Results for 'Dr Psycho'

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  1. The Dr. Psycho Paradox and Newcomb’s Problem.Michael Clark & Nicholas Shackel - 2006 - Erkenntnis 64 (1):85 - 100.
    Nicholas Rescher claims that rational decision theory “may leave us in the lurch”, because there are two apparently acceptable ways of applying “the standard machinery of expected-value analysis” to his Dr. Psycho paradox which recommend contradictory actions. He detects a similar contradiction in Newcomb’s problem. We consider his claims from the point of view of both Bayesian decision theory and causal decision theory. In Dr. Psycho and in Newcomb’s Problem, Rescher has used premisses about probabilities which he assumes (...)
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  2. Dr. Drever on psycho-analysis.Leo Stein - 1924 - Mind 33 (132):478-480.
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    La morale; fondements psycho-sociologiques d'une conduite rationnelle.Guillaume Leonce Duprat - 1901 - Paris,: O. Doin.
    Excerpt from La Morale: Fondements Psycho-Sociologiques d'une Conduite Rationnelle Parce qu'ils ont eu le sentiment de cette trans formation inéluctable du moraliste, qui de sage ou inspiré devient de plus en plus homme de science, M. Le Dr toulouse et ses collaborateurs en ont suscité une première manifestation et ont fait entrer dans le cadre cl'é tudes psychologiques, psy cho - pathologiques et psycho sociologiques, un ou vrage de morale. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands (...)
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    Review: Un exposé récent de la psycho-analyase: Revue critique Par le dr. R. mourgue. [REVIEW]R. Mourgue - 1922 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 29 (1):85 - 99.
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    Les maladies de la vertu.André Berge - 1969 - Paris,: Payot.
    Dr André Berge : médecin et psychanalyste, est directeur médical du Centre psycho-pédagogique Claude Bernard. Les données traditionnelles, toutes les valeurs, tous les principes sont discutés et sans cesse remis en cause. Et pourtant, personne ne saurait échapper à la nécessité d’adopter dans l’existence une ligne de conduite — c’est-à-dire une morale — sous peine de sombrer dans l’incohérence. Mais l’homme, s’il a besoin d’une morale, n’en est pas moins enclin à l’utiliser pour s’écraser lui-même et tend parfois à (...)
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    Requiem for the identity theory.J. R. Smythies - 1994 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 37 (3):311-29.
    This paper examines the impact that recent advances in clinical neurology, introspectionist psychology and neuroscience have upon the philosophical psycho?neural Identity Theory. Topics covered include (i) the nature and properties of phenomenal consciousness based on a study of the ?basic? visual field, i.e. that obtained in the complete dark, the Ganzfeld, and during recovery from occipital lobe injuries; (ii) the nature of the ?body?image? of neurology and its relation to the physical body; (iii) Descartes? error in choosing extension in (...)
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    Eugenics and politics in Britain in the 1930s.G. R. Searle - 1979 - Annals of Science 36 (2):159-169.
    This paper discusses the surprising resurgence in the fortunes of the British eugenics movement in the 1930s. It is argued that although mass unemployment may in the long run have discredited that version of eugenics in which social dependence and destitution were attributed to genetic defect, in the short run the Depression was often perceived as a vindication of the eugenical creed. In particular, the attempt to reduce the fertility of the unemployed by popularising birth control techniques, and the voluntary (...)
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    Fifty Years of the Tavistock Clinic.H. V. Dicks - 2014 - Routledge.
    Originally published in 1970 this title commemorates the men and ideas that started, inspired and established a pioneer institution in British psychiatry. Based on the impetus of Freudian and related innovations after the First World War, the Tavistock Clinic offered treatment, training and research facilities in the field of neurosis, child guidance and later on group relations. Dr Dicks, who had been associated for nearly forty years with the work and personalities that helped to develop the Tavistock venture, describes the (...)
