field of management has had difficulty embracing the concept of Machiavellianism despite the myriad of studies produced by other fields of social science. It appears that Machiavellianism as a unitary personality construct has limited efficacy in the complex world of organizations. The authors suggest a multidimensional approach to understanding the impact of an individual's threat to organizational functioning. Viewing the construct as discontinuous with two manifestations, predatory and benign, suggestions are made as to the location within organizations where such (...)
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    The notion of character friendship and the cultivation of virtue.Diana Hoyos-Valdés - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (1):66-82.
    Most theories about virtue cultivation fall under the general umbrella of the role model approach, according to which virtue is acquired by emulating role models, and where those role models are usually conceived of as superior in some relevant respect to the learners. I argue that although we need role models to cultivate virtue, we also need good and close relationships with people who are not our superiors. The overemphasis on role models is misguided and misleading, and a good antidote (...)
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    Integrating ethics into the business school curriculum.Thomas W. Dunfee & Diana C. Robertson - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (11):847 - 859.
    A project on teaching business ethics at The Wharton School concluded that ethics should be directly incorporated into key MBA courses and taught by the core business faculty. The project team, comprised of students, ethics faculty and functional business faculty, designed a model program for integrating ethics. The project was funded by the Exxon Education Foundation.The program originates with a general introduction designed to familiarize students with literature and concepts pertaining to professional and business ethics and corporate social responsibility. This (...)
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    Nanotechnology and Public Interest Dialogue: Some International Observations.Graeme A. Hodge & Diana M. Bowman - 2007 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 27 (2):118-132.
    This article examines nanotechnology within the context of the public interest. It notes that though nanotechnology research and development investment totalled US$9.6 billion in 2005, the public presently understands neither the implications nor how it might be best governed. The article maps a range of nanotechnology dialogue activities under way within the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, and Australia. It explores the various approaches to articulating public interest matters and notes a shift in the way in which these governments, (...)
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    The Enjoyment of Knowledge Sharing: Impact of Altruism on Tacit Knowledge-Sharing Behavior.Bojan Obrenovic, Diana du JianguoTsoy, Slobodan Obrenovic, Muhammad Aamir Shafique Khan & Farooq Anwar - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Jody Enders, Death by Drama and Other Medieval Urban Legends. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press, 2002, Pp. xxx, 324; 9 black-and-white figures. $35. [REVIEW]Jane Tolmie - 2006 - Speculum 81 (1):182-184.
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    Voluntary Registries to Support Improved Interaction Between Police and People Living with Dementia.Heather M. Ross, Diana M. Bowman & Jessica M. Wani - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (2):348-363.
    This paper provides an overview of the societal impact of a rising dementia population and examines the legal and ethical implications posed by voluntary registries as a community-oriented solution to improve interactions between law enforcement and individuals with dementia. It provides a survey of active voluntary registries across the United States, with a focus on Arizona, which has the highest projected growth for individuals living with dementia in the country.
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  27. Feminist perspectives on the self.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The topic of the self has long been salient in feminist philosophy, for it is pivotal to questions about personhood, identity, the body, and agency that feminism must address. In some respects, Simone de Beauvoir's trenchant observation, "He is the Subject, he is the Absolute — she is the Other," sums up why the self is such an important issue for feminism. To be the Other is to be the non-subject, the non-person, the non-agent — in short, the mere body. (...)
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  28. Holistic Engineering Ethics?Eddie Conlon, Diana Adela Martin & Brian Bowe - 2018 - Proceedings of the Engineering Education for Sustainable Development Conference.
    This paper focuses on the question of What kind of engineering ethics (EE) is needed to develop holistic engineers who can practice and promote the principles of sustainable development? -/- It is argued that, given the existence of other models, an approach to EE, as argued for at EESD 2016, centred on “training engineers for handling ethical dilemmas in sustainability contexts” (Lundqvist and Svanstrom 2016) is inadequate to address the sustainability challenge facing engineers.. We contend that while EE is now (...)
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    Feng Youlan and Twentieth Century China: An Intellectual Biography.Xiaoqing Diana Lin - 2016 - Boston: Brill.
