Results for 'E. Wilkes'

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  1. Adaptation to moving targets: Culture/gene coevolution, not either/or.H. Clark Barrett, Willem E. Frankenhuis & Andreas Wilke - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):511-512.
    We agree that much of language evolution is likely to be adaptation of languages to properties of the brain. However, the attempt to rule out the existence of language-specific adaptations a priori is misguided. In particular, the claim that adaptation to cannot occur is false. Instead, the details of gene-culture coevolution in language are an empirical matter.
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    Etch pits and trigons on diamond: I.F. C. Frank, K. E. Puttick & Eileen M. Wilks - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (35):1262-1272.
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  3. Final Acts of Love, Families, Friends and Assisted Dying.E. Wilkes - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (2):122-123.
  4.  63
    X-ray micro-computed tomography of beech wood and biomorphic C, SiC and Al/SiC composites.T. E. Wilkes, S. R. Stock, F. De Carlo, X. Xiao & K. T. Faber - 2009 - Philosophical Magazine 89 (17):1373-1389.
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    A physician faces cancer in himself.E. Wilkes - 1980 - Journal of Medical Ethics 6 (4):210-210.
  6. Ethics in terminal care.E. Wilkes - 1989 - In Gordon Reginald Dunstan & Elliot A. Shinebourne (eds.), Doctors' decisions: ethical conflicts in medical practice. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 197--204.
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    I'm still proud to be a doctor, Mr Kennedy.E. Wilkes - 1981 - Journal of Medical Ethics 7 (4):177-179.
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    Teaching ethics: an initiative in cancer and palliative care.E. Wilkes - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (1):57-58.
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    On withholding nutrition and hydration in the terminally ill: has palliative medicine gone too far? A commentary.E. Wilkes - 1994 - Journal of Medical Ethics 20 (3):144-145.
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    Psychometric re‐evaluation of the immunosuppressant therapy adherence scale among solid‐organ transplant recipients.Scott E. Wilks, Christina A. Spivey & Marie A. Chisholm-Burns - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (1):64-68.
  11.  15
    Práticas No Ensino de Filosofia: Filosofando Com a Tradição e Com Star Trek Deep Space Nine Na Sala de Aula.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke - 2020 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 34:159-177.
    Discutir a potencialidade imagem em movimento no ensino de Filosofia e a compreensão do filme como discurso significante, conjugando as experiências desenvolvidas em pesquisas e sala de aula. Apresentar também recortes de disciplina ministrada que utilizou textos filosóficos e episódio de StarTrek Deep Space Nine. O filme é entendido como texto fílmico, um objeto em cuja materialidade estão inscritos diferentes códigos da linguagem cinematográfica, e como documento informacional, que comporta diferentes níveis de informações que necessitam ser reconhecidas e trabalhadas, a (...)
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    Pós-verdade, fake news e outras drogas.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke - 2020 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 7 (1):8-27.
    O advento da sociedade em rede promoveu mudanças significativas na experiência-com-o-mundo. Observa-se nos últimos anos a crescente toxidade no ambiente informacional, marcado tanto pela vivência tóxica da informação que circula legalmente nas redes sociais como por informações que intoxicam os indivíduos e grupos. O objetivo é discutir, em tempos de pós-verdade e da sociedade non-stop, o aspecto tóxico da informação, que ao tornar o ambiente informacional tóxico, adoece indivíduos e também as sociedades democráticas, ao esmaecer a empatia para com os (...)
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  13.  3
    Institucionalidade, governamentalidade e inteligência artificial.Gilberto Miranda Junior & Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7373.
    O presente artigo insere-se no contexto do Programa de Mestrado Profissional (PROF-FILO UFABC) e articula parte da discussão feita na dissertação. Seu objetivo é correlacionar o avanço das Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação e o enfraquecimento das Democracias Liberais do Ocidente, tendo como pano de fundo a governamentalidade algorítmica. Em um primeiro momento, a partir do conceito de governamentalidade do filósofo francês Michel Foucault faremos um diálogo com os pensadores alemães Ulrich Beck e Jürgen Habermas, discutindo de que forma (...)
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  14.  11
    Aspectos da plataformização educacional na educação básica brasileira.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke & Marcelo Santos Feijó - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10:418-437.
    Vivemos nos desdobramentos daquilo que Manuel Castells (2005) nomeou de Sociedade em Rede, em cujo cerne estão as Tecnologias de Informação (TIs). Ele indicou as características-chave do novo cenário que diagnosticou, a saber, são tecnologias que agem sobre a própria informação e que também introduziram a lógica das redes; que promovem a convergência tecnológica e, por conseguinte, um sistema altamente integrado de aparatos técnicos; e que acentuadamente penetram pelos diferentes processos e âmbitos sociais. De lá para cá testemunhamos grandes e (...)
