Results for 'Doug Hickey'

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  1.  71
    Unit 731 and moral repair.Doug Hickey, Scarllet SiJia Li, Celia Morrison, Richard Schulz, Michelle Thiry & Kelly Sorensen - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):270-276.
    Unit 731, a biological warfare research organisation that operated under the authority of the Imperial Japanese Army in the 1930s and 1940s, conducted brutal experiments on thousands of unconsenting subjects. Because of the US interest in the data from these experiments, the perpetrators were not prosecuted and the atrocities are still relatively undiscussed. What counts as meaningful moral repair in this case—what should perpetrators and collaborator communities do decades later? We argue for three non-ideal but realistic forms of moral repair: (...)
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    II. "Implications of Polanyi's Thought Within the Arts" A Bibliographic Essay" by Doug Adams.Doug Adams - 1975 - Tradition and Discovery 2 (2):3-5.
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    A Response to Daniel Holbrook's 'Descartes on Persons' and Doug Anderson's 'The Legacy oE Bowne's Empiricism'.Doug Anderson - 1992 - The Personalist Forum 8 (Supplement):15-20.
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  4. The agents of justice.Colin Hickey, Tim Meijers, Ingrid Robeyns & Dick Timmer - 2021 - Philosophy Compass 16.
    The complexities of how justice comes to be realized, and by which agents, is a relatively neglected element in contemporary theories of justice. This has left several crucial questions about agency and justice undertheorized, such as why some particular agents are responsible for realizing justice, how their contribution towards realizing justice should be understood, and what role agents such as activists and community leaders play in realizing justice. We aim to contribute towards a better understanding of the landscape of these (...)
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  5.  59
    Balancing the duty to treat with the duty to family in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.Doug McConnell - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (6):360-363.
    Healthcare systems around the world are struggling to maintain a sufficient workforce to provide adequate care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Staffing problems have been exacerbated by healthcare workers (HCWs) refusing to work out of concern for their families. I sketch a deontological framework for assessing when it is morally permissible for HCWs to abstain from work to protect their families from infection and when it is a dereliction of duty to patients. I argue that it is morally permissible for HCWs (...)
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  6.  53
    Beyond Criticism of Ethics Review Boards: Strategies for Engaging Research Communities and Enhancing Ethical Review Processes.Andrew Hickey, Samantha Davis, Will Farmer, Julianna Dawidowicz, Clint Moloney, Andrea Lamont-Mills, Jess Carniel, Yosheen Pillay, David Akenson, Annette Brömdal, Richard Gehrmann, Dean Mills, Tracy Kolbe-Alexander, Tanya Machin, Suzanne Reich, Kim Southey, Lynda Crowley-Cyr, Taiji Watanabe, Josh Davenport, Rohit Hirani, Helena King, Roshini Perera, Lucy Williams, Kurt Timmins, Michael Thompson, Douglas Eacersall & Jacinta Maxwell - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (4):549-567.
    A growing body of literature critical of ethics review boards has drawn attention to the processes used to determine the ethical merit of research. Citing criticism on the bureaucratic nature of ethics review processes, this literature provides a useful provocation for (re)considering how the ethics review might be enacted. Much of this criticism focuses on how ethics review boards _deliberate,_ with particular attention given to the lack of transparency and opportunities for researcher recourse that characterise ethics review processes. Centered specifically (...)
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  7.  50
    Deleuzian encounters: studies in contemporary social issues.Anna Hickey-Moody & Peta Malins (eds.) - 2007 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Deleuzian Encounters brings together sixteen accessible, thought-provoking essays that examine the practical and ethical implications of Deleuze's philosophy for different contemporary social issues. Topics explored include: the environment, terrorism, refugees, indigenous reconciliation, gender, suicide, intellectual disability, injecting drug use, classroom teaching and global activism. Each contribution provides practical examples of how to make use of Deleuze's thought in social research, and offers fresh insights into the creative and innovative potentials Deleuze's philosophy holds for social thought and action.
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  8.  24
    Making psychiatry moral again: the role of psychiatry in patient moral development.Doug McConnell, Matthew Broome & Julian Savulescu - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (6):423-427.
    Psychiatric involvement in patient morality is controversial. If psychiatrists are tasked with shaping patient morality, the coercive potential of psychiatry is increased, treatment may be unfairly administered on the basis of patients’ moral beliefs rather than medical need, moral disputes could damage the therapeutic relationship and, in any case, we are often uncertain or conflicted about what is morally right. Yet, there is also a strong case for the view that psychiatry often works through improving patient morality and, therefore, should (...)
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  9.  61
    Conscientious objection in healthcare: How much discretionary space best supports good medicine?Doug McConnell - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (1):154-161.
