Results for 'Duicu Dragoş'

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  1.  27
    La téléologie cachée dans la pensée biologique d’Uexküll.Dragos Duicu - 2019 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 101 (1):91.
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  2. La phénoménologie asubjective de Jan Pato?ka, une phénoménologie non intentionnelle ?Dragos Duicu - 2010 - Bulletin d'Analyse Phénoménologique (8: Questions d'intentionnalité ().
    L?intention de cet article est de présenter la critique et le remaniement de l?intentionnalité qu?implique l?élaboration d?une phénoménologie asub­jective chez Jan Pato?ka. À cette fin, nous exposerons d?abord les raisons qui amènent Pato?ka à prendre ses distances par rapport au subjectivisme de la phénoménologie husserlienne, et les conséquences de ce dépassement de l?horizon transcendantal de la subjectivité. Et dans un deuxième temps nous tâcherons de suivre les implications de cette destitution du subjectivisme relativement au statut et au sens de l?intentionnalité. (...)
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    La proto-structure spatialisante et dynamique : la solution patočkienne au probleme de l’espace.Dragoş Duicu - 2014 - Studia Phaenomenologica 14:263-283.
    The paper analyses Patočka’s phenomenological treatment of the concept of space and of personal spatiality. Patočka’s solution is used to assess Heidegger’s approach to the concept of space. Patočka’s phenomenological advancements in regards to his teacher’s developments are considered first through a comparison of their respective concepts of “Earth”, and second, through an evaluation of the reasons of the impossibility of the Heideggerian attempt, in Sein und Zeit, to reduce spatiality to temporality.
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    Le projet de phénoménologie asubjective et l’héritage aristotélicien.Dragos Duicu - 2022 - Cahiers de Philosophie de L’Université de Caen 59:31-50.
    L’article suit dans un premier moment les deux grands fils conducteurs du projet de phénoménologie asubjective qui se constitue à la fin des années soixante et au début des années soixante-dix comme geste critique envers la phénoménologie transcendantale husserlienne, pour ensuite tenter d’identifier les traces de ce que le projet de phénoménologie asubjective (y compris dans ses conséquences métaphysiques) doit à la pensée aristotélicienne, telle qu’elle est reprise par Jan Patočka au début des années soixante.
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    Merleau-Ponty et Patočka face aux deux apories aristotéliciennes du temps.Dragoş Duicu - 2013 - Chiasmi International 15:81-93.
    This article examines how Merleau-Ponty and Patočka confront the two major difficulties of every phenomenological thinking of temporality, corresponding to the two Aristotelian aporias of time: the unity of time and the permanence of the now . Our goal is to show that only a radical account of movement and the structure of appearing, such as that provided by Patočka following his phenomenological renewal of Aristotle, can clarify the true status of the unity of time and of the temporal present, (...)
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    La théorie des trois mouvements de l’existence humaine.Dragos Duicu - 2024 - Cités 98 (2):149-153.
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    Phénoménologie du mouvement: Patočka et l'héritage de la physique aristotélicienne.Dragos Duicu - 2014 - Paris: Hermann.
    Le projet phenomenologique de Jan Pato ka peut etre lu comme une tentative de recuperer ce qui, de la Physique d'Aristote (que Heidegger appellait le livre cache de la philosophie occidentale ), a ete oublie par l'histoire de la philosophie. Notre ouvrage se concentre sur un des resultats les plus aristoteliciens de Pato ka, que l'on pourrait resumer ainsi: le mouvement est phenomenologiquement et ontologiquement premier. Mais si le mouvement est premier, cela veut dire que les extases et les determinations (...)
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    Ontology and phenomenology of movement.Barcaro Marco Duicu Dragoş - 2024 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 11 (2):7-14.
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    Le tout de l'appartenance et le mouvement du monde.Duicu Dragoş - 2024 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 11 (2):249-276.
    Following a brief presentation of the main results of R. Barbaras’ contemporary essay in phenomenological cosmology, L’appartenance, we propose to examine what appear be two internal tensions: a) the apparent inflation of the importance of the conceptuality of spatiality for describing the type of adjointment that unites subjective life and the life of the world, and b) the competition between two opposing ontological models of mobility in the description of subjective life (or of the living in general): a model of.