    This is an intellectual biography of Feng Youlan [Fung Yu-lan]. It explores Feng’s work and the trajectory of changes in Feng’s philosophical outlook against the social and political contexts of Feng’s life from the 1920s to 1990.
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    Influence of open-source software on Bangladesh academic library service sustainability: a conceptual framework.Nur Ahammad, Farrah Diana Saiful Bahry & Haslinda Hussaini - 2024 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 22 (3):293-320.
    Purpose This research aims to develop a conceptual framework that explores the influence of open-source software (OSS) on the sustainability of library services within the context of academic libraries in Bangladesh. Design/methodology/approach The study uses a comprehensive research methodology that includes literature review and analysis to construct a robust conceptual framework. This study investigates the various dimensions of OSS adoption and its impact on library service sustainability. Findings The research findings reveal the critical factors and mechanisms through which OSS can (...)
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  31. Partial Theory of Justice and Political Democratic Structure in Nussbaum’s Theory.Nunzio Ali & Diana Piroli - 2019 - Ethic@: An International Journal for Moral Philosophy 18 (3):333–356.
    This paper argues that the future of capabilities approach lies on the theoretical development of the democratic political structure. For this purpose, we take into account Martha Nussbaum’s late theoretical works. Firstly, we argue that the capability approach can be divided into two main models: the top down and the bottom up. Nussbaum, for example, endorses a top-down model, which it begins from an abstractive theory of partial justice and then draws the issue of institutional implementation. On the other hand, (...)
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  32. Relatividad lingüística, gramáticas de género y lenguaje inclusivo: algunas consideraciones.Silvia Carolina Scotto & Diana I. Perez - 2020 - Análisis Filosófico 40 (1):5-39.
    En este artículo examinaremos un caso de aplicación de la hipótesis de la relatividad lingüística : la influencia del género gramatical de las lenguas sobre la cognición o el pensamiento de los hablantes. Dado que las lenguas difieren tanto en sus repertorios léxicos como sobre todo en sus gramáticas de género para referir a las personas, a otras entidades animadas e incluso a entidades inanimadas, nuestro propósito será, en primer lugar, revisar la evidencia experimental reciente que avalaría la HRL en (...)
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    Children's and adolescents' snacking: interplay between the individual and the school class.Helge Giese, Diana Tãut, Hanna Ollila, Adriana S. Baban, Pilvikki Absetz, Harald T. Schupp & Britta Renner - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Predictive aspects of nonverbal courtship behavior in women.Monica M. Moore & Diana L. Butler - 1989 - Semiotica 76 (3-4):205-216.
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  35. Las prácticas de distinción social. Un estudio de caso entre jóvenes de la ciudad de Cali, Colombia.Diana Britto Ruiz & Jorge Ordóñez Valverde - 2005 - Polis 11.
    El artículo presenta los principales resultados de un estudio realizado entre 1998 y 2000 con hombres jóvenes de la Ciudad de Cali, Colombia, profundizando en sus prácticas de distinción en torno al cuerpo, la vestimenta, los espacios de sociabilidad, las mujeres como objetos de ostentación y sus dinámicas de prestigio. El estudio es desarrollado en base a observación participante y a la implementación de entrevistas con grupos de jóvenes entre 14 y 22 años, tanto de sectores medios bajos, como medios (...)
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    Where in the Brain Is Nonliteral Language?Diana Van Lancker Sidtis - 2006 - Metaphor and Symbol 21 (4):213-244.
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    Disruptive Academic Behaviors: The Dance Between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Incivility.Tracy Hudgins, Diana Layne, Celena E. Kusch & Karen Lounsbury - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (3):449-469.
    This study aims to better understand the perceptions and experiences related to incivility by students and faculty across multiple academic programs and respondent subgroups at a regional university in the southern United States. The study used a thematic analysis to examine student and faculty responses to three qualitative questions that focused on their perceptions of recent experiences and primary causes of incivility in higher education. Clark’s ( 2007, revised 2020) Conceptual Model for Fostering Civility in Nursing Education and Daniel Goleman’s (...)
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    Heidegger y El "Enredo" de la Filosofía Con la Política: Sobre Su Origen Romántico-Platónico.Diana del Carmen Aurenque Stephan - 2010 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 66:195-213.
