Results for 'Douglas I. Medin'

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  1.  71
    Thinking about biology. Modular constraints on categorization and reasoning in the everyday life of Americans, Maya, and scientists.Scott Atran, Douglas I. Medin & Norbert Ross - 2002 - Mind and Society 3 (2):31-63.
    This essay explores the universal cognitive bases of biological taxonomy and taxonomic inference using cross-cultural experimental work with urbanized Americans and forest-dwelling Maya Indians. A universal, essentialist appreciation of generic species appears as the causal foundation for the taxonomic arrangement of biodiversity, and for inference about the distribution of causally-related properties that underlie biodiversity. Universal folkbiological taxonomy is domain-specific: its structure does not spontaneously or invariably arise in other cognitive domains, like substances, artifacts or persons. It is plausibly an innately-determined (...)
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    On the Interaction of Theory and Data in Concept Learning.Edward J. Wisniewski & Douglas L. Medin - 1994 - Cognitive Science 18 (2):221-281.
    Standard models of concept learning generally focus on deriving statistical properties of a category based on data (i.e., category members and the features that describe them) but fail to give appropriate weight to the contact between people's intuitive theories and these data. Two experiments explored the role of people's prior knowledge or intuitive theories on category learning by manipulating the labels associated with the category. Learning differed dramatically when categories of children's drawings were meaningfully labeled (e.g., “done by creative children”) (...)
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    Montaigne and the Tolerance of Politics.Douglas I. Thompson - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    Montaigne and the Tolerance of Politics argues for toleration as a practice of negotiation, looking to a philosopher not usually considered political: Michel de Montaigne. Douglas I. Thompson draws on Montaigne's Essais to recover the idea that political negotiation grows out of genuine care for public goods and the establishment of political trust. This book argues that Montaigne's view of tolerance is worth recovering and reconsidering in contemporary democratic societies where political leaders and ordinary citizens are becoming less able (...)
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    Tocqueville and the Bureaucratic Foundations of Democracy in America.Douglas I. Thompson - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (3):404-430.
    One of Tocqueville’s best-known empirical claims in Democracy in America is that there is no national-level public administration in the United States. He asserts definitively and repeatedly that “administrative centralization does not exist” there. However, in scattered passages throughout the text, Tocqueville points to multiple federal agencies that contemporary historians and APD scholars characterize as instances of a growing national administrative system, such as the Post Office Department and the Bureau of Indian Affairs. I reevaluate Tocqueville’s treatment of bureaucracy in (...)
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  5. The Fragmentation of Being.Douglas I. Campbell - 2019 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 97 (3):634-635.
    This is a review of Kris McDaniel's book, 'The Fragmentation of Being'. In the book McDaniel defends ontological pluralism -- the doctrine that there are multiple 'ways of being' (i.e., multiple modes, or degrees, or orders, or levels, or gradations of existence). In defending ontological pluralism, McDaniel must reject the rival, Quinean position that there is at root just one generic way for a thing to exist: viz., by its falling in the domain of unrestricted quantification. McDaniel argues against Quine (...)
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  6.  26
    The Nature of Normal Science: Arthur Compton’s Research Programme as an Exemplar.Douglas I. O. Anele - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (6).
    Thomas S. Kuhn’s theory of normal science (NS), aside from being a provocative philosophical reconstruction of the relatively conservative phase of scientific research, contains useful ideas for systematic analysis of specific episodes in the history of science. Therefore, although the theory has been looked at from different angles since the first edition of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (TSSR) was published in 1962, its detailed exploration of the cumulative phase of research in mature science is of abiding relevance in the (...)
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    Philosophy of value: concepts and issues.Douglas I. O. Anele, Modestus N. Onyeaghalaji & Peter Osimiri (eds.) - 2021 - Lagos, Nigeria: University of Lagos, Press and Bookshop.
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    Western Technical Civilization and Regional Cultures in Nigeria.Douglas I. O. Anele - 2010 - Cultura 7 (2):38-53.