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    Phénoménologie du mouvement. Patočka et l’héritage de la physique aristotélicienne.Frédéric Jacquet - 2015 - Chiasmi International 17:379-387.
    Le livre de Dragoş Duicu présente l’oeuvre de Patočka comme une phénoménologie du mouvement dont il opère l’archéologie conceptuelle en effectuant un retour à Aristote, ce qui permet aussi de situer Patočka dans le paysage phénoménologique. Il est établi tout au long de l’ouvrage que le mouvement est le sens d’être de l’être, dès lors compris comme physis, et de l’existence elle-même qui est mouvement de part en part, force voyante. Ce qui pour la tradition philosophique échappe au (...)
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  11. The square of opposition and the four fundamental choices.Antonino Drago - 2008 - Logica Universalis 2 (1):127-141.
    . Each predicate of the Aristotelian square of opposition includes the word “is”. Through a twofold interpretation of this word the square includes both classical logic and non-classical logic. All theses embodied by the square of opposition are preserved by the new interpretation, except for contradictories, which are substituted by incommensurabilities. Indeed, the new interpretation of the square of opposition concerns the relationships among entire theories, each represented by means of a characteristic predicate. A generalization of the square of opposition (...)
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  12. Emotion Recognition from speech Support for WEB Lectures.Dragos Datcu & Léon Rothkrantz - 2007 - Communication and Cognition. Monographies 40 (3-4):203-214.
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  13. Aspiraţii europene şi realităţi româneşti.Dragoş Pîslaru - 2002 - Dilema 489:13.
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    A Similarity-based Approach Of Kuhn’s No-overlap Principle And Anomalies.Dragoş Bîgu - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 44 (3):330-338.
    In their book Cognitive Structure of Scientific Revolutions, Hanne Andersen, Peter Barker, and Xiang Chen reconstruct Kuhn’s account of conceptual structure and change, based on the dynamic frame model. I argue against their reconstruction of anomalies and of the no-overlap principle and propose a competing model, based on the similarity relation. First, I introduce the concept of psychological distance between objects, and then I show that the conceptual structure of a theory consists of a set of natural families, separated by (...)
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    Il senso dell'essere.Susanna Drago del Boca - 1947 - Roma,: Perrella.
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    (1 other version)Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes: Vol. 2. Translations and Acculturations.Dragos Calma (ed.) - 2020 - BRILL.
    This volume studies the reception of Proclus’ _Elements of Theology_ in Byzantium and the Caucasus, focusing on the composition of the _Book of Causes_ and its translations into Latin and Hebrew. It offers an unique perspective on the acculturations of Proclus to the Abrahamic traditions.
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  17. Agenda - 2000. W kręgu opinii Komisji Europejskiej o przyszłym rozszerzeniu Wspólnoty.Fabio Drago & Benon Gaziński - 1998 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 4.
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  18. Uporište.Dragoš Kalajić - 1972 -
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    „Ewiges Ballet“ in Platons Höhle.Drago Perović - 2018 - Filozofija I Društvo 29 (3):441-452.
    Die Präsentation versucht, die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Denken und Realität im gegenwärtigen technisch-technologischen entstehenden Vergehen. Verborgen damit sind alle grundlegenden philosophischen Fragen verbunden, und vor allem die Frage nach der Möglichkeit, „von“ oder „jenseits“ der entstehenden-vergehenden Realität zu denken. Die zeitgenössische Debatte kehrt damit zum transzendental-immanenten Charakter der Meinung zurück, die trotz der neu entstandenen/vergangenen Situation, als Frage möglicher Begründung des philosophischen Wissens man mit seinen traditionellen Formen und Leistungsweisen vergleichen kann. Das Feld dieses Tanzes ist eine neue (...)
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    L’ordre public et la Constitution.Guillaume Drago - 2015 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 58 (1):199-214.