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    The structure of the contemporary debate on the problem of evil.Ian Wilks - 2004 - Religious Studies 40 (3):307-321.
    This paper concerns the attempt to formulate an empirical version of the problem of evil, and the attempt to counter this version by what is known as ‘sceptical theism’. My concern is to assess what is actually achieved in these attempts. To this end I consider the debate between them against the backdrop of William Rowe's distinction between expanded standard theism and restricted standard theism (which I label E and R respectively). My claim is that the empirical version significantly fails (...)
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  16.  19
    The Relative Importance of Target and Judge Characteristics in Shaping the Moral Circle.Bastian Jaeger & Matti Wilks - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (10):e13362.
    People's treatment of others (humans, nonhuman animals, or other entities) often depends on whether they think the entity is worthy of moral concern. Recent work has begun to investigate which entities are included in a person's moral circle, examining how certain target characteristics (e.g., species category, perceived intelligence) and judge characteristics (e.g., empathy, political orientation) shape moral inclusion. However, the relative importance of target and judge characteristics in predicting moral inclusion remains unclear. When predicting whether a person will deem an (...)
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  17.  13
    Comentário a “O revisionismo e os perigos da mentira deliberada na perspectiva de Hannah Arendt”.Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke - 2021 - Trans/Form/Ação 44 (3):147-150.
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  18.  23
    E-learning Practice at Medical Universities in Poland in the Perspective of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic.Andrzej A. Kononowicz, Tamara Zacharuk, Anna Charuta, Aleksandra Wilk, Paweł Świniarski, Aneta Binkowska, Magdalena Roszak & Piotr K. Leszczyński - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 64 (1):35-58.
    The epidemiological situation resulting from the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic caused the Polish universities to fully switch to distance education in March 2020. Medical e-learning has not yet been broadly implemented into the education process. Therefore, examples of successful e-learning implementations or the organization of the process of medical e-learning offer a valuable source of knowledge today, which is needed immediately. The article presents e-learning practices at the Polish medical universities during the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic during the period from March to September 2020, (...)
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    Making good use of online case study materials.Matthew Wilks Keefer - 2005 - Science and Engineering Ethics 11 (3):413-429.
    Web-based access to engaging instructional materials for SEE instruction represents an increasingly viable and attractive opportunity for educators. This paper will review research findings that demonstrate important differences in more experienced and novice ethical responses to engaging online materials, including authentic cases, codes, and commentaries. Results demonstrate that experienced ethical thinkers are more likely than novices to appeal to middle level principles that identify professional role-specific obligations (RSO); to make greater use of professional knowledge in order to recognize moral issues (...)
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  20.  20
    Meu ódio será tua herança.André Januário da Silva & Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 10:508-528.
    A relação informação e capital tem sido vital para a produção do habitus informacional no século XXI, seja pelo cada vez maior trânsito de usuários interconectados à grande rede, seja pela massificação da produção de artefatos infocomunicacionais que possibilitam a manutenção desse fluxo. Sob o ponto de vista econômico, a informação é a matéria que passa a estruturar a lógica de organização do capital, e, por conseguinte, também a ordem social, política e cultural das sociedades contemporâneas. Desse modo, é na (...)
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  21.  32
    Valor da Desinformação No Contexto Do Capital Informação.André Januário da Silva & Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke - 2023 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 9 (2):51-69.
    O fenômeno da desinformação tem tomado centralidade no debate público nos últimos tempos. As discussões e ações de combate a conteúdos desinformativos têm sido impulsionadas pelos mais diversos setores da sociedade, motivadas, sobretudo, pela massificação da produção, circulação e consumo de fake news. Entretanto, a desinformação não se restringe apenas ao ambiente da circulação de notícias falsas por pseudo mídias jornalísticas, nem tampouco se caracteriza como um fenômeno novo. É possível remontar outros contextos históricos onde o viés desinformativo tem sido (...)
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  22.  62
    Metaphysics and the Mind–Body Problem By Michael E. Levin Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1979, xii + 278 pp., £12.00. [REVIEW]Kathleen V. Wilkes - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (214):565-.
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    Personalistic and Utilitarian View of Marriage According to Early Wojtyła.Rafał Kazimierz Wilk - 2009 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 14 (1):145-158.
    The main goal of this paper is to present the philosophical explanation of the marital relationship according to the Polish philosopher Karol Wojtyła. In our research, our attention was focused mainly on his book Love and Responsibility; the early philosophical work of a young, 37 year old Professor of Philosophy at the Catholic University in Lublin, Poland. In his writings, Karol Wojtyła—the future Pope John Paul II—presents marriage as a monogamous, indissoluble relationship between a man and a woman, which grows (...)
