Results for 'E. Passmore'

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  1.  23
    Correlation of temperature and grain size effects in the ductile-brittle transition of molybdenum.E. M. Passmore - 1965 - Philosophical Magazine 11 (111):441-450.
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    The brittle-ductile transition in polycrystalline aluminium oxide.E. Passmore, A. Moschetti & T. Vasilos - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 13 (126):1157-1162.
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    Chomsky, os estruturalistas e a fundação da linguística moderna.John Passmore - forthcoming - Critica.
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    Book Review:The Philosophical Papers of Alan Donagan. Alan Donagan, J. E. Malpas. [REVIEW]John Arthur Passmore - 1997 - Ethics 107 (4):759-.
  5. NAGEL, E. - Sovereign Reason: and other Studies in the Philosophy of Science. [REVIEW]J. Passmore - 1957 - Mind 66:418.
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    Ethical issues related to caring for low birth weight infants.Mary S. Webb, Denise Passmore, Genieveve Cline & Denise Maguire - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (6):731-741.
    Background: Currently preterm births are the leading causes of newborn deaths and newborn mortality in developed countries. Infants born prematurely remain vulnerable to many acute complications and long-term disabilities. There is a growing concern surrounding the moral and ethical implications of the complex and technological care being provided to extremely low birth weight infants in neonatal intensive care units in the developed nations. Research purpose: The purpose of this study was to describe the ethical and moral issues that neonatal intensive (...)
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  7. BLAKE, R. M., DUCASSE, C. J., MADDEN, E. H. - "Theories of Scientific Method: The Renaissance Through the Nineteenth Century". [REVIEW]J. Passmore - 1963 - Mind 72:456.
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    Hume's Intentions. By J. A. Passmore. (Cambridge University Press. 1952. Pp. ix, 164. Price 18s.).T. E. Jessop - 1954 - Philosophy 29 (111):372-.
  9.  14
    Metaphysics: Readings and Reappraisals. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (4):823-823.
    All the standard problems with no real surprises in the past or contemporary reading selections. The book's claim to originality and usefulness as a text is a final section of approximately seventy-five pages containing original contributions by Ayer, Blanshard, Passmore, and Lazerowitz, and offering a "reappraisal" of "The Nature of Metaphysics."—E. A. R.
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    Priestley's Writings on Philosophy, Science, and Politics. [REVIEW]M. M. E. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 19 (3):596-597.
    This selection of writings nicely illustrates the many sided career of Joseph Priestley. Priestley is best remembered today for his discovery of oxygen. In his varied career Priestley managed to combine qualities and positions that most men find contradictory. His theological writings offended rationalists because of his defense of Scripture, miracles, and the doctrine of the resurrection, and were even more offensive to orthodox theologians because of his materialism and extreme unitarianism. Though a lifelong defender of civil liberties and minority (...)
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    Contexts for Hume's Epistemological Projects.Louis E. Loeb - 2002 - In Stability and Justification in Hume's Treatise. New York, US: Oup Usa.
    Hume assigns a pivotal role to stability in understanding normativity in a variety of theoretical contexts, including the passions, justice, and moral judgment; in epistemology, he seeks to sustain his pretheoretical epistemic intuitions in terms of a stability‐based theory of justification. A distinctive feature of Hume's naturalism is that he tends to ground epistemic obligation in the desire to relieve the discomfort or felt uneasiness in unsettled states. Since he rejects the Pyrrhonian claim that ataraxia or quietude results from an (...)
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  12.  15
    Aesthetics: Contemporary Studies in Aesthetics. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1968 - Review of Metaphysics 22 (1):159-159.
    A good anthology of articles drawn mainly from the British and American journals over the past twenty-five years. Some of the names appearing are Ziff, Margolis, Weitz, Black, Hospers, Mothersill, Hofstadter, Aiken, Aldrich, Urmson, and Passmore. The editor has contributed an introduction and an additional article of his own. The book is divided into five sections, the titles of which indicate fairly enough their thematic contents. The sections are concerned with the problems of defining, appreciating, and evaluating works of (...)
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  13.  71
    John Passmore and Hume's Moral Philosophy.Keith Campbell - 1985 - Hume Studies 11 (2):109-124.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:JOHN PASSMORE AND HUME'S MORAL PHILOSOPHY1 A quarter century ago, the message undergraduates absorbed about David Hume was as an extremely favourable one. He was the great precursor of logical empiricism and so his philosophy, at least in its main lines, must be nearer the mark than that of any other of the great names. Hume had discovered the right view of causation. He had exposed and banished (...)
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  14.  39
    Rationalism, empiricism, and idealism: British Academy lectures on the history of philosophy.Anthony Kenny (ed.) - 1986 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This collection includes papers by such leading thinkers as Michael Ayers, J.A. Passmore, Ian Hacking, Hide Ishiguro, G.E.M. Anscombe, David Pears, A.M. Quinton, and Richard Wollheim.