    La notion d’ordre public trouve des expressions diverses dans la norme constitutionnelle. Tantôt norme d’habilitation, tantôt moyen de conciliation entre des principes constitutionnels antagonistes, l’ordre public est un objectif de valeur constitutionnelle qui s’impose au législateur et qui est susceptible de restreindre l’exercice de certaines libertés. Plus fondamentalement, la Constitution apparaît comme une règle, par nature, d’ordre public.
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    How do we imagine the past?: on metaphorical thought, experientiality and imagination in archaeology.Dragos Gheorghiu & Paul Bouissac (eds.) - 2015 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Recent years have witnessed a search for new sources for archaeological inspiration within areas which until recently have not been imagined as a source for science. Archaeology has become more â oeanthropologizedâ, and, as such, is becoming increasingly influenced by the Zeitgeist, although some European schools are yet to recognize this. The process of scientific research that archaeologists have always considered to be an objective approach has been revealed to be the result of different subjective cognitive processes, forming part of (...)
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  22.  27
    Patterns of Devotion and Traces of Art: The Diplomatic Journey of Queen Elizabeth Piast to Italy in 1343-1344.Dragoş Gh Năstăsoiu - 2015 - Convivium 2 (2):98-111.
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    Levels of analysis and problems of evidential support in the study of asymmetric conflict.Dragos Simandan - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    The contribution by De Dreu and Gross oversimplifies the complexity of the topic. I provide counterarguments that undermine the two sweeping contentions on which the article's argument depends, and I argue that asymmetric conflict is best understood at the finer-grained level of studying the sequences of strikes and counterstrikes that the rival actors have in store for one another.
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    Social groups and the computational conundrums of delays, proximity, and loyalty.Dragos Simandan - 2022 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 45.
    Even though Pietraszewski acknowledges the tentative nature of the theory and the multiple lines of adjacent research needed to flesh it out, he insists that the finite set of primitives he identified is necessary and sufficient for defining social groups in the context of conflict. In this commentary I expose three interrelated conundrums that cast doubt on this simplistic presumption.
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  25. No somos burócratas, somos UNESCO= We aren't bureaucrats, we are UNESCO.Fernando Sánchez Dragó, Juan Goytisolo, Antonio Skármeta & José Saramago - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:87-89.
  26. Una ricerca sul non-essere.Giovanni Drago - 1972 - Milano,: Marzorati.
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    Levinas versus Hajdeger: ontološka i etička diferencija i pitanje ljudske zajednice.Drago Perović - 2006 - Beograd: Jasen.
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    “Die Erhebung des Menschengeistes zu Gott”. Evidence and Proof of God’s Existence, According to Hegel.Dragoș Popescu - 2022 - Balkan Journal of Philosophy 14 (2):149-156.
    The paper examines the meaning of a Hegelian expression: “the ascension of the human spirit to God”, which was formulated in the philosopher’s 1829 summer course dedicated to the proofs of God’s existence. We argue that the Hegelian formula describes a double movement: the first one refers to the departure of thinking from the Phenomenon and its arrival to the Ideal, and the second one describes the opposite movement, in which thinking crosses the barrier between the Ideal and the Phenomenon.
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    El filo fotográfico de la historia. Walter Benjamin y el olvido de lo inolvidable.Rosario Valdivieso Drago - 2011 - Aisthesis 49:236-239.
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  30. Kandinsky on colors and the objectless vibrations.Dragos Grusea - 2024 - The Annals of the University of Bucharest - Philosophy Series (1):51-66.
    If we accept that Kandinsky developed a systematic theory of the fundamentals of painting, we must ask what is the central concept underlying this attempt. This paper argues for the thesis that objectless vibration plays a central role in the reconstruction proposed Kandinsky’s first book, ”Concerning the Spiritual in Art”. This kind of vibration includes as a virtual field both shapes, sounds and colors. All these “fall” in an organized way from the virtual vibrations, and the purpose of abstract painting (...)
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    Machine invention systems: a (r)evolution of the invention process?Dragos-Cristian Vasilescu & Michael Filzmoser - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (3):829-837.