    Daniel Sulmasy has recently argued that good medicine depends on physicians having a wide discretionary space in which they can act on their consciences. The only constraints Sulmasy believes we should place on physicians’ discretionary space are those defined by a form of tolerance he derives from Locke whereby people can publicly act in accordance with their personal religious and moral beliefs as long as their actions are not destructive to society. Sulmasy also claims that those who would reject physicians’ (...)
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  10.  56
    Deleuze’s children.Anna Catherine Hickey-Moody - 2013 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 45 (3):272-286.
    Children, the image of the child, and the gendered figures of the girl and the boy are thematics that run through the work of Deleuze and feature prominently in his joint writing with Guattari. However, there are many different children in Deleuze's writings. Various child figures do distinct things in Deleuze's work. In this article, I argue that his work on children can be utilized to rethink popular, teleological notions of childhood and growing up.
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  11.  70
    Ending the War Right: Jus Post Bellum and the Just War Tradition.Doug McCready - 2009 - Journal of Military Ethics 8 (1):66-78.
  12.  29
    Pretending to care.Doug Hardman - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (7):506-509.
    On one hand, it is commonly accepted that clinicians should not deceive their patients, yet on the other there are many instances in which deception could be in a patient’s best interest. In this paper, I propose that this conflict is in part driven by a narrow conception of deception as contingent on belief. I argue that we cannot equate non-deceptive care solely with introducing or sustaining a patient’s true belief about their condition or treatment, because there are many instances (...)
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  13.  72
    Quantum Reality as Unrealised Possibility.Doug Porpora - 2000 - Journal of Critical Realism 3 (2):34-39.
  14.  33
    Conscientious Objection in Health Care: Pinning down the Reasonability View.Doug McConnell - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (1):37-57.
    Robert Card’s “Reasonability View” is a significant contribution to the debate over the place of conscientious objection in health care. In his view, conscientious objections can only be accommodated if the grounds for the objection meet a reasonability standard. I identify inconsistencies in Card’s description of the reasonability standard and argue that each version he specifies is unsatisfactory. The criteria for reasonability that Card sets out most frequently have no clear underpinning principle and are too permissive of immoral objections. Card (...)
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  15. The invisible dragon: essays on beauty.Dave Hickey - 2009 - London: University of Chicago Press.
    Dragon days: introduction to the new edition -- Enter the dragon: on the vernacular of beauty 1 -- Nothing like the son: on Robert Mapplethorpe's X portfolio -- Prom night in flatland: on the gender of works of art -- After the great tsunami: on beauty and the therapeutic institution -- American beauty.
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  16. Introduction: Gilles Deleuze and four movements in social thought.Anna Hickey-Moody & Peta Malins - 2007 - In Anna Hickey-Moody & Peta Malins (eds.), Deleuzian encounters: studies in contemporary social issues. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  17.  36
    Public reason in justifications of conscientious objection in health care.Doug McConnell & Robert F. Card - 2019 - Bioethics 33 (5):625-632.
    Current mainstream approaches to conscientious objection either uphold the standards of public health care by preventing objections or protect the consciences of health‐care professionals by accommodating objections. Public justification approaches are a compromise position that accommodate conscientious objections only when objectors can publicly justify the grounds of their objections. Public justification approaches require objectors and assessors to speak a common normative language and to this end it has been suggested that objectors should be required to cast their objection in terms (...)
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  18. Population Engineering and the Fight against Climate Change.Colin Hickey, Travis N. Rieder & Jake Earl - 2016 - Social Theory and Practice 42 (4):845-870.
    Contrary to political and philosophical consensus, we argue that the threats posed by climate change justify population engineering, the intentional manipulation of the size and structure of human populations. Specifically, we defend three types of policies aimed at reducing fertility rates: choice enhancement, preference adjustment, and incentivization. While few object to the first type of policy, the latter two are generally rejected because of their potential for coercion or morally objectionable manipulation. We argue that forms of each policy type are (...)
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  19.  50
    Narrative, addiction, and three aspects of self-ambiguity.Doug McConnell & Anna Golova - 2023 - Philosophical Explorations 26 (1):66-85.
    ABSTRACT‘Self-ambiguity’, we suggest, is best understood as an uncertainty about how strongly a given feature reflects who one truly is. When this understanding of self-ambiguity is applied to a view of the self as having both essential and shapable components, self-ambiguity can be seen to have two aspects: (1) uncertainty about one's essential or relatively unchangeable characteristics, e.g. one's sexuality, and (2) uncertainty about how to shape oneself, e.g. which values to commit to, actions to pursue, or essential features to (...)
