Results for 'Dieter Klemke'

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  1.  17
    The Meaning of Life: A Reader.E. D. Klemke & Steven M. Cahn (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Oxford University Press USA.
    Featuring nine new articles chosen by coeditor, Steven M. Cahn, the third edition of E. D. Klemke's The Meaning of Life offers twenty-two insightful selections that explore this fascinating topic. The essays are primarily by philosophers but also include materials from literary figures and religious thinkers. As in previous editions, the readings are organized around three themes. In Part I the articles defend the view that without faith in God, life has no meaning or purpose. In Part II the (...)
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  2. Karl Popper, objective knowldege, and the third world.E. D. Klemke - 1979 - Philosophia 9 (1):45-62.
  3. Blanshard's Criticisms of Wittgenstein's "Tractatus".E. D. Klemke - 1979 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 60 (3):305.
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    Studies in the philosophy of Kierkegaard.E. D. Klemke - 1976 - The Hague: M. Nijhoff.
    In this volume, I have given attention to what I consider to be some of the central problems and topics in the philosophical thought of SJ2jren Kierkegaard. Some of the chapters have been previously publish ed but were revised for their appearance here. Others were written expressly for this book. I have tried to focus on issues which have not been customarily dealt with or emphasized in the scholarship on Kierkegaard with the exception of the writings of David Swenson and (...)
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  5. (1 other version)The meaning of life: a reader.Elmer Daniel Klemke & Steven M. Cahn (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Featuring nine new articles chosen by coeditor Steven M. Cahn, the third edition of E. D. Klemke's The Meaning of Life offers twenty-two insightful selections that explore this fascinating topic. The essays are primarily by philosophers but also include materials from literary figures and religious thinkers. As in previous editions, the readings are organized around three themes. In Part I the articles defend the view that without faith in God, life has no meaning or purpose. In Part II the (...)
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  6. Essays on Frege.E. D. Klemke - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (171):75-75.
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  7. Bibliography of G. E. Moore Scholarship, 1903-Present.E. Klemke, Dennis A. Rohatyn & Michael Rothschild - 1976 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 7 (3):149-178.
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    To Believe Or Not to Believe: Readings in the Philosophy of Religion.E. D. Klemke - 1992 - Cengage Learning.
    A comprehensive anthology of selections for the Introductory Philosophy of Religion course, this text surveys more than 50 responses to the question, "Is religious belief a viable option in today's world?" Organizes selections around central theistic positions and attacks on those positions. Pro-con format encourages lively discussions.
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    I. Are 'external questions' non‐cognitive?E. D. Klemke - 1970 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 13 (1-4):289-297.
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    Popper's Criticisms of Wittgensteins Tractatus.E. D. Klemke - 1981 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 6 (1):239-262.
  11. The Argument from Design.E. D. Klemke - 1969 - Ratio:102-106.
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  12. The Meaning of Life.E. D. Klemke - 1983 - Critica 15 (43):154-157.
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    The Epistemology of G. E. Moore.Elmer Daniel Klemke - 1969 - Evanston [Ill.]: Northwestern University Press.
    This book is an examination of the philosophy of G.E. Moore, one of the foremost Anglo-American, analytic philosophers of the twentieth century. It focuses on Moore's epistemological writings and aims to present an exhaustive overview of Moore's work on analytic epistemology. This book seeks to redress an imbalance in analytic philosophy by making a case for the relevance of analytically oriented historical studies to contemporary problems.
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  14. Studies in the Philosophy of Kierkegaard.E. D. Klemke - 1976 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 42 (2):391-392.
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  15. Are Philosophical Questions Linguistic?E. D. Klemke - 1969 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 50 (4):490.
  16.  54
    Frege, logic, and arithmetic.E. D. Klemke - 1970 - Philosophical Studies 21 (1-2):38 - 41.
  17.  3
    (1 other version)Introductory readings in the philosophy of science.E. D. Klemke, Robert Hollinger & A. David Kline (eds.) - 1980 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
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    On the Alleged Inseparability of Morality and Religion.E. D. Klemke - 1975 - Religious Studies 11 (1):37 - 48.
    In his Morality and Religion , W. W. Bartley III states that ‘the chief aim of this study is to get clearer about the extent to which morality and religion may be interdependent’ . After stating various possible alternatives, in terms of the logical relationships of derivability and compatibility, which are relevant to this issue, Prof. Bartley in fact devotes his book to a consid eration of four views: Morality is reducible to religion. Religion is reducible to morality. Morality and (...)