    Current developments in fields such as quantum physics, fine arts, robotics, cognitive sciences or defense and security indicate the emergence of creative systems capable of producing new and innovative solutions through combinations of machine learning algorithms. These systems, called machine invention systems, challenge the established invention paradigm in promising the automation of – at least parts of – the innovation process. This paper’s main contribution is twofold. Based on the identified state-of-the-art examples in the above mentioned fields, key components for (...)
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    Reading Proclus and the Book of causes: Western scholarly networks and debates.Dragos Calma (ed.) - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, published in three volumes, is a fresh, comprehensive understanding of Proclus' legacy in the Hellenic, Byzantine, Islamic, Latin and Hebrew traditions. The history of the Book of Causes, an Islamic adaptation of mainly Proclus' Elements of Theology and Plotinus' Enneads, is reconsidered on the basis of newly discovered manuscripts. This first volume enriches our understanding of the diverse reception of Proclus' Elements of Theology and of the Book of Causes in the Western tradition (...)
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    Regards sur les traditions philosophiques: (XIIe-XVIe siècles).Dragos Calma & Zenon Kałuża (eds.) - 2017 - Leuven: Leuven University Press.
    New perspectives on the various aspects of the theme of tradition in the Middle Ages.00The volume studies how philosophical traditions were understood and discussed in the middle ages and how they were used in formulating new ones. In addition, it analyzes the extent to which historians have reconstructed the subject. Bringing together seventeen case studies ranging from Hugues de Saint-Victor to Pietro Pomponazzi, the volume presents an all-encompassing perspective on the theme of "tradition".0.
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    Man-machine theorem proving in graph theory.Dragoš Cvetković & Irena Pevac - 1988 - Artificial Intelligence 35 (1):1-23.
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    Correction to: Regulatory, scientific, and ethical issues arising from institutional activity in one of the 90 Italian Research Ethics Committees.F. Drago & G. Benfatto - 2021 - BMC Medical Ethics 22 (1).
    An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.
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  36. Sobre jergas de gremio e iniciación en el gran tronco jacobeo.Fernando Sánchez Dragó - 1978 - El Basilisco 3:51-55.
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  37. 7 zile în provincie.Dragoş Tudor & Monica Zamfir - 2002 - Dilema 495:18.
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    Bivstvovanje i filozofija kod Aristotela i Hegela.Drago Đurić - 2004 - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju Filozofskog fakulteta.
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  39. Religijska tolerancija u Milanskom ediktu iu Ustavu Medine.Drago Đurić - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (1):277-292.
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    Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes Volume 1: Western Scholarly Networks and Debates.Dragos Calma (ed.) - 2019 - Boston: BRILL.
    _Reading Proclus and the_ Book of Causes: _Western Scholarly Networks and Debates, Volume 1_ provides a fresh account, based on previously unknown documents, of the diffusion of Hellenic and Islamic thought in the Latin West (12th -16th centuries).
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  41. Paradigma lui Kuhn ca idee transcendentală kantiană.Dragos Grusea - 2022 - Studii de Epistemologie Și de Teorie a Valorilor 7 (1):25-35.
    Thomas Kuhn explicitly states that the paradigm shift implies a change of the world. This is because the paradigm is seen as constitutive of nature itself. In this paper, I will try to interpret this thesis by inscribing Kuhn's theory in the larger Kantian theoretical framework. As the last chapter of the „Critique of pure reason” shows, Kant thought that reason is inherently historical and evolves through revolutions. This dynamical perspective on reason comes clearly to light especially in the „Appendix” (...)
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    The Place of Values in Scientific Knowledge.Dragos Bigu - 2014 - Cultura 11 (1):193-217.
    In this paper I argue that the values supported by scientists can have a role in episodes of theory choice. In the first part, I characterize the value- and the rulebased accounts of theory choice. In the second part, I analyze how the thesis of underdetermination of theory by empirical data can be used to argue for a value-based account. I discuss two versions of the underdetermination thesis, arguing that the weaker version, underdetermination by the evidence available at a particular (...)
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    Al-ʿaql dans la tradition latine du liber de causis.Dragos Calma - 2021 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 31 (1):127-148.