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  15.  5
    Unreal Realism.Raymond Dennehy - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (4):631-655.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:UNREAL REAL,JSM RAYMOND DENNEHY University of San Francisco San Francisco,, California Contextual Realism, a Meta-Physical Framework for Modern Science. By RICHARD H. SCHLAGEL. New York: :Raragon House, 1986. Pp. xxiv + 808. $22.95 (cloth). ISBN 0-913729-20-5. The Many Faces of Realism. By HILARY PuTNAM. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1987. Pp. 98. $8.95 (paper). ISBN 0-81269043 -5. Varieties of Realism: A Rationale fo!f' the Natural Sciences. By RoM HARR.E. Oxford (...)
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  16. The Origin of the Indirect Passions in the Treatise: An Analogy Between Books 1 and 2.Haruko Inoue - 2003 - Hume Studies 29 (2):205-221.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume 29, Number 2, November 2003, pp. 205-221 The Origin of the Indirect Passions in the Treatise: An Analogy between Books 1 and 2 HARUKOINOUE 1. The Analogy Between Book 1 and Book 2 If the central design of the Treatise is to demonstrate that "the subjects of the Understanding and Passions make a complete chain of reasoning by themselves" (T 2; SBN xii), as Hume advertises, (...)
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  17. In L. Gleitman & M. Liberman.E. B. Zurif - 1995 - In E. E. Smith & D. N. Osherson (eds.), Invitation to Cognitive Science. MIT Press.
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  18. First-order tolerant logics.E. Zardini - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic.
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  19.  68
    Hume's impasse.Daniel Breazeale - 1975 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 13 (3):311-333.
    THE QUESTION TO BE CONSIDERED is the relation of Hume's celebrated scepticism to his own constructive philosophical projects and analyses. Since Thomas Reid there have been those who detect an unresolved tension between, on the one hand, Hume's Enlightenment devotion to science with its attendent opposition to dogmatism and superstition and, on the other, his explicitly sceptical manner and principles. Some (e.g., Green and Kolakowski) find this tension unresolvable in principle and utterly subversive of Hume's positive ambitions; others (e.g., Flew (...)
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  20.  42
    Schooling and the new psychophysics.E. C. Poulton - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (2):201-203.
  21. Poincarés philosophy of geometry, or does geometric conventionalism deserve its name?E. G. Zahar - 1997 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 28 (2):183-218.
  22.  50
    Probability as a determiner of rat behavior.E. Brunswik - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 25 (2):175.
  23.  89
    Self-Deception and the Ethics of Belief: Locke’s Critique of Enthusiasm.Byron Williston - 2002 - Philo 5 (1):62-83.
    Locke’s critique of enthusiastic religion is an attempt to undermine a form of supernaturalist belief. In this paper, I argue for a novel interpretation of that critique. By opening up a middle path between the views of John Passmore and Michael Ayers, I show that Locke is accusing the enthusiast of being a self-deceived believer. First, I demonstrate the manner in which a theory of self-deception squares with Locke’s intellectualist epistemology. Second, I argue that Locke thinks he can show (...)
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  24.  2
    Il volo di Psiche: insegnamenti tradizionali sull'anima e il suo destino.Sigfrido E. F. Höbel - 2021 - Napoli: Stamperia del Valentino.
    Tutte le dottrine tradizionali, da quelle più arcaiche e "primitive" a quelle più evolute e articolate, hanno sempre affermato che l'uomo non è un essere solamente corporeo, sia pur dotato di ingegno e di intelligenza, ma è un essere dalla natura composita, formato da una parte materiale e da una o più componenti invisibili e "sottili" e che in lui risiede un principio immortale di origine divina o comunque soprannaturale. Secondo il modo di vedere tradizionale, l'uomo, per conoscere e realizzare (...)
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  25.  54
    The Hume Literature for 1985.Roland Hall - 1988 - Hume Studies 14 (2):429-436.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:429 THE HUME LITERATURE FOR 1985 The Hume literature from 1925 to 1976 has been thoroughly covered in my book Fifty Years of Hume Scholarship: A Bibliographical Guide (Edinburgh University Press, 1978; £9.50), which also lists the main earlier writings on Hume. (The book is still in print.) Publications of the years 1977 to 1984 were listed in previous issues of Hume Studies. What follows here will bring the (...)
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  26.  77
    Is Hume a Sceptic with Regard to Reason?Fred Wilson - 1984 - Philosophy Research Archives 10:275-319.
    This paper argues that, contrary to most interpretations, e.g., those of Reid, Popkin and Passmore, Hume is not a sceptic with regard to reason. The argument of Treatise I, IV. i, of course, has a sceptical conclusion with regard to reason, and a somewhat similar point is made by Cleanthes in the Dialogues. This paper argues that the argument of Treatise I, IV. i is parallel to similar arguments in Bentham and Laplace. The latter are, as far as they (...)
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  27. The Recovery of Belief a Restatement of Christian Philosophy /by C. E. M. Joad. --.C. E. M. Joad - 1952 - Faber & Faber.
