Results for 'Ecological citizenship'

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  1.  37
    Should Ecological Citizenship Advocates Praise the Green State?Carme Melo-Escrihuela - 2015 - Environmental Values 24 (3):321-344.
    This article focuses on the relationship between ecological citizenship and the green state and asks whether it is a productive one. First, I examine the political system of an ideal ecological state to assess how it could encourage ecological citizenship. Then, I turn my attention to how eco-states might emerge and be sustained, and the obstacles they may encounter. I show that the green state has a strong potential to develop ecological citizenship, albeit (...)
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    Ecological Citizenship and Green Burial in China.Chen Zeng, William Sweet & Qian Cheng - 2016 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 29 (6):985-1001.
    In 2012, China officially declared, as a national strategy of governance, the development of ecological consciousness, the promotion of what has been called “eco-civilization,” and the development of “ecological citizens.” In this paper, we argue that the concept of green burial reflects a number of the values underlying “eco-civilization” and ecological citizenship: respect for nature, respect for humanity, and the ecologically-sensitive rational awareness of the “harmony between nature and humanity, as in the saying “天人合一” Tian Ren (...)
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    Political space of ecological citizenship.Jelena Vasiljevic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (1):102-111.
    This paper examines the concept of ecological citizenship by looking at two sets of arguments. Those justifying the concept itself, and those criticizing the need to devise a new concept of citizenship and political community in relation to ecological problems. The paper argues for a shift in focus: instead of searching for a new concept of citizenship, we should adopt a different perspective capable of capturing the explanatory potentials of citizenship-related notions - especially (...) action and political space in which it is constituted - in the context of contemporary global ecological problems. (shrink)
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    Ecological Citizenship: Habitus of Care in the Public Sphere.Aistė Bartkienė, Renata Bikauskaitė & Marius Povilas Šaulauskas - 2018 - Problemos 93.
    [full article, abstract in English; only abstract in Lithuanian] While scholars and popular writers often stress individual responsibility as a way of saving nature, there is a growing understanding that “doing one’s bit” may not be enough to address local and global environmental issues. Focusing on the concept of ecological citizenship as a starting point, our paper seeks to explore the concept of ecological citizenship and show how individualized experiences and socially and culturally embedded practices of (...)
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  5. Urban ecological citizenship.Andrew Light - 2003 - Journal of Social Philosophy 34 (1):44–63.
    There are many ways to describe cities. As a physical environment, more so than many other environments, they are at least an extension of our present intentions. But cities are not confined to the moment. Built spaces are also in conversation with the past and oriented toward the future as physical manifestations of our values and priorities. But even with all of the ways we have to describe cities we do not normally think of them as in any way akin (...)
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  6. Only Resist: Feminist Ecological Citizenship and the Post‐politics of Climate Change.Sherilyn MacGregor - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (3):617-633.
    European political theorists have argued that contemporary imaginaries of climate change are symptomatic of a post-political condition. My aim in this essay is to consider what this analysis might mean for a feminist green politics and how those who believe in such a project might respond. Whereas much of the gender-focused scholarship on climate change is concerned with questions of differentiated vulnerabilities and gendered divisions of responsibility and risk, I want to interrogate the strategic, epistemological, and normative implications for (...) feminism of a dominant, neoliberal climate change narrative that arguably has no political subject, casts Nature as a threat to be endured, and that replaces democratic public debate with expert administration and individual behavior change. What hope is there for counter-hegemonic political theories and social movements in times like these? I suggest that rather than give in and get on the crowded climate change bandwagon, an alternative response is to pursue a project of feminist ecological citizenship that blends resistance to hegemonic neoliberal discourses with a specifically feminist commitment to reclaiming democratic debate about social-environmental futures. (shrink)
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  7. Ecological citizenship: The democratic promise of restoration.Andrew Light - unknown
    The writings of William H. Whyte do not loom large in the literature of my field: environmental ethics, the branch of ethics devoted to consideration of whether and how there are moral reasons for protecting non-human animals and the larger natural environment. Environmental ethics is a very new field of inquiry, only found in academic philosophy departments since the early 1970s. While there is no accepted reading list of indispensable literature in environmental ethics, certainly any attempt to create such a (...)
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    Environmental Art and Ecological Citizenship.Jason Simus - 2008 - Environmental Ethics 30 (1):21-36.
    Environmental artworks are not an aesthetic affront against nature because the aesthetic qualities of artworks are to some extent a function of other sorts of qualities, such as moral, social, or ecological qualities. By appealing to a new ecological paradigm, we can characterize environmental artworks as anthropogenic disturbances and evaluate them accordingly. Andrew Light’s model of ecological citizenship emphasizes public participation in ecological restoration projects, which are very similar to environmental artworks. Participation in the creation, (...)