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    Quando 2+2 São 5.André Januário da Silva & Valéria Cristina Lopes Wilke - 2024 - Logeion Filosofia da Informação 11:e-7389.
    De modo nunca antes visto, crises de diferentes matrizes tem eclodido nos quatro cantos da Terra, se estabelecendo no mais das vezes como estados permanentes a experiência social humana. Das tragédias decorrentes dos efeitos do aquecimento global a pandemia de Covid-19, a humanidade tem convivido com um fenômeno comum do norte ao sul da aldeia global, a ascensão de forças políticas alinhavadas a espectros ideológicos de extrema direita. Este fenômeno tem sido atribuído, sobretudo, ao fluxo massivo de desinformação como estratégia (...)
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  25. Faith Justified by Progress, by E. S. Ames. [REVIEW]Henry Wilkes Wright - 1919 - International Journal of Ethics 30:222.
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  26. WILKES, K. V., "Physicalism". [REVIEW]E. W. Prior - 1980 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 58:423.
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    Faith Justified by Progress. Henry Wilkes Wright.E. S. Ames - 1920 - International Journal of Ethics 30 (2):222-224.
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    The Gorgon Wilk Medusa. Solving the Mystery of the Gorgon. Pp. x + 277, figs, ills. New York: Oxford University Press, 2008. Paper, £13 . ISBN: 978-0-19-534131-7. [REVIEW]E. Anne Mackay - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (1):184-186.
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    The Religious Response, An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion. By Henry Wilkes Wright. (New York and London: Harper and Brothers. 1929. Pp. 256. Price 6s. net.). [REVIEW]Alfred E. Garvie - 1930 - Philosophy 5 (18):291-.
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    (1 other version)Irwin, William. Seinfeld E a filosofia: Um livro sobre tudo E nada; tradução Marcos malvazzi Leal, são Paulo: Madras, 2004.Ruan Pedro Gonçalves Moraes - 2016 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 17 (14):95-103.
    William Irwin é Professor de Filosofia no King's College em Wilkes-Barre Pensilvânia, nasceu em 1970 e residiu em Yonkers, New York. Entrou na Regis High School em Manhattan, uma instituição Jesuíta, graduando-se em 1988. Graduou-se em Filosofia na Universidade Fordham em 1992, tendo frequentado Fordham com uma bolsa presidencial completa. Ele recebeu seu Ph.D. em Filosofia pela Universidade de Buffalo, a Universidade Estadual de Nova York, em 1996, aos 26 anos. A dissertação de Irwin, Harmonizing Hermeneutics: The Normative and (...)
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    Intentions and Their Role in (the Explanation of) Language Change.Dunja Jutronić - 2022 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 22 (66):327-350.
    The primary aim of this article is to find out what different linguists say about the role of intentions in the study and explanations of language change. I try to investigate if in the explanation of language change, “having an intention” does any explanatory work. If intentions play a role, how do they do it, at which point it is salutary to invoke them, and what do they contribute to the explanation of language change? My main claim is that speakers’ (...)
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  32.  14
    Civility at the Breaking Point.Laura Newhart - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 5 (1):71-81.
    This paper explores the recent social phenomenon of the confrontation by critics of government officials while they are out in public, yet engaged in “private” activities, e.g. eating dinner at a restaurant, shopping in a bookstore, or getting into their cars. This paper argues that such confrontations are a symptom of the lack of trust brought on by the absence of shared social values that results in toxic forms of public discourse, the blurring of the classical liberal distinction between the (...)
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  33.  46
    Asociación entre desempeño académico y hábitos alimenticios.Hernán Óscar Cortez Gutiérrez, Milton Milcíades Cortez Gutiérrez, Juan Herber Grados Gamarra, Santiago Linder Rubiños Jiménez & Braulio Pedro Espinoza Flores - 2023 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 19 (2):1-13.
    El objetivo de nuestra investigación es determinar el impacto de hábitos alimenticios en el desempeño académico. Fue evaluada los hábitos alimenticios según instrumentos validados y establecido su normalidad con Shapiro-Wilk W=0.97 y significancia p-valor=0.34. Tenemos que el consumo alimenticio también tiene distribución normal e impacta en el desempeño académico con una correlación de Pearson de 0.24 y significancia p-valor=0.04. La regresión logística establece el punto de corte de consumo igual a 38 para tener la probabilidad de un 50% de buen (...)
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  34.  51
    Joseph Priestley's criticisms of David Hume's philosophy.Richard H. Popkin - 1977 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 15 (4):437-447.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Joseph Priestley's Criticisms of David Hume's Philosophy RICHARD H. POPKIN ONE OF HUME'S MOST FAMOUS CRITICS, the great scientist Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), is scarcely mentioned or studied in the Hume literature.' Perhaps because of the course philosophy followed after Hume, the Scottish Common Sense critics and the German ones connected with Kant are given almost all of the attention. In this paper 1 shall try to correct this oversight, (...)