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  28. On the alleged necessity of true identity statements.E. J. Lowe - 1982 - Mind 91 (364):579-584.
    A highly contentious issue in recent philosophy of logic has been the question of whether there can be contingently true identity statements. In this paper I want to investigate a possible loop-hole in the standard argument of the necessitarians (i.e., those who maintain that any true identity statement is necessarily true).
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  29. Are there logical limits for science?E. M. Zemach - 1987 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 38 (4):527-532.
    Rescher has presented a proof that a completed science is logically impossible; not every truth can be known. I show that the proof is valid only if it is read de re. One of its premises, however, is an obvious truth only on a de dicto reading; read de re it is false. What the proof shows, therefore, is that science has no limits and any true proposition can be known. We can, however, know it only in the meagre de (...)
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  30. The pragmatic paradox of knowledge.E. M. Zemach - forthcoming - Logique Et Analyse.
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  31.  18
    J.A. Anderson and E. Rosenfeld (Eds.), Talking Nets: An Oral History of Neural Networks.Noel E. Sharkey - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 119 (1-2):287-293.
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  32.  48
    Lucani sententia de deis et fato, by J. E. Millard. (Utrecht, Beyers.).W. E. Heitland - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (1-2):68-.
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  33.  15
    The mechanism of polytype formation in vapour-phase grown ZnS crystals.E. Alexander, Z. H. Kalman, S. Mardix & I. T. Steinberger - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (174):1237-1246.
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  34. Die Hieroglyphiker Chäremon und Horapollo.E. Zeller - 1876 - Hermes 11 (4):430-433.
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    ‛Hγεμονία und δεσπτεία bei Xenophanes.E. Zeller - 1889 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 2 (1):1-4.
  36. Le Platon de Zeller mis à jour par Marguerite Isnardi.E. Zeller & R. Mondolfo - 1975 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 165 (2):256-256.
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    XV. Miscellanea.E. Zeller - 1892 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 5 (4):441-448.
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  38. Zur Geschichte der Platonischen und Aristotelischen Schriften.E. Zeller - 1880 - Hermes 15 (4):547-556.
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  39.  28
    The pragmatic paradox in aesthetics.E. M. Zemach - 1967 - British Journal of Aesthetics 7 (3):215-224.
  40. On the critical dimension of art: Lyotard and Jameson.E. Zenko - 2001 - Filozofski Vestnik 22 (3):129-135.
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    De titulo Coo.E. Ziebarth - 1895 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 54 (1-4):149-149.
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    17. Kritische Randnoten aus Handexemplaren Hermann Sauppes.E. Ziebarth - 1895 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 54 (1-4):578-580.
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    Cl. Ptolemaeus und das Astrolab.E. Zinner - 1950 - Isis 41 (3/4):286-287.
  44.  19
    Nonlinear transport theory in the metal with tunnel barrier.E. E. Zubov - 2018 - Philosophical Magazine 98 (4):329-344.
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  45. Sot︠s︡ialʹnai︠a︡ priroda samosoznanii︠a︡.Ė. F. Zvezdkina - 1986 - Krasnoi︠a︡rsk: Izd-vo Krasnoi︠a︡rskogo universiteta.
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  46. Filosofsʹkyĭ universum S.L. Franka: personalistychna metafizyka vsei︠e︡dnosti v horyzontakh novoï ontolohiï XX stolitti︠a︡.H. I︠E︡ Ali︠a︡i︠e︡v - 2002 - Kyïv: Vydavet︠s︡ʹ PARAPAN.
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    (1 other version)P. H. Nowell-Smith and E. J. Lemmon. Escapism: the logical basis of ethics.Mind, n.s. vol. 69 , pp. 289–300.Layman E. Allen - 1969 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 33 (4):611-612.
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  48. Enten-Eller. De Logica van Licht en Donker'.E. M. Barth - 1970 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 62:217-240.
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  49.  56
    Professor Passmore on the Objectivity of History.John Gibbs & John Arthur Passmore - 1959 - Philosophy 34 (128):44 - 46.
    In a recent broadcast talk it was said that philosophers commonly base arguments and theories on garbled versions of science. Professor Passmore's article in the April number of Philosophy seems to go some way to justifying this complaint. The article discusses the objectivity of history by a series of comparisons with science under various heads representing criteria of objectivity.
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    Graphemic Variation in Morphosyntactic Context: The Syllable u in Classic Maya Hieroglyphic Writing.Mallory E. Matsumoto - forthcoming - Topics in Cognitive Science.
    Throughout the long history of Classic Maya hieroglyphs, a logosyllabic writing system used from the late first millennium BCE through the mid-second millennium CE in southern Mesoamerica, the most commonly recorded phonetic value was the syllable u (/ʔu/). With over a dozen different u hieroglyphs, Classic Maya scribes had more options for recording /ʔu/ than any other syllable or logograph. Cognitive approaches to writing systems typically attribute graphemic variation (i.e., alternation between signs with equivalent linguistic value) to semantic differences like (...)
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