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  9. Ecological Citizenship in China and the Role of Social Media.Chen Zeng & William Sweet - 2025 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 26 (1).
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    Republican ecological citizenship in the 2015 Papal Encyclical on the environment and climate change.Chris Hilson - 2018 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 21 (6):754-766.
  11.  20
    Ecological Citizenship and Climate Change Education. 김찬국 - 2013 - Environmental Philosophy 16 (16):35-60.
    지구기후변화와 같이 초국가적이고 지구적인 환경문제에 대해서는 전통적인 국민국가 체계가 적절하게 대응하지 못한다는 문제 제기가 있다. 이러한 문제의 해결을 위해 사회구조적인 측면에 문제의식을 가지고 이를 생태적으로 건전하게 조정하여 재구성할 수 있는 새로운 시민성에 대한 논의가 나타나게 되었다. 이 연구는 이러한 맥락에서 등장한 ‘생태시민성’의 의미를 탐색하고, 우리 사회가 직면한 지구기후변화와 이에 대한 대응이라는 과제를 성찰적으로 바라보는데 있어 생태시민성이 갖는 가능성을 확인하는데 그 목적이 있다. 또한 이러한 논의를 바탕으로 생태시민성이 기후변화교육 또는 환경교육에 주는 시사점을 살펴보았다. 지구기후변화를 비롯하여 이 시대를 살아가는 시민들이 접하게 될 (...)
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  12. Urban ecological citizenship.Andrew Light - 2010 - In Craig Hanks, Technology and values: essential readings. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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    Ecologism: towards ecological citizenship.Mark J. Smith - 1998 - Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
    Smith outlines the distinctive features of ecological thought and examines two contentious areas of environmental ethics, the obligations for present generations and the relationship of humans to non-human animals.
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    Environmental conflicts and ecological citizenship: the case of Gualeguaychú and the pulp mills.Carme Melo Escrihuela - 1970 - Azafea: Revista de Filosofia 21:77-102.
    This article deals with interactions between citizenship and political ecology by examining the ‘pulp mills conflict’ in Gualeguaychú, Argentina. The conflict burst in 2003 when the Uruguayan authorities announced the construction of a cellulose plant on the shore of the Uruguay River. The citizens of Gualeguaychú, a city right across the border, initiated a movement of protest that soon transcended the local dimension. I argue that this protest was a battle over sovereignty and an environmental conflict between different conceptions (...)
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    ‘Creating an Ecological Citizenship’: Philosophical and Theological Perspectives on The Role of Contemporary Environmental Education.Timothy Howles, John Reader & Martin J. Hodson - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (6):997-1008.
    In its concern to evoke in its readership an appropriate response to the challenge posed by the contemporary environmental crisis, the recent papal encyclical Laudato Si': On Care for our Common Home differentiates between the task of human education, on the one hand, and the deeper and more abstract task of motivating the human will for change and action, on the other. What must take place, it asserts, is the creation of nothing less than an ‘ecological citizenship’. To (...)
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    Reframing Individual Responsibility for Sustainable Consumption: Lessons from Environmental Justice and Ecological Citizenship.Lucie Middlemiss - 2010 - Environmental Values 19 (2):147-167.
    In this paper I consider the concept of responsibility within sustainable consumption. The paper was inspired by interviews with individuals engaged in community action for sustainability, where respondents held a rather individualistic conception of responsibility. In order to develop a deeper understanding of responsibility I compare sustainable consumption, environmental justice and ecological citizenship literatures. This leads me to develop a new conceptual framework which explains responsibility in relation to the ecological footprint. This framework recognises both the responsibility (...)
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    The Faith of Democratic Ecological Citizenship.J. Ronald Engel - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (6):31-41.
  18.  41
    Ascetics, Warriors, and a Gandhian Ecological Citizenship.Farah Godrej - 2012 - Political Theory 40 (4):437-465.
    I argue here that a clearer conception of Gandhi's nonviolence is required in order to understand his resonance for contemporary environmentalism. Gandhi's nonviolence incorporates elements of both the brahmin or ascetic, as well as the ksatriya or warrior. Contemporary environmental movements by and large over-emphasize the self-abnegating, self-denying and self-scrutinizing ascetic components of Gandhi's thought, to the neglect of the confrontational and warrior-like ones. In so doing, they often also over-emphasize the ethical dimension of Gandhi's thought, missing the discursive political (...)