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    Philosophy of Thomas Aquinas on justice and human rights: a paradigm for the Africa-Cultural Conflicts Resolution: Nigerian perspectives.JoeBarth Abba - 2017 - Zürich: Lit.
    "A type of book we always long to read for peace and joy in any nation, Father Dr. JoeBarth Abba touched many areas amidst orgies of circles of terrorisms, Islamic insurgents with key solutions for psycho-dialogical ways on cultural ethnic tensions for conflicts resolution." --Gerhard Ludwig Cardinal Mueller, Vatican, Rome ***The book presents an inquiry into the thoughts and scholasticism of Thomas Aquinas, his classical philosophical synthesis, his insights, and the quest for Justice and Human Rights as a panacea (...)
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    Breathing: Proustian Therapy.Christopher Prendergast - 2023 - Substance 52 (1):49-53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Breathing:Proustian Therapy1Christopher Prendergast (bio)I begin with a question I would never have imagined myself asking. Is Proust good for you? Might there even be, albeit in carefully controlled doses, a place for him in modern 'health care'? He certainly belongs in the select, if occasionally scary, company of writers whose name, or that of one of their fictional characters, has lent itself to the designation of a psycho-physical (...)
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    Dr Frank Taylor, 1910-2000.Dr Frederick Ratcliffe & Anne Young - 2000 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 82 (2):81-84.
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    Die Implementierung Klinischer Ethikberatung in Deutschland.Dr med Andrea Dörries & Katharina Hespe-Jungesblut - 2007 - Ethik in der Medizin 19 (2):148-156.
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    Remembering Rev. Dr. Leroy Stephens Rouner.Rev Dr Leroy Stephens Rouner - 2006 - Philosophy East and West 56 (3):367-368.
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    Wittgenstein: Rethinking the Inner.Dr Paul Johnston & Paul Johnston - 1993 - New York: Routledge.
    The idea of the Inner is central to our concept of a person and yet is far from being philosophically understood. This book offers a comprehensive account of Wittgenstein's work on the subject and presents a forceful challenge to contemporary views. Written in a non-technical and accessible style, it throws new light both on Wittgenstein's work and on the problem of the Inner self.
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    The Contradictions of Modern Moral Philosophy: Ethics After Wittgenstein.Dr Paul Johnston & Paul Johnston - 1999 - New York: Routledge.
    _The Contradictions of Modern Moral Philosophy_ is a highly original and radical critique of contemporary moral theory. Paul Johnston demonstrates that much recent moral philosophy is confused about the fundamental issue of whether there are correct moral judgements. He shows that the standard modern approaches to ethics cannot justify - or even make much sense of - traditional moral beliefs. Applied rigorously, these approaches suggest that we should reject ethics as a set of outdated and misguided claims. Rather than facing (...)
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    Empfehlungen zur Evaluation von Ethikberatung in Einrichtungen des Gesundheitswesens.Dr med Gerald Neitzke, Prof Dr Phil Annette Riedel, Dr Theol Stefan Dinges, Dr Phil Uwe Fahr & Dr Phil Arnd T. May - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (2):149-156.
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    Eigenverantwortung als Verteilungskriterium im Gesundheitswesen.Dr med A. Buyx - 2005 - Ethik in der Medizin 17 (4):269-283.
    Die demografische Entwicklung und der medizinische Fortschritt werden die Problematik der Ressourcenknappheit im deutschen Gesundheitswesen in Zukunft weiter verschärfen. Soll nicht nur kurzfristig akuten Sparzwängen ausgewichen werden, steht – wie in verschiedenen Ländern bereits geschehen – auch Deutschland auf Dauer eine Prioritätensetzung im Gesundheitswesen bevor. Diese sollte in möglichst transparenter Weise nach klaren Kriterien erfolgen. Eines der seit einiger Zeit häufig öffentlich zitierten Kriterien der Verteilung von Mitteln in der Gesundheitsversorgung ist die Eigenverantwortung von Patienten. Deren Berücksichtigung in der Allokation (...)
