Results for 'Dwaine Chapel'

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  1.  17
    The Really Good Buffalo Project: A "Values Added" Project Case Study.Tim Nichols, Diane Rickerl, Carol Cumber & Dwaine Chapel - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:509-510.
    This case study emphasizes the process of concept-testing, pre-feasibility analysis, and branding of an agriculturally based niche product within the broadercultural context of the Native American community. The focus is not value-added, but rather cultural values added.
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    The choroid plexus in the rise, fall and repair of the brain.Dwaine F. Emerich, Stephen J. M. Skinner, Cesario V. Borlongan, Alfred V. Vasconcellos & Chistopher G. Thanos - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (3):262-274.
    The choroid plexuses (CPs) are involved in the most-basic aspects of neural function including maintaining the extracellular milieu of the brain by actively modulating chemical exchange between the CSF and brain parenchyma, surveying the chemical and immunological status of the brain, detoxifying the brain, secreting a nutritive “cocktail” of polypeptides and participating in repair processes following trauma. This diversity of functions may mean that even modest changes in the CP can have far-reaching effects. Indeed, changes in the anatomy and physiology (...)
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    The Study of Education and Art.Dwaine Greer - 1977 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 11 (1):119.
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  4. Continuité et progrès dans les enseignements de Humanae vitae et de Donum vitae.A. Chapelle - 1989 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 111 (5):664-681.
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  5. La famille dans la pensée moderne.A. Chapelle - 1996 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 118 (3):398-409.
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    L'ontologie phénoménologique de Heidegger.Albert Chapelle - 1962 - Paris,: Éditions universitaires.
  7. Revisiter les violences passées pour expliquer celles d’un conflit vécu : imaginaire médiéval, souvenirs des guerres révolutionnaires et impériales dans les écritures de soi des civils en 1870-1871.Sandra Chapelle - 2024 - Astérion 30 (30).
    The French defeat of 1871 against Prussia and its allies was experienced and felt as a deep trauma by contemporaries. The personal accounts (diaries and letters) of those who lived through the war but who did not fight, testify both to the multiplicity of their feelings in the face of a situation they did not understand, and to the mechanisms that they put in place in order to give meaning to defeat. The first of these is the use of the (...)
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    Analyse discriminante et vocabulaire politique: essai méthodologique.Jacqueline Chapelle, Pierre Couvreur & Giuseppe Pagano - 1992 - Res Publica 34 (1):87-97.
    This paper aims at testing the hypothesis of growing ideological uniformity of political speeches. If political speeches lack ideological differences, it should be difficult to re-classify them only by analyzing the presence or absence of lexical items. We first worked out a method to classify political speeches and then carried a test on two speeches by leading Belgian French-speaking politicians. The method is based on discriminant analysis. It utilizes the words most encountered in one speech and not in the other (...)
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    Hegel et la religion: Annexes.Albert Chapelle - 1964 - Paris,: Éditions universitaires.
    t. 1. La problématique.--t. 2. La dialectique, ptie. 1. Dieu et la création, ptie. 2. La théologie et l'église.--t. 3. Annexes.
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    Nietzsche and the Buddha: different lives, same ideas (how Nietzsche may yet become the West's own Buddha).Daniel Chapelle - 2019 - New York: Peter Lang.
    This book examines Nietzsche's own claim that he is the 'Buddha of the west'. A close reading of his texts shows substantial similarities with the Buddha's teachings, suggesting a potential basis and a potentially promising future for a Western Buddhism that would be based on Nietzsche's philosophy. The book first provides a brief comparative biography of Nietzsche and the Buddha and then a review of the Buddha's Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path and of what there is in (...)
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  11. Institute on religion in an age of science.Chapel Leader & Brian Swimme - 1996 - Zygon 31 (1):147.
  12. La chasteté conjugale et la célébration du sacrement de pénitence.A. Chapelle - 1996 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 118 (6):852-861.
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    Étude de représentations psychiques et de fantasmes liés au don de sperme, à partir du récit du parcours d’AMP-D d’un père infertile.Émeline Chapel-Lardic, Véronique Drouineaud, Oxana Blagosklonov, Agnès Condat, Nicolas Mendes & Ouriel Rosenblum - 2023 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 239 (1):15-33.
    L’aide médicale à la procréation avec tiers donneur ( amp-d ) est un processus médical qui permet à des hommes infertiles de devenir père grâce à un don de sperme. À partir du récit rétrospectif du parcours d’ amp-d de M. au cours d’un entretien de recherche, l’article étudie des représentations psychiques et des fantasmes liés à ce don. Au croisement du biologique et du psychique, du conscient et de l’inconscient, il explore ces paroles subjectives en les articulant à celles (...)
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  14. Théologie des Exercices spirituels: A propos d'un livre récent.A. Chapelle - 1997 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 119 (2):256-258.
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    Arts versus Art Education.W. Dwaine Greer - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 17 (1):85.