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  19. Environmental or Ecological Citizenship through Culture-Specific Environmental Value Education.Eugene Hargrove - 2004 - Environmental Philosophy 3:111-127.
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    Beyond Mothering Earth: Ecological Citizenship and the Politics of Care. [REVIEW]Annie Booth - 2008 - Environmental Ethics 30 (1):109-110.
  21. Moral Cultivation: Japanese Gardens, Personal Ideals, and Ecological Citizenship.Julianne Chung - 2018 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 76 (4):507-518.
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    Chinnagounder’s Challenge: The Question of Ecological Citizenship.Karen J. Warren - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24 (1):99-102.
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    Book Review: Beyond Mothering Earth: Ecological Citizenship and the Politics of Care. [REVIEW]Susan Buckingham - 2010 - Feminist Review 95 (1):e1-e3.
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    The Ecological Life: Discovering Citizenship and a Sense of Humanity.Jeremy Bendik-Keymer - 2006 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Written as a series of lectures, The Ecological Life offers a humanistic perspective on environmental philosophy that challenges some of the dogmas of deep ecology and radical environmentalism while speaking for their best desires. The book argues that being human-centered leaves us open to ecological identifications, rather than the opposite. Bendik-Keymer draws on analytic and continental traditions of philosophy as well as literature and visual media. He argues for a sense of ecological justice consonant with human rights, (...)
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  25. Review of Chinnagounder's Challenge: The Question of Ecological Citizenship[REVIEW]Deane Curtin - 2002 - Environmental Ethics 24:99-102.
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    Ecology and Justice—Citizenship in Biotic Communities.David R. Keller - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This is the first book to outline a basic philosophy of ecology using the standard categories of academic philosophy: metaphysics, axiology, epistemology, aesthetics, ethics, and political philosophy. The problems of global justice invariably involve ecological factors. Yet the science of ecology is itself imbued with philosophical questions. Therefore, studies in ecological justice, the sub-discipline of global justice that relates to the interaction of human and natural systems, should be preceded by the study of the philosophy of ecology. This (...)
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    Environment, Heritage, and the Ecological Subject.Naomi Hodgson - 2016-05-04 - In Citizenship for the Learning Society. Chichester, UK: Wiley. pp. 69–87.
    This chapter provides examples of European and local programmes and policies deriving from the education and cultural policies, and focuses on the ecological subject. These examples further illustrate not only the way in which the citizen is addressed, but also the construction of citizenship in a particular relationship to space and time. To begin the analysis of space in the construction of European citizenship, the chapter focuses on Foucault's account of governmentality, which shows the historical shift in (...)
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  28. Global Environmental Citizenship: The Polish Approach to Ecology.Rafał Wonicki - 2013 - In Is Planet Earth Green? pp. 57-66.
    chapter aims at tracing the connections between global citizenship and global environmentalism at both, the theoretical and the practical level. At the theoretical level I define the notion of global citizenship referring to Nigel Dower's definition described in his book titled World Ethics - The New Agenda. Subsequently, I show that the idea of global citizenship is a part of global justice concept. At the first glance it seems to be a political concept, while it is primarily (...)
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  29. Proposals for a systemic educational approach towards a sustainable society: Ecological transition, gender and intimate citizenship.Eleonora Bonvini, Silvia Demozzi & Marta Ilardo - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (70):85-98.
    The neoliberal model challenges ecological and social transitions, perpetuating socio-cultural norms that shape, capitalise on, and regulate subjectivities. Based on these premises, this paper considers and discusses Goals 4 and 5 of the 2030 Agenda, aiming to critically address the main issues linked to these objectives. First, we suggest a critical approach to deconstruct and connect dominant paradigms and social and political issues related to these SDGs. In this context, we consider the systemic-ecological thought of Bateson and the (...)
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  30. Citizenship and the environment.Andrew Dobson - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is the first book-length treatment of the relationship between citizenship and the environment. Andrew Dobson argues that ecological citizenship cannot be fully articulated in terms of the two great traditions of citizenship - liberal and civic republican - with which we have been bequeathed. He develops an original theory of citizenship, which he calls 'post-cosmopolitan', and argues that ecological citizenship is an example and an inflection of it. Ecological citizenship focuses (...)
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    Ecological Ethics.Patrick Curry - 2011 - Polity.