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  20.  47
    Climate change, distributive justice, and “pre‐institutional” limits on resource appropriation.Colin Hickey - 2021 - European Journal of Philosophy 29 (1):215-235.
    In this paper I argue that individuals are, prior to the existence of just institutions requiring that they do so, bound as a matter of global distributive justice to restrict their use, or share the benefits fairly of any use beyond their entitlements, of the Earth’s capacity to absorb greenhouse gases (EAC) to within a specified justifiable range. As part of the search for an adequate account of climate morality, I approach the task by revisiting, and drawing inspiration from, two (...)
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  21.  26
    UK doctors’ strikes 2023: not only justified but, arguably, supererogatory.Doug McConnell & Darren Mann - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (3):152-156.
    The 2023 doctors’ strikes in the UK have elicited a familiar moral outcry that such strikes are morally wrong. We consider five arguments that might be thought to show doctors’ strikes are morally impermissible but show that they all fail. The most we can conclude from such arguments is that doctors’ strikes are morally permissible in a narrower range of circumstances than strikes in other sectors.We then outline two independent but compatible justifications for doctors’ strikes, one that appeals to doctors’ (...)
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  22.  17
    Arts, Pedagogy and Cultural Resistance: New Materialisms.Anna Hickey-Moody & Tara Page (eds.) - 2015 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This collection demonstrates how physical objects, materials, space and environments teach us, and redefines practice with theory as a more-than-human network. The contributions illustrate how the materials, process, pedagogies and theories of Arts making question and disrupt the many forms of cultural dominance that exist in our society.
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  23.  41
    Manufacturing the placebo effect.Doug Hardman - 2022 - Philosophical Investigations 45 (4):414-429.
    Philosophical Investigations, Volume 45, Issue 4, Page 414-429, October 2022.
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  24. Thomas Kuhn on revolution and Paul Feyerabend on anarchy.Thomas J. Hickey - 2005 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 33 (1):102-114.
    The paper discusses some aspects of the relationship between Feyerabend and Kuhn. First, some biographical remarks concerning their connections are made. Second, four characteristics of Feyerabend and Kuhn's concept of incommensurability are discussed. Third, Feyerabend's general criticism of Kuhn's Structure of Scientific Revolutions is reconstructed. Fourth and more specifically, Feyerabend's criticism of Kuhn's evaluation of normal science is critically investigated. Finally, Feyerabend's re-evaluation of Kuhn's philosophy towards the end of his life is presented.
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  25.  88
    Questioning the Consensus on Placebo and Nocebo Effects.Doug Hardman, Phil Hutchinson & Giulio Ongaro - 2021 - Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics 90 (3):211–212.
  26.  23
    Return of the evil genius.Doug Hardman - 2023 - Philosophical Investigations 47 (1):24-31.
    In this essay, I consider whether it makes sense to say that our cognitive capacities—remembering, imagining, intending, hoping, expecting and so on—manifest as inner, subpersonal processes. Given whether something makes sense is a grammatical rather than theoretical or empirical issue, it cannot be explained but can only be better understood by describing and reflecting on situations in which it arises. As such, I approach this issue using the descriptive method of O.K. Bouwsma, which is a development of Wittgenstein's latter methodological (...)
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  27.  64
    The Importance of Self-Narration in Recovery from Addiction.Doug McConnell & Anke Snoek - 2018 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 25 (3):31-44.
    Addiction involves a chronic deficit in self-governance that treatment aims to restore. We draw on our interviews with addicted people to argue that addiction is, in part, a problem of self-narrative change. Over time, agents come to strongly identify with the aspects of their self-narratives that are consistently verified by others. When addiction self-narratives become established, they shape the addicted person’s experience, plans, and expectations so that pathways to recovery appear implausible and feel alien. Therefore, the agent may prefer to (...)
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  28. Child welfare versus parental autonomy: Medical ethics, the law, and faith-based healing.Kenneth Hickey & Laurie Lyckholm - 2004 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 25 (4):265-276.
    Over the past three decades more than 200 children have died in the U.S. of treatable illnesses as a result of their parents relying on spiritual healing rather than conventional medical treatment. Thirty-nine states have laws that protect parents from criminal prosecution when their children die as a result of not receiving medical care. As physicians and citizens, we must choose between protecting the welfare of children and maintaining respect for the rights of parents to practice the religion of their (...)
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    III jsp.Doug Anderson, James Campbell, Ellen Kappy Suckiel & Eugene Taylor - 2003 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17 (4).
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  30.  53
    Folding The Flesh Into Thought.Anna Hickey-Moody - 2006 - Angelaki 11 (1):189-197.