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    Guidelines for training in the ethical conduct of scientific research.Dr Seymour J. Garte - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (1):59-70.
    Historically, scientists in training have learned the rules of ethical conduct by the example of their advisors and other senior scientists and by practice. This paper is intended to serve as a guide for the beginning scientist to some fundamental principles of scientific research ethics. The paper focuses less on issues of outright dishonesty or fraud, and more on the positive aspects of ethical scientific behavior; in other words, what a scientist should do to maintain a high level of ethical (...)
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    Ethische Entscheidungsfindung in der klinischen Praxis.Dr Arnd T. May - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (3):242-252.
    Zur patientenorientierten Behandlung bei nichteinwilligungsfähigen Patienten werden aktuell der Einbezug oder auch die Entscheidung durch ein Ethikkonsil oder klinisches Ethikkomitee (KEK) gefordert. Damit die Entscheidung des Entscheidungsträgers durch das KEK unterstützt werden kann, müssen Zuständigkeiten, Besetzung und Arbeitsweise des Gremiums klar umschrieben sein.
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    Selbstbestimmung am Lebensende im Spannungsfeld zwischen Medizin, Ethik und Recht.Dr med Stephan Sahm - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (2):133-147.
    Die jüngste höchstrichterliche Rechtsprechung zur Selbstbestimmung der Patienten und zur Normierung medizinischer Handlungen am Lebensende hat eine intensive Debatte ausgelöst. Das Urteil und die akademisch vorgetragene Kritik werden einer grundlegenden medizinethischen Analyse unterworfen. Sie betrifft die objektive Eingrenzung der Zulässigkeit einer Behandlungsbegrenzung und die Subsumtion des Wachkomas als irreversibel tödliches Grundleiden, das ärztliche Ermessen bei der Indikationsstellung, die normative Einordnung einer Ernährungstherapie am Lebensende und die Verbindlichkeit von Patientenverfügungen. Die medizinethische Kritik offenbart eine unzureichende Wahrnehmung medizinischer und medizinethischer professioneller Dokumente (...)
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    Jacques Derrida: Opening Lines.Dr Marian Hobson & Marian Hobson - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    In _Jacques Derrida: Opening Lines_, Marian Hobson gives us a thorough and elegant analysis of this controversial and seminal contemporary thinker. Looking closely at the language and the construction of some of Derrida's philosophy, Hobson suggests the way he writes, indeed the fact he writes in another language, affects how he can be understood by English speakers. This superb study on the question of language will make illuminating reading for anyone studying or engaged with Derrida's philosophy.
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    Die philosophische Diskursethik und das Ulmer Modell der Ethikseminare.Dr Henrik Kessler - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (4):258-267.
    In diesem Artikel geht es um die Beziehungen zwischen der von Jürgen Habermas entwickelten Diskursethik und den Studierendenseminaren, die der Ulmer Arbeitskreis „Ethik in der Medizin“ veranstaltet. Zunächst erfolgt eine Darstellung der Kernaussagen der philosophischen Diskursethik. Sie liefert eine formale Argumentationsprozedur, mit der es möglich ist, die Legitimität strittig gewordener Normen im Diskurs zu prüfen. Anschließend wird das in Ulm von Baitsch und Sponholz entwickelte Modell der Seminare „Ethische Entscheidungskonflikte im ärztlichen Alltag“ vorgestellt. Da sich die Ulmer Seminare unter anderem (...)
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    Reproductive cloning and a (kind of) genetic fallacy.Dr Neil Levy & Dr Mianna Lotz - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (3):232–250.
    ABSTRACT Many people now believe that human reproductive cloning – once sufficiently safe and effective – should be permitted on the grounds that it will allow the otherwise infertile to have children that are biologically closely related to them. However, though it is widely believed that the possession of a close genetic link to our children is morally significant and valuable, we argue that such a view is erroneous. Moreover, the claim that the genetic link is valuable is pernicious; it (...)