    This paper examines the impact of the introduction of Western (European) technical civilization on regional cultures in Nigeria, using Igboland in South-EasternNigeria as a test case. It begins with a discussion of some general features of Western technical civilization whose evolution has been profoundly influenced by technological advances in Europe and her cultural colonies in North America and elsewhere. Consequences of the contact between Western technical civilization and traditional Igbo culture are also examined. The paper concludes by discussing the challenging (...)
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    McKinlay, Alan and Ken Starkey , eds. Foucault, Management and Organization Theory . London: Sage Publications, 2004.Douglas I. Thompson - 2004 - Foucault Studies 1:98-104.
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  10. Doxastic desire and Attitudinal Monism.Douglas I. Campbell - 2018 - Synthese 195 (3):1139-1161.
    How many attitudes must be posited at the level of reductive bedrock in order to reductively explain all the rest? Motivational Humeans hold that at least two attitudes are indispensable, belief and desire. Desire-As-Belief theorists beg to differ. They hold that the belief attitude can do the all the work the desire attitude is supposed to do, because desires are in fact nothing but beliefs of a certain kind. If this is correct it has major implications both for the philosophy (...)
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  11. The Inconceivable Popularity of Conceivability Arguments.Douglas I. Campbell, Jack Copeland & Zhuo-Ran Deng - 2017 - Philosophical Quarterly 67 (267):223-240.
    Famous examples of conceivability arguments include (i) Descartes’ argument for mind-body dualism, (ii) Kripke's ‘modal argument’ against psychophysical identity theory, (iii) Chalmers’ ‘zombie argument’ against materialism, and (iv) modal versions of the ontological argument for theism. In this paper, we show that for any such conceivability argument, C, there is a corresponding ‘mirror argument’, M. M is deductively valid and has a conclusion that contradicts C's conclusion. Hence, a proponent of C—henceforth, a ‘conceivabilist’—can be warranted in holding that C's premises (...)
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  12.  24
    Who's Asking?: Native Science, Western Science, and Science Education.Douglas L. Medin & Megan Bang - 2014 - MIT Press.
    Analysis and case studies show that including different orientations toward the natural world makes for more effective scientific practice and science education.
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  13.  54
    Folkbiology.Douglas L. Medin & Scott Atran (eds.) - 1999 - MIT Press.
    This book takes an interdisciplinary approach, bringing together the work of researchers in anthropology, cognitive and developmental psychology, biology, and ...
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    Respects for similarity.Douglas L. Medin, Robert L. Goldstone & Dedre Gentner - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (2):254-278.
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    Concepts and categories: Memory, meaning, and metaphysics.Douglas L. Medin & Lance J. Rips - 2005 - In K. Holyoak & B. Morrison (eds.), The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. pp. 37--72.
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  16.  26
    Constraints and Preferences in Inductive Learning: An Experimental Study of Human and Machine Performance.Douglas L. Medin, William D. Wattenmaker & Ryszard S. Michalski - 1987 - Cognitive Science 11 (3):299-339.
    The paper examines constraints and preferences employed by people in learning decision rules from preclassified examples. Results from four experiments with human subjects were analyzed and compared with artificial intelligence (AI) inductive learning programs. The results showed the people's rule inductions tended to emphasize category validity (probability of some property, given a category) more than cue validity (probability that an entity is a member of a category given that it has some property) to a greater extent than did the AI (...)
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  17.  46
    The Native Mind: Biological Categorization and Reasoning in Development and Across Cultures.Douglas L. Medin & Scott Atran - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (4):960-983.
    . This paper describes a cross-cultural and developmental research project on naïve or folk biology, that is, the study of how people conceptualize nature. The combination of domain specificity and cross-cultural comparison brings a new perspective to theories of categorization and reasoning and undermines the tendency to focus on “standard populations.” From the standpoint of mainstream cognitive psychology, we find that results gathered from standard populations in industrialized societies often fail to generalize to humanity at large. For example, similarity-driven typicality (...)
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  18. Sinning saints and saintly sinners: the paradox of moral self-regulation.Sonya Sachdeva, Rumen Iliev & Douglas Medin - 2009 - Psychological Science 20 (4):523-528.