    In this thoroughly revised and updated second edition of the highly successful _Ecological Ethics_, Patrick Curry shows that a new and truly ecological ethic is both possible and urgently needed. With this distinctive proposition in mind, Curry introduces and discusses all the major concepts needed to understand the full range of ecological ethics. He discusses light green or anthropocentric ethics with the examples of stewardship, lifeboat ethics, and social ecology; the mid-green or intermediate ethics of animal liberation/rights; and (...)
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    Ecological Ethics: An Introduction.Patrick Curry - 2005 - Polity.
    This book is a major new introduction to the field of ecological ethics. Taking issue with the common assumption that existing human ethics can be 'extended' to meet the demands of the ongoing ecological crisis, Patrick Curry shows that a new and truly ecological ethic is both possible and urgently needed. With this distinctive proposition in mind, Curry introduces and discusses all the major concepts needed to understand the full range of ecological ethics. Focussing first on (...)
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    Ecological Naturalism: Epistemic Responsibility and the Politics of Knowledge.Lorraine Code - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (5-6):87-102.
    The thesis of this paper is, first, that ecological thinking—which takes its point of departure from specifically located, multifaceted analyses of knowledge production and circulation in diverse demographic and geographic locations—can generate more responsible knowings than the reductivism of the positivist post-Enlightenment legacy allows; and second, that ecological thinking can spark a revolution comparable to Kant’s Copernican revolution, which recentered western thought by moving “man” to the center of the philosophical-conceptual universe. Kantian philosophy was parochial in the conception (...)
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    Private duties of liberal environmental citizenship: why should a liberal behave ecologically in his private sphere?Stijn Neuteleers - unknown
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    Environment and citizenship: integrating justice, responsibility and civic engagement.Mark J. Smith - 2008 - New York: Distributed in the USA exclusively by Palgrave Macmillan. Edited by Piya Pangsapa.
    From environmental justice to environmental citizenship -- Citizens, citizenship and citizenization -- Rethinking environment and citizenship : ecological citizenship as a politics of obligation and virtues -- Environmental governance, social movements and citizenship in a global -- Context -- Corporate responsibility and environmental sustainability -- Environmental borderlands -- Insiders and outsiders in environmental mobilizations in Southeast Asia -- Citizenship generation, NGO campaigns and community-based research -- Acting and changing through lived experience : the (...)
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    Review of The Ecological Life: Discovering Citizenship and a Sense of Humanity. [REVIEW]Allen Thompson - 2007 - Environmental Ethics 29 (4):431-434.
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    Curiosity Studies: A New Ecology of Knowledge.Perry Zurn (ed.) - 2020 - Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press.
    From science and technology to business and education, curiosity is often taken for granted as an unquestioned good. And yet, few people can define curiosity. Curiosity Studies marshals scholars from more than a dozen fields not only to define curiosity but also to grapple with its ethics as well as its role in technological advancement and global citizenship. While intriguing research on curiosity has occurred in numerous disciplines for decades, no rigorously cross-disciplinary study has existed—until now. -/- Curiosity Studies (...)
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    The Media Ecosystem: What Ecology Can Teach Us About Responsible Media Practice.Antonio Lopez - 2012 - Evolver Editions.
    Manifesto: reoccupying the collective imagination -- Green cultural citizenship -- Negotiating green cultural citizenship -- Media as ideological ecosystems -- Evolving media ecosystems -- Gardening media ecosystems -- Towards mediating an earth democracy.
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    Right to Place: A Political Theory of Animal Rights in Harmony with Environmental and Ecological Principles.Eleni Panagiotarakou - 2014 - Les ateliers de l'éthique/The Ethics Forum 9 (3):114-139.
    Eleni Panagiotarakou | : The focus of this paper is on the “right to place” as a political theory of wild animal rights. Out of the debate between terrestrial cosmopolitans inspired by Kant and Arendt and rooted cosmopolitan animal right theorists, the right to place emerges from the fold of rooted cosmopolitanism in tandem with environmental and ecological principles. Contrary to terrestrial cosmopolitans—who favour extending citizenship rights to wild animals and advocate at the same time large-scale humanitarian interventions (...)
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    Politics in the Anthropocene: Non-human Citizenship and the Grand Domestication.Gianfranco Pellegrino - 2023 - Rivista Italiana di Filosofia Politica 3:131-160.
    The article has two aims. First, it provides a view of why the standard liberal-democratic political theory is unfit for the Anthropocene. Then, it defends two claims: that the fittest politics for the Anthropocene is to be fully non-anthropocentric and that the best model of a non-anthropocentric political theory is to be grounded in the notion of ‘ecological citizenship’, which can be easily extended to non-human living beings and even to non-living objects, such as ecosystems. The latter claim (...)