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    Giving Liberty Its Due, But No More: Trans Fats, Liberty, and Public Health.Dr James Wilson - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics 10 (3):34-36.
    Resnik’s argument relies upon an undefended and unjustified overvaluation of liberty. First, he overlooks some important arguments in favour of restrictions to liberty, and his consideration of the two he does review is unfair; second his account grossly overestimates the autonomy of our food choices; and lastly his mechanism for balancing liberty against other concerns involves an illicit double counting of the weight of individual liberty.
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  25. Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion: The Quest for a Critical Edition.Dr Walter Jaeschke - 1980 - The Owl of Minerva 11 (3):4-8.
    The following paper, by Dr. Walter Jaeschke, of the Hegel-Archiv, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, was discussed during the course of the meeting of the Nineteenth Century Theology Group of the American Academy of Religion which was held in New York City, November 15–17, 1979. It has been translated by Peter C. Hodgson, Chairman, Graduate Department of Religion, Vanderbilt University. The concluding sections of Dr. Jaeschke’s study, along with a proposal by Professor Hodgson for the completion of an English study edition of Hegel’s (...)
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    Kinderwunsch und Wunschkinder.Dr Tanja Krones, Elke Neuwohner, Susan El Ansari, Thomas Wissner & Gerd Richter - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (1):51-62.
    Eines der medizinischen Felder, in dem die ethische Diskussion um die „wunscherfüllende Medizin“ am intensivsten geführt wird, ist die Reproduktionsmedizin, die die Erfüllung des „Kinderwunsches“ verspricht. Strittig ist besonders, ob Sterilität als Krankheit definiert wird, die eine medizinische Intervention rechtfertigt, ob sich aus der Sterilität oder Infertilität lediglich ein Abwehr- oder auch ein positives Anspruchsrecht auf medizinische Ressourcen ergibt, ob legitime Fortpflanzungsmedizin Grenzen hat. Nach einer Übersicht über Eckpunkte der nationalen und internationalen Debatte beschreiben wir im zweiten Teil Ansichten zum (...)
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    The ombudsman for research practice.Dr Ruth L. Fischbach & Diane C. Gilbert - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (4):389-402.
    We propose that institutions consider establishing a position of “Ombudsman for Research Practice”. This person would assume several roles: as asounding board to those needing confidential consultation about research issues — basic, applied or clinical; as afacilitator for those wishing to pursue a formal grievance process; and as aneducator to distribute guidelines and standards, to raise the consciousness regarding sloppy or irregular practices in order to prevent misconduct and to promote the responsible conduct of research. While there are compelling features (...)
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    Science, History, Philosophy, and Literature in Sanskrit Classics: Dr. D.N. Shanbhag Felicitation Volume.Krishnamurthy Bheemacharya Archak & Dr Michael (eds.) - 2007 - Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan.
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  29. The Decoupled Representation Theory of the Evolution of Cognition--A Critical Assessment.Dr Wayne Christensen - 2010 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 61 (2):361-405.
    Sterelny’s Thought in a Hostile World ([ 2003 ]) presents a complex, systematically structured theory of the evolution of cognition centered on a concept of decoupled representation. Taking Godfrey-Smith’s ([ 1996 ]) analysis of the evolution of behavioral flexibility as a framework, the theory describes increasingly complex grades of representation beginning with simple detection and culminating with decoupled representation, said to be belief-like, and it characterizes selection forces that drive evolutionary transformations in these forms of representation. Sterelny’s ultimate explanatory target (...)
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    Extended cognition and the mark of the cognitive.Dr Mark Rowlands - 2009 - Philosophical Psychology 22 (1):1-19.
    According to the thesis of the extended mind (EM), at least some token cognitive processes extend into the cognizing subject's environment in the sense that they are (partly) composed of manipulative, exploitative, and transformative operations performed by that subject on suitable environmental structures. EM has attracted four ostensibly distinct types of objection. This paper has two goals. First, it argues that these objections all reduce to one basic sort: all the objections can be resolved by the provision of an adequate (...)