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    SUSTAIN: A Network Model of Category Learning.Bradley C. Love, Douglas L. Medin & Todd M. Gureckis - 2004 - Psychological Review 111 (2):309-332.
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  20.  64
    Folkbiology of freshwater fish.Douglas L. Medin, Norbert O. Ross, Scott Atran, Douglas Cox, John Coley, Julia B. Proffitt & Sergey Blok - 2006 - Cognition 99 (3):237-273.
  21. Cultural and experiential differences in the development of folkbiological induction.Norbert Ross, Douglas Medin, John Coley & Scott Atran - unknown
    Carey's book on conceptual change and the accompanying argument that children's biology initially is organized in terms of naïve psychology has sparked a great detail of research and debate. This body of research on children's biology has, however, been almost exclusively been based on urban, majority culture children in the US or in other industrialized nations. The development of folkbiological knowledge may depend on cultural and experiential background. If this is the case, then urban majority culture children may prove to (...)
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    (1 other version)The role of theories in conceptual coherence.Gregory L. Murphy & Douglas L. Medin - 1985 - Psychological Review 92 (3):289-316.
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  23.  83
    Seeing Cooperation or Competition: Ecological Interactions in Cultural Perspectives.Bethany L. Ojalehto, Douglas L. Medin, William S. Horton, Salino G. Garcia & Estefano G. Kays - 2015 - Topics in Cognitive Science 7 (4):624-645.
    Do cultural models facilitate particular ways of perceiving interactions in nature? We explore variability in folkecological principles of reasoning about interspecies interactions. In two studies, Indigenous Panamanian Ngöbe and U.S. participants interpreted an illustrated, wordless nonfiction book about the hunting relationship between a coyote and badger. Across both studies, the majority of Ngöbe interpreted the hunting relationship as cooperative and the majority of U.S. participants as competitive. Study 2 showed that this pattern may reflect different beliefs about, and perhaps different (...)
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  24.  49
    Conceptualizing agency: Folkpsychological and folkcommunicative perspectives on plants.Bethany L. Ojalehto, Douglas L. Medin & Salino G. García - 2017 - Cognition 162 (C):103-123.
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  25.  36
    A Two‐Stage Model of Category Construction.Woo-Kyoung Ahn & Douglas L. Medin - 1992 - Cognitive Science 16 (1):81-121.
    The current consensus is that most natural categories are not organized around strict definitions (a list of singly necessary and jointly sufficient features) but rather according to a family resemblance (FR) principle: Objects belong to the same category because they are similar to each other and dissimilar to objects in contrast categories. A number of computational models of category construction have been developed to provide an account of how and why people create FR categories (Anderson, 1990; Fisher, 1987). Surprisingly, however, (...)
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    Conceptual Organization.Douglas Medin & Sandra R. Waxman - 1998 - In George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.), A Companion to Cognitive Science. Blackwell. pp. 167–175.
    Questions about concepts bring into play all the cognitive science disciplines. For many centuries, concepts belonged to philosophy; but more recently, these original caretakers have shared responsibility for this domain with cognitive and developmental psychology, linguistics, artificial intelligence, anthropology, and neuroscience. Each of these fields has offered insights into these building blocks of thought, and each has contributed a unique perspective on fundamental questions about the nature of minds. However, the integrative approach of cognitive science holds the promise of providing (...)
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  27.  27
    Inductive reasoning in folkbiological thought.John D. Coley, Douglas L. Medin, Julia Beth Proffitt, Elizabeth Lynch & Scott Atran - 1999 - In Douglas L. Medin & Scott Atran (eds.), Folkbiology. MIT Press. pp. 211-12.
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  28.  26
    Position distinctiveness and successive discrimination learning.Douglas L. Medin - 1974 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 4 (1):35-36.
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    Status of unchosen objects in discrimination learning by monkeys.Douglas L. Medin - 1977 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 9 (2):118-120.
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    Essentialism and Folkbiology: Evidence from Brazil.Paulo Sousa, Scott Atran & Douglas Medin - 2002 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 2 (3):195-223.