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    Harry Broudy and Discipline-Based Art Education (DBAE).W. Dwaine Greer - 1992 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 26 (4):49.
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    Hospers on Artistic Creativity.W. Dwaine Greer - 1986 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 20 (4):62.
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    Le vivant comme modèle.Gauthier Chapelle - 2015 - Paris: Albin Michel. Edited by Michèle Decoust, Nicolas Hulot, Jean-Marie Pelt & Luc Schuiten.
    Des millions d'années avant l'apparition de l'homme, la vie avait déjà inventé la roue, le moteur atomique, le sonar, le vol stationnaire, la capture de l'énergie solaire, l'éclairage électrique, le GPS et des myriades de techniques qui nous dépassent encore complètement : cicatrisation, reproduction, congélation suivie de réanimation, et des cerveaux dont chacun des milliards de neurones est un univers informatique. Pour le comprendre, il a fallu attendre que nos propres technologies atteignent les profondeurs moléculaires du vivant, nous révélant que (...)
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    La ligne Kant.Marie-Louise Chapelle - 2013 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 79 (3):363.
    Kant cite Bacon : « de nobis ipsis silemus... etc. », sur nous-mêmes, à propos de nous, de nous-mêmes, nous faisons silence, nous ne disons rien – je lis quelque part que Beckett emprunte cette citation. Je tiens que « poète » pour moi est une fiction. « Il ne nous suffit pas d'exposer simplement ce qui est vrai, mais [...] il faut encore exposer ce qu'on désire savoir. » La poésie ne répond pas à cette question.
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    L'itinéraire philosophique de Claude bruaire : De Hegel a la métaphysique.A. Chapelle - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (1):5 - 12.
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    Respiratory feedback in the generation of emotion.Pierre Philippot, Gaëtane Chapelle & Sylvie Blairy - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (5):605-627.
    This article reports two studies investigating the relationship between emotional feelings and respiration. In the first study, participants were asked to produce an emotion of either joy, anger, fear or sadness and to describe the breathing pattern that fit best with the generated emotion. Results revealed that breathing patterns reported during voluntary production of emotion were (a) comparable to those objectively recorded in psychophysiological experiments on emotion arousal, (b) consistently similar across individuals, and (c) clearly differentiated among joy, anger, fear, (...)
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    Présence de Hegel en France : G. Fessard et cl. bruaire.A. Chapelle - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (1):13 - 26.
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    Quorum sensing and quorum quenching in soil ecosystems.Yves Dessaux, Emilie Chapelle & Denis Faure - 2010 - In Günther Witzany (ed.), Biocommunication in Soil Microorganisms. Springer. pp. 339--367.
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  24. Is the 'trade-off hypothesis' worth trading for?†.Caldwell Hall & Chapel Hill - unknown
    Edouard Machery's paper, ‘The Folk Concept of Intentional Action: Philosophical and Psychological Issues, ’ puts forth an intriguing new hypothesis concerning recent work in experimental philosophy on the concept of intentional action. As opposed to other hypotheses in the literature, Machery's 'trade-off hypothesis' claims not to rely on moral considerations in explaining folk uses of the concept. In this paper, we critique Machery's hypothesis and offer empirical evidence to reject it. Finally, we evaluate the current state of the debate concerning (...)
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    3D Visualization of Body Motion in Speed Climbing.Lionel Reveret, Sylvain Chapelle, Franck Quaine & Pierre Legreneur - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Teaching Children Art. [REVIEW]W. Dwaine Greer - 2000 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 34 (1):120.
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    Le noétique et le pneumatique chez Maurice Blondel. Un essai de définition.A. de Jaer & Albert Chapelle - 1961 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 59 (64):609-630.
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  28. The floating world: film narrative and viewer diakrisis.Hannah Chapelle Wojciehowski - 2015 - In Maarten Coëgnarts & Peter Kravanja (eds.), Embodied cognition and cinema. Leuven: Leuven University Press.
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  29. The Role of Art in General Education.Harry S. Broudy, John T. Clemons, W. Dwaine Greer, Michael D. Day & Gordon C. Lonsdale - 1988 - J. Paul Getty Trust.
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    Chapel Reflections on the Washington Conference on Evangelicals and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America.Vinay Samuel - 2002 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 19 (4):259-264.
    Following the Washington Conference held from June 28-30 2002 on The Bible and the Ballot Box, the final conference of the Study Programme of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Mission Theologians on Evangelicals and Politics in Africa, Asia and Latin America, supported by the Pew Charitable Trusts, the project director, Canon Dr Vinay Samuel shared these reflections at a chapel service at the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. See Summaries of the regional studies follow this reflection.
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  31. CHAPELLE A., "L'ontologie phénoménologique de Heidegger".P. G. P. G. - 1963 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 55:145.
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    The chapel of San girolamo in Santa Maria Del popolo in Rome. New evidence for the discovery of the domus aurea.Claudia La Malfa - 2000 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 63 (1):259-270.