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    La enfermedad como rasgo humano. Hacia una consideración de la enfermedad en cuanto fenómeno existencial.Diana Aurenque Stephan & François Jaran Duquette - 2019 - Alpha: Revista de Artes, Letras y Filosofia 47:161-176.
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    Solidaridad y religión. La acción social en las confesiones minoritarias en España. El caso de Aragón.Carlos Gómez Bahillo & Diana Valero Errazu - 2017 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 22:173-202.
    Churches and communities of believers live their faith through a disposition and supportive attitude toward disadvantaged groups, this way they become a social network of support to the neediest. The processes of social integration are softened and problems arising are therefore solved more successfully, this is especially important when a new vital project starts or someone enters in a new society, as in the case of immigration. This research analyzes the role of social welfare networks of minority religions and the (...)
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    Contribuciones de la logística al desarrollo sostenible.Diana Paola Ballesteros Riveros, Pedro Pablo Ballesteros Silva & Tito Duarte - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    A base-matrix lemma for sets of rationals modulo nowhere dense sets.Jörg Brendle & Diana Carolina Montoya - 2012 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 51 (3-4):305-317.
    We study some properties of the quotient forcing notions \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}Qtr(I)=(2<ω)/tr(i){Q_{tr(I)} = \wp(2^{< \omega})/tr(i)}\end{document} and PI = B(2ω)/I in two special cases: when I is the σ-ideal of meager sets or the σ-ideal of null sets on 2ω. We show that the remainder forcing RI = Qtr(I)/PI is σ-closed in these cases. We also study the cardinal invariant of the continuum \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}hQ{\mathfrak{h}_{\mathbb{Q}}}\end{document}, the distributivity (...)
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  43. Integrating the social sciences: theoretical knowledge, methodological tools, and practical applications.Craig Calhoun & Diana Rhoten - 2010 - In Robert Frodeman, Julie Thompson Klein & Carl Mitcham (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 103--118.
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    Social values and teaching methods: what do Teachers need to improve from the Students's view.Diana Castro Ricalde & Díaz Flores - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):582-602.
    Introducción: Los docentes universitarios requieren nuevos saberes para enfrentar los diversos retos que plantea la educación superior; dichos desafíos se relacionan con el dominio de saberes disciplinarios, profesionales, laborales, pedagógicos y didácticos e incluso axiológicos. Lo que aquí se presenta son los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo en la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México en el periodo de enero de 2014 a abril de 2015. El objetivo: fue determinar los saberes específicos, métodos de enseñanza y valores sociales (...)
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  45. Early quotations from Maimonides' Guide of the perplexed in the Latin Middle Ages.Diana Di Segni - 1900 - In Charles Harry Manekin & Daniel Davies (eds.), Interpreting Maimonides: Critical Essays. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    On deriving rights to goods from rights to freedom.Alan Gewirth & Diana Meyers Bendilt - 2002 - In Carl Wellman (ed.), Rights and duties. New York: Routledge. pp. 209.
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  47. Representaciones sociales sobre participación comunitaria E infancia como agente movilizador.Andrea Acosta Jaramillo & Diana Yolanda Chacón Sánchez - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (1):132 - 163.
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    Adaptation to nocturnality – learning from avian genomes.Diana Le Duc & Torsten Schöneberg - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (7):694-703.
    The recent availability of multiple avian genomes has laid the foundation for a huge variety of comparative genomics analyses including scans for changes and signatures of selection that arose from adaptions to new ecological niches. Nocturnal adaptation in birds, unlike in mammals, is comparatively recent, a fact that makes birds good candidates for identifying early genetic changes that support adaptation to dim‐light environments. In this review, we give examples of comparative genomics analyses that could shed light on mechanisms of adaptation (...)
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    El idealismo alemán como filosofía de la libertad: Julio De Zan, in memoriam.Diana María López & Julio de Zan (eds.) - 2020 - Paraná, Entre Ríos, Argentina: Editorial UADER.
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    La razón colonizante y el respeto por la persona: Ambigüedad de la conquista española y conciencia de una historia común.Silvia Diana Maeso - 2003 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 30:75-86.
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