    Experimental results in reference to Brazilian children and adults are presented in the context of current discussions about essentialism and folkbiology. Using an adoption paradigm, we replicate the basic findings of a previous article in this journal concerning the early emergence in children of a birth-parent bias. This cognitive bias supports the claim that causal essentialism cross-culturally constrains the reasoning about the origin, development and maintenance of the characteristics and identity of living kinds. We also report some intriguing differences with (...)
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  31. Cultural mosaics and mental models of nature.Megan Bang, Douglas Medin & Scott Atran - unknown
    For much of their history, the relationship between anthropology and psychology has been well captured by Robert Frost's poem, “Mending Wall,” which ends with the ironic line, “good fences make good neighbors.” The congenial fence was that anthropology studied what people think and psychology studied how people think. Recent research, however, shows that content and process cannot be neatly segregated, because cultural differences in what people think affect how people think. To achieve a deeper understanding of the relation between process (...)
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  32. Anthropology in Cognitive Science.Andrea Bender, Edwin Hutchins & Douglas Medin - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (3):374-385.
    This paper reviews the uneven history of the relationship between Anthropology and Cognitive Science over the past 30 years, from its promising beginnings, followed by a period of disaffection, on up to the current context, which may lay the groundwork for reconsidering what Anthropology and (the rest of) Cognitive Science have to offer each other. We think that this history has important lessons to teach and has implications for contemporary efforts to restore Anthropology to its proper place within Cognitive Science. (...)
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    Response latency and brightness judgments by monkeys.Douglas L. Medin, Mary L. Borkhius & Roger T. David - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (3p1):480.
  34. Evolution and devolution of folkbiological knowledge.Phillip Wolff, Douglas L. Medin & Connie Pankratz - 1999 - Cognition 73 (2):177-204.
  35. Should Anthropology Be Part of Cognitive Science?Sieghard Beller, Andrea Bender & Douglas L. Medin - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (3):342-353.
    Anthropology and the other cognitive science (CS) subdisciplines currently maintain a troubled relationship. With a debate in topiCS we aim at exploring the prospects for improving this relationship, and our introduction is intended as a catalyst for this debate. In order to encourage a frank sharing of perspectives, our comments will be deliberately provocative. Several challenges for a successful rapprochement are identified, encompassing the diverging paths that CS and anthropology have taken in the past, the degree of compatibility between (1) (...)
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  36. Is it more wrong to care less? The effects of “more” and “less” on the quantity (in) sensitivity of protected values.Sonya Sachdeva & Douglas L. Medin - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1239--1243.
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  37.  44
    The Cultural Mind: Environmental Decision Making and Cultural Modeling Within and Across Populations.Scott Atran, Douglas L. Medin & Norbert O. Ross - 2005 - Psychological Review 112 (4):744-776.
    This paper describes a cross-cultural research project on the relation between how people conceptualize nature and how they act in it. Mental models of nature differ dramatically among and within populations living in the same area and engaged in more or less the same activities. This has novel implications for environmental decision making and management, including dealing with commons problems. Our research also offers a distinct perspective on models of culture, and a unified approach to the study of culture and (...)
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  38. Sacred bounds on the rational resolution of violent political conflict.Jeremy Ginges, Scott Atran, Douglas Medin & Khalil Shikaki - unknown
    We report a series of experiments carried out with Palestinian and Israeli participants showing that violent opposition to compromise over issues considered sacred is increased by offering material incentives to compromise but decreased when the adversary makes symbolic compromises over their own sacred values. These results demonstrate some of the unique properties of reasoning and decision-making over sacred values. We show that the use of material incentives to promote the peaceful resolution of political and cultural conflicts may backfire when adversaries (...)
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    Non-mutualistic morality.Sonya Sachdeva, Rumen Iliev & Douglas L. Medin - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (1):99 - 100.
    Although mutually advantageous cooperative strategies might be an apt account of some societies, other moral systems might be needed among certain groups and contexts. In particular, in a duty-based moral system, people do not behave morally with an expectation for proportional reward, but rather, as a fulfillment of debt owed to others. In such systems, mutualistic motivations are not necessarily a key component of morality.
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    Weirdness is in the eye of the beholder.Will M. Bennis & Douglas L. Medin - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (2-3):85-86.