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  19. Some Misinterpretations of Kierkegaard.E. D. Klemke - 1958 - Hibbert Journal 57:259.
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    Vivas on "Naturalism" and "Axiological Realism".E. D. Klemke - 1958 - Review of Metaphysics 12 (2):308 - 315.
    In this note I shall: discuss Vivas' definition of "naturalism" and his criticism of naturalistic theories; characterize a naturalistic theory which Vivas overlooks, and which, hence, invalidates his attempted refutation; suggest criticisms of Vivas' "axiological realism", with special attention to the central doctrine of the objectivity of values.
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  21.  13
    Essays on Bertrand Russell.E. D. Klemke - 1970 - Urbana,: University of Illinois Press.
  22.  13
    A defense of realism: reflections on the metaphysics of G.E. Moore.Elmer Daniel Klemke - 2000 - Amherst, N.Y.: Humanity Books.
    English philosopher George Edward Moore (1873-1958) developed the chief modern theory of ethics, Ideal Utilitarianism. A Defense of Realism examines Moore's conception of philosophy and his views on the importance of metaphysics, presenting and evaluating the Principia Ethica author's criticisms and refutations of certain philosophical positions, especially idealism, naive realism, phenomenalism, and pragmatism. Klemke gives a detailed analysis and an appraisal of Moore's defense of common sense, and concentrates on Moore's realism, beginning with the reality of entities in the (...)
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  23. Tun und Unterlassen.Dieter Birnbacher - 1996 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 50 (3):506-510.
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  24. (1 other version)Contemporary analytic and linguistic philosophies.E. D. Klemke (ed.) - 1983 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    This new, second edition of the popular college textbook offers the beginning philosophy student a comprehensive introduction to several aspects of one of the most influential schools of thought in the 20th century. Klemke covers realism and common sense (G. E. Moore); logical atomism (Bertrand Russell); logical positivism (A. J. Ayer); conceptual analysis (Gilbert Ryle, G.E. Moore, John Wisdom); logico-metaphysical analysis (Gustav Bergman, W. V. Quine); linguistic analysis (J. L. Austin, P. F. Strawson, J.R. Searle); and the recent development (...)
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    Readings in Semantics.Farhang Zabeeh, E. D. Klemke & Arthur Jacobson - 1976 - Foundations of Language 14 (4):621-624.
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    Essays on Wittgenstein.Elmer Daniel Klemke - 1971 - Urbana,: University of Illinois Press.
    Ineffability, method, and ontology, by G. Bergmann.--The glory and the misery of Ludwig Wittgenstein, by G. Bergmann.--Stenius on the Tractatus, by G. Bergmann.--Naming and saying, by W. Sellars.--The ontology of Wittgenstein's Tractatus, by E. D. Klemke.--Material properties in the Tractatus, by H. Hochberg.--Wittgenstein's pantheism: a new light on the ontology of the Tractatus, by N. Garver.--Science and metaphysics: a Wittgensteinian interpretation, by H. Petrie.--Wittgenstein on private languages, by C. L. Hardin.--Wittgenstein on private language, by N. Garver.--Wittgenstein and private languages, (...)
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  27. Zur Seinsweise des Psychischen.Dieter Wandschneider - 2016 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 70 (1):28-46.
    The study ties in with former considerations concerning the problem of phenomenal perception of higher animals. Accordingly the phenomenal character, qualia included, results from the adjustment of perceptions to (typal) behavioral dispositions under the principle of self-preservation: an emergence phenomenon provided by the constitutive system unity of perception and behavior, here characterized as percept-act-system. Thereby the subject of behavior can be explained as an emergent instance of the – system-theoretically highest rank – percept-act-level. In terms of the principle of self-preservation (...)
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  28. Das 'eigentlich schwierige Problem' phänomenaler Wahrnehmung.Dieter Wandschneider - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 69 (4):550-568.
    The center of this investigation is the ‘real hard problem’ of phenomenal perception (Chalmers), i.e. of the qualitative kind of perception presenting the subject with forms, colors, smell, pleasurable or negative feelings etc.; the problem of Human consciousness, however, will explicitly not be treated. The ‘explanatory gap’ (Levine) complained by the philosophy of mind, that is to say the failure of all attempts to supply a neuronal explanation of experiences, is emergence-theoretically treated: Systems own properties and laws different from their (...)