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    „Evidenzbasierte Ethik“? – Über hypothetische und kategorische Handlungsnormen in der Medizin.Dr med Sabine Salloch - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (1):5-17.
    Im Zuge des „empirical turn“ der Medizin- und Bioethik ist von verschiedenen Autoren in den vergangenen Jahren die Idee einer „evidenzbasierten Ethik“ diskutiert worden. Die Analogie zwischen evidenzbasierter Medizin und „evidenzbasierter Ethik“ soll in diesem Beitrag kritisch diskutiert und dabei gezeigt werden, dass der Ausdruck „evidenzbasierte Ethik“ irreführend ist. Zentraler Ausgangspunkt der Kritik ist die unterschiedliche Bedeutung, die empirische Informationen für das medizinisch-klinische Urteil zum einen und das ethische Urteil in der Medizin zum anderen haben. Im medizinisch-klinischen Urteil können mit (...)
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  32. Working memory, inhibitory control and the development of children's reasoning.Dr Simon J. Handley, A. Capon, M. Beveridge, I. Dennis & J. St BT Evans - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (2):175 – 195.
    The ability to reason independently from one's own goals or beliefs has long been recognised as a key characteristic of the development of formal operational thought. In this article we present the results of a study that examined the correlates of this ability in a group of 10-year-old children ( N = 61). Participants were presented with conditional and relational reasoning items, where the content was manipulated such that the conclusion to the arguments were either congruent, neutral, or incongruent with (...)
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    Der klinische Ethik-Beratungsdienst im Evangelischen Krankenhaus Bielefeld.Dr med Klaus Kobert, Margarete Pfäfflin & Stella Reiter-Theil - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (2):122-133.
    Wie muss ein ethischer Beratungsdienst strukturiert sein, damit er in moralischen Konfliktsituationen im klinischen Alltag angefragt wird und die Ratsuchenden ergebnisorientiert unterstützen kann? Nach welchen Kriterien lassen sich die Beratungsgespräche auswerten und bewerten? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen werden theoretisch fundierte Konzepte ethischer Fallbesprechung aus Nimwegen, Leuven und Basel herangezogen; dies geschieht vor dem Hintergrund der Erfahrungen mit der über zehnjährigen Entwicklung der ethischen Arbeit im Ev. Krankenhaus Bielefeld (EvKB). Als Resultat stellen wir einen strukturierten, multidisziplinären Ansatz vor, mit dem in (...)
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  34. Simple heuristics from the adaptive toolbox: Can we perform the requisite learning?Dr Tim Rakow, Neal Hinvest, Edward Jackson & Martin Palmer - 2004 - Thinking and Reasoning 10 (1):1 – 29.
    The Adaptive Toolbox framework specifies heuristics for choice and categorisation that search through cues in previously learned orders (Gigerenzer & Todd, 1999). We examined the learning of three cue parameters defining different orders: discrimination rate (DR) (the probability that a cue points to a unique choice), validity (the probability of correct choice given that a cue discriminates), and success (the probability of correct choice). Success orderings are identical to those by expected information gain (Klayman & Ha, 1987). In two experiments, (...)
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    Teaching Listening Skills to EFL Students Using AI-Driven Technology-Based Media.Dr Paiker Fatima Mazhar Hameed & Dr Afreen Faiyaz Al Haq - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1989-1999.
    The aim of this paper is to find how much AI can be useful or as an aid in developing listening skill. A review has been made to past studies as well as the recent developments and innovations made by linguists and teaching community, yielding relevant observations. The present writing is an attempt at exhibiting how much the latest technology is effective which has been tailor-made to suit determined purpose directed at developing the listening skills of EFL learners. It is (...)