    Henrich et al.'s critical review demonstrating that psychology research is over-reliant on WEIRD samples is an important contribution to the field. Their stronger claim that is less convincing, however. We argue that WEIRD people's apparent distinct weirdness is a methodological side-effect of psychology's over-reliance on WEIRD populations for developing its methods and theoretical constructs.
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  41. Evolution and Devolution of Knowledge: A Tale of Two Biologies.Scott Atran, Douglas Medin & Norbert Ross - unknown
    Anthropological inquiry suggests that all societies classify animals and plants in similar ways. Paradoxically, in the same cultures that have seen large advances in biological science, citizenry's practical knowledge of nature has dramatically diminished. Here we describe historical, cross-cultural and developmental research on how people ordinarily conceptualize organic nature, concentrating on cognitive consequences associated with knowledge devolution. We show that results on psychological studies of categorization and reasoning from “standard populations” fail to generalize to humanity at large. Usual populations have (...)
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  42.  18
    Look to the field.Rumen Iliev, Douglas Medin & Megan Bang - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Yarkoni's paper makes an important contribution to psychological research by its insightful analysis of generalizability. We suggest, however, that broadening research practices to include field research and the correlated use of both converging and complementary observations gives reason for optimism.
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    Does rank have its privilege? Inductive inferences within folkbiological taxonomies.John D. Coley, Douglas L. Medin & Scott Atran - 1997 - Cognition 64 (1):73-112.
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  44.  59
    Teleological reasoning about nature: intentional design or relational perspectives?Sandra R. Waxman & Douglas L. Medin - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (4):166-171.
  45.  28
    The Moral Priorities of Rap Listeners.Kalonji L. K. Nzinga & Douglas L. Medin - 2018 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 18 (3-4):312-342.
    A cross-cultural approach to moral psychology starts from researchers withholding judgments about universal right and wrong and instead exploring what the members of a community subjectively perceive to be moral or immoral in their local context. This study seeks to identify the moral concerns that are most relevant to listeners of hip-hop music. We use validated psychological surveys including the Moral Foundations Questionnaire to assess which moral concerns are most central to hip-hop listeners. Results show that hip-hop listeners prioritize concerns (...)
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    Folkbiology doesn't Come from Folkpsychology: Evidence from Yukatek Maya in Cross-Cultural Perspective.Scott Atran, Edilberto Ucan Ek', Paulo Sousa, Douglas Medin, Elizabeth Lynch & Valentina Vapnarsky - 2001 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 1 (1):3-42.
    Nearly all psychological research on basic cognitive processes of category formation and reasoning uses sample populations associated with large research institutions in technologically-advanced societies. Lopsided attention to a select participant pool risks biasing interpretation, no matter how large the sample or how statistically reliable the results. The experiments in this article address this limitation. Earlier research with urban-USA children suggests that biological concepts are thoroughly enmeshed with their notions of naive psychology, and strikingly human-centered. Thus, if children are to develop (...)
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  47.  29
    When humans become animals: Development of the animal category in early childhood.Patricia A. Herrmann, Douglas L. Medin & Sandra R. Waxman - 2012 - Cognition 122 (1):74-79.
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    The exemplar view.Edward E. Smith & Douglas L. Medin - 2002 - In Daniel J. Levitin (ed.), Foundations of Cognitive Psychology: Core Readings. MIT Press. pp. 277--292.
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  49.  54
    Douglas Bush's Science and English PoetryScience and English Poetry: A Historical Sketch, 1590-1950.Samuel I. Mintz & Douglas Bush - 1951 - Journal of the History of Ideas 12 (1):155.
  50.  20
    Conflict in ancient Greece and Rome: the definitive political, social, and military encyclopedia.I. G. Spence, Douglas Henry Kelly, Peter Londey & Sara Elise Phang (eds.) - 2016 - Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, an imprint of of ABC-CLIO, LLC.
    Intended for high school and college students studying ancient Greece and Rome as part of a larger world history curriculum, this book's coverage of key wars and battles; important leaders, armies, organizations, and weapons; and other aspects of conflict will enable readers to better understand the complex role warfare played in ancient Western civilization.
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