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    (1 other version)Hutcheson und Kant.Dieter Henrich - 1957 - Kant Studien 49 (1-4):49-69.
  30.  44
    Is voluntarily stopping eating and drinking a form of suicide?Dieter Birnbacher - 2015 - Ethik in der Medizin 27 (4):315-324.
    ZusammenfassungDas Verfahren des Sterbefastens ) hat eine lange Tradition, die, soweit wir wissen, bis in die Antike zurückreicht. Besonders in jüngster Zeit findet es Interesse bei älteren Menschen, die dem Tode nahe sind und über Zeitpunkt und Umstände ihres Todes ein gewisses Maß an Gestaltungsspielraum behalten wollen. Unter den Befürwortern dieses Verfahrens ist allerdings u. a. strittig, wieweit Sterbefasten als eine „passive“ Form von Suizid gelten kann. Auf dem Hintergrund der WHO-Definition des Suizids verteidigt der Beitrag eine affirmative Antwort und (...)
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  31. Studies in the philosophy of G. E. Moore.E. D. Klemke - 1969 - Chicago,: Quadrangle Books.
  32.  6
    (1 other version)The Meaning of life.E. D. Klemke (ed.) - 1981 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Many writers in various fields--philosophy, religion, literature, and psychology--believe that the question of the meaning of life is one of the most significant problems that an individual faces. In The Meaning of Life, Second Edition, E.D. Klemke collects some of the best writings on this topic, primarily works by philosophers but also selections from literary figures and religious thinkers. The twenty-seven cogent, readable essays are organized around three different perspectives on the meaning of life. In Part I, the readings (...)
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    Der Grund im Bewusstsein: Untersuchungen zu Hölderlins Denken (1794-1795).Dieter Henrich - 1992
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    (1 other version)Über kants früheste ethik.Dieter Henrich - 1963 - Kant Studien 54 (1-4):404-431.
  35.  9
    Reflections and perspectives.E. D. Klemke - 1974 - The Hague,: Mouton.
  36.  15
    On the Politics of Chrono-Design: Capture, Time and the Interface.Michael Dieter & David Gauthier - 2019 - Theory, Culture and Society 36 (2):61-87.
    This article makes a contribution to interface criticism through the notion of chrono-design: the deliberate shaping of experiences of temporality and time through contemporary software techniques and digital technologies. This notion is articulated through discussions of network optimisation, user experience design, behavioural tracking, Hansen’s work on 21st-century media and Hayles’ framework of cognitive assemblages. In particular, the argument considers how contemporary user interfaces complicate conventional notions of the rational, self-reflexive subject by operating beyond consciousness at vast environmental dimensions and accelerated (...)
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  37.  22
    Negative Kausalität.Dieter Birnbacher & David Hommen - 2012 - de Gruyter.
    „Negative Kausalität“ bezeichnet ein hochkontroverses metaphysisches Problem. Können negative Entitäten wie Abwesenheiten oder das Nicht-Eintreten bestimmter Ereignisse Ursachen oder Ursachenfaktoren sein? Diese Frage steht im Schnittpunkt einer Reihe disziplinübergreifender Grundfragen: der Frage nach dem Wesen von Kausalität, der Frage nach der Natur von Handlungen und Ereignissen und der Frage nach der Beziehung zwischen Kausalität und normativer - moralischer und rechtlicher - Verantwortlichkeit. Die vorliegende Studie entwickelt im ersten Schritt eine Konzeption von negativer Kausalität ausgehend vom Sonderfall der handlungsförmigen negativen Kausalität, (...)
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    Wittgensteins Bilddenken.Dieter Mersch - 2006 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 54 (6):925-942.
    Neben der Sprache spielt das Bild in Wittgensteins Philosophie eine wesentliche Rolle. Wittgenstein denkt in Bildern und mit Bildern, wie die über 1000 Handzeichnungen des Nachlasses eindrucksvoll bezeugen. Dabei nimmt das Bildliche ebenso einen eigenen Status ein, wie es gleichzeitig immer wieder als Modell oder Vergleichsfolie für die Sprachuntersuchungen fungiert. Im Vordergrund steht aber von Anfang an die Analyse der Struktur und des Gebrauchs von Plänen, Karten, Diagrammen, geometrischen Figuren oder Graphen, so dass epistemische Fragen dominieren.Der vorliegende Beitrag vertritt die (...)