  31. Art and heart: a general treatise on beauty and the fine arts in their relation to morals and religion.George S. Hickey - 1896 - Lansing, Mich.: The author.
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  32.  46
    A Masochist's Teapot: Where to Put the Handle in Media Ethics.Thomas W. Hickey - 2003 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 18 (1):44-67.
    The four guiding principles of the Society of Professional Journalists express ethical tension that can be viewed as a conflict between the metaphysical concepts of the "One" and the "Many." Historically, the most satisfying resolution of this tension has been the doctrine of the Trinity. When studied as a philosophical construct, this model, drawn from religion, can demonstrate a way to resolve the tension inherent in good journalism. This study reduces this resolution to grids that can be used for plotting (...)
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  33.  38
    Afterword: Practical and impractical philosophies; intuition and reason.Anna Hickey-Moody - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (9):888-891.
  34.  23
    Climate Justice and Informal Representation.Colin Hickey - 2022 - Ethics and International Affairs 36 (2):179-198.
    : What would constitute just representation for the climate vulnerable? My purpose in this essay is to provide a critique of the default frame for approaching this question, as well as to offer a suggestion for expanding our conception of what an adequate answer should include. The standard frame conceives of representing vulnerable climate interests largely in terms of formal mechanisms of representation in technocratic and bureaucratic institutions. I show the limits of that standard approach and caution against the discussion (...)
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  35.  33
    Fichte's critique of dogmatism: The modern parallel.Lance P. Hickey - 2004 - Philosophical Forum 35 (1):65–80.
  36.  10
    Get Goodness: Virtue is the Power to Do Good.Michael Hickey - 2011 - Upa.
    This book looks at virtue as "the power to do good" from the theological, philosophical, and poetic perspective. None of us should be seeking virtuous perfection in orienting ourselves to the good in this life; we should only be seeking change. The journey is the goal.
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  37. Icon of a generation.Andrew Hickey - 2008 - In D. E. Wittkower (ed.), Ipod and Philosophy: Icon of an Epoch. Open Court.
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    Noise modelling and evaluating learning from examples.Ray J. Hickey - 1996 - Artificial Intelligence 82 (1-2):157-179.
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    Ovid, Heroides 6. 54.St John Hickey - 1966 - The Classical Review 16 (02):144-145.
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  40. Parents, power, and the politics of school reform.Michael E. Hickey - 2006 - In Francis Martin Duffy (ed.), Power, politics, and ethics in school districts: dynamic leadership for systemic change. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Education.
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    Regarding Elephants in the Room: What Buddhists Could Learn from Christians about Preventing Teacher Misconduct.Wakoh Shannon Hickey - 2021 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 41 (1):95-125.
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    The chomskian challenge to externalism.Lance P. Hickey - 1999 - International Studies in Philosophy 31 (4):39-51.
  43.  12
    The Way of Tenderness: Awakening Through Race, Sexuality, and Gender by Zenju Earthlyn Manuel.Wakoh Shannon Hickey - 2016 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 36 (1):237-241.
  44.  24
    Varieties of group selection.Doug Jones - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (4):778-779.
    Group selection may be defined either broadly or narrowly. Narrowly defined group selection may involve either selection for altruism or group selection between alternative evolutionarily stable states. The last variety of group selection is likely to have been particularly important in human evolution.
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  45.  22
    Does Husserl have a philosophy of history in the'crisis of european sciences'.Doug Mann - 1992 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 23 (2):156-166.
  46.  41
    Neurocognitive training for traumatic brain injury: A pilot feasibility study.Hickey Melinda, Johnstone Stuart & Rushby Jacqueline - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  47.  20
    Animal Rights: Broadening Our Perspective; Broadening Our Base.Doug Moss - 1988 - Between the Species 4 (2):14.
  48. Stephen St C. Bostock, Zoos and Animal Rights: The ethics of keeping animals Reviewed by.Doug Simak - 1994 - Philosophy in Review 14 (3):167-169.
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    Ethics training needs to emphasize disclosure and apology.Doug Wojcieszak, James W. Saxton & Maggie M. Finkelstein - 2008 - HEC Forum 20 (3):291-305.
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  50.  41
    The Demandingness of Individual Climate Duties: A Reply to Fragnière.Colin Hickey - 2021 - Utilitas (First view):1-8.
    In this article, I respond to Augustin Fragnière's recent attempt to understand the demandingness of individual climate duties by appealing to the difference between “concentrated” harm and “spread” harm and the importance of “moral thresholds”. I suggest his arguments don't succeed in securing the conclusion he is after, even from within his own commitments, which themselves are problematic. As this is primarily a critical project, the upshot of this discussion is that if there is a defensible way to justify the (...)
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