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    Environment and citizenship in Latin America: natures, subjects and struggles.Alex Latta & Hannah Wittman (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    This volume is the result of a collaborative endeavor to advance debates on environmental citizenship, while simultaneously and systematically addressing broader theoretical and methodological questions related to the particularities of ...
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    Food Citizenship: Is There a Duty for Responsible Consumption? [REVIEW]Johan De Tavernier - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (6):895-907.
    Labeling of food consumption is related to food safety, food quality, environmental, safety, and social concerns. Future politics of food will be based on a redefinition of commodity food consumption as an expression of citizenship. “Citizen-consumers” realize that they could use their buying power in order to develop a new terrain of social agency and political action. It takes for granted kinds of moral selfhood in which human responsibility is bound into human agency based on knowledge and recognition. This (...)
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    Food Citizenship: Is There a Duty for Responsible Consumption? [REVIEW]Johan Tavernier - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (6):895-907.
    Labeling of food consumption is related to food safety, food quality, environmental, safety, and social concerns. Future politics of food will be based on a redefinition of commodity food consumption as an expression of citizenship. “Citizen-consumers” realize that they could use their buying power in order to develop a new terrain of social agency and political action. It takes for granted kinds of moral selfhood in which human responsibility is bound into human agency based on knowledge and recognition. This (...)
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    Environment and citizenship.Benito Cao - 2014 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Introduction -- Concepts and theories -- Environment and citizenship : the basics -- Introducing citizenship theories -- Theorizing environmental citizenship -- Actions and practices -- Environmental citizenship in action -- Governing environmental citizenship -- Environmental citizenship incorporated -- Pedagogies and representations -- Learning environmental citizenship -- Conclusion : into the future.
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    Individual Guilt or Collective Progressive Action? Challenging the Strategic Potential of Environmental Citizenship Theory.Rasmus Karlsson - 2012 - Environmental Values 21 (4):459-474.
    While structural approaches to sustainability have remained unable to muster wider political support, green political theory has for some time taken a voluntarist turn, arguing that deep changes in attitudes and behaviour are necessary to reduce the ecological debt of the rich countries. Within environmental citizenship theory it is believed that justice requires each individual to start living within his or her 'ecological space'. Firmly rooted in the pollution paradigm, environmental citizenship theory holds that the path (...)
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    Corporate citizenship: perspectives in the new century.Ananda Das Gupta - 2008 - Newcastle, U.K.: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The international community has policy tools to influence business activity within and between nations, and to help ensure that globalization proceeds in a way that benefits all. This book aims at underlining the big-picture thinking on issues related to the roles that business can play in fostering an equitable and ecologically sustainable world.
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    Sustainability by corporate citizenship - the moral dimension of sustainability.Ingo Pies & Markus Beckmann - manuscript
    It is the nature of powerful ideas that they can summarize a ground-breaking concept in a plain and simple message. In this sense, the concept of sustainability is a very powerful idea. However, although the sustainability debate has already brought about considerable conceptual progress, a pivotal dimension to sustainable development has so far been widely neglected. This article argues that in addition to the ecological, economic, and social dimension, sustainability critically depends on the moral dimension of institutional legitimacy. Against (...)
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    Women, Utopia, and Narrative: Toward a Postmodern Feminist Citizenship.Robin Silbergleid - 1997 - Hypatia 12 (4):156-177.
    Feminist utopian novels reconstruct citizenship by interrogating ideological assumptions at the root of civil rights theory, particularly its reliance on the sexual contract and the family romance narrative. While many feminist citizenships still depend on such assumptions, utopian fictions deconstruct the logic of natural rights and replace traditional governments and nation-states with social structures based on community and global-ecological awareness. They thereby underscore the importance of narrative for feminist philosophy and political theory.
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    Linking Corporate Policy and Supervisory Support with Environmental Citizenship Behaviors: The Role of Employee Environmental Beliefs and Commitment.Nicolas Raineri & Pascal Paillé - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (1):129-148.
    This study investigates the social–psychological mechanisms leading individuals in organizations to engage in environmental citizenship behaviors, which entail keeping abreast of, and participating in, the environmental affairs of a company. Informed by the corporate greening and organizational behavior literature, we suggested that an employee’s level of involvement in the management of a company’s environmental impact was the overt manifestation of his or her discretionary sense of commitment to environmental concerns in the work context, and that such commitment developed through (...)
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    Wilderness and the common good: a new ethic of citizenship.Jo Arney - 2015 - Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing.
    A scholar's examination of how wilderness and its preservation enriches all of our lives.
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