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    Newman's Psychological Discovery: The Illative Sense.O. F. M. Dr Zeno - 1950 - Franciscan Studies 10 (4):418-440.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:NEWMAN'S PSYCHOLOGICAL DISCOVERY: THE ILLATIVE SENSE (V. Continued) 15. The Universals. A long and vehement dispute once raged about the reality of universals. Are they only mental creations, forged by the human brain, without any reality outside them, or have they some independent existence apart from their mental reality? Anyhow, there was an apparent contradiction between die universal character of our ideas and the individual character of concrete things. (...)
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    'Peer review' culture.Dr Malcolm Atkinson - 2001 - Science and Engineering Ethics 7 (2):193-204.
    A relatively high incidence of unsatisfactory review decisions is widely recognised and acknowledged as ‘the peer review problem’. Factors contributing to this problem are identified and examined. Specific examples of unreasonable rejection are considered. It is concluded that weaknesses of the ‘peer review’ system are significant and that they are well known or readily recognisable but that necessary counter-measures are not always enforced. Careful management is necessary to discount hollow opinion or error in review comment. Review and referee functions should (...)
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  38. Justice and the Social Determinants of Health: An Overview.Dr James Wilson - 2009 - Public Health Ethics 2 (3):210-213.
    The WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health revealed that there is a 28-year disparity between the life expectancy in the poorest postcode and the richest postcode of Glasgow (CSDH, 2008). There are two sets of questions that it is important to ask about health inequalities like these: first, epidemiological questions about the mechanisms that cause inequalities in health and the measures that are effective in reducing them. Second, normative questions about which inequalities in health are wrong and why (...)
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    Das Identitätsproblem der tiefen Hirnstimulation und einige seiner praktischen Implikationen.Dr Karsten Witt - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (1):5-18.
    Ein Leitmotiv der medizinethischen Auseinandersetzung mit der tiefen Hirnstimulation (THS) ist die Beschäftigung mit Fragen personaler Identität. Da es sich bei personaler Identität auch um ein Problem der theoretischen Philosophie handelt, wird in diesem Aufsatz nicht nur die praktische Frage nach der ethischen Legitimation der THS durch informierte Einwilligung gestellt und ein modifiziertes Legitimationskriterium für wesensändernde THS erarbeitet. Vielmehr wird zunächst versucht, das Problem, um das es in der Debatte um THS und personaler Identität geht, besser zu verstehen.
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    In-Depth Research on the Behavioral Impact of Violence-Oriented Cartoons among Children.Dr Sonia Riyat, Hemal Thakker, Aseem Aneja, Adarsha Harinaiha, Shobhit Goyal, Dr Yashesh Zaveri & Abhinav Mishra - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:683-693.
    One significant experience in children's early life is watching cartoons. This activity has a significant impact on a variety of variables, including kids' behavioral and cognitive development. This study focuses on school-age children, namely those in the 4–13 age range. This study focuses on the effects of the Violence-Oriented Cartoons channel on children's entire development, including language, motor, social learning, social cognitive, and moral development. 500 samples from various ages of children’s Group A and Group B were gathered for this (...)
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    Reviewing the Past: The Presence of Ruins.Dr Zoltán Somhegyi - 2020 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Combining the methodologies of art history, aesthetics and cultural history, this book opens up new ways of looking at the phenomenon of ruins.
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    Teaching and Enhancing Foreign Language Grammar Using Social Media Platforms, and the Strategic Impacts on Students’ Speaking Skills.Dr Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:588-600.
    This research explores an innovative application of social media platforms, particularly Instagram live streaming sessions and language courses on YouTube, to improve proficiency in speaking and grammar of foreign language undergraduates. It investigated the effects of various social media platforms on language competence and to evaluate the relevance of these platforms to language teaching. The study used a pretest-post-test experiment methodology with a sample size of 392 individuals, who were split into groupings: Control and Experimental. To compare the means of (...)