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    Sainte-Chapelle.Enid Rhodes Peschel - 1973 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 48 (2):274-274.
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    Daniel Chapelle., Nietzsche and Psychoanalysis.Joan Stambaugh - 1996 - International Studies in Philosophy 28 (2):117-117.
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    The Chapels and Cult of Saint Louis at Saint-Denis.Elizabeth A. R. Brown - 1984 - Mediaevalia 10:279-331.
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    Decoration on the Cult Chapel Walls of the Old Kingdom Tombs at Giza: A New Approach to Their Interaction. By Leo Roeten.Ronald J. Leprohon - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (1).
    The Decoration on the Cult Chapel Walls of the Old Kingdom Tombs at Giza: A New Approach to Their Interaction. By Leo Roeten. Culture & History of the Ancient Near East, vol. 70. Leiden: Brill, 2014. Pp. lix + 436, illus. $218.
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    The Brancacci chapel: Studies in its iconography and history.Anthony Molho - 1977 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 40 (1):322.
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  38. Artistic symbolization in'dharmaram chapel'.J. Nereparampil - 1982 - Journal of Dharma 7 (2):217.
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    A Cathedral with Disconnected Chapels? Reassessing the Cognitive Capacities of Neanderthals in Light of Recent Archaeological Discoveries.Cheng Liu - 2021 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 21 (3-4):243-260.
    The reconstruction of hominins’ cognitive evolution has always been a crucial but challenging task. Researchers from various disciplines have tried to approach this issue, among which British archaeologist Steven Mithen’s cathedral model is regarded as one of the earliest and most creative attempts. In this model, he proposed that the Neanderthal’s mind is like a cathedral with disconnected chapels. Specifically, Neanderthals possessed advanced social, natural history, technical, and even linguistic intelligence modules, but the first three modules are isolated from each (...)
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    The chigi chapel in S. Maria Della pace.Michael Hirst - 1961 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 24 (3/4):161-185.
  41. Charlemagne's Palace Chapel at Aachen: Apocalyptic and Apotheosis.Allan Doig - 2014 - In Nicholas Temple, John Hendrix & Christia Frost (eds.), Bishop Robert Grosseteste and Lincoln Cathedral: tracing relationships between medieval concepts of order and built form. Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
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  42. Charlemagne et Aix-la-Chapelle.Ludwig Falkenstein - 1991 - Byzantion 61 (1):231-289.
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  43. De l'esprit de chapelle à l'esprit d'atelier.Claire Lejeune & Martine Renouprez - 2006 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 113:149-155.
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    L’atlas, la prétendue Chapelle de Dionysos et l’Artémision.Jean-Charles Moretti, Lionel Fadin, Myriam Fincker & Véronique Picard - 2009 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 133 (2):625-626.
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  45. The Rothko Chapel Paintings and the ‘urgency of the transcendent experience’.Wessel Stoker - 2008 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 64 (2):89-102.
    Since the Romantic period, painters have no longer made use of traditional Christian iconography to express religious transcendence. Taking their cue from Schleiermacher's Reden Über die Religion, painters have sought for new, personal ways to express religious transcendence. One example is Caspar David Friedrich's Monk by the Sea. Rosenblum argues, in his Modern Painting and the Northern Romantic Tradition, that there is a parallel between Friedrich and the abstract expressionist Rothko with respect to the expression to religious transcendence. In this (...)
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  46. The chigi chapel in S. Maria Del popolo.John Shearman - 1961 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 24 (3/4):129-160.
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    Decorated Chapels of the Meroitic Pyramids at Meroë and Barkal. (The Royal Cemeteries of Kush-Volume III.)Decorated Chapels of the Meroitic Pyramids at Meroe and Barkal. [REVIEW]J. J. Clère, Suzanne E. Chapman & J. J. Clere - 1954 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 74 (4):269.
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    La géométrie par problèmes. D’Ozanam à Clairaut puis La Chapelle.Alain Bernard - 2022 - Revue de Synthèse 143 (3-4):457-494.
    Résumé Le mode d’organisation par problèmes qui caractérise les Éléments de Géométrie d’Alexis Clairaut (1741) trouve plausiblement son origine dans l’introduction d’une catégorie éditoriale nouvelle dans une des éditions françaises des huit livres d’Euclide par le père Jésuite Claude-François Milliet-Dechales (1677) : celle des « Usages » adjoints à certaines propositions. La transformation de cette nouveauté éditoriale dans les commentaires de Jacques Ozanam au texte de Dechales en 1690, puis sa réélaboration dans son Cours mathématiques de 1693, conduit à un (...)
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    The Sainte-Chapelle Lectionaries and the Illustration of the Parables in the Middle Ages.C. M. Kauffmann - 2004 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 67 (1):1-22.
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    The Medici Chapel.Alfred Neumeyer & Charles de Tolnay - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (3):204.
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