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  35. Código de ética para el equipo de salud.E. Hurtado Hoyo, H. A. Dolcini & J. F. Yansenson (eds.) - 2016 - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina: Asociación Médica Argentina.
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  36.  13
    Illusions of Equality.David E. Cooper - 1980 - Routledge.
    Educational policy and discussion, in Britain and the USA, are increasingly dominated by the confused ideology of egalitarianism. David E. Cooper begins by identifying the principles hidden among the confusions, and argues that these necessarily conflict with the ideal of educational excellence - in which conflict it is this ideal that must be preserved. He goes on to criticize the use of education as a tool for promoting wider social equality, focussing especially on the muddles surrounding 'equal opportunities', 'social mix' (...)
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  37. Logo semantico e logo apofantico.E. Agazzi - 1989 - Epistemologia 12:17-48.
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    Psichiatria clinico-nosografica e psichiatria fenomenologica: un confronto.E. Agresti - 2002 - Comprendre: Archive International pour l'Anthropologie et la Psychopathologie Phénoménologiques 12:11-30.
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  39. Li Shih-tsʻên lun wên chi.Shih-tsʻên Li - 1927
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    Afectividad, responsividad y responsabilidad. Introducción a una arqueología de la vida afectiva y su sifnificación ética a partir del pensamiento de E. Levinas.Ángel E. GarridoMaturano - 2011 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 38:269-288.
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    Extending Montague's system: A three valued intensional logic.E. H. Alves & J. A. D. Guerzoni - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (1):127 - 132.
    In this note we present a three-valued intensional logic, which is an extension of both Montague's intensional logic and ukasiewicz three-valued logic. Our system is obtained by adapting Gallin's version of intensional logic (see Gallin, D., Intensional and Higher-order Modal Logic). Here we give only the necessary modifications to the latter. An acquaintance with Gallin's work is pressuposed.
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  42.  69
    On state transformations induced by yes-no experiments, in the context of quantum logic.E. G. Beltrametti & G. Cassinelli - 1977 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 6 (1):369 - 379.
  43.  25
    (1 other version)David Hume’s Theory of Mind.Daniel E. Flage - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    This book, first published in 1990, is a detailed examination of David Hume's Treatise of Human Nature. It shows that the theory of mind developed in the Trestise is a thread which ties together many of the seemingly unrelated philosophical issues discussed in the work. Hume's primary objective was to defend a 'bundle theory' of mind, and, through a close examination of the texts, this book provides a thorough account of how Hume understood this theory and the problems he discovered (...)
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  44.  9
    Political Obligation.Richard E. Flathman - 1972 - Routledge.
    "Under what conditions are obedience and disobedience required or justified? To what or whom is obedience or disobedience owed? What are the differences between authority and power and between legitimate and illegitimate government? What is the relationship between having an obligation and having freedom to act? What are the similarities and differences among political, legal, and moral obligations?..." Originally published in 1972, Professor Flathman discusses these crucial issues in political theory in a lucid and stimulating argument. Though mainly concerned to (...)
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  45.  13
    Irrational Action: A Philosophical Analysis: A Philosophical Analysis.T. E. Wilkerson - 1997 - Routledge.
    First published in 1997, this volume originated from an article published in Ratio and reapproaches Aristotle in an attempt to define what counts as an irrational action, along with a general account of irrationality based on a large number of specific examples. It begins with Aristotle, and never leaves him far behind. Contemplating akrasia, will, self-knowledge and commensurability, the author demonstrates that we must allow for the possibility of breakdown in cases where someone may fail to do the rational action (...)
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  46. The impossibility of interaction between mind and matter.E. Gaviola - 1936 - Philosophy of Science 3 (2):133-142.
    The progress of psychology as scientific theory has been handicapped by the circumstance that it has been inclined to deal with two kinds of problems: on the one hand, with emotions, instincts, complexes, ideas, etc.; on the other, with the working of the sense-organs and of the central and sympathetic nervous system. To approach the first task it has had to create a system of mentalistic or introspective concepts, like the ones mentioned; to deal with the second enterprise it has (...)
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    A note on 'the age of the universe'.E. H. Hutten - 1955 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 6 (21):58-61.
  48.  42
    Import of propositions and inference.E. E. C. Jones - 1908 - Mind 17 (68):527-534.
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  49. Lucretian texture : style, metre and rhetoric in the De rerum natura.E. J. Kenney - 2007 - In Stuart Gillespie & Philip R. Hardie (eds.), The Cambridge companion to Lucretius. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 92.
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  50. Perception: A causal representative theory.E. J. Lowe - 1993 - In Edmond Leo Wright (ed.), New Representationalisms: Essays in the Philosophy of Perception. Ashgate.
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