    This article proposes a first systematic approach to the manuscript tradition of the Liber de causis. It studies both the manuscript variants and the doctrinal difficulties raised by the transliteration of the Arabic al-ʿaql preserved in the Latin translation. Some authors interpreted this transliteration as a concept forged by Arab philosophers without an equivalent in Latin. Other authors do not mention it because they probably knew a different branch of the manuscript tradition. By examining one hundred and ten Latin manuscripts (...)
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  44. volume 1. Reading Proclus and the Book of causes: notes on the Western scholarly networks and debates.Dragos Calma - 2019 - In Reading Proclus and the Book of causes: Western scholarly networks and debates. Boston: Brill.
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    Aktuelnost Hegelove filozofije-Angelica Nuzzo (ed.): Hegel and the analytic tradition, Continuum, London, 2010.Drago Đurić - 2011 - Theoria: Beograd 54 (1):133-140.
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  46. Kalam cosmological argument.Drago Djuric - 2011 - Filozofija I Društvo 22 (1):29-51.
    U ovom clanku bice izlozena polemika o kalam kosmoloskom argumentu, koja je razvijena u srednjovekovnoj islamskoj teologiji i filozofiji. Glavni momenti ove polemike bili su izlozeni stolecima pre u Filoponovoj kritici Aristotelove teze da je svet vecan i da nije moguca aktuelna beskonacnost. Filopon prihvata tezu da je aktuelna beskonacnost nemoguca, ali on misli da, upravo zbog toga, svet ne moze biti vecan. Naime, prema Filoponu, nesto ne moze da nastane ako njegovo po?stojanje zahteva prethodno postojanje beskonacnog broja drugih stvari, (...)
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    Religious tolerance in the Edict of Milan and in the Constitution of Medina.Drago Djuric - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (1):277-292.
    U ovom radu pokusacemo da ponudimo opstiji nacrt za razmatranje odnosa izmedju toga kako se na pitanje religijske tolerancije gleda u dva dokumenta koja hriscanska i islamska religijska tradicija priznaju i slave. Rec je o Milanskom ediktu i o Ustavu Medine. Ovi dokumenti su za svoje vreme bili revolucionarni. Medjutim, sami ovi dokumenti, kao i religijska ucenja, na kojima su oni zasnovani, ne mogu biti merilo za uredjivanje odnosa u nase vreme. Oni su izlozeni u pojmovnom okviru i u vrednosnom (...)
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  48. Virtual Simultaneity in Lessing's Aesthetics.Dragos Grusea - 2023 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 67 (2):386-400.
    This paper aims to show that Lessing develops in his aesthetics a pre-Kantian philosophy of consciousness. The concept of virtuality that the german writer puts forward in his essay Laocoon implies an interweaving of temporal dimensions similar to the threefold temporal synthesis described by Kant in the transcendental deduction of the Critique of Pure Reason. But whereas Kant thematizes an a priori of consciousness, Lessing is in search of an a priori of plastic art. It will be seen that perfect (...)
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  49. Die Selbstlokalisierung als Grundlage der kantischen Phoronomie.Dragos Grusea - 2022 - Revue Roumaine de Philosophie 66 (2):279-296.
    In this paper I argue for the following two related claims. First, the science of phoronomy from Kant's Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science is grounded in the duplication of space. Second, this duplication is made possible through the self-localization of the subject, as Kant shows in the "Gegnden-Schrift". The thesis of this paper is that the self-localization transforms space into an object that can be cinematically moved and that this action sets the ground for a science of phoronomy, which presupposes (...)
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    Creativitatea gândirii în logica lui Hermann Cohen.Dragos Grusea - 2020 - Studii de Epistemologie Și de Teorie a Valorilor 6:105-116.
    Cohen’s “Logic of Pure Knowledge” marks a transformation of transcendental philosophy through its new and radical interpretation of pure thinking. For Cohen, thought is in its essence creative and needs no external elements in order to produce knowledge. This study is an attempt to reconstruct the way in which Cohen understands how thinking can create its pure content from nothing. My thesis is that Kant’s distinction between the determinable and the determining I offers the theoretical context in which the productivity (...)
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