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  43. ‘Feminism: Confronting a Contradiction’.Dr Sanjit Chakraborty - 2017 - Intellectual Quest 7:32-41.
    The contemporary debate centering round the circumference of feminist discourse has of late been very potent in addressing the issues of certain prejudiced notions in our existing patriarchal structure. This paper is an attempt to show the ongoing paradox existing in the world of feminism which has thoroughly critiqued the patriarchal culture and has naturalized sexual identities, thereby glorifying man’s supremacy and dominion. The patriarchal culture lionized the ideals of brevity, courageousness, and intellect and thought of these as the only (...)
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    Die kultursensible und kultursensitive Patientenverfügung in einer wertpluralen Gesellschaft am Beispiel muslimischer Patienten.Dr med - 2008 - Ethik in der Medizin 20 (3):221-229.
    In wertpluralen Gesellschaften begegnen uns in der medizinischen Versorgung zahlreiche Konflikte, bei denen die kulturellen und religiösen Wertvorstellungen und Einstellungen des Patienten eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Besonders komplex wird es, wenn die betroffene Person nicht mehr in der Lage ist, selbst über die medizinischen Maßnahmen zu entscheiden. Ob eine Patientenverfügung in solchen Konfliktsituationen einen entscheidenden Beitrag zu einer ethisch angemessenen Lösung leisten kann, bleibt eine berechtigte Frage. Im Folgenden werden die ethischen Aspekte im Umgang mit muslimischen Patienten und die Nutzung (...)
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    The use of moral dilemmas for teaching agricultural engineers.Dr J. Félix Lozano, Guillermo Palau-Salvador, Vicent Gozálvez & Alejandra Boni - 2006 - Science and Engineering Ethics 12 (2):327-334.
    Agricultural engineers’ jobs are especially related to sustainability and earth life issues. They usually work with plants or animals, and the aim of their work is often linked to producing food to allow people to improve their quality of life. Taking into account this dual function, the moral requirements of their day-to-day professional practice are arguably greater than those of other professions.Agricultural engineers can develop their ability to live up to this professional responsibility by receiving ethical training during their university (...)
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  46. The Meaning of Distributive Justice for Aristotle’s Theory of Constitutions.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2016 - Pege 1:57–97.
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    The Incorrect Use of Artificial Intelligence Applications among University Students and their Impact on the Credibility of Learning.Dr Mohamad Ahmad Saleem Khasawneh - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:633-644.
    This study aims to explore the level of using artificial intelligence applications among university students and their impact on the credibility of e-learning. The study used the descriptive method because it is suitable for the study. The study included a sample of 94 Jordanian university students, who were selected by stratified random method. The study used a questionnaire of 40 items as the research instrument to determine the level of the use of artificial intelligence technology and distance education in distorting (...)
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  48. Die distributive Gerechtigkeit bei Platon und Aristoteles.Manuel Dr Knoll - 2010 - Zeitschrift Für Politik (1):3–30.
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    Models, information and meaning.Dr Marc Artiga - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 82:101284.
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    Ist terminale Sedierung medizinisch sinnvoll oder ersetzbar?Dr med D. Beck - 2004 - Ethik in der Medizin 16 (4):334-341.
    ZusammenfassungDie von einem multiprofessionellen Behandlungsteam durchgeführte Symptombehandlung bei inkurablen Patienten am Lebensende erweist sich als hoch effektiv und verschafft den meisten Patienten eine ausreichende Linderung. Dennoch verbleibt ein Patientenanteil, bei dem auch unter Berücksichtigung physischer, psychischer, sozialer und spiritueller Bedürfnisse kein erträglicher Zustand erreicht werden kann. In diesen Extremfällen können Sedierungsmaßnahmen zur Linderung eingesetzt werden. Der Begriff und das Angebot der terminalen Sedierung sind in vielerlei Hinsicht umstritten. Eine Kasuistik soll die Problemstellung veranschaulichen und zeigen, wie die terminale Sedierung von (...)
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