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    Kant’s Moral Realism regarding Dignity and Value. Some Comments on the Tugendlehre.Dieter Schönecker & Elke Elisabeth Schmidt - 2017 - In Elke Elisabeth Schmidt & Robinson dos Santos (eds.), Realism and Anti-Realism in Kant’s Moral Philosophy. De Gruyter. pp. 119-152.
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    Can There Be Such a Thing as Ethical Expertise?Dieter Birnbacher - 2012 - Analyse & Kritik 34 (2):237-250.
    Ethics in the 21st century is threatened by a split between practical philosophy as a full-blown academic discipline and applied ethics as pragmatic problem-solving inside the political process. The place of the professional philosopher sitting on medical and other 'ethics committees' as an 'ethical expert' is somewhere in between. But where exactly? How is his role defined? Is the expertise he brings to bear on practical decisions of a purely technical or of a substantially moral kind? These issues are discussed (...)
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  41. Passion lost, passion regained : how Arendt's anthropology intersects with Adorno's theory of the subject.Dieter Thomä - 2012 - In Lars Rensmann & Samir Gandesha (eds.), Arendt and Adorno: political and philosophical investigations. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
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    Naturphilosophie.Dieter Wandschneider - 2008 - Bamberg: C.C. Buchner.
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  43. Theocracy in Paul's Praxis and Theology.Dieter Georgi & David L. Green - 1991
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    Gemeine sittliche und philosophische Vernunfterkenntnis. Zum ersten Übergang in Kants Grundlegung.Dieter Schönecker - 1997 - Kant Studien 88 (3):311-333.
  45. Intention und Zeichen. Untersuchungen zu Franz Brentano und zu Edmund Husserls Frühwerk.Dieter Münch - 1995 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 57 (3):604-605.
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    Bemerkungen zu Oliver Sensen, Kant on Human Dignity, Chapter 1.Dieter Schönecker - 2015 - Kant Studien 106 (1):68-77.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 106 Heft: 1 Seiten: 68-77.
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    Effective inseparability in a topological setting.Dieter Spreen - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 80 (3):257-275.
    Effective inseparability of pairs of sets is an important notion in logic and computer science. We study the effective inseparability of sets which appear as index sets of subsets of an effectively given topological T0-space and discuss its consequences. It is shown that for two disjoint subsets X and Y of the space one can effectively find a witness that the index set of X cannot be separated from the index set of Y by a recursively enumerable set, if X (...)
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    Universals and particulars in a phenomenalist ontology.E. D. Klemke - 1960 - Philosophy of Science 27 (3):254-261.
    A phenomenalist philosophy which employs the Principle of Acquaintance (PA) plus the Principle that what exists are the referents of certain meaningful terms, defined by PA, cannot include either universals or particulars in its ontology, but is limited to instances of universals as constituting the range of ontological existents. Universals must be omitted since they are repeatable and, hence, never wholly presented or contained, whereas the objects of direct acquaintance are wholly and exhaustively presented. Furthermore, no entities beyond characters (qualities (...)
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  49. Acts of Dissent: New Developments in the Study of Protest.Dieter Rucht, Ruud Koopmans, Friedhelm Niedhardt, Mark R. Beissinger, Louis J. Crishock, Grzegorz Ekiert, Olivier Fillieule, Pierre Gentile, Peter Hocke, Jan Kubik, John D. McCarthy, Clark McPhail, Johan L. Olivier, Susan Olzak, David Schweingruber, Jackie Smith & Sidney Tarrow - 1999 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Although living conditions have improved throughout history, protest, at least in the last few decades, seems to have increased to the point of becoming a normal phenomenon in modern societies. Contributors to this volume examine how and why this is the case and argue that although problems such as poverty, hunger, and violations of democratic rights may have been reduced in advanced Western societies, a variety of other problems and opportunities have emerged and multiplied the reasons and possibilities for protest.
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    Acting from Duty.Dieter Schönecker & Christoph Horn - 2006 - In Dieter Schönecker & Christoph Horn (eds.), Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals. Walter de Gruyter.
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